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Different Alien Species?

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
A tree is known by it's fruit.

In the web, you'll find a lot of info about "Aliens". Some websites go as far as to classify them, and there are many documents ufologists have found about many alien Races. Yes, there are many of these out there, others relevant, and others not relevant. But a lot of aliens exist.

With most, we have never interacted and probably never will. Not everyone is interested in the future of the Earth, and even fewer can do anything about it, since stronger factions such as those of the enemy and our Gods are already affecting the earth more than these beings can.

Another foolish presupposition, is that "aliens are friendly", and other stupid human low life projections people are doing to make aliens seem like cutesy and friendly. Do races that take strolls on the universe and are millions of years ahead in all ways, appear very "cutesy" to you? If their evolutionary struggle for survival is that far, and they are "Good", they probably care little about humans since they would have nothing in common.

Who is also to say that these "Aliens" are of our form, or that they can interact with us? Why do all these weird heptapod whatever aliens, have to supposedly copulate with "all important" anime waifu camgirls in their dreams and instruct them to do weed? Is it because they do this actually, or because stupid humans feel so entitled nowadays that they make these stories up?

Needless to say, this whole thing has become a fad, and if anything, pop culture and distraction of off actual events. Those who are really looking into these subjects, you better make research into actual US military intelligence documents, actual ufologists and so forth. Above all, observe people themselves.

In regards to the JoS, everything is proven by it's fruit in this world. What is the JoS teaching you? We definitely had a couple of plants and other idiots, but does the JoS preach you veganism, socialism, cuckoldry, death of your species, and all sorts of other disabling things to life and damning things? Clearly, not.

Meanwhile, many are given the benefit of the doubt and much lying goes on online about many so called "Aliens", whom are easily observable to be seen by the fruit that they create in their followers. Actually their followers are only a meme and in most cases, copies of one another without any individuality. You read one new ager and you have read them all.

Someone here was trying to shill about these worthless "Pleadians", which are nothing positive. I watch their dead husk followers, and the people whom they are in "Contact" with, and they reflect braindead new agers, weed users, and general trash of the earth, that is nothing but another rainbow colored collumn of the same jewish behemoth.

Every so often, a super kike makes a video in Youtube promoting these "cutesy pies" that love humanity so much. And help us ascend while essentially doing nothing and teaching humanity nothing at all. In regards to stories about how your average skank copulated with a Pleiadian in a spaceship, I don't know.

No different than greys, they waste everyone's time with misdirection and vague bullshit, all day long. "Youll ascend in 2012 yung children, just sit there with your goyim hands tied while we do this for you". "You're all equal goyim". "Do not discriminate cattle of the earth and just wait for x year to be saved ok goyim?". "Spirituality is this, just chant IAMCUCK x1000 times and you will feel the power of cuck flow through you".

Exaggerations aside the above looks like a lot of the new age meditations that are given by "Pleiadians".

They act in total unison morally and in all ways with the jews and all the worthless enemy aliens, preaching the same agenda, and promoting the same core values of decay. Their followers are a clear story on their own. They promote "multiculturalism", "pacifism", "nonintervention", and all the general package the enemy has been preaching for centuries.

In regards to what they have been doing: wars, destroying spiritual knowledge, pushing humans to nuclear disasters, turning humans into dead husks, turning humans delusional and causing all sorts of global tragedy. They do such non intervention type of things such as creating Islam and other "religions" which coincidentally, destroyed all of spiritual knowledge on earth. Then they sit there and shrug that they have no idea how that even happened.

Since they don't like to intervene as claimed, why they have so many autobots online where they all preach the same "Rainbow and light" bullshit? And is it a coincidence the whole "meatless, vegan, christian, pacifist, socialist, drug user" package is present in them also like coincidentally with everyone else?

These aliens have also have understood that human spiritual knowledge is advancing. And what are they doing for this? Create deception after deception.

Your argument in the New Age about them is this: but "What are their intentions and if they are good" and boils down to...They can shove their "intentions" up their ass.

Nobody has to care about them if they are "neutral". Which they are not of course, this is only the front. So neutral they have to harass so many endless people psychically to promote them like autobots on every online website?

So neutral they enforce the mass forced pacifism on mankind, making humans into bots? So neutral and sadistic they almost enjoy looking at the show in the 70s and 60s where humanity almost went extinct because of escalating tensions which could lead to Nuclear Warfare? Why do they always push these extremes? From ultimate pacifism to ultimate species extinction warfare?

They are not neutral, they are harassing humans, both with physical agents and on their own. Neutrality is a mask they wear.

All these claims are to be taken with a grain of salt. Remember: you will know them by their fruit.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Satanic_truth88 said:
Will we eventually become a space faring species?

I believe so, yes we will. We are getting there. It also appears the enemy is past being able to stop this anymore.
HP Cobra, i would imagine you deem it irrelevant, but i figured it wont hurt to ask. can we have some more info on what/who these alien species are all about? the other planets under khosher control? are they also with the gods? what do they look like ect.
Taurus said:
HP Cobra, i would imagine you deem it irrelevant, but i figured it wont hurt to ask. can we have some more info on what/who these alien species are all about? the other planets under khosher control? are they also with the gods? what do they look like ect.
Some are with the enemy, some aren't.
Regarding Mars, I believe it was HPS Maxine that stated Mars is the result of atomic weapons, and that there are (White, if I remember well?) people trapped inside it. Some notorious remote viewer has said he has seen the same.
I think it was also stated that the Moon is artificial, and there may be greys on it(?). These are my vague memories, you can do some follow up research by searching HPS Maxine's posts.
While there may be "pleiadians", there "are" also many other species of alien. I found this wiki. It says,

Alien Species Wiki is a website containing information on any alien creature ever imagined by mankind. From furballs to behemoths, from little green men to shades of blue, from mindless parasites to intergalactic empires. The wiki format allows anyone to freely add or edit content!

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Remember: you will know them by their fruit.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Fucking coincidence. I saw that phrase used recently, from an old post/comment regarding the jew on a different site.

Satanic_truth88 said:
Will we eventually become a space faring species?
Undoubtedly. Consider jew Star Trek and its christian/communist one-government World, which is a prerequisite for joining an interstellar community federation. Realistically, we'd be National Socialist countries/states and Spiritual Satanist individuals/Human species. The ISS will be replaced, I bet, and maybe (I would like) kept as a space museum - at least until we invent and design and create holodecks where we can have an ISS programme programmed into it (or just use Spiritual Astral Realm things as an equivalent), so the real ISS can be stripped and used for parts. We'd then be able to move on to Moon, Mars and More, properly. This is just my speculation and I suppose fantasy, but it appears realistic.
I suspect any race of beings who has evolved to become an interstellar space faring species, has overcome so many damning and destructive events and likely experienced multiple events which could have ended their race throughout the history of their evolution, they really couldn't care less about any other struggling species or races they have nothing to do with. Why would they?

There is no benefit in it for any of them to care about our Earth or be involved with us humans. If they are interested in an alliance with Satan, they would of course go to him, not some random humans here. I suspect our Earth is only one of many struggling worlds that our Gods are working to set free from the enemy, so it's likely that we might not even get to interact with any allies Satan and our Gods have if these are doing things elsewhere, or to prevent confusion since even now most of us here encounter many difficulties when trying to communicate with Satan and our Gods. If we would be contacted by different entities supposedly all on the same side, it would become even harder to distinguish between friend and foe and make communication practically impossible.

The galaxy is a huge place, with hundreds of millions of star systems, likely there are tens of thousands of inhabited worlds, likely belonging to hundreds of factions and races of varying scope. The exact scale of this we can only speculate, since we really know nothing and it also isn't of any concern to us. Trying too hard to figure out how the galaxy looks and what races exist there will only result in confusion, what matters to us on Earth now is our relationship with our Gods, the only alien race who has a good reason to actually care about us and who is helping us to advance as a race, and to do what we can to fight against the enemies who seek to ruin our world, which at this time is through spiritual means as instructed by our Gods.

Anything beyond that should be of no concern. Most beings you find or can interact with are dogshit and useless things no different from the greys anyway, like HP HoodedCobra explained, they seek only to confuse, do harm or generally don't ever give anything of value to any person who gets in contact with them. Why that is, again, we can only speculate. Perhaps they are in cahoots with the enemy, perhaps they just like messing around with beings they consider lesser than themselves, or other vain reasons. Most of them aren't anywhere near as Advanced as our Gods either, so they don't have anything to give us anyway even if they actually cared and visited us out of the "kindness in their hearts".

All we can know for sure is that the only beings known to give anything of value and to give assistance to us are our Gods, who luckily for us appear to make up a powerful faction in our Galaxy, possibly one of the most powerful out there in the Galaxy, which means as Dedicated SS you aren't likely to come across any third party entities trying to mess with you.

Any third party being parading around the Earth, contacting humans, is clearly not neutral, or isn't doing so out of their kindness and concern for us humans here. Neutral beings wouldn't get into contact with us at all, they would ignore us and never show up in any form whatsoever here, as the last thing a neutral race or entity would want to do is get involved in a territory where two powerful factions are engaged in conflict. Either they have their own interests and reasons for getting involved and are therefore definitely not our allies, or they are straight up in cahoots with the enemy and being used by them to do the dirty work.

