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Difficult Succubi relationship & how I started in Satanism


Active member
Sep 20, 2017
Discontinued account
Just scroll down near the end to get to the main point. Might be a long back-story of how it started but I'd really appreciate some help with this issue that's been giving me a hard time because of how I fucked up.

I've always wanted to share this story somewhere and tell someone so I thought I should just put it here:
Before coming to the Jos I was haunted by a negative spirit. When I was in my room I had a feeling I was being watched and whenever I focused on this feeling sometimes it would get stronger and I'd be overwhelmed by this fear and couldn't move and was basically paralyzed for a while until I got out of there and got to other house members. The first time was easy and I just ran but as it happened more and more often it got worse and could feel it tearing into me and this white energy(probably my soul?) coming out leaving me in shock(My eyes were closed when it overwhelmed me). One time I woke up in the middle of the night and saw this black figure floating beside me then my eyes immediately shut itself and was basically sleep paralyzed freaking out. Another time I suddenly got it again and felt a really disturbing entity walking towards me. I felt helpless because my parents didn't take it seriously and my prayers didn't work. I was in summer school and it was the night before my important exam, I started reflecting on how this year was until I remembered about these strange occurrences. I started thinking about what it was and remembered this show about Succubus hauntings and how this man had similar symptoms as me. Sometimes I would feel weight like someone was trying to sleep on me, and most of the time my penis would suddenly start to go up and I just realized it that night. I came to the conclusion it was that. Because I never had a girlfriend or got laid, as well being pretty desperate lol, I started looking forward to the next one which immediately to my surprise just happened. My penis just shot up, I felt a presence beside my bed and it wasn't negative or overwhelming it just felt like something was there. I put my hand outward trying to caress its side rib, I don't remember what I said but I said to it that I realized it was a succubi and welcomed it to have sex with me as long as she was gentle, as soon as I said that I felt my penis jolt and swell for like 5 seconds, it was like it was going to climax but it didn't and it was really intense. When it stopped I was bewildered but got this feeling that I should turn my body flat facing upwards and as soon as I did I felt her mount me and an intercourse sensation began, I was in shock to see nothing on top of me but the feeling that someone was. I kept making sure that I wasn't dreaming and thinking about religion and the occult. To be honest it wasn't that enjoyable compared to masturbating, but it was alright until suddenly my legs started to twitch like crazy and it had me worried but I was just lying there amazed about witnessing the reality of the paranormal right before me.

2 hours passed and she was still doing it, as I said before it was a night before an exam and unfortunately I really had to go to sleep as school was in the morning. I kindly told her the situation and if we can continue this tomorrow or later but I felt like she didn't hear anything at all or ignored me completely. I started swearing but still nothing. When I got up it stopped however my legs were still twitching on their own, I went to the washroom to take a big leak and then went back to bed but she started it again. I sorta just gave in and tried to enjoy it more so that I can climax and she'll leave, I felt she was aroused by this and all continued as normal until something happened. I felt fingers, near my butt, and she started poking it in? and as soon as she did I shouted out loud "Not there" but she kept on doing it, I tried covering it with my hands but to no use. I told her to fuck off, tried covering my genitals/anus and lying downwards but she was still able to have intercourse with me. It was until then I realized that I should get rid the erection by masturbating and as soon as I did the sensation stopped and I felt her leave and went to sleep. I woke up really tired but I managed to finish my exam at the last minute.

The starting of one of the problems:
That whole experience changed my life and I'll never forget it. The rest of the summer I spent thinking about it and looking for more information online. I realized what she was trying to do with that weird thing.. I felt really bad about it because I welcomed her in the first place and should've did so another day. I would spend a majority of my day lying in bed waiting for her to come again but she never came. One day my mom shouted at me that I haven't been eating and it was only then I realized so I put it aside and moved on. After awhile I stumbled on a site called https://succubuslove.wordpress.com/ it's a nice site that mentions the Joyofsatans meditation page, and I read about the various ways to summon a succubus. I tried doing the mirror method with no success but I had a dream about a mirror and when I looked closer there was an image with a black haired girl with tanned skin looking at me with a kind and innocent smile which somehow freaked me out and woke me up. I did the candle ritual by lighting a green candle and asking Lillith. The first time I did it, and said Lilliths name, the flame started to flicker and hiss two times. I thought it was a sign, I tried to get a drop of blood but I was too afraid and only got a very tiny amount after 10 minutes and I got no results. However a few days later I went to my relatives house and played with her cat. The cat accidentally swiped me and to my surprise it was the same finger that I used in the ritual and quite a lot of blood came out. I thought, was this her way of telling me I'm a pussy cat? The cat then gave me a look that it wanted to cuddle. I would repeat the same ritual many times and actually getting blood but with nothing at all until I almost set my bed on fire and then I stopped. As school was coming I was filled with anxiety and I lay on my bed nervous, I was thinking about the succubus until suddenly it just happened again with the same 5 seconds of intense bliss followed by the intercourse sensation and the twitching leg syndrome, and this time it felt slightly better but very short. I started to chuckle at the thought of having sex with a piece of air then I felt she was offended and it stopped. I was really sad and wanted more but I just felt a swipe at my balls and felt she left. Despite leaving I kinda felt like she was still there watching over me. One night I felt this dread coming like another kind of this paralysis attack was about to happen but I felt whatever it was trying to do failed and the reason for this I'm uncertain but I believed for the time that she was protecting me. Because of supposedly befriending a succubus and being loved by someone I took better care of myself and improved my hygiene and when school started I was a completely different and a more confident person. After a few days I found the Joyofsatan and started reading it and finally dedicated after a few weeks. As soon as I went to sleep after dedication I heard a voice say "Let's get rid of this" and saw something black being taken out of my body.

After a while I went back to my laying down habits and trying to focus on her, after starting to enter a deep trance I saw this somewhat disturbing image, it was a red haired girl that looked familiar to something I saw from a hentai but its eyes were completely black with pale skin. It looked at me showing its menacingly long and sharp teeth it was scary. It was only after 1-2 years I realized that this was a gray/enemy thought form but because of being the retard newbie I was I thought this was her and began fantasizing about it in bed for a time. Every time I felt severely tired and depleted after waking up, and every time I felt this feeling that something was trying to tell me to stop it and it was only after a month that I did. But from time to time I would just lay down and focus on her. I got a vision again and this time saw this cute innocent looking blonde haired woman with a single rope braid coming from the back. Her eyes were closed and she was focusing on something and I thought it was maybe her trying to communicate to me as well. One morning I woke up and then went back to sleep trying to induce a lucid dream and to my success I did, then I saw her lying down next to me and she said "wow you're good at this", I tried to turn my body to give her a hug but ended up waking myself up. This was the only time I ever succeeded at a lucid dream.

Because I was unsure of this succubus, I did a ritual to father Satan for a succubus but I felt like he was annoyed in some way but asked for a Monogamous Succubus who was loving, caring and friendly. Just encase I didn't have one.

I never got a visit for a long while, and focused more on my studies and getting hooked on league of legends trying to get Gold V to impress my friends. When I realized I just couldn't I moved on, but was really depressed so I focused more on meditation to improve myself. I would still try to fantasize about the succubus with the image I saw in the dream with the mirror and with other kinds of appealing women. I wanted to make a closer bond so I started to try and mentally hug her and just sit on my bed and feel her energy and giving her a hug while lying down. I would do this after school and after awhile as it felt more enjoyable I would go home during my school lunch-breaks, ditching time spent with my friends to lay down in bed and feel her warmth upon me from the winter cold. One time I was lying down and started to fantasize her giving me oral, and to my surprise it started feeling more pleasurable until I realized it was an happening on its own. Again the 4-5 seconds of bliss electrified my genitals and then the sensation started, and then leg twitching. The oral sensation was amazing and very pleasurable, I didn't want it to stop but then my mom shouted it was time for school. I sadly told her I had to go now and thanked her very much. I felt the sensation stopped then got ready and left and was really happy. I came back from school hoping it would continue as soon as I got to bed but nothing happened. However every time I closed my eyes and mentally visualized her and gave her a hug I could feel her warmth and love so I wasn't too dissatisfied or lonely. I really felt like she was there protecting me. Some guy in school shoved his elbow at me and told me to move, the next few days he didn't show up to school and to my surprise came back with a cast covering his elbow. Another time there was this guy rushing towards me and told me to move in a rude manner, I don't know how but it seamed like something pushed him and he fell onto the table all confused. Sometimes when I walked by a light switch, it would turn itself on and off as I walked by it. I made sure no one was trying to prank me. One time I opened the door to the entrance of my house and the light went on by itself. One time my mom told me that she felt something negative about me but she was a christian-hindu so I didn't pay a single shit. But when I was thinking about negative spirits I got scared and then the lights started flickering on and off repeatedly. It wasn't just in my home, at math class (the boring class for me) the light switch went off, the teacher walked towards it and said "must be a problem with the lights today" and switched it on, when he turned his back to it it went off again, he turned it on and the same thing happened, I heard him gasp and saw him shake when it did and turned it on for the last time and it stayed. I tried not to let this get the better of me and start acting like a stereotypical witch boy that was like "I have the power, bow down before me". Because I didn't and that I don't actually know anything and what was happening but it felt awesome.

I finished Highschool, and not only that but the 6 month warfare training manual, I've also been constantly doing my yoga as well. I felt really accomplished and advanced, and like I was on my way to something beyond. A few weeks after that I woke up to my moms voice, and surprised I saw the same blonde haired woman lying down beside me with her head next to my pillow looking at me with a proud smile. I saw her blue eyes and tanned-white skin, she was beautiful but she faded in like 2 seconds. Probably because of my brain frequency leaving the sleeping state and into the waking. A few days after that I would get another one about her, undressed and in a mounting position but I was too nervous in that dream. The next dream I was in the washroom at my school. I took my pants down and then the blonde haired woman just popped up in front of me and grabbed my genitals, and I felt the intense bliss sensation, I moaned and saw her look at me with a smirk and then I became lucid and realized I was actually in a dream. The scene changed to a bedroom and I pushed her on the bed and we had intercourse. The feeling of it in her was unimaginable beyond belief, much more intense then the jolting bliss. I gave her a series of kisses and she started blushing with a red glow on her cheek. I accidentally woke my self up and shouted a great big FUCK.

My college year started, and with it started the decline of my spiritual progress but I got more into warfare and even got a glimpse of an enemy reptilian trying to threaten at one time after an rtr. I still felt her presence and sometimes dozed off at school to fantasize about her. The lying down in bed was still a problem but rarely but I hadn't realized it was that much of a problem until I missed an internship interview because of it, then I started to realize that this was an actual problem. One time I had a dream that she was having intercourse with different men looking at me but I put it off. It still upsets me to this day.

I only loved her, there were many opportunities to hook up with other girls(who were cute) in school but I didn't and stuck to her and this was the success to our relationship. My mom said we're going to Fiji to visit my uncle, my uncle owns a huge farm on top a hill with a valley of mountains. Farm animals are free to walk wherever they liked and they would go back to their huts when called to. People and animals in nature, in harmony, this was paradise. My uncle is married to a woman who has 2 of her own children from a different father that my uncle adopted. So they are basically my step-cousins. One of them was my childhood friend who I was actually quite attracted to the last time I saw her. It was only when I went back I remembered. We stayed at their house. She was wearing very seductive clothing that was on my mind all day and night. After awhile I began to fantasize about her. I barely meditated at all because of the issues of being in someone else's house and I put my mind off the succubus because I felt like I needed a break from her for awhile. These thoughts started to invade my head thinking she's not real and that maybe she left me because she never shows up when I wanted her to. Then I fantasized more about my childhood crush and then programmed the ball of energy to make her sexually desire me. My mom and me had a fight because this retarded kid who is my brother started hitting this puppy and abusing it, when the puppy shouted I grabbed his arm and told him to stop, he tried to throw a swing at me but I blocked it with my hard knuckles and he went off crying. My mom shouted at me threatening to beat me if it happens again despite telling her what he was doing to the puppy, and she just said "Dog is dog and human is human". I was mad and told her to fuck off and to never spout out any of her religious dogma to me ever again and that she aint no "messenger of god". That night I went to bed upset about the ordeal and then my crush came and tucked me in, comforting me and we were talking, she decided to lie down next to me and talk. To the point, basically I worked my hands under her shirt, I felt like something was screaming at me, a violent feeling until I got to her nipples and then it stopped. The girl asked "Is there anyone you love?" I said no, but only then thought about my Succubus. I didn't touch her vagina or anything and felt that if I did, something really violent would happen. A few days after I became horribly sick but only for a while. We had to go back home, after we got back home and a few days passed I was lying down in my bed. I thought about my Succubus and was only beginning to regret what I've done but was assuming that if the dream was of her trying to imply she was polygamous maybe I'm in no trouble right?. I started to fantasize about her and masturbate and after getting much more relaxed a disturbing vision popped up in my head. I saw the face of that blonde woman looking at me shocked, her eyes were wide open, her eyes pale blue instead of the usual dark blue slightly watery and her lips emotionless. Her eyes then moved from my face to my pelvis. After the vision, I realized I was in deep shit.

