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Doing the FRTR in a faraday cage, less effective ?


New member
Dec 27, 2018
Based on the answers from my other post², I think a faraday cage does only affect/shield from outside to inside, not from inside to outside. Am I rong ?

2. https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=201774#p201774

Magnetic shielding made with high-permeability alloys like mu-metal works not by blocking magnetic fields but by providing a path for the magnetic field lines around the shielded area. (this would explain why you can´t see then the area, the area is still there in the astral) Thus, the best shape for shields is a closed container surrounding the shielded space. The effectiveness of mu-metal shielding decreases with the alloy's permeability, which drops off at both low field strengths and, due to saturation, at high field strengths. Thus, mu-metal shields are often made of several enclosures one inside the other, each of which successively reduces the field inside it. Because mu-metal saturates at such low fields, sometimes the outer layer in such multilayer shields is made of ordinary steel. Its higher saturation value allows it to handle stronger magnetic fields, reducing them to a lower level that can be shielded effectively by the inner mu-metal layers. (If I understand right this could mean only electromagnetic forces from outside, get shielded from the inside to the outside could be non effected/or atleast way less)
And why would you be needing to use anything like this anyways. There is no need to be over worried about anything right now at least. If there was the Hps would be telling us.
slyscorpion said:
There is no need to be over worried about anything right now at least. If there was the Hps would be telling us.

There is no need to have this Goyish mentality. Trust in yourself and the demons only. The high priests are humans and can make mistakes. We aren’t small children meant to be bottle fed what to think by them. They set the tone of the forum and bring important information, they aren’t meant to act as your parents.

Anyway I don’t know why this person would wrap their house in tinfoil or whatever the fuck, it’s a lot like wearing a diaper on your face to stop a fake virus. This doesn’t actually make you safe, but rather has you looking like an idiot while not being any more secure.
MayIAsk said:
Based on the answers from my other post², I think a faraday cage does only affect/shield from outside to inside, not from inside to outside. Am I rong ?...

I don't think you will get a clear cut answer anytime soon. If you have the option, just do it outside it. Otherwise, don't worry about it.
I don't think you need to be in a Faraday cage. What is the reason for it? Seems like you aren't even sure why you want one.

And for the people with aluminum foil hats to try to block radio waves, those hats only amplify the radio waves inside the head. Because the radio waves come in from the body through the head, then they bounce around even stronger inside the hat.
MayIAsk said:
Based on the answers from my other post², I think a faraday cage does only affect/shield from outside to inside, not from inside to outside. Am I rong

For a static electric charge inside a conductive cage, no it is not blocked from leaving. According to Gauss's law, the electric flux through a closed surface is proportional to the amount of charge enclosed. Therefore, a conductive cage will block an incoming electric field, but not an outgoing one.

However, for EM radiation, a Faraday cage blocks outgoing as well as incoming signals. This is how your microwave oven keeps you safe. Microwave EM radiation has a frequency of about 2.4 GHz, and it is contained inside the oven by a Faraday cage so that it doesn't cook you along with your food! The inside of a microwave is a resonant cavity that reflects the waves to keep them inside. Think of it like a room with mirrors on all six walls. This is how it appears to the EM radiation. This reflection happens because EM radiation is transverse wave, but an electric charge fills the space around it with an electric field, which does not change with time, and therefore passes through a conductive cage (going from inside to outside).

Based on the fact that our aura can interfere with Wi-Fi, it is very likely that magick is a form of electromagnetism, and is therefore likely hindered or even blocked by a Faraday cage. However, it is also possible that magickal energy exists in the astral dimension and is unaffected by a Faraday cage, whether incoming or outgoing! Experimentation is likely required to be certain.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
slyscorpion said:
There is no need to be over worried about anything right now at least. If there was the Hps would be telling us.

There is no need to have this Goyish mentality. Trust in yourself and the demons only. The high priests are humans and can make mistakes. We aren’t small children meant to be bottle fed what to think by them. They set the tone of the forum and bring important information, they aren’t meant to act as your parents.

Anyway I don’t know why this person would wrap their house in tinfoil or whatever the fuck, it’s a lot like wearing a diaper on your face to stop a fake virus. This doesn’t actually make you safe, but rather has you looking like an idiot while not being any more secure.

I know what you mean here and I dont really. Didn't mean to come across that way. I was simply trying to tell the person that there isn't really any need for it since they don't seem to be listening to others who say the same thing i added that.
This is not 4Chan, so I am not going to waste my time bothering to ask why you would do the RtRs in a Faraday cage, and why you would have one, why you would waste money on one, etc.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
I don't think you need to be in a Faraday cage. What is the reason for it? Seems like you aren't even sure why you want one.

