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Enki of Eridu, Lord of The Earth


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2017
Enki of Eridu,
Who's kingdom laid among the Chaldeans,
Was left cold to the touch and eroded by time,
Ravaged by war, blood shed and deceit,
The passage of centuries and many a seasons,
Long since the scribe foretold and wrote your revelations,
Enscribed on lapis lazuli tablets,
Encased waiting for the modern people to rediscover your words,
You spoke of a time when the soils were endlessly fertile,
And men and women were as perfected as you and Ninhursag,
Enlightened and filled with purpose,
With brilliant minds and power to make us in the Iron Age tremble,
You spoke of a cosmic war of catastrophic proportions,
A war among gods over us mortals,
Evil winds spreading across the world,
And your eventual departure and retreat,
At the hands of your enemies who cursed you and wanted us as slaves,
Evidence of your creation and alteration of our natural evolution has long since been buried,
Your work destroyed in endless centuries of wars,
historical forgeries, and genocide,
And statues in your image, crumbled and desecrated in pure hatred,
Darwin who's work was encouraged yet contained a few fatal flaws, concerning the creation of
humanity, took its place among our primitive modern sciences,
Hundreds of centuries after your throne was forgotten,
The siddhis, one of your many gifts, discounted and thrown into dismay among those who called
themselves scientists, and scholars alike,
Skeptics stand in opposition to your divine creation,
A design crafted from the hands of a true master,
Drawn spirit by breath into the flesh,
And instructed the Sumerians on how to toil the soil,
Craft and chisel monuments of colossal stone,
Pace the movement of the heavens,
And write and utter words from the upper air,
The motion and potentiality of the aether,
Vibrated to echo through the void,
Amid light, conciousness, crystallising matter from sound,
Gave the brahmans a feast of endless power and knowledge,

You gifted happily to enable our civilizations to develop,
And yet centuries have past,
The sadness and grief drawn over your face,
The unbridled anger, towards this world that has fallen out from your hands,
Is shared among those who still have not forgotten you,
As you have watched us fall from grace,
A perfected creation of nature, descended to give to the improvished,
A creation stricken with moral degradation, extensive disease and mortality,
Alas, weakness has seaped, deep into our bones, amid your absence,
With a deep longing for the bright days of the Satya Yuga,
You showed your compassion and providence in Lemuria,
A smile bright on your face as you toiled to give them the best,
Hard honest labor, virtues of good ethics, you inspired in your people,
From the peak of Mount Kumara, Soten be thy name,
To your presence in egypt, the great god Ptah,
Even the Vedas, mention you, the exalted Shiva,
For most of the world has greatly forgotten you,
And only have inklings of memory,
For others they never knew you,
Those of us who sit and wait,
Live our lives the best we can,
We are never fully satisfied,
Only distracting ourselves,
As how we hope to see the great waterbearer, the green man, return home again,
What great a day,
To see Enki,
Enlil of the air,
Ninhursag and the mighty Marduk
And Babbar,
All of you, propelled forth crossing great distance to us,
To rebuild the cities long lost and improve them,
To assist in rebirthing us all as anew,
God of the life giving waters,
Breathing into us the gift of existing, and a bright shining soul,
May your sanjak be never removed from the memory of us who remember you,

May the peacock of bronze and gold shine unceasingly, again,
May Enlil smile once again, as he loosens the bolts of the heavens,
Raining down on the old city of Nippur, he used to hold dear,
May the yezidi people,
Who live near the towers of lalish,
Whos plight is true, carried the spirit and heart of your grand vision,
May Sheik Adi, breathe a sigh of relief, as the world comes full circle,
God of yoga, giver of shakti, to throw ourselves into its piercing heat, to purify us from our fragile
You are not forgotten,
my dear friend,
Enki of Eridu, Lord of the Earth.
Bipolar Bear said:
A well crafted epic, my friend. It has a nice awe inspiring ring to it. However, if I may, I would avoid using words like "modern" and I would not mention Darwin.

I understand your point, however It's mentioned to convey an important point.

