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Apr 5, 2013
I quit my medications that I had been prescribed my psychiatrist (Wellbutrin and Lamictal) about a month ago. I was hating the way they were making me feel and for a short while I was thinking that I was slowly beginning to feel better. In the past, I have been on many many different medications without any of them doing much help, and they were mostly numbing me and making me feel stupid. I was on a lot of Prozac and the numbness was driving me crazy. I turned to weed and I've been high pretty much everyday since. I've been hospitalized twice for suicide and those have been the only times I've been sober. I have been somewhat sober for a few days, and I feel with the seasons changing that my depression has been getting worse, and coupled with the more soberness lately I've been feeling extremely emotional. I just graduated high school and started taking online classes at the local college and I guess I'm just lost as to my direction in life. I know what I want to do, but I just feel so inadequate. I've read here that psychiatry is just to suppress spriituality. I'm struggling to find my opinion on weed and what I'm going to do about it, and I've also been thinking about starting medications again because I'm simply lost. I guess why I'm posting here is because I feel it is the only place I can think of for advice. Meditations, simple guidance or words of wisdom is all I'm looking for. I also feel inadequate when it comes to satanism because I don't know what to do, even with the joyofsatan website. I also feel that the weed is blocking my psychic abilities as in the past I was much sharper, and much more intuitive. So guidance of how to advance myself, how to overcome my dependence on weed as I have found it the only way to deal with my emptiness, and advice on what to do about my depression is what I'm looking for by posting here. If no one chooses to reply I understand, I do seem pretty pathetic. But if you feel like you want to anything you can offer me I will be incredibly thankful for. Thanks in advance.
Fuck yahoo and my mobile, they deleted the message I was typing, argh! Well, I was saying that I can understand how you feel and what you've gone trough, I have a dark past with weed and medications and being hospitalized too. Well now still I have to fight with lots of problem but I DO feel better. It's good you don't take medications anymore, with me they only messed my mind, never helped. Now you need to quit weed too. That shit is not your friend and is only going to make you feel worse and worse. It's not impossible, trust me. You need to realize what is that is making you feel like this. What's wrong with your life. I'm assuming you're dedicated, you can talk to Father. You can talk with your GD, even if you still don't know who s/he is. You may not hear blatant answers but you'll get signs. They're busy, yes, but they care about us. If you're serious about getting better and strong, they'll help. You need to meditate, meditate and meditate. Depression is sign of low bioelectricity. And you need to keep consistent and not skip any day. What meditations to do. Any, just any. I may advise you to use runes and affirmations to help you quit weed, and maybe working especialy well on your lower chackras (remember that you need to balance the energies, tought). Hatha yoga would really help too, but again, if you start you need to be consistent. Brother, really dunno what else to advise you, remember that you're not alone in what you're facing and that it IS possible to get a better life. Please be strong and never think of suicide again, remember that Satanism is for the strong ones, so you need to be strong. Best of luck.
Truth be told, the weed is CAUSING the emptinessand the difficulties with meditation and your natural-born intuition. All those thoughts of the anticipated withdrawals? They're not true. They're mostly self-talk resulting from your acceptance of flawed information. The more you honestly, consistently choose to stay away from it, the easier it gets to avoid.

Sure, it's pushed as "cool" on TV, in music and the movies. But you MUST realize there's an agenda behind keeping the masses stoned and stupid. And I only use the last word in the previous sentence - not to be insulting - but because I've had to face the cold, cruel truth about my own past.

Hail Father Satan!

---In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:

