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Dresden The Kabbalistic Human Sacrifice Of Pagans

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Dresden The Kabbalistic Human Sacrifice Of Pagans

During the second world war there was what is called "The Magical Battle Of Britain" in which members of the Judeo Masonic world and Judeo-Theosophical societies used occult warfare against the National Socialists. This included the famous Theosophical leader and psychic adept, Dion Fortune who's methods of warfare also included using Christ Consciousness built thought forms and using the Kabbalah magic system to use the egregore of Christ to draw psychic energy to attack the National Socialists.

Dion Fortune was also advising Churchill with occult insight and knowledge, Churchill himself was a 33rd degree Judeo-Free Mason and Jewish from his mothers side and was put into power by the Jewish Rothschild's who control Britain and who call themselves the Messiah the Kings of the Jews, to push the war. The reality is what happened in the Battle of Britain was only the starting of this occult war and the British were using occultists the entire war.

The attack on Dresden also had occult warfare implications, Dresden was a major center of Pagan occultism and witchcraft and was targeted on orders directly from Churchill probably from suggestions by his own Kabbalistic adepts who were advising him, the proof is the date of the attack on Dresden it was planned on a Kabbalistic date of Ash Wednesday the major enemy ritual date to connect into the rituals being done by the Jewsuit run Catholic Church which are all based on the Jewish Kabbalah. Dion Fortune shows they use the Chirst egregore for their occult warfare.

Dresden was a hospital city and had no military purpose there was Red Cross observers on the ground to ensure the deal between Germany and the nations at war with them that Dresden would be off limits to enemy attacks and used for a hospital city. Germany kept their end of the deal the city was defenseless. Dresden was fire bombed by the RAF into ruin the photo's of the city after the attack are similar looking to Hiroshima after the Atomic bomb destroyed it. The attack was a documentable war crime.

Dresden was a major and old center of Pagan Witchcraft in Germany this goes back centuries and this fact was well known in occult circles in Europe. Dresden was fire bombed to destroy the Pagan Witches in the city and other possible occultists who might have been spiritually protecting Germany in the magical war. And for the Jewish elites in charge of Britain the chance to destroy as many Pagan, spiritually advanced Gentiles is part of what their Talmud commands. Even the act of destroying Dresden by fire on the Kabbalistic date ties into the Talmud and Jewish Kabbalah in which the Shin [fire] letter represents the power of Yahweh to destroy the enemies of Israel, and this is by fire. The Jews are commanded to totality destroy Amalek the Germans in their Talmud, their cities, women, children, everything and that is the Jewish way of making war in the Jewish Torah and Talmud.

The Jewish god commanded the Israelites in the Torah to take all the women, men children and animals of the tribes who were their enemies they killed on Yahweh's orders and to stack them on altars and immolate them with FIRE as the Olah the burnt offering to Yahweh. That is what Dresden was a ritual Kabbalistic human sacrifice of Pagans [Gentiles] to the Jewish god.

Walpurgis Night: Volume One 1919 - 1933, Thomas Sheridan
HP Mageson666 said:
Dresden The Kabbalistic Human Sacrifice Of Pagans

During the second world war there was what is called "The Magical Battle Of Britain" in which members of the Judeo Masonic world and Judeo-Theosophical societies used occult warfare against the National Socialists. This included the famous Theosophical leader and psychic adept, Dion Fortune who's methods of warfare also included using Christ Consciousness built thought forms and using the Kabbalah magic system to use the egregore of Christ to draw psychic energy to attack the National Socialists.

Dion Fortune was also advising Churchill with occult insight and knowledge, Churchill himself was a 33rd degree Judeo-Free Mason and Jewish from his mothers side and was put into power by the Jewish Rothschild's who control Britain and who call themselves the Messiah the Kings of the Jews, to push the war. The reality is what happened in the Battle of Britain was only the starting of this occult war and the British were using occultists the entire war.

