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Desperate to get back into Satanism..


New member
Jan 23, 2004
I don't know how to start this.. :(
I haven't been active in Satanism for 2 years since I've dedicated and it makes me feel horrible. I've gone through a lot since then. Every time I would make any spiritual progress I'd be constantly attacked. I'd be attacked so much that eventually I just stopped meditating.. but I know I shouldn't have. I'd gotten very depressed to the point where I almost attempted suicide. I've been majorly depressed these past couple of years but right now I'm actively trying to dig myself out of that hole. I feel the Gods kept sending me signs to come back to Satanism but I just shook things off as being coincidences :( . I really want to come back to Satan but would he accept me back? even after being gone for so long?
YES! you did not offend nor disrespect Satan, nor the Gods...you simply ignored/closed yourself off? from them and i think it was due to attacks? But then you should have worked HARD on protection.. aura protection, runes ...ect.   I personally went this route about 5 years ago,  About a year after i dedicated i just stopped all the meditating, yoga, all knowledge {study on jos] ...ect. THEN i kept having the overwhelming feeling to come 'back'. I ask Satan and my answer was this i will NEVER forget.--"I did not leave you, YOU left me"  Hail Satan!!/88  
I know that feeling, and yes, He will accept you back if you hadn't participated in enemy influences during your 'absence' (such as blasphemy or whatever). Also, I know 2 years might feel like a very long time for us humans, but our Gods are, well, Gods, and 2 years in our perception is probably like two deep inhalations for them lmao. In the time you've spent without Satanism you're like a boomerang in this sense

Much thanks brothers/sisters. I have one more question :( is it disrespectful that I've had to throw my Satanic things away? (Candles, rosary, etc) to keep my family from seeing them? :( I meant absolutely no disrespect but I had to do it because my family would've seen the rest of my stuff (they've seen a baphomet necklace I had and were hardcore questioning me about it, they're christian). I wouldn't have anywhere safe to hide my stuff. All i want to do is come back to Satanism, I really need advice
Yes, of course he would!
Also, try satanic blue and purple flames on your aura or even your own house.
Blue protects and banishes and purple makes you invisible to the enemy.
I tried it and the enemy isn't attacking me anymore.
paradox, I dedicated 3 years ago and I practiced only the Aura of Protection for a few months until I strayed away due to me being highly skeptical (I came from a christian background, rejected it and became atheist. I became a very hard core atheist!) I was troubled, skeptical and angry and went back to being an atheist. The worse thing I thought was, "I'm an atheist and there are no gods to believe in! All of it is shit!" 6 months later, I somehow came back but strayed again. I eventually came back again but strayed...again! Finally, I've come back and yes, I'm starting to get attacked worse and the enemy puts thoughts in my mind to highly discourage me and to make me stray again because they know I was a hard core atheist!! All I can do is ignore it and keep doing the meditations. So no, you're not the only one that has been through this. And I'm getting attacked as I write this! xD You're fine! Hail Satan!! NGU666
On Jun 23, 2016 4:01 PM, "paradox1cal@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  I don't know how to start this.. :(
I haven't been active in Satanism for 2 years since I've dedicated and it makes me feel horrible. I've gone through a lot since then. Every time I would make any spiritual progress I'd be constantly attacked. I'd be attacked so much that eventually I just stopped meditating.. but I know I shouldn't have. I'd gotten very depressed to the point where I almost attempted suicide. I've been majorly depressed these past couple of years but right now I'm actively trying to dig myself out of that hole. I feel the Gods kept sending me signs to come back to Satanism but I just shook things off as being coincidences :( . I really want to come back to Satan but would he accept me back? even after being gone for so long?
People especially teenagers who are underage and lives with their parents should not feel guilty, upset or feel they have disrespected Satan for hiding or even throwing Satanic items such as rosaries, black candles, ouija boards etc. etc. Satan is very understanding! Xians have a non tolerance for such, and there is a very small amount of things one can do as a minor. Some are lucky having parents who usually don't care too much and let their children experiment with things, and some not. That's life.

Satan mentioned in the Al-Jilwah that we should not expose ourselves to strangers as we never know what they might do to us. Silence is golden in this case. You can meditate in your room or bathroom, and when alone, vibrate mantras and such. I live with other people too, though i'm a student and not a minor.