I quit my medications that I had been prescribed my psychiatrist (Wellbutrin and Lamictal) about a month ago. I was hating the way they were making me feel and for a short while I was thinking that I was slowly beginning to feel better. In the past, I have been on many many different medications without any of them doing much help, and they were mostly numbing me and making me feel stupid. I was on a lot of Prozac and the numbness was driving me crazy. I turned to weed and I've been high pretty much everyday since. I've been hospitalized twice for suicide and those have been the only times I've been sober. I have been somewhat sober for a few days, and I feel with the seasons changing that my depression has been getting worse, and coupled with the more soberness lately I've been feeling extremely emotional. I just graduated high school and started taking online classes at the local college and I guess I'm just lost as to my direction in life. I know what I want to do, but I just feel so inadequate. I've read here that psychiatry is just to suppress spriituality. I'm struggling to find my opinion on weed and what I'm going to do about it, and I've also been thinking about starting medications again because I'm simply lost. I guess why I'm posting here is because I feel it is the only place I can think of for advice. Meditations, simple guidance or words of wisdom is all I'm looking for. I also feel inadequate when it comes to satanism because I don't know what to do, even with the joyofsatan website. I also feel that the weed is blocking my psychic abilities as in the past I was much sharper, and much more intuitive. So guidance of how to advance myself, how to overcome my dependence on weed as I have found it the only way to deal with my emptiness, and advice on what to do about my depression is what I'm looking for by posting here. If no one chooses to reply I understand, I do seem pretty pathetic. But if you feel like you want to anything you can offer me I will be incredibly thankful for. Thanks in advance.
You're definitely right about the weed. Even though I was depressed before I started smoking, I definitely didn't feel this blah. I don't take any offense at you pointing out the agenda to keep us stupid. It's correct. I've thought about this before but I didn't know if it actually was the truth. I've just needed someone to tell me straight up what's up with weed. And I appreciate you saying what you did. Not in a conceited way, but I was brilliant before I smoked. And I just hope that my previous abilities will return. Thank you for your reply. 

---In [email protected], <no.state@... wrote:

Truth be told, the weed is CAUSING the emptinessand the difficulties with meditation and your natural-born intuition. All those thoughts of the anticipated withdrawals? They're not true. They're mostly self-talk resulting from your acceptance of flawed information. The more you honestly, consistently choose to stay away from it, the easier it gets to avoid.

Sure, it's pushed as "cool" on TV, in music and the movies. But you MUST realize there's an agenda behind keeping the masses stoned and stupid. And I only use the last word in the previous sentence - not to be insulting - but because I've had to face the cold, cruel truth about my own past.

Hail Father Satan!

---In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:

I quit my medications that I had been prescribed my psychiatrist (Wellbutrin and Lamictal) about a month ago. I was hating the way they were making me feel and for a short while I was thinking that I was slowly beginning to feel better. In the past, I have been on many many different medications without any of them doing much help, and they were mostly numbing me and making me feel stupid. I was on a lot of Prozac and the numbness was driving me crazy. I turned to weed and I've been high pretty much everyday since. I've been hospitalized twice for suicide and those have been the only times I've been sober. I have been somewhat sober for a few days, and I feel with the seasons changing that my depression has been getting worse, and coupled with the more soberness lately I've been feeling extremely emotional. I just graduated high school and started taking online classes at the local college and I guess I'm just lost as to my direction in life. I know what I want to do, but I just feel so inadequate. I've read here that psychiatry is just to suppress spriituality. I'm struggling to find my opinion on weed and what I'm going to do about it, and I've also been thinking about starting medications again because I'm simply lost. I guess why I'm posting here is because I feel it is the only place I can think of for advice. Meditations, simple guidance or words of wisdom is all I'm looking for. I also feel inadequate when it comes to satanism because I don't know what to do, even with the joyofsatan website. I also feel that the weed is blocking my psychic abilities as in the past I was much sharper, and much more intuitive. So guidance of how to advance myself, how to overcome my dependence on weed as I have found it the only way to deal with my emptiness, and advice on what to do about my depression is what I'm looking for by posting here. If no one chooses to reply I understand, I do seem pretty pathetic. But if you feel like you want to anything you can offer me I will be incredibly thankful for. Thanks in advance.
Thank you for your reply. I've been trying to come to terms with the fact that weed is only impairing me but I know it is going to be a great struggle. I'm definitely going to make myself do at least some sort of meditations everyday, I honestly don't know why I haven't been. Doubt I suppose. I'm going to try all of your suggestions, they really give me a good place to start. I really, truly appreciate this response as it is exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you.
Very nice answer, black.chaosdragon666@...!~

