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Delayed Energy 2 Day Group Ritual March 15th and 16th

Feb 1, 2006
Purpose of Ritual

Push for independent Gentile markets within each Gentile Nation

Push to destroy the rothschild banking system

Date of Ritual

This ritual will occur on both Friday March 15th and March 16th. With the push for free Gentile markets taking place on Friday and the destruction portion of the ritual taking place on Saturday. On these two days the moon will be in the sign of Taurus, which will give us the following benefits

Projects begun when the moon is in Taurus are usually permanent or long lasting, Money, finances, possessions, material things, sensuality, earth, greed, permanence, wealth, things that increase in value, loans, bankers, slow but lasting results, time delays.

***Time delays are an important part of this ritual for it will help us gradually achieve what we desire and not bring more quick results which can devastate many Gentiles. Time will takes its course in bringing what is already taking place around the world especially in the EU but our energies will help it gradually go on***

As seen above the day for the positive portion of the ritual is Friday which is ruled by Venus and gives us the following benefits

Indulgence, money, social activities

***Venus rules the astro sign Taurus which greatly strengthens the energy in this ritual***

With the day for the negative portion of this ritual to take place on Saturday which is ruled by Saturn we are given the following benefits

Suffering, misery, restrictions, poverty, ***delay***, defects, fatalities, misers, denial, debts, fear, insecurity, loss, disease, limitations, time and clocks, serious, learning the hard way.

Time of Ritual

During the hours of Venus on Friday

During the Hours of Saturn on Saturday

***On Friday there is no void moon according to the results for America but please make the right changes for your position. However please keep in mind that the Taurus phase DOES END on Saturday at roughly 730PM EST. For those who wish to perform this portion of the ritual MUST perform it before the void begins***.

Ritual Affirmations

***Fridays Affirmations***

Ritual Affirmation- "All Gentiles are free from the Rothschild banking system and are in a free and independent financial system of their own, now and for all eternity"

Runic Affirmation- "The energies of (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally free all Gentiles from the Rothschild banking system, and into a free and independent system of their own, now and for all eternity"

***Saturdays Affirmations***

Ritual Affirmation-"Any and all financial influence and control the rothschild banking system holds within Gentile society is completely destroyed and nonexistent, now and for all eternity"

Runic Affirmation-"The energies of (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally ensure that all financial influence and control the rothschild banking system holds within Gentile society is completely destroyed and becomes nonexistent, now and for all eternity".

Blood Affirmation-"The energies within my blood, within my life force are continuously binding the rothschild's banking system to shame, exposure, disintegration and complete and utter financial failure"

Runes to be used

***Friday's Runes***
1.Fehu- Wealth, possessions, honors, property, money, expansion. Power over one's environment, increase in wealth; fertility, mobility

2.Ansuz- Order, creative inspiration, persuade others and audiences through speech. Opens channels of self-expression and overcomes obstacles of every kind

3.Nauthiz- is a rune of endurance and will. The mental strength to last. rune gives defiance and the strength to carry on when all hope seems lost. It is a rune of survival and fearlessness in the face of death.

4.Sowilo- is the rune of the Sun and can be used in masculine magick. Sowilo is a rune of invincibility, and final triumph. This rune is movement and action and bestows the will to take action. Brings out one's leadership abilities and one's ability to inspire others. Enhances one's strength of spirit

***Saturday's Runes***

1.Fehu- binds an enemy; instills fear and dependence in an enemy

2.Raidho- This rune represents justice and the essence of the law

3.Kenaz- Magically this rune can be used for intellect,
penetrating things as it carries energy. It also increases awareness and gives insight

4.Wunjo- overconfidence, trust in wrong people or wrong things
Extra Rune

Isa- Isa is a rune of binding. It represents stealth and sneakiness and is used in operations where one wishes to proceed undetected; Isa bestows invisibility, It can halt a plan and prevent something from developing, It is used to conceal and can render a victim unaware of impending personal disaster to where any actions attempted will be too late in coming

Sigil to be used

***Friday's Sigil***
For this sigil simply draw a swastika with the above runes for this day surrounding it. In NO WAY should there be any circles on this sigil. All you need is a swastika with the above runes surrounding it.

***Saturday's Sigil***

The image will be the symbol of the vatican,

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... ly.svg.png

go online and print it out. Over top of this should be three circles. One circle surrounding the image, a larger one surrounding the first circle and an even larger one on the outside.

In between the center and second largest circles place the first four runes. Do this all the way around the space, with the same number of each rune being presented. Than in-between the second largest and outer most circles place the rune Isa four times. One on top, one on bottom, one on far right and one on far left.

Now in the center overtop the image place the first four rituals so that the entire image is covered.

Ritual Declaration

***Friday's Ritual Declaration***

Since the jew's beginning they have depleted and squeezed the Gentile Nations until they disintegrated into nothing. It was not by force that the cowardly jew did this but through manipulation and the seizure of our Nation's financial markets. For centuries the jewish pigs grew fat as the Gentiles starved and suffered in their own homeland. With the jew's being the parasites they are once their source of food is taken away they too shall know starvation and suffering. This is why I (State your full name) declare that tonight and for all eternity the jewish owned Rothschild banking system is DESTROYED FOR ALL ETERNITY.

