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Demons vs the people


New member
Mar 11, 2009
How healthy is it that I want to replace all people with the Gods and Lotd Satan? I don't want friends and the Gods will never disappoint me, lie to me or steal from me. I feel like he set it up like this so we could make the choice to do this. I want to give all of my attention and love to the Gods. I plan on being very busy with school and work and buying a house to meditate for hours in my spare time for the rest of my life in solitude and make spiritual youtube videos, write spiritual books, and fight in this war.

I've never had a real friend that didn't try to take advantage of me and use me. I'm sure that I won't meet any other real Satanists. Don't mean to drain you but this is the truth.

Can I cut off all people and ONLY connect with Higher energy?
Well, you can do whatever you want.Just have in mind a couple of things...:
1: not ALL people are like the so-called 'friends' you had so far in your life. Have you ever thought that maybe it was the enemy behind these meetings/'friends' of yours that wanted to make you be the way you are now? (to not want any social contact whatsoever)
2. You WILL meet Spiritual Satanists in real life at some point; it is inevitable as more people are learning the Truth... At some point there will only be Spiritual Satanists on this planet, but if you're shut in your room/house for your entire life, you'll never take notice of them.3. Do not forget that, despite the shitty people you've met in your life, not all of them are like that; we ALL are Satan's Children! Some of us have been deluded so badly that there are people who literally worship the enemy. There are others who had been so badly traumatized in their previous lives that they now have sick desires and can not explain why they do the things they do. Some have certain fears and traumas originated from previous lives which have lead them to hate themselves, to hate their surroundings, without having any knowledge whatsoever of the real source behind their 'nature' (because it is NOT their nature. It is how they ended up because of all the shit they lived in previous lives etc).
Lastlyyy... 4. I repeat all humans (except for jews; who are not humans to begin with) are Satan's Children. Some are deluded, walking in wrong pathways. Others are curious and want to search the truth but have no one near them who can teach them. I am surrounded by this kind of people. I am surrounded by the deluded ones, but also by the ones who desire to know the TRUTH, although they have no idea what the Truth really is about... They are doing their own research but end up in a deadlock because they can't find the right source (joyofSatan website etc)... So I am here. In-between them. I constantly spread pure Satanic energy to the deluded ones (so, even without their awareness, they are constantly, slowly drawing closer to Satan) and I am constantly explaining with a few 'hints' each time to the people who are curious of learning the Truth..... And you have no idea how smart some people are.... ;) Just give them one small amount of information and they'll manage to uncover the biggest propaganda of the world just by questioning themselves about it (and having Satan's guidance *without* their awareness).

You see, whenever I meet a new person in my life there's always one thought that comes first to my mind, one question: can I help this person see the Truth? Can I help him/her see the Truth about Satan and Spiritual Satanism? Are they even interested in this? What can I offer to this person to make him stop being deluded?
These are always my thoughts. And hey, I'm not saying that all people deserve to know the information *we* know... but by having Satan's and the Gods' guidance you will know if, when and what to say to each individual.

I will give you three examples/experiences of mine here. (yes, this response turned out to be huge, I don't care xD)
1. There was this kid I knew when I was in high school. I was going to the same english school with him (I don't know the english term; they are schools only for teaching foreign languages) and anyway I had randomly met him again after more than 5 years on the street. So, we arranged to go for a coffee one day. I was really happy, thinking that maybe I could somehow help him as well... Help him in learning the Truth about Satan. I'm not even kidding, this is always my first thought. :p And I was thinking that "this can't be a 'coincidence'. Maybe this was meant to be. For me to help this person" and anyway we went for coffee a few days later (he also brought another friend with him). After talking, I realized that this person is really deluded... a brainwashed stupid christian. And you know what? After I departed from them and returned home and was cleaning my aura etc... A sudden thought came to my mind. I had a nasty feeling all over, and I suddenly thought that that 'friend' of mine and his own friend were talking bad about me behind my back... And I was right. :) So this person didn't deserve my time. But I took the risk. And I don't regret it. I saw what kind of a person he truly was.
2. Now, there was this other person I knew... I recently met him in a comics seminar that I attend. This person was funny and he seemed to be fun to hang around. Well, I didn't really hang around with him, just talked a few times while being in the seminar. And he was really talented with his artistic skills... and I was a bit jealous to be honest. I want to reach his level (he's even younger than me!) but I wondered that, if he were to know about the Truth, maybe he'd be willing to join me or something and draw together to spread the Satanic Truth... And that night I had a dream. I had a dream that told me that this person is not doing Satan's Work... And when the seminars finally came to an end (after many weeks) his 'finished work' (the comic he created) was about a beast who raped a woman and some bullshit...... That was the comic he created. So no, this person would never be able to join the Satanic Cause... This person is a puppet of the enemy.
3. Lastly.... Twoooo or threeee people that I knew... I started talking to them about meditations etc (because they were interested). I didn't tell them too much, but then *they* started doing their own research as well. Biiiit by biiiit, I finally told them of the Truth (with our Gods' guidance of course) and anyway, these people have joined us. :) They've done the Dedication ritual and all that, and they keep on meditating daily with persistence... :)

