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Esoteric Nazism What Really Occurred

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Esoteric Nazism What Really Occurred

This is from an answer I gave in the forum:

Its known British Intelligence created the tale about the bunker. Stalin, Eisenhower and Churchill didn't believe the bunker tale themselves they were the allied commanders and had top level intelligence reports on the situation.

Hitler did escape with other leading Nazi's who were also spiritually advanced. They created a network to continue to fight for global Gentile liberation against the Jewish globalist agenda to create a global communist slave state of the Goyim. People report at the ending of the war flying saucers were flying into the last remaining free German cities. This was evacuation to fall back positions. Something to note the Tibetans that came back with the German's to Berlin their leading monk knew the entrance to Shambala. The Egyptians stated at Abydos their ancestors who came from the east lived in underground cities to survive the cataclysm events on the surface of the earth around ten thousand years ago. People in Tibet the Lama's report Shambala exists and they have been in contact with them for thousands of years.

The Nazi's who of Project Paper Clip stated they did create flying saucers with help from Extra Terrestrials the shape of the ship is to generate the energetic Taurus field it needs to fly.

Commander Rockwell wrote about how Hitler visited him in the astral in the dream state and gave him shaktipat. This experience is what transformed Rockwell to create and lead the ANP and open the door for NS in our Anglo post war world. It was the writings of Rockwell that red pilled me on NS and the Jewish problem.

Serrano, who travelled to the east and was friends with the Dalai Lama and was a practicing Kundalini Yogi in his works stated Hitler appeared to him in the astral as an ascended being and told him he had survived the war and was ascended and that he would be returning. And had escaped within a Taurus field ship the Nazi UFO.

The Vedic texts openly state the purpose of Yoga is to achieve physical immortality the Tantra's and Upanishad's both state this. The Tibetans original Bon tradition is based on the Rainbow Body Perfection. Which has two levels the first level is physical immortality the magnum opus and the second or called lesser rainbow body is the ones the new agers popularize the making the astral body immortal. But the physical body is dissolved to make this happen. The high level is the full one. However the new agers don't mention this.

Hitler was a member of the Thule Society which was based on Vedic Aryan knowledge and was in contact with Satan and our Gods. Hitler started practicing Kundalini Yoga in Vienna where he spent a lot of his time in the great libraries studying the books on such. He was also deeply involved in studying the magazines from the spiritual societies of the time which was full of information on kundalini Yoga and Vedic knowledge. The publisher of the Pagan magazine "Ostara" mentioned that one day a young man paid him a visit to buy fifty back copies of his magazine and he talked with him for a couple of hours and was amazed this young man was a master of occult knowledge of his day. Lanz stated that young man was Hitler.

Dietrich Eckart the leader of the Thule Society stated he had initiated Hitler with Shaktipat and awakened the serpent power and opened his sixth chakra the psychic centers. Hitler had medium abilities and it was stated many times that Hitler hinted to the fact he was channelling a higher being during the height of his speeches. This being is Satan.

The Thule Society was part of a larger spiritual society The German Order. The German Order after the war rented out whole lobbies of hotels to give lectures to decommissioned German army officers on the Protocols of Zion and the Jewish illuminati agenda to destroy the world with Bolshevism. This is why Generals like Ludendorff worked with Hitler and was part of the Munich uprising. Ludendorff was part of the German Order. This is where the high level connections for the National Socialist Party came from that Eckart was connected with and introduced Hitler to.

The National Socialist Party was created by the Thule Society they had Aton Drexler and Karl Herrer who were working class type members do this to be able to appeal to the German Worker.

The entire National Socialist Party was created by occultists the leadership of whom were Spiritual Satanists. The concept of Vril the Nazi's were immersed in, the term comes from Hinduism its a shorting of the word Virala the symbol of the cosmic dragon which forms the main part of the Hindu temple.

In Czarist Russia the Cosmotheist Society was a large Russian spiritualist society who were Pagan and stated that Whites were descended from Aryan Extra Terrestrials and were seeking to communicate with such Extra Terrestrials for help in rebuilding a spiritualist White society. The entire Cosmotheist Society was murdered on orders from the Jewish Bolshevik leadership. Because this is the major threat to the Jewish agenda.

Devi's book "The Lighting And The Sun" which Devi a western Hindu showed western's that the Hindu's considered Hitler an avatar of Vishnu. This has been misunderstood in the west. The Swami's, Rishi's and Yogi's who stated Hitler was an avatar of Vishnu who understood this were saying something deeper. In Hindu cosmology Visnu is the personification of the principal of Sattva which is the enlightenment principal. A spiritual awakened and transformed person in Hinduism will display the qualities of Visnu the Sattvic principal or other personification of spiritual development in the Hindu cosmology.

The Hindu spiritual leaders were stating that Hitler was a highly ascended spiritual master.

