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Disrespect On The Kundalini

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
There are many reported incidents online of people who clearly try to misuse the Serpent as it was their servant or some idle force, and long story short either get ruined or get nowhere from it.

These range from people in hinduism down to many others. Even here over the years I have seen massive disrespect on the Serpent and what it means and a treatment not really dissimilar than how all these buddhists or hindus try to approach this.

There is also one worse category. Christians. Yes, Christians. There are many even in the Vatican who in secret and after having known the Truth about our origins as a species, they have tried to meddle with the Serpent. The outcomes for them is that some of them are even burned alive or vaporized. By burned and vaporized do not think superman, just thing massive psychosomatic illness and inner frying.

When the mind and the body do not have all the walls taken down properly the rising or stimulating of the Serpent can only create turmoil, mental or spiritual disabilty, and all sorts of other problems. Many gurus even in the east pretend to be authorities on the subject but when push comes to shove and one asks them to prove anything they cannot. This is because they do not really possess this power.

There are also many westerners who try to treat the Serpent as a magical tool for their empty vanity dreams. Ie- cocaine, aids, money and so forth. On the east we have saintly idiots who pretend they are good and moral while raping their own students for supposed "spiritual awakening".

Also many of the so called practicioners do not really have the knowledge or the understanding to tamper with the Serpent. For this reason even if they avoid the worst manifestations of it, they cannot really do anything with the best manifestations. A purposeless life is not a good thing to have when it comes down to this.

Its also not infrequent that people who meditate twice a week or something just keep repeating about their Serpent awakening. This is dangerous as some people are even mentally or otherwise physically ill and they are just being told by random people that "it is kundalini awakening".

What it all boils down to however is that the serpent cannot co-exist with people who are filled with evil, complexities, self hatred, and other issues. It cannot also not exist with these saintly liars who preach about love and mercy 24/7 while ironically they try to tame a force bigger than nuclear energy to...just love other people.

The hypocrisy here is clear. One is not seeking this force for "love" only. You can "love thy neighbor" in the same plastic manner christians claim they love anyone.

In a schizoid personality any Serpent will just clash so hard with the natives mind that it will be difficult to even live.

For example, greater insight into the universe makes you see different races, good and evil, or have dislikes about let's say some things. You cannot have increased perception and act like One Love by Bob Marley. Those who try to supress these things that come from awareness while skyrocketing it's increase are enforcing the values of the mortal mind into a force that is way more comprehension-able.

There are people like tibetans who have achieved high level of understanding. Only to find themselves in solitude in the otherwise spiritual communities which are now taken over by the Jew World Order which dictates everything is the same, that assimilation is the rule etc.

Lastly there are people in serious war with Satan. Even Yogis in the east have admitted that Shiva is an extraterrestrial being from another galaxy. Clearly Shiva (or however we have named him over the centuries) is a being and so are many others who we have cloaked in our religious myths.

The enemy side as its revealed by their contract with this world is simply a very materialistic and vile alien hive. And a hateful one at that. They curse and condemn humanity on page after page in their book. They clearly hate humanity.

It is similarly clearly stated in their own book that they will, if one falls under their deception and influence, severely punish those who try to understand anything spiritual or advance even in intellect.

Many people even at initial stages of meditation will get attacked or experience flack from this human hating program if abrahamic religions, either socially, or spiritually and mentally. In some cases where the abrahamic dogma has took over, one can die because of interest in spirituality. See Islam and you will see this.

Yet many people take the above in light heart and not only try to cross over to the "dark side" to steal our cookies but they are damned by these. Additionally the enemy is a master in de-evolving humans. Ironically they try to steal the light of the "Dark side" to illumine their dead and empty souls. Well this cannot happen in any way.

Look how low humanity has sunk by abrahamic cults and you will see it.

Those who do not have the gut to approach into the "Dark Side" which we are presented as, do not deserve the eternal light dwelling enclosed behind their illusions and fears.

The same mentality existsin those who think they can cheat Satan, lie to the Gods, or think that the Serpent is some sort of MacDonalds meal that you can steal or hack your way through.

As the jewish bible says no man can have two masters. This comes from the mouth of the enemy alien hive and what they mean is pretty clear. Similarly one must choose either truth and advancement or lies and degeneration. Mixing truth with lies always creates another lie and continues a vicious circle.

