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Don't be afraid to advance

Nov 6, 2022
[email protected]
The thought of putting in lots of work, time, and effort may seem tedious or overwhelming but the beauty of what comes from the efforts of your labor outweighs literally anything difficult you may face or have to overcome.

Some may be afraid to advance because they lack faith in themselves. They may feel that they aren't good enough or smart enough to figure it out, they may compare themselves to this person or that thinking "they advanced much quicker than me" or "They are much smarter than me I'll never figure it out" These thoughts are not true they are a harmful poison you must cure yourself from.

We all advance at our own pace. This isn't a competition, We will all get our moment to prove ourselves and do well but we must put in the work and not give up. No one who walks this path and really tries hard will be left behind, if you're struggling with something the Gods will always help you. And never be ashamed to ask us here for help. Even if it's embarrassing to you, most of the time the issue isn't as bad as you may think. We've all had our embarrassing moments and our difficulties. We've all had to ask questions we thought were dumb. But truthfully there are no dumb questions in regards to your advancement.

Those who judge harshly are people usually who haven't advanced enough themselves, and are jealous of other people's progress anyway. But everyone else will not judge you because we've all been through our own struggles. Don't be like those who judge and become bitter due to not putting in enough effort to advance their own selves, and giving up only to judge and criticize those working towards advancement. They feel because they couldn't make it neither should you.

Instead work on yourself and understand that no matter how fast or long it takes as long as you're actually trying you are on the right track. There's no time limit to advance. Don't get discouraged, don't compare yourself to anyone else. Be the best you can be. You will make it as long as your heart is in it. The path to Success makes no stops for self doubt or worry.

Trust in yourself and the Gods and never give in to fear or negative thoughts.

Hail Satan!!
Thanks! I had a tough time understanding that it takes a long time to get there. I do understand now, that spirituality is not about fast changes, and that would be awful if someone could become a god without a lot of work, and time. The basis of become a god is that you have to have a good problem-solving skills and you can't have that until you havn't been trough a lot. It's the part of the process, and if you really want to advance to become a god, than don't run away from your problems and be persistent.
Great article, thanks.

Some people say that envy is a good thing, but only part of it is actually good. It is divided into two parts, the good and the bad. The good is admiration and wanting to be better. The bad is wanting to ruin and destroy the best. How can the latter be good? It is pure malice, wickedness, hostility and enmity.
I think the reason that makes me afraid the most is that you won't be able to relate to people anymore and seriously so.

I am not a super advanced SS or anything. But I have been here for a long time from a young age. I have studied and have a decent understanding of spirituality, the case of the world and the truth in general.

Even just this, has made my social life a living hell. I can't properly relate to people honestly and it just feels I am always walking on egg shells.

I can't open up to someone and if I do even with someone a bit open to spiritual stuff and they agree with me at the point. I get seriously betrayed and they run away from the truth even when they know it is the truth slander and hurt me then repent to Allah or whatever.

It's not fun, you know. It never was and I hate getting so traumatized and broken just because I am aware of the state of the world and trying to make it better.

I also have some empathy and clairaudience to a degree. I can know what people are feeling/thinking since a young age and it gives me anxiety to be so aware of someone hating me, annoyed by me, etc. and if I tell them something they are thinking, feeling, suffering from. They feel their privacy invaded and completely deny it and feel uncomfortable and reject me and make me feel like I am insane or weird. My intuition has developed even more recently.

I can't imagine how hard it can be if I can actually speak with spirits, read thoughts of people, or experience any other advancement. I don't know how I can really relate to any person in my life by then. Or have any type of decent relationships..

Still, I am an SS and I do wish for advancement so bad and still trying. But, the state of the world and people are not fun at all..
Thank you SapphireDragon!!

I admire your work (singing) and the great articles that you make!! :)

You're a very inspiring individual!! :D

I understand what you mean. I had to come to a decision that advancing myself so I can help the world become a better place ultimately is more important than any worries like this that I've had. Our path isn't always easy and can be challenging in this way, but it's worth it in the long run. And we always at least have this community and each other.

I'm not a super advanced individual yet either, I'm working on it, but I still have a ways to go. But I know exactly what you mean in many ways. Trust me, I understand the feeling. But sometimes we have to train ourselves not to bring up what is picked up from another. They won't always understand and it could put you in danger. I hope you don't mind me putting in a little advice that could help you.