NO LONGER shall any Gentile suffer financially within his own homeland, No LONGER shall any Gentile be subject to foreign rule within his own homeland, NO LONGER shall any Gentile be subject to any foreign practice, and NO LONGER shall any Gentile have to rely on their government for financial survival EVER AGAIN,

Hail Satan

Hail Beelzebub

Hail Astaroth

Hail Azazel

Hail To All the Gods of Hell

Heil Hitler

Heil Heinrich Himmler

Hail to All Warriors of Hells Eternal Army

Hail To Our Most Definite Victory

***Saturday's Ritual Declarationl***

Since the jew's beginning they have depleted and squeezed the Gentile Nations until they disintegrated into nothing. It was not by force that the cowardly jew did this but through manipulation and the seizure of our Nation's financial markets. For centuries the jewish pigs grew fat as the Gentiles starved and suffered in their own homeland. With the jew's being the parasites they are once their source of food is taken away they too shall know starvation and suffering. This is why I (State your full name) declare that tonight and for all eternity the jewish owned Rothschild banking system is DESTROYED FOR ALL ETERNITY.

NO MORE shall the jew have control of a Gentile Nation's Financial Market, NO MORE shall the jew have a say in how a Gentile's Financial system operates, NO MORE shall a Gentile suffer financially in his own homeland, AND NO MORE shall any jewish financial system be allowed on Gentile land EVER AGAIN.

Hail Satan

Hail Beelzebub

Hail Astaroth

Hail Azazel

Hail To All the Gods of Hell

Heil Hitler

Heil Heinrich Himmler

Hail to All Warriors of Hells Eternal Army

Hail To Our Most Definite Victory

The Ritual

***Friday's Ritual***

1. Before you begin do the following- raise your energies either
through alternate nostril breathing or breathe of fire. This is to ensure you raise your energies during this destructive ritual and also to bring some extra energy into it. Next clean your ritual space of all conflicting energies by cleansing the area with blue satanic flames. See these flames burning over your ritual area and affirm they are doing their job.

2. Open the ritual using the basic ritual format found on the JoS or the format created by HP Vovim found on his site

3. Read your ritual prayer with passion and know it what is stated in the ritual prayer is occurring in real life

4. Burn the prayer or save it until the end and burn it with the sigil

5. Now place the sigil on your alter and begin by stating the ritual affirmation. As you are doing this see the entire sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy

6. Begin with the rune Fehu. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the fehu runes on the sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a white-gold energy.

7. Move onto the rune Ansuz. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the Ansuz runes on the sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a white-gold energy.

8. Move onto the rune Nauthiz. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the Nauthiz runes on the sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a white-gold energy.

9. Move onto the rune Sowilo. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the Sowilo runes on the sigil glowing in a white-gold energy. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a white-gold energy.

10. Sit for a few minutes and meditate on your desired outcome. See all the Gentile nations of the world creating their own independent financial systems and those systems becoming strong and providing for their nation as a whole. Direct this energy into the sigil

11. Burn the sigil while repeating the ritual affirmation for as long as it takes for the flames to die out.

12. Close the ritual

***Saturday's Ritual***

1. Before you begin do the following- raise your energies either through alternate nostril breathing or breathe of fire. This is to ensure you raise your energies during this destructive ritual and also to bring some extra energy into it. Next clean your ritual space of all conflicting energies by cleansing the area with blue satanic flames. See these flames burning over your ritual area and affirm they are doing their job.

2. Open the ritual using the basic ritual format found on the JoS or the format created by HP Vovim found on his site

3. Read your ritual prayer with passion and know it what is stated in the ritual prayer is occurring in real life

4. Burn the prayer or save it until the end and burn it with the sigil

5. Now place the sigil on your alter and begin by stating the ritual affirmation. As you are doing this see the entire sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color

6. Begin with the rune Fehu. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the fehu runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish grey color.

7. Move onto the rune Raidho. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the Raidho runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish grey color.

8. Move onto the rune Kenaz. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the kenaz runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish grey color.

9. Move onto the rune Wunjo. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the Wunjo runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish grey color.

10. Move onto the rune Isa. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the Isa runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish grey color.

11. Now take a sterilized needle and make a small cut on your left index finger. Trace the Isa rune in your own blood in the center of the sigil while vibrating the rune. See your blood glowing In a dirty reddish-grey color while stating the following affirmation

"The energies within my blood, within my life force are continuously binding the Vatican banking system to shame, exposure, disintegration and complete and utter financial failure"

12. Sit for a few minutes and meditate on your desired outcome. Think of all of the horrible things the Vatican has done in the past centuries against our people and our Gods. Raise this anger and disgust and direct it into the sigil.

13. Burn the sigil while repeating the ritual affirmation for as long as it takes for the flames to die out.

14. Close the ritual

15. Cleanse your aura and raise your energies.
I've just noticed this going through the ritual for today (Saturday). In step 12 where it says to state the blood affirmation. Be sure that you replace the affirmation here (that is the old vaitcan one) for the Blood afirmation listed in the Affirmations section.

Blood Affirmation-"The energies within my blood, within my life force are continuously binding the rothschild's banking system to shame, exposure, disintegration and complete and utter financial failure"

Also, if it isn't too late, here is a template for the Rothschild Sigil.
http://24.media.tumblr.com/b145faa145c3 ... o1_500.jpg

-En Haradren Amlug.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@... wrote:

Purpose of Ritual

Push for independent Gentile markets within each Gentile Nation

Push to destroy the rothschild banking system

Date of Ritual

This ritual will occur on both Friday March 15th and March 16th. With the push for free Gentile markets taking place on Friday and the destruction portion of the ritual taking place on Saturday. On these two days the moon will be in the sign of Taurus, which will give us the following benefits

Projects begun when the moon is in Taurus are usually permanent or long lasting, Money, finances, possessions, material things, sensuality, earth, greed, permanence, wealth, things that increase in value, loans, bankers, slow but lasting results, time delays.

