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Do You Still Wonder Who The Tyrants Are Now?

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Over the last decades we have the same broken record playing: Hitler was evil, the Nazis wanted to destroy everyone, it was a very bad government, it was evil, and so on.

The same broken record has been put up for Satan and the Demons, difference is, just for a far longer time historically. The claims thought and the method are only the same.

Those who know the enemy and how they work, and have seen and studied for themselves [let alone EXPERIENCED] Demons, they would know, they have nothing bad and hostile for no Gentile.

In fact, they are our Gods, our friends, our allies, and here to help us.

We have only been hearing the opinion of the jews and their take on history, religion, everything and anything at all. That is not a coincidence as to why.

It's because they have enslaved this world, the universities, the scientists, the scholars, and basically have been doing heaps of blood and corpses for centuries to get to this level of control of information where they are at.

In this place, we disregard all their opinions and they mean nothing to us. Basically there are no places at such liberty, and why? Because the jews feel entitled to literally destroy all these places, or infiltrate them, hijack them, or strangulate them into submission. Sort of how they did to every scientist with a contrary opinion from National Television over Co-Vid.

As for their practices, long known and true, we do know these are the products of jewish disinformation and habitual lying. On top of this, the jews have done this because they have some of the most disturbing purposes in mind, both for this world and the people in it.

One wouldn't believe it and call a person insane if they told them this was the case, until they read deeper and deeper into this foreign alien world of the jewish lizards. It's beyond the knowledge and understanding level of most people.

Then, one would be shocked if they understood this. We know how that goes, so we can't really be confused with low tier NPC lying that is commonly used to blind people.

We just go by what we see for ourselves. Another method of lying in the same way, is how everyone has kept whinning about Hitler for literally decades now, overlooking all the rape of freedoms and destruction that has been taking place in the so called "Free West".

Yes, the West was Free, in paper at least, and so long people tried to defend this freedom. The global shock of WW2, had made many appreciate any freedoms they had left. But since jews orchestrated 9/11, it's all have been changing into a technocratic dystopian nightmare.

Sort of how they pulled the trigger back in WW1, again wanting to construct a "New World Order" in Europe, back again, once more.

The West has been so free, that when Kennedy spoke against the Secret Societies [ie, jews who conspired through Freemasonry], didn't get to even live long to tell the tale about it.

Wow, such a free world, indeed.

And objectively speaking, Hitler was unable to be compared as a dictatorial government compared to what is going on right now in most of Europe or much of the "Free World". Hitler basically ended up like Kennedy, the difference is, they were able to get on Kennedy but didn't get on Hitler.

Hitler, for one, removed financial enslavement of the populace. Others who have attempted to do this before, such as Andrew Jackson, have been exterminated by the jews, or destroyed in other ways. Yes, this type of enslavement where you are afraid for the next day of your life, or when your work and labor don't mean anything, because the jews keep printing pointless money, such as we do today.

Many people have seen the mistakes and problems of jews and what they have been doing to our societes for centuries. It's just that Hitler actually politically succeeded to remove a lot of things physically from the life of a segment of the population. This made the lizards go literally insane. This insanity lead Europe in one of the bloodiest wars of it's history.

Hitler managed to liberate his people from a lot of problems that if we analyzed one by one, many would see him in another perspective.

The same people that live from daily paycheck to paycheck, or not at all, would sacrifice everything if they knew how it was to live in Germany. Those who whine about Hitler, always made sure to re-create a system of endless financial terrorism, where people aren't killed directly, but slyly and indirectly, in a very destructive manner for the soul and the mind: in slow, agonizing fear of their life, every single day.

Many people don't understand this today, but what is the coercive force that is used for people now to engage for example, in a forced and unwanted by many people, vaccination? It's based on the financial system, basically.

Of course, since Hitler removed many of these abilities of jews to enslave and destroy the "Goyim", jews perceived this "Freeing of the goyim from the Genesis jewish curse of worthless labor on the behalf of the jewish god", as a "curse" and an "evil thing". Anything positive Gentiles ever did for themselves, is an evil thing as we know, and a "sin".

We lived on and saw historically that none of this was really the case. Even more, we are seeing with each passing day, not only how incompetent the enemy is to lead the world, but also, how dangerous and tyrannical they have always been.

For those who know how that happened, and know who controlled the media, academia, and wrote history, they would understand why these exaggerations were necessary for the "international clique" that Hitler fought to stop.

