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Does marijuana intensify your bio electricity?

Aug 24, 2010
I smoke marijuana before meditating a few days ago and when I meditated, I felt something move from the inside of my feet, and I commanded a gold light to cover my body (I felt a bliss similar to none I've ever had before) after this I align my chakras and I started spinning them, as I span them my whole body started moving like a seasaw as if my buttox was the pivet .. When I was done I tried to get out of trance (move fingers and toes and I walked around) but It felt like I couldn't get out of it, so I stayed up(walked around and stuff,) for like 7 hours until i felt a bit normal.. I was scared, nervous, shaking, everything was intensified.. I skipped a few days off meditating because I was scared I might never be able to get out of that state that my mind was clearly not familiar with Is my soul that powerful or was it the marijuana that speed up the process?.. Should I still smoke before meditating?
drugs, marijuana included, do not stimulate in a safe and healthy manner.

you may have felt a change in one place, but they do damage..

we as a group do not encourage it. in fact yoy will hear from others saying not to do it..so i will say this: just because it had an effect, doesnt mean it is wise to continue using it.

it will do more harm than good. it may already have.
@ Everyone: The use of drugs to enhance powers MIGHT be acceptable in an otherwise, no-win, desperate, life-or-actual death scenario.

But even then, they are a crutch, at best

It is best to empower yourself, via sober, drug-free meditations, practice and physical execises.

Drugs are a trap laid by the enemy. Drug addiction is slavery.

Look at drug dealers. Every last drug dealer is a dead-cross wearing, lying, filthy, remorseless kike.

Every last one of them.

And, as you advance, you will notice they don't even like you, because they,can sense you are not a slave.
I'd love to know more about how marijuana negatively affects people. When I posted about it, the most I got is it put holes in your aura and slows down spiritual progression.

We've fallen back into smoking, It's been about once a day, to every couple days. No where close to how badly it was in the beginning, but it looks like we might need more information on the subject to understand how it negatively affects spirituality.

In the past I thought Marijuana helped with spiritual opening, which I guess from what I've been told so far, is true to an extent. It helps those who don't plan on advancing themselves. For a lot of people I know, the only time things get spiritual is after a couple bowls. I have had a harder time finding my spirituality, maybe because of the back and forth with smoking.

So I'll be following this tread in hopes of finding more information to keep pushing us in the right direction.

Hail Satan!!!
@ mandy: First of all, it's worth repeating, drug addiction is slavery. And, before you say, "But I'm not addicted," how did you "fall back into it?

Do you feel your day will be shitty without the intoxication of the THC?

And, just being dependant on something more than air, food or water can interfere with progress and certainly isn't independence.

You're also financially enriching the lying, dick-skinning yids with every purchase. Even if you grow your own, there's still the paraphernalia, rolling papers, etc.,

It also (you aint gonna like this but I love you so bend over and take this paddling haha) makes you stupid, complacent and cowardly.

I can remember putting up with sooooooooo much abuse of one sort or another, just necause I didn't want to piss off my dealer(s) and get cut off.

Now, I understand "but I'm not like that." Uh-huh. Okay. Think that. Just realize, you can't honestly, truthfully think clearly in the haze.

Anyone can "think deeply." But, if you're unable,to also think clearly, my friend, that is its own special kind of madness.

You don't answer to me. I'm nobody here. But, you did ask.

Hail Satan, in deed, and in Truth, always.

Potards have the repeating main arguments. One is as you mention the plant.

Another big one is booze and smokes is legal so should potarded be. Just over half a million people in America where killed in the bloodiest war in its history the American [Rothschild started] civil war. Smoking kills the same amount of American's a year, not to mention the huge personal, social and medical cost involved. Booze destroys homes, makes people brain damaged, damaged in general, causes birth defects like smoking and has killed more people on earth then most wars and just keeps a chugging. The last thing we need is another legalized path to become retarded and cause more damage to people and society. People can't handle two vices and you want a third....Potard.

Why do you think the Jooz are traditionally behind the booze'in, brain damagez trade and industry for the same reason they push potard with reverse psychology.

The industrialization argument. Hemp plants for such is not the same for pot. We can have industrialized hemp without potarded.

Medicinal perhaps but this would stay for a small minority of people who have an illness it can help.....Not recreational use do you sit around all day and take medicine for an illness you don't have. Potarded.

The war on drugs is not working so legalize potard. There is no war on drugs that's just political jive talking. There are drug enforcement acts that are enforced daily by police agencies tasked with such. If not for such the drug problem would be a million times worse then it is. Their job is to curb the flow of illegal narcotics as much as possible that's all.

