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Emotions problem

Oct 19, 2009
I'm going thru another hard time on the emotion, the other 3 runes I'm doing are helping to fix some things.
But this is a connection to the heart with the other half.
And I'm wondering if there is anything else I can do to break it besides time and fix these problem. Draw back I'm having mixed emotionss on wanting to stay witch is strong on it vs the wanting it to be over and gone with, and I don't want a connection with it especially after what happened.

Hail father Satan
Hail mother Lilith
Hail all the Deitie gods/goddess
if youre referring to what is commonly described as heartbreak, i know
better than anyone how that feels and it is not in any enjoyable or
positive in any respect by my terms.

i have also had some more severe cases of that, where i wanted to try
again with the offender (and this didn't end well, but i wont give any
more details than that for personal reasons). there are different
things you need to consider in cases of any kind of relationship to
decide what is best for you and your well being. i often call this
"drawing a map", in that when i do that i look back at everything that
has happened between me and the person in question, ultimately aiming
to identify the true nature of the relationship (im not talking about
lovers, "mates", etc *different words for the same thing* im talking
about in general, not just that specifically; i already married a
demon when i was legally 18 or 19 years of age so thats not something
i ever have problems with as both me and him are very much alike).
here are some simple things you can ask yourself to help reach a
conclusion about the relationship in question:

1. the general cycle (does this person try to "win" your trust/ love,
and then exploit that in any way at all that leaves you feeling
miserable, angry, etc... this is typically easy to detect if youre
observant and careful enough and these types are not hard to "pick
out" so to speak, i believe this is a form of psychic vampirism as
people who act this way tend to repeat this in an endless circle
unless the victim becomes aware of it and is strong enough to
psychically block them and nullify their ability to succeed here, this
can be done easily with MUNKA 108 rounds and then just state your
affirmation like normal and seal off your aura+ close your chakras to
further hamper the offenders efforts as much as possible). but with
anything, its very important that you 100% want to let go, any open
space so to speak can weaken or in worst cases ruin the whole thing
altogether. in cases of more severe abuse i suggest performing the
necessary revenge rituals (i know thats not what youre asking but just
a reminder). like always with that, its very important you are
stronger than the person you are targeting (as i call it). if you
aren't strong enough this can make it either very difficult or even

from me personally, ive had some experiences where a person left me
heartbroken enough that the emotion had literally (im not sure how,
but i felt it very strongly) turned from love to pure hatred and i
would take an astral scythe and literally hack at the astral ties with
full force and rage (pure desire and will to break them forever, my
emotion was very extreme here as i felt this hatred in my own physical
eyes). what i could hardly believe that happened here was how i felt
after i did this: i felt at peace and like little or nothing had
happened at all, but again prior to the occasions this did happen i
had been meditating for several months and knew it was the combined
power of my will, hatred, and overall energy field that granted me the
ability to do this under the above conditions. the only time i find
myself unsuccessful with this is if i know im not 100% sure (which can
hamper your efforts with all kinds of things spiritually and
psychically, this is a very important rule with ANY occult workings or
the related, all you have to do is ask yourself if you have any doubts
in your ability/ potential, regardless of where you are spiritually
any open space like this can even destroy the whole working in worst
cases, a quick way to undo your own work which you obviously dont
want). fear is another common issue with spiritual workings, if you
have any fear here this can also hamper/ destroy your own work, or for
some just stop you altogether from proceeding. its hard for me to say
which is worse, as i know any problems vary from person to person so
for me to say which is worse wouldn't be very accurate (if that makes

im not sure if i answered your question, but what i have above is my
own experiences and personal study that might help... if whatever
you're going through is any kind of repetitive cycle that is negative,
i would focus on countering/ ending that as best you can. another
thing to look at is nasty planets/ transits that are capable of
causing all kinds of bad things, this can get bad especially if one is
unaware of it. im psychically open enough and experienced with this
that i can easily feel it both physically and astrally, as i know how
karmic/ bad energies by heart from experience so its easy for me to
detect as long as i remain calm and open enough (this can be tough for
newer people or anyone who is new to power meditation, but do the best
you can). all i do here is the MUNKA working twice a day and the
negative force seems to weaken quite much after the first sitting
(again, the amount of work needed depends on your spiritual power so
this might not always happen), then i just do another at night and for
me this seems to weaken the karmic energies quite a lot as long as i
continue this routine.

hope things get better for you, i had a nasty struggle early on as
well though it doesn't seem exactly the same based on what im getting
here, but i was a horrible mess at the time so i know very well how
painful tough times are.

i wish the best for you, hope things lighten up and look better.

On 11/13/16, truthenki1@... [JoS4adults]
<[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
I'm going thru another hard time on the emotion, the other 3 runes I'm doing
are helping to fix some things.
But this is a connection to the heart with the other half.
And I'm wondering if there is anything else I can do to break it besides
time and fix these problem. Draw back I'm having mixed emotionss on wanting
to stay witch is strong on it vs the wanting it to be over and gone with,
and I don't want a connection with it especially after what happened.

