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Empowering the soul: does it affect social life?


New member
Apr 22, 2018
South Africa
Over the past 2 months, I have intensified my spiritual practices. There have been incredible benefits and I can feel the growth.

However, as I've grown, I've noticed something interesting happening with my social life.

There are people who I feel drained speaking to, so I've been weeding them out of my social circles. There are also people who don't seem to stick around too long, and not because of any falling out or suchlike. They just stop being communicative.

I'm curious to know if this is normal, to have less people in your life as you develop spiritually. I imagine it is because, in my mind, as you grow you get stronger, and your strength of spirit repels weaker souls.

If it is natural, should I experience and learn from this loneliness? Or would it be more beneficial to affirm for healthier friendships and relationships?
It's more than natural.
With advancement you will notice A LOT more people's retardation and the degeneracy people are into. You will naturally want to distance from people, as you will grow superior to most of the sheep.
Of course don't become a dick, being superior doesn't mean to be arrogant but rather have more wisdom and knowing when and how to engage in social interactions.

Me personally, if It weren't for school I would have very little interaction with other people, and very gladly so. Most social interactions the npcs take part in are incredibly shallow and a waste of time for an SS.
Were social creatures, but as we climb the mountain we find fewer and fewer people besides us. Its definitely hard being physically placed among so many people of lower vibrational energies, I personally find my refuge in these forums with one or two not really close friends in irl. You can always do a working to attract quality friends, I'd always keep in mind though to not reveal your satanic nature to them once you've found them. (unless of course at a certain point you deem them safe and worthy of such knowledge)
PrometheusRex said:
Over the past 2 months, I have intensified my spiritual practices. There have been incredible benefits and I can feel the growth.

However, as I've grown, I've noticed something interesting happening with my social life.

There are people who I feel drained speaking to, so I've been weeding them out of my social circles. There are also people who don't seem to stick around too long, and not because of any falling out or suchlike. They just stop being communicative.

I'm curious to know if this is normal, to have less people in your life as you develop spiritually. I imagine it is because, in my mind, as you grow you get stronger, and your strength of spirit repels weaker souls.

If it is natural, should I experience and learn from this loneliness? Or would it be more beneficial to affirm for healthier friendships and relationships?
Yep, totally normal. This does not mean you can't have friends but unless you find decent people or SS, its going to be difficult to deal with normies. You just become aware of their bullshits and most of the time you would not want to do 'normies' things. You can always use magick to find good friends.
PrometheusRex said:
Over the past 2 months, I have intensified my spiritual practices. There have been incredible benefits and I can feel the growth.

However, as I've grown, I've noticed something interesting happening with my social life.

There are people who I feel drained speaking to, so I've been weeding them out of my social circles. There are also people who don't seem to stick around too long, and not because of any falling out or suchlike. They just stop being communicative.

I'm curious to know if this is normal, to have less people in your life as you develop spiritually. I imagine it is because, in my mind, as you grow you get stronger, and your strength of spirit repels weaker souls.

If it is natural, should I experience and learn from this loneliness? Or would it be more beneficial to affirm for healthier friendships and relationships?

This is absolutely normal, if you’re just doing standard meditations and not using and black or pure white which can cause isolation. People will separate from your life and clear out to make way for ones that are better for you. Changes of residency may even occur, or job changes.

Perform detachment workings for parasitic draining relationships, and keep advancing. You will attract better individuals and find yourself in the right spot. You could also be experiencing a possible saturn Venus transit or Saturn to another planet aspecting dealings with friends. When saturn transited my Venus, I suddenly lost friends for no apparent reason. I was also advancing at the same time and this was channeled positively because the friends I lost we’re not friends that I needed. Some were replaced with better ones even through the transit, but some just got blocked off anyway for no good reason.
As you go further with your empowering and deeper with the meditation, expect to be more ''lonely''. This is totally natural and its because you vibrate in a higher level. Proceed and don't be afraid
Its pretty normal I think. If you are different in your level of understanding and vibration people may sense that. I noticed it really was not that easy in my life to make friends and people I was friends with did not stick around that much. Especially people of my own gender I don't quite get that. All of my friends have been female most guys after a bit dont like me for some reason. This was not fully because of SS either it was because I am an older soul and more feminine in energy and expression (probably third gender as we call it here) so anyways somehow that makes people uncomfortable.