It was only after awhile did I get the idea to send her energy, then continue with the mental hugs and still felt a bit of warmth and love. I had a dream of the woman I cheated her on, she stroked my penis then said "Bye love". By that I had thought maybe she left me, and then the next year I was a depressed mess. I had streaks of good spiritual progression and then streaks of decline. Up and down it would just continue. Because of the incident I felt farther away from her and I was getting more desperate until I looked up the backpage for hookers to meet. I would text with various woman but when they got to the point of "Are you coming"? I just couldn't and bailed them. One night as I lay in bed another "vision" appeared. A muscular blonde haired man sitting on a throne, his eyes were focused staring off ahead. He looked sad but also tense prepared to hear something he didn't want to hear, and his eyes were wide. A reddish haired girl approached him next to his ear to whisper something, the woman looked sad as well, like she didn't want to tell him but had to and after gulping, spouted something hesitantly and as she did the mans eyes widened even further, his eyes became paler blue, shocked and then angry, and gave a despicable look. Maybe his was Satan, or maybe this was my Succubus's father? I tried doing a ritual to Satan but didn't get any response. But only a few nights after I had a dream telling me "Go ahead". I still tried to meet up with a hooker but ended up bailing because of the guilt for my succubus. I got a job, but it was a brutal job in a warehouse with closed doors to the outside world. Whatever they told us we had to keep doing it. As I worked I visualized my succubus giving her a mental hug and it eased a lot of stress, but then my managers complained about this and said "You tired? Get the fuck out". I sat outside at a bench hopeless. I saw a small baby bird hopping along its way, I focused on its head seeing if I could get it to come to me and to my surprise the bird flew over to me cheeping curiously. I gave it a piece of bread and it flew along its way and then I remembered the power of the Occult and Satan and the gods, and overcame the depression of losing my job. A few weeks passed I was still jobless, but I still had faith. My Dad worked a deal with some guy, and the guy told me to give him my resume and that he can guarantee me a job that was beside me. A few days later, they called me in, the manager and me just talked for 1 minute, asked that I just get the job done and did the paperwork for me, shook my hand and said "congratulations you're hired." You start tomorrow. I thanked Satan a lot for it.

However, the work environment I was in, was with being with a lot of very attractive women from time to time, and you know after working your ass off you can't help but get dirty fantasies looking at them to ease your mind, especially when they have revealing clothes. But I tried my best hoping that I can mend my Succubus relationship. She still wouldn't visit me.

I was still grateful for Satan helping me get a job because the events that played were certainly out of this world. I spammed the financial rtr with 108 reps for 2 days and then followed more the days after to show my appreciation. After a few weeks at night I felt like something was trying to attack me, sometimes I would wake up with a feeling that something negative was watching me but this was nothing new and put it off as normal. I had thought that I had made the gods proud and that maybe my Succubus will forgive me so I lay in bed at night calling her and waiting for her to come. Opening myself and anticipating her arrival.

I woke up, but not physically. I was standing beside my bed looking at myself sleeping, I felt a negative presence and soon felt something grab me. It got me down then I was in extreme pain and fear, it was also trying to be pervertive. I realized I was either lucid/astrally projected and tried to wake myself up but I couldn't wake myself self up and the pain became worse. At first I called the succubus to help me but nothing and then I kept calling Satan with a very desperate intent and then came to my mind to try and fight back. Whatever it was kept dodging or it just went through it until finally a bald man showed up glowing in bright gold, wearing a white robe. He threw this black matter ball at the entity and then the attack stopped. He pulled out a blue energy sword and gave it to me and I held it. At first it was hard to swing, as this was my first time but I turned looking at the entity, entrapped by the black ball that had expanded on it, and swung the blue sword pathetically but somewhat accurate and it let out a hiss. The black ball dissipated and with it the entity. I was in too much shock to say or do anything else and was relieved that it was finally over. I woke up with my heart beating like crazy, traumatized for the next couple of days. I started growing hatred for my Succubus because of her that I got attacked and she wasn't there to protect or help me. But I tried to put it aside. At night I talked to her mentally about seeing other women and getting to try sex and see what it's like with mortal women for a one time deal and then I can decide. I heard a womans voice echo "I understand". But it was after only a few months that I brought myself to do it, called an escort over at night to my bedroom. I massaged her chest and then she mounted me, I just couldn't get an erection, maybe it was the condom, but I couldn't get a turn on. Imagine a soggy hot dog thrown into a hallway. After she left I was just crying, I tried to hug my succubus but felt nothing at all and for the first time ever.

I had also gotten into the habit again of being in bed all the time and also I got into mobile gaming so for days I was in my bed, gaming, fap, eat and sleep. Months passed after that at the time during yule I was in my bed all day fantasizing about my succubus, as soon as I climaxed had a vision of her appear again. She was looking at me to her side, disgusted and annoyed, she could barely even look at me but she was looking, with her shoulders all the way down. I could tell she was disappointed. After that I uninstalled the mobile game I was addicted to and limited my fap tendencies. I could not tell what that vision meant, but I felt it was for the better and somehow still gave me hope. I would still get the urge to try again with some other woman or escort but I put it off because something was different, I couldn't feel arousal of being with women anymore because of either the event or the guilt. When I went back to Fiji I saw my childhood crush again, but before doing so I removed all links towards her and approached her as a stranger. I told her about the Succubus but she put it off and thought I was screwing around. Afterwards she got a brutal injury, and every time she tried to bring it up something bad happened to her. I just put it off and thought good for her. I left with no regrets and proud that I fixed part of the mess. This time I was certain I've regained my Succubus's trust. One night, around the same time that I met her in my lucid dream. I visualized Satans sigil and asked him for his help to encourage MY Succubus to visit me. The same night I felt someone mount me and intercourse began, It felt very pleasurable and the feeling of her wet vagina was ecstatic, but I was freaked out because it was too sudden and also because of memories of the attack. I was in a dreamlike state when it happened, and woke myself up because of getting freaked out but when I got to sleep again it started. There was no moment of intense bliss that I usually felt before intercourse but the intercourse itself was VERY good in this dreamlike state that I was lucid of. As I got into the state again it continued and I tried to let it happen and enjoy and then it felt better, she had both her hands on my shoulders for support and her skin was very soft however I could not see her. Soon after her right hand started sliding down to my rib, the part where I had gotten injured a long time ago leaving it slightly disfigured but she started feeling it. It was soothing but her hands on my chest felt very sensitive and ticklish, it was overwhelming and then her hand slipped down beside my armpit and that was just overkill. I called for Satan to help as I couldn't take it anymore and it took a long while but it stopped. But I when I went to bed for the last time I felt her beside me holding one hand over me resting. I still never got a vision/dream of her to this day.

The point, I was visited by a Succubus who was the primary reason I got into the Joyofsatan as she made me realize demons are not all that evil. It may not have been the same succubus but the rituals I've done were for a monogamous one and may have been successful. But my chart also supports a spiritual relationship too. After working towards her heart I betrayed her not only once but twice. She can barely look at me and I have no idea who exactly mounted me in the end as it felt different. To this day I still get these thoughts of other women but I snap out of it and focus on her. I visualize her and try to give her a hug and can still feel her love and it's very stress relieving. But sometimes I feel something negative.

I had an astrological reading done by Lydia and she said I have a yod.
Chart Rulers: Uranus (main), Jupiter, Saturn
Chart shape: Yod
"You have a yod, tight aspects (less than 1/2 degree) and Moon at the apex. As the Moon moves very fast, having it as the yod apex is significant as most people born the same date as you don't have the yod"
"Your Moon is also the apex of your Yod configuration, consisting of your Sun-Neptune sextile, both inconjunct your Moon. As the apex points to your 7th house, this has to do with significant relationship in your life. Your Venus, the planet of love, is conjunct your South Node, an important point of fate. This further shows that a significant love relationship from past lives will re-enter your current life, and you have mentioned that this already happened. This was definitely fated and will likely last forever."

It's highly unlikely that she may be an enemy of Satan but I'm uncertain if she'll forgive me I tried communicating with her but sadly nothing and I don't know how I'll get an answer. Same thing with Satan on this subject but one time I heard someone say that I need to be patient when I was asking what I should do, but for how long? I really don't know why she won't see me and it's been a year now and I really don't like waiting like this. Whether it be negative or positive just tell me what needs to be said. So should I give up or keep trying? When I try to let her go I get more depressed and don't feel like meditating because of it so I'm in an endless loop here. I even tried destroying links.

And I have no doubts that the enemy has done their part to sabotage this relationship. At first I asked for her name in which I heard ordinary common gentile name the other time I heard "Gabriella", then "Gabourielle" from the Ouija board which is disturbingly close to the angelic thought-form Gabriel and sounds negative to me but I still call her succubus most of the time to be safe.
From your family issues to problems at work to women, your whole testimony about your Succubus sounds exactly like what I've also experienced. Do you have issues pointed on your chart of over-worrying or overthinking matters? (You don't need to answer this here just think about it). A lot of these issues don't even necessarily means a direct enemy attack or the Gods being mad at you but your own mindset sabotaging your happiness.

This part of your story is most likely the answer:
Specter said:
... This time I was certain I've regained my Succubus's trust. One night, around the same time that I met her in my lucid dream. I visualized Satans sigil and asked him for his help to encourage MY Succubus to visit me. The same night I felt someone mount me and intercourse began...

No you shouldn't give up at all. Be patient and stop overthinking. You shouldn't have a mindset of "I need to experience this feeling right now otherwise it means I've been forsaken", but rather "this is eternal and all I have to is look forward". There's nothing more to it just trust Satan, your Guardians, your Succubus, and yourself.
So should I give up or keep trying? When I try to let her go I get more depressed and don't feel like meditating because of it so I'm in an endless loop here. I even tried destroying links.
Specter said:
I read through the entire thing. Here is the best advice I can give you.

1. Get your shit together. Do more void meditation to better control your mind, so you can consciously refuse the sexual advances of other women and stay loyal. As long as you cannot do this, you do not deserve a Succubus. So make sure to learn this properly first and foremost.

2. Start over on a clean slate. It doesn't matter if some site "promotes" or "references" the JoS. If it is an external site, then stay the fuck away from their teachings and "rituals". Do the ritual for a Succubus as described on the JoS website, step by step, and talk with Satan in-depth about all your experiences and about what kind of relationship you desire. It doesnt matter if you cannot hear anything, as he will hear you.

3. After this point, do not fap to hentai/pornography anymore. I can say from personal experience that our Succubi are very happy about it when we fantasize about them while fapping, instead of taking the "easy" route and just fapping to pornography instead.
I understand this can be difficult at first, as most of us who used to rely on pornographic material have gotten very accustumed to it similarly to an addiction of sorts, but you have to take this step either way if you are truly serious about this.

4. Don't create expectations or get caught up in delusions. Do not try to push some stereotype like hair color, eye color, etc. onto your Succubus until you have empowered your astral senses sufficiently to actually see her. It's fine to fantasize about your current "ideal" partner while you cannot yet properly see your Succubus, but do not get overly attached to the details you visualize there. This kind of method of fantasizing is merely like using training wheels in the beginning until you can better perceive her truthfully. Just because you see her with blonde her, red hair or whatever else, this does not mean that it is something "absolute". Your perception of her appearance could change later on as you empower your astral senses.