The attack on Dresden also had occult warfare implications, Dresden was a major center of Pagan occultism and witchcraft and was targeted on orders directly from Churchill probably from suggestions by his own Kabbalistic adepts who were advising him, the proof is the date of the attack on Dresden it was planned on a Kabbalistic date of Ash Wednesday the major enemy ritual date to connect into the rituals being done by the Jewsuit run Catholic Church which are all based on the Jewish Kabbalah. Dion Fortune shows they use the Chirst egregore for their occult warfare.

Dresden was a hospital city and had no military purpose there was Red Cross observers on the ground to ensure the deal between Germany and the nations at war with them that Dresden would be off limits to enemy attacks and used for a hospital city. Germany kept their end of the deal the city was defenseless. Dresden was fire bombed by the RAF into ruin the photo's of the city after the attack are similar looking to Hiroshima after the Atomic bomb destroyed it. The attack was a documentable war crime.

Dresden was a major and old center of Pagan Witchcraft in Germany this goes back centuries and this fact was well known in occult circles in Europe. Dresden was fire bombed to destroy the Pagan Witches in the city and other possible occultists who might have been spiritually protecting Germany in the magical war. And for the Jewish elites in charge of Britain the chance to destroy as many Pagan, spiritually advanced Gentiles is part of what their Talmud commands. Even the act of destroying Dresden by fire on the Kabbalistic date ties into the Talmud and Jewish Kabbalah in which the Shin [fire] letter represents the power of Yahweh to destroy the enemies of Israel, and this is by fire. The Jews are commanded to totality destroy Amalek the Germans in their Talmud, their cities, women, children, everything and that is the Jewish way of making war in the Jewish Torah and Talmud.

The Jewish god commanded the Israelites in the Torah to take all the women, men children and animals of the tribes who were their enemies they killed on Yahweh's orders and to stack them on altars and immolate them with FIRE as the Olah the burnt offering to Yahweh. That is what Dresden was a ritual Kabbalistic human sacrifice of Pagans [Gentiles] to the Jewish god.

Walpurgis Night: Volume One 1919 - 1933, Thomas Sheridan

I was in Dresden in my last life. From the ages of 1-4 I would dream almost every night. Dreams that felt a week long. Wandering around this Burning city. We lost everything there and it was Horrible.
Oh my Gods and Goddesses! That's horrible! I despise Jews and I never knew that Churchill was a kike from his mother's side! I always hated Churchill. When I was young I didn't know why but I do now! I've always loved Hitler! May our antichrist destroy the Jewish menace!

Thank you and may the Gods and Goddesses bless you for your work, HP!

Hail Satan!
Aldrick Strickland said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Dresden The Kabbalistic Human Sacrifice Of Pagans

During the second world war there was what is called "The Magical Battle Of Britain" in which members of the Judeo Masonic world and Judeo-Theosophical societies used occult warfare against the National Socialists. This included the famous Theosophical leader and psychic adept, Dion Fortune who's methods of warfare also included using Christ Consciousness built thought forms and using the Kabbalah magic system to use the egregore of Christ to draw psychic energy to attack the National Socialists.

Dion Fortune was also advising Churchill with occult insight and knowledge, Churchill himself was a 33rd degree Judeo-Free Mason and Jewish from his mothers side and was put into power by the Jewish Rothschild's who control Britain and who call themselves the Messiah the Kings of the Jews, to push the war. The reality is what happened in the Battle of Britain was only the starting of this occult war and the British were using occultists the entire war.

The attack on Dresden also had occult warfare implications, Dresden was a major center of Pagan occultism and witchcraft and was targeted on orders directly from Churchill probably from suggestions by his own Kabbalistic adepts who were advising him, the proof is the date of the attack on Dresden it was planned on a Kabbalistic date of Ash Wednesday the major enemy ritual date to connect into the rituals being done by the Jewsuit run Catholic Church which are all based on the Jewish Kabbalah. Dion Fortune shows they use the Chirst egregore for their occult warfare.

Dresden was a hospital city and had no military purpose there was Red Cross observers on the ground to ensure the deal between Germany and the nations at war with them that Dresden would be off limits to enemy attacks and used for a hospital city. Germany kept their end of the deal the city was defenseless. Dresden was fire bombed by the RAF into ruin the photo's of the city after the attack are similar looking to Hiroshima after the Atomic bomb destroyed it. The attack was a documentable war crime.