The Buddhist's realize this as well:

"In Chiangmai, Thailand I knew an American man who was a close personal to the Tibetan guru Kalu Rinpoche for over 10 years. Sherab Ebin and I would sit eating toast and jam in the America Restaurant, while he described to me how Kalu Rinpoche informed him that he had met Germans sent to Tibet during the 1930's and 40's. They were there on orders from their Furhrer to uncover the secrets of Vajrayana Buddhism, and bring them back to Hitler in Berlin. Some of these Germans remained after the war and even helped to get the Dalai Lama out in 1959. One of the Germans who went from Tibet to Berlin to see Hitler reported that when he went in to see the Furhrer, he felt that Hitler was this vast powerful being that just sucked the information rightout of of him [my note telepathic ability]. He staggered out of Hitler's office as if he had had an audience with a god! It was obvious to him that Hitler was one of the highest level gurus he had ever met."* -*La Mujer Dormida Debedar Aluz' Editorial Jus, S.A. de. C.V., Plaza De Abasolo No.14 Col. Guerrero, 06300 Mexico.From the book "Freeing The Buddha." By B. Ruhe.

Note this account is from a fellow who met and lived amongst the Lama's of Tibet. Some of the most spiritual advanced people on earth. So to make such a distinction for Hitler is not mere exaggeration. But a fact born from years of experience.
Thanks for this bro such sermons are very inspiring and refreshing , Hail Satan
I have wondered this before but could a high level Satanist do shaktipat to another Satanist to catapult them spiritually? Like what Eckart did to Hitler. Is this something that may be done in the future?
"The Vedic texts openly state the purpose of Yoga is to achieve physical immortality the Tantra's and Upanishad's both state this. The Tibetans original Bon tradition is based on the Rainbow Body Perfection. Which has two levels the first level is physical immortality the magnum opus and the second or called lesser rainbow body is the ones the new agers popularize the making the astral body immortal. But the physical body is dissolved to make this happen. The high level is the full one. However the new agers don't mention this."

Do you care to share what specific lines in the texts state the goal is immortality? That's very interesting. If it would require more than a simple quote and would be a big hassle don't worry about it.

Also did you post the order wrong? I thought astral immortality would come before physical. And what all is meant by astral immortality? I already am immortal in a way considering I've lived and died before. Thus having never really died.

Lastly what is meant by dissolving the body? Are we supposed to shoot ourselves dead? Someone else can try that first and I'll observe the results. If it all checks out I will join.
AscendingSun said:
I have wondered this before but could a high level Satanist do shaktipat to another Satanist to catapult them spiritually? Like what Eckart did to Hitler. Is this something that may be done in the future?
We may find a way to split or mirror (on a lower level) some of our abilties. It may fatham me now but im sure its possible. I think, for now, we should distill it to a conceptual principal. That of being able to merge anothers soul for a moment to ones own spiritually hightened progress. Thw way i see it in my head is one soul is represented by a full xray and this xray being a diagram for our soul when its complete. Another xray would be an incomplete or "faded" in terms of completion and would represent the average soul. Placing one ovee the other for a moment and the faded xray slowly solidfying and expanding in respect/relation to the complete hightened soul maybe at a medium or lesser cost of the spiritually hightened one. This would be an exampling of the concept...
As for translating this spiritually, i cant imagine anothee way except merging ones whole soul with someone elses or linking all chakras to each other but i find this invasive and not impersonal enough.. . would that be what it takes? A very personal and invasive way to sorr of level on each other? The concept really has me going... What if it were by the abundancy in each chakras element. Like the faded soul would get higher level chakras by the hightened souls abundancy of each chakras element. Like, the base chakra with a lot of earth and heart chakra with a lot of air and would be at a higher level/vibration would be linked up to and kickstarting the faded souls base and heheart chakra.
Maybe this exampling isnt the best but the concept might stay although this theory could just be out there...
Hail Satan!
Do any of these organizations and societies exist today?
I understand we're probably the only one around nowadays, but I get the feeling as Spirtual Satanist that I need to do stuff that our progenitors have done. Enlighten people, form groups, expand and take back control but something always holds me back.
Those "Nazi Hunters" we've all heard about that traveled to South America, even some by orders of Mossad, were actually looking for Hitler, but were unsuccessful. They did however manage to locate some lesser Nazis.
Savitri Devi was supporter of Indian nationalism, Devi saw the outbreak of World War II in 1939 as a golden opportunity but that dumbass Gandhi refused . Devi and her husband embraced Subhas Chandra Bose. They were instrumental in setting up his first meetings with the Japanese government. Devi was so committed to the Third Reich that she continued to fight for it even after its defeat in 1945. She returned to Europe, distributing pro-Nazi propaganda in the ruins of German cities. She was arrested, and after a few years in prison, passed the rest of her life between France and India.