(I didn't go into details about the last example lol; better to keep it simple)

Anyway, point is: not all people are worth our time. But the ones who DO... It is just priceless, to know that these people came to Satan thanks to your own words. Thanks to the information you gave them. But again, I repeat, you'll have our Gods' guidance on the matter. You won't be blindly walking on a string. You'll have your feet on the ground and will know what's ahead and who is worth what from you...
Soooo yeah. xDThis response of mine was not really to persuade you that you should not cut off communication from all humans... But to show you that humans... well, we're all connected, you know? Even the stupid deluded people leave an effect on this world (a negative effect). So, why not bright this world with your own Satanic energy? Blind them with your own Light. :)

Στις 6:55 π.μ. Πέμπτη, 2 Οκτωβρίου 2014, ο/η "skinny91mp@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] έγραψε:

  How healthy is it that I want to replace all people with the Gods and Lotd Satan? I don't want friends and the Gods will never disappoint me, lie to me or steal from me. I feel like he set it up like this so we could make the choice to do this. I want to give all of my attention and love to the Gods. I plan on being very busy with school and work and buying a house to meditate for hours in my spare time for the rest of my life in solitude and make spiritual youtube videos, write spiritual books, and fight in this war.

I've never had a real friend that didn't try to take advantage of me and use me. I'm sure that I won't meet any other real Satanists. Don't mean to drain you but this is the truth.

Can I cut off all people and ONLY connect with Higher energy?

Can you? Yes, absolutely.

As for how healthy it is that you have this desire... It is both healthy and unhealthy.

Given your past experiences with other people, it is in fact totally logical and a healthy decision. IF the reality is that you will never meet or befriend anyone who will not abuse you.

But at the same time, It's also likely a symptom of a deeper problem.

Certain forms of psychological damage actually have the effect of causing you to get stuck in relationships with abusive individuals. They alter the frequency you put out, your perceptions of individuals, etc... so you actually are only able to befriend individuals that will betray and use or otherwise abuse you. Even more fascinating, you'll find genuinely healthy individuals are anywhere from uninteresting to repulsive to you.

A good example of this is Mormons- after a while, they only enjoy the company of other abusers- mormons. They will reject and limit contact with psychologically healthy individuals in and of themselves.  The phenomena you've mentioned sounds like a problem that I've got personal experience with, codependency. Try looking into it (Read "Codependent No More". You might find it interesting.) if you get some time. Children of Alcoholics will keep dating alcoholics. Even marrying an alcoholic can have this effect. Most forms of abuse cause codependency.

You may very well find that power meditation and attempting to get in touch with the Gods will lead you to resolve the deep-seated issues that cause this phenomena, but a little research can't hurt!

Not to dissuade you from your chosen path. At one time, just a few years ago, I felt the same. But then I started wondering how other people could have so much fun socializing, and started looking at myself... I realized that my mother was actually abusing me(Something which I still have not realized fully. I've recognized she's a narcissist(And major psychic vampire) and she's screwed up my mind greatly. Same with the church I used to be part of, the Mormons. I still keep finding out the rabbit hole goes deeper and deeper than I thought it did.

YMMV. But this path was a part of what led me here. If you have any questions, let me know. I hope that helps, and

You should really clean your chakras and auras, just a biiit harder each day. You're experiencing what I did before..those thoughts are kinda..dark.
You should talk to people when you can. Also, Spiritual Satanists are common, really. There's a lot of us. We're not wearing flashing signs, but we exist.
Solitude is a personal choice, but think it through..
Cutting off everyone to talk to demons only is not the best choice in life. Can be done, but why? We, the Gentiles, can become gods ourselves..one day. It's a bit rude to say we all let you down. Or maybe just misdirected.
It's human nature to use people, natural , basic psychology. You are unhealthy if you don't expect sone form of payment or experience of value when interacting with another person. Most interactions are about some form of manipulating a situation to gain more value whether it's a laugh. advice, or actual cash. This alone sucks. Me I have to pay people to be around me or talk to me. The Gods won't hurt me..ever. That's what I seek.
Well, these things are mutual.. For example when you want to make the other laugh at your joke or something, you don't just want to successfully be funny, but to also entertain the other. It's mutual; you want to receive and give. This is normal. Now *taking advantage* of the others is entirely different. I repeat, stop acting like everyone is the fucking same. If you're so negative and stuff, why don't you just do magick in order to attract friends that are actual friends and not assholes?