5. The above point also applies to the way you visualize having sex with your Succubus. It seems to me that currently you are pushing way too hard for the expectation of feeling your Succubus "physically". I will try to explain this as best as I can. You are not actually feeling- and having sex with your Succubus physically. What happens is that your astral body interacts and has sex with your Succubus. The way to successful spirit-sex is to train yourself in becoming aware of all your astral senses (touch, smell, sight, etc.) and to subconsciously "link" them to your physical body, as was intended by nature in the first place. This is a lengthy process but once you have done this, you will be able to feel your Succubus as if she was touching you physically, because your astral senses have been empowered fully and linked with your physical senses. Until you have done this, I would advise to focus mostly on having sex with her astrally, as this is what is actually happening in the first place. Every day practice feeling your astral body more and more and focusing on the sensations of having sex with her. For ease of visualization, you can even create an astral temple and have sex with her there. This should help you to focus more on the astral instead of getting caught up in reactions/sensations of your physical body.

6. It is completely fine (and even "recommended", atleast by me) to physically masturbate while you focus on astrally having sex with her. Trying to just get off hands-free while you can barely feel anything with your astral body, would be the equivalent of trying to walk with a blindfold on while you have lost your sense of touch. You would just slam your head into the wall over and over again with no idea what is happening until you get frustrated and stop.

7. After each time of having had sex with her, take some time to cuddle. This might sound weird, but trust me on this. Many males have been conditioned with pornography to think that after you "blow your load", it would conclude the act of intercourse.
In reality, it is precisely after you both have had your orgasm that you will feel the most close and connected. So every time after you finish, take some time (even just a few minutes) to really feel her and embrace her. Even if you cant properly see or hear her yet, just do your best to try and feel her energies and perhaps also her body (if you can). A few minutes of after-sex-cuddling can say a lot even if you cannot hold a verbal conversation with her in your current state at all.
Also, while you do this, try to visualize her chakras. Gently draw some energy from them into your own chakras (see the "foundation meditation" on how to draw energy into you and send it out from yourself in accordance with your breath).
As you breathe in, take in her energy into your chakras and establish a "cord" or "link" of energy between each of them, and as you breathe out, send some of your own energy into her chakras. Do this back and forth continuously while you cuddle, and really feel yourself taking her into you. I like to think of it as "inviting" her into yourself.

8. Lastly, and this is a loop-back to the first point, stay patient and determined. Depending on the time and effort you put into this, and also depending on your personal level of advancement, it can take anywhere from a couple weeks or months, to several years until you will truly feel your Succubus like a physical person. However, keep in mind that there is no "waiting time" when it comes to interacting with her and being close to her. All you need to do for this is to keep all the above steps in mind and go for it.

Now finally to wrap this up, and I would like you to always keep this in mind during every waking moment --
As long as you follow the above steps and stay loyal to her, your Succubus will not betray you, toss you aside, or otherwise leave you in any way. Having any such indications while following the above steps, is mere delusion and can be safely ignored.

I hope this was helpful to you as it took me like 90 minutes to read your post and to write all this. If you have any further questions let me know, and best of luck to you. :)
Shael said:
Wow shael you are awesome and experienced these steps were definitely helpful for me I also want a succubus but I will have to be patient because I don't have privacy. Another question can I get my succubus utilizing an astral temple I have read about astral temples but they are really vague what exactly astral temples are and how are they created? I am a complete beginner can I make an astral temple? If so how? Thank you shael.
mercury_wisdom said:
Wow shael you are awesome and experienced these steps were definitely helpful for me I also want a succubus but I will have to be patient because I don't have privacy. Another question can I get my succubus utilizing an astral temple I have read about astral temples but they are really vague what exactly astral temples are and how are they created? I am a complete beginner can I make an astral temple? If so how? Thank you shael.
You "get" a Succubus by formally requesting one from father Satan in a ritual. I'm not sure what you mean by "utilizing an astral temple" to get a Succubus. You just ask in a formal ritual, which can be done out loud, in your mind, or in an astral temple, if this is what you meant.

From my understanding, an astral temple is merely a place on the astral that you create by giving it energy through visualization. So you can create one right now quite easily by just visualizing in detail how you want it to look like. It will become more and more easy to visualize as you do it repeatedly. You can go ahead and walk around in it astrally, look at- and feel the different things you decorate it with, just kind of focus on it and visualize. :)
As someone who related a story on said Succubi manner. I will definitely give my advice. (yes humping the air it should be a joke to her as well but I guess she takes it seriously).

In my opinion I don't think you should ask for a monogamous relationship. It seems to me like you seem to be in a line with attracting women since it was mentioned reject future advances. I suggest you seriously take the time to rethink this carefully this isn't a joke. You can always do a ritual to request this specific monogamous succubus out of your life.

I think for safety stick with open relationship, polyamorous, as well as sexual and love relationship. I'm not saying it to force you it's up to you but do consider the gravitas of the situation.

Also most important if you perform a ritual for a said succubus. Make double sure you state perfect for you but left to Satan to find her. The sheer fact is you don't know what you want. So ensure you leave the details vague and leave it up to Satan to find her. This particular woman likes you but might not be perfect for you. Albeit you did say she is monogamous so perhaps she might have found you.

Also Lilith(not Lillith) is not the queen of Succubus or some succubus or something to do with sexual entities called Succubi/Incubi. Plus she chooses whom to interact with not the other way around.

Also just because you interact with entities before dedicating doesn't mean they aren't willing to help. You see there was a person on Yahoo forums that astral projected met a beautiful woman and she said "Mind hearing me out and looking at a website on your internet". She said she is a Demoness and she is with Satan and she would like him to go to the JoS website and read everything. The person was not surprised in a negative way he genuinely followed up especially seeing the astral realm shocked him. So he decided to check out the website.

It's possible this entity is a person from your past lives i.e. past life ritual. She just popped in during these times.
Shael said:
Specter said:
I read through the entire thing. Here is the best advice I can give you.

1. Get your shit together. Do more void meditation to better control your mind, so you can consciously refuse the sexual advances of other women and stay loyal. As long as you cannot do this, you do not deserve a Succubus. So make sure to learn this properly first and foremost.

2. Start over on a clean slate. It doesn't matter if some site "promotes" or "references" the JoS. If it is an external site, then stay the fuck away from their teachings and "rituals". Do the ritual for a Succubus as described on the JoS website, step by step, and talk with Satan in-depth about all your experiences and about what kind of relationship you desire. It doesnt matter if you cannot hear anything, as he will hear you.

3. After this point, do not fap to hentai/pornography anymore. I can say from personal experience that our Succubi are very happy about it when we fantasize about them while fapping, instead of taking the "easy" route and just fapping to pornography instead.
I understand this can be difficult at first, as most of us who used to rely on pornographic material have gotten very accustumed to it similarly to an addiction of sorts, but you have to take this step either way if you are truly serious about this.

4. Don't create expectations or get caught up in delusions. Do not try to push some stereotype like hair color, eye color, etc. onto your Succubus until you have empowered your astral senses sufficiently to actually see her. It's fine to fantasize about your current "ideal" partner while you cannot yet properly see your Succubus, but do not get overly attached to the details you visualize there. This kind of method of fantasizing is merely like using training wheels in the beginning until you can better perceive her truthfully. Just because you see her with blonde her, red hair or whatever else, this does not mean that it is something "absolute". Your perception of her appearance could change later on as you empower your astral senses.

5. The above point also applies to the way you visualize having sex with your Succubus. It seems to me that currently you are pushing way too hard for the expectation of feeling your Succubus "physically". I will try to explain this as best as I can. You are not actually feeling- and having sex with your Succubus physically. What happens is that your astral body interacts and has sex with your Succubus. The way to successful spirit-sex is to train yourself in becoming aware of all your astral senses (touch, smell, sight, etc.) and to subconsciously "link" them to your physical body, as was intended by nature in the first place. This is a lengthy process but once you have done this, you will be able to feel your Succubus as if she was touching you physically, because your astral senses have been empowered fully and linked with your physical senses. Until you have done this, I would advise to focus mostly on having sex with her astrally, as this is what is actually happening in the first place. Every day practice feeling your astral body more and more and focusing on the sensations of having sex with her. For ease of visualization, you can even create an astral temple and have sex with her there. This should help you to focus more on the astral instead of getting caught up in reactions/sensations of your physical body.

6. It is completely fine (and even "recommended", atleast by me) to physically masturbate while you focus on astrally having sex with her. Trying to just get off hands-free while you can barely feel anything with your astral body, would be the equivalent of trying to walk with a blindfold on while you have lost your sense of touch. You would just slam your head into the wall over and over again with no idea what is happening until you get frustrated and stop.

7. After each time of having had sex with her, take some time to cuddle. This might sound weird, but trust me on this. Many males have been conditioned with pornography to think that after you "blow your load", it would conclude the act of intercourse.
In reality, it is precisely after you both have had your orgasm that you will feel the most close and connected. So every time after you finish, take some time (even just a few minutes) to really feel her and embrace her. Even if you cant properly see or hear her yet, just do your best to try and feel her energies and perhaps also her body (if you can). A few minutes of after-sex-cuddling can say a lot even if you cannot hold a verbal conversation with her in your current state at all.
Also, while you do this, try to visualize her chakras. Gently draw some energy from them into your own chakras (see the "foundation meditation" on how to draw energy into you and send it out from yourself in accordance with your breath).
As you breathe in, take in her energy into your chakras and establish a "cord" or "link" of energy between each of them, and as you breathe out, send some of your own energy into her chakras. Do this back and forth continuously while you cuddle, and really feel yourself taking her into you. I like to think of it as "inviting" her into yourself.

8. Lastly, and this is a loop-back to the first point, stay patient and determined. Depending on the time and effort you put into this, and also depending on your personal level of advancement, it can take anywhere from a couple weeks or months, to several years until you will truly feel your Succubus like a physical person. However, keep in mind that there is no "waiting time" when it comes to interacting with her and being close to her. All you need to do for this is to keep all the above steps in mind and go for it.

Now finally to wrap this up, and I would like you to always keep this in mind during every waking moment --
As long as you follow the above steps and stay loyal to her, your Succubus will not betray you, toss you aside, or otherwise leave you in any way. Having any such indications while following the above steps, is mere delusion and can be safely ignored.

I hope this was helpful to you as it took me like 90 minutes to read your post and to write all this. If you have any further questions let me know, and best of luck to you. :)

I will definitely do more void meditation, but I genuinely believe now that if some overly attractive woman came up to me and requested something that I could deny it. Because of the other woman I just have a different outlook on gentile women now. Maybe my succubus did something or who knows.

I'm not sure what you mean "start over from a clean slate". Do you mean to start a relationship with a new succubus? I really can't bring myself to want another Succubus, I very much liked her personality and the things we've been through for like 6 years now. This feeling would just keep coming back to haunt me.

Somethings I want to clarify, there is a difference between masturbating to porn and to my succubus, with her I put my heart into it and with porn its just to get it off my mind because of years of being accustomed to it, but I'm really going to try and stop it as it has indeed caused me downfall. But it's strange nowadays as sometimes I'm doing it with a pleasant feeling and then sometimes there's a negative feeling about her.

Also I didn't really expect my Succubus to look like this. I'm more into brunettes than blondes, the first times I saw her I actually put it off and kept fantasizing her as one of the things you'd see when googling about a Succubus and thought that's what they are like. I also wasn't aware of the existence of Nordic ET's at the time. I remember now after the highschool part that I actually asked her to show me her true body, and then that experience beside the bed happened then realized everything before. She's not really "sexy", beautiful but simple and that's what I really like about that and came to accept it. She wore this white robe that looks something similar to ancient Greek clothing.

I'm trying my best to not get caught in delusions and I always criticize any of my experiences. These "Visions" I have are things that happen rarely when I'm in a trance or relaxed state about to fall asleep. I feel like it's a mostly one sided thing as I have no control over it and the cause of it an external influence. Sometimes meaningful and sometimes not. I'm sure many others have gotten these kind of things too. I also don't believe the red haired woman was her actually and someone else.

I just tried breathing in her gold energies today as you said and it brought back a long forgotten feeling of intimacy and I felt closer to her and my chakras feel charged. But I had a certain difficulty fantasizing about her as I feel like she is still upset about something.