On Monday, October 14, 2013 3:04 PM, "black.chaosdragon666@..." <black.chaosdragon666@... wrote:
  Fuck yahoo and my mobile, they deleted the message I was typing, argh! Well, I was saying that I can understand how you feel and what you've gone trough, I have a dark past with weed and medications and being hospitalized too. Well now still I have to fight with lots of problem but I DO feel better. It's good you don't take medications anymore, with me they only messed my mind, never helped. Now you need to quit weed too. That shit is not your friend and is only going to make you feel worse and worse. It's not impossible, trust me. You need to realize what is that is making you feel like this. What's wrong with your life. I'm assuming you're dedicated, you can talk to Father. You can talk with your GD, even if you still don't know who s/he is. You may not hear blatant answers but you'll get signs. They're busy, yes, but they care about us. If you're serious about getting better and strong, they'll help. You need to meditate, meditate and meditate. Depression is sign of low bioelectricity. And you need to keep consistent and not skip any day. What meditations to do. Any, just any. I may advise you to use runes and affirmations to help you quit weed, and maybe working especialy well on your lower chackras (remember that you need to balance the energies, tought). Hatha yoga would really help too, but again, if you start you need to be consistent. Brother, really dunno what else to advise you, remember that you're not alone in what you're facing and that it IS possible to get a better life. Please be strong and never think of suicide again, remember that Satanism is for the strong ones, so you need to be strong. Best of luck.

Has anyone on here deals with depression and serving Satan? For me when my depression hits i become like a hermit and shut everything off and go into a hole. Then it seems like I am back to square one with trying to get closer with him and become more ungrounded. Then issues at work arise because those Christians are not fond of me working next to them. Then i hate to work over time because that means i have to be around them and bills pile up.Then I become more swallowed by the darkness. I try to talk to our Lord everyday and he does talk back to me mentally which helps. I was curious what other on here do. I feel alone because there is no one physically around me to talk to or hang out and do ceremony with. I am glad that he did bring a special person into my life online. I can go to him and we can talk about anything, sucks he lives in anouther country.

Sorry to put this on here like this, but i need to get this off my chest...thanks for listening
Oh I know how you feel. The meditation has helped me a lot but I still get it every once in a while.

On Monday, June 15, 2015 8:29 PM, "jennifer197424@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Has anyone on here deals with depression and serving Satan? For me when my depression hits i become like a hermit and shut everything off and go into a hole. Then it seems like I am back to square one with trying to get closer with him and become more ungrounded. Then issues at work arise because those Christians are not fond of me working next to them. Then i hate to work over time because that means i have to be around them and bills pile up.Then I become more swallowed by the darkness. I try to talk to our Lord everyday and he does talk back to me mentally which helps. I was curious what other on here do. I feel alone because there is no one physically around me to talk to or hang out and do ceremony with. I am glad that he did bring a special person into my life online. I can go to him and we can talk about anything, sucks he lives in anouther country.

Sorry to put this on here like this, but i need to get this off my chest...thanks for listening

Depression is because of low bioelectricity. If you do kundalini yoga and power meditations (as on the Joy of Satan website) you will feel better and in time, not be depressed. The trick is to do it everyday, consistently. It's also important to clean your aura and chakras twice daily, more if you feel the need, especially since you work around Christians. Don't forget the aura of protection more then twice daily and programming your aura to reflect and deflect energy back at those nasty Christians:Fighting Back
You could also look into your diet and make sure you're eating enough of a balanced diet, and drinking non-flouridated water too. This will help with your mood and health.
I hope this helped a bit. Hail Satan!

On Monday, June 15, 2015 5:29 PM, "jennifer197424@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Has anyone on here deals with depression and serving Satan? For me when my depression hits i become like a hermit and shut everything off and go into a hole. Then it seems like I am back to square one with trying to get closer with him and become more ungrounded. Then issues at work arise because those Christians are not fond of me working next to them. Then i hate to work over time because that means i have to be around them and bills pile up.Then I become more swallowed by the darkness. I try to talk to our Lord everyday and he does talk back to me mentally which helps. I was curious what other on here do. I feel alone because there is no one physically around me to talk to or hang out and do ceremony with. I am glad that he did bring a special person into my life online. I can go to him and we can talk about anything, sucks he lives in anouther country.

