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HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
serpentwalker666 said:
I used marijuana in my earlier years. And it had such a profound effect on me compared to others it was insane. I agree it absolutely makes people docile and makes the chakras and aura leak energy. And alters your brain in terrible ways. I went into a state of delusion for a while. seeing creatures and things that were non existant. All kinds of things, because it screwed up my brain back then. It took me a while to get it back together and come back from the gates of madness..... lol. But im fine now. i know this may sound extreme or just too out there. But i know what i experienced and it was not pretty.... And i know what it did for me was absolute torture. Everyone else was fine. .But me. Most assume it is a harmless plant. From my experiences. I see it as a weapon. But im sure alot goes under the radar. It can really crack a hole in your subconcious mind and really screw you up.

It's very simple with these things like weed and so forth. There are people investing into addictive substances, the big sharks, and also the globalist 'Illuminati', sorry I meant kike oligarch, invisible government. Well, the not so invisible government. Sorry I meant the GODDAMN BLATANTLY OBVIOUS- YOU ARE DENYING THE FACTS IF YOU DON'T ADMIT IT- Jewish government.

I am not writing to force people to change their mind in regards to drugs. But to remind you of some lingering issues which many people forget about that.

As with anything deadly, it's promoted as a good thing to begin with. Tabacco has cost more lives than WW1 and WW2 combined, but when the jews were investing in the early stages in it, they hired doctors and so called 'scientists' to promote this thing as some sort of divine relaxant, positive thing, that does so well about any anxiety problem one might possess. It became the 'kool' thing to do during hollywood and so forth.

Marilyn Monroe sits there with her cancer stick, and apparently, why she gets all the boys is because of the cancer stick. So if you buy copious amounts of cancer stick, you will get all the boys. So you buy copious amounts of cancer stick and all you get is disease. And no boys.

Just so that people know, the Torah is very supportive on drugs and hemp and so forth. So this pushing of this is deliberate by the jews. All of which lead the stoner movement. Below a book on the subject. I have skimmed through this thing myself. They also believe it drops spiritual defenses. Which many people who have used the drug from here have pointed out thousands of times.


Drugs are like the new tobacco now, especially weed. They make it seem gangsta or revolutionary, but the real revolution anymore is to not do drugs. Given anyone stones themselves. And as you can see, the argument about how good drugs are, is really improving our societies (lol). Because as we all know, life and society do not improve by labor and evolution, you just evolve because you smoke some hemp and sit in an epileptic state while looking at the wall.

All these pastry boring xians go about saying 'oy veh drugs are good to you, turn to jesus'. Turn from excrement, to go and swim in diarrhea. The world the enemy has created is boring, and their messages bombard people to some sort of 'very uplifting experience'. Unfortunately people don't know, and they are naive, or have no life purpose, so why not? They poison themselves to escape from this grim useless reality they have been enslaved into. Only to find themselves going slowly 6 feet deeper everytime.

The real solution to drugs is not some bullshit solution people preach. But spirituality. People yearn for spiritual experience which causes altered and elevated states. So because they don't get this, they resort of drugs. This is the replacement for spirituality in the jewtrix, and an ultimate punishment imposed upon the people who have spiritual tendency. So the enemy punishes them by getting them hooked into drugs. This inclination would have been spiritual instead and could really lead people to a higher level.

"Everything that kills the Goy is a good thing, and everything that weakens the Goy is given to the jews by 'god' to distribute". The protocols of the elders of Zion have a full page on the matter of pushing drugs to weaken the populace.

Add the drug culture, the race mixing, the massive retardation, the subjugation through workforce slavery, the hate they have created in public education by making it boring edjewcation, the consistent boozing out and so forth, the low culture in general. And you get a populace which is completely beaten, lost, and easily controlled. Drugs are one of the corpus in this morbid octapus of jewish control.

When you do drugs, you are telling the drug cartels to keep going, while making the enemy richer. The people who are suffering to create poppies, cocaine and all the related filth, die in slums and they get nothing absolutely, they work like serfs and slaves.

In order for these to exist, people die, people are worked to death (see Colombia) and whole countries get ruined simply because you are too bored to meditate and want to 'get high' like a swine who has been hit on the head with a bat. You are being criminal and selfish by doing drugs, that is the truth. Interestingly so, both parties the jews dupe, the people who create these for them (Their slaves) and the people who use these (Slaves) both get destroyed and suffer for their whole life. The only winner out of this situation is the jew.

Given millions die and perish each year by these habits, and millions of others have their whole countries enslaved so that addicts can have dope, and so that Israel can make money. Supply and demand. If you demand this, know, each time you are asking your jewish dope dealer, that some kid is worked to death and some people perish in the Opium Wars. One of which was the war in Iraq.

Arguing with people who have been deep into drugs is also useless. They are so much into the meme of how painful they are, or how they are going after 'fun'. Well, until they become burnouts. As they have no conscience either. All they care is about 'feeling high', until their little brain is too 'resistant' to this crap and they overdose or something, and when problems kick in, they just most of the time spit on the face of people who try to help them, or get them into this.