Thank you very much for your time and response, I really appreciated it. I originally wrote my story here for my friend who wanted to help me with this issue but I figured I may as well write it here so I can get much more feedback and help in this matter. I will take what you've said to heart.
Why do i keep seeings things like this, perhaps people should stop being so gullible.
When you were a kid didn't your parents tell you not speak to strangers?
but suddenly when it comes to exploring the astral, this cautionary advise is thrown out the window.

What surprises me even more is that at the time i'm writing this no one else seems to even suggest that it might be an enemy, because i for one am certain it is.

You're wasting your time chasing after this 'succubus' of yours, my advise to you, detach and move on, start meditating and empowering yourself.
Want a woman? then start grooming yourself for one.

[url=https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/SatanicLove.html said:
SATANIC LOVE[/url]"]The truth is- love is something everyone must earn. Of course, there is misplaced love, as in situations where one becomes infatuated or even obsessed with another person and the love is not returned. These are emotions out of control and can be something very ugly and painful.
True love is something that is earned upon a foundation of mutual empathy, kindness, trust, and goodwill between two people. Love is a two-way street. Loving enemies, illnesses and anything and anyone just for the sake of love is unnatural and very unhealthy.

[url=https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Holes_in_Aura.html said:
Sermon on Satanic Healing and Holes in the Aura[/url]"]The classic pose with the arms crossed over the chest is for a reason- to protect the heart chakra. This warns of being sympathetic to the wrong things, or helping those who are undeserving of any help. Having sympathy for an enemy or enemies and their programs in the case of spiritual warfare will only result in one’s downfall and this has extended to entire peoples and nations over the millennia.
Human beings thrive on love and acceptance. An infant deprived of love, often will not thrive and if they do, most will be impaired for life, mentally, emotionally, and even physically. Love is an essential part of our makeup. Entities who wish to destroy us, know this. The deluded New Age movement's focus on "unconditional love" [there is no such thing in reality, regardless of how they rationalize and lie to themselves], is VERY dangerous and opens those who take this advice, making them ready victims for all kinds of entities. This is the scheme of the Nazarene parasite that is nearly always depicted with open arms, exposing the heart chakra, encouraging victimization.

Why is it that with every occasion that i see someone who has problems with a succubus they take the stance of the victim?
[url=https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Holes_in_Aura.html said:
Sermon on Satanic Healing and Holes in the Aura[/url]"]Most people who go to angels come out with nothing but self-deprecation and blame. The angel usually tells the sorry individual they are in some way responsible for their situation and they need to be more "loving" or that they "shouldn't have any hatred or anger." Denial of one's feelings is definitely not good for emotional, physical, or mental health. By repressing our so-called baser emotions, we actually set ourselves up illnesses.

In extreme cases where one has a weak aura and is being influenced by these entities they can manipulate your libido, and i am speaking form experience here, it seems like these entities CAUSE the problem simply to make you feel like a victim, and when one feels 'sorry' one opens themselves up for attacks, and suddenly the negative treatment you get from these entities is somewhat welcomed and justified.

For me i'm glad i appear somewhat unapproachable to some people, and this is simply because i don't take bullshit from anyone.
When i 1st encountered malevolent astral entities, i thought that i could fight them and eradicate them myself, turns out i could not, as more would just keep coming, i had to learn to detach and ignore, which turned out to be the better course of action, this is also a good thing to do irl, as giving morons your time and energy is just a waste of it.
in regards to 'succubus', i had a similar experience to you and when i started getting the cold shoulder i got pissed and start visualizing myself torturing her, and i also got a deep pain in my heart while doing so, but i didn't care, and i didn't feel guilty either.

Satan knows me inside and out, i also know myself, if Satan knows i'm like this and would react like this it makes no sense that he'd send a daemon lover like this to me, because i would react this way. it is simply who i am.
And the other thing is, i didn't even want one, some years ago i saw my best friend get a gf, so i'm like well i want one too then over some temporal frustration, and so i asked for one, and guess what that same night i asked for one, i had astral sex which was pretty intense so naturally i decided to go along with it, only to have it turn out similar to what you experienced(in that i started getting the cold shoulder).

Another thing i want to point out here, which would be more helpful to newer members i guess, is that once you sense a malevolent entity, it's a good indicator that you need to start doubling up and cleaning your aura more frequently as well as do a banishing ritual(if u can) at the time you get this malevolent feeling,
These malevolent entities overtime and prolonged exposure can start influencing you, especially if you fall asleep or day dream a lot, and after a while you may not get a feeling of malevolence but instead feelings of sympathy for these entities which as i quoted before can open you up into all sorts of problems, and even more prolonged exposure can lead to extreme cases as I've seen other people experience here on the forums.

I know SS can feel like a lonely path, but you also need to remember that is war and the enemy is ruthless and deceptive always be on guard and keep a close connection to Satan above all.

Another thing2 just because your chart says you may get a succubus, WHEN this happens is another thing to take into consideration.
You know besides me asking for a succubus, i had also asked for a familiar(i mean it's a lesser demon soul inside of an animal i thought that was kool AF and really wanted one), i did not get one, after while i realized that i would not even be able to take care of one given my circumstances at the time, these are all things you need to take into consideration.
Before you decide to get a succubus you should be competent at void meditation and the other basics and have cleared out all your personal hang ups and such.
A succubus is a serious commitment, think about the person on the other side, would they like being stuck with a guy that has a lot of issues and insecurities in his life?
and what about you if it was the other way around, would you also want to be dealing with someone else's bullshit and insecurities that would probably get in the way of your relationship?

despite my 1st statement in my post about people being gullible, at the end of writing this i look back and see what a dumbfuck i was in the past, but it has so far been a learning experience for me, and i suppose you and others should also consider this experience as such.
Rook said:
Why do i keep seeings things like this, perhaps people should stop being so gullible.
When you were a kid didn't your parents tell you not speak to strangers?
but suddenly when it comes to exploring the astral, this cautionary advise is thrown out the window.

What surprises me even more is that at the time i'm writing this no one else seems to even suggest that it might be an enemy, because i for one am certain it is.

You're wasting your time chasing after this 'succubus' of yours, my advise to you, detach and move on, start meditating and empowering yourself.
Want a woman? then start grooming yourself for one.

[url=https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/SatanicLove.html said:
SATANIC LOVE[/url]"]The truth is- love is something everyone must earn. Of course, there is misplaced love, as in situations where one becomes infatuated or even obsessed with another person and the love is not returned. These are emotions out of control and can be something very ugly and painful.
True love is something that is earned upon a foundation of mutual empathy, kindness, trust, and goodwill between two people. Love is a two-way street. Loving enemies, illnesses and anything and anyone just for the sake of love is unnatural and very unhealthy.

[url=https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Holes_in_Aura.html said:
Sermon on Satanic Healing and Holes in the Aura[/url]"]The classic pose with the arms crossed over the chest is for a reason- to protect the heart chakra. This warns of being sympathetic to the wrong things, or helping those who are undeserving of any help. Having sympathy for an enemy or enemies and their programs in the case of spiritual warfare will only result in one’s downfall and this has extended to entire peoples and nations over the millennia.
Human beings thrive on love and acceptance. An infant deprived of love, often will not thrive and if they do, most will be impaired for life, mentally, emotionally, and even physically. Love is an essential part of our makeup. Entities who wish to destroy us, know this. The deluded New Age movement's focus on "unconditional love" [there is no such thing in reality, regardless of how they rationalize and lie to themselves], is VERY dangerous and opens those who take this advice, making them ready victims for all kinds of entities. This is the scheme of the Nazarene parasite that is nearly always depicted with open arms, exposing the heart chakra, encouraging victimization.

Why is it that with every occasion that i see someone who has problems with a succubus they take the stance of the victim?
[url=https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Holes_in_Aura.html said:
Sermon on Satanic Healing and Holes in the Aura[/url]"]Most people who go to angels come out with nothing but self-deprecation and blame. The angel usually tells the sorry individual they are in some way responsible for their situation and they need to be more "loving" or that they "shouldn't have any hatred or anger." Denial of one's feelings is definitely not good for emotional, physical, or mental health. By repressing our so-called baser emotions, we actually set ourselves up illnesses.

In extreme cases where one has a weak aura and is being influenced by these entities they can manipulate your libido, and i am speaking form experience here, it seems like these entities CAUSE the problem simply to make you feel like a victim, and when one feels 'sorry' one opens themselves up for attacks, and suddenly the negative treatment you get from these entities is somewhat welcomed and justified.

For me i'm glad i appear somewhat unapproachable to some people, and this is simply because i don't take bullshit from anyone.
When i 1st encountered malevolent astral entities, i thought that i could fight them and eradicate them myself, turns out i could not, as more would just keep coming, i had to learn to detach and ignore, which turned out to be the better course of action, this is also a good thing to do irl, as giving morons your time and energy is just a waste of it.
in regards to 'succubus', i had a similar experience to you and when i started getting the cold shoulder i got pissed and start visualizing myself torturing her, and i also got a deep pain in my heart while doing so, but i didn't care, and i didn't feel guilty either.

Satan knows me inside and out, i also know myself, if Satan knows i'm like this and would react like this it makes no sense that he'd send a daemon lover like this to me, because i would react this way. it is simply who i am.
And the other thing is, i didn't even want one, some years ago i saw my best friend get a gf, so i'm like well i want one too then over some temporal frustration, and so i asked for one, and guess what that same night i asked for one, i had astral sex which was pretty intense so naturally i decided to go along with it, only to have it turn out similar to what you experienced(in that i started getting the cold shoulder).

Another thing i want to point out here, which would be more helpful to newer members i guess, is that once you sense a malevolent entity, it's a good indicator that you need to start doubling up and cleaning your aura more frequently as well as do a banishing ritual(if u can) at the time you get this malevolent feeling,
These malevolent entities overtime and prolonged exposure can start influencing you, especially if you fall asleep or day dream a lot, and after a while you may not get a feeling of malevolence but instead feelings of sympathy for these entities which as i quoted before can open you up into all sorts of problems, and even more prolonged exposure can lead to extreme cases as I've seen other people experience here on the forums.

I know SS can feel like a lonely path, but you also need to remember that is war and the enemy is ruthless and deceptive always be on guard and keep a close connection to Satan above all.

Another thing2 just because your chart says you may get a succubus, WHEN this happens is another thing to take into consideration.
You know besides me asking for a succubus, i had also asked for a familiar(i mean it's a lesser demon soul inside of an animal i thought that was kool AF and really wanted one), i did not get one, after while i realized that i would not even be able to take care of one given my circumstances at the time, these are all things you need to take into consideration.
Before you decide to get a succubus you should be competent at void meditation and the other basics and have cleared out all your personal hang ups and such.
A succubus is a serious commitment, think about the person on the other side, would they like being stuck with a guy that has a lot of issues and insecurities in his life?
and what about you if it was the other way around, would you also want to be dealing with someone else's bullshit and insecurities that would probably get in the way of your relationship?

despite my 1st statement in my post about people being gullible, at the end of writing this i look back and see what a dumbfuck i was in the past, but it has so far been a learning experience for me, and i suppose you and others should also consider this experience as such.
I think this is pretty good advice.
Specter said:
I will definitely do more void meditation, but I genuinely believe now that if some overly attractive woman came up to me and requested something that I could deny it. Because of the other woman I just have a different outlook on gentile women now. Maybe my succubus did something or who knows.
Good, that'd be the first step completed.

Specter said:
I'm not sure what you mean "start over from a clean slate". Do you mean to start a relationship with a new succubus? I really can't bring myself to want another Succubus, I very much liked her personality and the things we've been through for like 6 years now. This feeling would just keep coming back to haunt me.
No no, I do not mean to ask for a "new" Succubus. I meant to do the formal ritual one more time and to follow every step, asking father Satan for the best suited Succubus for you. This is to ensure 100% that you are not just chasing after some enemy entity, which can always be the case if the request was not done through Satan himself. I read that you have already done it once, but maybe atleast talk it all over with him and tell him your concerns and what you want, to make sure your "Succubus" is actually an allied entity.

Specter said:
Somethings I want to clarify, there is a difference between masturbating to porn and to my succubus, with her I put my heart into it and with porn its just to get it off my mind because of years of being accustomed to it, but I'm really going to try and stop it as it has indeed caused me downfall. But it's strange nowadays as sometimes I'm doing it with a pleasant feeling and then sometimes there's a negative feeling about her.
I get you okay. I used to masturbate to porn too even in the first while of having requested a Succubus. But it's just slowing down your progress and making everything harder for you, trust me on this. It should be a high priority for you to slowly but surely stop utilizing porn completely, in my opinion.

