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Question #2890: I'm trying to interpret my nodes


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
I've looked at my nodes and my north node is in leo of 3rd house, without being on a fixed star or angle.
My south node is in aquarius of the 9th house and is conjunct my natal retrograde uranus and is also 5 degrees from my natal moon, so conjunct that too.

Im not sure what to make of it but I've looked at the astrology page talking about the sun in the 3rd house and I looked at the sun and to what it rules, but still cant really put anything together, let alone the south node.

Im hoping that the north node of mine will help me decide which path to take as a career since I can't decide between a writer (fiction) or a translator, I'd probably like to do both but I need to pick 1 at a time and can't decide. I've looked at the 2nd, 6th, and 10th houses too and some of them hint towards both in a way aside from the sign I have in the 10th house which doesnt have anything to do with either of them.

Also, how am I able to reply to anyone on this question anonymously? Thank you
Greetings, Brother / Sister!

I've made some investigation in the Node axes now, suddenly found a question and saw that it is still not answered. Sorry for late answer. Even if the OP does not read maybe others find it useful. Here I tried to explain in better detail what I think of the Node axes:

...and there I gave exactly your example with so called genius aspects. Popular genius aspects are Mercury/Uranus and Uranus in 9th, retro Uranus making it even more prominent and demanding proper sublimation i.e. talent realization. Writer as well as everything Mercurian/Uranian here is a good choice, combination of creativity / invention with any of the Uranian topics. There are different genre writers and maybe the right choice of genre will be the key. Node axes is definitely of self realization.
Both the North Node and South Node have to do with fate, for better or worse, but in slightly different ways. The South Node carries a more serious tone with Saturnian overtones, though the North Node can also take on a serious influence when positioned at detrimental degrees.

The North Node and South Node represent a person’s karmic path, showing where they are coming from and where they are meant to grow. However, they do not singularly determine a person’s career or life direction. They are one piece of a larger astrological picture that includes the entire birth chart.

The North Node's sign and house placement reveal the special abilities or talents you are meant to develop in this lifetime. It represents your soul’s growth path, which highlights latent gifts that may feel unfamiliar or challenging at first, but ultimately lead to fulfillment as you advance your soul and mind. This will be revealed in time.

On the other hand, the South Node is strongly of fate and shows where you’re naturally gifted (this can be shown as talent somehow), but one must move beyond so to speak. Consequently, the South Node can indicate tendencies or qualities that feel familiar or comfortable but may not necessarily support growth in this lifetime in a positive way, as it sometimes results in a harsh life lesson due to its Saturnian overtones.

However, neither node dictates a singular career path or guarantees a specific life event unless they are strongly aspected by planets, particularly in transit or progressions. When activated, they can bring fated events or turning points, but they do not override a person’s free will. Instead, they act as signposts, guiding a person toward greater self-awareness and alignment with their potential.

Fate, such as the above, occurs when other astrological factors interact with key aspects, particularly when planets are conjunct or forming other critical aspects of fate, such as semi-sextiles, semi-squares, sesquiquadrates, and/or quintiles (to state a few examples).

Much of one’s experiences are influenced by planetary influences and karma from past lives. The so-called negative karmic seeds may manifest in this lifetime, but they can be removed. Many people operate at a too low vibrational state due to a lack of soul empowerment, but through spiritual practices like meditation and yoga, one can raise their frequency, lessen challenges, and remove difficulties that might otherwise manifest through the Nodes or other planetary aspects.

However, reliance on the Nodes’ traits alone without moving toward other significant aspects can lead to stagnation or life lessons of a serious nature. The key is to integrate the strengths of the entire Natal Chart while embracing the growth path indicated by their placements, which will allow for true evolution of both mind and soul.

If you seek a strong education or a successful career, performing a Mercury Square can be highly beneficial, as it enhances mental agility, intellect, and communication skills. Similarly, a Jupiter Square can amplify general luck, prosperity, and opportunities, which makes it especially useful for academic pursuits and career growth. For those looking to develop leadership abilities and authority, a Sun Square can be particularly powerful, as it strengthens charisma, confidence, and the ability to attain positions of influence. These are just a few examples of how working with planetary Squares can significantly improve one’s life. By strategically timing additional workings with the Moon’s signs and phases, one can further refine and enhance one’s desired results. Ultimately, we have the power to shape our own path through our desires, actions, and spiritual discipline.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