Those who want the truth must come to the one whose ancient name simply means that, Truth. Satyan or Satan in modern language.

Even Pagans cower at this point to take the next step. For those without perseverance and those valorous in Soul, the serpent cannot be made in your "friend". These people simply cower irrespectively of evidence.

The people who deny these are arrogant. They believe their opinions and "feelings" are superior to the truth of existence. Then you have those who are just power thirsty and just wanna be "cool" or other childish values.

You can have a mosquito pumping all your body's blood out and expecting to take an olympics gold metal. Similarly if you have a pact with life and human hating aliens you cannot expect any advancement in your humanity.

You cannot be full of paralyzing pavlovian fear about "Satan" and believing that your dog-like programmed mind will suddenly understand all the reality of the universe. You cannot be afraid to even ask Satan about something, and love evil beings who want to harm you, and say you want "enlightenment".

Those who cannot take the very simplest facts will not fare healthily by trying to get in any decent contact with the Serpent. It's better to just let it be, seriously.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Seriously some in the Vatican tried to rise the serpent? Lol
I really hope that those people that know the truth but still stay in the Anti-Satan side died for trying to do that...
luis said:
Seriously some in the Vatican tried to rise the serpent? Lol
I really hope that those people that know the truth but still stay in the Anti-Satan side died for trying to do that...

They do die. There are stories of incinerated people, others in permanent insanity etc. The Vatican has secret psych wards for them.

However these cases are rare cause they really not get anywhere with it.

They have been trying this for centuries. The recent pope understanding how dire the situation is with them going down is desperately looking for "power".
Hoodedcobra666 said:
luis said:
Seriously some in the Vatican tried to rise the serpent? Lol
I really hope that those people that know the truth but still stay in the Anti-Satan side died for trying to do that...

They do die. There are stories of incinerated people, others in permanent insanity etc. The Vatican has secret psych wards for them.

However these cases are rare cause they really not get anywhere with it. But if they do, asylums or death awaits them.
I'm glad they do.
The Jesuits run the Vatican and they are all about occult power for their agenda. In Vatican city its the high Jesuit who holds the access to the entire archives. Which contain all kinds of ancient spiritual texts on this science. And they use the enemy kabala for their occultism. However the enemy soul and programs don't mix with Satanism.

Also as stated already you can't have program based on putting all kinds of blocks into the chakra's which are the key points of the sushumna which the serpent needs to rise thought. And expect to have anything put problems in trying to raise this. Yogi's in Hinduism actually cry that when they activated the sacral chakra and were working to drive the serpent power thought it..... They meditated with their having sexual thoughts all night......Like what..... They are terrified of sexuality how are they going to raise this energy which is sexual in nature..... Then you get into Xianity which as mentioned is full of curses on the individual who dares to try and awaken the serpent energy that is the whole point of the book of Genesis its a curse by the enemy on this.

This is why on the serpent path of Yoga in Hinduism the Vamachara. They eat meat, have sex and drink wine to break down the social taboo's in their culture so their mind and soul so they can have freedom to raise the serpent. That is why in the west its important to purify oneself of all the Xian programming even in the secular. The nuuuu age movement is nothing but a hyper liberal Xian narrative. These people can't cope with real spiritual practises. They are weak mental cases.
Thank you for the post, you opened my blind eyes.
Hoodedcobra666, I have some questions in regard to this sermon due to a lack of understanding on my part.

1. Whenever you explain that some people treat the serpent as some idle force, are you meaning that the serpent is an actual being inside each individual person?

2. You speak of the serpent creating "turmoil, mental, or spiritual disability, and all sorts of other problems" in mentally unstable people: I thought that the serpent is supposed to heal all mental and physical ailments and diseases?

3. How can someone "treat the serpent as a magical tool for their empty vanity dreams like cocaine, aids, money, and so forth"? I thought that the serpent is supposed to heal drug cravings, physical diseases, and insatiable greed because a persons soul would have the power to bring wealth to the person in a healthy positive manner?

4. You mention that "In a schizoid personality any serpent will just clash so hard with the natives mind that it will be difficult to even live." Isnt the serpent supposed to heal mental illnesses?

My purpose in asking all of these questions is for you to elaborate on the meaning of the spiritual concepts of this sermon and for clearer understanding of the meanings of the topics contained therein.
ETERNAL_LIFE_666 said:
Hoodedcobra666, I have some questions in regard to this sermon due to a lack of understanding on my part.