If something that clearly isn't one of our Gods tries to contact any humans here, most likely it is for some nefarious purpose, or at least their intentions aren't of benefit to our Earth. For one, these beings would be violating Satan's sovereignty, since this Earth's solar system is part of the Nordics territory originally, and clearly Satan intents to keep it that way, so whatever third party entity that comes here is most likely just some leech trying to benefit in some way from the chaos here caused by the reptilians (for a lack of a better term to refer to Satan's enemies).

I can't say I'm not curious to know more about what beings live out there, and what they are like, but aside from curiosity, there is no reason I'd be interested, because what can one even do what that sort of information? How does it benefit anyone personally or in other ways? So what if I know which race lives on the planet 10.000 light years away in the distance, that I'm likely to never need to care about, even when I become a God. It's basically useless information to us.

General rule of thumb I'd follow is, if you ever encounter something that doesn't seem like our Gods, avoid it if you can, or just call upon Satan for help if it feels threatening. This sort of thing is generally beyond us and you really shouldn't bother with any entity aside our Gods, as you never know what to expect and it is dangerous to interact with any random thing out there.

Some beings out there are undoubtedly vastly more powerful than us. Just like Satan and the Gods. They aren't the only truly powerful beings out there. It's unlikely you'd ever come across a being unaffiliated with Satan at the same realm of power as our Gods anyway, even among the enemy (They don't have many, or any as far as we can tell), but best not go seeking out random things, because certainly they do exist and truthfully I think most of us don't know what they could be capable of. If something is that powerful, it's likely existed for tens of thousands of years at the minimum, and if its a vastly different alien being, there is no telling what it might think of you or how it might react to you. They likely evolved in entirely different ways and might have reasoning so alien we could never comprehend each other or interact in any comprehensible way. Don't go sneaking in the dragons lair so to speak.

I know if I was a being as powerful as our Gods, let alone even more powerful, the last thing I'd want is for random beings groping around blindly on the astral to come upon me and bother me because they think it's cool or whatever. It would annoy me a great deal. Perhaps it's similar to a fly buzzing around, even if you have a lot of patience, clearly you'd not tolerate this fly forever, and some beings might not even have any concept of tolerance.

In short, just don't be stupid and go around looking for random aliens or entities, there's no benefit in it and there's no telling how dangerous it can be. Trust in the Gods and interact with them to learn and advance. Don't eat fruit hanging from some random tree you've never seen before and know nothing about.

Hail Satan!
Before i dedicated it felt like from time to time i was being talked to. I had concepts in my mind telling me things like "this planet is akin to a galactic africa. it is kept undeveloped and poor on purpose to avoid competition" and "if people on this planet all worked to be the best versions of themselves in all aspects the world would be a much better place" I was often thinking about these things and how i was realizing how much i agreed with eugenics, and was generally disgusted with just the general state of everything and how people live and carry themselves.

I really think once the enemy is gone, all that was being held back for centuries in terms of spiritual, technological and overall development, will be made up for very rapidly by 10 fold. And will make this planet unrecognizable, for the better, compared to what it is and where it is now.
Alien species, ET, life on different planets, is one of my fav subjects. I remember when I was a kid I adored exploring this stuff. I came across this article ones, in that there is alien entities on our planet beside the reptilian shit. Some of these are very curious and explores the way we live. I also remember when I conversed with a friend of mine, we both bumped into this article where it explained our galaxy had some sort of an intergalactic movement that is struggling by similar issues as we are, in that their planets were occupied by unwanted entities and that they wanted to help us as well. They were not our Gods per say, but if it has any truth to it, my guess they are some sort of allies.

There are so many worlds out there, I don't think we will get to know a quarter of them considering the universe is infinite. I just hope I can learn more about the planet and way of life on Du'at. It is also very interesting there seemingly are people in bunkers on Mars, who took refuge.
VoiceofEnki said:
I suspect any race of beings who has evolved to become an interstellar space faring species, has overcome so many damning and destructive events and likely experienced multiple events which could have ended their race throughout the history of their evolution, they really couldn't care less about any other struggling species or races they have nothing to do with. Why would they?
The jew's and reptillians' attempts at damning us is just making us stronger! The jew and its reptillian overlords are not supposed to be helping us, be it advertently or inadvertently, but it has no choice! I know the jew is very clever, but it is also seriously fucking retarded.
Darkpagan666 said:
Alien species, ET, life on different planets, is one of my fav subjects. I remember when I was a kid I adored exploring this stuff. I came across this article ones, in that there is alien entities on our planet beside the reptilian shit. Some of these are very curious and explores the way we live. I also remember when I conversed with a friend of mine, we both bumped into this article where it explained our galaxy had some sort of an intergalactic movement that is struggling by similar issues as we are, in that their planets were occupied by unwanted entities and that they wanted to help us as well. They were not our Gods per say, but if it has any truth to it, my guess they are some sort of allies.

There are so many worlds out there, I don't think we will get to know a quarter of them considering the universe is infinite. I just hope I can learn more about the planet and way of life on Du'at. It is also very interesting there seemingly are people in bunkers on Mars, who took refuge.

The only allies we have are our gods and our people.

Hate to break it to you, but to 98% of life in this universe is straight trash.
The person in question who made the thread is member(troll/one-timer): @Lucy and the person HP.Cobra is replying to is member: @Whitecloud potentially troll and or deluded new-ager person.

I've said this before in said thread on Pleadians. IF they aren't helping and are literally telling us to disarm our weapons. Then fuck them.

I hate to state this but HP.Cobra made a good comment on this but even our Gods are gonna have a headache with us when it comes to them showing up. Imagine THEM our progenitors having to communicate delicately with us. Many in the occult know they mean well. But for most NPCs aliens = WTF moment.

These aliens are nothing but (((goyshkophers)))(Derogatory name for Gentile Goy, Shit headings). In other words they state a few pretty words, they state peace and love like some hippy at Woodstock, they say and say, and say and say the same shit like a broken record. I wonder if these entities are greys and or reptilians and or some borg from another section of outer space. For all intents and purposes these could be the very same borgs from the Draconians. Or some other just as if not outright more evil race out there.

Or like HP.Cobra said last year. Some civilizations out there = asshole civilizations. Too strong to be toppled but they fuck around and ruin lesser civilizations.

Some of these people have childish attitudes towards the aliens IF aliums = good = then good. No fucktards discrimination is the best policy. If our bodies didn't discriminate we die in 10 seconds due to a virus.

In my personal opinion OUR Gods or bust. Anyone else fuck them and tell them to bugger off until our civilization is well ready and prepared.

For all intents and purposes this could be a situation like Harry Tartakovsky's books about alien invasion in 1942 WW2. Eventually we reach that alien civilization with a capital vessel and freak them right the fuck out. Who knows if one day we have to engage in spiritual, mental, and physical warfare with some of these asshole civilizations. Just like we have to fight and pop the greys and reptards in our backyard and neighborhood. It's possible those civilizations need a lesson on not fucking with us.

So again discrimination is the best approach. To be honest I feel terrible opening myself up spiritually to communicate with even our own Gods. If there is no clear physical presence it seems like this is the wrong attitude and many will criticize that is fine I'm fine with the negative remarks. But some people say or do something or act or just think things that it kinda reminds me of that person who speaks to her lamp cause she states jebus lives in it or communicates through it. Or HP.Cobra's reply to a person who said a person spoke to Asmodeus and she asked about coffee or insignificant things.

I think humanity really needs to the Gods it's getting critical too much fuckery is going on.

In my personal opinion like it's been said many will join but for many it'll be too late. It's good they finally listened but apparently for some it's just nearing the end for them.
StraitShot47 said:
Darkpagan666 said:
Alien species, ET, life on different planets, is one of my fav subjects. I remember when I was a kid I adored exploring this stuff. I came across this article ones, in that there is alien entities on our planet beside the reptilian shit. Some of these are very curious and explores the way we live. I also remember when I conversed with a friend of mine, we both bumped into this article where it explained our galaxy had some sort of an intergalactic movement that is struggling by similar issues as we are, in that their planets were occupied by unwanted entities and that they wanted to help us as well. They were not our Gods per say, but if it has any truth to it, my guess they are some sort of allies.

There are so many worlds out there, I don't think we will get to know a quarter of them considering the universe is infinite. I just hope I can learn more about the planet and way of life on Du'at. It is also very interesting there seemingly are people in bunkers on Mars, who took refuge.

The only allies we have are our gods and our people.

Hate to break it to you, but to 98% of life in this universe is straight trash.

