"Both the north and south nodes have to do with fate. The south node is more
serious and has saturn overtones. If the natal south node is conjunct the
ascendant or chart ruler in a solar return, then watch out. The influences can be
unpredictable, depending on what the past life ties are. The year will definitely be
Often, in the charts of lovers, close friends, family members and others who are
significant in one‟s life, there are close connections from one‟s planet/s to the
other‟s south node. These have to do with past life ties for better or for worse.
Semi-sextiles [because of the very tight orb of 1 1/2 degrees on either side], and
other aspects that are very tight or exact in orb are also fated; meaning a fated
event that will occur in the present lifetime. This is even more so if these tie in
with the nodal axis."