GoldenxChild1 said:
I really hope HPC can expand on the contents of this video in the future.
If any of you have 18 minutes to spare in your day, I promise you won't be disappointed.
I tried to understand but it was a lot of information combined with a lack of knowledge on my part.
i didn't see everything, i only watched half of it, but probably the rest would be a detour of an allusion to spiritual growth, ways of how this happens through divine tales, dionysus in that context of zeus giving him life even with his mother in that state, being a support and satanic contact to develop, he has ambiguities of titles, naturally someone balanced in terms of highlights in skills in a metaphysical way, being the misfortune and joy, the first being facing himself spiritually and with advancement constant having the concrete spiritual power
and finally, i see that the freedom and terror caused by it, is nothing less than the extremely exhaled spiritual level that indirectly bothers inferior people, and this is a physical and non-physical way of helping, and a great privilege, just like reading hphoodedcobra666's posts
the world needs balance, dualities are necessary, i've never read anything Greek about myths or mythology of our religions, but at some point i imagine i should, it's very interesting
the part where both connect in essence is that probably nietzsche knows that darkness is light turned inside out, that's how greatness comes
i hope i was clear