***Time delays are an important part of this ritual for it will help us gradually achieve what we desire and not bring more quick results which can devastate many Gentiles. Time will takes its course in bringing what is already taking place around the world especially in the EU but our energies will help it gradually go on***

As seen above the day for the positive portion of the ritual is Friday which is ruled by Venus and gives us the following benefits

Indulgence, money, social activities

***Venus rules the astro sign Taurus which greatly strengthens the energy in this ritual***

With the day for the negative portion of this ritual to take place on Saturday which is ruled by Saturn we are given the following benefits

Suffering, misery, restrictions, poverty, ***delay***, defects, fatalities, misers, denial, debts, fear, insecurity, loss, disease, limitations, time and clocks, serious, learning the hard way.

Time of Ritual

During the hours of Venus on Friday

During the Hours of Saturn on Saturday

***On Friday there is no void moon according to the results for America but please make the right changes for your position. However please keep in mind that the Taurus phase DOES END on Saturday at roughly 730PM EST. For those who wish to perform this portion of the ritual MUST perform it before the void begins***.

Ritual Affirmations

***Fridays Affirmations***

Ritual Affirmation- "All Gentiles are free from the Rothschild banking system and are in a free and independent financial system of their own, now and for all eternity"

Runic Affirmation- "The energies of (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally free all Gentiles from the Rothschild banking system, and into a free and independent system of their own, now and for all eternity"

***Saturdays Affirmations***

Ritual Affirmation-"Any and all financial influence and control the rothschild banking system holds within Gentile society is completely destroyed and nonexistent, now and for all eternity"

Runic Affirmation-"The energies of (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally ensure that all financial influence and control the rothschild banking system holds within Gentile society is completely destroyed and becomes nonexistent, now and for all eternity".

Blood Affirmation-"The energies within my blood, within my life force are continuously binding the rothschild's banking system to shame, exposure, disintegration and complete and utter financial failure"

Runes to be used

***Friday's Runes***
1.Fehu- Wealth, possessions, honors, property, money, expansion. Power over one's environment, increase in wealth; fertility, mobility

2.Ansuz- Order, creative inspiration, persuade others and audiences through speech. Opens channels of self-expression and overcomes obstacles of every kind

3.Nauthiz- is a rune of endurance and will. The mental strength to last. rune gives defiance and the strength to carry on when all hope seems lost. It is a rune of survival and fearlessness in the face of death.

4.Sowilo- is the rune of the Sun and can be used in masculine magick. Sowilo is a rune of invincibility, and final triumph. This rune is movement and action and bestows the will to take action. Brings out one's leadership abilities and one's ability to inspire others. Enhances one's strength of spirit

***Saturday's Runes***

1.Fehu- binds an enemy; instills fear and dependence in an enemy

2.Raidho- This rune represents justice and the essence of the law

3.Kenaz- Magically this rune can be used for intellect,
penetrating things as it carries energy. It also increases awareness and gives insight

4.Wunjo- overconfidence, trust in wrong people or wrong things
Extra Rune

Isa- Isa is a rune of binding. It represents stealth and sneakiness and is used in operations where one wishes to proceed undetected; Isa bestows invisibility, It can halt a plan and prevent something from developing, It is used to conceal and can render a victim unaware of impending personal disaster to where any actions attempted will be too late in coming

Sigil to be used

***Friday's Sigil***
For this sigil simply draw a swastika with the above runes for this day surrounding it. In NO WAY should there be any circles on this sigil. All you need is a swastika with the above runes surrounding it.

***Saturday's Sigil***

The image will be the symbol of the vatican,

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... ly.svg.png

go online and print it out. Over top of this should be three circles. One circle surrounding the image, a larger one surrounding the first circle and an even larger one on the outside.

In between the center and second largest circles place the first four runes. Do this all the way around the space, with the same number of each rune being presented. Than in-between the second largest and outer most circles place the rune Isa four times. One on top, one on bottom, one on far right and one on far left.

Now in the center overtop the image place the first four rituals so that the entire image is covered.

Ritual Declaration

***Friday's Ritual Declaration***

Since the jew's beginning they have depleted and squeezed the Gentile Nations until they disintegrated into nothing. It was not by force that the cowardly jew did this but through manipulation and the seizure of our Nation's financial markets. For centuries the jewish pigs grew fat as the Gentiles starved and suffered in their own homeland. With the jew's being the parasites they are once their source of food is taken away they too shall know starvation and suffering. This is why I (State your full name) declare that tonight and for all eternity the jewish owned Rothschild banking system is DESTROYED FOR ALL ETERNITY.

NO LONGER shall any Gentile suffer financially within his own homeland, No LONGER shall any Gentile be subject to foreign rule within his own homeland, NO LONGER shall any Gentile be subject to any foreign practice, and NO LONGER shall any Gentile have to rely on their government for financial survival EVER AGAIN,

Hail Satan

Hail Beelzebub

Hail Astaroth

Hail Azazel

Hail To All the Gods of Hell

Heil Hitler

Heil Heinrich Himmler

Hail to All Warriors of Hells Eternal Army

Hail To Our Most Definite Victory

***Saturday's Ritual Declarationl***

Since the jew's beginning they have depleted and squeezed the Gentile Nations until they disintegrated into nothing. It was not by force that the cowardly jew did this but through manipulation and the seizure of our Nation's financial markets. For centuries the jewish pigs grew fat as the Gentiles starved and suffered in their own homeland. With the jew's being the parasites they are once their source of food is taken away they too shall know starvation and suffering. This is why I (State your full name) declare that tonight and for all eternity the jewish owned Rothschild banking system is DESTROYED FOR ALL ETERNITY.

