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Eagles - Hotel California, Satanic messages.

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Many people know Eagles and surely, they have been the ones to have hit the top. Their song Hotel California has been another top hit of theirs, with a distinct way of containing Satanic meaning. Like all good artists, they arose the interest in Satan and other things of our side, speaking from art and allegory.

Following up on High Priest Mageson's Sermon on Led Zeppelin, one has to give out this one aswell.

This all hits deep inside the mind and awakens the masses. As always, they have been controversial and many xians obsessed and made it their life's mission to give mud to the band, in which they failed miserably. Satan is a master of the Arts and music. He has always had the best tunes.

"You have to have the Devil in you to succeed in any of the Arts. " - Voltaire


As you see on the upper right place in the cover, you may see some figure, some xians have claimed its Anton LaVey and they are probably right about it. We have talked on about Anton LaVey. He has been quite a unique personality with quite a unique mission and he did some mistakes, or lets say not mistakes but rather did some personal abuse to what we call Satanism. Part of his 'insane' philosophy and most of his 'reverse xianity' logic, was in my opinion used on purpose to attract the attention of the xian crusaders of his time, to give him a rapid fame and rising, which was nevertheless successful. Though, he accomplished one mission above all: Make an opening for Satanism to come to spotlight, after our members and people with Pagan beliefs were persecuted, killed and suppressed for centuries.

Even the Band's name, Eagles, is a mystic name, related to the sign of scorpio and is a strong occult symbol, but also a symbol of power and freedom.

Then, you have the Backmasking. "In the middle of the night just to hear them say" is backwards played "Satan hears this, He had me believe in Him".

But the song is pretty much Satanic straight played aswell.

So, onward to explain the Lyrics and the Satanic messages in the Song.

"On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair
Warm smell of colitas, rising up through the air
Up ahead in the distance, I saw a shimmering light
My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim
I had to stop for the night."

This part starts on a 'dark desert highway'. Dark is the darkness, when one cannot see. Its not only dark, its also a highway and a desert, which is actually the 'middle of nowhere' in a sense. The person is lost entirely and they are just treading the unknown in spiritual ignorance.

Then there is a mention for colitas, which is infact a nod to the hallucinogenic cannabis. Back in their day, suppression of meditation and practices to expand the mind were supressed and replaced by the jew world order with drugs. People are not only in a dark period but have also fell into drug use, to attempt to see the Truth or any springle of it, as they are lost mentally. People were forced to live in a materialistic world and the only spiritual upbringing was a low quality high of drugs.

Up ahead in the distance, I saw a shimmering light. This relates to hope. Satan is known to be the "Morning star" and also one of his names is Lucifer. The light of the 23th of December, the end of the night and the darkness, the Hope. The head grew heavy and the sight grew dim, so they had to stop for the night. This signfies the moment when one comes in contact with some Truth. One has to stop and contemplate over it.

There she stood in the doorway
I heard the mission bell
And I was thinking to myself
This could be heaven or this could be hell
Then she lit up a candle and she showed me the way
There were voices down the corridor
I thought I heard them say

Now, "She" stood in the doorway. A door way is obviously a road to somewhere and they have to decide whether they will enter the door or not. Its a choice. They were given a chance of Satanic salvation by the "Shimmering Light". Now they have to choose. The "She" is either the decision or could be a subconscious message of someone's Guardian Demon that is always there to guide someone lest they decide to dedicate their Souls to Satan. Then, the mission bell is heard, the inner call of someone for some special mission, to return to their roots. They obviously choose to get 'in' and accept the offering that fate has brought upon them. Immidiately, "She" lit up the candle and she showed them the way [Guidance and making dark things visible]. They hear voices from the corridor [clairaudience, the Demons of Hell and so forth] that welcome them in the Path.

Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place
Such a lovely face
Plenty of room at the Hotel California
Any time of year
You can find it here

As we see here, they are Welcomed in the "Hotel California". Hotel California is actually, our side [but also a nod to the place where we go in the Afterlife, in an artistic expression], which is a lovely and beautiful place, beings accept them with a lovely face. Also, lovely face is the face of their choice to enter. Plenty of room refers to Satan being accepting to all Souls who wish to seek Him and willing to guide them, if they choose as such. Any time of the year, means that its never too late, you can find enlightenment when you are ready to do so. Lovely face is actually a comeback at xianity, where we are told that Satanism [Hotel California] is actually evil or malefic, which they found was never the case. They see a lovely and accepting place and loving faces, acceptance and beauty.

Her mind is Tiffany-twisted, she got the Mercedes Bends
She got a lot of pretty, pretty boys she calls friends
How they dance in the courtyard, sweet summer sweat
Some dance to remember, some dance to forget
So I called up the Captain
Please bring me my wine
He said, we haven't had that spirit here since 1969
And still those voices are calling from far away
Wake you up in the middle of the night
Just to hear them say

This part is something else. About "Her mind being tifanny twisted", there could be many interpretations. In my personal belief, they observe some woman which belongs to Satan and is under his guidance, being inside the physical pleasures of life, too much to see Truth, but nevertheless she is free and is allowed to enjoy her life. They are accepting to her, they are enjoying their lives. Pretty boys might actually be guardian Demons of some Hieracy, or actual sexual relations. In all occasions we see freedom to be as one is. This is also an indicator of success, pleasure and power. Though, its negative and also mentioned in the end part of the song about people overly infested with materialism. People were all about physical riches and goods and many have falsely related Satan to this materialistic mindset and look on our side as a chance to get all their physical dreams, which is not in anyway wrong, but is only ONE part of the whole thing. Its also a big nod to the motives that guide some people in a misguided manner to join our side, to find later that Satanism is for far more than that. This also relates to the part later on: "What a nice surprise (what a nice surprise)".