Arguing with potards or people on drugs shows how selfish these people are. There are people who get panic attacks, anxiety, lose their sanity, contact HIV, and get all sorts of other lingering issues from drugs. Yet these people just insist on 'sensible use' and other bullshit, and push to open this to the whole of society. Which ultimately would get people to be destroyed, or at least a very striking number who due to weakness would fall addicted and ultimately even perish from it.

They don't care if the whole of society becomes a drug addict, opening innocents to such possibilities, and they don't care about the people who suffer either, they don't care how much it can ruin lives and families worldwide. All it matters is if they feel OK with it and that they can get the ability to sedate themselves. Who cares if some children have their hands cut in Colombia or get abducted like drug lords because their dad did not deliver their coco sauce? That doesn't matter at all. What matters is their 5 minutes of petty.

This is the epitome of human selfishness. So when many people portray drug addicts as some sort of broken snowflakes, let's also see it from the other side, these people are selfish as fuck. They are literally saying how 'hurtful' they are to excuse their nasty habit which kills millions and so forth. The other dudes who say they just do it for fun, even worse, they literally have no reason to do drugs at all.

Those who quit this nasty habit will be rewarded with health, internal repair, and internal pleasure.

Drugs are designed in such a way that they also rob your natural abilities to relax and generally incapacitate you so that you use them all the more, and all the time. This is literally how it works, otherwise, drugs wouldn't be a profitable business. It's like drinking water with a pierced stomach. You feel the satisfaction in your tongue but you never get hydrated. This process goes on until a person dies miserably, or develops serious issues that need a lot of time to repair.

As for those who are serious, nature and the Gods have you covered. This extends beyond race, and beyond any other condition, as Satan gave spiritual gifts to literally everyone existing, that is, granted people want to take a little time to apply. Those who lay off these destructive habits and follow a good meditation schedule, in a balanced and proper manner, will be consistently rising in the ladder of inner warmth and happiness, extremely high and also stable levels.

These types of drugs have been created to hide the higher spiritual reality from all the people of the earth. People may fancy what they mimic, but only few will be entitled to these states. Something which every Satanist can achieve in ways these people cannot even figure out.

Do not let others poison you for a quick buck. Have stature, don't waste your time with filthy objectives.

I smoked marijuana for +/- 10 years of my life. I smoked cigarettes for about the same period. Eventually I tried other drugs, LSD, Ayahuasca tea, Mushrooms, lily tea, cocaine, etc. The list is extensive. I was always very attached to my spirituality, not that I was advanced in it, but I was always interested. Several times I had tried to quit smoking, without success, of course. But I stopped for good, I decided to stop for +/- 15 days and the result for me has been wonderful. My question is:

After so many years of smoking, can my brain recover? I already feel clear mental clarity and can see through all this smoke. But how do I know if I've caused permanent damage to my brain and spirit?

I would also like to point out that finding Satan and the JoS website was the help I needed to have the courage to abandon my old lifestyle. Apart from drugs I had already become a "healthy" person in food, meditation, rtr's, yoga... The only piece that was really missing was a change of scenery (living with those who use drugs and are part of the enemy program) and stop use these substances. I had already stopped with all of them, all that was missing was marijuana and cigarettes.

So thank you so much to Satan, to the guardian demon who guides me, to all of the original gods who fight alongside Satan and to all of you from the JoS website. From my heart, I'm changing my life thanks to you all.

And to everyone who comes to read this post, I encourage you to do what I do. Nothing is impossible when you want it, ask the Gods for help and take care of yourself, it's worth it.

I look forward to receiving an answer and thank you in advance.

PS: If there are any grammar errors it is due to google translator as this is not my native language.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
serpentwalker666 said:
I used marijuana in my earlier years. And it had such a profound effect on me compared to others it was insane. I agree it absolutely makes people docile and makes the chakras and aura leak energy. And alters your brain in terrible ways. I went into a state of delusion for a while. seeing creatures and things that were non existant. All kinds of things, because it screwed up my brain back then. It took me a while to get it back together and come back from the gates of madness..... lol. But im fine now. i know this may sound extreme or just too out there. But i know what i experienced and it was not pretty.... And i know what it did for me was absolute torture. Everyone else was fine. .But me. Most assume it is a harmless plant. From my experiences. I see it as a weapon. But im sure alot goes under the radar. It can really crack a hole in your subconcious mind and really screw you up.

It's very simple with these things like weed and so forth. There are people investing into addictive substances, the big sharks, and also the globalist 'Illuminati', sorry I meant kike oligarch, invisible government. Well, the not so invisible government. Sorry I meant the GODDAMN BLATANTLY OBVIOUS- YOU ARE DENYING THE FACTS IF YOU DON'T ADMIT IT- Jewish government.

I am not writing to force people to change their mind in regards to drugs. But to remind you of some lingering issues which many people forget about that.

As with anything deadly, it's promoted as a good thing to begin with. Tabacco has cost more lives than WW1 and WW2 combined, but when the jews were investing in the early stages in it, they hired doctors and so called 'scientists' to promote this thing as some sort of divine relaxant, positive thing, that does so well about any anxiety problem one might possess. It became the 'kool' thing to do during hollywood and so forth.

Marilyn Monroe sits there with her cancer stick, and apparently, why she gets all the boys is because of the cancer stick. So if you buy copious amounts of cancer stick, you will get all the boys. So you buy copious amounts of cancer stick and all you get is disease. And no boys.