NO MORE shall the jew have control of a Gentile Nation's Financial Market, NO MORE shall the jew have a say in how a Gentile's Financial system operates, NO MORE shall a Gentile suffer financially in his own homeland, AND NO MORE shall any jewish financial system be allowed on Gentile land EVER AGAIN.

Hail Satan

Hail Beelzebub

Hail Astaroth

Hail Azazel

Hail To All the Gods of Hell

Heil Hitler

Heil Heinrich Himmler

Hail to All Warriors of Hells Eternal Army

Hail To Our Most Definite Victory

The Ritual

***Friday's Ritual***

1. Before you begin do the following- raise your energies either
through alternate nostril breathing or breathe of fire. This is to ensure you raise your energies during this destructive ritual and also to bring some extra energy into it. Next clean your ritual space of all conflicting energies by cleansing the area with blue satanic flames. See these flames burning over your ritual area and affirm they are doing their job.

2. Open the ritual using the basic ritual format found on the JoS or the format created by HP Vovim found on his site

3. Read your ritual prayer with passion and know it what is stated in the ritual prayer is occurring in real life

4. Burn the prayer or save it until the end and burn it with the sigil

5. Now place the sigil on your alter and begin by stating the ritual affirmation. As you are doing this see the entire sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy

6. Begin with the rune Fehu. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the fehu runes on the sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a white-gold energy.

7. Move onto the rune Ansuz. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the Ansuz runes on the sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a white-gold energy.

8. Move onto the rune Nauthiz. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the Nauthiz runes on the sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a white-gold energy.

9. Move onto the rune Sowilo. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the Sowilo runes on the sigil glowing in a white-gold energy. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a white-gold energy.

10. Sit for a few minutes and meditate on your desired outcome. See all the Gentile nations of the world creating their own independent financial systems and those systems becoming strong and providing for their nation as a whole. Direct this energy into the sigil

11. Burn the sigil while repeating the ritual affirmation for as long as it takes for the flames to die out.

12. Close the ritual

***Saturday's Ritual***

1. Before you begin do the following- raise your energies either through alternate nostril breathing or breathe of fire. This is to ensure you raise your energies during this destructive ritual and also to bring some extra energy into it. Next clean your ritual space of all conflicting energies by cleansing the area with blue satanic flames. See these flames burning over your ritual area and affirm they are doing their job.

2. Open the ritual using the basic ritual format found on the JoS or the format created by HP Vovim found on his site

3. Read your ritual prayer with passion and know it what is stated in the ritual prayer is occurring in real life

4. Burn the prayer or save it until the end and burn it with the sigil

5. Now place the sigil on your alter and begin by stating the ritual affirmation. As you are doing this see the entire sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color

6. Begin with the rune Fehu. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the fehu runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish grey color.

7. Move onto the rune Raidho. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the Raidho runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish grey color.

8. Move onto the rune Kenaz. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the kenaz runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish grey color.

9. Move onto the rune Wunjo. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the Wunjo runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish grey color.

10. Move onto the rune Isa. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the Isa runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish grey color.

11. Now take a sterilized needle and make a small cut on your left index finger. Trace the Isa rune in your own blood in the center of the sigil while vibrating the rune. See your blood glowing In a dirty reddish-grey color while stating the following affirmation

"The energies within my blood, within my life force are continuously binding the Vatican banking system to shame, exposure, disintegration and complete and utter financial failure"

12. Sit for a few minutes and meditate on your desired outcome. Think of all of the horrible things the Vatican has done in the past centuries against our people and our Gods. Raise this anger and disgust and direct it into the sigil.

13. Burn the sigil while repeating the ritual affirmation for as long as it takes for the flames to die out.

14. Close the ritual

15. Cleanse your aura and raise your energies.
So I just finished the second ritual a while ago. I want to tell you what happened today. I will first say I hope it is not just me that felt this and that others will start feeling what I did in some way becomming aware of what they are buying even more and the larger picture around them. While I was shopping for some things it hit me harder than ever and I could see the whole picture of what is happening with the cheapening of goods and services, I could feel an upsurge all I can do to describe it of energy from our past in defiance of this state of shit Gentiles have been conditioned to accept as normal.

Only 2 shops were open in town kmart and spotlight. I went to look for fabric to make some things first. As I looked around I was touching some fabrics and looked at the lables made in china, or made in bangladesh, india but I felt a repulsive feeling through my hand that brought feelings of people in stinking hot smelly factories painfully making things with no air exhausted and just going on and on and I felt something awfull. Then it was kmart and it was the same.

I go in there all the time, being a country town its the main shop for everything and I looked at every lable on the clothes all china, bangladesh or india and I felt it even worse. The quality of the fabrics is even worse than last year and the prices are the same. All polyester and shit,cheap, bad stitching, paper thin flimsy fabric and thread some even had holes in the seams already. I couldn't stand it and I looked around at all the people in there and they were all oblivious as if this is all fine, these clothes are normal and good and we accept this.
I walked out in disgust. I found myself commenting out loud actually how shit this is.
All the food shops in the little mall are all shit. It just all stood out very strong, how Gentiles have been conditioned bit by bit to accept crap products, low pay, bad service now its self service checkouts too. I fucking hate them.