Sorry to put this on here like this, but i need to get this off my chest...thanks for listening

Guess what? Thebyoga will help, yes but, sometimes depression is also just plain old sadness. And, sadness and anger are really the same thing, just expressed differently.

So, if you have one of those times when meditation and yoga aren't helping, embrace your depression with the goal of breaking it down to why you are sad.

Once in awhile, sadness, anger and all that is perfectly legitimate.
We can't always be happy fuzzy bunnies. Reality doesn't work that way.

But, use it for the gift it is.

Either let the sadness lead to the anger and use it in an attack on those fucking kikes or, at least discern why you're sad and take care of the issue.
i was like you and now I don't need anyone around me even if a girl want to be with me I say no coz I feel better just having father satan in my life. and what helped me is training and exercise and sports those helped my depression

On Wednesday, June 17, 2015 6:58 AM, "no.state@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Guess what? Thebyoga will help, yes but, sometimes depression is also just plain old sadness. And, sadness and anger are really the same thing, just expressed differently.

So, if you have one of those times when meditation and yoga aren't helping, embrace your depression with the goal of breaking it down to why you are sad.

Once in awhile, sadness, anger and all that is perfectly legitimate.
We can't always be happy fuzzy bunnies. Reality doesn't work that way.

But, use it for the gift it is.

Either let the sadness lead to the anger and use it in an attack on those fucking kikes or, at least discern why you're sad and take care of the issue.

I can feel where you are comming from. I have tried suicide several times because of being lost and not knowing what where and how to deal with stuff in my life. Last time was 5 years ago and i hope i dont get that way ever again. I love these groups and have learned from them but i wish i could have someone physically here to talk to. The ones that i have found dont believe like i do and that can cause debates, which i hate doing. I dont see any counselor because they look at me like im crazy for worshipping satan. So i deal with it. I get good days and bad. I try to meditation and prayer to our Lord for help and guidance. When i get my ass out of the house and walk around in nature that helps. One of my issues that i have come to terms is my weight. I just started to get back to the gym, the other is my bills. Im so far behind that i try not to stress but its hard. We need to keep talking to eachother because we are truly a family and need to stick together to bring the false "god" down...be strong
Anger can come from depression and sadness but they are not the same thing.

Sadness is a lack of qi or bio electricity but anger is a rapid upward movement of qi. Sadness only turns into anger when the resources of the body are unable to restrain the qi downward in the lower abdomen, due to long standing qi deficiency (sadness) leading to yin deficiency (yin restrains the Yang qi in the lower abdomen, when it is deficient yang easily rises causing anger.

Of course anger can also be a natural emotional reaction but the result is the same; qi and yang rising quickly. Injury to the body by anger can be prevented by guiding this rising qi up the sushummna and out an open crown chakra and sadness can be negated by increasing the level of bio electricity in the body. Naturally these emotions will arise from time to time in response to external circumstances but learning how to direct the energies and negate the negative physical symptoms is part of the beauty of being spiritually empowered.
I am the same exact way and it gets so bad that I alienate everyone. What helps is taking my antidepressants and meditation. If u don't like medication, then try St Johns wart, it helps a lot. It takes about a week to get into your system but once it does then u will forget that you were ever depressed. Also, try melatonin at night, because it is good for the pineal gland and will help with sleep. People with depression have problems sleeping and this aggavates the depression. Getting a good night sleep will help you to feel refreshed and help with depression.
Hope this helps. Hail Ea
On Jun 15, 2015 8:29 PM, "jennifer197424@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Has anyone on here deals with depression and serving Satan? For me when my depression hits i become like a hermit and shut everything off and go into a hole. Then it seems like I am back to square one with trying to get closer with him and become more ungrounded. Then issues at work arise because those Christians are not fond of me working next to them. Then i hate to work over time because that means i have to be around them and bills pile up.Then I become more swallowed by the darkness. I try to talk to our Lord everyday and he does talk back to me mentally which helps. I was curious what other on here do. I feel alone because there is no one physically around me to talk to or hang out and do ceremony with. I am glad that he did bring a special person into my life online. I can go to him and we can talk about anything, sucks he lives in anouther country.

