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EU Backstabs the Internet Once More [Article 11 & 13]

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
On Article 13 and 11:

The enemy is on the deterioration stage, and they are mad. They are losing the information war against them. The enemy also understands the power of memes in awakening people, same as the awakening that has happened in all frontiers of life. Those who remember how things were 20 years ago information wise, know that we do not live in the same world. Indeed, information wise, we live in a far better and fair world, but this is attempted to be taken away from people.

In the last 2-3 years the enemy has went on a mass chimpout to destroy and take down the meaningful things of the internet. These include the ability to search things properly on search engines, even stealing domains out of people who say things they do not like, and of course, the usual use of pseudolegalism and coercion against everyone from social pressure.

Suddenly you have a whole armada of NPC borgs who have problems with Pepe the Frog in the internet because Pepe the frog became an image for ideologies they do not agree with their NPC standards. Since they were cockblocked from imposing their feelings on the whole planet with their threats, coercion, and social NPC pressure, they invented some new pseudolegal techniques over copyrights and claimed 'infringements' to get people fucked.

The first purge of all the so called "Far Right" channels, including my channel, which, albeit unrelated to the general far right axis, was taken down on false pretexts of so called reports, yadda yadda.

The branding for "Hate Speech" doesn't really work as constitutionally and by the human rights, not even legally (or what is still remaining of these human rights anyway) doesn't work to stop the impending defeat of the enemy and their agenda at the information stage. Anyone who ever has had a youtube account, they know what this is about. Millions of people make a living from youtube, and billions of people watch videos there everyday.

The enemy clearly is not comfortable with free speech. Free speech is about freedom to put information out there, not in other people's faces, and not in their house, but it allows debate, however bottomless, on the public sphere, so long it doesn't condone the taking of criminal action. However, Freedom of speech supports the ability of the other people who disagree to assemble themselves on some other place, and protest, or talk about their opinions there.

When I write about things, I am talking in demeaning ways about human rights. This is because said rights exists only for the following categories: parasites, invading hordes, "other religions", and all sorts of individuals who are of use to the current systemic agenda. A jew can write on Twitter "Kill a White man while you go to work", and a black person can freely call in the street for the "Permanent extermination of white people to end oppression". These are all fine to talk, there is no 'problem'.

If one takes a round on the so called internet, they will find pedo filth, christian forums and websites who talk about exterminating "Satanists", and all sorts of other abominations. I mean we live in a world where the Vatican is seen as some sort of spiritual authority, and where cardinals who have more than 100 molestations only get 6 years on a VIP jail, so it's to be expected. Of course, the so called "Powers that be" are only concerned about two things: If they are questioned for their jewisheness, and if Pepe the Frog is posted somewhere.

Whenever communism arises, violent brute force is the last resort of it. It first cloaks itself in beautiful messages of universalism, 'helping the oppressed', and all sorts of other siren songs. It's when one steps on the island of the sirens that sees the corpses on the shore, but by then, it is too late. Likewise, these jewish legislations are professing to want to protect "Creators and their copyrights".

Arrests and extreme surveillance over mere superficiality, are the bread and butter of jewish communist governments. Innocents are scouted upon as espionage agents from hostile countries, 24/7 as if they were total, proven criminal abominations. In Orwell's 1984, the so called "Surveillance" is one's TV into a room, today, we have a "Smart TV" which when you press "I accept" on your so called "Terms of Service", has 50 pages of jewtalk on the conditions under which this TV can open up a microphone in your own house. But at least we aren't living in Orwell's 1984. But somehow people are telling themselves we are living in a free society and not in Orwell's society.


This perception has come due to the freedom of information. This very freedom of information however, is giving in now, as the enemy throws the final mask of their worthless empire of hobogoblins and worthless scat infested jews.

The internet is the only thing in this world which follows Satan's perception on how the world should be run, in the verbatim, as far as a concept is concerned. Everyone should have unbiased, and unrestrained internet access. Everyone should have the ability to see any information. The Internet is the only thing that belongs to "All of humanity", while at the same time, giving everyone the ability to be firmly seperate and move within this information space as they see fit.

Of course, the enemy influence of the internet is really apparent, in how it's used by the enemy. This agenda is self revealing, and it collapses upon it's own head. To see how much the so called "Authorities" of Europe "Respect" their cattle citizens, it's important to see the below. The so called "Leaders" of the Jew-U are looking at people who disagree with them as basically cattle mob. "The mob doesn't understand our immaculate planning".