And 98% of humans too right now are the same and are throwing away their chance at life. We really should be happy and feel blessed to be human and a part of this earth for exactly the reason you said. Someday it will be 98% of humans are wonderful thats what we fight for. We must conquer earth before we go on to conquer other places.
StraitShot47 said:
Darkpagan666 said:
Alien species, ET, life on different planets, is one of my fav subjects. I remember when I was a kid I adored exploring this stuff. I came across this article ones, in that there is alien entities on our planet beside the reptilian shit. Some of these are very curious and explores the way we live. I also remember when I conversed with a friend of mine, we both bumped into this article where it explained our galaxy had some sort of an intergalactic movement that is struggling by similar issues as we are, in that their planets were occupied by unwanted entities and that they wanted to help us as well. They were not our Gods per say, but if it has any truth to it, my guess they are some sort of allies.

There are so many worlds out there, I don't think we will get to know a quarter of them considering the universe is infinite. I just hope I can learn more about the planet and way of life on Du'at. It is also very interesting there seemingly are people in bunkers on Mars, who took refuge.

The only allies we have are our gods and our people.

Hate to break it to you, but to 98% of life in this universe is straight trash.

Interesting. Didn't know you are an expert on this field. However, I never said this was clean facts as mentioned, and this info I found as a kid, not info I've found recently. And how do you know for sure there is none other species or other Gods besides our own, who doesn't help in the sense of allies? Do you know any sermon from the Clergy or other high range members here to back that up? I remember quite well the Gods have hybrids from different species who they are allies with and interact with. Even some of our Gods are hybrids. But, maybe this a very selective few of them. I am not on a level to comprehend the understanding of this biological outcome since they being Gods (race/species mixing). I know for sure I don't know everything about other species or don't know any of the 98% shit species you are talking about, because I've never met them, have you? I do know for sure the enemy and their ilk, because them, I have interacted with quite unpleasantly. I also "know" my guardian and other Daemons, as I've interacted with them spiritually.

Just to get it all out there, I never said the other 98% percent species are wonderful, I only said there are many worlds that will be unknown. I just find it interesting because I want to learn about them, doesn't mean I support any of them. Thank you for your input though.
I've heard personally that reptilians in particular are never EVER to be trusted and that they feed on beings that are capable of feeling emotion, and apparently there is some sort of emotional residue that builds up over the years in tissue that they can feed off or even extract it by liquifying the body and concentrating it into the equivalent of space cocaine or something.

That's also why gurus in the past said to either grow and raise your own food so you know that it's not suffering unlike other animals raised by the hundreds of thousands in crammed and shit conditions or source your food as far away from civilization as possible( best option is sea life )

That's why reptilian get along well with grays since they can't really feed on them..
Once my psychic senses really opened up I tried to communicate with a few species "out there". However i didn't make the mistake of not going through the gods first, and i was given the go ahead with some supervision.

Fortunately any experiences I had were all positive, and there were a few interesting species that I reached out and spoke to, these weren't the "neutrals" or any sort of species aligned with the enemy, they were in favor of humanity spiritually advancing, and every time I got done and met one, I made sure to ask my guardian how i should approach this, or to not continue communication, to which there were no issues.
I've only came in contact with very few, but the experiences were all positive.

They were very unique looking, I know Maxine mentioned a pale, nordic similar race that was allied to the gods, but these were definitely a whole different species, their appearance, planets, technology, everything, they showed me some material objects, and technology related things that were so out there it hard for me to comprehend.

Curiosity got the best of me in this, but I truthfully strongly recommend most SS to not do what I did, as our guardians, teachers, are the gods.

I figured I should share this on this thread because it's very much relevant and I would like to get HP Hooded Cobras input.
Pleiadians are reptiles, and the reptiles of the pleiad system want nothing to do with this planet or these reptiles…

For the time being…

Do you really think Repteis don't know where they came from? Or the Primordias don't know who brought them here from Universe number …?!

If even powerful psychics are deceived, imagine you?! But I tire, good luck in sinking with their illusions of this world and others…

Ey HP HC can write what I know too or it would be blocked? I don't think you want to...

Don't people realize that the Universe is much older than false science says, including the actual shape of galaxies? Bye
slyscorpion said:
StraitShot47 said:
Darkpagan666 said:
Alien species, ET, life on different planets, is one of my fav subjects. I remember when I was a kid I adored exploring this stuff. I came across this article ones, in that there is alien entities on our planet beside the reptilian shit. Some of these are very curious and explores the way we live. I also remember when I conversed with a friend of mine, we both bumped into this article where it explained our galaxy had some sort of an intergalactic movement that is struggling by similar issues as we are, in that their planets were occupied by unwanted entities and that they wanted to help us as well. They were not our Gods per say, but if it has any truth to it, my guess they are some sort of allies.

There are so many worlds out there, I don't think we will get to know a quarter of them considering the universe is infinite. I just hope I can learn more about the planet and way of life on Du'at. It is also very interesting there seemingly are people in bunkers on Mars, who took refuge.

The only allies we have are our gods and our people.

Hate to break it to you, but to 98% of life in this universe is straight trash.
We must conquer earth before we go on to conquer other places.
Take back what rightfully is ours* - and possibly, help free other places and areas.
inimigo99 said:
Even after Jews and Judaism were removed from this planet, there will still be different nations, different gentiles races on this planet. I wonder what the future of humanity will be after Satanic National Socialist victory over the Jews ... I may be mistaken, but I think that planetary "unity" and planetary homogeneity is a prerequisite before we become a "galactic civilization" / "inter-planetary civilization".

I wonder if, at some point after the Jews were removed, the Gentile races and countries will fight for the hegemony of planet earth ... A planetary civilization with fractional leadership between tribes/factions/countries does not have the same strength as a civilization planetary with a central power (I mean that if the earth has only "one country" and a single leadership it is a more powerful planetary civilization than a planetary civilization with "internal divisions"). There will be a single sovereign nation on earth or there will eventually be conflicts between the different sovereign nations.

If the nations of the future are organized into ethno-states, there is likely to be racial conflict over the planet's hegemony. I think "cooperation" is unlikely, especially among human races with great phenotype contrasts or cultural contrasts.

From a personal perspective and as for isolated cases it is totally possible to have cooperation and sympathy (even love and true friendship) between the different races, but from a political and social perspective I think it is not possible.

This is a very interesting debate as I had my fair share of self-communication and thinking on said subject.

The main problem with this in the beginning is that many people will think the Gods and humans commanding the Earth are moving towards globalization and or internalization. In essence these things means bad because under current kosher supervision said G and I are being used as a weapon to somehow dominate the masses and move them like a hamster wheel towards some "doom and gloom" scenario. In essence even if the jews are unsuccessful in their mission to do their aliens bidding. They can create enough fuck ups to entangle the Gods in such non-sense.

For example I've read certain stuff to some people just a handful nothing serious and even cited sources and books. And yet one of the most common and I've read about this in other people particularly some comments in www.abovetopsecret.com, stating there is no archeological evidence suggesting Satanism nor Paganism in said Satanism to be a factor in our religion. In other words some of these people believe JoS or Satanism to be fake and modern creations maybe even so far as believing we are "Reverse Xtians". In essence the main point is where is the evidence we existed.

We have books and sources and even xtian sources that state otherwise from their religion but stuff found in the ground.

As for returning back on topic to this global community. It's gonna be a real eye opener hearing the Gods talk about THEIR planets. For example how are things done on their end without delving into said judiac manners.

Also technology for example we got cross-communication among operating systems and software think like smartphone iPhone/Android/Others or Mac to Windows and vice versa. Or Linux and Linuxes along with Windows and Mac.

Well the funny thing is if humanity is a mess when it comes to technology. Then technically speaking wouldn't the ultimate be everyone has equal technology?

In other words you can have a machine materialize a custom smartphone size, shape, look, perhaps even have the machine scan your soul and see into the future. Oh fellow Human says the RAI(Restricted Artificial Intelligence) you need an entertainment phone since your gonna be entertaining yourself for several centuries. Or another one "Oh you need a iPhone mini-like phone with touch ID and the white bar above smaller screen as you have sharp vision and plan on texting and driving a lot.

Pardon the silly examples I'm trying to express myself in the sense that humanity needs some sort of unity when it comes to technology.

Again I'm probably rambling and being incoherent but I believe a lot of these social-economic-political reasoning the jews perform were at some point a Satanic thing and only through the Gods.

I'm not sure how internationalism or globalism or whatever colloquial terms used for all intents and purposes maybe the Gods have different names for said manner. But I believe only the through the Gods we should be in said manner.

In the end these debates are interesting but ultimately they lack a lot of substance. I'm not stating it's pointless people want and need answers and HP.Cobra/Others deliver stuff. But in my personal opinion it seems like we keep talking from OTHERS talking point.

Sure UFOlogist state something but is it real or was it invented what criteria do they have in said understanding. I'm not trying to put people down just sometimes things are said that begs the question if it's not human imagination and not factual evidence. Not to deny the facts just not everything that exists is based on facts but opinions or self-understanding.

All I know is I don't care how friendly, neutral, or enemy the aliens are out there. Unless it's our side, our Gods, and our progenitors whom need to solve said kosher supervision and said World. The World is ablaze with fuckery and there needs to be a fix before humans can and should ever go outside the Earth.
inimigo99 said:
I have also heard once that there are civilizations with sufficient technology to move or adjust the position and movement of a planet and thereby capable of making planets uninhabitable into habitable planets ...
It sounds like you might also mean terraforming. I also considered that it would be possible to 'put rocket boosters on Earth' (lol) and re-align her on her axis properly.