Just so that people know, the Torah is very supportive on drugs and hemp and so forth. So this pushing of this is deliberate by the jews. All of which lead the stoner movement. Below a book on the subject. I have skimmed through this thing myself. They also believe it drops spiritual defenses. Which many people who have used the drug from here have pointed out thousands of times.


Drugs are like the new tobacco now, especially weed. They make it seem gangsta or revolutionary, but the real revolution anymore is to not do drugs. Given anyone stones themselves. And as you can see, the argument about how good drugs are, is really improving our societies (lol). Because as we all know, life and society do not improve by labor and evolution, you just evolve because you smoke some hemp and sit in an epileptic state while looking at the wall.

All these pastry boring xians go about saying 'oy veh drugs are good to you, turn to jesus'. Turn from excrement, to go and swim in diarrhea. The world the enemy has created is boring, and their messages bombard people to some sort of 'very uplifting experience'. Unfortunately people don't know, and they are naive, or have no life purpose, so why not? They poison themselves to escape from this grim useless reality they have been enslaved into. Only to find themselves going slowly 6 feet deeper everytime.

The real solution to drugs is not some bullshit solution people preach. But spirituality. People yearn for spiritual experience which causes altered and elevated states. So because they don't get this, they resort of drugs. This is the replacement for spirituality in the jewtrix, and an ultimate punishment imposed upon the people who have spiritual tendency. So the enemy punishes them by getting them hooked into drugs. This inclination would have been spiritual instead and could really lead people to a higher level.

"Everything that kills the Goy is a good thing, and everything that weakens the Goy is given to the jews by 'god' to distribute". The protocols of the elders of Zion have a full page on the matter of pushing drugs to weaken the populace.

Add the drug culture, the race mixing, the massive retardation, the subjugation through workforce slavery, the hate they have created in public education by making it boring edjewcation, the consistent boozing out and so forth, the low culture in general. And you get a populace which is completely beaten, lost, and easily controlled. Drugs are one of the corpus in this morbid octapus of jewish control.

When you do drugs, you are telling the drug cartels to keep going, while making the enemy richer. The people who are suffering to create poppies, cocaine and all the related filth, die in slums and they get nothing absolutely, they work like serfs and slaves.

In order for these to exist, people die, people are worked to death (see Colombia) and whole countries get ruined simply because you are too bored to meditate and want to 'get high' like a swine who has been hit on the head with a bat. You are being criminal and selfish by doing drugs, that is the truth. Interestingly so, both parties the jews dupe, the people who create these for them (Their slaves) and the people who use these (Slaves) both get destroyed and suffer for their whole life. The only winner out of this situation is the jew.

Given millions die and perish each year by these habits, and millions of others have their whole countries enslaved so that addicts can have dope, and so that Israel can make money. Supply and demand. If you demand this, know, each time you are asking your jewish dope dealer, that some kid is worked to death and some people perish in the Opium Wars. One of which was the war in Iraq.

Arguing with people who have been deep into drugs is also useless. They are so much into the meme of how painful they are, or how they are going after 'fun'. Well, until they become burnouts. As they have no conscience either. All they care is about 'feeling high', until their little brain is too 'resistant' to this crap and they overdose or something, and when problems kick in, they just most of the time spit on the face of people who try to help them, or get them into this.

Arguing with potards or people on drugs shows how selfish these people are. There are people who get panic attacks, anxiety, lose their sanity, contact HIV, and get all sorts of other lingering issues from drugs. Yet these people just insist on 'sensible use' and other bullshit, and push to open this to the whole of society. Which ultimately would get people to be destroyed, or at least a very striking number who due to weakness would fall addicted and ultimately even perish from it.

They don't care if the whole of society becomes a drug addict, opening innocents to such possibilities, and they don't care about the people who suffer either, they don't care how much it can ruin lives and families worldwide. All it matters is if they feel OK with it and that they can get the ability to sedate themselves. Who cares if some children have their hands cut in Colombia or get abducted like drug lords because their dad did not deliver their coco sauce? That doesn't matter at all. What matters is their 5 minutes of petty.

This is the epitome of human selfishness. So when many people portray drug addicts as some sort of broken snowflakes, let's also see it from the other side, these people are selfish as fuck. They are literally saying how 'hurtful' they are to excuse their nasty habit which kills millions and so forth. The other dudes who say they just do it for fun, even worse, they literally have no reason to do drugs at all.

Those who quit this nasty habit will be rewarded with health, internal repair, and internal pleasure.

Drugs are designed in such a way that they also rob your natural abilities to relax and generally incapacitate you so that you use them all the more, and all the time. This is literally how it works, otherwise, drugs wouldn't be a profitable business. It's like drinking water with a pierced stomach. You feel the satisfaction in your tongue but you never get hydrated. This process goes on until a person dies miserably, or develops serious issues that need a lot of time to repair.

As for those who are serious, nature and the Gods have you covered. This extends beyond race, and beyond any other condition, as Satan gave spiritual gifts to literally everyone existing, that is, granted people want to take a little time to apply. Those who lay off these destructive habits and follow a good meditation schedule, in a balanced and proper manner, will be consistently rising in the ladder of inner warmth and happiness, extremely high and also stable levels.