Even the materials around me stood out I saw how bad it all was. We walk past all this every day and don't even notice like there is a filter on our eyes.
The main shop in a small Australian town with one of the highest rates of unemployment in the state, buys all their product in from China and India, drive all local buisness out of the market because people here are too poor to spend more money and kmart is cheap so local buisness dies and raises unemployment further... the vicious circle so the public buys even more at kmart of imported junk (plus they are 24 hours when all the other shops close 4.30 - 5.30 and lunchtime saturday and not at all sunday so Kmart gets all the buisness), so more buisness dies and so on. Then to add insult to injury they bring in self service checkouts putting more staff out of jobs. People get more used to not having traditional customer service being further and further condititioned to accept lower and lower standards.

All the pet products are toxic made in china. The electronics they used to sell NEC, Sanyo etc and now it is all china junk and cheap brands that dont last 5 minutes.
MOST of the shops in town that locals can afford to shop in they import from china. Our towns are dying, bit by bit this machine is just raping our local buisness and economy and anyone who tries to make a living themselves is struggling bad.

Every year the clothing these shops sell is worse than the last year and prices dont go down they go up once competition is driven out.

Today it hit me hardest it ever has.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@... wrote:

Purpose of Ritual

Push for independent Gentile markets within each Gentile Nation

Push to destroy the rothschild banking system

Date of Ritual

This ritual will occur on both Friday March 15th and March 16th. With the push for free Gentile markets taking place on Friday and the destruction portion of the ritual taking place on Saturday. On these two days the moon will be in the sign of Taurus, which will give us the following benefits

Projects begun when the moon is in Taurus are usually permanent or long lasting, Money, finances, possessions, material things, sensuality, earth, greed, permanence, wealth, things that increase in value, loans, bankers, slow but lasting results, time delays.

***Time delays are an important part of this ritual for it will help us gradually achieve what we desire and not bring more quick results which can devastate many Gentiles. Time will takes its course in bringing what is already taking place around the world especially in the EU but our energies will help it gradually go on***

As seen above the day for the positive portion of the ritual is Friday which is ruled by Venus and gives us the following benefits

Indulgence, money, social activities

***Venus rules the astro sign Taurus which greatly strengthens the energy in this ritual***

With the day for the negative portion of this ritual to take place on Saturday which is ruled by Saturn we are given the following benefits

Suffering, misery, restrictions, poverty, ***delay***, defects, fatalities, misers, denial, debts, fear, insecurity, loss, disease, limitations, time and clocks, serious, learning the hard way.

Time of Ritual

During the hours of Venus on Friday

During the Hours of Saturn on Saturday

***On Friday there is no void moon according to the results for America but please make the right changes for your position. However please keep in mind that the Taurus phase DOES END on Saturday at roughly 730PM EST. For those who wish to perform this portion of the ritual MUST perform it before the void begins***.

Ritual Affirmations

***Fridays Affirmations***

Ritual Affirmation- "All Gentiles are free from the Rothschild banking system and are in a free and independent financial system of their own, now and for all eternity"

Runic Affirmation- "The energies of (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally free all Gentiles from the Rothschild banking system, and into a free and independent system of their own, now and for all eternity"

***Saturdays Affirmations***

Ritual Affirmation-"Any and all financial influence and control the rothschild banking system holds within Gentile society is completely destroyed and nonexistent, now and for all eternity"

Runic Affirmation-"The energies of (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally ensure that all financial influence and control the rothschild banking system holds within Gentile society is completely destroyed and becomes nonexistent, now and for all eternity".

Blood Affirmation-"The energies within my blood, within my life force are continuously binding the rothschild's banking system to shame, exposure, disintegration and complete and utter financial failure"

Runes to be used

***Friday's Runes***
1.Fehu- Wealth, possessions, honors, property, money, expansion. Power over one's environment, increase in wealth; fertility, mobility

2.Ansuz- Order, creative inspiration, persuade others and audiences through speech. Opens channels of self-expression and overcomes obstacles of every kind

3.Nauthiz- is a rune of endurance and will. The mental strength to last. rune gives defiance and the strength to carry on when all hope seems lost. It is a rune of survival and fearlessness in the face of death.

4.Sowilo- is the rune of the Sun and can be used in masculine magick. Sowilo is a rune of invincibility, and final triumph. This rune is movement and action and bestows the will to take action. Brings out one's leadership abilities and one's ability to inspire others. Enhances one's strength of spirit

***Saturday's Runes***

1.Fehu- binds an enemy; instills fear and dependence in an enemy

2.Raidho- This rune represents justice and the essence of the law

3.Kenaz- Magically this rune can be used for intellect,
penetrating things as it carries energy. It also increases awareness and gives insight

4.Wunjo- overconfidence, trust in wrong people or wrong things
Extra Rune

Isa- Isa is a rune of binding. It represents stealth and sneakiness and is used in operations where one wishes to proceed undetected; Isa bestows invisibility, It can halt a plan and prevent something from developing, It is used to conceal and can render a victim unaware of impending personal disaster to where any actions attempted will be too late in coming

Sigil to be used

***Friday's Sigil***
For this sigil simply draw a swastika with the above runes for this day surrounding it. In NO WAY should there be any circles on this sigil. All you need is a swastika with the above runes surrounding it.

***Saturday's Sigil***

The image will be the symbol of the vatican,

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... ly.svg.png

go online and print it out. Over top of this should be three circles. One circle surrounding the image, a larger one surrounding the first circle and an even larger one on the outside.

In between the center and second largest circles place the first four runes. Do this all the way around the space, with the same number of each rune being presented. Than in-between the second largest and outer most circles place the rune Isa four times. One on top, one on bottom, one on far right and one on far left.

Now in the center overtop the image place the first four rituals so that the entire image is covered.