Hail father Satan
Hail mother Lilith
Hail all the Deitie gods/goddess
If you were in a relationship with this person, there are probably energy links between you and the person. Severing the links will help you free yourself from the other person.

Detaching Unwanted People/Entities from Your Aura http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ching.html   Fighting Back http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... _Back.html

If thoughts about the other person are hard to get rid of, practice void meditation daily. Daily void meditation gives you the ability to control your mind and banish unwanted thoughts at will. The flame meditation is also good for improving focus.
Void Meditationhttp://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ation.html

Flame Meditationhttp://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ation.html

U know I can't be sure if it's a heart break, feels more betrayed and hurt of the whole thing.

I know I have some kind of connection, I feel a little better today though.

And sounds like u want thru more then I did. But good ur doing better.

The mix feeling is I think do to connext ion it gets strong er and scare at nighr time. Not sure why yet.

But sounds like munka is the best way at the moment sense im having hard time thinking straight and having mixed feelings.
Will see how it goes.
Thank you for sharing and giving me some to think about.
yes, i know what betrayal feels like quite well also... thats also
quite bad. thats one emotion besides heartbreak that left hurt enough
that my powers/ energy seemed to "skyrocket" for lack a better words
which granted me the ability to sever the negative connections
significantly faster than i would at other times. unfortunately, its
difficult for me to know exactly what causes noticeable more powerful
effects under these conditions other than what i described in my
previous post and (i think) written above.

ive tried to do research across the web when i had time (yes, im well
aware of enemy/ jewish texts that have fake or dangerous instructions
or just plain trash, i know how to naturally detect these but for
newer people, please be aware of this, they give those instructions to
hurt people), but i dont recall finding much (if anything) on the
subject... its also either been long enough or ive been to preoccupied
spiritually to remember or really look into it. although, i do believe
the article on the main site regarding the kundalini serpent and
satanism/ bioelectricity answers this but on a more general/ simple
scale. im more of a curious one personally, i like to learn specifics
on this sort of thing and one of personal dreams is to ace every so
called "supernatural" power/ ability existing. i admit it might sound
impossible to some of you, but im not one to just give up like that in
any situation. thats one of my most major motives with nearly
everything: the will to never give up.

On 11/14/16, truthenki1@... [JoS4adults]
<[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
U know I can't be sure if it's a heart break, feels more betrayed and hurt
of the whole thing.

I know I have some kind of connection, I feel a little better today though.

And sounds like u want thru more then I did. But good ur doing better.

The mix feeling is I think do to connext ion it gets strong er and scare at
nighr time. Not sure why yet.

But sounds like munka is the best way at the moment sense im having hard
time thinking straight and having mixed feelings.
Will see how it goes.
Thank you for sharing and giving me some to think about.
Thanks Johnson and Tsubaki for ur times and helps, on my situation.
Hope to be back to some what normal by the end of this week if not by next week.
Means time in will keep focusing and pushing forward.
Hail father SatanHail mother LilithHail all the Deitie gods / goddess
I'm redoing this do to having hard time moving forward again,
I'm giving time and I'm trying to see the person as little as possible, but sense me and her have offspring makes it hard as can be.

The runes does help and some other things but it's for me just a sub thing then comes back hard.

Becuase what she did, I hurt becuase of it.
She says she hurts for what she did and never mean it but I have hard time seeing that for after else that want down.... I'm not sure where to go from this.

I know I sound like I'm crying here, but in the end of it.
I can't focus still to the point I get emotion unstable and get mad easy and I feel never want a relationship again and I just want to vanish not see my young one and her or anyone anymore of this place.....

Mmm...so some help on this, I am trying to do cleaning and trying to do my rtr and advancement but I'm not feeling it do to being unstable, and some times I do a have ass of it, meaning I do some then I lose focus and don't do any more for the day.

Have other things going on making it hard along with that... everything is falling apart.....more and more.

The thought comes up some times hits hard and I try to push it out and aside...mmm

Again any advice or help. Thanks

Hail father Satan
Hail mother Lilith
Hail all the Deitie gods/goddess
If you do some meditation and then nothing the rest of the day, that will undo progress you may have made and send you back to square one. You need to meditate consistently every day. Skipping meditations undermines your progress. Skipping meditations allows your energy to drop and that causes problems like anxiety, depression, and a weakening of your soul.

The same goes for runes. If a problem is severe, you need to vibrate the runes every day for 40 days to make the effects permanent.
Understand what u saying, akemi,
But I don't skip days, what i am saying is I do the meditation everyday but alot of times I don't do the full schedule i have, sense I get to much then becuase my mind starts with images of the pain I have and my emotions follow it.

I have yet to skip a day on the munka or rune....
I still clean my self and protection.
But it's like it dont help. Like I need to take in something. Not sure how to explain it...

Like everything is as said before falling apart and I'm kind of stuff how to fix it exempt the things I'm doing now and the runes that was recomanded, thy work but the feeling comes, stronger some times and the images the same...

Not sure u understand or if anyone does... if not I guess I will figure it out when time comes.