Take care,
Hail Satan!!!
Brothers and sisters im new to satanisim need your adivise pleasa im comfused about where to start should dedcate my soul frst or ritulas
On Fri, 6/24/16, Sweet Revenge notgivingup666@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Desperate to get back into Satanism..
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Friday, June 24, 2016, 1:53 PM


I dedicated 3
years ago and I practiced only the Aura of Protection for
few months until I strayed away due to me
being highly skeptical (I came
from a
christian background, rejected it and became atheist. I
became a
very hard core atheist!) I was
troubled, skeptical and angry and went back
to being an atheist. The worse thing I thought
was, "I'm an atheist and

there are no gods to believe in! All of it is

6 months later, I somehow came back but strayed
again. I eventually came
back again but

Finally, I've come back and yes, I'm
starting to get attacked worse and the
puts thoughts in my mind to highly discourage me and to make
me stray
again because they know I was a
hard core atheist!!

All I can do is ignore it and keep doing the

So no, you're not the only one that has
been through this.

And I'm getting attacked as I write this!

You're fine!

Hail Satan!!

On Jun 23, 2016 4:01 PM, "paradox1cal@...
[JoyofSatan666]" <
[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]

I don't know how to start this.. :(

I haven't been
active in Satanism for 2 years since I've dedicated and
makes me feel horrible. I've
gone through a lot since then. Every time I
would make any spiritual progress I'd
be constantly attacked. I'd be

attacked so much that eventually I just stopped meditating..
but I know I
shouldn't have.
I'd gotten very depressed to the point where I almost
attempted suicide. I've been majorly
depressed these past couple of years

but right now I'm actively trying to dig myself out of
that hole. I feel
the Gods kept sending
me signs to come back to Satanism but I just shook
things off as being coincidences :( . I
really want to come back to Satan
would he accept me back? even after being gone for so
This is seriously the tenth+ time I have randomly gotten the urge to check the groups and found someone posting and describing something nearly completely identical to my current problem. A month or two ago someone was worried about being a jew. I was also being attacked in the same way. It seems that maybe us weaker of Satan can be of some use in determining what types of psychic attacks the jews are doing on us by documentation. Because so far it seems to me they do the "you're a jew" attack around the same time each year.

Donotfearthetruth666, I had no idea about the purple flames thing. I tend not to experiment with colors or anything because you can hurt yourself. Normally I only use blue flames, but you have to do it multiple times a day.

I think our only hope Paradox1cal is to do full blown, intense effort protection meditation. Because in my experience thus far, it only works when I am fully visualizing and using my imagination 100% for a while after breathing exercises. Despite what some have said there's no such thing as a quickie affirmation/aura of protection/etc. It doesn't work. At least not for me. You have to actually breath and get your brainwaves into a different state regardless of your intent. It's like trying to paint without a canvass. Also you can't just visualize a rune in my own personal, limited experience and expect it to work without investing emotional energy into it. You cant be lazy about it like I have been. We can't half ass meditation!!! Anyway...

Out of curiosity are any others getting constantly bombarded with:

Thoughts that you're jewish?
Stopping meditation routines because they enemy 'leaves you alone'?
Invasive repetitive affirmations during the day of you getting hurt in some way (and it manifesting because they used your own power against you. This has happened to me THRICE only very recently.)?
Being overwhelmed by the certainty of your dedication being invalid every time you bleed?
Other people around you, especially xtians, atheists, and the culturally brainwashed, even your loved ones being used against you?

Because these seem to be the most common curses they're throwing at anyone who finds Satan.

Do not worry about offending the Gods. They're happy enough knowing you fucked up, it shows you are still aware of your decisions and that you still care deeply about yourself and your potential godhood. These periods of attack are trials. Learning experiences. Pay more attention, the Gods are always there no matter how depressed we may become. The enemy can only use the depression for so long before we are too burdened, and just stop caring about the things or people making us suffer. Then we acquire freedom, and our happiness returns. So just wait it out and try harder. I know I will. I'm going to repeat what everyone has said on these groups:

This path is not easy.

Hail Satan!

iorost, No, I'm getting severely attacked, it's much worse than what you listed. I swear I'm the only one in the whole group getting severely attacked the way i am like you could not imagine. It's bad enough I'm starting to lose focus...and worse!!! D: NGU666
On Jun 26, 2016 2:19 PM, "iorost@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  This is seriously the tenth+ time I have randomly gotten the urge to check the groups and found someone posting and describing something nearly completely identical to my current problem. A month or two ago someone was worried about being a jew. I was also being attacked in the same way. It seems that maybe us weaker of Satan can be of some use in determining what types of psychic attacks the jews are doing on us by documentation. Because so far it seems to me they do the "you're a jew" attack around the same time each year.