While his work pioneered an understanding of evolution which is a universal reality, it came with the consequence of misunderstanding our true origins.
Sadly by that time in history the truth was rather buried, but I made that point for a reason.

Perhaps I should give it some greater thought or someone who knows more than us on the subject can comment.
serpentwalker666 said:
Bipolar Bear said:
A well crafted epic, my friend. It has a nice awe inspiring ring to it. However, if I may, I would avoid using words like "modern" and I would not mention Darwin.

I understand your point, however It's mentioned to convey an important point.

While his work pioneered an understanding of evolution which is a universal reality, it came with the consequence of misunderstanding our true origins.
Sadly by that time in history the truth was rather buried, but I made that point for a reason.

Perhaps I should give it some greater thought or someone who knows more than us on the subject can comment.

No, I get your original point, just that there is no need to mention him by name. You can introduce this important point somehow more elegantly, you don't need to dismiss it. It is a good point.
Bipolar Bear said:
serpentwalker666 said:
Bipolar Bear said:
A well crafted epic, my friend. It has a nice awe inspiring ring to it. However, if I may, I would avoid using words like "modern" and I would not mention Darwin.

I understand your point, however It's mentioned to convey an important point.

While his work pioneered an understanding of evolution which is a universal reality, it came with the consequence of misunderstanding our true origins.
Sadly by that time in history the truth was rather buried, but I made that point for a reason.

Perhaps I should give it some greater thought or someone who knows more than us on the subject can comment.

No, I get your original point, just that there is no need to mention him by name. You can introduce this important point somehow more elegantly, you don't need to dismiss it. It is a good point.

Understood. I'll keep that in mind.
sshivafr said:
Wonderful writing, my beloved brother.

Enki is the name and the epic by which I was guided to Father Satan, that's how important this name is to me: Enki! ❤🖤

I hope you are well, my brother.

Thank you my sister. I understand and relate to that, as I've felt particularly drawn to Father Satan and how he is also called Enki.

Enki and the whole epic and pantheon this is based on I found one of the most awe inducing and inspiring for me, along with the hellenic pantheon and interpretation.

I am doing well, thank you.
Beautiful use of words! This touched my Soul and I am moved by the light that shines forth from this creative endeavor. Thank you for sharing this! My favorite story is "The Lost Book of Enki" by Zacheria Sitchin. Yes, He is a lying Jew and takes creative license in the disinformation he includes in the book. However, I am fascinated by the tale of our human origins and want to believe there are little kernals of truth in his tale. This Epic poem reminds me of that beloved tale.

Hail Satanas!!!!!
Hail Enki!!!!
Beautiful use of words! This touched my Soul and I am moved by the light that shines forth from this creative endeavor. Thank you for sharing this! My favorite story is "The Lost Book of Enki" by Zacheria Sitchin. Yes, He is a lying Jew and takes creative license in the disinformation he includes in the book. However, I am fascinated by the tale of our human origins and want to believe there are little kernals of truth in his tale. This Epic poem reminds me of that beloved tale.

Hail Satanas!!!!!
Hail Enki!!!!

Thank you for enjoying my writing, it means alot to me. I consider this my favorite and best out of all I've ever written. Sure it could use some things looking back at it now, but I am pleased with it.