Sorry to put this on here like this, but i need to get this off my chest...thanks for listening
You know what also helps with depression? In addition to the meditation and yoga, I mean?

Doing something.

Being busy also serves as a form of void meditation, in that it gets you out of your head and grounds you in the physical.

If you don't have a job, get one. If you can't work - for whatever reason - clean your house. Clean your neighbor's house. Do some volunteer work. Read to old people at a nursing home (not the buybull obviously LOL).


It really does help.

Hail Father Satan!
Doing something doesn't help with depression, it merely hides or suppresses it. It's pretty obvious because when you stop doing it that will return again full force. Void meditation isn't about suppressing something, but making it visible. It would work if you are focused in the things you feel when you're depressed without analyzing or judging them and fully accepting them, that's void meditation and in this way you do acknowledge those feelings, not try to hide or suppress them or something. In the JoS site it mentions that when doing power meditations you may get feelings you've suppressed in which you'll need to accept them, and they will dissolve them when you fully accept them.
I meant that void meditation should not be used to suppress something. I know buddhists and others do that and it's very dangerous. Besides that, a person who is full of disturbing thoughts and emotions and who is using void meditation to "get rid of them" will have a hard time focusing totally into something else because these unacknowledged things will continue to nag him. I know that from my experience. Sure a person who has accepted those thoughts and emotions will have no problem doing void meditation.
No, fire_starter, I'm not talking about doing something as a temporary distraction, I'm talking about doing something, in opposition to the energies which keep a person down and depressed.

Also notice, it's in addition to the yoga and meditation.
You do know you can be with woman right? I mean being sexually active is a good thing. Though i do not know how the middle east treats stuff like one night stands. ugghh must be a pain dealing with there bs. Btw have you considered ever leaving and going some were else?

On Wednesday, June 17, 2015 12:32 PM, "MOHAMAD AHMADI mohamad.ahmadi32@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  i was like you and now I don't need anyone around me even if a girl want to be with me I say no coz I feel better just having father satan in my life. and what helped me is training and exercise and sports those helped my depression

On Wednesday, June 17, 2015 6:58 AM, "no.state@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Guess what? Thebyoga will help, yes but, sometimes depression is also just plain old sadness. And, sadness and anger are really the same thing, just expressed differently.

So, if you have one of those times when meditation and yoga aren't helping, embrace your depression with the goal of breaking it down to why you are sad.

Once in awhile, sadness, anger and all that is perfectly legitimate.
We can't always be happy fuzzy bunnies. Reality doesn't work that way.

But, use it for the gift it is.

Either let the sadness lead to the anger and use it in an attack on those fucking kikes or, at least discern why you're sad and take care of the issue.

Well the examples you gave aren't really the opposite of depression and the energies which keep a person down. Work, cleaning things e.t.c. aren't happy things. The opposite of depression is joy. It would be more suitable to say to do something you like, a pleasurable activity like traveling or having fun or something like that. Or work, but only if you like it and enjoy it.
The opposite of depression isn't necessarily pleasure. There are billions of depressed people engaged in pleasure.

The opposite of depression is happiness, which is all-too-often confused with pleasure.

And yes, working brings happiness.

Working -all types- leads to happiness.

As an example, an unkempt house contributes to depression. Whereas a clean home contributes to overall accomplishment.