Hail father Satan
Hail mother Lilith
Hail all the Deitie gods/goddess
i understand what you seem to be going through, my backstory for lack
a better words is similar in some ways. i too had a long past of
similar abuse, which often resulted in me crying and later led me to
nasty drugs which i was too blindfolded to truly see was NOT a
solution, but something that only makes problems in general worse. A
LOT worse. the drug abuse was towards the tail end of my struggle, as
one day i just couldn't take it anymore and mysteriously told myself
its time to stop playing around and become as powerful as possible. as
for the offenders and what they did to me, that story so to speak is
crazy long and impossible for me to write out now due to time

to keep it simple, ever since that final breakdown i had always been
as id call "driven by hatred to set things right". that is of course,
hatred for my personal enemies along with Father's enemies (especially
them, everyone here knows theyre by far the worst). of course, i know
to say that it was hatred alone that has driven me to fight and train
relentlessly as i have this year is not entirely correct; i love
Father Satan. and its because i love him that i have the will to never
give up, no matter how bleak anything looks. as months passed and i
grew stronger, more and more things began to surface as i advanced,
and my overall power and emotional stability also increased
significantly, at the present time i feel and notice a strong physical
and spiritual balance in my everyday life which is what allows me to
deal with things in general considerably better than i had prior to my

as for what to do in your current situation which im sensing is rather
bleak, there is one thing ive learned in this life and i cant stress
enough how true and important this really is: sometimes you have to
force yourself to set your feelings for someone aside and do what is
best for you, especially if youre having frequent breakdowns because
of the person in question. this is especially true in the case of
psychic vampires who damn people into repeating the same mistakes in a
perpetual cycle where he/she thrives off the badness energy. the
biggest problem with these people is being able to effectively detect
them unless one is open or advanced enough to recognize these types
with little effort, as oftentimes the psychic vampire plays what i
often call "circus act" and psychologically destroys someone to the
point of extremes, then comes to him/her and apologizes. i have also
found that people like these can be unconscious of the above which
makes the whole thing a LOT worse in the case of the victim lacking
the psychic skills to detect this ugly cycle. a lot of my psychic
skills relate to that of the Japanese ninja, which i feel has some
connection to my ability to easily detect these types provided i keep
my head clear of all else not pertaining to the issue (this is just
what it seems like to me).

talents in general, whether psychic or physical, often vary from
person to person and thus some things come easier for one person than
another, but nearly everything can be resolved with enough power,
persistence, and practice from what ive learned.

as for what to do about that relationship, i know this wont be easy
for you to read/ hear, but i highly suggest you break that
relationship if its destroying you enough that you cant focus on your
workings or power meditations. i dont like saying that, but as i said
and have done myself, its important to set aside your fears and do
what you must for your own good. i feel horrible not speaking of your
offspring here, i cant word how terribly sorry i am leaving them out
of my message, but its loud and clear to me that for you its time to
let go and set your fears aside. i know very well this isnt easy for
you to take or even do, but im giving you my honest answer and

On 11/29/16, truthenki1@... [JoS4adults]
<[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
I'm redoing this do to having hard time moving forward again,
I'm giving time and I'm trying to see the person as little as possible, but
sense me and her have offspring makes it hard as can be.

The runes does help and some other things but it's for me just a sub thing
then comes back hard.

Becuase what she did, I hurt becuase of it.
She says she hurts for what she did and never mean it but I have hard time
seeing that for after else that want down.... I'm not sure where to go from

I know I sound like I'm crying here, but in the end of it.
I can't focus still to the point I get emotion unstable and get mad easy and
I feel never want a relationship again and I just want to vanish not see my
young one and her or anyone anymore of this place.....

Mmm...so some help on this, I am trying to do cleaning and trying to do my
rtr and advancement but I'm not feeling it do to being unstable, and some
times I do a have ass of it, meaning I do some then I lose focus and don't
do any more for the day.

Have other things going on making it hard along with that... everything is
falling apart.....more and more.

The thought comes up some times hits hard and I try to push it out and

Again any advice or help. Thanks

Hail father Satan
Hail mother Lilith
Hail all the Deitie gods/goddess
You need to let go and detach from the feelings. The more you focus on the feelings, the stronger they will get. Void meditation will give you the power to banish the unwanted thoughts.

You need to detach any connections between you and the other person. When detaching the connections, you need to want the connections gone. If you do not want the connections gone, the meditation will fail and the connections will remain. You need to ignore any anxiety/doubts and know with absolute certainty that the connections are gone.

Detaching Unwanted People/Entities from Your Aurahttp://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ching.html  Fighting BackFighting Back
Took a little time after reading what you 2 have said.

And I see clearer what I should've done in the begining and was also hard for other distrections.

But thank you also for taking time and helping figure it out.

As many has said let nature takes its course and move on, this what I was having hard time with. Especially letting go for the grudge I had felt like was hurting me instaid of moving forward.

So far letting go has been a little easier and i can starting looking forward.

Of course I still need to see her but it's easier now especially for my son.

And it's okay my son wasn't mentioned sense this is new to us.

My only hope is that I don't get any more news that will shake my world again...

Thank you again for the help and letting me see brighter.

Hail father Satan
Hail mother Lilith
Hail all the Deitie gods/goddess

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
