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delete my fucking account please

SS Amonra said:

I frankly already saw the outcome of my post, trying to get myself deleted but I think personally the people in charge wanted to let this post be approved because they want drama, or they think that they can play the victim just because somebody don't agree with all of JoS (as I stated I agree with most of the jos, but some stuff I don't agree with).

I approved your post because you seriously need help. "i MaKe Ap0st So ItS P0stEd n WhEn it DoEs I acCuse tHe Appr0val Wh1le AccuSing dem OF DisaPProving my Posts". Now it should be evident why a few of your posts have been deleted before.

This trash posts should show everyone also why your posts were purged before. It has to be like 1-5 posts were disapproved if that, 120+ approved. But it has to be done. One reason is this, the other is you are in big need of help.

Nobody has had specifically a problem with you being "Trans" or with you wearing female clothes, or whatever else. You purposefully make it look that way only to again try to draw even more attention whoring on your already attention whoring, which is always was about, since day one, about writing about yourself and your gender. But everyone appears to be unable to digest your stupidity and how you conduct yourself over such situation, and force it into the face of other people, and act appalled at the reactions.

Your level of consciousness is surmised in how you repeat ad nauseum about how old you are. The infantility and stupidity of all of this just made me have enough, so tommorow you will not only be deleted, but you will be banned. If you ever return, spare us the time of listening about the meat between your legs and what you think it is and what is is not, and know we aren't quite all that interested if you like to wear a dress or something.
SS Amonra said:
Why do I need to explain myself as to why I am making my decisions, most of you are just proving that you think you know everything and that this is how it should be and what not, etc. The fact most of you are freaking out over my decision, and think I am brainwashed by jews,...…. lol. Come on please don't make me laugh but I am sure it is well intentioned. I don't need to convince anyone as to why I am doing what I am doing. It's like walking on egg shells, and then you negatively are telling me im gonna regret it, rather than support my decision, and it should be this way. Let me remind you, this is my free will, choice, and having free thoughts basically that's what Satanism is about. I see a lot of contradictions. One you talk about free thinking, Will/Choice and then we have other people who are hounding someone else over their choices, that seems like Christianity in reverse, how the hell do you know, you aren't being led on by the so called "enemy" and is in disguise as SS? Because a lot of Christian teachings also goes against men wearing womens clothing or that type of thing and vice versa.

I make reference to bible verses:
Deuteronomy 22:5 5A woman must not wear men's clothing, nor a man wear women's clothing, for the LORD your God detests anyone who does this.

1 Corinthians 11:3-15 King James Version (KJV)
3 But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.
4 Every man praying or prophesying, having his head covered, dishonoureth his head.
5 But every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered dishonoureth her head: for that is even all one as if she were shaven.
6 For if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn: but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered.
7 For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man.
8 For the man is not of the woman: but the woman of the man.
9 Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man.
10 For this cause ought the woman to have power on her head because of the angels.
11 Nevertheless neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord.
12 For as the woman is of the man, even so is the man also by the woman; but all things of God.
13 Judge in yourselves: is it comely that a woman pray unto God uncovered?
14 Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him?
15 But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering.

My point in these verses, is that this can be applied to someone who is going to get surgery or hormone therapy and technically doing that is going against the BIBLE. And the fact ya'll are just promoting that same shit the bible promotes and you call yourself SS. Because of each and every one of your responses, rather than being supportive of my decisions and things like that, I definitely want no part of the joy of satan forum. I will not associate with people like that, or Christians in disguise.

You can call me a kike, or reptilian, or whatever you like ,I think people are still in Christian mindset and carry it over into religious Satanism. Acting like Christians in disguise. Just because I am not following what everyone else is following like the herd. I am a grown ass adult, Grow the hell up. You don't know me, AT ALL, you do not know my gender, most of you think I am a FULL FEMALE and I am not, I am simply changing my body with science to be full male that I was suppose to be born as, I already explained elsewhere, I am a white person with a Welsh family background and I have no jewish bloodlines in me whatsoever and yet I am still an SS. Ever since I came out with making my decision of transitioning correction, all drama and chaos broke lose from EVERYBODY. Now that tells me I am on the right track with my decision. So it doesn't matter what your argument against me is.