The spiritual aspect of it is that your energy will conflict with the total NPC like people sometimes on a deep level. You both may feel that on some level and since they are shallow anyways they will just drop you.

But you will be ok try to find some people to talk to who are a little different and not so degenerated than the rest a few of them exist just about everywhere and often they don't have many friends either. Even if they are not an SS you will feel way better around them. Just don't push your beliefs on anyone.

But anyways maybe you want to do a ritual. I found a girlfriend who is somewhat like me she didn't have many friends either she came to SS recently and is doing the rtrs.

That will do for now i guess. I mean i wish there were more people I could connect too do things and hang out with so does she. But the fact is most people are really low level and shallow. It will hurt you if you connect too much to most people anyways. They won't understand it.

This is my comment on this. The forums are a good place to come too. If you can find one or two people to relate to somewhat you will be fine.
A powerful AoP will gradually push away people who are toxic to you. Some people are toxic for you in ways you may not even notice.

The more clean and empowered you are, the more easily you will become accepted by others. Feeling drained when talking to certain people is often a sign they are a lowly psychic vampire, severing connections with such people is definitely the right thing to do.

My AoP pushes such people away in such a strong manner I almost paralyze even if I'm actively trying to talk with them, like part of me simply does not allow me to connect with them.

In my experience people become more friendly and helpful the more clean and empowered my soul becomes. Working on your charisma helps with this. I always advise people to work on their charisma and social skills, learn how to be efficient at making friends. Life is much easier when you surround yourself with people who have your back.
It took me a very long time to learn social etiquette. I was an ass years ago, but you'll hear from my current colleagues and peers that I have an almost unnatural talent with people skills.

Although I get angry at people for their slights against me, I don't lash out in anger anymore. Instead, they don't get any ot my time or energy. That'll probably lead to a distancing from them, but those are the people I'd want distance from.

In terms of astrology, I - embarrassingly - haven't been following as closely as I should the last 2 months, but I can say I completed a Saturn square, which would definitely have an effect on my social life, especially with my affirmation.

Besides the (honestly) welcome loss of these parasitic souls, I am keeping a lot people who would be toxic out. Not entirely intentionally. I'd talk with people and things would be going well, but, after a day, there doesn't seem to be an interest from either side to try.

I was curious about doing a working to attract healthier and more beneficial people for me using a Venus square, but I'm uncertain of which square to use (the spiritual or physical square). Any advice?

Thank you, everyone.
PrometheusRex said:
It took me a very long time to learn social etiquette. I was an ass years ago, but you'll hear from my current colleagues and peers that I have an almost unnatural talent with people skills.

Although I get angry at people for their slights against me, I don't lash out in anger anymore. Instead, they don't get any ot my time or energy. That'll probably lead to a distancing from them, but those are the people I'd want distance from.

In terms of astrology, I - embarrassingly - haven't been following as closely as I should the last 2 months, but I can say I completed a Saturn square, which would definitely have an effect on my social life, especially with my affirmation.

Besides the (honestly) welcome loss of these parasitic souls, I am keeping a lot people who would be toxic out. Not entirely intentionally. I'd talk with people and things would be going well, but, after a day, there doesn't seem to be an interest from either side to try.

I was curious about doing a working to attract healthier and more beneficial people for me using a Venus square, but I'm uncertain of which square to use (the spiritual or physical square). Any advice?

Thank you, everyone.

The Venus Square might be helpful as would Jupiter I would use the Material. If you in general want people to be friendlier to you use that as an affirmation. Best time to do Jupiter Square is next May through July when it's in Pisces (retrograde actually doesn't harm this one much as Jupiter is even more positive retrograde as it says on the JOS site) if your looking to attract friends or a partner come up with something specific there.

Good Luck..

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