These types of drugs have been created to hide the higher spiritual reality from all the people of the earth. People may fancy what they mimic, but only few will be entitled to these states. Something which every Satanist can achieve in ways these people cannot even figure out.

Do not let others poison you for a quick buck. Have stature, don't waste your time with filthy objectives.

I smoked marijuana for +/- 10 years of my life. I smoked cigarettes for about the same period. Eventually I tried other drugs, LSD, Ayahuasca tea, Mushrooms, lily tea, cocaine, etc. The list is extensive. I was always very attached to my spirituality, not that I was advanced in it, but I was always interested. Several times I had tried to quit smoking, without success, of course. But I stopped for good, I decided to stop for +/- 15 days and the result for me has been wonderful. My question is:

After so many years of smoking, can my brain recover? I already feel clear mental clarity and can see through all this smoke. But how do I know if I've caused permanent damage to my brain and spirit?

I would also like to point out that finding Satan and the JoS website was the help I needed to have the courage to abandon my old lifestyle. Apart from drugs I had already become a "healthy" person in food, meditation, rtr's, yoga... The only piece that was really missing was a change of scenery (living with those who use drugs and are part of the enemy program) and stop use these substances. I had already stopped with all of them, all that was missing was marijuana and cigarettes.

So thank you so much to Satan, to the guardian demon who guides me, to all of the original gods who fight alongside Satan and to all of you from the JoS website. From my heart, I'm changing my life thanks to you all.

And to everyone who comes to read this post, I encourage you to do what I do. Nothing is impossible when you want it, ask the Gods for help and take care of yourself, it's worth it.

I look forward to receiving an answer and thank you in advance.

PS: If there are any grammar errors it is due to google translator as this is not my native language.
Renascendo das cinzas said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
serpentwalker666 said:
I used marijuana in my earlier years. And it had such a profound effect on me compared to others it was insane. I agree it absolutely makes people docile and makes the chakras and aura leak energy. And alters your brain in terrible ways. I went into a state of delusion for a while. seeing creatures and things that were non existant. All kinds of things, because it screwed up my brain back then. It took me a while to get it back together and come back from the gates of madness..... lol. But im fine now. i know this may sound extreme or just too out there. But i know what i experienced and it was not pretty.... And i know what it did for me was absolute torture. Everyone else was fine. .But me. Most assume it is a harmless plant. From my experiences. I see it as a weapon. But im sure alot goes under the radar. It can really crack a hole in your subconcious mind and really screw you up.

It's very simple with these things like weed and so forth. There are people investing into addictive substances, the big sharks, and also the globalist 'Illuminati', sorry I meant kike oligarch, invisible government. Well, the not so invisible government. Sorry I meant the GODDAMN BLATANTLY OBVIOUS- YOU ARE DENYING THE FACTS IF YOU DON'T ADMIT IT- Jewish government.

I am not writing to force people to change their mind in regards to drugs. But to remind you of some lingering issues which many people forget about that.

As with anything deadly, it's promoted as a good thing to begin with. Tabacco has cost more lives than WW1 and WW2 combined, but when the jews were investing in the early stages in it, they hired doctors and so called 'scientists' to promote this thing as some sort of divine relaxant, positive thing, that does so well about any anxiety problem one might possess. It became the 'kool' thing to do during hollywood and so forth.

Marilyn Monroe sits there with her cancer stick, and apparently, why she gets all the boys is because of the cancer stick. So if you buy copious amounts of cancer stick, you will get all the boys. So you buy copious amounts of cancer stick and all you get is disease. And no boys.

Just so that people know, the Torah is very supportive on drugs and hemp and so forth. So this pushing of this is deliberate by the jews. All of which lead the stoner movement. Below a book on the subject. I have skimmed through this thing myself. They also believe it drops spiritual defenses. Which many people who have used the drug from here have pointed out thousands of times.


Drugs are like the new tobacco now, especially weed. They make it seem gangsta or revolutionary, but the real revolution anymore is to not do drugs. Given anyone stones themselves. And as you can see, the argument about how good drugs are, is really improving our societies (lol). Because as we all know, life and society do not improve by labor and evolution, you just evolve because you smoke some hemp and sit in an epileptic state while looking at the wall.

All these pastry boring xians go about saying 'oy veh drugs are good to you, turn to jesus'. Turn from excrement, to go and swim in diarrhea. The world the enemy has created is boring, and their messages bombard people to some sort of 'very uplifting experience'. Unfortunately people don't know, and they are naive, or have no life purpose, so why not? They poison themselves to escape from this grim useless reality they have been enslaved into. Only to find themselves going slowly 6 feet deeper everytime.

The real solution to drugs is not some bullshit solution people preach. But spirituality. People yearn for spiritual experience which causes altered and elevated states. So because they don't get this, they resort of drugs. This is the replacement for spirituality in the jewtrix, and an ultimate punishment imposed upon the people who have spiritual tendency. So the enemy punishes them by getting them hooked into drugs. This inclination would have been spiritual instead and could really lead people to a higher level.