Much of my inspiration was Sumerian Mythology and various other things like the Yazidi, and Ancient Hinduism.
Enki of Eridu,
Who's kingdom laid among the Chaldeans,
Was left cold to the touch and eroded by time,
Ravaged by war, blood shed and deceit,
The passage of centuries and many a seasons,
Long since the scribe foretold and wrote your revelations,
Enscribed on lapis lazuli tablets,
Encased waiting for the modern people to rediscover your words,
You spoke of a time when the soils were endlessly fertile,
And men and women were as perfected as you and Ninhursag,
Enlightened and filled with purpose,
With brilliant minds and power to make us in the Iron Age tremble,
You spoke of a cosmic war of catastrophic proportions,
A war among gods over us mortals,
Evil winds spreading across the world,
And your eventual departure and retreat,
At the hands of your enemies who cursed you and wanted us as slaves,
Evidence of your creation and alteration of our natural evolution has long since been buried,
Your work destroyed in endless centuries of wars,
historical forgeries, and genocide,
And statues in your image, crumbled and desecrated in pure hatred,
Darwin who's work was encouraged yet contained a few fatal flaws, concerning the creation of
humanity, took its place among our primitive modern sciences,
Hundreds of centuries after your throne was forgotten,
The siddhis, one of your many gifts, discounted and thrown into dismay among those who called
themselves scientists, and scholars alike,
Skeptics stand in opposition to your divine creation,
A design crafted from the hands of a true master,
Drawn spirit by breath into the flesh,
And instructed the Sumerians on how to toil the soil,
Craft and chisel monuments of colossal stone,
Pace the movement of the heavens,
And write and utter words from the upper air,
The motion and potentiality of the aether,
Vibrated to echo through the void,
Amid light, conciousness, crystallising matter from sound,
Gave the brahmans a feast of endless power and knowledge,

You gifted happily to enable our civilizations to develop,
And yet centuries have past,
The sadness and grief drawn over your face,
The unbridled anger, towards this world that has fallen out from your hands,
Is shared among those who still have not forgotten you,
As you have watched us fall from grace,
A perfected creation of nature, descended to give to the improvished,
A creation stricken with moral degradation, extensive disease and mortality,
Alas, weakness has seaped, deep into our bones, amid your absence,
With a deep longing for the bright days of the Satya Yuga,
You showed your compassion and providence in Lemuria,
A smile bright on your face as you toiled to give them the best,
Hard honest labor, virtues of good ethics, you inspired in your people,
From the peak of Mount Kumara, Soten be thy name,
To your presence in egypt, the great god Ptah,
Even the Vedas, mention you, the exalted Shiva,
For most of the world has greatly forgotten you,
And only have inklings of memory,
For others they never knew you,
Those of us who sit and wait,
Live our lives the best we can,
We are never fully satisfied,
Apenas nos distraindo,
Assim como esperamos ver o grande aguadeiro, o homem verde, retornar para casa novamente,
Que dia maravilhoso,
Para ver Enki,
Enlil do ar,
Ninhursag e o poderoso Marduk
E Babbar,
Todos vocês, impulsionados cruzando grandes distâncias até nós,
Para reconstruir as cidades há muito perdidas e melhorá-las,
Para ajudar a renascer todos nós como novos,
Deus das águas que dão vida,
Inspirando em nós o dom de existir e uma alma brilhante e radiante,
Que seu sanjak nunca seja removido da memória de nós que nos lembramos de você,

Que o pavão de bronze e ouro brilhe incessantemente, novamente,
Que Enlil sorria mais uma vez, enquanto ele solta os parafusos dos céus,
Chovendo na velha cidade de Nippur, ele costumava ter carinho,
Que o povo yazidi,
Que vivem perto das torres de Lalish,
Cuja situação é verdadeira, carregava o espírito e o coração de sua grande visão,
Que o Sheik Adi respire aliviado, enquanto o mundo completa um ciclo,
Deus do yoga, doador de shakti, para nos lançarmos em seu calor penetrante, para nos purificar de nossa fragilidade
Você não foi esquecido,
meu caro amigo,
Enki de Eridu, Senhor da Terra.
Maravilhosas suas palavras, emocionante.
Salve Satanás
Enki of Eridu,
Who's kingdom laid among the Chaldeans,
Was left cold to the touch and eroded by time,
Ravaged by war, blood shed and deceit,
The passage of centuries and many a seasons,
Long since the scribe foretold and wrote your revelations,
Enscribed on lapis lazuli tablets,
Encased waiting for the modern people to rediscover your words,
You spoke of a time when the soils were endlessly fertile,
And men and women were as perfected as you and Ninhursag,
Enlightened and filled with purpose,
With brilliant minds and power to make us in the Iron Age tremble,
You spoke of a cosmic war of catastrophic proportions,
A war among gods over us mortals,
Evil winds spreading across the world,
And your eventual departure and retreat,
At the hands of your enemies who cursed you and wanted us as slaves,
Evidence of your creation and alteration of our natural evolution has long since been buried,
Your work destroyed in endless centuries of wars,
historical forgeries, and genocide,
And statues in your image, crumbled and desecrated in pure hatred,
Darwin who's work was encouraged yet contained a few fatal flaws, concerning the creation of
humanity, took its place among our primitive modern sciences,
Hundreds of centuries after your throne was forgotten,
The siddhis, one of your many gifts, discounted and thrown into dismay among those who called
themselves scientists, and scholars alike,
Skeptics stand in opposition to your divine creation,
A design crafted from the hands of a true master,
Drawn spirit by breath into the flesh,
And instructed the Sumerians on how to toil the soil,
Craft and chisel monuments of colossal stone,
Pace the movement of the heavens,
And write and utter words from the upper air,
The motion and potentiality of the aether,
Vibrated to echo through the void,
Amid light, conciousness, crystallising matter from sound,
Gave the brahmans a feast of endless power and knowledge,