For those who do not know this is a real incident. The European Commission published an article on how the "Mob" is basically dumb and swayed and doesn't understand their so called divine planning. Of course the fault is always on the goyim. This is probably why some of the top legal, freedom advocate, and internet authorities worldwide also did attack this censorship attempt, including the creator of the World Wide Web himself.

The article is here: https://boingboing.net/2019/02/18/sopa2-0-acta2-0.html

As for the evil White Oppressor who created the World Wide Web, you can read here: (Oy vey, a White Goy created dis, it must be censored by the Holy People such as Mark Zuckerberg) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tim_Berners-Lee

Well, the mob DID understand their plan, and this is why the internet got filled on the last years of activism and complaints about this preached pseudo-legalism which is supposed to drive people to the cliffs or to courts simply for using memes, and will kill fair use.

No, the Mob really understands it, and the "GOYIM KNOW".

What the Article 13 is about in simplification is that they will force any media platform to be "responsible" for the content people host, creating a big filter. Let's say for example you upload a video that has a copyright from X person. Instead of you being 'liable' (you will also be flagged as a thief probably) the Youtube will take it on themselves to be responsible for the said 'copyright', disallowing uploads completely. If you upload something that is not copyrighted by anyone, then jewtube will have to ask for your permissions or more information on the upload, and so forth.

The whole censorship was also based on how the so called EU wants to protect the 'little businesses' and the 'little people' from these copyrights. Of course, what else could it be? That the old hag Merkel is scared shittless that her tribe is being found out and when she saw Le Happy Merchant she just shitted her pants?

If you upload from someone else, then Jewtube will have to filter and/or censor in undefined ways. This will also affect normal people and normal channels a lot, but as to how it will affect 'us' here, it doesn't matter, because we do not really exist on their 'platforms' anymore.

The above aside, what the enemy is also working on, is advanced ban bots that will just censor and ban people online even from comment sections. This was done for years now, but what they hope to achieve is some sort of 'cleverer' types of bots.

To name an example of how this could possibly go, there are places like 4chan and other websites, which may be internet bio-hazards, but they also provide a lot insights. It's a chaos place type of thing out of which many good or awkward things arise. People there, use memes incessantly.

Now, if 4chan was in Europe, what they could impose on them would be to "find a way" to give "copyright holders" their so called shekels, or if they can't, shut it down, and so forth. Alternatively if the EU goes full commie mode, they can be like "n0 wE cUnT b AlloWinG DiS ShoAh to happ1n, 4cHan AccEesS close DAWN fur EuropEan cUz MuH little Bindess goyrights".

The legislation itself is so unclear that it doesn't even specify even if providers will have to put giant censoring machines to make sure that the so called "Copyrighted content" doesn't even get "uploaded". This may sound like overkill, but this is where the enemy wants to progressively bring the internet. It will be as plastic as European Free Speech, and as Talmudic as Television Talmudvision. They want to turn the information projection of the internet not from all people to all people, and to all directions, but from their nomenclature to their mob serfs worldwide. Changing channels but seeing only buzzfeed and CBS all day long.

There is a war going on from this subject where the enemy can really fuck up, big time. As they fucked up with their media global machinery, and they also fucked up with the obvious censoring of the WHOLE right wing, if they fuck up even further with the above, this will send up a message of red alert even to the NPC types that the whole game is not to their benefit. Plus, these types of laws tend to backfire mercilessly.

The more the enemy is losing or senses they are in danger, the more they will push their agenda. At some point, it will be evident even to the most NPC type of people that something really bad is going on. The enemy is past the ability to cover effectively now, which means as they push, they will experience huge backlash.

Doing the RTRs and information war guarantees the above. We have to keep it up.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I wonder how this will be for PewDiePie who is a meme based channel, and who has 80 million subs, and is also a certified White aka Oppressor Race Of Evil Beings Whom The Media Tried To Purge 150 times But Failed.
The reality is "Human Rights" are only for Jews. Gentiles are animals and not entitled to any rights under the Torah, Jews are the only human beings in Judaism. So why would any one expect the Jews to respect the Human Rights of the hated animals.

The Jews will turn the world into Palestine if they have their way. Not a smart idea to let insane, alien Jews rule the world of the Gentiles.
Did you mean 91 milion subs? :mrgreen:
Anyways, great Sermon!!