Pleasure and happiness are different things.
Working doesn't bring happiness, nor does a clean home. I know a lot of people who have obsession with keeping their houses in order and are extremely unhappy. There are also people who do work and make a lot of money but are unhappy. You're confusing an inner state with something external. Happiness isn't something that depends on external circumstances but something completely internal. Pleasure and happiness are different yes, but with external things you can only have pleasure. Happiness is something you can choose to by lowering your expectations and accepting things. I know someone who has no job, nothing whatsoever but he's happy just because he's alive.
Which BTW is the most common myth about happiness. Most people think that happiness depends on external things like "if I get a promotion I'll be happy" but happiness is a purely internal state. I need to repeat this to clear this myth that the jews exploit in order to make money and slaves out of people. You can be in the worst position ever, living in the streets, poor, broke, e.t.c. but you can be happy at the same time if you accept those things and don't have high expectations. These aren't mutually exclusive. Just like you can be the richest most successful person ever but you can get to the point of committing suicide (as this has happened many times with rich successful people) because of having too high expectations or not appreciating things or any other mental idea.
Now about work and cleaning your house, like I said again, if those things aren't done because you enjoy or at least accept them you'll later come to resent them. Much like with every other activity if viewed as a chore, even if it brings some benefits it will overshadow any happy feelings after it. For that reason one should first seek to do things they enjoy (including meditations, if you hate doing them but you're doing because of future rewards they won't work, and there are many examples of this) or at least he has no problem with. That's where most people fail because they try to get a job out of fear and not because they enjoy doing that activity. On the other hand you can do something you enjoy doing and make money out of it and have pleasure at the same time. And you will be more productive at that job than if you did it reluctantly. See what I'm talking about? Doing something you don't like because you seek to achieve something with it will cause more harm to you than good.
To explain this better: Yes, you can do everyday void meditation using an activity and focusing on it. But, if that activity is only used for a future goal, you won't focus on it but its supposed future result and you'll ignore the present. So if someone wants to do that there's one important thing: Not getting attached to the outcome of the activity. Doing it in the present moment and accepting it. If the activity is something you enjoy doing it it'll be easier to be 100% present and not get attached to its outcome, which is exactly why I said it. It's not necessary that you enjoy it, you need to be at least comfortable with it and not resist it. The whole thing is about being 100% present in that activity and not seek to accomplish something through it. To do it just for the sake of it.
@isabella um NO. drugs of any kind will only make you MORE fucked up and they make holes in your aura.
"antidepressants" actually MAKE you depressed and they are nothing but a jewish scam!
You fix depression by doing something. Meditate every day, take up an exercise regimen, draw something, whatever.But DO SOMETHING and NEVER take any drugs!

On Wednesday, June 17, 2015 7:59 PM, "Isabella M injustices33@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I am the same exact way and it gets so bad that I alienate everyone. What helps is taking my antidepressants and meditation. If u don't like medication, then try St Johns wart, it helps a lot. It takes about a week to get into your system but once it does then u will forget that you were ever depressed. Also, try melatonin at night, because it is good for the pineal gland and will help with sleep. People with depression have problems sleeping and this aggavates the depression. Getting a good night sleep will help you to feel refreshed and help with depression.
Hope this helps. Hail Ea
On Jun 15, 2015 8:29 PM, "jennifer197424@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Has anyone on here deals with depression and serving Satan? For me when my depression hits i become like a hermit and shut everything off and go into a hole. Then it seems like I am back to square one with trying to get closer with him and become more ungrounded. Then issues at work arise because those Christians are not fond of me working next to them. Then i hate to work over time because that means i have to be around them and bills pile up.Then I become more swallowed by the darkness. I try to talk to our Lord everyday and he does talk back to me mentally which helps. I was curious what other on here do. I feel alone because there is no one physically around me to talk to or hang out and do ceremony with. I am glad that he did bring a special person into my life online. I can go to him and we can talk about anything, sucks he lives in anouther country.

Sorry to put this on here like this, but i need to get this off my chest...thanks for listening

@fake name: Speaking from experience, antidepressants make you like a grey (alien). When I took them they took away depression and other things, but they also took away my ability to experience positive emotions. It felt as if I was a zombie.
The muunka rune in :words of power freeing the soul at the advanced section. Will help big time, get ready to get your ass kicked its the most effective working ive done so far it helped me cleanse supressed emotions ive had for over 10 years.
<td val[/IMG]It did thank you...i do need to protect myself from them. 