1. Whenever you explain that some people treat the serpent as some idle force, are you meaning that the serpent is an actual being inside each individual person?

The serpent is a conscious entity, but not in the typical sense of how we know humans or other alien beings. It is a sentinent force. Think of it like water. In the same way water can have emotions impressed on it, and in the same way fruit is alive. I cannot explain it in a more linear way. Plants and trees are very living, but we do not necessarily understand how 'alive' they are and their mode of sentinent life. When we focus on them when we meditate, we can see they have absolutely a different type of vibrant life.

This life is actually our very own higher life potential, or a 'seed' of ourselves.

. 2. You speak of the serpent creating "turmoil, mental, or spiritual disability, and all sorts of other problems" in mentally unstable people: I thought that the serpent is supposed to heal all mental and physical ailments and diseases?

Yes, this is what it will create to undisciplined, and individuals who try to improperly try to tamper with it.

On the individuals whose heart, intentions and vessel or body is in the right place, it will only bring bliss.

Imagine a machine which has a leakage. If we put petroleum in such machine, it will catch fire and probably explode. If we put petroleum on a machine that is properly aligned, it will only boost it and bring positive movement.

. 3. How can someone "treat the serpent as a magical tool for their empty vanity dreams like cocaine, aids, money, and so forth"? I thought that the serpent is supposed to heal drug cravings, physical diseases, and insatiable greed because a persons soul would have the power to bring wealth to the person in a healthy positive manner?

I said they TRY. This doesn't mean they succeed. The way this can go is either people will arouse this force and go for improvement and healing, or the force will retract, or torture them because of their own resistance to it.

The serpent is one keeps practicing will heal the person in the end, but this can take a very long time, or never happen, if the person is constantly acting against it and doing decadent and self destructive things. Then the energy which is neutral can switch to a negative force and destroy the individual even faster.

4. You mention that "In a schizoid personality any serpent will just clash so hard with the natives mind that it will be difficult to even live." Isnt the serpent supposed to heal mental illnesses?

This can be answered by an example. There are some yogis who keep saying to themselves that everything is love. They may have had abusive parents and very tainted and painful memories. On the other hand they believe the bullshit that life is only rainbows and love everywhere. And they try to impose this upon themselves and their life, without really being cleaned of the shit in their own mental rainbow.

The serpent will come up and try to heal them of negative and pent up hatred or pain in their soul, which they can try to forcibly resist by 'love' and holding on dishonest convinctions, as thus, denying their own peril and pain. This doesn't allow them to heal. They may try to brush it off and ignore it without facing this hatred and rather focusing on 'love'.

Schizoid here is not medical, but the mind which has hypocritical division.
When the cleaning out does start to happen then what would someone need to do in the face of all of the past life and/or current life traumatic memories and corrupted mindsets to make healing happen?
Persistenceiskey said:
When the cleaning out does start to happen then what would someone need to do in the face of all of the past life and/or current life traumatic memories and corrupted mindsets to make healing happen?

Keep cleaning and advancing with a steady mind, and without too much engagement on these pains. Contrary to advancing you may also need grounding and to know when to cut off a bit on meditation without stopping however.

As for the corrupted mindsets, they will be highlighted to you as you progress. These give in as understanding grows.
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Persistenceiskey said:
When the cleaning out does start to happen then what would someone need to do in the face of all of the past life and/or current life traumatic memories and corrupted mindsets to make healing happen?

Keep cleaning and advancing with a steady mind, and without too much engagement on these pains. Contrary to advancing you may also need grounding and to know when to cut off a bit on meditation without stopping however.

As for the corrupted mindsets, they will be highlighted to you as you progress. These give in as understanding grows.
Would trying to comunicate with the kundalini and telling it to help me clear my blockage help?