If you go to 4chan, you'll notice it is 90% made up of leftist bots spam creating and then bumping threads to the top of the page that promote cucking, pedophilia, and racial hate (especially towards blacks). It is the same dozen generic threads of leftist filth over and over and over.
Hm, I wonder who could be behind this

I mean, why would some malicious group of people want to massively influence a website in which hundreds of thousands of edgy impressionable young people flock to every day to promote their own political ideals, anyway?
Yeah, my jewtube channel has been closed. I checked the relevant page which said that a number of my uploaded videos had copyright claims on them but the owners were still letting me use them - I thought that was fine, but then I logged in recently and it redirected me to a page which said my account has been closed.

Unable to access a Google product

If you've been redirected to this page from a particular product, it means that your access to this product has been suspended. Read on for more information.

Your access to this Google product has been suspended because of a perceived violation of either the Google Terms of Service or product-specific Terms of Service. For specific product guidelines, please visit the homepage of each Google product you're interested in for a link to its Terms of Service.

Google reserves the right to:

Disable an account for investigation.
Suspend a Google Account user from accessing a particular product or the entire Google Accounts system, if the Terms of Service or product-specific policies are violated.
Terminate an account at any time, for any reason, with or without notice.

Next steps for suspended accounts: If you believe your access to this product was suspended in error, contact us.
I can't "visit the homepage of each Google product you're interested in for a link to its Terms of Service" (youtube specifically) because it redirects me to that page I quoted above. Retards.

They can close your account for any reason with or without notice at any time. Dirty kikes. I can still use jewgle while logged in, so I assume I can also still use jewmail, as well - I think it's just jewtube that it won't "allow" me to use.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Arrests and extreme surveillance over mere superficiality, are the bread and butter of jewish communist governments. Innocents are scouted upon as espionage agents from hostile countries, 24/7 as if they were total, proven criminal abominations. In Orwell's 1984, the so called "Surveillance" is one's TV into a room, today, we have a "Smart TV" which when you press "I accept" on your so called "Terms of Service", has 50 pages of jewtalk on the conditions under which this TV can open up a microphone in your own house. But at least we aren't living in Orwell's 1984. But somehow people are telling themselves we are living in a free society and not in Orwell's society.
I heard about a jew who didn't have a TV because it claimed that it was being watched through it. I also was told about another jew, by someone, who didn't have a TV. I asked this person why and they said that because it's a jew. I asked why that matters but they couldn't tell me.

The internet is the only thing in this world which follows Satan's perception on how the world should be run, in the verbatim, as far as a concept is concerned. Everyone should have unbiased, and unrestrained internet access.
I read or heard that the Internet was supposed to be free and open, anyway. Granted, it costs money to run servers and services, but that's not as demanding as (((they))) want you to believe. Things could be done so that Internet prices are dirt cheap - or free - but the kike needs money in every way. (The same with accommodation - we're the only Species which pays another entity to "allow" us to live in a home, which we did not build but which we have to keep paying repeatedly; paying more for heating, and everything... It's as if we're being punished for existing...)

Everyone should have the ability to see any information. The Internet is the only thing that belongs to "All of humanity", while at the same time, giving everyone the ability to be firmly seperate and move within this information space as they see fit.
We could just build another Internet or Internet-type service, with its own Internet Backbone, etc. In a sense, the Internet is like the Astral for the 'Without' person.

If you upload from someone else, then Jewtube will have to filter and/or censor in undefined ways. This will also affect normal people and normal channels a lot, but as to how it will affect 'us' here, it doesn't matter, because we do not really exist on their 'platforms' anymore.
Someone I knew was making a home recording and uploaded it to jewtube. Because they had the TV on, they recorded a bit of music from an advert inadvertantly, and this was "copyrighted", so the video was blocked.

The above aside, what the enemy is also working on, is advanced ban bots that will just censor and ban people online even from comment sections. This was done for years now, but what they hope to achieve is some sort of 'cleverer' types of bots.
If you go on to 9gag and type certain key words in your original post or comments, it is shadowbanned. If you realise and try to be clever and type the keywords in a picture, instead of just text in comments or original posts, the bots can still detect them, in the picture, and shadowban you.

Apparently, there is a 'Twitter Shadowban Test' site - https://shadowban.eu. It's funny it's on .eu.
But how much Time, before The Article 11 And 13 are implemented?
I have a feeling the EU just played a big game here with this vote for article 11 and 13, coercing the public to vote for the parties that voted against.

There were a few parties who majorly voted against these articles, however these parties are according to their political standing and agenda, some of the most leftist and communist parties in the parlement. Entirely in favor of immigration and in general the globalist agenda of the jews.