There are books which speak of Hitler desperate attempts to find Shambhala: Birthplace of Kalki avatar.Ancient Hindu scholars, called this place Aryavartha (‘The Land of the Worthy Ones); or simply Shambhala in Sanskrit. Hitler in his young days had also received an initiation into the American Indian Peyote Cult. Hitler also ordered and established the ministry of Ancestral Memories, under the protective guidance of the Chairman of the Sanskrit Department at Munich University.During expeditions, he was informed about the sacred Hindu symbol of good luck and prosperity. Ever since, the Nazis adopted the ancient Hindu symbol for their good luck and well-being.
Prabhupada the leader of Iskcon pointed out in his lectures that Hitler was the farther of Indian Independence not Gandi and this is well known in India. And this was due to Hitler becoming allies with Bose and setting up the Hindu Nationalist movement forces. Bose's daughter still lives in Austria. Of course she denounces her father because she will be persecuted by the Jewish power establishment if she does not. The same Jews that celebrate Zionism.

Hitler was not in an Amerindian shaman cult.

captainHowdy said:
Savitri Devi was supporter of Indian nationalism, Devi saw the outbreak of World War II in 1939 as a golden opportunity but that dumbass Gandhi refused . Devi and her husband embraced Subhas Chandra Bose. They were instrumental in setting up his first meetings with the Japanese government. Devi was so committed to the Third Reich that she continued to fight for it even after its defeat in 1945. She returned to Europe, distributing pro-Nazi propaganda in the ruins of German cities. She was arrested, and after a few years in prison, passed the rest of her life between France and India.

There are books which speak of Hitler desperate attempts to find Shambhala: Birthplace of Kalki avatar.Ancient Hindu scholars, called this place Aryavartha (‘The Land of the Worthy Ones); or simply Shambhala in Sanskrit. Hitler in his young days had also received an initiation into the American Indian Peyote Cult. Hitler also ordered and established the ministry of Ancestral Memories, under the protective guidance of the Chairman of the Sanskrit Department at Munich University.During expeditions, he was informed about the sacred Hindu symbol of good luck and prosperity. Ever since, the Nazis adopted the ancient Hindu symbol for their good luck and well-being.
Something interesting with Devi she wrote the book "The Lighting And The Sun" while in political prison in Germany for her NS activism after the war. The British commander of the prison had taken this from her prison cell and read it. He called her into his office and told her out 12 thousand Nazi's in this jail she is the most worst of them all. She took this as a sincere complement.

When she was sentenced to prison she stood up in front of the kike judges and gave the Yogic salute and stated "Heil Hilter!".

The Nazi salute is an ancient Yogic mundra of the sun and Shaktipat.
HeilOdin666 said:
"The Vedic texts openly state the purpose of Yoga is to achieve physical immortality the Tantra's and Upanishad's both state this. The Tibetans original Bon tradition is based on the Rainbow Body Perfection. Which has two levels the first level is physical immortality the magnum opus and the second or called lesser rainbow body is the ones the new agers popularize the making the astral body immortal. But the physical body is dissolved to make this happen. The high level is the full one. However the new agers don't mention this."

Do you care to share what specific lines in the texts state the goal is immortality? That's very interesting. If it would require more than a simple quote and would be a big hassle don't worry about it.

Also did you post the order wrong? I thought astral immortality would come before physical. And what all is meant by astral immortality? I already am immortal in a way considering I've lived and died before. Thus having never really died.

Lastly what is meant by dissolving the body? Are we supposed to shoot ourselves dead? Someone else can try that first and I'll observe the results. If it all checks out I will join.
I think you should re read everything and understand why the things you said are stupid..
It is well known that Gandi (the pacifist I should say) was a British spy educated in Britain . And we all know who ruled the British Empire when that maggot "gave" India its "freedom".
This was a really interesting sermon
Zygisrko said:
Do any of these organizations and societies exist today?
I understand we're probably the only one around nowadays, but I get the feeling as Spirtual Satanist that I need to do stuff that our progenitors have done. Enlighten people, form groups, expand and take back control but something always holds me back.

Educate and enlighten people about the Joy of Satan. Spiritual Satanists are friends of Hitler too. Educating and enlightening people will expand the friends of Hitler and us at the same time. We are all buddies forming the new world that will exclude the Jewish people and we will have control.
Magikal OP HP mageson love it
HP Don
"The Vedic texts openly state the purpose of Yoga is to achieve physical immortality the Tantra's and Upanishad's both state this. The Tibetans original Bon tradition is based on the Rainbow Body Perfection. Which has two levels the first level is physical immortality the magnum opus and the second or called lesser rainbow body is the ones the new agers popularize the making the astral body immortal. But the physical body is dissolved to make this happen. The high level is the full one. However the new agers don't mention this."
I did not want to ask you why I'm too snoozed with my head for the moment, but give now us more explanations, because I know well you never write for no reason... Thank you...!!!
Aquarius said:
HeilOdin666 said:
"The Vedic texts openly state the purpose of Yoga is to achieve physical immortality the Tantra's and Upanishad's both state this. The Tibetans original Bon tradition is based on the Rainbow Body Perfection. Which has two levels the first level is physical immortality the magnum opus and the second or called lesser rainbow body is the ones the new agers popularize the making the astral body immortal. But the physical body is dissolved to make this happen. The high level is the full one. However the new agers don't mention this."