Specter said:
Also I didn't really expect my Succubus to look like this. I'm more into brunettes than blondes, the first times I saw her I actually put it off and kept fantasizing her as one of the things you'd see when googling about a Succubus and thought that's what they are like. I also wasn't aware of the existence of Nordic ET's at the time. I remember now after the highschool part that I actually asked her to show me her true body, and then that experience beside the bed happened then realized everything before. She's not really "sexy", beautiful but simple and that's what I really like about that and came to accept it. She wore this white robe that looks something similar to ancient Greek clothing.
Always bear in mind that personal blockages and dirt can easily warp your perception of what is "sexy" and that these things can (and most likely will) drastically change over time as you cleanse your soul and advance.

Specter said:
I'm trying my best to not get caught in delusions and I always criticize any of my experiences. These "Visions" I have are things that happen rarely when I'm in a trance or relaxed state about to fall asleep. I feel like it's a mostly one sided thing as I have no control over it and the cause of it an external influence. Sometimes meaningful and sometimes not. I'm sure many others have gotten these kind of things too. I also don't believe the red haired woman was her actually and someone else.

I just tried breathing in her gold energies today as you said and it brought back a long forgotten feeling of intimacy and I felt closer to her and my chakras feel charged. But I had a certain difficulty fantasizing about her as I feel like she is still upset about something.
I would advise to be careful when it comes to making assumptions about any of the Gods (including your Succubus) being "mad" at you. This barely ever will happen at all, and when it does you will know it beyond any doubt, like a huge signpost is smacked into your face. So don't try to pick small "signs" and feel like any of the Gods would be "angry" at you because of that. If you think from the smallest signs that the Gods are angry at you, this will make it extremely easy for the enemy to fuck with you and deceive you, so take care.

Specter said:
Thank you very much for your time and response, I really appreciated it. I originally wrote my story here for my friend who wanted to help me with this issue but I figured I may as well write it here so I can get much more feedback and help in this matter. I will take what you've said to heart.
I'm glad I could help you.
Rook said:
What surprises me even more is that at the time i'm writing this no one else seems to even suggest that it might be an enemy, because i for one am certain it is.
Assuming either extremes is not good. If someone can use the experience to move on positively and then asked through Satan, and is able to be positive about themselves it most likely is not an enemy. If it keeps revolving around pushing self-blame then you're most certanly right.
Rook said:
What surprises me even more is that at the time i'm writing this no one else seems to even suggest that it might be an enemy, because i for one am certain it is.

You're wasting your time chasing after this 'succubus' of yours, my advise to you, detach and move on, start meditating and empowering yourself.
Want a woman? then start grooming yourself for one.
Personally I think the first encounter that he has had was most definitely an enemy. No being that is allied to Satan would do something like this.
I was talking in the general sense regarding Succubi. With his chart configuration, it's almost "guaranteed" that a formal ritual to Satan asking for a Succubus, will also lead to him being matched with one.
The important thing for him to keep in mind here is to learn to ignore any hostile entities who may butt in to try and make things more difficult.

Rook said:
For me i'm glad i appear somewhat unapproachable to some people
I am getting a feeling like you will want to angrily scream at me just for replying to you, in case you were wondering :lol:
Egon said:
Assuming either extremes is not good.
You're correct, but based on the context of his post i think it's a pretty good assumption that he has been manipulated at least from my deduction.

Shael said:
Personally I think the first encounter that he has had was most definitely an enemy. No being that is allied to Satan would do something like this.
I was talking in the general sense regarding Succubi. With his chart configuration, it's almost "guaranteed" that a formal ritual to Satan asking for a Succubus, will also lead to him being matched with one.
The important thing for him to keep in mind here is to learn to ignore any hostile entities who may butt in to try and make things more difficult.
Like i said, 'when' you get one is what is more important over the 'guarantee'.
lets say i borrow money from you and i said i'm going to pay you back i guarantee it, but i never stated when i'd do it.
*1000000 years later*
here's your money.

another thing with hostile entities, as i also mentioned before is that they can influence you over time and which case you start perceiving them in a sympathetic way, especially if these entities interact with you in a 'friendly' way sympathetic feelings can develop much faster, and as i pointed out the enemy knows how use this to their advantage.
based on what OP described here i think it's best he gets rid of that bitch as it's clearly not working for him and one sided love like this as i pointed out is detrimental for OP.

Shael said:
I am getting a feeling like you will want to angrily scream at me
Nah Shael you sexy,

the key word here is 'appear', quite ironically you proved my point, everyone seems to think i'd react negatively to them in some way and may discourage some people from communicating with me but i really only get mad at people irl.
When it comes to problems online, it's trivial and pointless to get mad over someone online as we're both behind a monitor so in such cases i may simply ignore it and move onto something else, but for the most part i prefer to keep things formal.

But i think considering that most of my reply to you was a repeat of what i said before i think you already knew these things but just wanted to poke me to see if i'd be breaking down your front door tonight, in which case i might.
Rook said:
Like i said, 'when' you get one is what is more important over the 'guarantee'.
lets say i borrow money from you and i said i'm going to pay you back i guarantee it, but i never stated when i'd do it.
*1000000 years later*
here's your money.

another thing with hostile entities, as i also mentioned before is that they can influence you over time and which case you start perceiving them in a sympathetic way, especially if these entities interact with you in a 'friendly' way sympathetic feelings can develop much faster, and as i pointed out the enemy knows how use this to their advantage.
based on what OP described here i think it's best he gets rid of that bitch as it's clearly not working for him and one sided love like this as i pointed out is detrimental for OP.
The point I was trying to bring across was that his Succubus is most likely already with him right now as we speak, so the main issue isnt to paranoidly try to figure out which entity is "good" or "bad" but rather to simply focus on formally calling for his Succubus and building a closer connection with her, disregarding any malevolent entities that may try to butt in. Like I said in my original message to him, "start off on a clean slate". This is the only approach that will get him anywhere with his Succubus in a forseeable amount of time, as your approach would just lead him to complete isolation from the astral in an attempt to "avoid" any contact with bad entities. This can seem like an 'easy' way out but if you do this you're essentially just limiting yourself. Dealing with the astral is something that everyone will have to do at some point if they truly want to advance. It's true that there are tons and tons of enemy entities just waiting to fuck with you if you get into these things, but they are there for a reason. They are attacking us relentlessly in this way because they want us to close off from the astral, or to go insane trying to deal with it. These are the two options that the enemy is trying to force people to choose from, but neither of them should be chosen by anyone here, atleast not permanently. The astral is an area that everybody has to face at some point, whether you like it or not.
When it comes to Succubi, those of us who are in such relationships have experienced firsthand how annoying the astral can be, as our relationship essentially makes mastering interactions with the astral a necessity.

Either way, I doubt you are interested in these things anyways so I will not take up any more of your time. The point of "starting on a clean slate" still remains an essential part of my advice and it doesn't contradict yours either.
Rook said:
Shael said:
I am getting a feeling like you will want to angrily scream at me
Nah Shael you sexy,

the key word here is 'appear', quite ironically you proved my point, everyone seems to think i'd react negatively to them in some way and may discourage some people from communicating with me but i really only get mad at people irl.
When it comes to problems online, it's trivial and pointless to get mad over someone online as we're both behind a monitor so in such cases i may simply ignore it and move onto something else, but for the most part i prefer to keep things formal.

But i think considering that most of my reply to you was a repeat of what i said before i think you already knew these things but just wanted to poke me to see if i'd be breaking down your front door tonight, in which case i might.
I mostly replied to you to ensure that OP wouldnt get paranoid from your words, as this can often be the case when people give their advice like some "absolute truth". I didn't intend at all to poke you or even to argue with you, because we both mean the same thing in our advice anyway.
The reason I wrote that last paragraph there is because I felt like giving you "feedback" in a way, in case you were wondering how other people see you. I used to have a completely "off" perception on how people see me until my friend pointed it out. You already mentioned that people perceived you like that, but I felt like telling you nonetheless.
There also was some personal curiosity as to how you would react, not gonna lie lol
Shael said:
The point I was trying to bring across was that his Succubus is most likely already with him right now as we speak, so the main issue isnt to paranoidly try to figure out which entity is "good" or "bad" but rather to simply focus on formally calling for his Succubus and building a closer connection with her, disregarding any malevolent entities that may try to butt in. Like I said in my original message to him, "start off on a clean slate". This is the only approach that will get him anywhere with his Succubus in a forseeable amount of time, as your approach would just lead him to complete isolation from the astral in an attempt to "avoid" any contact with bad entities. This can seem like an 'easy' way out but if you do this you're essentially just limiting yourself. Dealing with the astral is something that everyone will have to do at some point if they truly want to advance. It's true that there are tons and tons of enemy entities just waiting to fuck with you if you get into these things, but they are there for a reason. They are attacking us relentlessly in this way because they want us to close off from the astral, or to go insane trying to deal with it. These are the two options that the enemy is trying to force people to choose from, but neither of them should be chosen by anyone here, atleast not permanently. The astral is an area that everybody has to face at some point, whether you like it or not.
When it comes to Succubi, those of us who are in such relationships have experienced firsthand how annoying the astral can be, as our relationship essentially makes mastering interactions with the astral a necessity.

Either way, I doubt you are interested in these things anyways so I will not take up any more of your time. The point of "starting on a clean slate" still remains an essential part of my advice and it doesn't contradict yours either.
He does not have a succubus 'yet', this is not an 'absolute truth' or anything, it's a logical deduction based on existing information we already know, one that's still up for debate if you feel the need to debate further, i'm not pushing this as an absolute, if you think you can contest against this then do so.
Before it was an assumption on my part, but the more i write on this case the more evidence there is stacked against the notion that he has one.

it has always amazed me that all these people who claim to be in contact with 'the gods',daemons, succubi etc always end up depressed, suicidal or with some other major problem, if one is indeed in contact with entities that are of Satan then the opposite should be the case.
Not only that, but these people who claim to be with deamons and such whenever these problems hit them and they're in need of help, suddenly these entities disappear completely, like a recent case i've seen a guy who has family issues claimed that he was in contact with 'the gods' and his GD when shit hit the fan 'they' were no where to be found and now he thinks the gods has forsaken him.

And remember where i said my statement was based on logical deduction, well i also believe in my initial post contained enough evidence for it in especially the quotes i left.
I can also add more.
[url=https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Detaching.html said:
How to Detach Unwanted People/Entities from Your Aura[/url]"]In almost all cases of psychic vampirism, there is a weakness on the part of the host person. The parasite/host relationship often satisfies an unfulfilled need for one or both of the individuals involved.
OP is obviously not being fulfilled in this relationship and this 'succubus' is just leeching of him.
I think it's pretty obvious at this point, for example, we already know the gods don't give negative prophecies, so if an entity comes and claimed that it's one of our gods then says 'you're going to get hit by a car tomorrow' it can be pretty easy to deduce that entity is not one of our gods.
and i believe I've already given more than enough evidence that he does not have a succubus in my initial post.

You said "so the main issue isnt to paranoidly try to figure out which entity is "good" or "bad" but rather to simply focus on formally calling for his Succubus and building a closer connection with her, disregarding any malevolent entities that may try to butt in."
And i like this, because it works with my argument quite well.
Because if you're always open the possibilities such as there being a succubus with him right now, then that also can also be applied to the rest of entities that are trying to butt in as they can claim anything but you would not disregard simply because such a thing would seen as being 'paranoid'.
My initial post was not based on 'paranoia' but actually had a lot of points and legitimate sources to back up the claims i made.
i can confidently say he does not have a succubus 'yet'.