IF you really want me to get down and dirty, if the Jews created the bible which I agree with, and created Christianity, so it stands to reason that, and people using the using "Teachings" to justify their ignorance because of the Christian mindset that I keep seeing here, is that is to turn against their own people and it is said in the bible Satan is a house divided into itself and will not stand. As long as this keeps up, it wont stand because of free thinking, free will, knowledge and personal empowerment, and how we choose to empower ourselves, is our choice and one cant support that, and have common sense like being naturally healthy and meditating daily, them there is a big problem. My point in the bible verses is I am showing you how it is applied to those who are trans. and how people keep telling us "don't do that to your body!!!!" acting very much like a damn Christian. And you wonder why I want my account deleted here.

I frankly already saw the outcome of my post, trying to get myself deleted but I think personally the people in charge wanted to let this post be approved because they want drama, or they think that they can play the victim just because somebody don't agree with all of JoS (as I stated I agree with most of the jos, but some stuff I don't agree with).
The world needs balance, the Jews destroy the balance and in this case they either oppress the woman making her just a slave to the man or they make people damage their own body, resulting in both cases in degeneration.
You have been given some advices by us because we want to help but in the end nobody really cares about you, we have other things to worry about.
The functionality of posting public messages is exactly for this purpose - public posting. It should be obvious. I am honestly annoyed at people who think they can toy with this and turn it the other way when they say "clergy, don't approve this message, please". "Clergy, approve just this one, disapprove the ones I previously posted". "I don't know why this got approved". You don't control this the way you want. A part of the clergy's work is to approve most of all messages, so if you post something, more than likely it will get posted (I suppose unless it's something seriously sensitive and/or not allowed). If you don't want it to be posted, you don't make a public post (logic, huh?), you send an email request to the clergy and spare everyone of the drama.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Once again you've done us all a huge service by taking out the trash. The individual who started this thread would literally create a new thread every few weeks, if not more frequently, pertaining to their own mental imbalance and inability to accept themselves or come to a conclusion on who they are, no matter how many times everyone told them they're welcome in Satan's house regardless of their sexual orientation/gender, which makes me wonder if the poster was deliberately attempting to distract the forums and divide users. Either way, they were very toxic. If this person was a legitimate Satanist, they'll figure out a way to solve whatever imbalance they have through meditation.
Scion of Atlantis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Once again you've done us all a huge service by taking out the trash. The individual who started this thread would literally create a new thread every few weeks, if not more frequently, pertaining to their own mental imbalance and inability to accept themselves or come to a conclusion on who they are, no matter how many times everyone told them they're welcome in Satan's house regardless of their sexual orientation/gender, which makes me wonder if the poster was deliberately attempting to distract the forums and divide users. Either way, they were very toxic. If this person was a legitimate Satanist, they'll figure out a way to solve whatever imbalance they have through meditation.

The reason deletion didn't happen immediately is that actually all these 120 or so messages have to be found and manually deleted. This stuff takes time out of one's day to do. This is the reason this is forwarded, as normally, this is done when a couple accounts need to go. But yea I forgot, after being shitted upon and everyone in the community get spat at the face, we also gotta be quick goyim cause Wuz Entitlud Du It NAW.

I'd rather spend the time I have on the forums focused, to help others, or do something meaningful, instead.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Scion of Atlantis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Once again you've done us all a huge service by taking out the trash. The individual who started this thread would literally create a new thread every few weeks, if not more frequently, pertaining to their own mental imbalance and inability to accept themselves or come to a conclusion on who they are, no matter how many times everyone told them they're welcome in Satan's house regardless of their sexual orientation/gender, which makes me wonder if the poster was deliberately attempting to distract the forums and divide users. Either way, they were very toxic. If this person was a legitimate Satanist, they'll figure out a way to solve whatever imbalance they have through meditation.

The reason deletion didn't happen immediately is that actually all these 120 or so messages have to be found and manually deleted. This stuff takes time out of one's day to do. This is the reason this is forwarded, as normally, this is done when a couple accounts need to go. But yea I forgot, after being shitted upon and everyone in the community get spat at the face, we also gotta be quick goyim cause Wuz Entitlud Du It NAW.