From:"Magus Immortalis magus.immortalis@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected]
Date:Mon, Jun 15, 2015 at 8:52 PM
Subject:Re: [JoyofSatan666] Depression

  Depression is because of low bioelectricity. If you do kundalini yoga and power meditations (as on the Joy of Satan website) you will feel better and in time, not be depressed. The trick is to do it everyday, consistently. It's also important to clean your aura and chakras twice daily, more if you feel the need, especially since you work around Christians. Don't forget the aura of protection more then twice daily and programming your aura to reflect and deflect energy back at those nasty Christians:[url=http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Fighting_Back.html]Fighting Back

You could also look into your diet and make sure you're eating enough of a balanced diet, and drinking non-flouridated water too. This will help with your mood and health.
I hope this helped a bit. Hail Satan!

On Monday, June 15, 2015 5:29 PM, "jennifer197424@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Has anyone on here deals with depression and serving Satan? For me when my depression hits i become like a hermit and shut everything off and go into a hole. Then it seems like I am back to square one with trying to get closer with him and become more ungrounded. Then issues at work arise because those Christians are not fond of me working next to them. Then i hate to work over time because that means i have to be around them and bills pile up.Then I become more swallowed by the darkness. I try to talk to our Lord everyday and he does talk back to me mentally which helps. I was curious what other on here do. I feel alone because there is no one physically around me to talk to or hang out and do ceremony with. I am glad that he did bring a special person into my life online. I can go to him and we can talk about anything, sucks he lives in anouther country.

Sorry to put this on here like this, but i need to get this off my chest...thanks for listening

I think working in this muslim shithole make you more depressed as they are so fucking retarded I hate every one of them so I don't go to work. and I don't have time for work I study 4 hours doing meditation and yoga 2 hours reading jos two hours exercise takes 4 hours and I go to language class for 2 hours im so busy and there is no part time job in this fucking muslim country

On Thursday, June 18, 2015 7:30 PM, "j.l3mm0n@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I meant that void meditation should not be used to suppress something. I know buddhists and others do that and it's very dangerous. Besides that, a person who is full of disturbing thoughts and emotions and who is using void meditation to "get rid of them" will have a hard time focusing totally into something else because these unacknowledged things will continue to nag him. I know that from my experience. Sure a person who has accepted those thoughts and emotions will have no problem doing void meditation.

I just found out late last week that my best friend who was also my first love died.  I'm struggling so hard right now with everything.  im 17, dont have a job, out of high school, he was my best friend and now hes dead.  i cant handle this.  im trying so hard not to kill myself.  i have two close friends, one i know is there for me but the other is a guy iv fallen in love with who told me he loves me back...he never even offered comfort he never checks up on me to see if im okay.  its as if he doesent even care about me...hes the only reason im holding on to life right now and im starting to think that maybe im wrong to becuase it really seems like he couldnt care less about me...help. please.  i cant go to anyone else.  every day gets harder for me.  im trying my hardest but i can feel my sanity and desire to live slipping through my fingers every second now.
Is their a ritual you can do to pass an exam?

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On Jun 19, 2015, at 6:50 AM, j.l3mm0n@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  To explain this better: Yes, you can do everyday void meditation using an activity and focusing on it. But, if that activity is only used for a future goal, you won't focus on it but its supposed future result and you'll ignore the present. So if someone wants to do that there's one important thing: Not getting attached to the outcome of the activity. Doing it in the present moment and accepting it. If the activity is something you enjoy doing it it'll be easier to be 100% present and not get attached to its outcome, which is exactly why I said it. It's not necessary that you enjoy it, you need to be at least comfortable with it and not resist it. The whole thing is about being 100% present in that activity and not seek to accomplish something through it. To do it just for the sake of it.
What's the deal with grey aliens?  What about the tall whites 

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On Jun 19, 2015, at 2:12 PM, j.l3mm0n@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  @fake name: Speaking from experience, antidepressants make you like a grey (alien). When I took them they took away depression and other things, but they also took away my ability to experience positive emotions. It felt as if I was a zombie.
Im satanist for 3 years ago I meditate every day to open my chakras but I wan some technique to open my 3rd eye so please can anyone help me
hail satan
hail hitler
hail all gods of hell
@ josh blutman yeah, it's called STUDY.

On Friday, June 19, 2015 7:29 PM, "Josh Blutman skullbrain1@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Is their a ritual you can do to pass an exam?

