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Energy sense


New member
Jan 11, 2024
Hi my fellow members of the house of the God's,

Today I have a question. I have a sense that is located where it feels to be the center of my brain toward the front.

With this sense I can "see" energy, like a radar and the position of my body parts, even in the dark. My eyes do not see it, but this sense does.

Scientists recently discovered humans can sense magnetic fields, though for most they can not actively perceive the sense and do so subconsciously.

Since I can actually "see" energy this way, which it kind of looks like light with blackness as a background detected like a sort of sonar, I can also direct it using my nervous system in the exact pattern I want. Although this does take practice and I honestly speaking, do not practice enough.

I can also "see" people within 10 feet around me with this sense, well their fields at least. I have tried consciously expanding it out to "see" further, but that is really hard to do.

My question is, do any of you have the same sense? Also, what is a good way to develop it further than I already have? I want consistent energy abilities that I can
use when ever I want, however I want. I am a moral person, so of course I use them morally.

Thank you for reading this and I hope to hear from others to investigate this further together.
Also, something I should add, is that scientists call the sense in humans and other animals that can sense magnetic fields, magnetoreception.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