I remember that a old HP wrote about it but i don't i can trust what he said...
What do you think?
Thank you very much for this HP, we all need to read it and let it sink in.
I heard it said that the Kundalini energizes us and EVERYTHING INSIDE OF US.
Whether it is Positive or Negative. Thoughts, emotions, attitudes, physical issues, habits, etc.
I have heard it said that one should clean oneself of all negativity so the Kundalini does not have the negativity to use and empower.
By clearing the negativity out of ourselves, we avoid Damning ourselves,,,, and others around us.
As HPS Maxine has said, "Never tie into anything negative".
What they are essentially saying is to do Internal house cleaning on ourselves.
If we have negativity in ourselves, then the Kundalini will enhance it ,,, and as HPS Maxine hase said,, "If you lack the self control, you will Fuck yourself."
As someone once said,, "It is wise to wise to always take full responsibility for everything that happens to us."
And suppressing a negativity is just covering it over and having it still inside oneself for the Kundalini to activate.
If we have no gasoline to set on fire,, then the lit match cannot light the gasoline.
If there is no negativity, then the Kundalini, cannot activate it.
It really just boils down to Energy Science, and the human condition.
Then there is Void Meditation,,, something I ought to do a little more of,,, Eh ?
Hoodedcobra666"What it all boils down to however is that the serpent cannot co-exist with people who are filled with evil said:

When you were referring to this, does this also apply to the enemy Nordics that betrayed Father Satan?
I was only just thinking recently that perhaps abuse of the Kundalini Serpent could be a candidate for those cases of human spontaneous combustion which are causally unidentified.
Norse 88 said:
I was only just thinking recently that perhaps abuse of the Kundalini Serpent could be a candidate for those cases of human spontaneous combustion which are causally unidentified.
In the early 1920s-30s in Germany, there were some covens that would focus on political enemies while invoking fire and focus all the fire into them, the enemy would fry instantly with no trace left what happened to them.
Norse 88 said:
I was only just thinking recently that perhaps abuse of the Kundalini Serpent could be a candidate for those cases of human spontaneous combustion which are causally unidentified.

I'm certain closing in to a 100% that Spontaneous Human Combustion can actually happen because people drink alcohol. This creates their internals capable to burn, because they consume giant quantities where they are literally filled to the brim with flammables.

Then, since these people are old, the serpent or fire can flicker. Their souls many also be advanced. This flickering can happen. Man while close to death is equated to a candlewick that bursts in light and then reduces.

Alcohol can flame up in contrast to something else, and heated up by already heated by internals and the candlewick effect. Combined with alcohol and a random spark of energy, one might as well catch fire and burn internally.

The human body is filled with flammable, and some random kundalini spark, plus alcoholic abuse to extreme levels, combined with things like high ionization with air or who knows what else, can make people self combust.

Also they say the hands and lower legs remain intact and this rhymes completely with the pathway the Serpent takes and where the geist of the energy is centered. Otherwise the legs and hands would also burn.
HP, thank you for that last post concerning alcohol. I'm actually in the process of quitting drinking and was trying to decide if I'll drink this weekend, your post was the first link I happened to click on.
HailVictory88 said:
HP, thank you for that last post concerning alcohol. I'm actually in the process of quitting drinking and was trying to decide if I'll drink this weekend, your post was the first link I happened to click on.

I do not think that a drink is going to destroy someone. Or some wine. But it's called an alcohol problem when it's past that. If you find yourself going there just stop now.

However systematic alcoholism will definitely also ruin you beyond repair. You can hurt muscles but not the nervous system.

Also sponteneous human combustion has happened to less than 300 people in history. But it is not impossible.

And it almost always happened on people who were alcoholics and old.

Cleverer to avoid systematic alcohol drinking it is pointless.
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Norse 88 said:
I was only just thinking recently that perhaps abuse of the Kundalini Serpent could be a candidate for those cases of human spontaneous combustion which are causally unidentified.

I'm certain closing in to a 100% that Spontaneous Human Combustion can actually happen because people drink alcohol. This creates their internals capable to burn, because they consume giant quantities where they are literally filled to the brim with flammables.

Then, since these people are old, the serpent or fire can flicker. Their souls many also be advanced. This flickering can happen. Man while close to death is equated to a candlewick that bursts in light and then reduces.

Alcohol can flame up in contrast to something else, and heated up by already heated by internals and the candlewick effect. Combined with alcohol and a random spark of energy, one might as well catch fire and burn internally.

The human body is filled with flammable, and some random kundalini spark, plus alcoholic abuse to extreme levels, combined with things like high ionization with air or who knows what else, can make people self combust.

Also they say the hands and lower legs remain intact and this rhymes completely with the pathway the Serpent takes and where the geist of the energy is centered. Otherwise the legs and hands would also burn.
Thank you for explaining, little curious things that are not needed to advance or anything but you’re dying to know why such thing happens :D

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