I found that It's better to gently bring up things that could be beneficial to the person if you've picked up something they're thinking. For example, If I picked up that they were depressed and thinking about how much they hate their job, and want to quit, I may bring up a interesting story that I just "remembered" about a friend I knew who was really feeling down about not having a job they were passionate about, untill they found out about candle making, and discovered it is super fun and earns a lot of money. So now they don't have to be in a dead end job. Which in return may get the person talking about how they hate their job too and want to get a new one, and then I can offer my advice. I have to be a little "crafty" in steering conversation eventually towards the issue they are having without putting them on the spot or freaking them out. It doesn't always work, but it has helped me.

I still maintain friendship with certain people that I trust. I check on them every so often and once in a while hang out. And even though I can't fully relate to everything they say, I just look upon them as I would a little sibling who hasn't figured it all out yet. If that makes sense. One day I was very upset about how people are and angry at how they don't get this, or understand that, I asked my GD how I'm supposed to deal with people, because the Gods must have so much patience in dealing with people and they handle it so well. I had a thought not long after that I need to look upon them as children and like I'm an adult, and have patience with them. And this has stuck with me.

Don't despair though, about advancing too far. Things won't always be this way. We may be far apart here, but all of us share this path so we're not alone. And the more we advance, things will fall into place in our lives in such a way that worries like these won't really matter anymore.
SapphireDragon said:

I understand what you mean. I had to come to a decision that advancing myself so I can help the world become a better place ultimately is more important than any worries like this that I've had. Our path isn't always easy and can be challenging in this way, but it's worth it in the long run. And we always at least have this community and each other.

I'm not a super advanced individual yet either, I'm working on it, but I still have a ways to go. But I know exactly what you mean in many ways. Trust me, I understand the feeling. But sometimes we have to train ourselves not to bring up what is picked up from another. They won't always understand and it could put you in danger. I hope you don't mind me putting in a little advice that could help you.

I found that It's better to gently bring up things that could be beneficial to the person if you've picked up something they're thinking. For example, If I picked up that they were depressed and thinking about how much they hate their job, and want to quit, I may bring up a interesting story that I just "remembered" about a friend I knew who was really feeling down about not having a job they were passionate about, untill they found out about candle making, and discovered it is super fun and earns a lot of money. So now they don't have to be in a dead end job. Which in return may get the person talking about how they hate their job too and want to get a new one, and then I can offer my advice. I have to be a little "crafty" in steering conversation eventually towards the issue they are having without putting them on the spot or freaking them out. It doesn't always work, but it has helped me.

I still maintain friendship with certain people that I trust. I check on them every so often and once in a while hang out. And even though I can't fully relate to everything they say, I just look upon them as I would a little sibling who hasn't figured it all out yet. If that makes sense. One day I was very upset about how people are and angry at how they don't get this, or understand that, I asked my GD how I'm supposed to deal with people, because the Gods must have so much patience in dealing with people and they handle it so well. I had a thought not long after that I need to look upon them as children and like I'm an adult, and have patience with them. And this has stuck with me.

Don't despair though, about advancing too far. Things won't always be this way. We may be far apart here, but all of us share this path so we're not alone. And the more we advance, things will fall into place in our lives in such a way that worries like these won't really matter anymore.
Yes, thank you.
mercury_wisdom said:
I think the reason that makes me afraid the most is that you won't be able to relate to people anymore and seriously so.

I am not a super advanced SS or anything. But I have been here for a long time from a young age. I have studied and have a decent understanding of spirituality, the case of the world and the truth in general.

Even just this, has made my social life a living hell. I can't properly relate to people honestly and it just feels I am always walking on egg shells.

I can't open up to someone and if I do even with someone a bit open to spiritual stuff and they agree with me at the point. I get seriously betrayed and they run away from the truth even when they know it is the truth slander and hurt me then repent to Allah or whatever.

It's not fun, you know. It never was and I hate getting so traumatized and broken just because I am aware of the state of the world and trying to make it better.

I also have some empathy and clairaudience to a degree. I can know what people are feeling/thinking since a young age and it gives me anxiety to be so aware of someone hating me, annoyed by me, etc. and if I tell them something they are thinking, feeling, suffering from. They feel their privacy invaded and completely deny it and feel uncomfortable and reject me and make me feel like I am insane or weird. My intuition has developed even more recently.