"Everything that kills the Goy is a good thing, and everything that weakens the Goy is given to the jews by 'god' to distribute". The protocols of the elders of Zion have a full page on the matter of pushing drugs to weaken the populace.

Add the drug culture, the race mixing, the massive retardation, the subjugation through workforce slavery, the hate they have created in public education by making it boring edjewcation, the consistent boozing out and so forth, the low culture in general. And you get a populace which is completely beaten, lost, and easily controlled. Drugs are one of the corpus in this morbid octapus of jewish control.

When you do drugs, you are telling the drug cartels to keep going, while making the enemy richer. The people who are suffering to create poppies, cocaine and all the related filth, die in slums and they get nothing absolutely, they work like serfs and slaves.

In order for these to exist, people die, people are worked to death (see Colombia) and whole countries get ruined simply because you are too bored to meditate and want to 'get high' like a swine who has been hit on the head with a bat. You are being criminal and selfish by doing drugs, that is the truth. Interestingly so, both parties the jews dupe, the people who create these for them (Their slaves) and the people who use these (Slaves) both get destroyed and suffer for their whole life. The only winner out of this situation is the jew.

Given millions die and perish each year by these habits, and millions of others have their whole countries enslaved so that addicts can have dope, and so that Israel can make money. Supply and demand. If you demand this, know, each time you are asking your jewish dope dealer, that some kid is worked to death and some people perish in the Opium Wars. One of which was the war in Iraq.

Arguing with people who have been deep into drugs is also useless. They are so much into the meme of how painful they are, or how they are going after 'fun'. Well, until they become burnouts. As they have no conscience either. All they care is about 'feeling high', until their little brain is too 'resistant' to this crap and they overdose or something, and when problems kick in, they just most of the time spit on the face of people who try to help them, or get them into this.

Arguing with potards or people on drugs shows how selfish these people are. There are people who get panic attacks, anxiety, lose their sanity, contact HIV, and get all sorts of other lingering issues from drugs. Yet these people just insist on 'sensible use' and other bullshit, and push to open this to the whole of society. Which ultimately would get people to be destroyed, or at least a very striking number who due to weakness would fall addicted and ultimately even perish from it.

They don't care if the whole of society becomes a drug addict, opening innocents to such possibilities, and they don't care about the people who suffer either, they don't care how much it can ruin lives and families worldwide. All it matters is if they feel OK with it and that they can get the ability to sedate themselves. Who cares if some children have their hands cut in Colombia or get abducted like drug lords because their dad did not deliver their coco sauce? That doesn't matter at all. What matters is their 5 minutes of petty.

This is the epitome of human selfishness. So when many people portray drug addicts as some sort of broken snowflakes, let's also see it from the other side, these people are selfish as fuck. They are literally saying how 'hurtful' they are to excuse their nasty habit which kills millions and so forth. The other dudes who say they just do it for fun, even worse, they literally have no reason to do drugs at all.

Those who quit this nasty habit will be rewarded with health, internal repair, and internal pleasure.

Drugs are designed in such a way that they also rob your natural abilities to relax and generally incapacitate you so that you use them all the more, and all the time. This is literally how it works, otherwise, drugs wouldn't be a profitable business. It's like drinking water with a pierced stomach. You feel the satisfaction in your tongue but you never get hydrated. This process goes on until a person dies miserably, or develops serious issues that need a lot of time to repair.

As for those who are serious, nature and the Gods have you covered. This extends beyond race, and beyond any other condition, as Satan gave spiritual gifts to literally everyone existing, that is, granted people want to take a little time to apply. Those who lay off these destructive habits and follow a good meditation schedule, in a balanced and proper manner, will be consistently rising in the ladder of inner warmth and happiness, extremely high and also stable levels.

These types of drugs have been created to hide the higher spiritual reality from all the people of the earth. People may fancy what they mimic, but only few will be entitled to these states. Something which every Satanist can achieve in ways these people cannot even figure out.

Do not let others poison you for a quick buck. Have stature, don't waste your time with filthy objectives.

I smoked marijuana for +/- 10 years of my life. I smoked cigarettes for about the same period. Eventually I tried other drugs, LSD, Ayahuasca tea, Mushrooms, lily tea, cocaine, etc. The list is extensive. I was always very attached to my spirituality, not that I was advanced in it, but I was always interested. Several times I had tried to quit smoking, without success, of course. But I stopped for good, I decided to stop for +/- 15 days and the result for me has been wonderful. My question is:

After so many years of smoking, can my brain recover? I already feel clear mental clarity and can see through all this smoke. But how do I know if I've caused permanent damage to my brain and spirit?

I would also like to point out that finding Satan and the JoS website was the help I needed to have the courage to abandon my old lifestyle. Apart from drugs I had already become a "healthy" person in food, meditation, rtr's, yoga... The only piece that was really missing was a change of scenery (living with those who use drugs and are part of the enemy program) and stop use these substances. I had already stopped with all of them, all that was missing was marijuana and cigarettes.

So thank you so much to Satan, to the guardian demon who guides me, to all of the original gods who fight alongside Satan and to all of you from the JoS website. From my heart, I'm changing my life thanks to you all.

And to everyone who comes to read this post, I encourage you to do what I do. Nothing is impossible when you want it, ask the Gods for help and take care of yourself, it's worth it.