Now, this part obviously transfers us to another realm. Its like, both him and his friends are in a transcendental state that we could reffer to as Hell. People who have seen Hell know its similar to that. This is where the Souls are kept until they safely and healthily reincarnate, from Satan. They are allowed to enjoy themselves, sit and so forth, talk and communicate, like in a high level of a town. The "darker Souls" and those who are less powerful and knowledgeable are sometimes for their own safety kept elsewhere and from other Humans who are quite ahead, but this is rarely the case. Too much light can in some cases hurt a lesser soul. Total materialists are those who are on a lower level and are not quite font and don't quite understand the Satanic way (even disregard the spiritual to a degree), nevertheless the Gods protect them and guide them. Pleasures and power were always of Satan, but at their age were dragged to the latter end from ultra materialism. This also relates to the general rock scene, that many bands tried to make a 'pact with Satan' and the obvious media propaganda about 'Satan = Riches and fame' crap, which they saw was wrong.

The "Captain" refers to the supervisor of the Place. As some of us know the Souls of Satanists are kept there and enjoy kinds of activities, like a waiting buffer place until we reincarnate again. Maybe in the interpretation, they are actually in this 'dimension'. The singer in the lyrics calls "Wine", which might be actually the name of a deceased friend, Satanism or a code. The "Captain" replies that they "hadn't had that spirit here since 1969". This is blatantly obvious but its put in such manner that people who don't know will say it actually talks about physical wine. Those who "dance to remember and those who dance to forget" are actually spirits who dwell in that place, Human beings with relations, that communicate and settle things or meet again their loved ones, so they can later reincarnate, in other words, they are re-united, for those who happen to be here or they dance with someone else to forget. Their memory and personality is intact so even in the afterlife, they recall memories, have traumas and so forth, which need be worked out, like they did once alive. "The voices that are calling from far away" are those again of the Demons and the Guides who never abandon dedicated people and always positively guide them. They are visited by them and they know they are receiving their help.

Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place (Such a lovely place)
Such a lovely face
They living it up at the Hotel California
What a nice surprise (what a nice surprise)
Bring your alibis

What a nice surprise. They are surprised that actually what was said to be 'dark and evil' is actually so good and benevolent on them. It was actually nothing they have been told about or expected, way better and more exalted. "Bring your alibis" reffers to the alibis used by xians to avoid the Truth, the alibis they gave to themselves everytime they tried to evade knowing the Truth, both them and the xians, the majority that uses alibis to escape facing the Truth.

Mirrors on the ceiling
The pink champagne on ice
And she said: "We are all just prisoners here of our own device"
And in the master's chambers
They gathered for the feast
They stab it with their steely knives
But they just can't kill the beast
Last thing I remember, I was
Running for the door
I had to find the passage back
To the place I was before
"Relax" said the night man
"We are programmed to receive
You can check-out any time you like
But you can never leave!"

This is the last and most intriguing part of all.

The mirrors are and always were used for divination. "Mirrors" can also be a message to contemplation and looking into one's self, one's errors and one's awareness, for good or better, but one's opposite and also plasmatic view. Through mirrors we see the "other part of ourselves" which in Humanity is that of the dormant Pagan. The materialistic mindset of their age in regards to Satan has made them all 'prisoners of their own device', both them present and the xians, the majority of the populace [the pink champagne, even more luxury that is physically tentative]. This part has to do with the ignorant and the xians, who are given a chance, tempted to know Satan but may get confused in the lies told on about Him.

Nevertheless, they are given a chance to feast with Satan and get to know Him [and to see the Truth]. Satan in all His glory accepts them. Some also retain a wrong perception over Satan, who gladly invites them to feast with Him nevertheless. They have created a wrong mindset only to find later that Satan was for more than just materialism or what his enemy and society falsely claimed. Some cannot handle how wrong they were, others simply cannot grasp the enemy work and fall into the trap of trying to attack their own creator, with their "Steely knives". Some people , still retain the wrong perceptions and in the end, they are blinded by lies and are turned against their creator, Satan. They can also deny his teaching for any other reasons, but in the end....Truth is what it is.

But no matter the attempts of the blind, the ignorant and those who wasted their chance with Satan and getting to know the Truth, left Satan untouched and still all powerful, always invulnerable and defiant. Satan is not erased from the memory of people. Some lose the way and still believe the enemy lies, only to find their way later.

Those who were dedicated to Satan / had interest for Him, even if lost and "Running for the door" from all this insanity going around them and all the lies, are told to "relax". They are "programmed to receive" a whole false conception of Satan and Satanism, by society and the church. This is not reality and the hook explains why. The legitimate and those who know Satan Truly, should relax and forget all they have been told by cultural indoctrination, as Satan is nothing but lovely and benevolent, our Pagan God. This is a dual meaning phrase and relates to both the people of Satan and the Xians, as both have been influenced by wrong ideas. While the others have been doing what they have been programmed, so they basically act without their own will and consent, go against Satan, those Truly of Satan have to fight these programmings to in the end understand their creator, look in the "mirror" so to say. Satanists are infact free and not obstructed by any limitations in their choices as to where they should be or what they should do. Satan allows them and gives them freedom. They are even free enough to retreat and free enough to keep in any path...Also, the "check out any time you like" also relates to reincarnation, but also the freedom to do your research, which will eventually lead to the right perception of Satan. You can enter a new life and forget, but as a Soul, you will always belong to Satan and you will enter the path of seeing the Truth.

But not for too long, as they belong to Satan, because once they were intelligent enough to seek Him and Satan abandons none of His followers and on their own accord, when ready,will be brought back in the track of Truth and all the wrong perceptions will give place to the True ones. They will know Satan in the end. They "checked out any time they liked" in any place they wanted, because Satan gave them total freedom, but they later found nothing but lies and emptiness. Once they knew Satan, they had contact with the Truth, which they could never strip off from forever, as its our purpose.

"You can check out any time you like....

But You can never leave."

Once one is of the Truth and of Satan, one belongs to Him and cannot leave for their own damnation in lies and wrong paths.

- High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Many people know Eagles and surely, they have been the ones to have hit the top. Their song Hotel California has been another top hit of theirs, with a distinct way of containing Satanic meaning. Like all good artists, they arose the interest in Satan and other things of our side, speaking from art and allegory.

Following up on High Priest Mageson's Sermon on Led Zeppelin, one has to give out this one aswell.

This all hits deep inside the mind and awakens the masses. As always, they have been controversial and many xians obsessed and made it their life's mission to give mud to the band, in which they failed miserably. Satan is a master of the Arts and music. He has always had the best tunes.