And for the people with aluminum foil hats to try to block radio waves, those hats only amplify the radio waves inside the head. Because the radio waves come in from the body through the head, then they bounce around even stronger inside the hat.

I live near a 5 G tower. I also wondered if it is possibel to block 5 G and at the same time increase my magic with a energy grid , got inspired from this topic: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=4145&hilit=energy+grid+build#p22235.

Thank you

It´s also bad for peoples health to wear aluminum foil on thear skin. To high exposure to aluminium lead to alzheimer's disease.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
slyscorpion said:
There is no need to be over worried about anything right now at least. If there was the Hps would be telling us.

There is no need to have this Goyish mentality. Trust in yourself and the demons only. The high priests are humans and can make mistakes. We aren’t small children meant to be bottle fed what to think by them. They set the tone of the forum and bring important information, they aren’t meant to act as your parents.

Anyway I don’t know why this person would wrap their house in tinfoil or whatever the fuck, it’s a lot like wearing a diaper on your face to stop a fake virus. This doesn’t actually make you safe, but rather has you looking like an idiot while not being any more secure.

see replys https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=201774#p201774
Blitzkreig said:
MayIAsk said:
Based on the answers from my other post², I think a faraday cage does only affect/shield from outside to inside, not from inside to outside. Am I rong ?...

I don't think you will get a clear cut answer anytime soon. If you have the option, just do it outside it. Otherwise, don't worry about it.

A wall color containing graphite or any other electrically conductive material would also be possibel. I´m not allowed to change something outside.

About your signature I did read on the forum, you can ask the admins to change your acc name one time.
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
MayIAsk said:
Based on the answers from my other post², I think a faraday cage does only affect/shield from outside to inside, not from inside to outside. Am I rong

For a static electric charge inside a conductive cage, no it is not blocked from leaving. According to Gauss's law, the electric flux through a closed surface is proportional to the amount of charge enclosed. Therefore, a conductive cage will block an incoming electric field, but not an outgoing one.

However, for EM radiation, a Faraday cage blocks outgoing as well as incoming signals. This is how your microwave oven keeps you safe. Microwave EM radiation has a frequency of about 2.4 GHz, and it is contained inside the oven by a Faraday cage so that it doesn't cook you along with your food! The inside of a microwave is a resonant cavity that reflects the waves to keep them inside. Think of it like a room with mirrors on all six walls. This is how it appears to the EM radiation. This reflection happens because EM radiation is transverse wave, but an electric charge fills the space around it with an electric field, which does not change with time, and therefore passes through a conductive cage (going from inside to outside).

Based on the fact that our aura can interfere with Wi-Fi, it is very likely that magick is a form of electromagnetism, and is therefore likely hindered or even blocked by a Faraday cage. However, it is also possible that magickal energy exists in the astral dimension and is unaffected by a Faraday cage, whether incoming or outgoing! Experimentation is likely required to be certain.

Much thanks for your reply.

On wikipedia I did found this:
RF magnetic fields above about 100 kHz can be shielded by Faraday shields: ordinary conductive metal sheets or screens which are used to shield against electric fields.[5] Superconducting materials can also expel magnetic fields by the Meissner effect, but require cryogenic temperatures. Did post more about it here https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=201774#p201774.

My theory is, magic is electromagnetic (EM) and ether. The more distance between the target the more ether , the closer the target the faster results EM should work faster then ether. Ether shouldn´t be blocked by a Faraday cage, maybe slithly if used mu metal.

Ghost in the Machine did write:

A faraday cage or something like it is used like an astral EMP by the more secretive military units aware of human 'special ability' to keep out those who can perform what is called 'remote viewing' or looking through the astral to see a far away physical location. It's efforts are to block electromagnetic waves to have some means of difficulty in being able to perform this. The enemy uses this with their own technology in a more advanced way and some of it uses natural forces of magnetism among other things.

There ARE means to counter spiritual ability, but to prevent this from getting to sci-fi-ish it's just utilization of forces that we humans pertain to as well as all other living beings by the natures of our universe, nothing more. If it can block out radio waves and radiation, it can supposedly block out your magic by the same means. How precisely, I don't know, perhaps you just can't draw anything from outside the barrier relative to your physical location, or maybe you actually still draw things from beyond, maybe it just makes it difficult to work around it.