I'd rather spend the time I have on the forums focused, to help others, or do something meaningful, instead.
It's a hard-knock life...for mods...
And the fucker even used a God name in his username... People should avoid doing that. We're not gods yet nor are we advanced enough to speak as if we were certain gods. If Joe becomes a god they wil speak as the god Joe, not as any existing god. I find this username choices very disrespectful, not to mention a loss in the creativity department.
His wish got fulfilled, I see...
Larissa666 said:
His wish got fulfilled, I see...

I'm not sure people send sometimes e-mail and they are like "delete this delete everything", when it's done, then they complain mods erased everything.

"I have all my info there and my privacy is at risk! My username is everywhere on the web. Please delete everything!"
*gets deleted as requested*
"Y u delete everything are you mad!"
Larissa666 said:
luis said:
SATchives said:
not older than my father.
I agree, please SS Amon Ra thinks about it why would Father Satan create a group of people's that must go through Hormones and Surgery to feel good with themself? It doesn't make sense

Who ever said this is Father’s fault?

I know this quote was not directed to me but I personally meant literally my biological dad. We are both SS. For someone to bring age into anything Is immature, shows lack of age reading this. And perhaps you are listening to enemy influences out there. As their main arguing point is always we are just kids. Which is not the case. Most of us here as dedicated SS have a sort of spiritual commen sense and I hope anyone reading this realizes mutilation of your body and injection of artificial hormones. Is spiritually nonsensical but. That being said. I'm not going to push anything on anyone. You may do what you want with your body. I only gave my advice
SATchives said:
Larissa666 said:
luis said:
I agree, please SS Amon Ra thinks about it why would Father Satan create a group of people's that must go through Hormones and Surgery to feel good with themself? It doesn't make sense

Who ever said this is Father’s fault?

I know this quote was not directed to me but I personally meant literally my biological dad. We are both SS. For someone to bring age into anything Is immature, shows lack of age reading this. And perhaps you are listening to enemy influences out there. As their main arguing point is always we are just kids. Which is not the case. Most of us here as dedicated SS have a sort of spiritual commen sense and I hope anyone reading this realizes mutilation of your body and injection of artificial hormones. Is spiritually nonsensical but. That being said. I'm not going to push anything on anyone. You may do what you want with your body. I only gave my advice
Maybe my english suck but i never said that it's Father Satan fault. I said that he would never create a group of people that has to use something artificial like surgery and hormones (wich are in a way artificial because the only way to take them is through man-made medicines) to feel better with themselves. Hope it's clear what i'm trying to say.
Working on chakras already makes the hormones balanced because chakras rule the endocrine system too. A healthy endocrine system produces an healthy and balanced amount of hormones. Taking them artificially disrupts the natural balance and will come to bite in the backside those who use them. It's guaranteed. Not to mention that it will also create imbalances in the soul as an effect. As above, so below. As below, so above.
Stormblood said:
Working on chakras already makes the hormones balanced because chakras rule the endocrine system too. A healthy endocrine system produces an healthy and balanced amount of hormones. Taking them artificially disrupts the natural balance and will come to bite in the backside those who use them. It's guaranteed. Not to mention that it will also create imbalances in the soul as an effect. As above, so below. As below, so above.
Very true. Another user posted on this topic how they worked spiritually to get over their trans problem and fix it.
Stormblood said:
And the fucker even used a God name in his username... People should avoid doing that. We're not gods yet nor are we advanced enough to speak as if we were certain gods. If Joe becomes a god they wil speak as the god Joe, not as any existing god. I find this username choices very disrespectful, not to mention a loss in the creativity department.
It can't be a cohencidence that we had another troll on here two or so years ago and on the old forums by the name of "Amon Ra". It got banned from here back in 2017, but I can't help but wonder if the same user sprung up again in the forum of the recently banned who started this thread.

Amon is another God the enemy tries to mimic and blaspheme on a continuous basis. When a user puts a God name in their username and the purpose of their account is to troll the forums, we can already conclude that it's worthless kike behind the account trying to pawn the negative energy of their posts onto the God name in their account and create a subliminal association between that God and their actions.