"You have to have the Devil in you to succeed in any of the Arts. " - Voltaire


As you see on the upper right place in the cover, you may see some figure, some xians have claimed its Anton LaVey and they are probably right about it. We have talked on about Anton LaVey. He has been quite a unique personality with quite a unique mission and he did some mistakes, or lets say not mistakes but rather did some personal abuse to what we call Satanism. Part of his 'insane' philosophy and most of his 'reverse xianity' logic, was in my opinion used on purpose to attract the attention of the xian crusaders of his time, to give him a rapid fame and rising, which was nevertheless successful. Though, he accomplished one mission above all: Make an opening for Satanism to come to spotlight, after our members and people with Pagan beliefs were persecuted, killed and suppressed for centuries.

Even the Band's name, Eagles, is a mystic name, related to the sign of scorpio and is a strong occult symbol, but also a symbol of power and freedom.

Then, you have the Backmasking. "In the middle of the night just to hear them say" is backwards played "Satan hears this, He had me believe in Him".

But the song is pretty much Satanic straight played aswell.

So, onward to explain the Lyrics and the Satanic messages in the Song.

"On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair
Warm smell of colitas, rising up through the air
Up ahead in the distance, I saw a shimmering light
My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim
I had to stop for the night."

This part starts on a 'dark desert highway'. Dark is the darkness, when one cannot see. Its not only dark, its also a highway and a desert, which is actually the 'middle of nowhere' in a sense. The person is lost entirely and they are just treading the unknown in spiritual ignorance.

Then there is a mention for colitas, which is infact a nod to the hallucinogenic cannabis. Back in their day, suppression of meditation and practices to expand the mind were supressed and replaced by the jew world order with drugs. People are not only in a dark period but have also fell into drug use, to attempt to see the Truth or any springle of it, as they are lost mentally. People were forced to live in a materialistic world and the only spiritual upbringing was a low quality high of drugs.

Up ahead in the distance, I saw a shimmering light. This relates to hope. Satan is known to be the "Morning star" and also one of his names is Lucifer. The light of the 23th of December, the end of the night and the darkness, the Hope. The head grew heavy and the sight grew dim, so they had to stop for the night. This signfies the moment when one comes in contact with some Truth. One has to stop and contemplate over it.

There she stood in the doorway
I heard the mission bell
And I was thinking to myself
This could be heaven or this could be hell
Then she lit up a candle and she showed me the way
There were voices down the corridor
I thought I heard them say

Now, "She" stood in the doorway. A door way is obviously a road to somewhere and they have to decide whether they will enter the door or not. Its a choice. They were given a chance of Satanic salvation by the "Shimmering Light". Now they have to choose. The "She" is either the decision or could be a subconscious message of someone's Guardian Demon that is always there to guide someone lest they decide to dedicate their Souls to Satan. Then, the mission bell is heard, the inner call of someone for some special mission, to return to their roots. They obviously choose to get 'in' and accept the offering that fate has brought upon them. Immidiately, "She" lit up the candle and she showed them the way [Guidance and making dark things visible]. They hear voices from the corridor [clairaudience, the Demons of Hell and so forth] that welcome them in the Path.

Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place
Such a lovely face
Plenty of room at the Hotel California
Any time of year
You can find it here

As we see here, they are Welcomed in the "Hotel California". Hotel California is actually, our side [but also a nod to the place where we go in the Afterlife, in an artistic expression], which is a lovely and beautiful place, beings accept them with a lovely face. Also, lovely face is the face of their choice to enter. Plenty of room refers to Satan being accepting to all Souls who wish to seek Him and willing to guide them, if they choose as such. Any time of the year, means that its never too late, you can find enlightenment when you are ready to do so. Lovely face is actually a comeback at xianity, where we are told that Satanism [Hotel California] is actually evil or malefic, which they found was never the case. They see a lovely and accepting place and loving faces, acceptance and beauty.

Her mind is Tiffany-twisted, she got the Mercedes Bends
She got a lot of pretty, pretty boys she calls friends
How they dance in the courtyard, sweet summer sweat
Some dance to remember, some dance to forget
So I called up the Captain
Please bring me my wine
He said, we haven't had that spirit here since 1969
And still those voices are calling from far away
Wake you up in the middle of the night
Just to hear them say

This part is something else. About "Her mind being tifanny twisted", there could be many interpretations. In my personal belief, they observe some woman which belongs to Satan and is under his guidance, being inside the physical pleasures of life, too much to see Truth, but nevertheless she is free and is allowed to enjoy her life. They are accepting to her, they are enjoying their lives. Pretty boys might actually be guardian Demons of some Hieracy, or actual sexual relations. In all occasions we see freedom to be as one is. This is also an indicator of success, pleasure and power. Though, its negative and also mentioned in the end part of the song about people overly infested with materialism. People were all about physical riches and goods and many have falsely related Satan to this materialistic mindset and look on our side as a chance to get all their physical dreams, which is not in anyway wrong, but is only ONE part of the whole thing. Its also a big nod to the motives that guide some people in a misguided manner to join our side, to find later that Satanism is for far more than that. This also relates to the part later on: "What a nice surprise (what a nice surprise)".

Now, this part obviously transfers us to another realm. Its like, both him and his friends are in a transcendental state that we could reffer to as Hell. People who have seen Hell know its similar to that. This is where the Souls are kept until they safely and healthily reincarnate, from Satan. They are allowed to enjoy themselves, sit and so forth, talk and communicate, like in a high level of a town. The "darker Souls" and those who are less powerful and knowledgeable are sometimes for their own safety kept elsewhere and from other Humans who are quite ahead, but this is rarely the case. Too much light can in some cases hurt a lesser soul. Total materialists are those who are on a lower level and are not quite font and don't quite understand the Satanic way (even disregard the spiritual to a degree), nevertheless the Gods protect them and guide them. Pleasures and power were always of Satan, but at their age were dragged to the latter end from ultra materialism. This also relates to the general rock scene, that many bands tried to make a 'pact with Satan' and the obvious media propaganda about 'Satan = Riches and fame' crap, which they saw was wrong.