Donotfearthetruth666, I had no idea about the purple flames thing. I tend not to experiment with colors or anything because you can hurt yourself. Normally I only use blue flames, but you have to do it multiple times a day.

I think our only hope Paradox1cal is to do full blown, intense effort protection meditation. Because in my experience thus far, it only works when I am fully visualizing and using my imagination 100% for a while after breathing exercises. Despite what some have said there's no such thing as a quickie affirmation/aura of protection/etc. It doesn't work. At least not for me. You have to actually breath and get your brainwaves into a different state regardless of your intent. It's like trying to paint without a canvass. Also you can't just visualize a rune in my own personal, limited experience and expect it to work without investing emotional energy into it. You cant be lazy about it like I have been. We can't half ass meditation!!! Anyway...

Out of curiosity are any others getting constantly bombarded with:

Thoughts that you're jewish?
Stopping meditation routines because they enemy 'leaves you alone'?
Invasive repetitive affirmations during the day of you getting hurt in some way (and it manifesting because they used your own power against you. This has happened to me THRICE only very recently.)?
Being overwhelmed by the certainty of your dedication being invalid every time you bleed?
Other people around you, especially xtians, atheists, and the culturally brainwashed, even your loved ones being used against you?

Because these seem to be the most common curses they're throwing at anyone who finds Satan.

Do not worry about offending the Gods. They're happy enough knowing you fucked up, it shows you are still aware of your decisions and that you still care deeply about yourself and your potential godhood. These periods of attack are trials. Learning experiences. Pay more attention, the Gods are always there no matter how depressed we may become. The enemy can only use the depression for so long before we are too burdened, and just stop caring about the things or people making us suffer. Then we acquire freedom, and our happiness returns. So just wait it out and try harder. I know I will. I'm going to repeat what everyone has said on these groups:

This path is not easy.

Hail Satan!
You may already know these things but if it's before the attack sets in I would go with the "it doesn't exist approach".If it begins to come on and you know it won't go away or if it in full swing then I would treat it like a living enemy that is there with you.Anger towards attack can be effecrive.Or laughter.If you can conjure some true laughter that should help.What kind of attacks?
taol, yes they recently went through every single little thing in my room. A bunch of things I kept in boxes were out, etc. Parents denied it. Thought I had at least a bit of privacy but I do not. I will still find a way to make it work though.iorost, a few of those things you listed happened to me, I'd also being attacked while in sleep paralysis or get a bunch of invasive thoughts, scare tactics, etc.:( I shouldn't have let it get to me. And I will not this time!
I've been back doing my meditations and will everyday (especially my protection meditation) and I have some ideas to spread Satanism :) thanks to you all for your advice. Hail Satan! 
Fatherschild, We're you asking me what kind of attacks I'm getting?? NGU666
On Jun 27, 2016 6:01 PM, "Fatherschild fatherschild138@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  You may already know these things but if it's before the attack sets in I would go with the "it doesn't exist approach".If it begins to come on and you know it won't go away or if it in full swing then I would treat it like a living enemy that is there with you.Anger towards attack can be effecrive.Or laughter.If you can conjure some true laughter that should help.What kind of attacks?
Been busy examining what you call attacks and so far those voices popping up in your head are no psychic attacks.dats bullocks from your head as former xians,your clergy made u believe that you were engrafted to that fucked up jewsus so u are a Jew.all u need is more programming and more mental efforts.no one need to tell you that.so far Satanism requires strength of mind,so i really hate this talk of someone coming here to say how he or she feels like giving up.u should be able to deal with somethings yourself and stop this weakling talk.HAIL SATAN

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Tue, Jun 28, 2016 at 4:41 A[/IMG]fathersch[/IMG][email protected] wrote:
  You may already know these things but if it's before the attack sets in I would go with the "it doesn't exist approach".If it begins to come on and you know it won't go away or if it in full swing then I would treat it like a living enemy that is there with you.Anger towards attack can be effecrive.Or laughter.If you can conjure some true laughter that should help.What kind of attacks?
There are no coincidences in a magickal life, or with walking on the Spiritual Satanism path with Satan and the Gods. They send blatant or subtle signs, hints, and/or even outright tell us telepathically a message. One just has to be aware. Void meditation helps a lot with this.
Also, the enemy Greys can influence people in our family, through strangers or our social circle to make our life difficult when we want to advance in some way, not just through meditations but when one wants to make an actual effort to better themselves in the material/physical world. Don't give up, just do better and do harder. (I don't like to use the word "try" lol.) All obstacles and problems can be overcome.
I am happy to see you have returned to Satan and are in the groups. Don't give up, don't give in. You are stronger than the enemy Greys.