You said "This is the only approach that will get him anywhere with his Succubus in a forseeable amount of time, as your approach would just lead him to complete isolation from the astral in an attempt to "avoid" any contact with bad entities. This can seem like an 'easy' way out but if you do this you're essentially just limiting yourself."
You're wrong and ironic at the same time, and i have just pointed why being open to 'possibilities' will get you no where, and no this does not isolate anyone, entities can still make contact with you, as i still frequently encounter entities myself which is why i have quite a lot of knowledge of them.
Is this limiting yourself?
Yes you can say this, but it is a necessary thing.
When there's a toxic environment with poisonous air, why do people wear a hazmat suit?
Why do they limit the air and other sort of things that come into contact with their body?
i think the answer is pretty obvious.
Look at this forum for example, all non clergy posts are moderated before it's approved, in the context of your statement this is a limitation but it is a necessary thing, as it keeps the community here clean.
Back when i used to go school, although we wore uniforms there were other people who were not members of the school but they would wear the uniform of that school to gain entry and would usually do so to start fights etc, as a result of this the school issued special ID cards, those who did not have this were prevented entranced and turned away at the gate.
This is not 'isolating' or 'limiting' yourself this is called filtering, and if you want to get anywhere or have a succubi in the future you will need to learn how to do this, this is why i said that when you encounter a malevolent entity you handle it and tune out of it immediately.
[url=https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Ouija.html said:
Ouija Boards[/url]"]One thing I wish to add here. Ouija Boards can be open to anything and everything. It is true that some people have had bad and/or upsetting experiences. Know that not all spirits are friendly or of Satan. If you happen to come into contact with a negative entity, end the Ouija session and do not think of the entity anymore. If you have a Guardian Demon/ess, summon him/her and ask for assistance in getting rid of the negative entity.

Normally Ouija Boards present no problem and are safe to use. No one should ever fear. In the case of a negative entity, the longer the contact, the more the entity can intrude into your world. Several Joy of Satan members have stated that they always ask any entity if he/she is of Satan. Enemy spirits will not reply back and will usually leave on their own. With performing the dedication to Satan, we have his protection as we advance in power and spiritual knowledge. This includes working with Ouija Boards. As with anything else, the environment in which you are working the board matters.

You said "When it comes to Succubi, those of us who are in such relationships have experienced firsthand how annoying the astral can be, as our relationship essentially makes mastering interactions with the astral a necessity."
Let me fix that for you "When it comes to Succubi, those of us who are and who presume to be in such relationships have experienced firsthand how annoying the astral can be"
As you said and i have said numerous times "Dealing with the astral is something that everyone will have to do at some point if they truly want to advance."
I would not say I've mastered this but I've certainly become very competent at it, and i'm merely sharing my advise with you, i am not the one who has the problem after all, but you may come across these things in the future so i believe this will benefit both you and specter.

You said "Either way, I doubt you are interested in these things anyways so I will not take up any more of your time. The point of "starting on a clean slate" still remains an essential part of my advice and it doesn't contradict yours either."
I am actually interested in these things except getting a succubus, but you're right it does not contradict my initial statement that he should detach from all these entities he encountered and focus on his meditations and overall advancement.

Here's the deal if he encountered his succubus in the astral, he'd ask if she's of Satan and her name, if she fails to give both these things then there's no point going further.

I know you do plan to get a succubus in the future, so if you choose to take my advise it'd be helpful for you, but i didn't write this extensive reply for you, i wrote it for Specter, because he is actually a good friend of mines i have known him for years.
I do not want him to go down that path of bullshit and delusion.
Thing is it felt like a stranger, the energies aren't familiar. And I was more interested in talking than doing that.

Yeah puberty hit me like a bitch, as well as things that I've overcome and discovering myself on a deeper level. I already know that regarding what I've done in the past was meaningless garbage and that was before I knew anything but was just putting it in my story for the sake of it. And it's not necessarily me humping the air but the air doing it XD

Rook said:
When you were a kid didn't your parents tell you not speak to strangers?
but suddenly when it comes to exploring the astral, this cautionary advise is thrown out the window.
It's complicated sometimes we have issues and the enemy just like to take advantage of it, I know that I pretty much got taken advantage of but I was going through a lot. There's somethings I left out because I didn't want to make the Jos look bad, but before this I was quite suicidal, but it wasn't only my life that was at risk but many others. I was this "Fuck all humans" type of guy and tried sink myself to the lowest I can be, because despite being the opposite, pacifist and kind guy that actually cared about the well being of others and even those who'd treat me like garbage and still hoped maybe one day we all could be friends, I'd still be treated the same way and would be no different. I was always that "Devil" in the room and it was only after awhile until I snapped.

I didn't talk to my mom because she was going through her own delusions and also made conditions worse at home. I kept reassuring to myself that this will happen and I'll succeed, and one night that intent reached a certain peak. That was the same night I met that black figure and got my first paralysis attack that followed with the negative entity attacks and I bet that was the reason for the shit I was going through in the first place. Greys are always the perfect orchestrators of these kinds of "events" you see. I thought Satanism would've been a nice add on but later on I realized it didn't and I believe that the black thing that I saw pulled off of me after the dedication ritual was that thing. And then my desire for to do it just died off after awhile.

When I had the 'Succubus' in my life things were better as I felt loved since a very long time and overcame my constant loneliness so that is why I've become so attached to her as in a sense she was there when I really needed her. The only options for her if she was an enemy entity was the privilege to harvest an abundance of death energy or keep a long term energy source?. I believe the true meaning of her appearing beside my bed after highschool not only was because of my spiritual progress but as well my mental integrity and being true to myself and doing the right things.

Rook said:
You're wasting your time chasing after this 'succubus' of yours, my advise to you, detach and move on, start meditating and empowering yourself.
Want a woman? then start grooming yourself for one.

Yeah it's best that I do detach and move on for now, puberty is a bitch. I'm more certain she may have been those temporary types and not a long term but I'll see how it goes.

Egon said:
Assuming either extremes is not good. If someone can use the experience to move on positively and then asked through Satan, and is able to be positive about themselves it most likely is not an enemy. If it keeps revolving around pushing self-blame then you're most certanly right.

That actually is the case unfortunately, I keep blaming myself for not being loyal enough every time I try to visualize her frame, I'm just going to move on for as this is getting in the way of my advancement. And maybe later when I'm empowered I can fully understand.

Rook said:
For me i'm glad i appear somewhat unapproachable to some people, and this is simply because i don't take bullshit from anyone.
You're that necessary type of people we need, I asked if I needed the cold water and got the cold water simple as that. This is definetely risky especially because of the vision of the grey. I only wish Redtail got his cold water too but it was too late at the time, he also was in communication with a Succubus but he hid the details about her being a dark eyed being. This being also fed him crap about spirituality and that the moon would be the source of darkness.. And I did not encourage him in anyway and only recommended him to speak with Satan about this, I also thought Teloc would set him right. He said he stopped communicating but I doubt he removed any links or took the issue seriously. And then their downfall followed months after that.
Rook said:
I pretty much agree with your statements completely, as I have from the start. I only replied in the first place because the way you brought it across seemed a bit harsh and some softer people can end up panicking from these things.
When I said "isolating", I meant "isolating", and not "filtering". I perhaps should have said "completely isolating" instead, to get my point across better. I tend to assume people are the same as me, which is a bad habit of mine. This seems to have happened here. What I had been facing in the past was that I got tired of dealing with the astral and essentially closed myself off completely. It seems this is not as common as I thought, and rather was just something I specifically encountered because of my attributes.

I completely agree with your points on "filtering" astral encounters. All I meant to say was that complete isolation is a bad thing, in the sense of completely disregarding any and all astral interactions, signs, and so on regardless of their nature.

Also I already have a Succubus, and after 3 years of working on my astral senses I can essentially feel her like a physical person by now. I wasnt just pulling those points out of my ass, it was based on my personal experience.
I'm here for the blue sword...

You could write about every point of it, but..,
my English is a mierd. Zzz

But the question is... did you get your cousin or not?

How's it going?
It's funny like OP I started SS due to the succubus thing. Well in reality it was originally astral projection but once I read the succubus thing it activated alarm bells for me. Even though I never astral projected once except for false positives or limited events IF you can call it that mostly dream projections.

My situation though is the opposite of OP. In other words as he has a monogamous, I have a polyamorous/open relationship. I will state that it's poly/open, love/sex as I'm the type of person that expects sexual interaction, and on top of that I left everything to Satan to find her, so I left the specifics to him.

But like he said the air doing I will admit weird things happen like for example I hump the air. In simplest terms I talked to this entity if it's not a personal delusion from me talking to myself like some self-tantric master causing it. And funny enough she controls my body at times. I'll admit I have talked to this entity, I ask Satan to send my Succubus to me to communicate with her, and I talk but I'm not sure if I'm just talking to myself. The only reason I don't fully consider it a complete made up imaginary delusion is my physical body moves on it's own. For example I ask for orgasms and the next thing I know my eyes roll around my head and I'm vocalizing as long as no one is around in my house. I recall one time no idea why it only happened once for literally two minutes I was going through some mega orgasm, I was laughing my ass off and even telling her to stop as I was orgasming and laughing. Note it's probably astral orgasms not physical effects.

Although I try and put it off and try and ignore it albeit after re-reading Shael's post on interacting with a succubus particularly the whole "spiritual cuddling thing". It kinda renewed my interest. Although it raises questions like for example if she is having astral/light body sex with me, then why don't I have a hard-on, does not being erect mean she isn't interacting with me.

First I'd like to state my main problem is mental fatigue for some specific reason visualizing is very difficult non-visible. Much like the common person who has moments of lucidity but mostly moments of not seeing the visuals. I will admit I have contemplated taking hallucinogenic substances, don't worry never taken any, but I will admit it does feel like other people are enjoying their lives more so than me. I'll admit I'm not as delusional as OP in the sense of limiting themselves from sexual physicality, despite being 29 and a virgin and never interacting with a girl past a conversation or at school.

But non the less I DID ask for poly/open. So basically I interact with an entity that does things to me and I'm not sure how to approach it better. For example since I was like 10 years old going to bed mentally fatigued was one of my issues. Even to this day, I barely spend much time with this entity when I call unto her. So these visual astral phenomena of using my imagination and whatnot seem alien to me due to lacking much imagination. So basically coming to bed when I go to bed the entire day just falls unto me and my mind is just tired and I just want to go to sleep.

I should also point out the first time I did the ritual I just did it. I didn't perform the 4-crown Standard. I performed the prayer burn, I suppose you have to burn the paper after reading it. I've done the ritual a few times over the years, for example the last time I did it number 4 or 5 out of the 4 or 5 times I did it. I asked for a succubus if I have one if not don't send another. So I was always wording send one if I don't have one but if I have one already don't send another.

It's funny "clean slate", although that is what I have done. I never knew to ask for more interaction or assistance. Like OP who mentioned sending a prayer to Satan on how to better communicate with his succubus. I suppose I should re-do a ritual, I'm not sure if I'm supposed to burn a paper or something. I guess it's just a standard ritual with a succubus request ritual.

I have talked to this entity and it feels delusional so I limit it. For example I asked her name "Diana pops out", height 6'1, 6'3 in heels, red head, blue eyes. I do question the entity and she states "I'm a Satanic being of higher power working for Satan". But hearing it so non-existent it sounds like I'm making it up even my mouth moves to make the sound. The only thing I can state to that is either I'm doing it, talking to myself, or she is moving my physical body to make me hear here. But again to me it's just crazy delusions.

But other than that and these possible delusions or negativeness or whatever people might consider like it was said above "It's astral to physical, not physical" you gotta sorta build yourself up. To be honest the best piece of advice I ever gotten about this situation talking to myself was when I said is it possible I borked my brain and created some sort of fugue state or some entity or thoughtform. What if I'm simply fucking myself and talking to myself and everything seems too good, too perfect.

So I'm kinda at a loss. I wasn't gonna post anything but decided to post due to me restarting, a redux. I decided to redo the 40 day guide and temper down some of my meditations and just focus from the beginning.

As someone who has never tranced, voided(much if at all, I'm a thinking person), or ever delved into anything deeper only with their imagination. And feel like my entire spiritual life is just a mental delusion. *inserts* typical It's your imagination goy from a kike. As much as it makes me think "Am I a kike for not being able to experience spirituality?". Non the less are these delusions or craziness or lack of spiritual development. Is it normal for you guys with succubi/incubi, shame there are so many males in this forum and not much on incubi, would interested in the girl's perspective on this. Is this what happens to others whom have a difficulty.