I look forward to receiving an answer and thank you in advance.

PS: If there are any grammar errors it is due to google translator as this is not my native language.
You can and you will recover, it will take time but it will happen. Keep doing yoga and meditation everyday, check the SS health sub-forum for healthy advice. Good luck.
Aquarius said:
Renascendo das cinzas said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
It's very simple with these things like weed and so forth. There are people investing into addictive substances, the big sharks, and also the globalist 'Illuminati', sorry I meant kike oligarch, invisible government. Well, the not so invisible government. Sorry I meant the GODDAMN BLATANTLY OBVIOUS- YOU ARE DENYING THE FACTS IF YOU DON'T ADMIT IT- Jewish government.

I am not writing to force people to change their mind in regards to drugs. But to remind you of some lingering issues which many people forget about that.

As with anything deadly, it's promoted as a good thing to begin with. Tabacco has cost more lives than WW1 and WW2 combined, but when the jews were investing in the early stages in it, they hired doctors and so called 'scientists' to promote this thing as some sort of divine relaxant, positive thing, that does so well about any anxiety problem one might possess. It became the 'kool' thing to do during hollywood and so forth.

Marilyn Monroe sits there with her cancer stick, and apparently, why she gets all the boys is because of the cancer stick. So if you buy copious amounts of cancer stick, you will get all the boys. So you buy copious amounts of cancer stick and all you get is disease. And no boys.

Just so that people know, the Torah is very supportive on drugs and hemp and so forth. So this pushing of this is deliberate by the jews. All of which lead the stoner movement. Below a book on the subject. I have skimmed through this thing myself. They also believe it drops spiritual defenses. Which many people who have used the drug from here have pointed out thousands of times.


Drugs are like the new tobacco now, especially weed. They make it seem gangsta or revolutionary, but the real revolution anymore is to not do drugs. Given anyone stones themselves. And as you can see, the argument about how good drugs are, is really improving our societies (lol). Because as we all know, life and society do not improve by labor and evolution, you just evolve because you smoke some hemp and sit in an epileptic state while looking at the wall.

All these pastry boring xians go about saying 'oy veh drugs are good to you, turn to jesus'. Turn from excrement, to go and swim in diarrhea. The world the enemy has created is boring, and their messages bombard people to some sort of 'very uplifting experience'. Unfortunately people don't know, and they are naive, or have no life purpose, so why not? They poison themselves to escape from this grim useless reality they have been enslaved into. Only to find themselves going slowly 6 feet deeper everytime.

The real solution to drugs is not some bullshit solution people preach. But spirituality. People yearn for spiritual experience which causes altered and elevated states. So because they don't get this, they resort of drugs. This is the replacement for spirituality in the jewtrix, and an ultimate punishment imposed upon the people who have spiritual tendency. So the enemy punishes them by getting them hooked into drugs. This inclination would have been spiritual instead and could really lead people to a higher level.

"Everything that kills the Goy is a good thing, and everything that weakens the Goy is given to the jews by 'god' to distribute". The protocols of the elders of Zion have a full page on the matter of pushing drugs to weaken the populace.

Add the drug culture, the race mixing, the massive retardation, the subjugation through workforce slavery, the hate they have created in public education by making it boring edjewcation, the consistent boozing out and so forth, the low culture in general. And you get a populace which is completely beaten, lost, and easily controlled. Drugs are one of the corpus in this morbid octapus of jewish control.

When you do drugs, you are telling the drug cartels to keep going, while making the enemy richer. The people who are suffering to create poppies, cocaine and all the related filth, die in slums and they get nothing absolutely, they work like serfs and slaves.

In order for these to exist, people die, people are worked to death (see Colombia) and whole countries get ruined simply because you are too bored to meditate and want to 'get high' like a swine who has been hit on the head with a bat. You are being criminal and selfish by doing drugs, that is the truth. Interestingly so, both parties the jews dupe, the people who create these for them (Their slaves) and the people who use these (Slaves) both get destroyed and suffer for their whole life. The only winner out of this situation is the jew.

Given millions die and perish each year by these habits, and millions of others have their whole countries enslaved so that addicts can have dope, and so that Israel can make money. Supply and demand. If you demand this, know, each time you are asking your jewish dope dealer, that some kid is worked to death and some people perish in the Opium Wars. One of which was the war in Iraq.

Arguing with people who have been deep into drugs is also useless. They are so much into the meme of how painful they are, or how they are going after 'fun'. Well, until they become burnouts. As they have no conscience either. All they care is about 'feeling high', until their little brain is too 'resistant' to this crap and they overdose or something, and when problems kick in, they just most of the time spit on the face of people who try to help them, or get them into this.

Arguing with potards or people on drugs shows how selfish these people are. There are people who get panic attacks, anxiety, lose their sanity, contact HIV, and get all sorts of other lingering issues from drugs. Yet these people just insist on 'sensible use' and other bullshit, and push to open this to the whole of society. Which ultimately would get people to be destroyed, or at least a very striking number who due to weakness would fall addicted and ultimately even perish from it.