Dresden was a major and old center of Pagan Witchcraft in Germany this goes back centuries and this fact was well known in occult circles in Europe. Dresden was fire bombed to destroy the Pagan Witches in the city and other possible occultists who might have been spiritually protecting Germany in the magical war. And for the Jewish elites in charge of Britain the chance to destroy as many Pagan, spiritually advanced Gentiles is part of what their Talmud commands. Even the act of destroying Dresden by fire on the Kabbalistic date ties into the Talmud and Jewish Kabbalah in which the Shin [fire] letter represents the power of Yahweh to destroy the enemies of Israel, and this is by fire. The Jews are commanded to totality destroy Amalek the Germans in their Talmud, their cities, women, children, everything and that is the Jewish way of making war in the Jewish Torah and Talmud.

The Jewish god commanded the Israelites in the Torah to take all the women, men children and animals of the tribes who were their enemies they killed on Yahweh's orders and to stack them on altars and immolate them with FIRE as the Olah the burnt offering to Yahweh. That is what Dresden was a ritual Kabbalistic human sacrifice of Pagans [Gentiles] to the Jewish god.

Walpurgis Night: Volume One 1919 - 1933, Thomas Sheridan

I was in Dresden in my last life. From the ages of 1-4 I would dream almost every night. Dreams that felt a week long. Wandering around this Burning city. We lost everything there and it was Horrible.

I don't know where I was at that time but I remember around the time of the war somehow I ended up getting displaced somehow and fleeing to America by train at least part way. I remembered that as a little kid. When I was a little kid I scared my xtian dad half asleep one time and asked him "is this train going to America" this was when I was 3 years old lol without that I would not have remembered where I fled too. I think some other Satanists came with me. I also got flashes once of being at a train station. I was not on the side of the enemy though I remember having a blue pentagram I meditated on I believe some of my family and friends were Satanic at the time. I saw myself in this European city in a little white house near a main Street before that. I was probably fleeing the enemy I guess. They did not stop any of us. They can kill our bodies but not our spirits this time there is no winning for the Jews we will not give up and we will not back down.
EgyptianStar666 said:
Oh my Gods and Goddesses! That's horrible! I despise Jews and I never knew that Churchill was a kike from his mother's side! I always hated Churchill. When I was young I didn't know why but I do now! I've always loved Hitler! May our antichrist destroy the Jewish menace!

Thank you and may the Gods and Goddesses bless you for your work, HP!

Hail Satan!

I had the same feelings when I was young in school I always despised the guy and had a very horrible vibe towards him
TopoftheAbyss said:
Was the bombing of London a thing?
I think yes, it was a thing but it was churchill who started the bombing first and that too, on civilians at night and it was after then when Luftwaffe started bombing but Hitler had ordered to strike military installations only, not civilians and that too at daylight. But churchill did not stop bombing civilians at night, so Hitler and the NS had to do something. London bombing was a blow to chruchill, he thought Germans bombing at daylight was a weakness of Luftwaffe, little did he know that a storm was coming. It was the aid from the US which kept Britain fueled enough to last until the jews push the US to join the European war. Jewchill knew that without US, they can't win the war.
What can we learn from it:

Never show mercy to the enemy, they will use any force they can to destroy. Never surrender.

there is a "good" documentation about it : Hellstorm

I found it on bitchute:


the youtube video is gone (library)
The Battle of Britain was fought because the RAF started bombing German civilians, Hitler warned Churchill to stop such and the German air force was sent to attack the RAF bases in Britain to destroy Bomber Command from being able to attack Germany. It escalated from there.

