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Demon Jasad

The Arabic word جسد (Jasad) means Body, or Corpse.

Surah Sad (38:34) of the Quran, where it says:

"And We certainly tested Solomon and placed on his throne a Jasad; then he repented."

However, 'Jasad' is sometimes used metaphorically for an empty vessel, a body without divine light or a soul, corrupted by evil.

Asmodeus told Solomon:

"So ask me not many things; for thy kingdom also after a little time is to be disrupted, and thy glory is but for a season, and short will be thy tyranny over us."

The Keys of Solomon employs spiritually abusive methods. The Lesser Key of Solomon, for example, was used to invoke Yahweh/Jehovah and hostile angels to coerce the Gods of Zeus into submission using a nine-foot circle and enemy props. These rituals, translated into Enochian, preserve the names of this enemy alien god, abusing and blaspheming our ancient Gods and Zeus. The same names appear in the Satanic Bible, which secretly forge a spiritual link that allows the enemy to wreak destruction upon the practitioner.

Further reading:
1. Spirit Abuse
2. About the Enochian Keys
3. How To Summon Demons

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