It kinda begs the question why would Satan even send a succubus to me when I was 12 years old and barely if even meditated. I think I spend like two or three weeks meditating then didn't do anything till I was 14 and again at 15 and then years passed without doing anything and basically the only reasons why I would even meditate in the last decade or so is out of boredom and tiredness of repetitive day of just using the computer or watching TV. Never been consistent till just recently as of the past two or three maybe nearing 4 years and even then. I still ask the question what is the point of meditating if the Gods and spiritually advanced caste of people aren't around teaching and helping me properly meditate from the ground up, slowly and steadily and eliminating all this negativity and ignorance and whatnot. I note some people advance spiritually but it's mostly as a ignorant entity not a proper civilization. It seems some people advance spiritually without knowing much, almost developing spiritually without any foundations or knowledge. I'm not trying to be an asshole but simply go to JoS meditate and advance is not my definition of appropriate spirituality. I know we do it to fight this war but non the less it seems like everyone is completely fucked up in their own way. I mean it begs the question how can one be spiritual without the roots, without starting from the youngest age of learning to be spiritual.

Anyways how can I better go about this situation? Is it just me and my craziness and delusions or is it a genuine situation?
SdD said:
I'm here for the blue sword...

You could write about every point of it, but..,
my English is a mierd. Zzz

But the question is... did you get your cousin or not?

How's it going?

Well when I grabbed the sword, and it was a basic sword that formed out of blue light, the first thing on my mind was trying to get my body to attack the thing like from some anime/movie but no I just couldn't move my astral body like that, and then I realized the difference of mental action and actual astral action. All I could really do was strike it once and then I felt exhausted. But I assume that the more you get use moving around with your astral body the easier it becomes, just like walking for the first time.

And fuck no, I left quite a lot of things out in this story. But my step-cousin is actually really abusive, she just acts nice to her guests or because she wants something from me, but she's really deceptive. She literally almost beat a kid to death because of something so trivial, and the kid was already suffering from problems. Animals as well. Lydias astro chart reading stated something about a Saturn influence on my love life and that if I ever do get married, it'll most likely be a very abusive relationship, however I don't have anything to worry about if I do have a genuine Succubus.

Honestly my Succubus really saved my ass by preventing me from taking my relationship with her further.

I was planning to post updates later, but for now it's been alright. I can now fully verify for myself that astral sex is indeed much better than physical. I heard another message in a trance, that "She still deeply cares about you", so I think there is still hope, however I'm going focus more on the being who helped me out and getting more answers. Also this gift with visions and such comes from a Neptune aspect, so I'm focusing on getting into trance states, and by legitimate ways, as I feel "drugs" wouldn't be genuine to me or her as I want to see her with the abilities I have within.

That experience I had seeing her for the first time was too good for me at the time honestly, but I needed it as I was feeling down at the time. I'm thinking of doing the 6th month warfare program for the 2nd time as I've sloped downwards from spiritual progress since then.
I do not know why would Father Satan or any of the Gods/Goddesses accept the call from immature idiots like you.
Specter said:
SdD said:
I'm here for the blue sword...

You could write about every point of it, but..,
my English is a mierd. Zzz

But the question is... did you get your cousin or not?

How's it going?

Well when I grabbed the sword, and it was a basic sword that formed out of blue light, the first thing on my mind was trying to get my body to attack the thing like from some anime/movie but no I just couldn't move my astral body like that, and then I realized the difference of mental action and actual astral action. All I could really do was strike it once and then I felt exhausted. But I assume that the more you get use moving around with your astral body the easier it becomes, just like walking for the first time.

And fuck no, I left quite a lot of things out in this story. But my step-cousin is actually really abusive, she just acts nice to her guests or because she wants something from me, but she's really deceptive. She literally almost beat a kid to death because of something so trivial, and the kid was already suffering from problems. Animals as well. Lydias astro chart reading stated something about a Saturn influence on my love life and that if I ever do get married, it'll most likely be a very abusive relationship, however I don't have anything to worry about if I do have a genuine Succubus.

Honestly my Succubus really saved my ass by preventing me from taking my relationship with her further.

I was planning to post updates later, but for now it's been alright. I can now fully verify for myself that astral sex is indeed much better than physical. I heard another message in a trance, that "She still deeply cares about you", so I think there is still hope, however I'm going focus more on the being who helped me out and getting more answers. Also this gift with visions and such comes from a Neptune aspect, so I'm focusing on getting into trance states, and by legitimate ways, as I feel "drugs" wouldn't be genuine to me or her as I want to see her with the abilities I have within.

That experience I had seeing her for the first time was too good for me at the time honestly, but I needed it as I was feeling down at the time. I'm thinking of doing the 6th month warfare program for the 2nd time as I've sloped downwards from spiritual progress since then.

Skims skims skims. Teenager trying to have a relationship with a being 30 thousand years old. But cute girls at school. Humping air. Sex sex sex sex.

16 year old boy relating needing sex with girl. Looks around for exit.

Creeps away slowly muttering.
Aldrick Strickland said:
Skims skims skims. Teenager trying to have a relationship with a being 30 thousand years old. But cute girls at school. Humping air. Sex sex sex sex.

16 year old boy relating needing sex with girl. Looks around for exit.

Creeps away slowly muttering.

Oh thanks for your opinion, I had a nice day as well. You're a couple years under btw, but it's true I when I was younger my approach to this was immature, as can see from my yahoo posts years back and maybe still am in some way but I take pride in how I've grown from then and so far. But I get what you mean, not trying to convince anyone of anything.
Larissa666 said:
I do not know why would Father Satan or any of the Gods/Goddesses accept the call from immature idiots like you.

Yeah you're right that I'm immature, I still don't understand why a succubus would have wanted a relationship with me in the first place, perhaps out of pity or Satans sympathy idk. But I really screwed up. I already said I'm not focusing on her and going to focus on my potential guardian demon as well as my spiritual progress as it should've been so I don't know what the problem is with you two.
I do appreciate your criticism since I kinda did ask for this. As I'm having trouble looking the my own mirror sometimes.

But during my school years, I stated I was doing fairly well. I had some desires pop up, but I had a good sense of restraint at the time, and to top that off I said I did not like everyone in school. I would spend a certain amount of time just dozing off just feeling the warmth of her hand with my hand, feeling her face, hugging etc.. and overtime this accumulated a strong bond, and it was genuine. It was not primarily about sex at the time. I wasn't just some guy tugging my brains out to a demoness.

Just don't know what happened to me afterwards. After I did a mars square for the first time I legit couldn't control my sexual urges. And I use my hand you know..

And regarding what we have previously, we've already settled things, is that not the case? Otherwise I'd like this thread fade off as it was going to.
Specter said:
Larissa666 said:
I do not know why would Father Satan or any of the Gods/Goddesses accept the call from immature idiots like you.

Yeah you're right that I'm immature, I still don't understand why a succubus would have wanted a relationship with me in the first place, perhaps out of pity or Satans sympathy idk. But I really screwed up. I already said I'm not focusing on her and going to focus on my potential guardian demon as well as my spiritual progress as it should've been so I don't know what the problem is with you two.

To clarify at the end, I spent all my remaining data during my vacation getting the final rtr when it was released. And also getting the paint program for my phone and it was the exact amount needed. I felt that Satan was proud for my loyalty and making things right with that woman. So I asked, I didn't expect that she'd actually come and then I wasted her time. I've also asked the same way a couple times after but to no avail in which I figured it's better to move on and develop myself spiritually.

I try my best to sound less of an idiot rather than making posts that are slightly useful, all to try and farm big ego points under a name. And I do work for my bread, if you've read part of my story I use to do high reps of rtrs, then let my guard down and got attacked pretty badly. I was under the impression from Aldricks posts from the egroups that he "received an aura of blue fire around him after doing the rtr" and that the gods protect you all the time but it isn't really the case. He keeps making posts with ulterior meanings, like he's doing with my friend, and he needs to cut that crap out as he doesn't know what he's saying and other members could take it differently.

At least be direct when you're insulting someone as well
Larissa666 said:
I do not know why would Father Satan or any of the Gods/Goddesses accept the call from immature idiots like you.

Also you don't mean to say that Satan should've left one of their own dedicated satanists with a enemy entity do you? the only thing I'll say was that entity was disturbingly perverted, as a woman you should know a little.. And honestly if Satan didn't help at all I don't know how long I would've been stuck but it was like nothing I've experienced before. If no one came my path in Satanism would've been forfeit after that. It upsets me that it happened but knowing that Satan still cared brought a new horizon to my depressed life. So if that is what you're saying please do clarify, otherwise leave it be, and for your own good.
Specter said:
Aldrick Strickland said:
Skims skims skims. Teenager trying to have a relationship with a being 30 thousand years old. But cute girls at school. Humping air. Sex sex sex sex.

16 year old boy relating needing sex with girl. Looks around for exit.

Creeps away slowly muttering.

Oh thanks for your opinion, I had a nice day as well. You're a couple years under btw, but it's true I when I was younger my approach to this was immature, as can see from my yahoo posts years back and maybe still am in some way but I take pride in how I've grown from then and so far. But I get what you mean, not trying to convince anyone of anything.

Please tell me you are not in your thirties......
Specter said:
Instead of getting lost in thoughts on why she would have "wasted time" on you in the first place, you might want to instead try to honor and cherish the fact that she wants to be with you. The Gods are patient and a few months/years are nothing to them. So don't go hating on yourself for every small mistake you make, and instead focus on moving forward in the long term.
So often I see people making one mistake and then hating on themselves and shutting themselves off from the Gods, thinking they'd hate them now, or that they'd be "unworthy" now. In reality, the Gods very likely expected these things already. They know that we do often make mistakes, and they are very patient with us in this regard. So instead of hating on yourself, just accept it, learn from it, and move on.

Work on your astral senses consistently and with patience you will get there in time.
mercury_wisdom said:
Shael said:
Wow shael you are awesome and experienced these steps were definitely helpful for me I also want a succubus but I will have to be patient because I don't have privacy. Another question can I get my succubus utilizing an astral temple I have read about astral temples but they are really vague what exactly astral temples are and how are they created? I am a complete beginner can I make an astral temple? If so how? Thank you shael.

Hello, how do we do a ritual for requesting a succubus? Also are there any risks that we should be aware of?
Shael said:
Specter said:
Instead of getting lost in thoughts on why she would have "wasted time" on you in the first place, you might want to instead try to honor and cherish the fact that she wants to be with you. The Gods are patient and a few months/years are nothing to them. So don't go hating on yourself for every small mistake you make, and instead focus on moving forward in the long term.
So often I see people making one mistake and then hating on themselves and shutting themselves off from the Gods, thinking they'd hate them now, or that they'd be "unworthy" now. In reality, the Gods very likely expected these things already. They know that we do often make mistakes, and they are very patient with us in this regard. So instead of hating on yourself, just accept it, learn from it, and move on.

Work on your astral senses consistently and with patience you will get there in time.

Thank you for that advice I didn't think to look at it like that. I'll move on now, this new years kinda been my re-start in my relationship with Satan, and I won't let anything push me away again.

Tried my best to not sound nuts with these experiences, obviously kinda failed lol. I suck with self expression but thank you again for hearing me out anyway. And the attack is a sensitive subject that I don't like being brought up & nothing I enjoy boasting anything about. I do not want to remember it. There are serious dangers in astral communication. That joke was to lighten the mood up for me.
Specter said:
Thank you for that advice I didn't think to look at it like that. I'll move on now, this new years kinda been my re-start in my relationship with Satan, and I won't let anything push me away again.

Tried my best to not sound nuts with these experiences, obviously kinda failed lol. I suck with self expression but thank you again for hearing me out anyway. And the attack is a sensitive subject that I don't like being brought up & nothing I enjoy boasting anything about. I do not want to remember it. There are serious dangers in astral communication. That joke was to lighten the mood up for me.
All good, always remember there is no need to rush anything. It's perfectly fine to just stick to the basics for a while and relax, focus on healing and maturing.

I do not remember everything you wrote (the full story), but I don't think you sounded "nuts" in any way. Some people are a bit too far off on the left side of the brain and like to label others as insane or crazy when they hear them saying stuff they cant comprehend or accept. Don't let those people make you feel bad.

The most important things for successful astral communications are working on your astral senses, gaining full control over your own mind so you can focus fully on one thing without being distracted, and being free/clean from hangups and fears about the astral and about interacting with others in general. You can use this as a kind of "checklist" that you want to complete before seriously attempting detailed astral communications again. Though of course, trying it again every once in a while is always good too, to see how far you've gotten. :)
Brother, once again I am speechless in front of your wisdom.