Do you care to share what specific lines in the texts state the goal is immortality? That's very interesting. If it would require more than a simple quote and would be a big hassle don't worry about it.

Also did you post the order wrong? I thought astral immortality would come before physical. And what all is meant by astral immortality? I already am immortal in a way considering I've lived and died before. Thus having never really died.

Lastly what is meant by dissolving the body? Are we supposed to shoot ourselves dead? Someone else can try that first and I'll observe the results. If it all checks out I will join.
I think you should re read everything and understand why the things you said are stupid..

School me wise one
I absolutely enjoy when you make posts that will put hollywood neo nazi parrots to shame.

Also, I am a huge proponent of the physical immortality, and have been since I first read about the MO, where any time I came into a new age section of the occult discussions they always assumed the highest goal was to "shed" the body.

They would insist they did not want to live in a "meat sack" for all eternity.

Clearly they are lacking the lower chakra balance, with it the clarity to appreciate a holistic existence.

Your work is always appreciated.
Okay let me school myself and everyone else for you which is your job considering I am stupid and you are not.


I guess this dissolving of the body is a recorded thing. They say they've seen people's actual physical bodies shrink and disappear, and then a rainbow appears.

How do I know this isn't bunk? What I mean by asking that is not to say I dismiss the eyewitness accounts. I just have no idea what happened to the person. They could be just fine living the dream or they could be dissolved into the Christ cube for all we know. How do I know they didn't just complete some new age dissolving into nothing?

And as many games as these spiritual leaders play. As much as they hide from people and mislead. I need something good to make me believe this is a worthy goal. There are so called masters that hide their teachings just the same as the Catholic priests hide their gross reality and true intent.

How do I know one is better than the other? Or if they the same? I don't just turn into a fucking rainbow or worship a jew on a stick because a guy in a robe told me to.

And they just dissolved and died. Like apparently they are a ghost now. How do we know they didn't just become a regular ghost like when regular people die? And how can we say they have a body when they dont? Do they walk through walls now? Can they pick up a glass of water?
HP Mageson666 said:
Prabhupada the leader of Iskcon pointed out in his lectures that Hitler was the farther of Indian Independence not Gandi and this is well known in India. And this was due to Hitler becoming allies with Bose and setting up the Hindu Nationalist movement forces. Bose's daughter still lives in Austria. Of course she denounces her father because she will be persecuted by the Jewish power establishment if she does not. The same Jews that celebrate Zionism.

Hitler was not in an Amerindian shaman cult.

captainHowdy said:
Savitri Devi was supporter of Indian nationalism, Devi saw the outbreak of World War II in 1939 as a golden opportunity but that dumbass Gandhi refused . Devi and her husband embraced Subhas Chandra Bose. They were instrumental in setting up his first meetings with the Japanese government. Devi was so committed to the Third Reich that she continued to fight for it even after its defeat in 1945. She returned to Europe, distributing pro-Nazi propaganda in the ruins of German cities. She was arrested, and after a few years in prison, passed the rest of her life between France and India.

There are books which speak of Hitler desperate attempts to find Shambhala: Birthplace of Kalki avatar.Ancient Hindu scholars, called this place Aryavartha (‘The Land of the Worthy Ones); or simply Shambhala in Sanskrit. Hitler in his young days had also received an initiation into the American Indian Peyote Cult. Hitler also ordered and established the ministry of Ancestral Memories, under the protective guidance of the Chairman of the Sanskrit Department at Munich University.During expeditions, he was informed about the sacred Hindu symbol of good luck and prosperity. Ever since, the Nazis adopted the ancient Hindu symbol for their good luck and well-being.

LOL really? From what I know and have read on her she is married to a politician from SPD or Socialist Democratic Party guy the very Leftist party Adolf Hitler had banned and whose Martin Schulz is a well known traitor.
HP Mageson666 do you beleive that Bose actually survived after ww2 and was taken up as a prisoner in USSR or he returned to India to lead a quiet life as a ascetic in Uttar Pradesh of India? There was a huge cry for releasing all files on Subashchandra Bose and all of them aren't released which may point the blame more towards USSR as well This is because the government officials were clearly stating that releasing them will ruin our international relations with some countries. PM of India Modi is being shady when releasing files on Bose.
She was also a member of the SPD.

Why is this funny? The whole German Nation has been Jew washed to hate themselves. You don't seem to understand someone like this raised in a Jew run, social Marxist regime might not turn out to be a hardcore shitlib out of socially induced false guilt and a realistic fear of persecution over her father. Who was a friend and ally of ADOLF HITLER, the evil lord of the Sixty billion crime. This society makes some nomie White kid hate themselves and counter signal their own race into extinction and their dad was not a ally and friend of the holocaust master.

Watch how long she would last out of jail if she came out and praised her father.

anonymous666 said:
[LOL really? From what I know and have read on her she is married to a politician from SPD or Socialist Democratic Party guy the very Leftist party Adolf Hitler had banned and whose Martin Schulz is a well known traitor
HeilOdin666 said:
Okay let me school myself and everyone else for you which is your job considering I am stupid and you are not.