The upcomming vote for the EU parlement is simply a loose/loose for the European citizens. Maybe some individual MP's in the parlement and in some of the parties are reasonable and worthwhile in general, but the parties themselves are pretty much all fully alligned with the jews and their globalist agenda.

A lot of the MP's in the parlement don't even really know, or care what they are voting for, they are simply voting because some kikes told them so.

As has already been said here before, at this time a political solution isn't really possible as the jews have their filthy hands all over politics in Europe and it is a complete mess.

Just looking at how split the vote was in some of the parties here on this article 11 and 13 vote shows the general state of politics here.. And perhaps even worse, the amount of MP's that abstained..

The fact there are spineless bitches in parlement that don't even want or dare to show their hand for whatever reason and refuse to vote on a vote such as this is completely retarded.

I tried to find a picture which shows the results of the total vote, only found this image here on the witter of one of the MP's who voted: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D2l18jKXcAAY0js.jpg:large

You can see the split here is simply stupid in some parties. And when you look at the political agenda of the parties who voted against passing this, you'll see these really are just as globalist and commie as all the rest. None of the parties in parlement at this time are worth any salt whatsoever, voting for any of them is simply useless.

Some major change is needed in the political environment of the EU. At least people are progressively getting more and more cornered, making it so more and more people will start questioning everything going on here.

I also wonder what implications it will have that this vote occured during the Mercury Retrograde. Or if perhaps the fact it occured during the Merc Rx is what allowed them to succeed in pushing this through?
Artanis said:
But how much Time, before The Article 11 And 13 are implemented?

Normally these things take around anywhere from 1 to 3 years to take actual effect in the lives of people.
VoiceofEnki said:
I have a feeling the EU just played a big game here with this vote for article 11 and 13, coercing the public to vote for the parties that voted against.

There were a few parties who majorly voted against these articles, however these parties are according to their political standing and agenda, some of the most leftist and communist parties in the parlement. Entirely in favor of immigration and in general the globalist agenda of the jews.

The upcomming vote for the EU parlement is simply a loose/loose for the European citizens. Maybe some individual MP's in the parlement and in some of the parties are reasonable and worthwhile in general, but the parties themselves are pretty much all fully alligned with the jews and their globalist agenda.

A lot of the MP's in the parlement don't even really know, or care what they are voting for, they are simply voting because some kikes told them so.


What the jews are now doing in Europe, as you say, is put everything 'viable' or 'freedom regarded' to the dying left, and to the corrupted 'socialist' parties, of whom people have had endless shit from. So they see the rise of the so called 'right', and they put the worst measures there. This if it fails will backfire into more "Open border cuz right wingers censor you goy, bring moar enrichment in" if this cycle theoretically completes.

What you say is true and I know from firsthand experience, most politicians are too lazy/do not have the time to even read the bills.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
VoiceofEnki said:
I have a feeling the EU just played a big game here with this vote for article 11 and 13, coercing the public to vote for the parties that voted against.

There were a few parties who majorly voted against these articles, however these parties are according to their political standing and agenda, some of the most leftist and communist parties in the parlement. Entirely in favor of immigration and in general the globalist agenda of the jews.

The upcomming vote for the EU parlement is simply a loose/loose for the European citizens. Maybe some individual MP's in the parlement and in some of the parties are reasonable and worthwhile in general, but the parties themselves are pretty much all fully alligned with the jews and their globalist agenda.

A lot of the MP's in the parlement don't even really know, or care what they are voting for, they are simply voting because some kikes told them so.


What the jews are now doing in Europe, as you say, is put everything 'viable' or 'freedom regarded' to the dying left, and to the corrupted 'socialist' parties, of whom people have had endless shit from. So they see the rise of the so called 'right', and they put the worst measures there. This if it fails will backfire into more "Open border cuz right wingers censor you goy, bring moar enrichment in" if this cycle theoretically completes.

What you say is true and I know from firsthand experience, most politicians are too lazy/do not have the time to even read the bills.

So The 30-50% of votes that go to The right in May is not really going to change anything??
hmm i live in the eu and i havent heard anything in the news about the changes that have been made regarding artical 11 and 13.
in some countries they mask it as a meme ban and in mine they dont even adress the fact that freedom of speech has been severly screwed over. when the time comes that this subject finaly comes in the news i wonder what they will make of it, i might get a good laugh out of it.

still i cant believe that the jews are this desperate, they just turned 90% of the kids against them so i am all for more retarted eu rules might wake up more ppl.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