Ritual Declaration

***Friday's Ritual Declaration***

Since the jew's beginning they have depleted and squeezed the Gentile Nations until they disintegrated into nothing. It was not by force that the cowardly jew did this but through manipulation and the seizure of our Nation's financial markets. For centuries the jewish pigs grew fat as the Gentiles starved and suffered in their own homeland. With the jew's being the parasites they are once their source of food is taken away they too shall know starvation and suffering. This is why I (State your full name) declare that tonight and for all eternity the jewish owned Rothschild banking system is DESTROYED FOR ALL ETERNITY.

NO LONGER shall any Gentile suffer financially within his own homeland, No LONGER shall any Gentile be subject to foreign rule within his own homeland, NO LONGER shall any Gentile be subject to any foreign practice, and NO LONGER shall any Gentile have to rely on their government for financial survival EVER AGAIN,

Hail Satan

Hail Beelzebub

Hail Astaroth

Hail Azazel

Hail To All the Gods of Hell

Heil Hitler

Heil Heinrich Himmler

Hail to All Warriors of Hells Eternal Army

Hail To Our Most Definite Victory

***Saturday's Ritual Declarationl***

Since the jew's beginning they have depleted and squeezed the Gentile Nations until they disintegrated into nothing. It was not by force that the cowardly jew did this but through manipulation and the seizure of our Nation's financial markets. For centuries the jewish pigs grew fat as the Gentiles starved and suffered in their own homeland. With the jew's being the parasites they are once their source of food is taken away they too shall know starvation and suffering. This is why I (State your full name) declare that tonight and for all eternity the jewish owned Rothschild banking system is DESTROYED FOR ALL ETERNITY.

NO MORE shall the jew have control of a Gentile Nation's Financial Market, NO MORE shall the jew have a say in how a Gentile's Financial system operates, NO MORE shall a Gentile suffer financially in his own homeland, AND NO MORE shall any jewish financial system be allowed on Gentile land EVER AGAIN.

Hail Satan

Hail Beelzebub

Hail Astaroth

Hail Azazel

Hail To All the Gods of Hell

Heil Hitler

Heil Heinrich Himmler

Hail to All Warriors of Hells Eternal Army

Hail To Our Most Definite Victory

The Ritual

***Friday's Ritual***

1. Before you begin do the following- raise your energies either
through alternate nostril breathing or breathe of fire. This is to ensure you raise your energies during this destructive ritual and also to bring some extra energy into it. Next clean your ritual space of all conflicting energies by cleansing the area with blue satanic flames. See these flames burning over your ritual area and affirm they are doing their job.

2. Open the ritual using the basic ritual format found on the JoS or the format created by HP Vovim found on his site

3. Read your ritual prayer with passion and know it what is stated in the ritual prayer is occurring in real life

4. Burn the prayer or save it until the end and burn it with the sigil

5. Now place the sigil on your alter and begin by stating the ritual affirmation. As you are doing this see the entire sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy

6. Begin with the rune Fehu. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the fehu runes on the sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a white-gold energy.

7. Move onto the rune Ansuz. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the Ansuz runes on the sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a white-gold energy.

8. Move onto the rune Nauthiz. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the Nauthiz runes on the sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a white-gold energy.

9. Move onto the rune Sowilo. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the Sowilo runes on the sigil glowing in a white-gold energy. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a white-gold energy.

10. Sit for a few minutes and meditate on your desired outcome. See all the Gentile nations of the world creating their own independent financial systems and those systems becoming strong and providing for their nation as a whole. Direct this energy into the sigil

11. Burn the sigil while repeating the ritual affirmation for as long as it takes for the flames to die out.

12. Close the ritual

***Saturday's Ritual***

1. Before you begin do the following- raise your energies either through alternate nostril breathing or breathe of fire. This is to ensure you raise your energies during this destructive ritual and also to bring some extra energy into it. Next clean your ritual space of all conflicting energies by cleansing the area with blue satanic flames. See these flames burning over your ritual area and affirm they are doing their job.

2. Open the ritual using the basic ritual format found on the JoS or the format created by HP Vovim found on his site

3. Read your ritual prayer with passion and know it what is stated in the ritual prayer is occurring in real life

4. Burn the prayer or save it until the end and burn it with the sigil

5. Now place the sigil on your alter and begin by stating the ritual affirmation. As you are doing this see the entire sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color

6. Begin with the rune Fehu. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the fehu runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish grey color.

7. Move onto the rune Raidho. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the Raidho runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish grey color.

8. Move onto the rune Kenaz. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the kenaz runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish grey color.

9. Move onto the rune Wunjo. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the Wunjo runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish grey color.

10. Move onto the rune Isa. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the Isa runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish grey color.

11. Now take a sterilized needle and make a small cut on your left index finger. Trace the Isa rune in your own blood in the center of the sigil while vibrating the rune. See your blood glowing In a dirty reddish-grey color while stating the following affirmation

"The energies within my blood, within my life force are continuously binding the Vatican banking system to shame, exposure, disintegration and complete and utter financial failure"

12. Sit for a few minutes and meditate on your desired outcome. Think of all of the horrible things the Vatican has done in the past centuries against our people and our Gods. Raise this anger and disgust and direct it into the sigil.

13. Burn the sigil while repeating the ritual affirmation for as long as it takes for the flames to die out.

14. Close the ritual

15. Cleanse your aura and raise your energies.
It is horrible in deed of how of how our Gentile people are loosing their homeland to outside invaders. I was in Italy and Greece back in 2007 on a class trip, and as the tour bus moved from destination to destination we would always stop at these small mom and pop stores. Even when I was over there I would always love that and put it near the top of the list of what I liked about my trip. I thought it was weird at first and wondered why I would place such a thing near the top of a list compared to the rest of my european trip; however I understand now.