TopoftheAbyss said:
Was the bombing of London a thing?
Aldrick Strickland said:
I was in Dresden in my last life. From the ages of 1-4 I would dream almost every night. Dreams that felt a week long. Wandering around this Burning city. We lost everything there and it was Horrible.

what a wonderful gift from satan who helped you to reincarnate again nowadays
Brother did you use ÖDHAL rune to know your past life
GG Allin said:
What can we learn from it:

Never show mercy to the enemy, they will use any force they can to destroy. Never surrender.

there is a "good" documentation about it : Hellstorm

I found it on bitchute:


the youtube video is gone (library)
Hellstorm is full of lies and the producer is a kike.
SATchives said:
EgyptianStar666 said:
Oh my Gods and Goddesses! That's horrible! I despise Jews and I never knew that Churchill was a kike from his mother's side! I always hated Churchill. When I was young I didn't know why but I do now! I've always loved Hitler! May our antichrist destroy the Jewish menace!

Thank you and may the Gods and Goddesses bless you for your work, HP!

Hail Satan!

I had the same feelings when I was young in school I always despised the guy and had a very horrible vibe towards him

I never liked that bastard. School was always saying how great he was. I always had a fascination with Hitler and Germany. When I would watch that filth about how bad or evil Hitler was... I could feel that he was a good man, a great man and I admired him. I had a feeling that all those lies about him were that and nothing more.

Hail Hitler!

Hail Satan!
txg said:
in all seriousness though isnt 50 years a long time to be dead?
It depends, really. Some souls need rather complex conditions to be met in order to be reincarnated somewhat successfully. My (presumably) most recent past life was around the time of the middle ages, so I most likely waited a couple hundred years.
A lot of things, like planets and a genetically (and mentally) compatible family, need to be in alignment if you want a reasonably successful reincarnation, atleast in my opinion. Especially for the more violent souls of ours it's important to have a family that can at the very least survive our reincarnation and raise us reasonably well until we grow up. Pair a violent soul with cold and abusive parents, and you have yourself a recipe for murder and for an SS landing in prison from a young age with lots of mental scars.
What evidence do you have for rainbow Klyee, being Jewish? I don't believe he is such. How is Hellstorm full of lies as well?

Aquarius said:
Hellstorm is full of lies and the producer is a kike.
sonnenkraft said:
Aldrick Strickland said:
I was in Dresden in my last life. From the ages of 1-4 I would dream almost every night. Dreams that felt a week long. Wandering around this Burning city. We lost everything there and it was Horrible.

what a wonderful gift from satan who helped you to reincarnate again nowadays
Brother did you use ÖDHAL rune to know your past life

No, I was just born remembering. I would go to sleep and be 23 and wake up 3. I remember sitting in bed thinking how am I 3 years old again? It would be one thing just for me to imagine being older, but I know everything to be in my 20s and things I should not know.

I will wait till im 20 to compare. Sure enough, it was the same.
txg said:
Aldrick Strickland said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Dresden The Kabbalistic Human Sacrifice Of Pagans

During the second world war there was what is called "The Magical Battle Of Britain" in which members of the Judeo Masonic world and Judeo-Theosophical societies used occult warfare against the National Socialists. This included the famous Theosophical leader and psychic adept, Dion Fortune who's methods of warfare also included using Christ Consciousness built thought forms and using the Kabbalah magic system to use the egregore of Christ to draw psychic energy to attack the National Socialists.

Dion Fortune was also advising Churchill with occult insight and knowledge, Churchill himself was a 33rd degree Judeo-Free Mason and Jewish from his mothers side and was put into power by the Jewish Rothschild's who control Britain and who call themselves the Messiah the Kings of the Jews, to push the war. The reality is what happened in the Battle of Britain was only the starting of this occult war and the British were using occultists the entire war.

The attack on Dresden also had occult warfare implications, Dresden was a major center of Pagan occultism and witchcraft and was targeted on orders directly from Churchill probably from suggestions by his own Kabbalistic adepts who were advising him, the proof is the date of the attack on Dresden it was planned on a Kabbalistic date of Ash Wednesday the major enemy ritual date to connect into the rituals being done by the Jewsuit run Catholic Church which are all based on the Jewish Kabbalah. Dion Fortune shows they use the Chirst egregore for their occult warfare.