Many ufologists say that evolved species and civilizations are interested in helping humans and the Earth to develop
That sounds like 1) wishful thinking and fantasy, and 2) [citation needed] for them.

I saw some ufologists talking as if all extra-terrestrial life was benevolent and altruistic towards our species and our planet.
Now it sounds like jewsus! Such a fantasy. If a crocodile or alligator likes to eat an antelope, do you think an equivalent of such out in space would be much nicer and kinder to us? With the jew working to try and create sustenance for its reptillian overlords, even jew Star Trek showed that type of thing in a double-episode.

I think it makes more sense to believe that the universe is a "jungle" of galactic proportions ... probably only our creator Satan and a few other extraterrestrial entities would have altruism with Gentile humans.
Along the lines of Satan saying that the point of existence is to better Yourself and the Universe, and along the lines of Hitler saying about the Eternal Struggle, to me it seems to add-up to that goodness, benevolence, harmony, etc., will continue up and up, on solar scales and galactic scales and further than that, but it won't be easy and it will take forever to turn the infinite Universe into positivity.

Even after Jews and Judaism were removed from this planet, there will still be different nations, different gentiles races on this planet. I wonder what the future of humanity will be after Satanic National Socialist victory over the Jews ... I may be mistaken, but I think that planetary "unity" and planetary homogeneity is a prerequisite before we become a "galactic civilization" / "inter-planetary civilization".
We'd be unified but separate. National Socialism means the state/country would be its own. We would still be the Human Species with Human Races on Earth, and Lord Führer Adolf Hitler will be here for a time to get rid of xianity and islam, and of course other jewish shit, until we can stand on our own two feet. Satan and the Gods and Goddesses must have been here for many millennia, until about 10 millennia ago; change and improvement takes time. First from bringing us up from apes or near-apes, and then from that enhancing us and teaching us, etc., patiently and tirelessly.

I wonder if, at some point after the Jews were removed, the Gentile races and countries will fight for the hegemony of planet earth ... A planetary civilization with fractional leadership between tribes/factions/countries does not have the same strength as a civilization planetary with a central power (I mean that if the earth has only "one country" and a single leadership it is a more powerful planetary civilization than a planetary civilization with "internal divisions"). There will be a single sovereign nation on earth or there will eventually be conflicts between the different sovereign nations.
In the interim, things would be quite a struggle for individuality and personal power and authourity, but eventually each state/country would be self-governing. There'd be no such thing as the European jewnion, and I am guessing the United States of America would be dissolved and that the individual states would return to their own leadership - they're large enough as to be countries of their own. What you propose here sounds more like the jew Star Trek communist federation, where a Planet must have 1 government which rules the entire Planet - i.e. jew World order.

If one thinks about it, they might realise that there seem to be similarities between the communist wet dream of jWo and a unified (for lack of a better word) National Socialist World ("World" includes Moons, Asteroids, artificial space habitats, etc., if possible, as opposed to just Planets). One difference is that the commjewnist "world" is 1 jew government enslaving the native Species and forced-faithing in jewsus to continue to feed the jew's reptillian overlords Human Souls as sustenance; whereas in Nazism, each country governs itself, and there will be actual fair trade, with necessities being free and desired goods being bartered/haggled for (so I was told years ago on the other forum). Furthermore, NS (political) = SS (spiritual); Spiritual Satanism is for the individual, and with harmonious workings and meditations to improve ourselves, we can align with Nature and unity, unifying with the rest of Earth while neither us nor them interfering in each others' things.

If the nations of the future are organized into ethno-states, there is likely to be racial conflict over the planet's hegemony. I think "cooperation" is unlikely, especially among human races with great phenotype contrasts or cultural contrasts.
Things are moving towards Nature - that being National Socialism and Spiritual Satanism, for Humankind and Earth. This cannot be stopped; it is impossible to stop this. If this change happened in one night and it was thrust upon people, that would cause significant and bigger problems and troubles; change takes time, and we need time to adapt. That's also why we should not rush with meditations; we should go steadily and push ourselves only as much as is safe, e.g. to 110% or 115%. Lord Amdusias told the Joy of Satan in 2003 that the jew will be exposed more and more the closer we get to the climax of our Cause; the World is waking up from its jew-enforced anaesthesia, and Humans will realise and recognise and learn and understand things more and more. There may still be some zidiots who want to remain stupid, but they will be educated or segregated or similar. Along this line, the Races will be separated.

From a personal perspective and as for isolated cases it is totally possible to have cooperation and sympathy (even love and true friendship) between the different races, but from a political and social perspective I think it is not possible.
I think for the first while, the Races will be separated back into their own continents/countries/states. Once we have grown up and matured, I think it would be that people might live in other countries/states, but of course miscegenation will not only be illegal and carry sever penalties (my guess would be shot by firing squad/injected with the lethal injection, to be reincarnated and taught properly, in extreme cases), it extremely-likely would simply not be done. While at the moment some might think it's OK to have mixed-Race Children, the mere workings and meditations alone clean-out all dirty energies and crap from us, helping us to think and see clearly - literally - so that we either wouldn't want to mix-Race, or maybe just not consider such things at all. In an example, which you don't have to answer, in yourself do you enjoy hurting and torturing Animals? Likewise, we wouldn't consider mixing Races as we mature.

I may be wrong, but it makes sense to me.
I genuinely wanted to know what Satan's vision or plan or guideline is for planet earth and for the Gentile's racial issues after the Jewish issue was removed ...
It has been said before that Satan's wish is for us to be individual, our own actual and true selves, true to ourself, free, empowered and advanced, healthy, strong... and that He also stands for justice. He said that He allows us to follow the dictates of our hearts, but if we oppose Him we would regret it sorely. With advancing and cleaning out our Souls, we align with Him automatically anyway. We can still have our own lives, as well, of course.

inimigo99 said:
Here are some illustrations of the most popular extraterrestrial species in ufology.


I heard once that there are more than 700 ethnicities of reptilians across our galaxy and I also heard that the blue species in the movie "Avatar" was inspired by a real alien species.

I shared a link above about different possible or imagines alien species. It is interesting, and maybe fascinating, to discover and imagine what might be, but it is a distraction really. I bet most, if not all, of us want to know who and what is out there, but until we find out, why waste time on it? Saying that - this in my reply here is just what I think. I am not claiming this to be definite, partly because the future is not definite.
Darkpagan666 said:
Interesting. Didn't know you are an expert on this field. However, I never said this was clean facts as mentioned, and this info I found as a kid, not info I've found recently. And how do you know for sure there is none other species or other Gods besides our own, who doesn't help in the sense of allies? Do you know any sermon from the Clergy or other high range members here to back that up? I remember quite well the Gods have hybrids from different species who they are allies with and interact with. Even some of our Gods are hybrids. But, maybe this a very selective few of them. I am not on a level to comprehend the understanding of this biological outcome since they being Gods (race/species mixing). I know for sure I don't know everything about other species or don't know any of the 98% shit species you are talking about, because I've never met them, have you? I do know for sure the enemy and their ilk, because them, I have interacted with quite unpleasantly. I also "know" my guardian and other Daemons, as I've interacted with them spiritually.

Just to get it all out there, I never said the other 98% percent species are wonderful, I only said there are many worlds that will be unknown. I just find it interesting because I want to learn about them, doesn't mean I support any of them. Thank you for your input though.

Mod Edit : if I submitted this twice, use this post.

I never said I was an expert, but anyone can take a stab about how universal evolution works. We have to understand that humanity was created, that some of our evolutionary steps were bypassed completely.

Sure there's life out in the universe, but is it interesting?

Let's assume you could travel to any star system or planet and witness the life there. Regardless of where this organism is in the universe it will need to feed, reproduce and secure it's environment/lineage. Any life in this universe must achieve those basic principles.

One could scour the universe for life, but practically all cases will end out the same. As in these traits; Hard will determination to live, sometimes violent and irresponsible mating, and extermination of your enemies. We can even see this in our own animal kingdom. These characteristics will be even worse of the organism is intellectual.

This is why I say 98% of life in the universe is trash. Not only would this alien life be ruthless they're more than likely genetically fucked. Most of it directly works for the enemy or is of the same mind set of the enemy. The enemy is just going full tilt with their evolutionary cycle. Where, we as humans, don't have that intrinsic evolutionary trait. At least not as bad because it was bred out of us.

That is my $.02, but hey you want to travel the stars and see "varying degrees" of "life" have at it. Most land based animals that reach a high level of sentience will need thumbs, legs and large brains. Most liquid intelligent based life will need tentacles, fins, massive eyes and an ability to work under massive pressure. Which means most liquid based life usually doesn't reach much intellect.
inimigo99 said:
According to current science, the galaxy we live in has about 100 ~ 400 billion solar systems. Assuming that at least 1 percent of Milky Way's solar systems have 1 habitable planet, it would imply almost 1 ~ 4 billion planets with the potential to harbor life ... but probably the correlation between the number of solar systems and habitable planets is much greater 1%.