The "Captain" refers to the supervisor of the Place. As some of us know the Souls of Satanists are kept there and enjoy kinds of activities, like a waiting buffer place until we reincarnate again. Maybe in the interpretation, they are actually in this 'dimension'. The singer in the lyrics calls "Wine", which might be actually the name of a deceased friend, Satanism or a code. The "Captain" replies that they "hadn't had that spirit here since 1969". This is blatantly obvious but its put in such manner that people who don't know will say it actually talks about physical wine. Those who "dance to remember and those who dance to forget" are actually spirits who dwell in that place, Human beings with relations, that communicate and settle things or meet again their loved ones, so they can later reincarnate, in other words, they are re-united, for those who happen to be here or they dance with someone else to forget. Their memory and personality is intact so even in the afterlife, they recall memories, have traumas and so forth, which need be worked out, like they did once alive. "The voices that are calling from far away" are those again of the Demons and the Guides who never abandon dedicated people and always positively guide them. They are visited by them and they know they are receiving their help.

Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place (Such a lovely place)
Such a lovely face
They living it up at the Hotel California
What a nice surprise (what a nice surprise)
Bring your alibis

What a nice surprise. They are surprised that actually what was said to be 'dark and evil' is actually so good and benevolent on them. It was actually nothing they have been told about or expected, way better and more exalted. "Bring your alibis" reffers to the alibis used by xians to avoid the Truth, the alibis they gave to themselves everytime they tried to evade knowing the Truth, both them and the xians, the majority that uses alibis to escape facing the Truth.

Mirrors on the ceiling
The pink champagne on ice
And she said: "We are all just prisoners here of our own device"
And in the master's chambers
They gathered for the feast
They stab it with their steely knives
But they just can't kill the beast
Last thing I remember, I was
Running for the door
I had to find the passage back
To the place I was before
"Relax" said the night man
"We are programmed to receive
You can check-out any time you like
But you can never leave!"

This is the last and most intriguing part of all.

The mirrors are and always were used for divination. "Mirrors" can also be a message to contemplation and looking into one's self, one's errors and one's awareness, for good or better, but one's opposite and also plasmatic view. Through mirrors we see the "other part of ourselves" which in Humanity is that of the dormant Pagan. The materialistic mindset of their age in regards to Satan has made them all 'prisoners of their own device', both them present and the xians, the majority of the populace [the pink champagne, even more luxury that is physically tentative]. This part has to do with the ignorant and the xians, who are given a chance, tempted to know Satan but may get confused in the lies told on about Him.

Nevertheless, they are given a chance to feast with Satan and get to know Him [and to see the Truth]. Satan in all His glory accepts them. Some also retain a wrong perception over Satan, who gladly invites them to feast with Him nevertheless. They have created a wrong mindset only to find later that Satan was for more than just materialism or what his enemy and society falsely claimed. Some cannot handle how wrong they were, others simply cannot grasp the enemy work and fall into the trap of trying to attack their own creator, with their "Steely knives". Some people , still retain the wrong perceptions and in the end, they are blinded by lies and are turned against their creator, Satan. They can also deny his teaching for any other reasons, but in the end....Truth is what it is.

But no matter the attempts of the blind, the ignorant and those who wasted their chance with Satan and getting to know the Truth, left Satan untouched and still all powerful, always invulnerable and defiant. Satan is not erased from the memory of people. Some lose the way and still believe the enemy lies, only to find their way later.

Those who were dedicated to Satan / had interest for Him, even if lost and "Running for the door" from all this insanity going around them and all the lies, are told to "relax". They are "programmed to receive" a whole false conception of Satan and Satanism, by society and the church. This is not reality and the hook explains why. The legitimate and those who know Satan Truly, should relax and forget all they have been told by cultural indoctrination, as Satan is nothing but lovely and benevolent, our Pagan God. This is a dual meaning phrase and relates to both the people of Satan and the Xians, as both have been influenced by wrong ideas. While the others have been doing what they have been programmed, so they basically act without their own will and consent, go against Satan, those Truly of Satan have to fight these programmings to in the end understand their creator, look in the "mirror" so to say. Satanists are infact free and not obstructed by any limitations in their choices as to where they should be or what they should do. Satan allows them and gives them freedom. They are even free enough to retreat and free enough to keep in any path...Also, the "check out any time you like" also relates to reincarnation, but also the freedom to do your research, which will eventually lead to the right perception of Satan. You can enter a new life and forget, but as a Soul, you will always belong to Satan and you will enter the path of seeing the Truth.

But not for too long, as they belong to Satan, because once they were intelligent enough to seek Him and Satan abandons none of His followers and on their own accord, when ready,will be brought back in the track of Truth and all the wrong perceptions will give place to the True ones. They will know Satan in the end. They "checked out any time they liked" in any place they wanted, because Satan gave them total freedom, but they later found nothing but lies and emptiness. Once they knew Satan, they had contact with the Truth, which they could never strip off from forever, as its our purpose.

"You can check out any time you like....

But You can never leave."

Once one is of the Truth and of Satan, one belongs to Him and cannot leave for their own damnation in lies and wrong paths.

- High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I agree with and like your perception of this song. I always felt it was but never broke it down as you have. Thank you for sharing this. I enjoyed it.
Hail Satan
Do you have any rituals I can perform easily in a somewhat Satan hostile environment I need one to be able to speak to Father Satan without getting caught by family members

On Fri, Oct 3, 2014 2:20 PM PDT hoodedcobra666@... [JoyofSatan666] wrote:

Many people know Eagles and surely, they have been the ones to have hit the top. Their song Hotel California has been another top hit of theirs, with a distinct way of containing Satanic meaning. Like all good artists, they arose the interest in Satan and other things of our side, speaking from art and allegory.

Following up on High Priest Mageson's Sermon on Led Zeppelin, one has to give out this one aswell.

This all hits deep inside the mind and awakens the masses. As always, they have been controversial and many xians obsessed and made it their life's mission to give mud to the band, in which they failed miserably. Satan is a master of the Arts and music. He has always had the best tunes.