Now, this international clique and lizard company, is not really a very straight forward one. It's only becoming more obvious now, because it feels emboldened to enslave the populace today for once more. You won't see them going around in tanks, or doing straight propaganda to you, but only recently they are more open about how they want to lock you inside a pod, and feed you insects, or make you into a living robot.

They specialized in gathering all your information with computers, brainwashing you from a distance, getting you to slowly wipe off your self through advertising, or promotion of religion.

They do not have the gifted abilities or capacities to engage the people straight and forward, or speak to them. They can only manipulate systematically and brainwash people into damnation.

Nowadays, we live to experience that Hitler was actually right in everything he said about what the enemy was doing to Germany back then, and what they planned to do to the world after this.

He tried to warn the planet on what is going to actually happen, and how he tried to stop this jewish tentacle monster from literally overtaking earth. There is no single continent and no single place where this hasn't occurred by now, from a medium to maximum extent. The few places who have less of their stranglehold, don't matter as much in where history is going.

Hitler and the NS also had another vision for the future, a world where people who have become aware of themselves [and therefore also aware of jews on a racial level] would also act in unison to stop this impeding advance of the enemy into making our world into a heap of ruins.

Even if we take the lie at heart that the National Socialists were so evil, their "measures" only affected less than 0.5% of the populace, ie, the jews. 99.5% of people in Germany actually experienced a level of elevation of freedom, finances, law, environment, culture, that was never seen before.

This is also what jews are hiding from all history books. It was actually a really good time for people. Now, we live to experience the opposite. On the whims of 0.5% of the global population, a select clique of a few, is literally abusing all the rest 99.5% of all people, degrading their life and their existence more and more, in a recurring fashion, non stop.

Australia and other places right now are living to see for themselves what a true dictatorship really is. It's not the imaginary Hitler stuff that never happened. It's what people experience today. People locked in like chickens in boxes, and monitored for their every move, all around a whole Nation, the most advanced form of a "concetration camp".

It's clear that all of these things the enemy claimed Hitler did, Hitler never did. These were just their imaginations and wet dreams, projected onto Hitler to defame him. We live today to see the manifestations of their wet dreams taking place, with them, and ONLY THEM being in power.

There is no government that really opposes any of this. Every government in this world is taken over by the lizards, and they are dictating. If any governing people are resisting this, they are very few.

It's the people themselves that once again are going to take the weight of liberty onto their own back, and simple people from the midst of these people. This is why Satan is associated with the "Common Man". Hitler was also nothing but a common man in the beginning of his life. And now, in this new worldwide jewish tyranny that is taking place, many will be called Hitler's.

In fact, all I have to do is open the judenpresse of jewish news, to read their "truthful" kiked articles, and read for myself in regards to how many Hitlers we have today. They are about 50% of the human population right now, since, they all dislike the jewish lizard's attempts to enslave everyone worldwide over frivolous pretexts.

Opening the news, I'll see that the unvaccinated are literally Hitler and that they are all a "Criminal and dangerous people" that literally wants to wipe out earth through some Co-Vid mutation or something.

And let us say that the Hollywood lies from the lizards had any "truth" to them. Let us really take them hypothetically as they were real, to see if this is a problem or if Hitler was any worse than them, even based on their crazy stories.

Even the 6 million jews that never happened except of in Hollywood, don't matter at all compared to solely the unborn people who didn't get born last year because of poverty, lack of human relationships, or those who died from Co-Vid enforced lockdown measures, or went insane, or did commit suicide. But the jewish controlled media is not going to tell us anything, we just have to "obey".

Now, let us think what is really "Tyranny"? Elected leaders that follow the dictates of the people? Because actually, Hitler was elected as a leader, despite of what happened later, and had the love of the populace behind him as a politician.

Or are tyrants, a few fucking jewish goblins were playing out in the Wuhan lab, almost every person in this world has had to be damned because of this? These goblins are also in your TV now telling you what to do and how many shots you are going to take because they were playing around with viruses.

These measures will be imposed on the whole globe, and the planet and Nations are attempting to act like literal lockdown "concetration camps", where people are abused to follow these dictates by threats of force, or even subtle threats of death.

Does that taste like tyranny to you? Well yeah, because it fucking is.

Reading the news and their "plans", they are terrorizing the world already: Major cyber-attacks, ruining of the supply chains, WW3 with China, recurring medical experimentation via coercion and force, a binding of all life in the planet, forced destruction of all human freedoms over frivolous excuses, the list is never ending.