By the above logic criminalization of all drugs from crack to meth should be legalized as well. Along with rape and murder because keeping those illegal has not stopped people from rape and murder. What they fail to understand is the point of laws are to fully stop but to curb. Potarded.

I have a right to put potard in my body. Fine, but you also have the responsibility that comes with that choice you made on your own will to deal with facing the music if caught potarded.

Making potard illegal criminalizes many decent citizens. No, knowing that potard is a illegal narcotic and still choosing to engage in growth, distribution and use of it they chose to engage in criminal activity.

Potard expands human consciousness. Then why does it make people more brain damaged the more they do. Leaving them heavily brain damaged or burnt out in time otherwise know as full potard. Just babbling on potard does not a philosopher make.

Potard is not addicting. Then why are you potard. Pot is addicting this has been known by the Vedic culture for thousands of years they also know it does damage to vital organs in long term use. Just look at the mentality of a potard without potard they start to show signs of withdraw and addiction.

The rest of the arguments revolve around them invoking personal freedoms and rights like they are Washington at Valley Forge. The fact is they have a drug addiction.

Because they are addicted like any addicted person they will tell themselves good things about their bad habits and internalize such lies over time. They don't want to be responsible to the larger nation or community they are part of and understand narcotics is not just about them its about the whole of society and its greater impact. This consideration is why we have laws on anything in the start. Just admit you love getting potard and stop trying to turn it into a religion already [too late its been done]. This is why they base their own life on a potard plant. All addicts frame their life around their personal addiction.

Because so many potards are petty liberal Bourgeoisie types they have turned their potard addiction into a pseudo moral crusade with them upon the cross as saints and martyrs. This is part of the psychology of this type. Self absorbed, brats and goofballs in love with their own perceived righteousness and too much time and money on their hands. They don't have a drug problem your just the insert shut up word here_________.

These silly potards really get in the way of meaningful political activism and discourse, you know the kind that stops a nation from being destroyed ,what's more important legally abolishing the Fed or potardom. Potardom of course. They are obnoxious as Veeeeegans who are the younger generation of the above. Every generation of this type requires its own bandwagon, moral solipsism to assign self worth and meaning.

Good find by Belthazorthemighty. Some important parts:

http://www.mapi.com/blog/the-ayurvedic- ... juana.html

In Ayurveda, cannabis used as a recreational drug is considered toxic to the mind and body. It has been used for thousands of years as a component in various preparations but not as an isolated herb....

Medical Research on Marijuana (Cannabis) Current reviews of the medical research literature suggest that daily consumption of cannabis in teens is associated with depression and anxiety and development of schizophrenia. Studies indicate that its use can have an irreversible, long-term effect on the brain. Imaging studies show significant changes in brain function and, with continued use, the appearance of functional ‘holes’ — vast areas of brain matter that are dysfunctional. There is some evidence that regional structural changes are associated with cannabis use patterns as well as measures of psychopathology. The volume of cortical grey matter is progressively reduced in schizophrenia, with larger grey matter volume decreases associated with cannabis use. A current neurophysiological model indicates cannabis-induced schizophrenia is a distortion of normal late-postnatal brain maturation. Adolescent exposure to cannabis transiently disturbs physiological control of the endogenous cannabinoid system over brain function. As a result, THC (the primary active ingredient in cannabis) may adversely affect adolescent experience-dependent maturation of neural wiring within prefrontal cortical areas. Depending on the amount, time and duration of use, this may ultimately lead to the development of psychosis or schizophrenia. Together, these studies highlight the cannabis-related dysfunction of the prefrontal cortex, the central switchboard of executive control and decision-making. Think of the prefrontal cortex as the highest, most powerful value of the ‘intellect.’ As such and as part of a distributed neural reward system, the prefrontal cortex is responsible for guiding our thinking, emotions and behavior along evolutionary, non-destructive pathways. Drugs can be used, abused or addictive. Abuse is a behavior that continues to occur in the face of obvious negative consequences because one is uneducated or unaware; however, addiction is a brain disease characterized by impaired behavior control that is evident to others while the individual affected becomes increasingly distorted and dysfunctional in their thinking, feelings and behaviors. Gambling may be exciting, but you end up in financial and family ruin most of the time. THC disrupts prefrontal cortical function communication with other brain regions. If the prefrontal cortex goes offline, then our ability to monitor and respond properly to negative outcomes (think of a variety of brain and behavioral problems) is reduced and eventually lost. One is left with the addiction and increasing difficulties in life. Recent research suggests chronic interference with the endocannabinoid system by marijuana use may facilitate drug dependence and impair the body’s natural homeostatic balancing mechanisms. - See more at: http://www.mapi.com/blog/the-ayurvedic- ... sKScN.dpuf
do yuu mean i shouldnt smoke before meditation or i shouldnt smoke at all?
On 22 Jun 2017 12:46, "exarkuun1991@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  drugs, marijuana included, do not stimulate in a safe and healthy manner.