"You have to have the Devil in you to succeed in any of the Arts. " - Voltaire

http://www.whale.to/b/eagles8.jpg http://www.whale.to/b/eagles8.jpg

As you see on the upper right place in the cover, you may see some figure, some xians have claimed its Anton LaVey and they are probably right about it. We have talked on about Anton LaVey. He has been quite a unique personality with quite a unique mission and he did some mistakes, or lets say not mistakes but rather did some personal abuse to what we call Satanism. Part of his 'insane' philosophy and most of his 'reverse xianity' logic, was in my opinion used on purpose to attract the attention of the xian crusaders of his time, to give him a rapid fame and rising, which was nevertheless successful. Though, he accomplished one mission above all: Make an opening for Satanism to come to spotlight, after our members and people with Pagan beliefs were persecuted, killed and suppressed for centuries.

Even the Band's name, Eagles, is a mystic name, related to the sign of scorpio and is a strong occult symbol, but also a symbol of power and freedom.

Then, you have the Backmasking. "In the middle of the night just to hear them say" is backwards played "Satan hears this, He had me believe in Him".

But the song is pretty much Satanic straight played aswell.

So, onward to explain the Lyrics and the Satanic messages in the Song.

"On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair
Warm smell of colitas, rising up through the air
Up ahead in the distance, I saw a shimmering light
My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim
I had to stop for the night."

This part starts on a 'dark desert highway'. Dark is the darkness, when one cannot see. Its not only dark, its also a highway and a desert, which is actually the 'middle of nowhere' in a sense. The person is lost entirely and they are just treading the unknown in spiritual ignorance.

Then there is a mention for colitas, which is infact a nod to the hallucinogenic cannabis. Back in their day, suppression of meditation and practices to expand the mind were supressed and replaced by the jew world order with drugs. People are not only in a dark period but have also fell into drug use, to attempt to see the Truth or any springle of it, as they are lost mentally. People were forced to live in a materialistic world and the only spiritual upbringing was a low quality high of drugs.

Up ahead in the distance, I saw a shimmering light. This relates to hope. Satan is known to be the "Morning star" and also one of his names is Lucifer. The light of the 23th of December, the end of the night and the darkness, the Hope. The head grew heavy and the sight grew dim, so they had to stop for the night. This signfies the moment when one comes in contact with some Truth. One has to stop and contemplate over it.

There she stood in the doorway
I heard the mission bell
And I was thinking to myself
This could be heaven or this could be hell
Then she lit up a candle and she showed me the way
There were voices down the corridor
I thought I heard them say

Now, "She" stood in the doorway. A door way is obviously a road to somewhere and they have to decide whether they will enter the door or not. Its a choice. They were given a chance of Satanic salvation by the "Shimmering Light". Now they have to choose. The "She" is either the decision or could be a subconscious message of someone's Guardian Demon that is always there to guide someone lest they decide to dedicate their Souls to Satan. Then, the mission bell is heard, the inner call of someone for some special mission, to return to their roots. They obviously choose to get 'in' and accept the offering that fate has brought upon them. Immidiately, "She" lit up the candle and she showed them the way [Guidance and making dark things visible]. They hear voices from the corridor [clairaudience, the Demons of Hell and so forth] that welcome them in the Path.

Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place
Such a lovely face
Plenty of room at the Hotel California
Any time of year
You can find it here

As we see here, they are Welcomed in the "Hotel California". Hotel California is actually, our side [but also a nod to the place where we go in the Afterlife, in an artistic expression], which is a lovely and beautiful place, beings accept them with a lovely face. Also, lovely face is the face of their choice to enter. Plenty of room refers to Satan being accepting to all Souls who wish to seek Him and willing to guide them, if they choose as such. Any time of the year, means that its never too late, you can find enlightenment when you are ready to do so. Lovely face is actually a comeback at xianity, where we are told that Satanism [Hotel California] is actually evil or malefic, which they found was never the case. They see a lovely and accepting place and loving faces, acceptance and beauty.

Her mind is Tiffany-twisted, she got the Mercedes Bends
She got a lot of pretty, pretty boys she calls friends
How they dance in the courtyard, sweet summer sweat
Some dance to remember, some dance to forget
So I called up the Captain
Please bring me my wine
He said, we haven't had that spirit here since 1969
And still those voices are calling from far away
Wake you up in the middle of the night
Just to hear them say

This part is something else. About "Her mind being tifanny twisted", there could be many interpretations. In my personal belief, they observe some woman which belongs to Satan and is under his guidance, being inside the physical pleasures of life, too much to see Truth, but nevertheless she is free and is allowed to enjoy her life. They are accepting to her, they are enjoying their lives. Pretty boys might actually be guardian Demons of some Hieracy, or actual sexual relations. In all occasions we see freedom to be as one is. This is also an indicator of success, pleasure and power. Though, its negative and also mentioned in the end part of the song about people overly infested with materialism. People were all about physical riches and goods and many have falsely related Satan to this materialistic mindset and look on our side as a chance to get all their physical dreams, which is not in anyway wrong, but is only ONE part of the whole thing. Its also a
big nod to the motives that guide some people in a misguided manner to join our side, to find later that Satanism is for far more than that. This also relates to the part later on: "What a nice surprise (what a nice surprise)".

Now, this part obviously transfers us to another realm. Its like, both him and his friends are in a transcendental state that we could reffer to as Hell. People who have seen Hell know its similar to that. This is where the Souls are kept until they safely and healthily reincarnate, from Satan. They are allowed to enjoy themselves, sit and so forth, talk and communicate, like in a high level of a town. The "darker Souls" and those who are less powerful and knowledgeable are sometimes for their own safety kept elsewhere and from other Humans who are quite ahead, but this is rarely the case. Too much light can in some cases hurt a lesser soul. Total materialists are those who are on a lower level and are not quite font and don't quite understand the Satanic way (even disregard the spiritual to a degree), nevertheless the Gods protect them and guide them. Pleasures and power were always of Satan, but at their age were dragged to the latter end from ultra
materialism. This also relates to the general rock scene, that many bands tried to make a 'pact with Satan' and the obvious media propaganda about 'Satan = Riches and fame' crap, which they saw was wrong.