Meanwhile, they are eroding the largest aspect of humanity with debt, ignorance, isolation, psychological warfare, erosion of all human and state rights, dissolving of nations, forcing people into a centralized control system of money circulation, ruining everyone's self perception [including any racial awareness] and above all, terminating spirituality from the earth.

Spirituality is awareness, and fear is enemy of spirituality. As time goes, many more are living only in fear and uncertainty.

People are living now to experience a world without the "Evil Hitler" they have been told at school was their only problem. Everything else was only a rainbow? Well not really.

But since the jews always use Gentiles for their dirty business, and always indoctrinate Gentiles to pluck their own eyes out, people were instructed that this person was evil, or let's say, similar to how anyone who alerts the innocents who will be massacred over jewish plans, is a "conspiracy theorist", a "lunatic" and so on. Now, people are called "viral dangers", which is essentially biohazards, over this.

Everyone should know this by now.

NPC's, after spending decades fighting off the "evil guys" [as they spent thousands of years fighting off the "Demons" who were all along our ancestral Gods and who were there to help us], they are living now to tell the tale about how it was in the land of the "jewish angels".

Jews misdirected everyone into fighting what they should be listening to. Even if we accept the foolish presupposition that Hitler was evil, well, Hitler hasn't done really anything evil in this world in the last decades.

This world has been on the physical hands of the enemy. And here we are, literally having opened Pandora's box into their kosher nightmare.

All of these are viable problems that humanity has to face, and these have nothing to do with any "evil" they told you at school. All of this comes from the "Good Guys": Microchipping your brain, using satellites to farm you, forcibly changing your cells and gender, uprooting all your instincts, imposing global slavery, all of this is going to happen by those that many have been hailing as the "Good Guys".

You know, this jewish tribe whose National Literature we are reading about how their most celebrated moment of our cultures worldwide as a "religion", in which literature of theirs, the extermination of Gentile Tribes, is somehow, the greatest and most sought after thing.

Hitler never really even thought, wrote, or considered any of these things that are happening now. Even in his book that he left behind, he makes no mention of wanting to do anything to any Gentile, let alone anything else. He raves against the values that lead to these things. Strange one would find.

Meanwhile if you read Gates's takes, or Schwab's takes, you will see monsters. Yet, these walk around freely as if nothing happened. And they are so freedom loving, that they will literally buy up Jewtube just to make sure nobody questions that.

The bible, targets basically every Gentile tribe, and centers them for extermination, it's a legal book. Mein Kampf criticizing jews and their behavior to Germans [but nowhere stating to kill them really], is an evil book.

The Bible saying people straight up to murder babies of Gentiles, is a normal "Holy Book". That's sort of like Klaus, who tells you you will live like an insect in the pod, but is taken as a "serious businessman and visionary".

Yet, the "good lords" of this world, that's what they are. We know better. We know that the enemy is the incarnation of evil, and many are going to see this.

The ghosts of the past are no longer here, and those who still pretend they love freedom but are stuck in the ghosts the jews told them from 1945, are only losing sight of the real enemy who is threatening our freedom and existence all along.

Junta, Totalitarianism, Fascism, anything else, would look like simple things compared to what has been going on in this world the last two recurring years. Communism also will look like a very pleasant fairytale, if these lizards get their way.

These will look even more mild systems of governing after the whole "Co-Vid" craze has went and settled deeper into the years.

But what happened is this: Hitler understood where all this was going with our world, and wanted to inform the global community of the time to put a stop at this. People were starting to listen, and then, of course, there was WW2 to stop all of this physically.

Now, the same message is spreading, but it's not spreading in the way it did before. And this has angered the enemy, because they cannot just spill the blood of everyone even at a National level, that has went against them. A striking majority of people is against them and their plans, globally.

They are therefore, really alarmed. And they have to resort to global violence, restrictions, threats and so on, to maintain themselves.

Nowadays, the Jew World Order of global tyranny, is doing restrictive and enslavement measures that affect literally 99% of the human beings on earth, ruining, slowing down, and destroying their lives, little by little.

Now that the enemy feels comfortable again, here we go again: Microchipping advised for humans, ruining all human rights, dubious recurring medical forced procedures, promoting communism everywhere, and destruction of all freedoms, consistent terrorism, globally people getting extorted, we could go on and on.