I find this to be EXCELLENT advice, I am glad I searched for 'succubus' in the forum to see if someone had already talked about it and possibly answered my own questions.

In fact, I find this advice so accurate and enlightening I think HP Maxine should include these notions at the bottom of the Sexual Relationships with Demons page, as a FAQ list. They would have indeed made things a helluva lot easier for me. For this reason I saved this forum page and downloaded it too (as I do with all the JoS pages I intend to keep coming back to for future reference).

Thank You for this precious explanation.

Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
Brother, once again I am speechless in front of your wisdom.

I find this to be EXCELLENT advice, I am glad I searched for 'succubus' in the forum to see if someone had already talked about it and possibly answered my own questions.

In fact, I find this advice so accurate and enlightening I think HP Maxine should include these notions at the bottom of the Sexual Relationships with Demons page, as a FAQ list. They would have indeed made things a helluva lot easier for me. For this reason I saved this forum page and downloaded it too (as I do with all the JoS pages I intend to keep coming back to for future reference).

Thank You for this precious explanation.


This thread wasn't meant to primarily give wisdom or anything, but for advice. I should've made that more clear in the title.

I'm glad you found this thread helpful but I would rather not have this thread bumped up in the future as I've already gotten the advice I need from everyone and the title to be a bit absurd. Not that I care, but I wouldn't be surprised if this ended up on a shoa blog but I always get a surge of twitter followers and subscribers every time lol.

The jos just briefs on all subjects but indeed the forums is where the expansion of knowledge is at. But in general I would love to see more content put on the Jos if the HPs ever do get the time but we shouldn't be too lazy to look for things ourselves.

Shael said:
I do not remember everything you wrote (the full story), but I don't think you sounded "nuts" in any way. Some people are a bit too far off on the left side of the brain and like to label others as insane or crazy when they hear them saying stuff they cant comprehend or accept. Don't let those people make you feel bad.

The most important things for successful astral communications are working on your astral senses, gaining full control over your own mind so you can focus fully on one thing without being distracted, and being free/clean from hangups and fears about the astral and about interacting with others in general. You can use this as a kind of "checklist" that you want to complete before seriously attempting detailed astral communications again. Though of course, trying it again every once in a while is always good too, to see how far you've gotten. :)

Sorry for the late reply but I'll do it now since this thread got bumped.

Thanks for your support, your advice is always helpful just as everyone else here. It's indeed weird for something like this to be coming from a guy who's barely been on the forums but I've been with the jos for 7 years I think, just haven't been active because of college which pretty much took a chunk out of my time working on myself spiritually. I use to tell anyone off for playing video games, and now I'm the one playing constantly for hours as it's been the only way to deal with stress.

And yeah I will work on my astral senses and make a checklist of things to do so that it'll be more organized but just to reassure for both you, me and anyone else that Satan foremost is the most important before anything, as well as yourself.

So far with the succubus:
There is no doubt enemy entities are masquerading as her. Maybe for a time she helped me against them but not anymore. There's been constant negative after-vibes and bad thoughts coming out of nowhere from this. What I'm doing now is not focusing on her image but her vibe and feeling her energies & not caring about her appearance that she showed to me.

Also never assume any presence you feel around you when fantasizing about her is always the succubus, that's a mistake I learned the hard way. When you start feeling negative vibes just back off and put your mind to something else. And remember the first vision when I would just lay in bed for nothing, that vision of the grey & the way it looked at me, it had its head tilted as if I were some gullible prey, it was probably feeding off my energy at the time. That vision may have been a blessing on my part as I've now know the dangers at hand.

The good part though is that from time to time I get a nice feeling from her once in awhile and then fantasizing about her feels wonderful in the end. But this obviously means that she cannot be with me all the time but she still cares.

I'll conclude the enemy entity is the one that wants to get me to stagnate in an endless loop of lying in bed waiting for nothing, dwelling on nothing and getting no where. While the real succubus may present herself as part of the fruits of spiritual accomplishments I guess. One day I may write a book about this but I really want to end it on good terms in some way to help others and I don't think it'll be the last time I see her.

Also I don't fancy having a gentile wife as there are a lot of factors against it. Spirituality is my passion but I just haven't been able to pursue it properly and a succubus compliments this greatly. I will devote more of my time to advancing spiritually from now on and working on my relationships with the goetic gods.
I did find this thread (sorry for "necroposting it" as they call it) very useful.

I've been extremely interested in Succubi since the first time I read about them but the information available (probably just for someone who isn't that advanced yet, at least) isn't too detailed, and because of this reason many fools decide to exploit the lack of knowledge among people who want to know more by writing books and starting up websites with expensive memberships and so on, using ignorance against more ignorance. It's just confusing in the end, these people should be banned from posting 'information', they have no idea what they are talking about.
There's this dude who even wrote a book on how to summon Succubi and he never mentions Satan, Demons, spiritual advancement or anything that aids the entire thing, so in this end he just instructs idiots on how to open themselves to the enemy entities and gives an excellent tutorial on how to become a total victim.

Regarding your experience from what I've been reading in your (super long lol) original post (as I didn't realize you were the one who started this thread when I came to check the reply):

In my humble opinion, I think there's two main types of spiritual people..

1) the ones who discover they can see a subtler, different, beautiful and scary world since they are children (and are probably often scolded for this 'drifting off' in their world by adults that won't understand spirituality if you hit them in the face with it), who grow up feeling very different because of what they see/hear/experience/etc that others cannot, and who later on (when they do enough research and eventually end up on the path of magic and then spirituality, and hopefully Spiritual Satanism) realize they are just a lot more astrally open then others and this is what allows them to witness a world most of humanity (always in my opinion at least) seems completely oblivious to...


2) the ones who find it normal to do and learn things that takes more time to others, those who discover in themselves some sort of ability (healing, mostly, but it could be more advanced things like telekinesis, even if they don't control it well and it just seems to have a mind of its own, like when they get scared or angry or focus too long on something), and who definitely have an interest in magic/psychic abilities/"the occult" because of this and that, again, hopefully end up on the JoyofSatan website..... (this is how "I" ended up on the JoS, looking information on real Telekinesis as I had found an infinite streak of bullshit and videogames related crap while I wanted the real knowledge. Ended up reading the first TK page, then when I hit the homepage I just KNEW I was in the only place of all the internet that I was supposed to be).

I'm saying this because, reading your post, I feel that you are definitely a type 1 person, being naturally able to perceive more with definitely LESS effort, and being (as a noticeable consequence, perhaps) more aware of when you get astrally attacked by entities, feeling the fear, the paralysis and so on.
The ENORMOUS advantage you have, however (always in my opinion at least mate), is that you seem to have an effective 'shortcut' to meeting and interacting with our Gods, with obviously Father Satan, and with Succubi as well, while others (like me lol) have to work a lot more on opening up astral senses to get the first glimpses. You can just bypass that, relax and be open, and something you'll see. That something may be an entity trying to screw you by posing as a Succubus or a Demon you trust, so (as I'm sure others have already told you at some point) always make sure you ask the entity that comes to you if they are of Satan.
That alone should be a deterrent for unwanted entities, they'll either confirm or not answer/lie and you'll know.. but even so, you should take advantage of your talent at feeling energy and learn how to tell the difference yourself (like you said, not focusing on the Succubi appearance but the way She FEELS, her vibe) and use this revealing method every time.

That said, I wish you the best of luck. I would be appalled if someone like you would not establish a good, strong relationship with our Gods and Father Satan. I think you have an extreme potential, you just have to believe in yourself more and (if you haven't already) take up an unditchable daily meditation routine to tune your senses and empower yourself.

Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
I did find this thread (sorry for "necroposting it" as they call it) very useful.

I've been extremely interested in Succubi since the first time I read about them but the information available (probably just for someone who isn't that advanced yet, at least) isn't too detailed, and because of this reason many fools decide to exploit the lack of knowledge among people who want to know more by writing books and starting up websites with expensive memberships and so on, using ignorance against more ignorance. It's just confusing in the end, these people should be banned from posting 'information', they have no idea what they are talking about.
There's this dude who even wrote a book on how to summon Succubi and he never mentions Satan, Demons, spiritual advancement or anything that aids the entire thing, so in this end he just instructs idiots on how to open themselves to the enemy entities and gives an excellent tutorial on how to become a total victim.

Regarding your experience from what I've been reading in your (super long lol) original post (as I didn't realize you were the one who started this thread when I came to check the reply):

In my humble opinion, I think there's two main types of spiritual people..

1) the ones who discover they can see a subtler, different, beautiful and scary world since they are children (and are probably often scolded for this 'drifting off' in their world by adults that won't understand spirituality if you hit them in the face with it), who grow up feeling very different because of what they see/hear/experience/etc that others cannot, and who later on (when they do enough research and eventually end up on the path of magic and then spirituality, and hopefully Spiritual Satanism) realize they are just a lot more astrally open then others and this is what allows them to witness a world most of humanity (always in my opinion at least) seems completely oblivious to...


2) the ones who find it normal to do and learn things that takes more time to others, those who discover in themselves some sort of ability (healing, mostly, but it could be more advanced things like telekinesis, even if they don't control it well and it just seems to have a mind of its own, like when they get scared or angry or focus too long on something), and who definitely have an interest in magic/psychic abilities/"the occult" because of this and that, again, hopefully end up on the JoyofSatan website..... (this is how "I" ended up on the JoS, looking information on real Telekinesis as I had found an infinite streak of bullshit and videogames related crap while I wanted the real knowledge. Ended up reading the first TK page, then when I hit the homepage I just KNEW I was in the only place of all the internet that I was supposed to be).

I'm saying this because, reading your post, I feel that you are definitely a type 1 person, being naturally able to perceive more with definitely LESS effort, and being (as a noticeable consequence, perhaps) more aware of when you get astrally attacked by entities, feeling the fear, the paralysis and so on.
The ENORMOUS advantage you have, however (always in my opinion at least mate), is that you seem to have an effective 'shortcut' to meeting and interacting with our Gods, with obviously Father Satan, and with Succubi as well, while others (like me lol) have to work a lot more on opening up astral senses to get the first glimpses. You can just bypass that, relax and be open, and something you'll see. That something may be an entity trying to screw you by posing as a Succubus or a Demon you trust, so (as I'm sure others have already told you at some point) always make sure you ask the entity that comes to you if they are of Satan.
That alone should be a deterrent for unwanted entities, they'll either confirm or not answer/lie and you'll know.. but even so, you should take advantage of your talent at feeling energy and learn how to tell the difference yourself (like you said, not focusing on the Succubi appearance but the way She FEELS, her vibe) and use this revealing method every time.

That said, I wish you the best of luck. I would be appalled if someone like you would not establish a good, strong relationship with our Gods and Father Satan. I think you have an extreme potential, you just have to believe in yourself more and (if you haven't already) take up an unditchable daily meditation routine to tune your senses and empower yourself.


Thanks for your encouragement and feedback I appreciate it. I didn't expect too many to read it actually lol but feel free to add criticism, maybe the succubus is not what it seams? though I believe there is some truth out there to something. Inherent succubus are a whole different case but still why would a succubus want to have a relationship with someone despite knowing the troubles ahead? However I'm going to make damned sure I make things right before I'm done with this lifetime. There may be more inconsistencies. Just things to keep in mind.

I think we all have potential as well but must work towards it. Maybe it was easy to interact with the gods at first but the enemy seams to have made sure it isn't. There are definitely more individuals who are much more gifted than me but smart enough to not brag about it. But if I may, these visions aren't only exclusive to the succubus and that the enemy is very real, and we should be careful what we dwell upon. The jos is a much bigger threat than it looks like and we should be more appreciative of the information here. Let's not lose sight on what's at stake here.

If an hp could delete this thread in a few days I'd appreciate it thanks.
Specter said:
If an hp could delete this thread in a few days I'd appreciate it thanks.
You should ping Cobra or another HP here so he'll see your request.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shael said:
Specter said:
If an hp could delete this thread in a few days I'd appreciate it thanks.
You should ping Cobra or another HP here so he'll see your request.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Isn't HPHC the one who is letting the posts through? So he have to read them anyway, I think.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