I buy as much organic products as I can from higher end stores and these products are from Mexico, Uruguay, canada and etc. I mean why is it so hard for us to grow our own products right here. People are so damn needs and demanding that they want stuff all trhoughout the year regardless if it is readily available in their own Nation. When it is not in season why can people not wait for when it is in season. In acient times our ancestors did not grow all products throughout the year, they waited for the right time.

Same with the meat, I have found that so little organic meat products are from here in the U.S. when bought at grocery stores. As listed above they are from uruguay, canada and etc. We have fucking cattle, lambs, chickens and etc right here, so whats the problem.

I checked it out before but did so recently again, I went on a website of an organic supplier/farm not to farm from me. They grow their produce, and have organic meat and dairy products brought in from local farms in the area. Now I live in Pennsylvania and these organic meat and dairy products came from Lancaster PA, which has been called the "puppy mill county U.S.A". Am I suppose to trust products from this area??? I would highly be willing to pay the extra dollar or two per pound but one can never win, even when it comes to local organic. There is so much corruption in all areas of production.

When it comes to clothing, it has much to do with our society and social programming. We are brainwashed into being urged to shop for that next great deal, and feel great about ourselves when we find it. People do not care how it is or where it was made, if they can save a dollar or two than that is all that matters. They see a sale price and they grab as much as they can. Whatever happened to saving for luxuary? and wearing out that one nice piece of clothing or whatever by showing it off. We all have desired and likes, that we all act upon and should act upon. I for one love clothing, and is the one thing that I would spend money on. It is so hard to find quality. A designer that I have been buying from seemed great, very nice shirts, feel great but than I bought one shirt of which was laminated and it faded all on its own by hanging in my closet. They asked me if I washed it due to it being dry clean only and I said no. They sent another and said they tested it, same thing happend within a week. I spent, well a nice amount of money on it and it turned out to be junk. It is an Italian designer but the location of the store selling them is Hong Kong.

Going back to food again, that one show for those who have seen it on TLC "extreme couponers" is a good example. They spend so much time going through garbadsge bins of their neighbors to get so many coupons and than go shopping for hours spending thousand dollars on groceries, with their coupons bringing it down to only 60 or 70 dollars. This is great as we should all save money, but you see what they buy and its all cheap, horrible junk.

This social programming is the problem and once this is broken real change can begin.
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "serpentfire666" <firebird894@... wrote:

So I just finished the second ritual a while ago. I want to tell you what happened today. I will first say I hope it is not just me that felt this and that others will start feeling what I did in some way becomming aware of what they are buying even more and the larger picture around them. While I was shopping for some things it hit me harder than ever and I could see the whole picture of what is happening with the cheapening of goods and services, I could feel an upsurge all I can do to describe it of energy from our past in defiance of this state of shit Gentiles have been conditioned to accept as normal.

Only 2 shops were open in town kmart and spotlight. I went to look for fabric to make some things first. As I looked around I was touching some fabrics and looked at the lables made in china, or made in bangladesh, india but I felt a repulsive feeling through my hand that brought feelings of people in stinking hot smelly factories painfully making things with no air exhausted and just going on and on and I felt something awfull. Then it was kmart and it was the same.

I go in there all the time, being a country town its the main shop for everything and I looked at every lable on the clothes all china, bangladesh or india and I felt it even worse. The quality of the fabrics is even worse than last year and the prices are the same. All polyester and shit,cheap, bad stitching, paper thin flimsy fabric and thread some even had holes in the seams already. I couldn't stand it and I looked around at all the people in there and they were all oblivious as if this is all fine, these clothes are normal and good and we accept this.
I walked out in disgust. I found myself commenting out loud actually how shit this is.
All the food shops in the little mall are all shit. It just all stood out very strong, how Gentiles have been conditioned bit by bit to accept crap products, low pay, bad service now its self service checkouts too. I fucking hate them.

Even the materials around me stood out I saw how bad it all was. We walk past all this every day and don't even notice like there is a filter on our eyes.
The main shop in a small Australian town with one of the highest rates of unemployment in the state, buys all their product in from China and India, drive all local buisness out of the market because people here are too poor to spend more money and kmart is cheap so local buisness dies and raises unemployment further... the vicious circle so the public buys even more at kmart of imported junk (plus they are 24 hours when all the other shops close 4.30 - 5.30 and lunchtime saturday and not at all sunday so Kmart gets all the buisness), so more buisness dies and so on. Then to add insult to injury they bring in self service checkouts putting more staff out of jobs. People get more used to not having traditional customer service being further and further condititioned to accept lower and lower standards.

All the pet products are toxic made in china. The electronics they used to sell NEC, Sanyo etc and now it is all china junk and cheap brands that dont last 5 minutes.
MOST of the shops in town that locals can afford to shop in they import from china. Our towns are dying, bit by bit this machine is just raping our local buisness and economy and anyone who tries to make a living themselves is struggling bad.

Every year the clothing these shops sell is worse than the last year and prices dont go down they go up once competition is driven out.

Today it hit me hardest it ever has.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@ wrote:

Purpose of Ritual

Push for independent Gentile markets within each Gentile Nation

Push to destroy the rothschild banking system

Date of Ritual

This ritual will occur on both Friday March 15th and March 16th. With the push for free Gentile markets taking place on Friday and the destruction portion of the ritual taking place on Saturday. On these two days the moon will be in the sign of Taurus, which will give us the following benefits

Projects begun when the moon is in Taurus are usually permanent or long lasting, Money, finances, possessions, material things, sensuality, earth, greed, permanence, wealth, things that increase in value, loans, bankers, slow but lasting results, time delays.