Everything that is Satanic and was built to free humanity, is being fought tooth and nail. Sometimes, because the problems go too far, people like Hitler have to show up, and do things that many won't accept on a global political scale, to de-escalate the enemy's kosher dreams and ambitions.

They can call us Hitler's, Anti-Christs, World Evil, whatever they want. As far as our opinion goes, we know we are fighting the world's evil and how it labels us would not matter.

And speaking of this persistent lizard virus, we are only this: the antidote.

The time will come where everyone is understanding who the tyrants really are, and their removal will happen soon, too.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you Hp.Cobra
Where can i find Hitler's speeches?
Are they completely removed everywhere?
If someone has some of them please share a link to me.
Although I haven't finished reading the Dalton edition of Mein Kampf. Hitler basically goes Jews = Marxist/Communists.

It's like the rabbi from Europa the last battle. The reason Hitler hates us Jews is in this book(referring to Yad Vashem Edition Mein Kampf) he calls us Communists, He states we are Communists.

And the funniest part even Dalton in his Prologue has to mention. The anti-Semitism Hitler learned because as many people falsely claim he was anti-semite, rather quite the opposite even being philo-semitic in stating his disgust for anti-Semitism. But Dalton said it best Hitler's anti-Semitism is actually by name 'Rational anti-Semitism'.

Rather Hitler LEARNED to be anti-Semitic. As a matter of fact Hitler said a HUGE statement. "Are anti-Semites, anti-Semites due to envy and jealousy?" to which he states basically No not at all rather it's more than that.

Unfortunately like the Al-Jilwah states Remember your books by heart lest ye be altered by those without.

Unfortunately everything is kiked up. For example HP.Cobra said it best about 2-3 years ago "celebrity scientists". They spout kikestenian and jesuit non-sense about black holes and outer space and the funny part is these people are clapping and cheering for people who don't have the slightest fucking clue it's Communistic Christianity it's both the political and religious aspect merged into one a Liberation Theology to promote jewish science.

It's funny it reminds me of jrvan's recent post, BTW this isn't to rag on jrvan rather I commend him for talking about something I've had some ideas on thinking it in my own time.


Look up his post on Neptune a bit wordy but good read.

While I'm not denying the concrete even though the physical is at the mercy at destruction i.e. entropy and spirituality both for good or ill.

But it's funny he mentions this because he literally is stating a certain truth. That you can alter people's perception so much as to go into some sort of kosher science like literally most humans are in some sort of kosher game of fake science and fake existence.

Like recently now they are saying there is a new particle of matter that holds some interesting uses for technology. Constant bullshit the Gods would have never let us build ourselves with ignorance and destruction. So much construction and research for some stupid particles when our Gods could have just given us various information and assistive, teaching a man to fish style, material and technologies and let us construct with the Gods guidance advanced things or not advanced things sometimes delving too far into advancement leads to ignorance.

Hitler literally up to the point I'm reading nor in any Mein Kampf minus enemy controlled ones. Said the same statements the jews state against Gentiles to kill Gentiles.

Hitler is literally an angel, xtianistic way, in comparison to Shehameforash in the bible. Like for example if you study the Skeptics Annotated Bible look at the over 300ish times the enemy God had to kill just to get his way. I would not be surprised if Skeptics Annotated Quran has the same thing God killing cause even the Oy veys annoy God.

Funny God is annoyed at his own Pisraelites and the jews annoy God all the time. Like the Luciferian Liberation Front Mt.Taberah incident. Jews kvetch insesently and pray copiously to the enemy space ship and then the funny part the enemy vimana activates flame throwers and just splashes the camp so the jews would stop shitting, pissing, and vomiting near the camp they didn't even dig out latrines distances away to avoid negative air pollution. Funny in the end after Moses begs the kike god to stop. He comes down and inspects his handiwork.

And then they state that jews are cultured and smart and intelligent. Just like the Rabbi from Europa the last battle. We jews go country to country eliminating the intelligentsia until the only intelligent ones are us jews.

Funny then they state they are chosen king kike hava nagilas of the Universe.

If you study pre-1945 Europe and study Europe since the first ghettos and first masses of jews. It's the same story smelly, shitty, pathetic, grey borg like jews all wearing black chaftans and hats and curly hair strands. All of them looking like a kosher military unit.