Sent from my iPhone
On Jun 19, 2015, at 6:50 AM, j.l3mm0n@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  To explain this better: Yes, you can do everyday void meditation using an activity and focusing on it. But, if that activity is only used for a future goal, you won't focus on it but its supposed future result and you'll ignore the present. So if someone wants to do that there's one important thing: Not getting attached to the outcome of the activity. Doing it in the present moment and accepting it. If the activity is something you enjoy doing it it'll be easier to be 100% present and not get attached to its outcome, which is exactly why I said it. It's not necessary that you enjoy it, you need to be at least comfortable with it and not resist it. The whole thing is about being 100% present in that activity and not seek to accomplish something through it. To do it just for the sake of it.

Just ignore the greys. Doing void meditation and being aware will help you greatly when those tall white Greys insert emotions and/or thoughts into you. You"ll know it's them; and by ignoring them and not feeding into their antics they stop.Hail Satan!

On Friday, June 19, 2015 7:59 PM, "Josh Blutman skullbrain1@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  What's the deal with grey aliens?  What about the tall whites 

Sent from my iPhone
On Jun 19, 2015, at 2:12 PM, j.l3mm0n@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  @fake name: Speaking from experience, antidepressants make you like a grey (alien). When I took them they took away depression and other things, but they also took away my ability to experience positive emotions. It felt as if I was a zombie.

Look on the Joy of Satan website under Meditations, it's all there. Everything you need to know to open up your third eye.Meditate everyday and be consistent with it. Even 5-15 minutes a day is good to start.Here's a meditation program to help you out, by HP Hooded Cobra, found in Satan's Library:http://webzoom.freewebs.com/satanismgr/ ... stries.pdf

Spiritual Satanism is about studying, researching and learning for yourself.Hail Satan.

On Friday, June 19, 2015 8:00 PM, "alandaleb10@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Im satanist for 3 years ago I meditate every day to open my chakras but I wan some technique to open my 3rd eye so please can anyone help me
hail satan
hail hitler
hail all gods of hell

Hi Jillian,You're grieving. It's a natural process to go through even though it feels like the end of the world.You could talk to Satan about how you feel. He's very understanding and is always there for us.
You could also seek out a counsellor who specializes in grieving. There are groups you could also ask about joining, if they run groups like that. I knew someone who was a grief counselor.
I don't recommend listening to sad songs (that is, sitting there in front of your computer or listening to song after song on Youtube or your Ipod) because they really won't help. 
Be sure to clean your aura and chakras everyday, and build an aura of protection. Its like taking a shower; cleaning our soul is necessary.Speaking of showers, force yourself to take one everyday, even if you don't feel like it. Put on clean clothes. You"ll feel better and be more likely to get what you need done for the day.
Words can be cheap. Someone can *say* they love you with words but not show it with actions. Better to take everything they say to you with a grain of salt, if you even want them in your life at all.On the other hand, other people show their love and care for you with actions and with little or no words.

On Thursday, June 18, 2015 10:22 PM, "Jillian Kniep xxxirkengirlxxx@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I just found out late last week that my best friend who was also my first love died.  I'm struggling so hard right now with everything.  im 17, dont have a job, out of high school, he was my best friend and now hes dead.  i cant handle this.  im trying so hard not to kill myself.  i have two close friends, one i know is there for me but the other is a guy iv fallen in love with who told me he loves me back...he never even offered comfort he never checks up on me to see if im okay.  its as if he doesent even care about me...hes the only reason im holding on to life right now and im starting to think that maybe im wrong to becuase it really seems like he couldnt care less about me...help. please.  i cant go to anyone else.  every day gets harder for me.  im trying my hardest but i can feel my sanity and desire to live slipping through my fingers every second now.

You can vibrate a rune to increase intelligence, but it would really be faster if you just studied.
Jillian, I'm sorry to hear of your loss. This is a hard thing to endure.

Grieving is not easy at all. Sometimes the words just can't be found in Human tongue.

That's why I ask Satan for help with the worst issues.

Your fellow Human will let you down. Sad but true.

Father Satan never does, though.

Visualize His sigil and talk to Him.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