Dresden was a hospital city and had no military purpose there was Red Cross observers on the ground to ensure the deal between Germany and the nations at war with them that Dresden would be off limits to enemy attacks and used for a hospital city. Germany kept their end of the deal the city was defenseless. Dresden was fire bombed by the RAF into ruin the photo's of the city after the attack are similar looking to Hiroshima after the Atomic bomb destroyed it. The attack was a documentable war crime.

Dresden was a major and old center of Pagan Witchcraft in Germany this goes back centuries and this fact was well known in occult circles in Europe. Dresden was fire bombed to destroy the Pagan Witches in the city and other possible occultists who might have been spiritually protecting Germany in the magical war. And for the Jewish elites in charge of Britain the chance to destroy as many Pagan, spiritually advanced Gentiles is part of what their Talmud commands. Even the act of destroying Dresden by fire on the Kabbalistic date ties into the Talmud and Jewish Kabbalah in which the Shin [fire] letter represents the power of Yahweh to destroy the enemies of Israel, and this is by fire. The Jews are commanded to totality destroy Amalek the Germans in their Talmud, their cities, women, children, everything and that is the Jewish way of making war in the Jewish Torah and Talmud.

The Jewish god commanded the Israelites in the Torah to take all the women, men children and animals of the tribes who were their enemies they killed on Yahweh's orders and to stack them on altars and immolate them with FIRE as the Olah the burnt offering to Yahweh. That is what Dresden was a ritual Kabbalistic human sacrifice of Pagans [Gentiles] to the Jewish god.

Walpurgis Night: Volume One 1919 - 1933, Thomas Sheridan

I was in Dresden in my last life. From the ages of 1-4 I would dream almost every night. Dreams that felt a week long. Wandering around this Burning city. We lost everything there and it was Horrible.

in all seriousness though isnt 50 years a long time to be dead?

I do not believe so. I think satan kept souls in Hell for some time. I can remember being in my 20s during the war which would have been 39-45.

Then I remembered a man sending me here for a mission. I would try to remember what he sent me here for.

I have never really done past life regression. My memories are from dreams as a child.

Maxine said most of us are from nazi Germany. How would I die in the 40s if I even did. Live a life for 40 years, die and come back. That makes less sense. Especially we all did this?
Aquarius said:
GG Allin said:
What can we learn from it:

Never show mercy to the enemy, they will use any force they can to destroy. Never surrender.

there is a "good" documentation about it : Hellstorm

I found it on bitchute:


the youtube video is gone (library)
Hellstorm is full of lies and the producer is a kike.

but it was linked in the library. so it is more good then bad.
i would appreciate it if you could point out the lies and describe them in detail.
GG Allin said:
Aquarius said:
GG Allin said:
What can we learn from it:

Never show mercy to the enemy, they will use any force they can to destroy. Never surrender.

there is a "good" documentation about it : Hellstorm

I found it on bitchute:


the youtube video is gone (library)
Hellstorm is full of lies and the producer is a kike.

but it was linked in the library. so it is more good then bad.
i would appreciate it if you could point out the lies and describe them in detail.
I think one of the lies was about Hitler having jews in his army, others were about Hitler not hating xianity the list goes on I can’t remember them all.
TopoftheAbyss said:
Is there any evidence that Churchill was Jewish?

Churchill was part Jewish from his Mother Jennie Jerome - There was even
an Israeli article almost bragging about Churchill's "Jewish roots"
TopoftheAbyss said:
Is there any evidence that Churchill was Jewish?

It makes little difference whether Churchill was Jewish or not, he was working for Jewish interests,
& was being funded by The Focus Group from 1936, made up of elite Jews to undermine National Socialism, Chamberlain had little chance of keeping Britain out the war with this group look to start a
war for Jewish interests
Aquarius said:
GG Allin said:
Aquarius said:
Hellstorm is full of lies and the producer is a kike.

but it was linked in the library. so it is more good then bad.
i would appreciate it if you could point out the lies and describe them in detail.
I think one of the lies was about Hitler having jews in his army, others were about Hitler not hating xianity the list goes on I can’t remember them all.