Funny sometimes I wonder if Gentiles need to act more like jews to defeat the jews. I know it's silly and pisses people off but I mean sometimes it's like "Fellow Goys Y U so stupid".

Fortunately seems like spiritual warfare has redlined the enemy and I'm hopeful covid-19 situation extends for years. Eventually there is a breaking period. I'm sure the enemy is preparing for the 2025 offensive and preparing their safehavens with PMCs and other security like in South Africa. I'm sure these PMCs and Security and these goyim leaders who help the jews are gonna be Vlad Teppes'd with their corpses decorating pikes.

At any point as much as I'm sure many would like to take out jews. We need to realize that is a very insignificant thing. I said this a few times sometimes letting the enemy do their thing makes them act like useful idiots. Like Bezmenov said they grab these schmucks and use them as useful idiot. HP.Cobra said something similar and a few members replied recently. It's not so much to kill jews cause we can get in trouble with our website. We'd like to avoid that.

Rather why not use the jews nefariousness against them.

As the old adage said "I got you diagonally kikeshkopf". Like El Zorro said "Pretty sneaky Satanists". Then we can reply if your chosen of God and kings of the Universe kikes unto Universal domination. You not only should have seen our strike but you had ample years if not decades to prepare. I mean your Gods you could have used telekinesis to stop us and manipulated our anti-kaballah.

In the end this sermon is just more simple, little truths anyone can read and go "REALLY?!?" more on the side of people coming in and studying our organization. For example Mein Kampf is seen by some people as the handiwork of the Devil in carneth. But Hitler basically is just talking normal stuff any leader for that matter would want to help people.

Since WHEN was it wrong to HELP your people?

OH wait cause the kikofery only helps kikes. Oy vey goyim yu hlap kikes only goyshkopf, kikes be gud 'n' god 'n' sheit, yr goyim 'r' ebil, debil sheit.

Funny that shabbos who listens is on the chopping block no matter how much of an honorary jew he becomes he still a filthy goyim in the jews eye even with the breeding process he still produces a filthy mamzer that even the jews hate cause the mamzer isn't a pure kike.

Well onward to spiritual warfare.
Extraordinary Sermon, thank you very much Commander!
Thanks for the great article!
I like the articles about Hitler. Also, I hope we don't have to live in this slave system much longer.

I'm curious about something, although it may sound like a stupid question. But I'll ask it anyway.
Is it possible for Hitler to astrally visit an SS or anyone else? Or to put it another way, has it ever happened that he visited someone and talked to them? As gods are wont to do.

I ask out of curiosity, because I've been thinking about this for a long time.
Speaking of paper money, I noticed something really unfair. I am referring to migrants who work in another country and then spend and invest in their home country.

This is obviously theft and to add icing to the cake we also have the dishonest and unfair value of paper money.

For example, if you work in the U.S., with five dollars you can buy a hamburger, these five U.S. dollars can have a much greater value in a poorer country and then you can buy groceries for a month.
Everything the Jews blame Hitler on they were doing themselves. Everything they claim Hitler did in the holocrap and way worse stuff they did in Communist countries. Even some of the supposed evidence (whatever is not just staged and made up) is actually depicting gentiles in communist countries.

Everything that is blamed on Satan and his Demons is what the enemy entities are doing on a spiritual level. The reptilians even created an energy or something in the astral realm that makes people burn and suffer in "hell" and experience it then reincarnate them to be even worse slaves with the trauma of that on their souls or take them to the cube. They probably have a fake heaven realm too for various things such as making xtians more serious or to lure people into the cube.

In a different light some of the descriptions of the Messianic Age in both xtianity and Judaism if you take our the stuff of the Torah and Jewsus JHVH etc is actually what Satans side will do. A paradise earth the Natural order being more peaceful (I assume from the energy grid) peace people being prosperous etc.

They try to claim or promise everything Satan is trying to do. Like for example world peace brotherhood prosperity etc but then do the opposite.

So they can't even come up with a good story. They have to project or steal something from somewhere.
Hope this vaccine madness would end soon. Great sermon, HPHC, as always.
I love how there's good signs of our side takings wins while the xian conservatives "freedom lovers" keep taking L's as they keep saying their false god will stop humanity's enemy from getting done some of the things they have recently. Every time they try to cope by saying their usual mental retarded drivel of "it's the signs of the end times. X has risen".

Such loving and powerful gawd huh.