you may have felt a change in one place, but they do damage..

we as a group do not encourage it. in fact yoy will hear from others saying not to do it..so i will say this: just because it had an effect, doesnt mean it is wise to continue using it.

it will do more harm than good. it may already have.
I tried for a long time to Spiritually Advance while continually stoned. You're effectively tying a 2 Ton Cinder Block around your body and trying to run a track field.

In my experience it "clogs" all your clairaudience and clairvoyance points while also being harmful to the 6th 7th and throat chakra. I had to spend a lot of time cleaning up my mistakes in the past.

The "pleasures" you feel with marijuana are comparable to one tiny drop of water.
and the pleasures you will feel with meditation, and spiritual advancement are comparable to the Ocean.

Marijuana isn't going to help in anyway. It may be physically healing for some ailments BUT there are many other natural cures for said ailments marijuana is said to cure.

One last thing I have a lot of friends whom are continual pothead stoners. I can tell you from experience right now that controlling people on Marijuana is as easy as telling a child to put their toys away. Astral Commands, focusing thoughts into their braindead minds to make them say things they otherwise don't remember saying. Making them leave buildings, making them walk around in circles. IT'S VERY EASY. And the same effects can happen to you from the enemy or anyone else.
The Gods aren't going to babysit some pothead stoner whom has no interest in quitting.

It's your choice.

I won't be surprised if you disregard this information cause you're a stoner. The best possible thing you could do for yourself is quit now. But I'm not going to elaborate on this any further.

"put holes in your aura". it makes you weak by weakening the barrier between YOUR soul and the world. your aura also is what you program to make things happen to you and and prevent things from happening to you.

it's like laying down a sword and shield, and the hammer that made them both. it's..hard for me to put into words what holes in the aura are. but they're bad.
I think marijuana was mostly used for healing purposes,when you meditate you want to do so with a clear mind  as marijuana tend to play with your mind.
I would be interested to know how it affects other people as there are strain out there that has different effect
Well, anything that effects the physical body in a negative way is/does effect the spiritual body in a negative way and vice verse. So the basic understanding is, if you want to advance spiritually in the most effective way you can and work on your soul and towards raising the serpent you need a completely sober mind and body. This way the soul will be pure and strong.

Drugs can seriously wreak havoc on the soul. Some members here have gave their personal experience on this and say they can't really feel their chakras or soul because they are so weak due to extensive drug/alcohol use. I heard some drugs can cause serious damage to the astral body, making it so damaged that it can take life times to repair. So the question really is, is how much do you really want to advance spiritually in the most effective way? If you really want it, you'll make sacrifices to reach it. No I'm not talking about blood sacrifice obviously but I mean in the way that you'll "sacrifice" your time and the drugs and anything else that gets in the way of you advancing spiritually.

You should start empowering your pineal gland, this will help. Also, doing kundalini yoga and Hatha yoga and more meditation in general will make you more attracted to what's right for you so to speak. Addiction is most likely in the soul, and from a lack of energy in one of the main centers so when you start working on your soul you empower your soul hence working on balancing the soul and removing the desire for addiction.

In the long run, we have bigger things to worry about than getting high and destroying yourself. It'll be way more pleasurable to not get involved in such things too.
I smoke weed often and have NO plan on stopping. I simply advise to NOT DO IT BEFORE MEDITATION AND RITUAL. unlike most members i have no issues with marijuana as it helps with many of my medical issues etc. But i refrain from using it before meditations etc. Make your own choice as an adult and dont let other people influence you to make a decision that you weren't ready to quit altogether. Marijuana can and does help many medical ailments and i dont know ur story or history nor does anyone else here so make your OWN choice on that. 
On Jun 23, 2017 9:02 PM, "Fatherschild fatherschild138@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Mandy, smoking weed doesn't make you worthless but it does make you less.Seek the natural high.
@taylor (I don't dare to offend the God of Humanistic Futurism)

Than you will not go far in spirituality I'm afraid.

Seems you are either totally oblivious you're hindering your development, OR you deliberately damage yourself due to severe addiction, simultaneously being a jewish bitch. Addicts ALWAYS lie to themselves. 

Oh, and one more thing... Facts don't give a flying fuck about your beliefs.