I have also heard once that there are civilizations with sufficient technology to move or adjust the position and movement of a planet and thereby capable of making planets uninhabitable into habitable planets ...

Probably the diversity and amount of life in the universe is immense.

Many ufologists say that evolved species and civilizations are interested in helping humans and the Earth to develop ... I saw some ufologists talking as if all extra-terrestrial life was benevolent and altruistic towards our species and our planet. I think it makes more sense to believe that the universe is a "jungle" of galactic proportions ... probably only our creator Satan and a few other extraterrestrial entities would have altruism with Gentile humans.

slyscorpion said:
We must conquer earth before we go on to conquer other places.

Even after Jews and Judaism were removed from this planet, there will still be different nations, different gentiles races on this planet. I wonder what the future of humanity will be after Satanic National Socialist victory over the Jews ... I may be mistaken, but I think that planetary "unity" and planetary homogeneity is a prerequisite before we become a "galactic civilization" / "inter-planetary civilization".

I wonder if, at some point after the Jews were removed, the Gentile races and countries will fight for the hegemony of planet earth ... A planetary civilization with fractional leadership between tribes/factions/countries does not have the same strength as a civilization planetary with a central power (I mean that if the earth has only "one country" and a single leadership it is a more powerful planetary civilization than a planetary civilization with "internal divisions"). There will be a single sovereign nation on earth or there will eventually be conflicts between the different sovereign nations.

If the nations of the future are organized into ethno-states, there is likely to be racial conflict over the planet's hegemony. I think "cooperation" is unlikely, especially among human races with great phenotype contrasts or cultural contrasts.

From a personal perspective and as for isolated cases it is totally possible to have cooperation and sympathy (even love and true friendship) between the different races, but from a political and social perspective I think it is not possible.

I may be wrong, but it makes sense to me.
I genuinely wanted to know what Satan's vision or plan or guideline is for planet earth and for the Gentile's racial issues after the Jewish issue was removed ...

Here are some illustrations of the most popular extraterrestrial species in ufology.


I heard once that there are more than 700 ethnicities of reptilians across our galaxy and I also heard that the blue species in the movie "Avatar" was inspired by a real alien species.


There are no other alien races that wish to help us. Only our gods and our fellow humans are our allies.

"Altruism" is not a an emotion or thing. Every single being in this universe will always work for their own good.

Beauty is not in the eye of the beholder, beautiful is beautiful. Do you find beauty in a mountain or sunset? Yes of course you do, but you don't want to fuck it.

Those pictures of alien life are not beautiful they're disgusting. They're not even beautiful in an "awe-inspiring" way, let alone the fuckable sense.

And those aliens know they're not beautiful. They know evolution and their own instincts severely fucked them. Hence why they want to cozy up to humans or downright take them over. To try to gain what they never had or lost.

We are alone, but I'd rather be alone then whatever they are.
StraitShot47 said:
Darkpagan666 said:
Interesting. Didn't know you are an expert on this field. However, I never said this was clean facts as mentioned, and this info I found as a kid, not info I've found recently. And how do you know for sure there is none other species or other Gods besides our own, who doesn't help in the sense of allies? Do you know any sermon from the Clergy or other high range members here to back that up? I remember quite well the Gods have hybrids from different species who they are allies with and interact with. Even some of our Gods are hybrids. But, maybe this a very selective few of them. I am not on a level to comprehend the understanding of this biological outcome since they being Gods (race/species mixing). I know for sure I don't know everything about other species or don't know any of the 98% shit species you are talking about, because I've never met them, have you? I do know for sure the enemy and their ilk, because them, I have interacted with quite unpleasantly. I also "know" my guardian and other Daemons, as I've interacted with them spiritually.

Just to get it all out there, I never said the other 98% percent species are wonderful, I only said there are many worlds that will be unknown. I just find it interesting because I want to learn about them, doesn't mean I support any of them. Thank you for your input though.

Mod Edit : if I submitted this twice, use this post.

I never said I was an expert, but anyone can take a stab about how universal evolution works. We have to understand that humanity was created, that some of our evolutionary steps were bypassed completely.

Sure there's life out in the universe, but is it interesting?

Let's assume you could travel to any star system or planet and witness the life there. Regardless of where this organism is in the universe it will need to feed, reproduce and secure it's environment/lineage. Any life in this universe must achieve those basic principles.

One could scour the universe for life, but practically all cases will end out the same. As in these traits; Hard will determination to live, sometimes violent and irresponsible mating, and extermination of your enemies. We can even see this in our own animal kingdom. These characteristics will be even worse of the organism is intellectual.

This is why I say 98% of life in the universe is trash. Not only would this alien life be ruthless they're more than likely genetically fucked. Most of it directly works for the enemy or is of the same mind set of the enemy. The enemy is just going full tilt with their evolutionary cycle. Where, we as humans, don't have that intrinsic evolutionary trait. At least not as bad because it was bred out of us.

That is my $.02, but hey you want to travel the stars and see "varying degrees" of "life" have at it. Most land based animals that reach a high level of sentience will need thumbs, legs and large brains. Most liquid intelligent based life will need tentacles, fins, massive eyes and an ability to work under massive pressure. Which means most liquid based life usually doesn't reach much intellect.

I totally hear you, and I agree on that. I also am perfectly aware of it as that is quite basic of universal law. I think I am just a more curious person with different interests than you. That is all. I've read and watched tons of useless garbage on alien life and potential worlds - to me, this is interesting. I mean, just a peak on life on another planet would have me perplexed by it's nature. Even if it would look like ours! As a satanist...I solely am focusing on humanity and our gods anyway.
inimigo99 said:
Here are some illustrations of the most popular extraterrestrial species in ufology.


I heard once that there are more than 700 ethnicities of reptilians across our galaxy and I also heard that the blue species in the movie "Avatar" was inspired by a real alien species.


Nordics (Our Gods) are actually much taller than that on average. We humans were taller on average too. It's the devolution we're all been having since the Age of Aries with the incorporation of abrahamic nihilism that has dwarfed us in power and size.
I tried asking this question many years ago but there was little response. I noticed on the two pictures by [member:mad:inimigo99] the insectoids. I'm aware of Greys and Reptilians classic enemy of mankind since ever.

But I've noticed there isn't much discussion on Insectoids. According to Bibleotechapleydes and a few other sites. Yes there is an insect like race but not much interaction. I'd wager to state the insect races are more in their own hive-mind or some sort of individualized or group hive.

I figure that at some point we might have to deal with insect races. Reminds me of many movies and video games classic example Starship Trooper(bugs) and Starcraft(zerg). But does anyone know if THEY work in collusion with Greys and Reptilians. I figure the insect races are more massive in population, I guess you can argue being intelligent and building a civilization slows down insects greatest ability rapid genesis(mass reproduction). I figure if they have to care for their kin for years to age them and teach them then it slows down their population growth in trade for intelligence and capacity to create, reason, and think.

I'm just asking cause it seems like most people mention Greys and Reptilians but what about these guys?
Gear88 said:
I tried asking this question many years ago but there was little response. I noticed on the two pictures by [member:mad:inimigo99] the insectoids. I'm aware of Greys and Reptilians classic enemy of mankind since ever.

But I've noticed there isn't much discussion on Insectoids. According to Bibleotechapleydes and a few other sites. Yes there is an insect like race but not much interaction. I'd wager to state the insect races are more in their own hive-mind or some sort of individualized or group hive.

I figure that at some point we might have to deal with insect races. Reminds me of many movies and video games classic example Starship Trooper(bugs) and Starcraft(zerg). But does anyone know if THEY work in collusion with Greys and Reptilians. I figure the insect races are more massive in population, I guess you can argue being intelligent and building a civilization slows down insects greatest ability rapid genesis(mass reproduction). I figure if they have to care for their kin for years to age them and teach them then it slows down their population growth in trade for intelligence and capacity to create, reason, and think.

I'm just asking cause it seems like most people mention Greys and Reptilians but what about these guys?

I've also read about the insectoids and what Stormblood mentioned on the Avatar is based on an actual alien species. I remember I read the insectoids lives on a larger planet than ours. Don't remember if they are many or few. They are also quite primitive and agressive even though they have developed minds. I don't think any of them are human friendly - if so they need to be taught this way. I think I will do a little research when I get some time this weekend. I am currently overloaded with schoolwork.... It is quite interesting, hope anyone knows more about this!
Gear88 said:
I tried asking this question many years ago but there was little response. I noticed on the two pictures by [member:mad:inimigo99] the insectoids. I'm aware of Greys and Reptilians classic enemy of mankind since ever.

But I've noticed there isn't much discussion on Insectoids. According to Bibleotechapleydes and a few other sites. Yes there is an insect like race but not much interaction. I'd wager to state the insect races are more in their own hive-mind or some sort of individualized or group hive.