Of course, not all Jew infiltrators here are using that tactic, but by this point with the Final RTRs, their facade is almost worthless.
EasternFireLion666 said:
SS Amonra said:
I want my account deleted because I wrote about something about going through the full transition as a transgender man and apparently it was not "approved" , ya'll think you know it all and that you are all right huh? I don't have an issue with the teachings but ya'll don't know a person personally and I AM OLDER THAN MOST OF YOU. Some people on the forum actually written about some "trans" people that have been liberated, it depends. And then I hear about ya'll saying that I am clumped to being a lesbian? Let me tell you that is NOT how being a transgender works, to me ya'll have a very skewed perception of what a transgender person is. By the way I identify as a heterosexual male and I don't know why you all think that I even attract lesbians when in fact those claiming who are gay or lesbian have a big issue with transgender people like myself, that just goes to show how fucked up it really is.


PS. My intention for this isn't because I have hate or have an issue, I just don't think this is the right place for me to be. I feel way too old to be here.

Eat more carrots it will cure your depression.

The Mega Bitch let me at her... Get me an axe nono get me an chainsaw I'm gonna slice her into tiny pieces.
......Huhhhhh. The death breathe she killed me with the death breath. Be gone evil one.
The bitch she scwashed my head. The mega bitch squashed my head the mega bitch reins supreme.
......wow cobwebs.
satanichonor said:
The Mega Bitch let me at her... Get me an axe nono get me an chainsaw I'm gonna slice her into tiny pieces.
......Huhhhhh. The death breathe she killed me with the death breath. Be gone evil one.
The bitch she scwashed my head. The mega bitch squashed my head the mega bitch reins supreme.
......wow cobwebs.
What are you talking about?
satanichonor said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
SS Amonra said:
I want my account deleted because I wrote about something about going through the full transition as a transgender man and apparently it was not "approved" , ya'll think you know it all and that you are all right huh? I don't have an issue with the teachings but ya'll don't know a person personally and I AM OLDER THAN MOST OF YOU. Some people on the forum actually written about some "trans" people that have been liberated, it depends. And then I hear about ya'll saying that I am clumped to being a lesbian? Let me tell you that is NOT how being a transgender works, to me ya'll have a very skewed perception of what a transgender person is. By the way I identify as a heterosexual male and I don't know why you all think that I even attract lesbians when in fact those claiming who are gay or lesbian have a big issue with transgender people like myself, that just goes to show how fucked up it really is.


PS. My intention for this isn't because I have hate or have an issue, I just don't think this is the right place for me to be. I feel way too old to be here.

Eat more carrots it will cure your depression.

The Mega Bitch let me at her... Get me an axe nono get me an chainsaw I'm gonna slice her into tiny pieces.
......Huhhhhh. The death breathe she killed me with the death breath. Be gone evil one.
The bitch she scwashed my head. The mega bitch squashed my head the mega bitch reins supreme.
......wow cobwebs.

Let's try that again but in logical English...
EasternFireLion666 said:
satanichonor said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
Eat more carrots it will cure your depression.

The Mega Bitch let me at her... Get me an axe nono get me an chainsaw I'm gonna slice her into tiny pieces.
......Huhhhhh. The death breathe she killed me with the death breath. Be gone evil one.
The bitch she scwashed my head. The mega bitch squashed my head the mega bitch reins supreme.
......wow cobwebs.

Let's try that again but in logical English...
I can't remember last time I wrote the word squash, actually. I was very busy then when I did write it. Alot of people have made mistakes, usually I never mess up but like I said I was busy. Grammer nazi me. Thanks.
It is from a movie also.
EasternFireLion666 said:
satanichonor said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
Eat more carrots it will cure your depression.

The Mega Bitch let me at her... Get me an axe nono get me an chainsaw I'm gonna slice her into tiny pieces.
......Huhhhhh. The death breathe she killed me with the death breath. Be gone evil one.
The bitch she scwashed my head. The mega bitch squashed my head the mega bitch reins supreme.
......wow cobwebs.

Let's try that again but in logical English...

Let's try that again but in logical English...
I feel like you are being smart.
"Kind actions (punyakarma) will bring loving reactions." Just a reminder.

You knew what I meant, also I spelled squash right too actually so it's not like I didn't know how to spell it.
Lets not ruin your good karma, that was actually supposed to make you in particular laugh, but you just threw it in my face.
I have not gotten along with people here sometimes either with the intense criticizing, but I feel sorry for it most of the time, because each person here matters.
It's not healthy for either person, as it can create tension, I really don't need that.
Nikolas said:
I also want to request the deletion of this account. I dont need it anymore, im way too busy to be active.
I hope you're not in any bad situation. Be well brother, I wish you the best. :)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