---In [email protected], <teslavroomvroom@... wrote :

I smoke weed often and have NO plan on stopping. I simply advise to NOT DO IT BEFORE MEDITATION AND RITUAL. unlike most members i have no issues with marijuana as it helps with many of my medical issues etc. But i refrain from using it before meditations etc. Make your own choice as an adult and dont let other people influence you to make a decision that you weren't ready to quit altogether. Marijuana can and does help many medical ailments and i dont know ur story or history nor does anyone else here so make your OWN choice on that. 
On Jun 23, 2017 9:02 PM, "Fatherschild fatherschild138@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
 Mandy, smoking weed doesn't make you worthless but it does make you less.Seek the natural high.
@Diamond Taylor

(I don't care if this gets me banned)

You're an idiot with a drug problem.

It doesn't matter if you don't do it before meditation or not. It shouldn't be in your life at all. You're clearly unaware and unconcerned with the damaging spiritual effects of it. Yes, there are PHYSICAL CURES with it but with DAMAGING SPIRITUAL SIDE EFFECTS.
Even then any cure marijuana boasts about can be cured in a different natural way spiritual or physical. As I've previously stated. There are much more safer remedies offered by the Joy of Satan ministries than getting high.

So enjoy your drugs Diamond Taylor, you're nothing more than an addict incapable of overcoming a desire that literally has control over your life. Don't encourage the other members by saying "don't let other people influence you to make a decision" when your post very well could imply IT'S YOUR LIFE DO WHAT YOU WANT BRO LIGHT UP BRO. Cause you read some things you don't agree with.

1.Marijuana is spiritually damaging to the chakras, soul, and aura.
2.Any God or Demon will strongly advocate you DO NOT partake in marijuana if you're interested in Spiritual Advancement.
3. Is the American Government truly interested of increasing the wellbeing of their people by legalizing marijuana?

I dare you to prove me wrong on those 3 points.

Have fun smoking yourself stupid, BRO. http://josministries.prophpbb.com/topic15940.html
@Fatherschild Thank you, your statement couldn't be more true!

@Livingforsatan I really needed that more than you know! Ahaha Thank you. When I smoke I do feel like a straight up retard, I can hardly even color in a coloring book, let alone function.

When we were fully sober for about a month I actually made progress in the meditation program, went back to smoking and I'm back to being stuck on day one because we get so high come night time we pass out. It's like a loop of non-advancement. I do a little meditation then throw away all my work by smoking, and repeat. I feel a bit crazy as this has been going on for so long.

I'd advise any member to stop drug use, just from my personal experiences alone. It's fun for sure, but you'll never really get any where...
Get some sleep tea and hold off until you're just acheing for a hit(if there is such a thing).It's not that fun.Its a change from the crapscape of your city but "fun"?Nah.Meditate on that.
I don't have the time to go into detail right now, maybe I'll post again tomorrow, but, Marijuana seriously messed me up for a bit.
When I first started, I used it recreationally and that was all good and fun. I then started to use it regularly, it got to a point where I wa getting 'high' all day everyday. How cool right? Not.I thought it was great for 'opening my mind' and helping open my chakras but it seriously wasn't.Marijuana leeches the energy from your chakras to produce a temporary 'high'. Not too mention being thoroughly vulnerable to enemy attacks. In hind sight, I realise that I was preyed upon a lot, especially towards the end of my use, when I was coming close to finding JoS. But, I thought it was me going crazy and I basically was. It's very likely, if not guaranteed, that you will get 'trapped' thinking about and focusing on something. Even something you don't want to focus on.I'm certain if I hadn't of quit, I would've gone schitzo.
This was happening when I was 17.
Long story short, smoking weed is not worth it. Full stop. End of story. Don't even bother thinking or trying to convince yourself that it helps, because it doesn't. 
Thanks for reading this post and I hope you never smoke again because it sucks 
Hail Satan Forever. 

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On Tuesday, June 27, 2017, 18:35, mandy_moo923@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected] wrote:
  @Fatherschild Thank you, your statement couldn't be more true!

@Livingforsatan I really needed that more than you know! Ahaha Thank you. When I smoke I do feel like a straight up retard, I can hardly even color in a coloring book, let alone function.

When we were fully sober for about a month I actually made progress in the meditation program, went back to smoking and I'm back to being stuck on day one because we get so high come night time we pass out. It's like a loop of non-advancement. I do a little meditation then throw away all my work by smoking, and repeat. I feel a bit crazy as this has been going on for so long.

I'd advise any member to stop drug use, just from my personal experiences alone. It's fun for sure, but you'll never really get any where...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