Στις 9:44 μ.μ. Παρασκευή, 3 Οκτωβρίου 2014, ο/η "skinny91mp@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] έγραψε:

  It's human nature to use people, natural , basic psychology. You are unhealthy if you don't expect sone form of payment or experience of value when interacting with another person. Most interactions are about some form of manipulating a situation to gain more value whether it's a laugh. advice, or actual cash. This alone sucks. Me I have to pay people to be around me or talk to me. The Gods won't hurt me..ever. That's what I seek.

Actually, a purely selfish desire to use people, Moral Egoism, is not "basic psychology". It is, in fact, a sign that something is fundamentally wrong with the individual in question- like psychosis, sociopathy, narcissism, etc.. Or Codependency. Codependency is a little different though, it's a case of first giving WAY too much totally selflessly. Then, you turn around and want the recipient to return the favor, and they don't, so you get mad at them...

But seriously. Most people actually do derive pleasure from helping others. Mirror Neurons are no doubt part of this- we feel what others feel. Our brains are designed to be empathetic. While you can argue that everyone is still selfish, you are missing the point, and I would suggest you look for James Rachel's response to moral/psychological egoism. The theory is infantile and doesn't ultimately work.

Seriously, dude. Take a break from people, that's fine. But don't give up entirely, there are good people. (I should also remark that you on some level believe that. Otherwise, why on earth would you be asking for advice here? I certainly gain nothing from helping you. I will probably never meet you, and I don't even know your username. Strange as it sounds, I just want to help you. That's why I'm here.)

Cleanse your aura and chakras, heal, learn(psychology and spirituality) do power meditations, and you'll be surprised when good people start coming into your life. What you put out is what you get back. If all you think of people is that they are going to mistreat and use you, first, someone who WON'T mistreat you won't want anything to do with you. Why deal with unjust or unmerited suspicion all the time? Second, you may find you want nothing to do with them. Look up codependency. You may have it, and that may be why you keep running into these problems.

Do you ever go too far out of your way to help someone? Do you ever find yourself helping someone against your own will? Even when they haven't asked for it?

If so, you're surfing the Rescue/Persecute/Victim triangle.

It does get better, but look to yourself first. Good luck!

please help me what what spell can l use  to increase my income
                         thank  you all
                     reply me.

On Tuesday, October 7, 2014 1:31 PM, "Light Yagami tapapakiastinseira@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Well, these things are mutual.. For example when you want to make the other laugh at your joke or something, you don't just want to successfully be funny, but to also entertain the other. It's mutual; you want to receive and give. This is normal. Now *taking advantage* of the others is entirely different. I repeat, stop acting like everyone is the fucking same. If you're so negative and stuff, why don't you just do magick in order to attract friends that are actual friends and not assholes?

Στις 9:44 μ.μ. Παρασκευή, 3 Οκτωβρίου 2014, ο/η "skinny91mp@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] έγραψε:

  It's human nature to use people, natural , basic psychology. You are unhealthy if you don't expect sone form of payment or experience of value when interacting with another person. Most interactions are about some form of manipulating a situation to gain more value whether it's a laugh. advice, or actual cash. This alone sucks. Me I have to pay people to be around me or talk to me. The Gods won't hurt me..ever. That's what I seek.

You need to raise your spiritual power in order to successfully utilize magick. Meditate and do yoga daily. A poor income can also be misfortune caused by a dirty aura. Clean your aura and build an aura of protection daily. The 40 Day Meditation Program is extremely useful for increasing your spiritual power.

40 Day Meditation Program
http://satanism-nazism.webs.com/hp_hood ... rogram.pdf

How to Clean Your Aura
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... aning.html 
Aura of Protection
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ction.html   You need to read the following articles before beginning magick.

The Three Steps of Witchcraft
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... Steps.html 
Overcoming Obstacles
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... acles.html  
You can do money spells to attract money and wealth.

Money Spells
https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Joy ... les/MONEY/  
You can program your  aura to attract wealth.

The Aura and How to Use It
The runes FEHU and ODHAL can be used to attract money and wealth.

The Runic Kabalah
You can use planetary squares to attract wealth. The Jupiter square brings luck while the Sun Square is good for any working. You can do a planetary square when the planet is not exalted or in its home zodiac sign. Do not do a planetary square when the planet is in its astrological signs of detriment or fall.

Satan's Magickal Squares

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