I guess this dissolving of the body is a recorded thing. They say they've seen people's actual physical bodies shrink and disappear, and then a rainbow appears.

How do I know this isn't bunk? What I mean by asking that is not to say I dismiss the eyewitness accounts. I just have no idea what happened to the person. They could be just fine living the dream or they could be dissolved into the Christ cube for all we know. How do I know they didn't just complete some new age dissolving into nothing?

And as many games as these spiritual leaders play. As much as they hide from people and mislead. I need something good to make me believe this is a worthy goal. There are so called masters that hide their teachings just the same as the Catholic priests hide their gross reality and true intent.

How do I know one is better than the other? Or if they the same? I don't just turn into a fucking rainbow or worship a jew on a stick because a guy in a robe told me to.

And they just dissolved and died. Like apparently they are a ghost now. How do we know they didn't just become a regular ghost like when regular people die? And how can we say they have a body when they dont? Do they walk through walls now? Can they pick up a glass of water?
You need to understand that all new age teachings are deadly, dangerous and completely retarded... we satanists strive to achieve godhead, so, not do die anymore, the immortality of the soul is a process that comes before that. New agers have weak meditations that don't really so anything useful other than connecting them to dimensions of disgusting angels, if they actually 'dissolve' in thin air they would just die and go in the astral and be collected to be made energy for the cube.. and I don't even believe any new ager really dissolved...
HP Mageson666 said:
She was also a member of the SPD.

Why is this funny? The whole German Nation has been Jew washed to hate themselves. You don't seem to understand someone like this raised in a Jew run, social Marxist regime might not turn out to be a hardcore shitlib out of socially induced false guilt and a realistic fear of persecution over her father. Who was a friend and ally of ADOLF HITLER, the evil lord of the Sixty billion crime. This society makes some nomie White kid hate themselves and counter signal their own race into extinction and their dad was not a ally and friend of the holocaust master.

Watch how long she would last out of jail if she came out and praised her father.

anonymous666 said:
[LOL really? From what I know and have read on her she is married to a politician from SPD or Socialist Democratic Party guy the very Leftist party Adolf Hitler had banned and whose Martin Schulz is a well known traitor

Yes I admit that she was brainwashed for sure but as per 1995 documents declassified by Indian Government, they offered DNA tests to be done and she denied doing them. That makes whole claim of her being biological daughter of Bose doubtful as she should not had denied a DNA test. She may have been adopted or his original wife may have been threatened to keep quiet while they spread fake info on her being Bose's daughter. His daughter even accepted Rs6000 annually from Nehru Gandhi government but bose's wife denied any money despite of working hard. She directly was in good touch and contacts with Nehru as well to the point that she came to India and stayed at his residence, something which happens only with people in good touch with them. That makes things very shady and she is being doubted these days by current Bose family members themselves. Chandra Bose who is Nephew of SubashChandra Bose is currently actively working with Anuj Dhar for declassification. Anuj Dhar has also raised same doubts on her as she is just beleiving that her dad died in air crash which may be false. Publicly on media she always claims on wanting a dna test but being denied or some other lame reason. That is reason i feel she is traitor for sure sometimes thinking that way




Also the Indian Congress party which happens to be left wing did managed to create a split in Bose family to remove USSR out of equation. In one of theories mentioned Bose was imprisoned and killed in a Gulag camp on orders of Nehru to Stalin and that being the reason they are still keeping it classified as Indo-Russian relations may be affected. It does seem that Anita Bose(Daughter of Subash Chandra bose) is siding with the pro Congress fragment of Bose family when it comes to death of her father. She obviously has to show respect to her dad as if she doesn't Indians will definitely call her mad or she will expose herself as one with fake opinions. But she did criticise Indian government on treating INA soldiers in bad way after ww2 and not inducting them in Indian army. For same reason many muslims in INA actually chose to go to Pakistan. Indians love Bose a lot. We still have people who put up Nazi flag on their motorbikes like classic royal enfields to make it appear like a ww2 era bike. Being a NS isnt bad or crime in most of India for sure.

This speaks on Bose family Fragmentation


While I dont hate her as such cus she is a gentile but she should remain silent like over this issue and let other bose family members figure out. She holds more weight because of being his daughter in such issues and media gives her more focus.
Siva first words speak to the goals of every tantric practitioner: "Eternal youth, immortality of the body and the attainment of an identity of nature with Siva. that is , liberation in the body."

"Liberation arises from gnosis(jnana), gnosis arises from the maintenance of the vital breaths. Therefore. where there is stability mercury is empowered and the body is stabilized. Thought the use of mercury obtains a body that is unaging and immortal.