Regardless, a faraday cage would interfere with your magic in some way and my guess is it behaves like a spiritual blockage. Such things like lead which is used to block out radiation is in fact ruled by Saturn which is a binding and material planet, the opposing force to spirituality and psychic ability, it counters and cancels it out if strong enough. But It's not like we're in any position to understand the details of this by scientific study specifically in our own abilities, this is all I'm able to conclude from what I know in spiritual sciences and how the astral and our abilities work.

I did reply with this :

MayIAsk said:
If they can block with a faraday cage astral vision this means seeing on the astral on this plane works via electric field unles they use special materials like Mu Metal then it would be either electric, magnetic or a electromagnet field like radio waves. It could be that the brain is like a radio transmitter and according to the bounce back it can see on the astral, atleast this sounds for me the most logic explanation.


Found this gif about radio waves I think I´m on the right conclusion:

looks like a expanding aura. This would mean the astral view works via Alternating current (AC).

This is only left and right front and back is missing in the gif, this could be similar to the 4 pillars of the soul.

On the wiki page about Mu Metal stands:

Mu-metal is a soft magnetic alloy with exceptionally high magnetic permeability. The high permeability of mu-metal provides a low reluctance path for magnetic flux, leading to its use in magnetic shields against static or slowly varying magnetic fields. Magnetic shielding made with high-permeability alloys like mu-metal works not by blocking magnetic fields but by providing a path for the magnetic field lines around the shielded area. (this would explain why you can´t see then the area, the area is still there in the astral) Thus, the best shape for shields is a closed container surrounding the shielded space. The effectiveness of mu-metal shielding decreases with the alloy's permeability, which drops off at both low field strengths and, due to saturation, at high field strengths. Thus, mu-metal shields are often made of several enclosures one inside the other, each of which successively reduces the field inside it. Because mu-metal saturates at such low fields, sometimes the outer layer in such multilayer shields is made of ordinary steel. Its higher saturation value allows it to handle stronger magnetic fields, reducing them to a lower level that can be shielded effectively by the inner mu-metal layers. (If I understand right this could mean only electromagnetic forces from outside, get shielded from the inside to the outside could be non effected/or atleast way less)

RF magnetic fields above about 100 kHz can be shielded by Faraday shields: ordinary conductive metal sheets or screens which are used to shield against electric fields.[5] Superconducting materials can also expel magnetic fields by the Meissner effect, but require cryogenic temperatures.

The alloy has a low coercivity, near zero magnetostriction, and significant anisotropic magnetoresistance. The low magnetostriction is critical for industrial applications, where variable stresses in thin films would otherwise cause a ruinously large variation in magnetic properties.

Ether should be on a higher plane then magnetic or electric forces our magic also travels via ether otherwise distance to a target would be important (eg cursing or healing from a distance).

Was ether not the same as neutrinos /part of ?

The Lorentz ether is defined as the totality of all the presently unobservable forms of energy that may exist in the microcosm of space-time, and neutrinos are considered as the most prominent component of such an ether. (Ruderfer, M.)

Neutrinos can travel nearly without problems through lead.

I guess it depends on how someone uses magic, probably there is the "radio transmitter way" and the ether way or a mix of both.

Thanks to you, I now know RF magnetic fields above about 100 kHz can be shielded by Faraday shields/cages.

Do you think it is possibel to block harmfull 5G and at the same time increase my magic with a energy grid (different materials blocking only frequenzy of 5G )?

Did read the best shape for sending out energy is a point up pyramid, like the Egyptian used, I think it´s because of the pillars of the soul, sending out energy like the radio transmitter gif (front back missing only left and right), combined with a super energy storage at the top ( crystal or something like this) collecting energy and point up, send out/directed. If it is made of electrically conductive materials it is like a farady cage, foldable someone could go in and meditate like here but no grounding or the super energy storage needs to have way less resistance then the grounding energy travels the easiest way, if the energy accumulator is full, the resistance increases and the energy can safely travel over the grounding:

I would use as much for the tip of the pyramid like in the dollar note symbol, here the tip is seperate from the base could also mean two different materials, the bigger the pyramid the better the magic increasing, but not bigger then the range of ones aura/max diameter is also max high, know think about the biggest sizes of the pyramids and know you know how big the aura of the former HPs there was, here


they did state the biggest pyramid was

The Great Pyramid of Khufu is the oldest and sole remnant of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Over 2 million blocks of stone were used to construct the pyramid, during a 20 year period concluding around 2560 BC. The pyramid is 230 meters (755 ft) in length and an awe-inspiring 139 meters (455 feet) high (originally 146.5 meters or 480.6 ft). So in the end, after reviewing all the biggest pyramids the Great Pyramid of Khufu remains the largest pyramid ever built.