I figure that at some point we might have to deal with insect races. Reminds me of many movies and video games classic example Starship Trooper(bugs) and Starcraft(zerg). But does anyone know if THEY work in collusion with Greys and Reptilians. I figure the insect races are more massive in population, I guess you can argue being intelligent and building a civilization slows down insects greatest ability rapid genesis(mass reproduction). I figure if they have to care for their kin for years to age them and teach them then it slows down their population growth in trade for intelligence and capacity to create, reason, and think.

I'm just asking cause it seems like most people mention Greys and Reptilians but what about these guys?

Does it matter? I dont see how they can possibly be a threat now or in the future, just spray some RAID on them.

And the thing about them being a hive mind is totally made up, unless they are all connected with brain implants like grays even if they could coordinate on some basic level like a honey bee colony they aren't a hive mind in the true sense of it
Darkpagan666 said:
Gear88 said:
I tried asking this question many years ago but there was little response. I noticed on the two pictures by [member:mad:inimigo99] the insectoids. I'm aware of Greys and Reptilians classic enemy of mankind since ever.

But I've noticed there isn't much discussion on Insectoids. According to Bibleotechapleydes and a few other sites. Yes there is an insect like race but not much interaction. I'd wager to state the insect races are more in their own hive-mind or some sort of individualized or group hive.

I figure that at some point we might have to deal with insect races. Reminds me of many movies and video games classic example Starship Trooper(bugs) and Starcraft(zerg). But does anyone know if THEY work in collusion with Greys and Reptilians. I figure the insect races are more massive in population, I guess you can argue being intelligent and building a civilization slows down insects greatest ability rapid genesis(mass reproduction). I figure if they have to care for their kin for years to age them and teach them then it slows down their population growth in trade for intelligence and capacity to create, reason, and think.

I'm just asking cause it seems like most people mention Greys and Reptilians but what about these guys?

I've also read about the insectoids and what Stormblood mentioned on the Avatar is based on an actual alien species. I remember I read the insectoids lives on a larger planet than ours. Don't remember if they are many or few. They are also quite primitive and agressive even though they have developed minds. I don't think any of them are human friendly - if so they need to be taught this way. I think I will do a little research when I get some time this weekend. I am currently overloaded with schoolwork.... It is quite interesting, hope anyone knows more about this!

How would they know about any live outside there in the universe? Some of us can talk with the gods but I doubt, some ufo guys did develop there senses to this point.
I got the perfect song for this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0WQOGVLLGw

Let's be xenophobic, it's really in this year
Let's find a nasty, slimy, ugly alien to fear
There's no more cutesy stories 'bout E.T. phoning home
Let's learn to love our neighbors
Like the Christians learned in Rome

We know we ought to hate 'em; they're different, you see
We've seen they're mean and ugly on movies and TV
The folks that ought to know have told us how it's got to be
The gospel truth is found in scenes from Alien and V

Let's wipe out any lifeform that seems to be a threat
We'll serve 'em up a genocide they never will forget
'Cause if we miss a couple, they'll breed a couple more
And soon we'll all be hating twice as many as before

You see aliens can never be as good as humankind
A more delightful race than us you'll never ever find
So step aside you star slime we're ready for your worst!
We know you want to beat us, enslave us and defeat us
Oppress us and browbeat us, unless we get you first
Fuchs said:
Darkpagan666 said:
Gear88 said:
I tried asking this question many years ago but there was little response. I noticed on the two pictures by [member:mad:inimigo99] the insectoids. I'm aware of Greys and Reptilians classic enemy of mankind since ever.

But I've noticed there isn't much discussion on Insectoids. According to Bibleotechapleydes and a few other sites. Yes there is an insect like race but not much interaction. I'd wager to state the insect races are more in their own hive-mind or some sort of individualized or group hive.

I figure that at some point we might have to deal with insect races. Reminds me of many movies and video games classic example Starship Trooper(bugs) and Starcraft(zerg). But does anyone know if THEY work in collusion with Greys and Reptilians. I figure the insect races are more massive in population, I guess you can argue being intelligent and building a civilization slows down insects greatest ability rapid genesis(mass reproduction). I figure if they have to care for their kin for years to age them and teach them then it slows down their population growth in trade for intelligence and capacity to create, reason, and think.

I'm just asking cause it seems like most people mention Greys and Reptilians but what about these guys?

I've also read about the insectoids and what Stormblood mentioned on the Avatar is based on an actual alien species. I remember I read the insectoids lives on a larger planet than ours. Don't remember if they are many or few. They are also quite primitive and agressive even though they have developed minds. I don't think any of them are human friendly - if so they need to be taught this way. I think I will do a little research when I get some time this weekend. I am currently overloaded with schoolwork.... It is quite interesting, hope anyone knows more about this!

How would they know about any live outside there in the universe? Some of us can talk with the gods but I doubt, some ufo guys did develop there senses to this point.

Well, take Star Wars and the Roswell UFO incident as an example. Not long after the UFO crash they made Star Wars - rumors said the alien life and technology in the movies are based upon findings of information inside that particular UFO. They found information about intergalactic civilization and their species and the like. It would not surprise me if there have been multiple crashes hundred years ago during the Dark Ages as many artists made hidden UFO's in their paintings, of which you can clearly see. Though, "experts" says it is Holy light or some worthless jew shit blessing.

I am sure a lot of information has been mixed with a lot of lies like the current political propaganda Qanon (Satanic pedophilia, when it is actually JEWISH PEDOPHILES).

There are secret organizations that have been collecting these sort of things in order to hide vehemently facts about alien life, even though the truth is in front of our noses most of the time....like the pyramids in Egypt and tons of other evident discoveries. Remember the Vatican holds control over libraries of top clandestine books that originally was ours, the Pagans. The books are sealed with zero oxygen rooms. I think most of the books have spiritual and occult concepts, but also likely about other things. There may also be scriptures about Galactic life somewhere as our ancestors used extremely precise technology to read the stars and our planets (this came from our Gods, but I believe they have provided information about life elsewhere as well since we used to be quite advanced..the Golden Age).
FancyMancy said:
inimigo99 said:
I have also heard once that there are civilizations with sufficient technology to move or adjust the position and movement of a planet and thereby capable of making planets uninhabitable into habitable planets ...
It sounds like you might also mean terraforming. I also considered that it would be possible to 'put rocket boosters on Earth' (lol) and re-align her on her axis properly.

Many ufologists say that evolved species and civilizations are interested in helping humans and the Earth to develop
That sounds like 1) wishful thinking and fantasy, and 2) [citation needed] for them.

I saw some ufologists talking as if all extra-terrestrial life was benevolent and altruistic towards our species and our planet.
Now it sounds like jewsus! Such a fantasy. If a crocodile or alligator likes to eat an antelope, do you think an equivalent of such out in space would be much nicer and kinder to us? With the jew working to try and create sustenance for its reptillian overlords, even jew Star Trek showed that type of thing in a double-episode.

I think it makes more sense to believe that the universe is a "jungle" of galactic proportions ... probably only our creator Satan and a few other extraterrestrial entities would have altruism with Gentile humans.
Along the lines of Satan saying that the point of existence is to better Yourself and the Universe, and along the lines of Hitler saying about the Eternal Struggle, to me it seems to add-up to that goodness, benevolence, harmony, etc., will continue up and up, on solar scales and galactic scales and further than that, but it won't be easy and it will take forever to turn the infinite Universe into positivity.

Even after Jews and Judaism were removed from this planet, there will still be different nations, different gentiles races on this planet. I wonder what the future of humanity will be after Satanic National Socialist victory over the Jews ... I may be mistaken, but I think that planetary "unity" and planetary homogeneity is a prerequisite before we become a "galactic civilization" / "inter-planetary civilization".
We'd be unified but separate. National Socialism means the state/country would be its own. We would still be the Human Species with Human Races on Earth, and Lord Führer Adolf Hitler will be here for a time to get rid of xianity and islam, and of course other jewish shit, until we can stand on our own two feet. Satan and the Gods and Goddesses must have been here for many millennia, until about 10 millennia ago; change and improvement takes time. First from bringing us up from apes or near-apes, and then from that enhancing us and teaching us, etc., patiently and tirelessly.

I wonder if, at some point after the Jews were removed, the Gentile races and countries will fight for the hegemony of planet earth ... A planetary civilization with fractional leadership between tribes/factions/countries does not have the same strength as a civilization planetary with a central power (I mean that if the earth has only "one country" and a single leadership it is a more powerful planetary civilization than a planetary civilization with "internal divisions"). There will be a single sovereign nation on earth or there will eventually be conflicts between the different sovereign nations.
In the interim, things would be quite a struggle for individuality and personal power and authourity, but eventually each state/country would be self-governing. There'd be no such thing as the European jewnion, and I am guessing the United States of America would be dissolved and that the individual states would return to their own leadership - they're large enough as to be countries of their own. What you propose here sounds more like the jew Star Trek communist federation, where a Planet must have 1 government which rules the entire Planet - i.e. jew World order.