Supernatural powers and bodily immortality, the goals of the tantric

`So the soul penetrated by initiation [Kundalini fully risen] obtains Siva-hood"

`Therefore the breath overflowing bursting into the medial channel this surely brings immortality'

From the Rasarnava Tantra
The Alchemical Body, Gordon, White
So what exactly is your point here. She is Bose's daughter she believes this and she is not under some eternal law to think like her father did. And she has been raised in shitlib central in Europe where she would be in jail if she did anything pro NS anyway. Which you admit. That was my point on her as a person from the start. You then decided that somehow my observation was wrong by posting information that actually proved my point. I explained this and you agreed. And now your veering all over the place. From your actual point.

anonymous666 said:
Yes I admit that she was brainwashed for sure but as per 1995 documents declassified by Indian Government, they offered DNA tests to be done and she denied doing them. That makes whole claim of her being biological daughter of Bose doubtful as she should not had denied a DNA test. She may have been adopted or his original wife may have been threatened to keep quiet while they spread fake info on her being Bose's daughter. His daughter even accepted Rs6000 annually from Nehru Gandhi government but bose's wife denied any money despite of working hard. She directly was in good touch and contacts with Nehru as well to the point that she came to India and stayed at his residence, something which happens only with people in good touch with them. That makes things very shady and she is being doubted these days by current Bose family members themselves. Chandra Bose who is Nephew of SubashChandra Bose is currently actively working with Anuj Dhar for declassification. Anuj Dhar has also raised same doubts on her as she is just beleiving that her dad died in air crash which may be false. Publicly on media she always claims on wanting a dna test but being denied or some other lame reason. That is reason i feel she is traitor for sure sometimes thinking that way




Also the Indian Congress party which happens to be left wing did managed to create a split in Bose family to remove USSR out of equation. In one of theories mentioned Bose was imprisoned and killed in a Gulag camp on orders of Nehru to Stalin and that being the reason they are still keeping it classified as Indo-Russian relations may be affected. It does seem that Anita Bose(Daughter of Subash Chandra bose) is siding with the pro Congress fragment of Bose family when it comes to death of her father. She obviously has to show respect to her dad as if she doesn't Indians will definitely call her mad or she will expose herself as one with fake opinions. But she did criticise Indian government on treating INA soldiers in bad way after ww2 and not inducting them in Indian army. For same reason many muslims in INA actually chose to go to Pakistan. Indians love Bose a lot. We still have people who put up Nazi flag on their motorbikes like classic royal enfields to make it appear like a ww2 era bike. Being a NS isnt bad or crime in most of India for sure.

This speaks on Bose family Fragmentation


While I dont hate her as such cus she is a gentile but she should remain silent like over this issue and let other bose family members figure out. She holds more weight because of being his daughter in such issues and media gives her more focus.
I have read several books on this from Lama's and Tibetan Bon Po Masters. Its a real thing. However I suspect this might be from corrupted practices the rainbow body is from Bon but the enemy might have altered things as Vajra Buddhism violently repressed Bon and worked to alter and destroy their teachings. The remaining Bon Po's refer to the Buddhist rule as one of oppression and murder. The people mention seeing and interacting with the masters who obtained the lesser Rainbow Body in the astral.

However the fact the highest and full Rainbow Body is the physical perfection of the body as well. The Opus is the transformation of the elements the earth element is the body.

HeilOdin666 said:
Okay let me school myself and everyone else for you which is your job considering I am stupid and you are not.


I guess this dissolving of the body is a recorded thing. They say they've seen people's actual physical bodies shrink and disappear, and then a rainbow appears.

How do I know this isn't bunk? What I mean by asking that is not to say I dismiss the eyewitness accounts. I just have no idea what happened to the person. They could be just fine living the dream or they could be dissolved into the Christ cube for all we know. How do I know they didn't just complete some new age dissolving into nothing?

And as many games as these spiritual leaders play. As much as they hide from people and mislead. I need something good to make me believe this is a worthy goal. There are so called masters that hide their teachings just the same as the Catholic priests hide their gross reality and true intent.

How do I know one is better than the other? Or if they the same? I don't just turn into a fucking rainbow or worship a jew on a stick because a guy in a robe told me to.

And they just dissolved and died. Like apparently they are a ghost now. How do we know they didn't just become a regular ghost like when regular people die? And how can we say they have a body when they dont? Do they walk through walls now? Can they pick up a glass of water?
HP Mageson666 said:
So what exactly is your point here. She is Bose's daughter she believes this and she is not under some eternal law to think like her father did. And she has been raised in shitlib central in Europe where she would be in jail if she did anything pro NS anyway. Which you admit. That was my point on her as a person from the start. You then decided that somehow my observation was wrong by posting information that actually proved my point. I explained this and you agreed. And now your veering all over the place. From your actual point.