On Tuesday, June 28, 2016 3:23 PM, "luciferi Jr jr.luciferi@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Been busy examining what you call attacks and so far those voices popping up in your head are no psychic attacks.dats bullocks from your head as former xians,your clergy made u believe that you were engrafted to that fucked up jewsus so u are a Jew.all u need is more programming and more mental efforts.no one need to tell you that.so far Satanism requires strength of mind,so i really hate this talk of someone coming here to say how he or she feels like giving up.u should be able to deal with somethings yourself and stop this weakling talk.HAIL SATAN

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
  Fathersch[/IMG]fathersch[/IMG][email protected] wrote:
  You may already know these things but if it's before the attack sets in I would go with the "it doesn't exist approach".If it begins to come on and you know it won't go away or if it in full swing then I would treat it like a living enemy that is there with you.Anger towards attack can be effecrive.Or laughter.If you can conjure some true laughter that should help.What kind of attacks?

luciferi, Are you telling me that I'm a fucking joooo?? I AM NOT A FUCKING JEW and I'd appreciate it if you not insult me like that! You don't know me and I'm still new to this. But thanks for your "encouragement" anyways. NGU666
On Jun 28, 2016 3:22 PM, "luciferi Jr jr.luciferi@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Been busy examining what you call attacks and so far those voices popping up in your head are no psychic attacks.dats bullocks from your head as former xians,your clergy made u believe that you were engrafted to that fucked up jewsus so u are a Jew.all u need is more programming and more mental efforts.no one need to tell you that.so far Satanism requires strength of mind,so i really hate this talk of someone coming here to say how he or she feels like giving up.u should be able to deal with somethings yourself and stop this weakling talk.HAIL SATAN

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
  Fathersch[/IMG]fathersch[/IMG][email protected] wrote:
  You may already know these things but if it's before the attack sets in I would go with the "it doesn't exist approach".If it begins to come on and you know it won't go away or if it in full swing then I would treat it like a living enemy that is there with you.Anger towards attack can be effecrive.Or laughter.If you can conjure some true laughter that should help.What kind of attacks?
No i ain't saying u are a Jew.I apologize if i have insulted u i did not mean to,i was only trying to encourage and tnx for acknowledging my point of encouragement.SATANIC BLESSINGS BE WITH YOU 

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Wed, Jun 29, 2016 at 4:39 A[/IMG]jr.luc[/IMG][email protected] wrote:
  Been busy examining what you call attacks and so far those voices popping up in your head are no psychic attacks.dats bullocks from your head as former xians,your clergy made u believe that you were engrafted to that fucked up jewsus so u are a Jew.all u need is more programming and more mental efforts.no one need to tell you that.so far Satanism requires strength of mind,so i really hate this talk of someone coming here to say how he or she feels like giving up.u should be able to deal with somethings yourself and stop this weakling talk.HAIL SATAN

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
  Fathersch[/IMG]fathersch[/IMG][email protected] wrote:
  You may already know these things but if it's before the attack sets in I would go with the "it doesn't exist approach".If it begins to come on and you know it won't go away or if it in full swing then I would treat it like a living enemy that is there with you.Anger towards attack can be effecrive.Or laughter.If you can conjure some true laughter that should help.What kind of attacks?
Sweet revenge, you misread (easy mistake because his grammar wasn't the best).
What he meant was that the enemy sometimes tries to put in your head saying that 'you're a jew'. That's something the enemy will try to convince you of, he's not calling you one. Relax :)
This is whay i want just all xtians to die. One - time a brother (dedicated member, not real brother) was attack by his parents, they find out what he is and sayed to him that is he nor leve SS than they will kick him from the hause, he was a under age.
So i become angry and almost coocked them live. Just visualised pure, hot fire and   -purr anger. So then he asked Satan to remowe that my force because his parents only after two hourse got hight temperature and was sick and i didnt know hove to remowe what i done.I have naturaly strong will so if you want to revenge yourself do what i do when i am angry.