The "Captain" refers to the supervisor of the Place. As some of us know the Souls of Satanists are kept there and enjoy kinds of activities, like a waiting buffer place until we reincarnate again. Maybe in the interpretation, they are actually in this 'dimension'. The singer in the lyrics calls "Wine", which might be actually the name of a deceased friend, Satanism or a code. The "Captain" replies that they "hadn't had that spirit here since 1969". This is blatantly obvious but its put in such manner that people who don't know will say it actually talks about physical wine. Those who "dance to remember and those who dance to forget" are actually spirits who dwell in that place, Human beings with relations, that communicate and settle things or meet again their loved ones, so they can later reincarnate, in other words, they are re-united, for those who happen to be here or they dance with someone else to forget. Their memory and personality is intact so
even in the afterlife, they recall memories, have traumas and so forth, which need be worked out, like they did once alive. "The voices that are calling from far away" are those again of the Demons and the Guides who never abandon dedicated people and always positively guide them. They are visited by them and they know they are receiving their help.

Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place (Such a lovely place)
Such a lovely face
They living it up at the Hotel California
What a nice surprise (what a nice surprise)
Bring your alibis

What a nice surprise. They are surprised that actually what was said to be 'dark and evil' is actually so good and benevolent on them. It was actually nothing they have been told about or expected, way better and more exalted. "Bring your alibis" reffers to the alibis used by xians to avoid the Truth, the alibis they gave to themselves everytime they tried to evade knowing the Truth, both them and the xians, the majority that uses alibis to escape facing the Truth.

Mirrors on the ceiling
The pink champagne on ice
And she said: "We are all just prisoners here of our own device"
And in the master's chambers
They gathered for the feast
They stab it with their steely knives
But they just can't kill the beast
Last thing I remember, I was
Running for the door
I had to find the passage back
To the place I was before
"Relax" said the night man
"We are programmed to receive
You can check-out any time you like
But you can never leave!"

This is the last and most intriguing part of all.

The mirrors are and always were used for divination. "Mirrors" can also be a message to contemplation and looking into one's self, one's errors and one's awareness, for good or better, but one's opposite and also plasmatic view. Through mirrors we see the "other part of ourselves" which in Humanity is that of the dormant Pagan. The materialistic mindset of their age in regards to Satan has made them all 'prisoners of their own device', both them present and the xians, the majority of the populace [the pink champagne, even more luxury that is physically tentative]. This part has to do with the ignorant and the xians, who are given a chance, tempted to know Satan but may get confused in the lies told on about Him.

Nevertheless, they are given a chance to feast with Satan and get to know Him [and to see the Truth]. Satan in all His glory accepts them. Some also retain a wrong perception over Satan, who gladly invites them to feast with Him nevertheless. They have created a wrong mindset only to find later that Satan was for more than just materialism or what his enemy and society falsely claimed. Some cannot handle how wrong they were, others simply cannot grasp the enemy work and fall into the trap of trying to attack their own creator, with their "Steely knives". Some people , still retain the wrong perceptions and in the end, they are blinded by lies and are turned against their creator, Satan. They can also deny his teaching for any other reasons, but in the end....Truth is what it is.

But no matter the attempts of the blind, the ignorant and those who wasted their chance with Satan and getting to know the Truth, left Satan untouched and still all powerful, always invulnerable and defiant. Satan is not erased from the memory of people. Some lose the way and still believe the enemy lies, only to find their way later.

Those who were dedicated to Satan / had interest for Him, even if lost and "Running for the door" from all this insanity going around them and all the lies, are told to "relax". They are "programmed to receive" a whole false conception of Satan and Satanism, by society and the church. This is not reality and the hook explains why. The legitimate and those who know Satan Truly, should relax and forget all they have been told by cultural indoctrination, as Satan is nothing but lovely and benevolent, our Pagan God. This is a dual meaning phrase and relates to both the people of Satan and the Xians, as both have been influenced by wrong ideas. While the others have been doing what they have been programmed, so they basically act without their own will and consent, go against Satan, those Truly of Satan have to fight these programmings to in the end understand their creator, look in the "mirror" so to say. Satanists are infact free and not obstructed by any
limitations in their choices as to where they should be or what they should do. Satan allows them and gives them freedom. They are even free enough to retreat and free enough to keep in any path...Also, the "check out any time you like" also relates to reincarnation, but also the freedom to do your research, which will eventually lead to the right perception of Satan. You can enter a new life and forget, but as a Soul, you will always belong to Satan and you will enter the path of seeing the Truth.

But not for too long, as they belong to Satan, because once they were intelligent enough to seek Him and Satan abandons none of His followers and on their own accord, when ready,will be brought back in the track of Truth and all the wrong perceptions will give place to the True ones. They will know Satan in the end. They "checked out any time they liked" in any place they wanted, because Satan gave them total freedom, but they later found nothing but lies and emptiness. Once they knew Satan, they had contact with the Truth, which they could never strip off from forever, as its our purpose.

"You can check out any time you like....

But You can never leave."

Once one is of the Truth and of Satan, one belongs to Him and cannot leave for their own damnation in lies and wrong paths.

- High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Dear sir/MadamHow is work going on there?Am sending you this message because am in need of you help.Because of the the symbols 666 which is in you email i know you can help me to become a member of illuminati

On Saturday, October 4, 2014 12:21 AM, "hoodedcobra666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Many people know Eagles and surely, they have been the ones to have hit the top. Their song Hotel California has been another top hit of theirs, with a distinct way of containing Satanic meaning. Like all good artists, they arose the interest in Satan and other things of our side, speaking from art and allegory.

Following up on High Priest Mageson's Sermon on Led Zeppelin, one has to give out this one aswell.

This all hits deep inside the mind and awakens the masses. As always, they have been controversial and many xians obsessed and made it their life's mission to give mud to the band, in which they failed miserably. Satan is a master of the Arts and music. He has always had the best tunes.

"You have to have the Devil in you to succeed in any of the Arts. " - Voltaire


As you see on the upper right place in the cover, you may see some figure, some xians have claimed its Anton LaVey and they are probably right about it. We have talked on about Anton LaVey. He has been quite a unique personality with quite a unique mission and he did some mistakes, or lets say not mistakes but rather did some personal abuse to what we call Satanism. Part of his 'insane' philosophy and most of his 'reverse xianity' logic, was in my opinion used on purpose to attract the attention of the xian crusaders of his time, to give him a rapid fame and rising, which was nevertheless successful. Though, he accomplished one mission above all: Make an opening for Satanism to come to spotlight, after our members and people with Pagan beliefs were persecuted, killed and suppressed for centuries.

