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Neither Amma nor the Nummo had hands and feet like humans so depictions of hands and feet were used in the religion as genetic symbols.2In Europe during the first eight centuries of Christianity, and even until the twelfth century, the Christian God was invariably represented by a hand, the origin of which the symbol was thought lost in pagan obscurity.3Hand and Foot symbols appear in many ancient world cultures. The bronze hand above was usedin the worship of Sabazius, a god of Thracian or Phrygian (Ancient Turkey) origin, who became popular in the Roman Empire.4Hands decorated with religious symbols were designed to stand in Thracian or Phrygian sanctuaries or, like the one above was attached to a pole for processional use.5Stone hands were likewise used in the Dogon religion to aid in the instruction of diviners to the religion. A wooden 慼and�ofsene(Acacia Faidherbia albida) was known as the hind paw of the Jackal. The Nummo's failed experiment not only affected humans but all plant life, which is what thesenetreerepresented.6A hand on a pole also appears on page 27, of the Kingsborough and F鰎stemann versions ofthe Maya Dresden Codex and which I referto inDay of the Fishin association with theDogon religion.7The Numerical Value of Fingers8The DNA of the Eight Ancestors was associated with the fingers of the Dogon drawing of the hand, shown above. The hand was used by the Dogon to tell which families could unite for procreation. Only the Fourth and Fifth Ancestors appear on separate fingers.9In the Dogon religion the fourth fingersymbolized the genetic makeup of the Fourth Ancestor, who was identified with males, the Earth, and humans, whereas the fifth finger symbolized the genetic makeup of the the Fifth Ancestor, who wasidentified with females, the Nummo's world and heaven. The Dogon elder Ogotemm阬i said the fourth and fifth fingers "represented the mating of twins of opposite sexes, that is to say of two beings forming only one."10This was associating the union of the Fourth and Fifth Ancestors with the creation of humans and single-sexed beings.11When the fourth and fifth fingers werebent downwards as is shown on the bronze hand from ancient Turkey, the hand formed the well recognized symbol of benediction, used as a blessing at the end of the Christian mass.12I believe the sign of benediction, which originated with the pagan religion, may be associated withthe Dogon hand and the fourth and fifth fingers. The cock headed serpent appears in conjunction with the fourth finger on this bronze hand. The cock was a symbol of the Jackal, humans, and males in the Dogon religion, which is associated with the fourth finger on the Dogon hand.Thracian Sabazius on a Horse with Serpentaround a Tree.13The god Sabazius, with whom the bronze hand was associated, was the nomadic horseman and sky father god of the Phrygians and Thracians.14My research reveals that he was associated with the Dogon god Amma. Like Sabazius, Amma was the horseman and sky father of the Dogon people. The Dogon word in the Wazouba language for 揾orse� meant損ower.� A horseman, symbol of Amma, was sometimes placed next to or on a horse, which was a symbol of the Nummo.15Photo by the Tropen Museum, Nederlands16This is a Dogon Wooden Statue of Amma as the horse rider circa 1500 - 1900.Marcel Griaule mentioned how some of the Dogon elders wore Phrygian caps suggesting other connections with ancient Phyrigia,17a Turkish kingdom which reached its peak in around the 8th centuryBC.Dogon carving of Amma as the horse riderPhoto by Anton Mentrup Germany18The Dogon compared the transformation of the Nummo and the moving of the Nummo's ark or spaceship, to the rapid expansion of these beings on the Earth, as depicted by the path of the horses to the four directions of space. The Dogon said that "with the chariot (ark), thehorse (Nummo) brought forth the Word." The "Word" symbolized DNA in the religion.19Amma's Double Placenta Duplicated Chromosomes20Amma's hands, shown above left, which were known as the "double placenta", were depicted as two V's pointing towards each other. I believe Amma's "hands" represent duplicated chromosomes, which are shown above right.21Similar images of Amma's hands forming two points appear in Masonic symbolism and in yoga, which I refer to inThe Nummo. According to Joseph Campbell, in yoga, it is said that the divinity meets the devotee at the level of the heart, which is the fourth chakra, 搕he divinity is coming down and the devotee reaching up.� The symbol of this chakra is two overlapping triangles. Reaching up suggests a hand, indicating that the symbol of the triangle was also identified with a hand in yoga. The fourth chakra may have some ancient association with the genetic make up of the Fourth Ancestor, symbolized by the fourth finger on the Dogon hand diagram and identifiedwith humanity.Joseph Campbell associates the triangles of the fourth chakra with the handprints that are visible in many primitive shrines. 揑n the Paleolithic ordination caves, going back as early as 30,000 BCE, one finds handprints of the devotee who touches the realm of the divinity.�22Other symbols, which appear on the bronze hand above, are found in the Dogon religion including the ram, which symbolized the Nummo, who when they were in their spaceships were known as"Celestial Rams". This is because the spaceship had tubing that curved around like the horns of a ram. Refer toPart II Hand of Sabaziusfor more on this hand.