-------- Original message --------
From: "paradox1cal@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected]
Date: 27/06/2016 08:58 (GMT+01:00)
To: [email protected]
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Desperate to get back into Satanism..

  taol, yes they recently went through every single little thing in my room. A bunch of things I kept in boxes were out, etc. Parents denied it. Thought I had at least a bit of privacy but I do not. I will still find a way to make it work though.iorost, a few of those things you listed happened to me, I'd also being attacked while in sleep paralysis or get a bunch of invasive thoughts, scare tactics, etc.:( I shouldn't have let it get to me. And I will not this time!
I've been back doing my meditations and will everyday (especially my protection meditation) and I have some ideas to spread Satanism :) thanks to you all for your advice. Hail Satan! 

I think what Luciferi meant was that the enemy clergy programming makes one enslaved to their joo jewsus and thus they implant the fear one could be a jew. In other words suggestions to weaken and frighten you. I'm pretty sure he didn't meant to say YOU are a jew.

We should first try to deal with some things ourselves but I don't think there's anything wrong with occasionally turning to other Satanists for advice and encouragement when one is suffering from this kind of fear/attack. After all, they are the only people who could possibly understand or empathize. You certainly couldn't turn to someone Without. We are a community of family. We should support one another. We all do our best but the fact is some are stronger than others. We all advance at our own pace. I think of those in our Satanic community who are vastly more knowledgeable and advanced than I as older brothers and sisters and turning to them for advice etc is just a natural human impulse. We don't exist in a vacuum.

What Magus said: "enemy Greys can influence people in our family, through strangers or our social circle to make our life difficult when we want to advance" is really true. I know this happens to me a LOT as I work to advance but most especially when I am working on something specific whose end result is to help promote our Gods. It amazes me really, how relentless this interference is. I take this to demonstrate that gentiles becoming strong in Satanism must really frighten them!

So I would quote something HP HC said once: Don't let anything or anyone stop you; not even yourself!

Hail Satan!
luciferi, "...that fucked up jewsus so u are a Jew..." Maybe you should say your wording so that it makes more sense. It's hard to understand some of the writings due to people's wording/grammar. I was being sarcastic when I said, "thanks for the "encouragement!" because at that time I felt NOT encouraged but attacked. Sorry if I read it wrong, I've been highly sensitive the past few days so the part when you said, "u are a Jew" just pissed me off and I took it the wrong way xD My bad! :-( NGU666
On Jun 29, 2016 2:07 PM, "luciferi Jr jr.luciferi@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  No i ain't saying u are a Jew.I apologize if i have insulted u i did not mean to,i was only trying to encourage and tnx for acknowledging my point of encouragement.SATANIC BLESSINGS BE WITH YOU 

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
  luc[/IMG]jr.luc[/IMG][email protected] wrote:
  Been busy examining what you call attacks and so far those voices popping up in your head are no psychic attacks.dats bullocks from your head as former xians,your clergy made u believe that you were engrafted to that fucked up jewsus so u are a Jew.all u need is more programming and more mental efforts.no one need to tell you that.so far Satanism requires strength of mind,so i really hate this talk of someone coming here to say how he or she feels like giving up.u should be able to deal with somethings yourself and stop this weakling talk.HAIL SATAN

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
  Fathersch[/IMG]fathersch[/IMG][email protected] wrote:
  You may already know these things but if it's before the attack sets in I would go with the "it doesn't exist approach".If it begins to come on and you know it won't go away or if it in full swing then I would treat it like a living enemy that is there with you.Anger towards attack can be effecrive.Or laughter.If you can conjure some true laughter that should help.What kind of attacks?
Well I can assure you all I'm no jooo. I'm Asian and I dedicated 3 years ago. If I was a joo, I'd probably be dead for dedicating already!! xD Thanks all for explaining lol. NGU666
On Jun 29, 2016 2:08 PM, "ljossmyrkr@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Sweet revenge, you misread (easy mistake because his grammar wasn't the best).
What he meant was that the enemy sometimes tries to put in your head saying that 'you're a jew'. That's something the enemy will try to convince you of, he's not calling you one. Relax :)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