Even the Band's name, Eagles, is a mystic name, related to the sign of scorpio and is a strong occult symbol, but also a symbol of power and freedom.

Then, you have the Backmasking. "In the middle of the night just to hear them say" is backwards played "Satan hears this, He had me believe in Him".

But the song is pretty much Satanic straight played aswell.

So, onward to explain the Lyrics and the Satanic messages in the Song.

"On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair
Warm smell of colitas, rising up through the air
Up ahead in the distance, I saw a shimmering light
My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim
I had to stop for the night."

This part starts on a 'dark desert highway'. Dark is the darkness, when one cannot see. Its not only dark, its also a highway and a desert, which is actually the 'middle of nowhere' in a sense. The person is lost entirely and they are just treading the unknown in spiritual ignorance.

Then there is a mention for colitas, which is infact a nod to the hallucinogenic cannabis. Back in their day, suppression of meditation and practices to expand the mind were supressed and replaced by the jew world order with drugs. People are not only in a dark period but have also fell into drug use, to attempt to see the Truth or any springle of it, as they are lost mentally. People were forced to live in a materialistic world and the only spiritual upbringing was a low quality high of drugs.

Up ahead in the distance, I saw a shimmering light. This relates to hope. Satan is known to be the "Morning star" and also one of his names is Lucifer. The light of the 23th of December, the end of the night and the darkness, the Hope. The head grew heavy and the sight grew dim, so they had to stop for the night. This signfies the moment when one comes in contact with some Truth. One has to stop and contemplate over it.

There she stood in the doorway
I heard the mission bell
And I was thinking to myself
This could be heaven or this could be hell
Then she lit up a candle and she showed me the way
There were voices down the corridor
I thought I heard them say

Now, "She" stood in the doorway. A door way is obviously a road to somewhere and they have to decide whether they will enter the door or not. Its a choice. They were given a chance of Satanic salvation by the "Shimmering Light". Now they have to choose. The "She" is either the decision or could be a subconscious message of someone's Guardian Demon that is always there to guide someone lest they decide to dedicate their Souls to Satan. Then, the mission bell is heard, the inner call of someone for some special mission, to return to their roots. They obviously choose to get 'in' and accept the offering that fate has brought upon them. Immidiately, "She" lit up the candle and she showed them the way [Guidance and making dark things visible]. They hear voices from the corridor [clairaudience, the Demons of Hell and so forth] that welcome them in the Path.

Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place
Such a lovely face
Plenty of room at the Hotel California
Any time of year
You can find it here

As we see here, they are Welcomed in the "Hotel California". Hotel California is actually, our side [but also a nod to the place where we go in the Afterlife, in an artistic expression], which is a lovely and beautiful place, beings accept them with a lovely face. Also, lovely face is the face of their choice to enter. Plenty of room refers to Satan being accepting to all Souls who wish to seek Him and willing to guide them, if they choose as such. Any time of the year, means that its never too late, you can find enlightenment when you are ready to do so. Lovely face is actually a comeback at xianity, where we are told that Satanism [Hotel California] is actually evil or malefic, which they found was never the case. They see a lovely and accepting place and loving faces, acceptance and beauty.

Her mind is Tiffany-twisted, she got the Mercedes Bends
She got a lot of pretty, pretty boys she calls friends
How they dance in the courtyard, sweet summer sweat
Some dance to remember, some dance to forget
So I called up the Captain
Please bring me my wine
He said, we haven't had that spirit here since 1969
And still those voices are calling from far away
Wake you up in the middle of the night
Just to hear them say

This part is something else. About "Her mind being tifanny twisted", there could be many interpretations. In my personal belief, they observe some woman which belongs to Satan and is under his guidance, being inside the physical pleasures of life, too much to see Truth, but nevertheless she is free and is allowed to enjoy her life. They are accepting to her, they are enjoying their lives. Pretty boys might actually be guardian Demons of some Hieracy, or actual sexual relations. In all occasions we see freedom to be as one is. This is also an indicator of success, pleasure and power. Though, its negative and also mentioned in the end part of the song about people overly infested with materialism. People were all about physical riches and goods and many have falsely related Satan to this materialistic mindset and look on our side as a chance to get all their physical dreams, which is not in anyway wrong, but is only ONE part of the whole thing. Its also a big nod to the motives that guide some people in a misguided manner to join our side, to find later that Satanism is for far more than that. This also relates to the part later on: "What a nice surprise (what a nice surprise)".

Now, this part obviously transfers us to another realm. Its like, both him and his friends are in a transcendental state that we could reffer to as Hell. People who have seen Hell know its similar to that. This is where the Souls are kept until they safely and healthily reincarnate, from Satan. They are allowed to enjoy themselves, sit and so forth, talk and communicate, like in a high level of a town. The "darker Souls" and those who are less powerful and knowledgeable are sometimes for their own safety kept elsewhere and from other Humans who are quite ahead, but this is rarely the case. Too much light can in some cases hurt a lesser soul. Total materialists are those who are on a lower level and are not quite font and don't quite understand the Satanic way (even disregard the spiritual to a degree), nevertheless the Gods protect them and guide them. Pleasures and power were always of Satan, but at their age were dragged to the latter end from ultra materialism. This also relates to the general rock scene, that many bands tried to make a 'pact with Satan' and the obvious media propaganda about 'Satan = Riches and fame' crap, which they saw was wrong.

The "Captain" refers to the supervisor of the Place. As some of us know the Souls of Satanists are kept there and enjoy kinds of activities, like a waiting buffer place until we reincarnate again. Maybe in the interpretation, they are actually in this 'dimension'. The singer in the lyrics calls "Wine", which might be actually the name of a deceased friend, Satanism or a code. The "Captain" replies that they "hadn't had that spirit here since 1969". This is blatantly obvious but its put in such manner that people who don't know will say it actually talks about physical wine. Those who "dance to remember and those who dance to forget" are actually spirits who dwell in that place, Human beings with relations, that communicate and settle things or meet again their loved ones, so they can later reincarnate, in other words, they are re-united, for those who happen to be here or they dance with someone else to forget. Their memory and personality is intact so even in the afterlife, they recall memories, have traumas and so forth, which need be worked out, like they did once alive. "The voices that are calling from far away" are those again of the Demons and the Guides who never abandon dedicated people and always positively guide them. They are visited by them and they know they are receiving their help.

Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place (Such a lovely place)
Such a lovely face
They living it up at the Hotel California
What a nice surprise (what a nice surprise)
Bring your alibis

What a nice surprise. They are surprised that actually what was said to be 'dark and evil' is actually so good and benevolent on them. It was actually nothing they have been told about or expected, way better and more exalted. "Bring your alibis" reffers to the alibis used by xians to avoid the Truth, the alibis they gave to themselves everytime they tried to evade knowing the Truth, both them and the xians, the majority that uses alibis to escape facing the Truth.

Mirrors on the ceiling
The pink champagne on ice
And she said: "We are all just prisoners here of our own device"
And in the master's chambers
They gathered for the feast
They stab it with their steely knives
But they just can't kill the beast
Last thing I remember, I was
Running for the door
I had to find the passage back
To the place I was before
"Relax" said the night man
"We are programmed to receive
You can check-out any time you like
But you can never leave!"

This is the last and most intriguing part of all.

The mirrors are and always were used for divination. "Mirrors" can also be a message to contemplation and looking into one's self, one's errors and one's awareness, for good or better, but one's opposite and also plasmatic view. Through mirrors we see the "other part of ourselves" which in Humanity is that of the dormant Pagan. The materialistic mindset of their age in regards to Satan has made them all 'prisoners of their own device', both them present and the xians, the majority of the populace [the pink champagne, even more luxury that is physically tentative]. This part has to do with the ignorant and the xians, who are given a chance, tempted to know Satan but may get confused in the lies told on about Him.

Nevertheless, they are given a chance to feast with Satan and get to know Him [and to see the Truth]. Satan in all His glory accepts them. Some also retain a wrong perception over Satan, who gladly invites them to feast with Him nevertheless. They have created a wrong mindset only to find later that Satan was for more than just materialism or what his enemy and society falsely claimed. Some cannot handle how wrong they were, others simply cannot grasp the enemy work and fall into the trap of trying to attack their own creator, with their "Steely knives". Some people , still retain the wrong perceptions and in the end, they are blinded by lies and are turned against their creator, Satan. They can also deny his teaching for any other reasons, but in the end....Truth is what it is.

But no matter the attempts of the blind, the ignorant and those who wasted their chance with Satan and getting to know the Truth, left Satan untouched and still all powerful, always invulnerable and defiant. Satan is not erased from the memory of people. Some lose the way and still believe the enemy lies, only to find their way later.

Those who were dedicated to Satan / had interest for Him, even if lost and "Running for the door" from all this insanity going around them and all the lies, are told to "relax". They are "programmed to receive" a whole false conception of Satan and Satanism, by society and the church. This is not reality and the hook explains why. The legitimate and those who know Satan Truly, should relax and forget all they have been told by cultural indoctrination, as Satan is nothing but lovely and benevolent, our Pagan God. This is a dual meaning phrase and relates to both the people of Satan and the Xians, as both have been influenced by wrong ideas. While the others have been doing what they have been programmed, so they basically act without their own will and consent, go against Satan, those Truly of Satan have to fight these programmings to in the end understand their creator, look in the "mirror" so to say. Satanists are infact free and not obstructed by any limitations in their choices as to where they should be or what they should do. Satan allows them and gives them freedom. They are even free enough to retreat and free enough to keep in any path...Also, the "check out any time you like" also relates to reincarnation, but also the freedom to do your research, which will eventually lead to the right perception of Satan. You can enter a new life and forget, but as a Soul, you will always belong to Satan and you will enter the path of seeing the Truth.

But not for too long, as they belong to Satan, because once they were intelligent enough to seek Him and Satan abandons none of His followers and on their own accord, when ready,will be brought back in the track of Truth and all the wrong perceptions will give place to the True ones. They will know Satan in the end. They "checked out any time they liked" in any place they wanted, because Satan gave them total freedom, but they later found nothing but lies and emptiness. Once they knew Satan, they had contact with the Truth, which they could never strip off from forever, as its our purpose.

"You can check out any time you like....

But You can never leave."

Once one is of the Truth and of Satan, one belongs to Him and cannot leave for their own damnation in lies and wrong paths.

- High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

hey guys id just like to say that tool is by far the most interesting band that exists without competition check em out 
I love this song, never knew there was a Satanic meaning behind it... Not to say I'm surprised at the least though, thanks for posting HP Hooded Cobra, I appreciate it.
Hail Satan!
The Illuminati are not Satanic. To learn about Spiritual Satanism, thoroughly read the Joy of Satan website.

Joy of Satan
If you are not in a ritual-friendly environment, you can do rituals in an astral temple.

You can also do rituals at home if you are extremely careful. First of all, make sure you think every step of the ritual through so nothing can go wrong due to a lack of preparation. Think about preparatory work, the ritual itself, and cleanup afterwards. You can do the ritual in the middle of the night when everybody else in the house is asleep, such as at 2:00 AM. Doing the ritual inside your house is probably not the best course of action as the light of the candles is visible and burning the prayer at the end of the ritual will release a suspicious amount of smoke that can be easily smelled and set of smoke detectors. You can do the ritual inside (if you are extremely careful), outside, at a friend's house, or in a park. If your parents wake up in the middle of the night to use the restroom, will they see lights if you do the ritual in your chosen location inside or outside? The ritual can be done, if you have one, in the backyard on a side of the house where there are not windows pointed at your position. There can be windows looking at your ritual location as long as the light of the candles does not shine suspiciously into the house and your parents will not look out those windows if they wake up in the middle of the night. You can also close the shades or blinds on windows to keep light from going into the house. There are endless possibilities for finding or making a safe location to perform your ritual.

Creating an Astral Temple
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... emple.html  

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