There was Jews that fought for Germany in WW1, There was Soldiers etc with Jewish blood that fought for Germany in WW2 too.........The main point of the documentary Hellstorm is to make people aware of the atrocities carried out on the German people
It does make a difference it shows why Churchill was put into power and it explains his well known psychopathic behaviour.

Sean475 said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
Is there any evidence that Churchill was Jewish?

It makes little difference whether Churchill was Jewish or not, he was working for Jewish interests,
& was being funded by The Focus Group from 1936, made up of elite Jews to undermine National Socialism, Chamberlain had little chance of keeping Britain out the war with this group look to start a
war for Jewish interests
People try and use the fact some Jews fought in the Germany Army to soften up Gentiles to accept Jews amongst them its an apologetic for Jews. They then ignore the Nuremberg race laws and the fact the SS which Hitler had total control over and was the future of the National Socialist society, allowed no one of Jewish blood within the ranks. Hitler wanted to move the Jews out of Germany and Europe and remove all Jewish influence in Germany from the society by working to remove Christianity, Communism, Judeo Free Masonry and Rothschild banks.

I notice the Jew pushers all turn up like Brian Ruhe to be Jewish themselves and have orthodox Talmud reading Jewish friends. Or they are unsane Christians who can't get over their Rabbi Jewsus.
SATchives said:
EgyptianStar666 said:
Oh my Gods and Goddesses! That's horrible! I despise Jews and I never knew that Churchill was a kike from his mother's side! I always hated Churchill. When I was young I didn't know why but I do now! I've always loved Hitler! May our antichrist destroy the Jewish menace!

Thank you and may the Gods and Goddesses bless you for your work, HP!

Hail Satan!

I had the same feelings when I was young in school I always despised the guy and had a very horrible vibe towards him
Same I don't it's weird like I had a subconscious nasty feeling when I saw pictures of Churchill. And when I saw pictures of our Antichrist I felt something different and good but I just denied it. I guess that's what lead me to the stupid xian KKK. And xtian Neo Nazis.
Hey goyim.. What makes you so sure it's not gonna happen again? You think you're better than the little guy with the mustasch?
Sean475 said:
Aquarius said:
GG Allin said:
but it was linked in the library. so it is more good then bad.
i would appreciate it if you could point out the lies and describe them in detail.
I think one of the lies was about Hitler having jews in his army, others were about Hitler not hating xianity the list goes on I can’t remember them all.

There was Jews that fought for Germany in WW1, There was Soldiers etc with Jewish blood that fought for Germany in WW2 too.........The main point of the documentary Hellstorm is to make people aware of the atrocities carried out on the German people
Seems like you have hangups about jews
Aquarius said:
Sean475 said:
Aquarius said:
I think one of the lies was about Hitler having jews in his army, others were about Hitler not hating xianity the list goes on I can’t remember them all.

There was Jews that fought for Germany in WW1, There was Soldiers etc with Jewish blood that fought for Germany in WW2 too.........The main point of the documentary Hellstorm is to make people aware of the atrocities carried out on the German people
Seems like you have hangups about jews

to be fair there were jews in WW1 and WW2 who fought for germany but not many, and the ones who did fight did either betray or leave the frontline at first opportunity. If somebody know a different case please tell.

For the second part he hated xianity in secret. he was even a member of the catholic church for cover /spying reasons.
GG Allin said:
Aquarius said:
Sean475 said:
There was Jews that fought for Germany in WW1, There was Soldiers etc with Jewish blood that fought for Germany in WW2 too.........The main point of the documentary Hellstorm is to make people aware of the atrocities carried out on the German people
Seems like you have hangups about jews

to be fair there were jews in WW1 and WW2 who fought for germany but not many, and the ones who did fight did either betray or leave the frontline at first opportunity. If somebody know a different case please tell.