They don't care if the whole of society becomes a drug addict, opening innocents to such possibilities, and they don't care about the people who suffer either, they don't care how much it can ruin lives and families worldwide. All it matters is if they feel OK with it and that they can get the ability to sedate themselves. Who cares if some children have their hands cut in Colombia or get abducted like drug lords because their dad did not deliver their coco sauce? That doesn't matter at all. What matters is their 5 minutes of petty.

This is the epitome of human selfishness. So when many people portray drug addicts as some sort of broken snowflakes, let's also see it from the other side, these people are selfish as fuck. They are literally saying how 'hurtful' they are to excuse their nasty habit which kills millions and so forth. The other dudes who say they just do it for fun, even worse, they literally have no reason to do drugs at all.

Those who quit this nasty habit will be rewarded with health, internal repair, and internal pleasure.

Drugs are designed in such a way that they also rob your natural abilities to relax and generally incapacitate you so that you use them all the more, and all the time. This is literally how it works, otherwise, drugs wouldn't be a profitable business. It's like drinking water with a pierced stomach. You feel the satisfaction in your tongue but you never get hydrated. This process goes on until a person dies miserably, or develops serious issues that need a lot of time to repair.

As for those who are serious, nature and the Gods have you covered. This extends beyond race, and beyond any other condition, as Satan gave spiritual gifts to literally everyone existing, that is, granted people want to take a little time to apply. Those who lay off these destructive habits and follow a good meditation schedule, in a balanced and proper manner, will be consistently rising in the ladder of inner warmth and happiness, extremely high and also stable levels.

These types of drugs have been created to hide the higher spiritual reality from all the people of the earth. People may fancy what they mimic, but only few will be entitled to these states. Something which every Satanist can achieve in ways these people cannot even figure out.

Do not let others poison you for a quick buck. Have stature, don't waste your time with filthy objectives.

I smoked marijuana for +/- 10 years of my life. I smoked cigarettes for about the same period. Eventually I tried other drugs, LSD, Ayahuasca tea, Mushrooms, lily tea, cocaine, etc. The list is extensive. I was always very attached to my spirituality, not that I was advanced in it, but I was always interested. Several times I had tried to quit smoking, without success, of course. But I stopped for good, I decided to stop for +/- 15 days and the result for me has been wonderful. My question is:

After so many years of smoking, can my brain recover? I already feel clear mental clarity and can see through all this smoke. But how do I know if I've caused permanent damage to my brain and spirit?

I would also like to point out that finding Satan and the JoS website was the help I needed to have the courage to abandon my old lifestyle. Apart from drugs I had already become a "healthy" person in food, meditation, rtr's, yoga... The only piece that was really missing was a change of scenery (living with those who use drugs and are part of the enemy program) and stop use these substances. I had already stopped with all of them, all that was missing was marijuana and cigarettes.

So thank you so much to Satan, to the guardian demon who guides me, to all of the original gods who fight alongside Satan and to all of you from the JoS website. From my heart, I'm changing my life thanks to you all.

And to everyone who comes to read this post, I encourage you to do what I do. Nothing is impossible when you want it, ask the Gods for help and take care of yourself, it's worth it.

I look forward to receiving an answer and thank you in advance.

PS: If there are any grammar errors it is due to google translator as this is not my native language.
You can and you will recover, it will take time but it will happen. Keep doing yoga and meditation everyday, check the SS health sub-forum for healthy advice. Good luck.

Thank you for the answer. Knowing that recovery is possible gives me even more willpower.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
hailourtruegod said:
HoodedCobra666 said:
Oy Vey yet annuda spiritual stat3 over der,goy, try it:


That was painful to watch. Anyone calling that spiritual or anything close to it seriously needs a reality check.

Yes, because this, can viably compare to the monks in Tibet who could be secretly have lived around 200 years or something. Or levitating gurus. This is the logic of the 21st century.

Hello, I would like to learn from you about the divine priestly drinks Haoma, Soma, amrita and madhu, as well as about some information from Wikipedia about cannabis history🤔

The ancient Greek historian Herodotus in the "History" described the use of cannabis smoke by the Scythians[3]:§75:
Taking this hemp seed, the Scythians crawl under the felt yurt and then throw it on the red-hot stones. This raises such a strong smoke and steam that no Hellenic steam bath can compare with such a bath. Enjoying it, the Scythians scream loudly with pleasure.
As the German archaeologist Hugo Obermayer established, smoking cannabis with pipes was practiced by the ancient Germans and Gallo-Romans — this is evidenced by the relevant finds made in several graves[4].
According to the publications of the German traveler Paul Pogge, in some tribes of Central Africa, coercion to smoke cannabis was used in judicial law enforcement practice. The convict was obliged to smoke such an amount of cannabis that led him to a state of strong intoxication, after which he was beaten by the judges [5].
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Alexander said:
Any opinion on ''drugs'' like psilocybin mushroom, it does not lead to physical dependence, and a lot of people reported very positive effects from taking these mushrooms, even life changing and reality altering experiences.

Obviously everything needs moderation and this not something to play with or not take seriously, but would you guys charecterize psilocybin mushrooms as something negative that should be avoided at all costs?

I do not characterize drugs as simply bad. They are useless. Useless means just that, useless. One simply does not need them. Doing some useless things can also highly damage you, such as in the case of drugs.