I can't imagine how hard it can be if I can actually speak with spirits, read thoughts of people, or experience any other advancement. I don't know how I can really relate to any person in my life by then. Or have any type of decent relationships..

Still, I am an SS and I do wish for advancement so bad and still trying. But, the state of the world and people are not fun at all..

i understand you brother
it's like people get freaked out when just talking about spirituality and some of them had bad experience or they are not aware and programmed

i have something similar to what happened with you a girl she was my friend got panic when she saw demons sigil in my room she say stupid things and told me she wants to leave after that i didn't see here for 6 months , she call me after this long period asking me if it possible to meet and she say do you still have demons symbols in you room i reply sure i do.

there was a time all what i am thinking is to make people SS starting from family members friends and society
no one actually is ready to seek the truth and walk in this path
and i got a message from a demon that is not the time for this first i must get advanced and things will come in time
so i stop sharing my spirituality with people

its hard to not have anyone like you i know that very well and i wish that time comes when at least i have a friend who is SS

you SHOULDN'T be adraid of you APPELITY for me reading thoughts and feeling give one ADVANTAGE so make sure you use it in the best way

start enjoying semple things like having time with you family or friends because that is so important

we have each other here in the jos so you are not alone wish you all the best brother
blackwizard said:
mercury_wisdom said:
I think the reason that makes me afraid the most is that you won't be able to relate to people anymore and seriously so.

I am not a super advanced SS or anything. But I have been here for a long time from a young age. I have studied and have a decent understanding of spirituality, the case of the world and the truth in general.

Even just this, has made my social life a living hell. I can't properly relate to people honestly and it just feels I am always walking on egg shells.

I can't open up to someone and if I do even with someone a bit open to spiritual stuff and they agree with me at the point. I get seriously betrayed and they run away from the truth even when they know it is the truth slander and hurt me then repent to Allah or whatever.

It's not fun, you know. It never was and I hate getting so traumatized and broken just because I am aware of the state of the world and trying to make it better.

I also have some empathy and clairaudience to a degree. I can know what people are feeling/thinking since a young age and it gives me anxiety to be so aware of someone hating me, annoyed by me, etc. and if I tell them something they are thinking, feeling, suffering from. They feel their privacy invaded and completely deny it and feel uncomfortable and reject me and make me feel like I am insane or weird. My intuition has developed even more recently.

I can't imagine how hard it can be if I can actually speak with spirits, read thoughts of people, or experience any other advancement. I don't know how I can really relate to any person in my life by then. Or have any type of decent relationships..

Still, I am an SS and I do wish for advancement so bad and still trying. But, the state of the world and people are not fun at all..

i understand you brother
it's like people get freaked out when just talking about spirituality and some of them had bad experience or they are not aware and programmed

i have something similar to what happened with you a girl she was my friend got panic when she saw demons sigil in my room she say stupid things and told me she wants to leave after that i didn't see here for 6 months , she call me after this long period asking me if it possible to meet and she say do you still have demons symbols in you room i reply sure i do.

there was a time all what i am thinking is to make people SS starting from family members friends and society
no one actually is ready to seek the truth and walk in this path
and i got a message from a demon that is not the time for this first i must get advanced and things will come in time
so i stop sharing my spirituality with people

its hard to not have anyone like you i know that very well and i wish that time comes when at least i have a friend who is SS

you SHOULDN'T be adraid of you APPELITY for me reading thoughts and feeling give one ADVANTAGE so make sure you use it in the best way

start enjoying semple things like having time with you family or friends because that is so important

we have each other here in the jos so you are not alone wish you all the best brother
Thank you.✨

I don't think it's a subject of being fearful of advancement, at least I don't believe so. The more likely situation is that people are too lazy and/or addicted to materialistic consumerism as well as other sources of dopamine that make spiritual pursuits less enjoyable in comparison. Some people with low self awareness might not understand their own feelings and compare it with fear, I guess? The only people who I can think of that would be directly fearful of spiritual empowerment would be xian degenerates, new age pagans with basically the same ideology or perhaps the corrupted and confused variations of "gnostic" Satanism that again pretty much believe the same things as well--- these people wouldn't be here so making this point is mostly redundant.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