You gifted happily to enable our civilizations to develop,
And yet centuries have past,
The sadness and grief drawn over your face,
The unbridled anger, towards this world that has fallen out from your hands,
Is shared among those who still have not forgotten you,
As you have watched us fall from grace,
A perfected creation of nature, descended to give to the improvished,
A creation stricken with moral degradation, extensive disease and mortality,
Alas, weakness has seaped, deep into our bones, amid your absence,
With a deep longing for the bright days of the Satya Yuga,
You showed your compassion and providence in Lemuria,
A smile bright on your face as you toiled to give them the best,
Hard honest labor, virtues of good ethics, you inspired in your people,
From the peak of Mount Kumara, Soten be thy name,
To your presence in egypt, the great god Ptah,
Even the Vedas, mention you, the exalted Shiva,
For most of the world has greatly forgotten you,
And only have inklings of memory,
For others they never knew you,
Those of us who sit and wait,
Live our lives the best we can,
We are never fully satisfied,
Only distracting ourselves,
As how we hope to see the great waterbearer, the green man, return home again,
What great a day,
To see Enki,
Enlil of the air,
Ninhursag and the mighty Marduk
And Babbar,
All of you, propelled forth crossing great distance to us,
To rebuild the cities long lost and improve them,
To assist in rebirthing us all as anew,
God of the life giving waters,
Breathing into us the gift of existing, and a bright shining soul,
May your sanjak be never removed from the memory of us who remember you,

May the peacock of bronze and gold shine unceasingly, again,
May Enlil smile once again, as he loosens the bolts of the heavens,
Raining down on the old city of Nippur, he used to hold dear,
May the yezidi people,
Who live near the towers of lalish,
Whos plight is true, carried the spirit and heart of your grand vision,
May Sheik Adi, breathe a sigh of relief, as the world comes full circle,
God of yoga, giver of shakti, to throw ourselves into its piercing heat, to purify us from our fragile
You are not forgotten,
my dear friend,
Enki of Eridu, Lord of the Earth.

Your poem is enough to move an SS to tears.

To honor your work, I made this (very small changes like "who's" to whose, bloodshed, and an added comma somewhere — I truly hope you don't mind these, I work in the content writing sector and these jumped to my eye).

bigger version promotion version.png
bigger version simple.png
I only added the first part of your epic now due to time and space constraints, but if you approve of it I can work around and make something like this for the entire piece. ❤️
A second pair of eyes brought to my attention that the colors might not work too well together, so here are some more versions + optimized text placement.

[I apologize for flooding your thread.]

View attachment 5369View attachment 5370

View attachment 5371View attachment 5372

I cannot express to you how much this means to me, to see you enjoy and cherish this enough to put my writing in this lovely formatting.

Truly, thank you. May Father Satanas deeply bless you. This touches my heart.
I only added the first part of your epic now due to time and space constraints, but if you approve of it I can work around and make something like this for the entire piece. ❤️

Yes we can discuss this, I will shoot you a message soon when I have time. Thank you.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