You do not need shrooms to have a good spiritual experience, you don't need shrooms to feel better, you don't need cocaine to feel confidence, or weed to help you relax.

I think many of these people are over-exaggerating, granted, they have been feeling like shit all their life, from not doing sports, meditation, following a proper diet, getting constantly wasted, smoking cancer stick and so forth. Therefore, any improvement in the above train-wreck condition is seen as a very good and 'positive' experience.

People also believe in these drugs so much. In other words, it's their belief in the drugs that causes the changes. If you believe that a banana gives you so much intense energy, you can actually feel eating banana's way more than someone that doesn't.

Spiritually speaking all drugs are from the 'fake side' and the negative aspect of reality. There are no spiritual outcomes from drugs, just material hallucinations. One example is the stoner pseudo mage Crowley, he was magically infertile and powerless. At best, they alter your material body, while causing issues and imbalances at the soul. The soul (what you carry with you through multiple lifetimes) gets worn out by usage.

Drugs are like going on a merry go round. You see the world spinning, but nothing is spinning. It's all a lie and bollocks. It's also very lonely, so to say. Spiritual experiences transform you from the inside and out, they don't just mess with your biochemistry.

I agree with you, the High Priest of the Cobra in the Hood, but there are still some interesting points that I would like to mention but did not find a suitable button... perhaps to create a separate topic for discussing alchemical moments

I used to think that in my ideal NS society fly agaric chips would be sold everywhere, and the great Kshatriya warriors in brown shirts with a black dot and a cap with a dead head would distribute pineapple juice to wash down mushrooms for free every morning to people, but having figured it out and immersed themselves in some real experiments on themselves and research material (I write from a translator from Russian, do not blame mistakes if there are semantic ones)
I realized that mushrooms have their place in the world and they do not need to be disliked or hated for sure, they are the children of the earth of our planet, in fact they are even closer to the earth than mammals (I can not say for other things like Ayawaska, and it is the fly agaric specifically, now it will be discussed) that the fly agaric as a spirit, a collection of spiritual beings in a mushroom (someone will say foreigners), maybe teachers to some extent, rather has a subtle meaning close to the lower astral, and not to the spiritual world, there is absolutely no higher.
+ Fly agaric has more to do with the mental plan and if it helps in small doses only and cleanses then only the mental plan, heads and thoughts, cleans the disk perhaps
But that's not all, mushrooms in general, by their very nature in ancient times, had the symbolism of death
. Look on the Internet for information about this
The real death
Shiva was sometimes depicted with mushrooms (in the guise of the ruler of the spirits of nature, the world of the dead and all others)
There was a Hindu ritual, one associated with death
Sallekhana (IAST: sallekhanā), also known as samlehna, santhara, samadhi-marana or sanyasana-marana
And in some images of this ritual, a person is under a mushroom
Dionysus was also sometimes depicted with a mushroom as a symbolism of ritual madness
The symbolism of death is absolutely correlated with the experience of people
Bad Trip (again, it's only about fly agaric, I haven't tried anything else)
When your consciousness and thoughts accelerate and everything comes to the realization of yourself as God in your head, at first you feel a little physically ill, then it becomes good mental blocks fly off the body flies, visualization shines brightly (with good mental and physical preparation and the absence of addictions and mixing the mushroom with something)
At one point it comes to some thoughts and then you get caught as if someone is in Tartor
But it all closes up and an endless terrible death and birth begins
You disintegrate into atoms and reassemble yourself looking for an option to stop it
It's like playing chess with yourself where you can't win with a mushroom
Or a game with the mushroom itself where the mushroom wins anyway
At least I had such an experience and after I started reading about it, many people have the same thing
As a result, it ends when it has already become so unbearable and you are forever begging at least someone to finish it, higher powers, etc
. And then falling into darkness
And you wake up and you're just glad that you're alive, after that you revised a lot....
That's how it was with me
People write that it was necessary to "accept death" but of course then I did not read about it and could not even think that it turns out that it is necessary to accept death
Then it seemed that I would either go crazy or die, or agents and aliens of some kind would break in and kill me for knowing too much and allowing myself to
Or just this torment will end and I will die already
Or I have already died and therefore everything repeats itself, this was probably the most terrible thought
After this experience, I began to treat death differently and they are not afraid of it at all, but on the contrary, I wanted to live, became somehow more gently cordial emotionally temporarily ...
It's hard to say for sure, but the assumptions are
The fact that mushrooms are associated with death, some and the earth, there is definitely such a moment.
Perhaps with Saturn 🤔
The moon and Mercury are planetary
The color of the mushrooms may matter, as does the color of the chakras
I also used to think that since there is a blood connection with traditions, based on past incarnations and kind, those who were already in contact with mushrooms, for example, through Shamanism, are more relaxed about this, it is worth remembering that shamans of the north often penetrate into the world of nature spirits, elementals, animals, plants, mushrooms, etc
There are controversial points further with allegories or with the physical manifestations of any allegories on our planet
About Wotan is a text from the elder Edda where he drank the magic honey that his Grandfather gave him before hanging on the tree for the sake of knowledge of runes, There is also an interesting study on this topic, "the search for the Somme, the main riddle of all the Vedas"

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