anonymous666 said:
Yes I admit that she was brainwashed for sure but as per 1995 documents declassified by Indian Government, they offered DNA tests to be done and she denied doing them. That makes whole claim of her being biological daughter of Bose doubtful as she should not had denied a DNA test. She may have been adopted or his original wife may have been threatened to keep quiet while they spread fake info on her being Bose's daughter. His daughter even accepted Rs6000 annually from Nehru Gandhi government but bose's wife denied any money despite of working hard. She directly was in good touch and contacts with Nehru as well to the point that she came to India and stayed at his residence, something which happens only with people in good touch with them. That makes things very shady and she is being doubted these days by current Bose family members themselves. Chandra Bose who is Nephew of SubashChandra Bose is currently actively working with Anuj Dhar for declassification. Anuj Dhar has also raised same doubts on her as she is just beleiving that her dad died in air crash which may be false. Publicly on media she always claims on wanting a dna test but being denied or some other lame reason. That is reason i feel she is traitor for sure sometimes thinking that way




Also the Indian Congress party which happens to be left wing did managed to create a split in Bose family to remove USSR out of equation. In one of theories mentioned Bose was imprisoned and killed in a Gulag camp on orders of Nehru to Stalin and that being the reason they are still keeping it classified as Indo-Russian relations may be affected. It does seem that Anita Bose(Daughter of Subash Chandra bose) is siding with the pro Congress fragment of Bose family when it comes to death of her father. She obviously has to show respect to her dad as if she doesn't Indians will definitely call her mad or she will expose herself as one with fake opinions. But she did criticise Indian government on treating INA soldiers in bad way after ww2 and not inducting them in Indian army. For same reason many muslims in INA actually chose to go to Pakistan. Indians love Bose a lot. We still have people who put up Nazi flag on their motorbikes like classic royal enfields to make it appear like a ww2 era bike. Being a NS isnt bad or crime in most of India for sure.

This speaks on Bose family Fragmentation


While I dont hate her as such cus she is a gentile but she should remain silent like over this issue and let other bose family members figure out. She holds more weight because of being his daughter in such issues and media gives her more focus.
My concerns on her in second post were more on being fake.

  • Denying a DNA test with ashes of Subashchandra Bose in 1995 or their family members.
    Trying to refute genuine work being done by Chandra Bose and Anu Dhar calling them fantasy.
    Whether she respects SubashChandra Bose genuinely or does it for sake of Indians.
After ww2 bose's wife simply could had been threatened to shut up and jooz could had brought in Anita as Bose's daughter. There seems no legitimate reason why she could deny a simple DNA test when it was free of cost. She is anyway calling herself his daughter. Then why deny DNA test?

I am doubting her being daughter of Bose like Anuj Dhar did in past.

She is a gentile for sure from her looks.
Yes but this is not relevant to my statements on her. This is a conspiracy theory.

anonymous666 said:
[Denying a DNA test with ashes of Subashchandra Bose in 1995 or their family members.
Trying to refute genuine work being done by Chandra Bose and Anu Dhar calling them fantasy.
Whether she respects SubashChandra Bose genuinely or does it for sake of Indians.
After ww2 bose's wife simply could had been threatened to shut up and jooz could had brought in Anita as Bose's daughter. There seems no legitimate reason why she could deny a simple DNA test when it was free of cost. She is anyway calling herself his daughter. Then why deny DNA test?

I am doubting her being daughter of Bose like Anuj Dhar did in past.

She is a gentile for sure from her looks.
Looking into it more it seems the people that turned into rainbows messed up. They weren't supposed to dissolve. They should have retained their body in a physical form.

However they did achieve astral immortality. Which I'm not sure what that means still. If I die meditators can still reach me on the astral as a ghost and I am still immortal and not gone. So I don't know what difference astral immortality brings. It changes nothing I'm my view of things.

And why do we have these people, these gurus and all that. They have all these powers and siddhis and yet it's blue collar nobody like me that are the ones to decide to rid the jews and save the world. Let me just become a Mage for you so i can save the world like you should have done with all your powers yet you just hide in the mountains. Where are these gurus in doing that? Clearly they know of the enemy.

Just as in the other thread people are blocked from demonstrating proof of magick. Clearly the top people in Tibet and elsewhere know this. They never asked who is getting in our way? They never asked gods how to fight this? They never wanted to start their own reich?
"The Tibetans original Bon tradition is based on the Rainbow Body Perfection. Which has two levels the first level is physical immortality the magnum opus and the second or called lesser rainbow body is the ones the new agers popularize the making the astral body immortal. But the physical body is dissolved to make this happen."

I asked because....

A: It sounds contradictory that we would make an immortal body then dissolve it.

B: It says Astral immortality is the "lesser" thus I wondered if actually astral came first rather than physical because of the term lesser.

C : I don't know any immortal New Agers so they obviously would work on astral immortality. Which would have to come before physical immortality in that case. Which contradicts the writing. Which is why I asked.

D: I asked for the benefit of others. This dissolving of the body does sound grotesque and I'm sure you can imagine the jews could easily turn this into some Jim Jones death cult. They do this stuff all the time. So it's good to clarify.

Don't mind me I'm just stupid for asking and this is a happy forum.
HeilOdin666 said:
Okay let me school myself and everyone else for you which is your job considering I am stupid and you are not.


I guess this dissolving of the body is a recorded thing. They say they've seen people's actual physical bodies shrink and disappear, and then a rainbow appears.

