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Do animals have souls?

Nov 28, 2022
I’m more and more curious about this, bc I have a cat whom I love dearly, and when I think of the last day with him it breaks my heart bc I’ve been conditioned to believe that animals have no souls, but truthfully, I never truly believed that. Do animals have souls? Do they continue on as animals in the next life or could they have been humans in previous lives? What makes a person reincarnate as an animal in their next life?
Yes, they do have souls. Animals also reincarnate instantly since their souls are free of the curses.
But humans cannot reincarnate as animals or vice versa.
1. Animals have souls, you can also clean their aura and soul, https://satanisgod.org/Returning_Curses.html

They can become your permanent companions if you choose, you would have to ask Gods to guide your Cat to be with you in all lives. Though, I believe one should also become advance enough to astrally communicate with the Gods in order to help in a proper reincarnation of their pets, like finding the right breed with the right male and female to avoid a inbred body.
But I could be wrong about this bit, so for now just request the Gods that you love your cat and want the cat to be with you forever in this life and all lives.

2. An animal's soul will only get to reincarnate as an animal, and only in the same species, and if the subspecies exist, then it would be the subspecies if the body is available, which is the natural case. Otherwise the souls wait, and also rot/weaken further in the astral if reincarnation is prolonged, and there comes a time when they are nothing but energy in the astral. And I think vampiric enemy entities on the astral also abuse this period, to harvest souls for energy.

3. Humans cannot reincarnate as animals.

Powerful beings such as our Gods can force a soul to reincarnate into a different species or subspecies, but the outcomes can be horrible both physically and spiritually, especially if it's in a completely different species, I don't think the body would handle it, it would be dead on arrival.
Do cats reincarnate as cats or sometimes as other animals?
A house cat will reincarnate as a house cat, it may be possible for it to reincarnate in a different breed of house cat with the help of Gods[I don't know if its possible naturally], but it is damaging for the soul, and I don't think anyone would want that to happen with their loved ones unless it's their last resort.
And it will definitely won't reincarnate as a dog or any other mammal, just as a house cat.

To clear further, a domestic cat won't reincarnate in a Lion or Tiger's body, yes they are a part of Felidae species but a good amount of difference is present genetically. A Cat's soul cannot handle the body of a Lion.

Genetics of a species and their Soul are interconnected and interdependent, no one can change that.
The high priestess Maxine had mentioned in one of her sermons that a pet, if properly cared for by its owner, evolves its soul and now in its next life passes into the human realm. Coexistence with humans helps in understanding human life and the soul of the pet moves to the next level of soul evolution. This is a law of the universe as far as the evolution of souls is concerned.
If you mean, for example, the butterfly is "metamorphosis," a natural process.

In case you mean, change, due to environmental causes, is "evolution/adaptation" related to survival instinct.
The high priestess Maxine had mentioned in one of her sermons that a pet, if properly cared for by its owner, evolves its soul and now in its next life passes into the human realm. Coexistence with humans helps in understanding human life and the soul of the pet moves to the next level of soul evolution. This is a law of the universe as far as the evolution of souls is concerned.
Can you share the link to that sermon?
The high priestess Maxine had mentioned in one of her sermons that a pet, if properly cared for by its owner, evolves its soul and now in its next life passes into the human realm. Coexistence with humans helps in understanding human life and the soul of the pet moves to the next level of soul evolution. This is a law of the universe as far as the evolution of souls is concerned.
Are you sure she didn't say that the animal follows its own on their path, instead of literally becoming the species of the owner?

Souls are meant to evolve within their structures, not change from one animal to the next. For example, both humans and cats can improve in psychic senses, but this is done within the scope of their own soul's structure. This is how we have diversity and specialization in the universe, like an ever-blooming amount of interaction, creation, and advancement.
You can literally feel a Cat's aura, though I warn you simply sensing there aura seems to activate some kind of defensive backlash and they drain the shit out of your energy, so no doubt they have souls.
Either that or my cats hated me lol because everytime I felt their aura I felt an instant energy drain, to be honest I think the average cat is stronger spiritually than the average human as that never happens with people, one time someone tried to drain me I felt it behind me and looked at them and they went pale as a ghost so I reckon they felt my defensive backlash.