If one thinks about it, they might realise that there seem to be similarities between the communist wet dream of jWo and a unified (for lack of a better word) National Socialist World ("World" includes Moons, Asteroids, artificial space habitats, etc., if possible, as opposed to just Planets). One difference is that the commjewnist "world" is 1 jew government enslaving the native Species and forced-faithing in jewsus to continue to feed the jew's reptillian overlords Human Souls as sustenance; whereas in Nazism, each country governs itself, and there will be actual fair trade, with necessities being free and desired goods being bartered/haggled for (so I was told years ago on the other forum). Furthermore, NS (political) = SS (spiritual); Spiritual Satanism is for the individual, and with harmonious workings and meditations to improve ourselves, we can align with Nature and unity, unifying with the rest of Earth while neither us nor them interfering in each others' things.

If the nations of the future are organized into ethno-states, there is likely to be racial conflict over the planet's hegemony. I think "cooperation" is unlikely, especially among human races with great phenotype contrasts or cultural contrasts.
Things are moving towards Nature - that being National Socialism and Spiritual Satanism, for Humankind and Earth. This cannot be stopped; it is impossible to stop this. If this change happened in one night and it was thrust upon people, that would cause significant and bigger problems and troubles; change takes time, and we need time to adapt. That's also why we should not rush with meditations; we should go steadily and push ourselves only as much as is safe, e.g. to 110% or 115%. Lord Amdusias told the Joy of Satan in 2003 that the jew will be exposed more and more the closer we get to the climax of our Cause; the World is waking up from its jew-enforced anaesthesia, and Humans will realise and recognise and learn and understand things more and more. There may still be some zidiots who want to remain stupid, but they will be educated or segregated or similar. Along this line, the Races will be separated.

From a personal perspective and as for isolated cases it is totally possible to have cooperation and sympathy (even love and true friendship) between the different races, but from a political and social perspective I think it is not possible.
I think for the first while, the Races will be separated back into their own continents/countries/states. Once we have grown up and matured, I think it would be that people might live in other countries/states, but of course miscegenation will not only be illegal and carry sever penalties (my guess would be shot by firing squad/injected with the lethal injection, to be reincarnated and taught properly, in extreme cases), it extremely-likely would simply not be done. While at the moment some might think it's OK to have mixed-Race Children, the mere workings and meditations alone clean-out all dirty energies and crap from us, helping us to think and see clearly - literally - so that we either wouldn't want to mix-Race, or maybe just not consider such things at all. In an example, which you don't have to answer, in yourself do you enjoy hurting and torturing Animals? Likewise, we wouldn't consider mixing Races as we mature.

I may be wrong, but it makes sense to me.
I genuinely wanted to know what Satan's vision or plan or guideline is for planet earth and for the Gentile's racial issues after the Jewish issue was removed ...
It has been said before that Satan's wish is for us to be individual, our own actual and true selves, true to ourself, free, empowered and advanced, healthy, strong... and that He also stands for justice. He said that He allows us to follow the dictates of our hearts, but if we oppose Him we would regret it sorely. With advancing and cleaning out our Souls, we align with Him automatically anyway. We can still have our own lives, as well, of course.

inimigo99 said:
Here are some illustrations of the most popular extraterrestrial species in ufology.


I heard once that there are more than 700 ethnicities of reptilians across our galaxy and I also heard that the blue species in the movie "Avatar" was inspired by a real alien species.

I shared a link above about different possible or imagines alien species. It is interesting, and maybe fascinating, to discover and imagine what might be, but it is a distraction really. I bet most, if not all, of us want to know who and what is out there, but until we find out, why waste time on it? Saying that - this in my reply here is just what I think. I am not claiming this to be definite, partly because the future is not definite.

In all in all the self governing principle is absolutely necessary. However the centralized idea of a moderating 1 planet government should be evolved around perhaps each continent has a prime central government that helps to develop that continent’s Race. Advancement in that way. No need to be some overlording police like Rabbi Jewsus in the sky forcing everyone to subjugate themselves like cattle.

In respects there is development there but there are factoring variables that be detrimental if now planned out accordingly.
inimigo99 said:
According to current science, the galaxy we live in has about 100 ~ 400 billion solar systems. Assuming that at least 1 percent of Milky Way's solar systems have 1 habitable planet, it would imply almost 1 ~ 4 billion planets with the potential to harbor life ... but probably the correlation between the number of solar systems and habitable planets is much greater 1%.

I have also heard once that there are civilizations with sufficient technology to move or adjust the position and movement of a planet and thereby capable of making planets uninhabitable into habitable planets ...

Probably the diversity and amount of life in the universe is immense.

Many ufologists say that evolved species and civilizations are interested in helping humans and the Earth to develop ... I saw some ufologists talking as if all extra-terrestrial life was benevolent and altruistic towards our species and our planet. I think it makes more sense to believe that the universe is a "jungle" of galactic proportions ... probably only our creator Satan and a few other extraterrestrial entities would have altruism with Gentile humans.

slyscorpion said:
We must conquer earth before we go on to conquer other places.

Even after Jews and Judaism were removed from this planet, there will still be different nations, different gentiles races on this planet. I wonder what the future of humanity will be after Satanic National Socialist victory over the Jews ... I may be mistaken, but I think that planetary "unity" and planetary homogeneity is a prerequisite before we become a "galactic civilization" / "inter-planetary civilization".

I wonder if, at some point after the Jews were removed, the Gentile races and countries will fight for the hegemony of planet earth ... A planetary civilization with fractional leadership between tribes/factions/countries does not have the same strength as a civilization planetary with a central power (I mean that if the earth has only "one country" and a single leadership it is a more powerful planetary civilization than a planetary civilization with "internal divisions"). There will be a single sovereign nation on earth or there will eventually be conflicts between the different sovereign nations.

If the nations of the future are organized into ethno-states, there is likely to be racial conflict over the planet's hegemony. I think "cooperation" is unlikely, especially among human races with great phenotype contrasts or cultural contrasts.

From a personal perspective and as for isolated cases it is totally possible to have cooperation and sympathy (even love and true friendship) between the different races, but from a political and social perspective I think it is not possible.

I may be wrong, but it makes sense to me.
I genuinely wanted to know what Satan's vision or plan or guideline is for planet earth and for the Gentile's racial issues after the Jewish issue was removed ...

Here are some illustrations of the most popular extraterrestrial species in ufology.


I heard once that there are more than 700 ethnicities of reptilians across our galaxy and I also heard that the blue species in the movie "Avatar" was inspired by a real alien species.


Holy shit humanity's enemies look like mega stoners and drug addicts in the pics.
First pic=drone bong
Second pic=another drone bong

I can't wait to see the genocide of our enemies across the stars in the far future. :D Another thing, does anyone have other real and excellent articles/study material on those slimy fucks? They're hard to find and verify if they are real. I'd be happy to look them up for personal study. Thanks.
fourthReich66688 said:
I found this creepy website I believe its legitimate
tell me if you find this accurate

From the home page

This is The Orion Project. On August 19 2011 I was contacted by a man from Orion. Soon after by a Dinosaur and Reptilians. I was introduced to the fact that all these years I have been an egg donor in their genetic program. The Orion Project was my documentation of the contact and an exploration into whether the contact was real or imaginary. Months into the contact I concluded with confidence that the aliens were real.

This website publishes stories and word by word written down telepathic conversations from my everday life as an egg donor with the aliens. Featuring me a human egg donor, Hamish the red Dragon Turtle of the old Draconian race, Reptilians, Orions, Zetas, Dinosaurs, Alpha Thetan Dark Lords. Thuban praying mantis dolphin, human-alien hybrids, and associated human military of Russia and the United States, and the human-Reptilian hybrids Japanese Dragon Dynasty. The friendly extraterrestrials the Airship People, Pleiadians, Ummo, and many others.

I have telepathic conversations and interaction with the aliens every day and I try to write down everything. Thousands of pages illustrate this well-documented case of alien contact.

Much of the material is too violent, shocking, and sexual to post online, and has been set aside to the telepathy series books only for adults to read.

Check back here often as there are new updates almost every day.

Sounds like this cat is working the enemy, but when I read further in the site he acknowledged that greys and reptilians were hostile.

This site seems interesting. I’ll have to spend some time one day looking through all of it, of course siphoning out what is obviously BS.
Darkpagan666 said:
Fuchs said:
Darkpagan666 said:
I've also read about the insectoids and what Stormblood mentioned on the Avatar is based on an actual alien species. I remember I read the insectoids lives on a larger planet than ours. Don't remember if they are many or few. They are also quite primitive and agressive even though they have developed minds. I don't think any of them are human friendly - if so they need to be taught this way. I think I will do a little research when I get some time this weekend. I am currently overloaded with schoolwork.... It is quite interesting, hope anyone knows more about this!

How would they know about any live outside there in the universe? Some of us can talk with the gods but I doubt, some ufo guys did develop there senses to this point.

Well, take Star Wars and the Roswell UFO incident as an example. Not long after the UFO crash they made Star Wars - rumors said the alien life and technology in the movies are based upon findings of information inside that particular UFO. They found information about intergalactic civilization and their species and the like. It would not surprise me if there have been multiple crashes hundred years ago during the Dark Ages as many artists made hidden UFO's in their paintings, of which you can clearly see. Though, "experts" says it is Holy light or some worthless jew shit blessing.