Sry for the long reply and my assumptions which I can´t back with sources, but I thought I would give you as much info as I did gather at this point. I think we all could greatly benefit from this.

If my theory about far distance targets (more ether) is right a F-RTR should not be disturbed by a faraday cage.
FancyMancy said:
This is not 4Chan, so I am not going to waste my time bothering to ask why you would do the RtRs in a Faraday cage, and why you would have one, why you would waste money on one, etc.

So I wouldn´t tell you to read my reply to Soaring Eagle 666 ;). Please share your thoughts about it.
MayIAsk said:
Sry for the long reply and my assumptions which I can´t back with sources, but I thought I would give you as much info as I did gather at this point. I think we all could greatly benefit from this.
No, only a jew posing as a Gentile could benefit from this.

For a true Gentile working on aura of protection and generally a strong aura is the way to go.
Scalar waves can pass through Faraday cage. Faraday cage only blocks EM waves. Magic may be producing longitudinal scalar wave which can pass through Faraday cage.
Henu the Great said:
MayIAsk said:
Sry for the long reply and my assumptions which I can´t back with sources, but I thought I would give you as much info as I did gather at this point. I think we all could greatly benefit from this.
No, only a jew posing as a Gentile could benefit from this.

For a true Gentile working on aura of protection and generally a strong aura is the way to go.

Stop spreading disinformation, about ancient knowledge.

If what you said would be true, then why is there no enemy building build like a pyramid?

Of course a good AOP is important, but your statement is the same, as saying it is fine to eat everyday only at MC Donalds and afterwards eat vitamins and minerals then you are fine or living near Fukushima or Chernobil is only bad for you, if your AOP isn´t good enouth. If we could advance on a planet without the enemy curses, energys, we would advance way more faster. AOP isn´t body building/ like the more weight is against your force, the more you train.
anonymous666 said:
Scalar waves can pass through Faraday cage. Faraday cage only blocks EM waves. Magic may be producing longitudinal scalar wave which can pass through Faraday cage.

Thanks, I did read spooky 2 the Rife Machine can produce scalar waves to treat cancer and other illnesses.
MayIAsk said:
Stop spreading disinformation, about ancient knowledge.

If what you said would be true, then why is there no enemy building build like a pyramid?

Of course a good AOP is important, but your statement is the same, as saying it is fine to eat everyday only at MC Donalds and afterwards eat vitamins and minerals then you are fine or living near Fukushima or Chernobil is only bad for you, if your AOP isn´t good enouth. If we could advance on a planet without the enemy curses, energys, we would advance way more faster. AOP isn´t body building/ like the more weight is against your force, the more you train.
What disinformation?

It's obvious that we would advance faster, actually exponentially faster, if there were no curses against us.

AoP is not body building in that sense you put it, but body building in a sense that, the more you train, the stronger you get.
Henu the Great said:
MayIAsk said:
Stop spreading disinformation, about ancient knowledge.

If what you said would be true, then why is there no enemy building build like a pyramid?

Of course a good AOP is important, but your statement is the same, as saying it is fine to eat everyday only at MC Donalds and afterwards eat vitamins and minerals then you are fine or living near Fukushima or Chernobil is only bad for you, if your AOP isn´t good enouth. If we could advance on a planet without the enemy curses, energys, we would advance way more faster. AOP isn´t body building/ like the more weight is against your force, the more you train.
What disinformation?

It's obvious that we would advance faster, actually exponentially faster, if there were no curses against us.

AoP is not body building in that sense you put it, but body building in a sense that, the more you train, the stronger you get.

You said only a jew would benefit from my idear, which implies the ancient knowledge pyramids,..., is from jews for jews. Which is not true. I totaly agree with your second and third sentence.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
slyscorpion said:
There is no need to be over worried about anything right now at least. If there was the Hps would be telling us.

There is no need to have this Goyish mentality. Trust in yourself and the demons only. The high priests are humans and can make mistakes. We aren’t small children meant to be bottle fed what to think by them. They set the tone of the forum and bring important information, they aren’t meant to act as your parents.

Anyway I don’t know why this person would wrap their house in tinfoil or whatever the fuck, it’s a lot like wearing a diaper on your face to stop a fake virus. This doesn’t actually make you safe, but rather has you looking like an idiot while not being any more secure.

Shows up with tinfoil hat. Slowly backs out of room. Looks around door frame. Disappears slowly.
Aldrick said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Aldrick said:
Shows up with tinfoil hat.
Why stop there? Just wrap your entire house in it like this person seems to have done.

Pulls tin foil from box slowly. Dont tempt me.
Chuck's house on Better Call Saul. All the walls covered with space blankets.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