I have always wanted to swim with Whales in order to feel their aura I bet its tremendous.
Things like Skinwalkers are not actually changing into animals. This is a very powerful witchcraft ability to push an image into people's minds. So the person is still a person with a human body, but the witness's psychic senses are being overwhelmed and forced to view an image of an animal through the psychic vision. But this is only an illusion, and the physical body and soul are still human.

A human is a human, and will always be a human forever. A cat is a cat, and will always be a cat forever. A bird is a bird, and will always be a bird forever. The body and the soul are the same thing, they are two layers of the same item. And things like species, sex, and subspecies will always be the same forever. It is not possible for them to change.

Your cat may be with you again. :)
You both may spiritually evolve together, as you are spiritually advancing on the path to becoming a god. The cat may also spiritually advance, grow in psychic senses and abilities, and may become a soul which is capable of existing forever which is a level of the Magnum Opus. You both may achieve this. But you will still be human, and cat will still be a cat.
For example, shift
Shaping from a human to a bird.
From what I have read here, in this dimension none can. And I think the only way to "shape shift" is to fool your target by implanting a visual hallucination in their mind. The powerful entity would be present in it's original form in this dimension, but the targeted mind would see or feel whatever the entity is influencing it with. The enemy entities are capable of this, so AoP is important.
Things like Skinwalkers are not actually changing into animals. This is a very powerful witchcraft ability to push an image into people's minds. So the person is still a person with a human body, but the witness's psychic senses are being overwhelmed and forced to view an image of an animal through the psychic vision. But this is only an illusion, and the physical body and soul are still human.

A human is a human, and will always be a human forever. A cat is a cat, and will always be a cat forever. A bird is a bird, and will always be a bird forever. The body and the soul are the same thing, they are two layers of the same item. And things like species, sex, and subspecies will always be the same forever. It is not possible for them to change.

Your cat may be with you again. :)
You both may spiritually evolve together, as you are spiritually advancing on the path to becoming a god. The cat may also spiritually advance, grow in psychic senses and abilities, and may become a soul which is capable of existing forever which is a level of the Magnum Opus. You both may achieve this. But you will still be human, and cat will still be a cat.
I love animals but it makes me sad that I can only get along with them up to a certain level

Can a cat or dog with the level of spirit you are talking about be intelligent enough to get along with humans?

I know it's absurd and childish, but can a cat or a dog with the level of spirit you're talking about talk?

Maybe it's like telepathy?
Cats and dogs are absolutely able to understand what we are saying. They just can't speak it back to us. But you say a word to a dog, and he knows exactly what you said. Things like food, go outside, go get that, put it down. Even names for different kinds of food and different kinds of items, they correctly know what item you are talking about.

And they may communicate with us telepathically. Just in the way that you can emotionally feel exactly what the animal wants for you to do. Or even seeing a visual image of what the animal wants you to do. Both visually and emotionally, these are forms of telepathic communication. And when the cat or dog says something to you in the cat or dog voice, you emotionally know what it is asking for.
I love animals but it makes me sad that I can only get along with them up to a certain level

Can a cat or dog with the level of spirit you are talking about be intelligent enough to get along with humans?

I know it's absurd and childish, but can a cat or a dog with the level of spirit you're talking about talk?

Maybe it's like telepathy?
Merging of consciousness is an advanced technique, but it should allow you to do just that. It can take years of practice though.
My cats a Russian blue. Will he reincarnate as one?.

A house cat will reincarnate as a house cat, it may be possible for it to reincarnate in a different breed of house cat with the help of Gods[I don't know if its possible naturally], but it is damaging for the soul, and I don't think anyone would want that to happen with their loved ones unless it's their last resort.
And it will definitely won't reincarnate as a dog or any other mammal, just as a house cat.
Things like Skinwalkers are not actually changing into animals. This is a very powerful witchcraft ability to push an image into people's minds. So the person is still a person with a human body, but the witness's psychic senses are being overwhelmed and forced to view an image of an animal through the psychic vision. But this is only an illusion, and the physical body and soul are still human.