How do I know this isn't bunk? What I mean by asking that is not to say I dismiss the eyewitness accounts. I just have no idea what happened to the person. They could be just fine living the dream or they could be dissolved into the Christ cube for all we know. How do I know they didn't just complete some new age dissolving into nothing?

And as many games as these spiritual leaders play. As much as they hide from people and mislead. I need something good to make me believe this is a worthy goal. There are so called masters that hide their teachings just the same as the Catholic priests hide their gross reality and true intent.

How do I know one is better than the other? Or if they the same? I don't just turn into a fucking rainbow or worship a jew on a stick because a guy in a robe told me to.

And they just dissolved and died. Like apparently they are a ghost now. How do we know they didn't just become a regular ghost like when regular people die? And how can we say they have a body when they dont? Do they walk through walls now? Can they pick up a glass of water?

That sounds like inserted enemy misinformation. Buddhism was created in a more subtle version then Christianity because the Ancient East was so full of real Satanism that a new program could not be formed like they did with Christianity and Western Paganism - where they just massacred and assassinated those with the knowledge. The Ancient East lies on spirituality but is just corrupted by Buddhism specifically.

Ashioka himself was just a crypto-Jew and they employed many writers it looks like to insert as much crap into the actual cultures and civilizations of the East as possible. The writers may have been Jewish too. One interesting thing is how the Sri Lanka area is home to the least corrupted Satanism in the world and this is the area where the ancient war between our Gods and the Jews took place (Atlantis area).
Not sure who Ashioka is. But I don't think this rainbow thing is enemy propaganda. Do you have a better explanation of what is meant by all this? I believe the phenomena happens.

I think the real enemy propaganda is the idiots that turned into a fucking rainbow because their leaders are jews who would never let them become physically immoral.

This is exactly why I ask questions. And the people that jest me for it can blindly go dissolve into the Christ cube or something because they weren't invested in their own path.

They were taught in (((School))) to memorize and repeat. To obey. To follow. Children are like mice. To be seen and not heard. And so are Goyim.
HeilOdin666 said:
Not sure who Ashioka is. But I don't think this rainbow thing is enemy propaganda. Do you have a better explanation of what is meant by all this? I believe the phenomena happens.

I think the real enemy propaganda is the idiots that turned into a fucking rainbow because their leaders are jews who would never let them become physically immoral.

This is exactly why I ask questions. And the people that jest me for it can blindly go dissolve into the Christ cube or something because they weren't invested in their own path.

They were taught in (((School))) to memorize and repeat. To obey. To follow. Children are like mice. To be seen and not heard. And so are Goyim.

I was talking about a dissolution of the material body on the spot as you had described in the previous post before I replied to you. I am not sure about dissolution of the soul completely myself, but I think it was HP Mageson who originally said that souls will dissolve into nothingness after a certain amount of lives without meditation or spirituality.

As for the astral or soul becoming immortal first and than the body - I thought I might have heard that some where that it is what happens when you achieve the Kundalini rising. The magnum opus working is what makes the body immortal and even than there are some how different levels of the magnum opus and immortality in general.

The posts by the High Priests here (Mageson and HC) talked about levels of immortality - so it is possible that one of the levels of immortality is just the soul and than a more advanced version is the bodies immortality.
I believe as stated this is corrupted in Indian Yoga as well the idea of taking the Samadhi being when the Yogi would leave his body willingly for good. As being the highest goal.

However this was being done for a reason if you investigate deeper the Yogi's who were not able to finish the actual work when their body was too old would simply leave it and take a new physical body directly and go beyond reincarnation. Then they would simply continue on with the new body. Towards the ultimate goal. Arthur Avalon was a British member of the Raj government he witnessed this old Yogi sit down and his body fall and then the body of a young man on the funeral pyre they were about to light then sat up and walked off it was the Yogi.

Sri Yukteswar mentioned in his works he was the Guru of Yoganada that because so much knowledge had been removed they must practice longer hours and it can take life times to obtain Mukti The Magnum Opus. Yukteswar mentioned the Jesuits had been all over India removing all the spiritual knowledge and they spent a bankers fortune to do this over decades. And now one needed to know someone or already have this knowledge in their own family libraries.

Also note Yogananda played up Christianity while a Hindu because he was trying to get thought to people in a heavy Christian nation of America. Its also if I remembered stated his book has been altered as well.

The Rasanrvana tantra states the ideal of liberation upon death is a corruption and defeats the purpose of yoga as the passages I already posted.

HeilOdin666 said:
Not sure who Ashioka is. But I don't think this rainbow thing is enemy propaganda. Do you have a better explanation of what is meant by all this? I believe the phenomena happens.

I think the real enemy propaganda is the idiots that turned into a fucking rainbow because their leaders are jews who would never let them become physically immoral.

This is exactly why I ask questions. And the people that jest me for it can blindly go dissolve into the Christ cube or something because they weren't invested in their own path.

They were taught in (((School))) to memorize and repeat. To obey. To follow. Children are like mice. To be seen and not heard. And so are Goyim.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