For the second part he hated xianity in secret. he was even a member of the catholic church for cover /spying reasons.
Yes, arresting priests for pedophilia and changing the bible into the Mein Kampf and having massive pagan cerimonies was definitely him keeping it a secret. You gotta study more.
GG Allin said:
Aquarius said:
Sean475 said:
There was Jews that fought for Germany in WW1, There was Soldiers etc with Jewish blood that fought for Germany in WW2 too.........The main point of the documentary Hellstorm is to make people aware of the atrocities carried out on the German people
Seems like you have hangups about jews

to be fair there were jews in WW1 and WW2 who fought for germany but not many, and the ones who did fight did either betray or leave the frontline at first opportunity. If somebody know a different case please tell.

For the second part he hated xianity in secret. he was even a member of the catholic church for cover /spying reasons.

Yes i forgot to add we're only talking small numbers of Jews in the German army , Nothing like the British Army with Jewish high raked Officers & even their own Division/Army in the end, the Jewish Brigade, part of the British 8th Army, they wore British Uniforms & drove US Jeeps but were under no control of the British Army, They were basically mobile death squads targeting Germans post WW2 .
Serpent said:
Hey goyim.. What makes you so sure it's not gonna happen again? You think you're better than the little guy with the mustasch?
I normally give infiltrators 0/10 marks, but because you infiltrated and acted 'normal' for a month or two to gain mods' trust and then troll, I'll give you ½/10. Just a condom could have stopped this. Too bad your kind probably lays eggs. Hatching such a lame infiltration plan. :roll: Perhaps you should go back to hatching eggs.
Blackdragon666 said:
Serpent said:
Hey goyim.. What makes you so sure it's not gonna happen again? You think you're better than the little guy with the mustasch?
I normally give infiltrators 0/10 marks, but because you infiltrated and acted 'normal' for a month or two to gain mods' trust and then troll, I'll give you ½/10. Just a condom could have stopped this. Too bad your kind probably lays eggs. Hatching such a lame infiltration plan. :roll: Perhaps you should go back to hatching eggs.

What makes you think the condom isn't sucking the water's width around ears?
Serpent said:
Hey goyim.. What makes you so sure it's not gonna happen again? You think you're better than the little guy with the mustasch?

if you are not part of the top 6% zionist well better start doing the final rtr:

Even if, on the Georgia Guidestones they (NWO leader) have written they want to MAINTAIN HUMANITY UNDER 500.000.000 people.
Someone said there are 3.500.000 jews worldwide. In there talmud they also stated there goal is every jew get 2.800 slaves.

500.000.000 people / 2.801 slaves+owner jew = 178.507 jews. 3.500.000 - 178.507 = 3.321.493 dead jews. (maybe some jews don´t count as jews and get enslaved as like the gentiles 24/7 slaving). 3.321.493/3.500.000 = 94% of all jews on earth will not benefit from thear leaders action. <- 6%
So what are you gonna do about it? You're not man enough to keep up with a consistent ritual schedule. Your ancestors certainly weren't, or they wouldn't have been psychological slaves for centuries.
Serpent said:
So what are you gonna do about it? You're not man enough to keep up with a consistent ritual schedule. Your ancestors certainly weren't, or they wouldn't have been psychological slaves for centuries.

Are you scratching your head with a menorah while you write this message?
Serpent said:
So what are you gonna do about it? You're not man enough to keep up with a consistent ritual schedule. Your ancestors certainly weren't, or they wouldn't have been psychological slaves for centuries.
heheheheheheheh kike.
You better start packing up and go back to pissrael, shit is gonna get real for your parassite race:D
Aquarius said:
Serpent said:
So what are you gonna do about it? You're not man enough to keep up with a consistent ritual schedule. Your ancestors certainly weren't, or they wouldn't have been psychological slaves for centuries.
heheheheheheheh kike.
You better start packing up and go back to pissrael, shit is gonna get real for your parassite race:D
I don't even think he is a jew but just some edgy kid that want to troll...

But if you are one of those parassite then just sit down and see what is coming, the God's will not have any compassion for you or your other lovely vampires ;)
Serpent said:
So what are you gonna do about it? You're not man enough to keep up with a consistent ritual schedule. Your ancestors certainly weren't, or they wouldn't have been psychological slaves for centuries.
You should better start praying now to the jewish thoughtform and beg it for saving your soul because soon it will be fully destroyed.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