A human is a human, and will always be a human forever. A cat is a cat, and will always be a cat forever. A bird is a bird, and will always be a bird forever. The body and the soul are the same thing, they are two layers of the same item. And things like species, sex, and subspecies will always be the same forever. It is not possible for them to change.

Your cat may be with you again. :)
You both may spiritually evolve together, as you are spiritually advancing on the path to becoming a god. The cat may also spiritually advance, grow in psychic senses and abilities, and may become a soul which is capable of existing forever which is a level of the Magnum Opus. You both may achieve this. But you will still be human, and cat will still be a cat.
How come you don’t think or feel it’s possible that we reincarnated as less complex, but still very conscious beings, such as a cat, dog, horse, before we had evolved our awareness enough to be able to function as humans?
How come you don’t think or feel it’s possible that we reincarnated as less complex, but still very conscious beings, such as a cat, dog, horse, before we had evolved our awareness enough to be able to function as humans?
Because that is just not how anything works. That is against universal laws of nature. A man is a man, and a cat is a cat. A man will never be a cat, and a cat will never be a man.
Because that is just not how anything works. That is against universal laws of nature. A man is a man, and a cat is a cat. A man will never be a cat, and a cat will never be a man.
Do you think/feel when a soul becomes immortalised - that that being can then appear as anything they will to be in physical reality? So, when a human being becomes an immortal, then they can appear as anything in this world?

People who can see energy - describe the soul as a connection to the Devine. It is more like a conduit of encoded light information to source that then flows through the Taiji Pole , or Shushuma, rather than a one off blueprint that is set in stone, for a one off type of reincarnation. And those that have transcended matter are able to, in a figurative sense, move or remold this divine connection, so that different parts of the whole of the divine are expressed, or channelled. That would be Shift Shaping.

For those that aren’t immortal, the soul connection to the divine, is moulded prior to reincarnation. In Daoism they say that the eternal soul is moulded by the WILL or INTENT of heaven, - Zhi Yi Tian

In Daoism
You have the DAO
Then the Shen Ling
Shen Xian (which is the eternal soul that reincarnates - and is connected to the Devine)
Zhi Yi Tian (the will of intent of heaven shapes the eternal soul into a human soul)
Yuan Shen (where experiences are recorded) it is the yang part of the soul
Shen Zhi (the acquired personality) the yin part is of the soul

So you see energy steps down in vibration or dimension, from the DAO to the earth dimension. So the energetic nature of the eternal soul is transformed in to a human soul.

The human soul resonates with the vibrations of matter, but the eternal soul is beyond matter, and it is this which can be moulded or developed into different types of souls, by passing through the ZHI YI Tian, which is the will and intent of Heaven

It is a less ‘physical’ way of seeing things. The irony, as always, is that beliefs, obscure our energetic perception, and therefore fix our awareness, this is as you said, this type of thinking, in fact any thinking (because this is a projection of mind, it is not seeing energy directly) fixes the soul into one position of awareness, or mould of perception, which fixes or limits the expansion or connection of your soul to the will of the divine.

I’m not saying I subscribe to the above, I wouldn’t rely on any beliefs, just go on direct experience of your own seeing, and be open to seeing energy directly.
A soul becoming immortal is when it becomes so powerful and strong that its form becomes permanent. Which is directly the strength of the physical form, personality, mind, and all of these aspects. That all of these become fixed and everlasting. All of these defining characteristics are what the soul is, or else the soul would just be a formless nothing.