They foolishly think some of the wins we made and they're content with is because of their false bloodthirsty human hating asshole bible gawd but for the most part they seem to freak out a lot which can be funny to see along when the jews do the same.

Like I said before to everyone, let's keep up the hard work. We should be trying harder with not just every win but with every advancement the enemy makes (in the physical since their spiritual power has started to feel like it's nowhere near as before from a pov of not really advanced person. I can only imagine for now what others have felt).

Hail Satan

Hail the Hero Hitler

His spirit HAS risen again and everyone will realize he was right.

P.S. I understand he's THE antichrist but I'm confident in the power of us here on this planet. All do respect to Lord Hitler but I have felt like it'll be up to the common men to take up the job this time and some SS need to stop acting like xians waiting for a saviour. Along with saving ourselves we are also saving the human race. Let's give ourselves some more credit, without becoming pompous, and understand we're all meant and have the capabilities to learn from what Hitler did and preached about (ignoring all the lies about him like the lie of systematically killing jews) and put it into action our own selves in a safe and legal way.
Hail Satan!!!
I don't fully understand why, but I started crying after reading your post here.
Oh don't worry... the alt right that is against the reset agenda is calling the globalists nazis and hitlers instead of communists or jews. That is what happens when instead of making your own movement you buy the jew controlled opposition. That is what hapens when instead of burning down the whole capitol building you trust Trump and Q. Many still are goyim...

And even if you start new with good intentions, if you are not aware of the jews you will get infiltrated and wonder why it isn't going as planned.
EasternFireLion666 said:
Oh don't worry... the alt right that is against the reset agenda is calling the globalists nazis and hitlers instead of communists or jews. That is what happens when instead of making your own movement you buy the jew controlled opposition. That is what hapens *** you trust Trump and Q. Many still are goyim...

And even if you start new with good intentions, if you are not aware of the jews you will get infiltrated and wonder why it isn't going as planned.

The capitol thing was orchestrated by the powers that be, it was totally controlled. The people that took part into that and got in, were literally paid actors and alt-right shill agitators.

Ever since all these jews of the alt-right and general have been continuing the circus. For example, Heimbach which was a random creep, was promoting Christos and Socialism into the "Nazis" and all sorts of other crazy stuff. You see the correlation, I would believe.

Anyway, the fact that some people couldn't figure out that "Anon" was just a stupid hoax, seem to have been really sleeping.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
Oh don't worry... the alt right that is against the reset agenda is calling the globalists nazis and hitlers instead of communists or jews. That is what happens when instead of making your own movement you buy the jew controlled opposition. That is what hapens *** you trust Trump and Q. Many still are goyim...

And even if you start new with good intentions, if you are not aware of the jews you will get infiltrated and wonder why it isn't going as planned.

The capitol thing was orchestrated by the powers that be, it was totally controlled. The people that took part into that and got in, were literally paid actors and alt-right shill agitators.

Ever since all these jews of the alt-right and general have been continuing the circus. For example, Heimbach which was a random creep, was promoting Christos and Socialism into the "Nazis" and all sorts of other crazy stuff. You see the correlation, I would believe.

Anyway, the fact that some people couldn't figure out that "Anon" was just a stupid hoax, seem to have been really sleeping.

Indeed. The good part is if the whole alt right narrative falls simultaneously with the left instead of shifting from one to another, this could mean the beginning of the end for the enemy I hope. Some seem to get it, but it's a very slow process.
Master said:
Speaking of paper money, I noticed something really unfair. I am referring to migrants who work in another country and then spend and invest in their home country.

This is obviously theft and to add icing to the cake we also have the dishonest and unfair value of paper money.

For example, if you work in the U.S., with five dollars you can buy a hamburger, these five U.S. dollars can have a much greater value in a poorer country and then you can buy groceries for a month.

It´s not theft, if they get money for free and send it home, this is theft.
If a country does let migrants do thear work they don´t have to spend money on thear education/infrastucture etc to raise them until the point they can work, they can use them without prior investment, it´s called globalism. If it would be only done for highly specialist people and same race I wouldn´t say it is bad.

About unfair value of money, this can also be a opportunity for someone who has to live abroad.
The most sincere problem in develop countrys probably all countrys is corruption which does hinder grow and development.
Fuchs said:
Master said:
Speaking of paper money, I noticed something really unfair. I am referring to migrants who work in another country and then spend and invest in their home country.

This is obviously theft and to add icing to the cake we also have the dishonest and unfair value of paper money.