I am sure a lot of information has been mixed with a lot of lies like the current political propaganda Qanon (Satanic pedophilia, when it is actually JEWISH PEDOPHILES).

There are secret organizations that have been collecting these sort of things in order to hide vehemently facts about alien life, even though the truth is in front of our noses most of the time....like the pyramids in Egypt and tons of other evident discoveries. Remember the Vatican holds control over libraries of top clandestine books that originally was ours, the Pagans. The books are sealed with zero oxygen rooms. I think most of the books have spiritual and occult concepts, but also likely about other things. There may also be scriptures about Galactic life somewhere as our ancestors used extremely precise technology to read the stars and our planets (this came from our Gods, but I believe they have provided information about life elsewhere as well since we used to be quite advanced..the Golden Age).

I only did read one articel about one ufo guy who hacked into area 51, he got like 10 jears for it, even officaly he couldn´t find any info about other life.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
This site seems interesting. I’ll have to spend some time one day looking through all of it, of course siphoning out what is obviously BS.
Dino contacting primitive Fred Flintstone.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
This site seems interesting. I’ll have to spend some time one day looking through all of it, of course siphoning out what is obviously BS.
...either that or regarding the Distant Origins Theory, where dinosaurs built spaceships and went to the distant reaches of our galaxy in Star Trek Voyager.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
fourthReich66688 said:
I found this creepy website I believe its legitimate
tell me if you find this accurate

From the home page

This is The Orion Project. On August 19 2011 I was contacted by a man from Orion. Soon after by a Dinosaur and Reptilians. I was introduced to the fact that all these years I have been an egg donor in their genetic program. The Orion Project was my documentation of the contact and an exploration into whether the contact was real or imaginary. Months into the contact I concluded with confidence that the aliens were real.

This website publishes stories and word by word written down telepathic conversations from my everday life as an egg donor with the aliens. Featuring me a human egg donor, Hamish the red Dragon Turtle of the old Draconian race, Reptilians, Orions, Zetas, Dinosaurs, Alpha Thetan Dark Lords. Thuban praying mantis dolphin, human-alien hybrids, and associated human military of Russia and the United States, and the human-Reptilian hybrids Japanese Dragon Dynasty. The friendly extraterrestrials the Airship People, Pleiadians, Ummo, and many others.

I have telepathic conversations and interaction with the aliens every day and I try to write down everything. Thousands of pages illustrate this well-documented case of alien contact.

Much of the material is too violent, shocking, and sexual to post online, and has been set aside to the telepathy series books only for adults to read.

Check back here often as there are new updates almost every day.

Sounds like this cat is working the enemy, but when I read further in the site he acknowledged that greys and reptilians were hostile.

This site seems interesting. I’ll have to spend some time one day looking through all of it, of course siphoning out what is obviously BS.

Yea dude its just a weird site all together the person on the site is definitely working with the
enemy I don't trust the site but it seems legit shit on there I've never heard of especially the types of aliens and some of it is obviously huge BS but its creepy some the of hostile races it talks about on there if that's true we have a lot of sick creatures/enemies out there for the longest time I thought the only hostile races out there were the greys and the reptilians but according to that site there is even worse more evil beings than the reptilians and greys out there that whole site just gives me a bad vibe im pretty sure the person who created it has got to be a jew no doubt about it
Darkpagan666 said:
StraitShot47 said:
Darkpagan666 said:
Interesting. Didn't know you are an expert on this field. However, I never said this was clean facts as mentioned, and this info I found as a kid, not info I've found recently. And how do you know for sure there is none other species or other Gods besides our own, who doesn't help in the sense of allies? Do you know any sermon from the Clergy or other high range members here to back that up? I remember quite well the Gods have hybrids from different species who they are allies with and interact with. Even some of our Gods are hybrids. But, maybe this a very selective few of them. I am not on a level to comprehend the understanding of this biological outcome since they being Gods (race/species mixing). I know for sure I don't know everything about other species or don't know any of the 98% shit species you are talking about, because I've never met them, have you? I do know for sure the enemy and their ilk, because them, I have interacted with quite unpleasantly. I also "know" my guardian and other Daemons, as I've interacted with them spiritually.

Just to get it all out there, I never said the other 98% percent species are wonderful, I only said there are many worlds that will be unknown. I just find it interesting because I want to learn about them, doesn't mean I support any of them. Thank you for your input though.

Mod Edit : if I submitted this twice, use this post.

I never said I was an expert, but anyone can take a stab about how universal evolution works. We have to understand that humanity was created, that some of our evolutionary steps were bypassed completely.

Sure there's life out in the universe, but is it interesting?

Let's assume you could travel to any star system or planet and witness the life there. Regardless of where this organism is in the universe it will need to feed, reproduce and secure it's environment/lineage. Any life in this universe must achieve those basic principles.

One could scour the universe for life, but practically all cases will end out the same. As in these traits; Hard will determination to live, sometimes violent and irresponsible mating, and extermination of your enemies. We can even see this in our own animal kingdom. These characteristics will be even worse of the organism is intellectual.

This is why I say 98% of life in the universe is trash. Not only would this alien life be ruthless they're more than likely genetically fucked. Most of it directly works for the enemy or is of the same mind set of the enemy. The enemy is just going full tilt with their evolutionary cycle. Where, we as humans, don't have that intrinsic evolutionary trait. At least not as bad because it was bred out of us.

That is my $.02, but hey you want to travel the stars and see "varying degrees" of "life" have at it. Most land based animals that reach a high level of sentience will need thumbs, legs and large brains. Most liquid intelligent based life will need tentacles, fins, massive eyes and an ability to work under massive pressure. Which means most liquid based life usually doesn't reach much intellect.

I totally hear you, and I agree on that. I also am perfectly aware of it as that is quite basic of universal law. I think I am just a more curious person with different interests than you. That is all. I've read and watched tons of useless garbage on alien life and potential worlds - to me, this is interesting. I mean, just a peak on life on another planet would have me perplexed by it's nature. Even if it would look like ours! As a satanist...I solely am focusing on humanity and our gods anyway.
I always wondered if gold or diamonds or stones In general add any benefit to your occult journey... well I like to think so.
Darkpagan666 said:
StraitShot47 said:
Darkpagan666 said:
Interesting. Didn't know you are an expert on this field. However, I never said this was clean facts as mentioned, and this info I found as a kid, not info I've found recently. And how do you know for sure there is none other species or other Gods besides our own, who doesn't help in the sense of allies? Do you know any sermon from the Clergy or other high range members here to back that up? I remember quite well the Gods have hybrids from different species who they are allies with and interact with. Even some of our Gods are hybrids. But, maybe this a very selective few of them. I am not on a level to comprehend the understanding of this biological outcome since they being Gods (race/species mixing). I know for sure I don't know everything about other species or don't know any of the 98% shit species you are talking about, because I've never met them, have you? I do know for sure the enemy and their ilk, because them, I have interacted with quite unpleasantly. I also "know" my guardian and other Daemons, as I've interacted with them spiritually.

Just to get it all out there, I never said the other 98% percent species are wonderful, I only said there are many worlds that will be unknown. I just find it interesting because I want to learn about them, doesn't mean I support any of them. Thank you for your input though.

Mod Edit : if I submitted this twice, use this post.

I never said I was an expert, but anyone can take a stab about how universal evolution works. We have to understand that humanity was created, that some of our evolutionary steps were bypassed completely.

Sure there's life out in the universe, but is it interesting?

Let's assume you could travel to any star system or planet and witness the life there. Regardless of where this organism is in the universe it will need to feed, reproduce and secure it's environment/lineage. Any life in this universe must achieve those basic principles.

One could scour the universe for life, but practically all cases will end out the same. As in these traits; Hard will determination to live, sometimes violent and irresponsible mating, and extermination of your enemies. We can even see this in our own animal kingdom. These characteristics will be even worse of the organism is intellectual.

This is why I say 98% of life in the universe is trash. Not only would this alien life be ruthless they're more than likely genetically fucked. Most of it directly works for the enemy or is of the same mind set of the enemy. The enemy is just going full tilt with their evolutionary cycle. Where, we as humans, don't have that intrinsic evolutionary trait. At least not as bad because it was bred out of us.

That is my $.02, but hey you want to travel the stars and see "varying degrees" of "life" have at it. Most land based animals that reach a high level of sentience will need thumbs, legs and large brains. Most liquid intelligent based life will need tentacles, fins, massive eyes and an ability to work under massive pressure. Which means most liquid based life usually doesn't reach much intellect.

I totally hear you, and I agree on that. I also am perfectly aware of it as that is quite basic of universal law. I think I am just a more curious person with different interests than you. That is all. I've read and watched tons of useless garbage on alien life and potential worlds - to me, this is interesting. I mean, just a peak on life on another planet would have me perplexed by it's nature. Even if it would look like ours! As a satanist...I solely am focusing on humanity and our gods anyway.
I always wondered if gold or diamonds or stones In general add any benefit to your occult journey... well I like to think so.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