What you are really describing is soul death and extinction. When the soul becomes so weak that it dissipates entirely and becomes nonexistant. The form is so weak and getting weaker that eventually there is nothing holding it together, and it becomes formless and meaningless energy that is lost and scattered into the aether. Like a form of ice which existed as one solid and tangible thing, and it melts and becomes drops of water which then are dropped into the ocean. It went from having a true existing form and meaning, to now being scattered and lost into an infinite "void" where none of the former shape or existence is remaining. This "void" of space is not really empty, it is an endless and eternal expanse of formless flowing clouds of energy of the quintessence element, which have not yet even specialized to form the other 4 elements. This is the meaning of the soul death that we are all working to avoid.

Buddhism is a death cult which was originally created and founded specifically as a suicidal cult to be installed and replacing all collections of true knowledge, so that the knowledge would be lost and removed from the people. And all of buddhism is actually working towards achieving soul death and working to dissipating and becoming nothing. This is their highest goal. So many sources are now contaminated by these suicidal buddhist ideas, and they talk about this like it is a good thing.
A soul becoming immortal is when it becomes so powerful and strong that its form becomes permanent. Which is directly the strength of the physical form, personality, mind, and all of these aspects. That all of these become fixed and everlasting. All of these defining characteristics are what the soul is, or else the soul would just be a formless nothing.

What you are really describing is soul death and extinction. When the soul becomes so weak that it dissipates entirely and becomes nonexistant. The form is so weak and getting weaker that eventually there is nothing holding it together, and it becomes formless and meaningless energy that is lost and scattered into the aether. Like a form of ice which existed as one solid and tangible thing, and it melts and becomes drops of water which then are dropped into the ocean. It went from having a true existing form and meaning, to now being scattered and lost into an infinite "void" where none of the former shape or existence is remaining. This "void" of space is not really empty, it is an endless and eternal expanse of formless flowing clouds of energy of the quintessence element, which have not yet even specialized to form the other 4 elements. This is the meaning of the soul death that we are all working to avoid.

Buddhism is a death cult which was originally created and founded specifically as a suicidal cult to be installed and replacing all collections of true knowledge, so that the knowledge would be lost and removed from the people. And all of buddhism is actually working towards achieving soul death and working to dissipating and becoming nothing. This is their highest goal. So many sources are now contaminated by these suicidal buddhist ideas, and they talk about this like it is a good thing.
I’m not talking about the dissolution of the soul, I’m talking about overcoming the mould or limitations of man, by attaining the awareness and command of the immortalised soul. This requires a lot of energy, which in itself expands perception, making it less rigid. I will write more another time.

I agree with you that Buddhism and Christianity did infiltrate Daoism . But, with Daoism there are still paths that do not teach the renunciation of the congenital personality.

Again, my advise is to verify absolutely everything for yourself always, otherwise you are just limiting your potentiality.
Discussions on this subject made me think about this. Human evolution is spiritual and we can become the highest level of humanity, a half-demon, a demon. Because this is our nature, the low level of the demons' divinity is humanity. Satan is the god of humanity because the pure nature of our soul is satanic.

Aren't animals also purely dependent on humanity? So can't they also undergo a spiritual evolution?
What species you are is the absolute most fundamental and basic thing about you, that is the center of your entire existence. Your species, your sex, and your race. These are things that will absolutely never change. The only way for these to change is by absolute dissipation of the soul so that the soul is no longer existing, and then a new soul being created which would not be the same person.
Discussions on this subject made me think about this. Human evolution is spiritual and we can become the highest level of humanity, a half-demon, a demon. Because this is our nature, the low level of the demons' divinity is humanity. Satan is the god of humanity because the pure nature of our soul is satanic.

Aren't animals also purely dependent on humanity? So can't they also undergo a spiritual evolution?

Animals are not dependent on humanity. These are other souls which are capable of also advancing in their own path. The limitation is that they are much simpler souls with a simpler existence, so it looks like there is not as far that they are capable of going. But as they are, they are able to become perfect versions of themselves and have all problems removed.
What species you are is the absolute most fundamental and basic thing about you, that is the center of your entire existence. Your species, your sex, and your race. These are things that will absolutely never change. The only way for these to change is by absolute dissipation of the soul so that the soul is no longer existing, and then a new soul being created which would not be the same person.
But haven’t the gods reincarnated across races?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