For example, if you work in the U.S., with five dollars you can buy a hamburger, these five U.S. dollars can have a much greater value in a poorer country and then you can buy groceries for a month.

It´s not theft, if they get money for free and send it home, this is theft.
If a country does let migrants do thear work they don´t have to spend money on thear education/infrastucture etc to raise them until the point they can work, they can use them without prior investment, it´s called globalism. If it would be only done for highly specialist people and same race I wouldn´t say it is bad.

About unfair value of money, this can also be a opportunity for someone who has to live abroad.
The most sincere problem in develop countrys probably all countrys is corruption which does hinder grow and development.

I meant between different races and anyway most of the money should circulate within a nation and not go to feed the inhabitants of another nation.

One thing worse than this are the foreign owners and entrepreneurs who exploit and take the profit and take it to another nation.

Speaking of money, it is a silly thing the fall of value from the uncontrolled production of money.

You are right about corruption, corruption is pure ruin and injustice.
Master said:
Fuchs said:
Master said:
Speaking of paper money, I noticed something really unfair. I am referring to migrants who work in another country and then spend and invest in their home country.

This is obviously theft and to add icing to the cake we also have the dishonest and unfair value of paper money.

For example, if you work in the U.S., with five dollars you can buy a hamburger, these five U.S. dollars can have a much greater value in a poorer country and then you can buy groceries for a month.

It´s not theft, if they get money for free and send it home, this is theft.
If a country does let migrants do thear work they don´t have to spend money on thear education/infrastucture etc to raise them until the point they can work, they can use them without prior investment, it´s called globalism. If it would be only done for highly specialist people and same race I wouldn´t say it is bad.

About unfair value of money, this can also be a opportunity for someone who has to live abroad.
The most sincere problem in develop countrys probably all countrys is corruption which does hinder grow and development.

I meant between different races and anyway most of the money should circulate within a nation and not go to feed the inhabitants of another nation.

One thing worse than this are the foreign owners and entrepreneurs who exploit and take the profit and take it to another nation.

Speaking of money, it is a silly thing the fall of value from the uncontrolled production of money.

You are right about corruption, corruption is pure ruin and injustice.

It´s not about money, it is about goods and services, every country should have a balanced export import ratio and try to be selfsustaining as much as possibel. At the moment for example the USA has a much higher import then export ratio, payed by printed infinite money supply, subsidized via the pedrodollar and war, controlled from the Rothchild family via there private owened Bank, The Federal Reserve.

Which does make them dependont on the Federal Reserve/Rothchilds leading to slowly ruin of the country and possibel worst case cenarios if the supply of goods are dissrupted.

Don´t make the error to think the money production is uncrontrolled, it is highly monitored and intended to be the way it is.
Fuchs said:
Master said:
Fuchs said:
It´s not theft, if they get money for free and send it home, this is theft.
If a country does let migrants do thear work they don´t have to spend money on thear education/infrastucture etc to raise them until the point they can work, they can use them without prior investment, it´s called globalism. If it would be only done for highly specialist people and same race I wouldn´t say it is bad.

About unfair value of money, this can also be a opportunity for someone who has to live abroad.
The most sincere problem in develop countrys probably all countrys is corruption which does hinder grow and development.

I meant between different races and anyway most of the money should circulate within a nation and not go to feed the inhabitants of another nation.

One thing worse than this are the foreign owners and entrepreneurs who exploit and take the profit and take it to another nation.

Speaking of money, it is a silly thing the fall of value from the uncontrolled production of money.

You are right about corruption, corruption is pure ruin and injustice.

It´s not about money, it is about goods and services, every country should have a balanced export import ratio and try to be selfsustaining as much as possibel. At the moment for example the USA has a much higher import then export ratio, payed by printed infinite money supply, subsidized via the pedrodollar and war, controlled from the Rothchild family via there private owened Bank, The Federal Reserve.

Which does make them dependont on the Federal Reserve/Rothchilds leading to slowly ruin of the country and possibel worst case cenarios if the supply of goods are dissrupted.

Don´t make the error to think the money production is uncrontrolled, it is highly monitored and intended to be the way it is.

Those hateful jews have corrupted everything. They have corrupted justice, politicians, education, medicine, etc. and have made corruption part of the culture.

They are attacking the Gentiles by every means and in every aspect they can to ruin, enslave and destroy them.

Thank you Fuchs for the correction and explanation about money.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