***Time delays are an important part of this ritual for it will help us gradually achieve what we desire and not bring more quick results which can devastate many Gentiles. Time will takes its course in bringing what is already taking place around the world especially in the EU but our energies will help it gradually go on***

As seen above the day for the positive portion of the ritual is Friday which is ruled by Venus and gives us the following benefits

Indulgence, money, social activities

***Venus rules the astro sign Taurus which greatly strengthens the energy in this ritual***

With the day for the negative portion of this ritual to take place on Saturday which is ruled by Saturn we are given the following benefits

Suffering, misery, restrictions, poverty, ***delay***, defects, fatalities, misers, denial, debts, fear, insecurity, loss, disease, limitations, time and clocks, serious, learning the hard way.

Time of Ritual

During the hours of Venus on Friday

During the Hours of Saturn on Saturday

***On Friday there is no void moon according to the results for America but please make the right changes for your position. However please keep in mind that the Taurus phase DOES END on Saturday at roughly 730PM EST. For those who wish to perform this portion of the ritual MUST perform it before the void begins***.

Ritual Affirmations

***Fridays Affirmations***

Ritual Affirmation- "All Gentiles are free from the Rothschild banking system and are in a free and independent financial system of their own, now and for all eternity"

Runic Affirmation- "The energies of (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally free all Gentiles from the Rothschild banking system, and into a free and independent system of their own, now and for all eternity"

***Saturdays Affirmations***

Ritual Affirmation-"Any and all financial influence and control the rothschild banking system holds within Gentile society is completely destroyed and nonexistent, now and for all eternity"

Runic Affirmation-"The energies of (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally ensure that all financial influence and control the rothschild banking system holds within Gentile society is completely destroyed and becomes nonexistent, now and for all eternity".

Blood Affirmation-"The energies within my blood, within my life force are continuously binding the rothschild's banking system to shame, exposure, disintegration and complete and utter financial failure"

Runes to be used

***Friday's Runes***
1.Fehu- Wealth, possessions, honors, property, money, expansion. Power over one's environment, increase in wealth; fertility, mobility

2.Ansuz- Order, creative inspiration, persuade others and audiences through speech. Opens channels of self-expression and overcomes obstacles of every kind

3.Nauthiz- is a rune of endurance and will. The mental strength to last. rune gives defiance and the strength to carry on when all hope seems lost. It is a rune of survival and fearlessness in the face of death.

4.Sowilo- is the rune of the Sun and can be used in masculine magick. Sowilo is a rune of invincibility, and final triumph. This rune is movement and action and bestows the will to take action. Brings out one's leadership abilities and one's ability to inspire others. Enhances one's strength of spirit

***Saturday's Runes***

1.Fehu- binds an enemy; instills fear and dependence in an enemy

2.Raidho- This rune represents justice and the essence of the law

3.Kenaz- Magically this rune can be used for intellect,
penetrating things as it carries energy. It also increases awareness and gives insight

4.Wunjo- overconfidence, trust in wrong people or wrong things
Extra Rune

Isa- Isa is a rune of binding. It represents stealth and sneakiness and is used in operations where one wishes to proceed undetected; Isa bestows invisibility, It can halt a plan and prevent something from developing, It is used to conceal and can render a victim unaware of impending personal disaster to where any actions attempted will be too late in coming

Sigil to be used

***Friday's Sigil***
For this sigil simply draw a swastika with the above runes for this day surrounding it. In NO WAY should there be any circles on this sigil. All you need is a swastika with the above runes surrounding it.

***Saturday's Sigil***

The image will be the symbol of the vatican,

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... ly.svg.png

go online and print it out. Over top of this should be three circles. One circle surrounding the image, a larger one surrounding the first circle and an even larger one on the outside.

In between the center and second largest circles place the first four runes. Do this all the way around the space, with the same number of each rune being presented. Than in-between the second largest and outer most circles place the rune Isa four times. One on top, one on bottom, one on far right and one on far left.

Now in the center overtop the image place the first four rituals so that the entire image is covered.

Ritual Declaration

***Friday's Ritual Declaration***

Since the jew's beginning they have depleted and squeezed the Gentile Nations until they disintegrated into nothing. It was not by force that the cowardly jew did this but through manipulation and the seizure of our Nation's financial markets. For centuries the jewish pigs grew fat as the Gentiles starved and suffered in their own homeland. With the jew's being the parasites they are once their source of food is taken away they too shall know starvation and suffering. This is why I (State your full name) declare that tonight and for all eternity the jewish owned Rothschild banking system is DESTROYED FOR ALL ETERNITY.

NO LONGER shall any Gentile suffer financially within his own homeland, No LONGER shall any Gentile be subject to foreign rule within his own homeland, NO LONGER shall any Gentile be subject to any foreign practice, and NO LONGER shall any Gentile have to rely on their government for financial survival EVER AGAIN,

Hail Satan

Hail Beelzebub

Hail Astaroth

Hail Azazel

Hail To All the Gods of Hell

Heil Hitler

Heil Heinrich Himmler

Hail to All Warriors of Hells Eternal Army

Hail To Our Most Definite Victory

***Saturday's Ritual Declarationl***

Since the jew's beginning they have depleted and squeezed the Gentile Nations until they disintegrated into nothing. It was not by force that the cowardly jew did this but through manipulation and the seizure of our Nation's financial markets. For centuries the jewish pigs grew fat as the Gentiles starved and suffered in their own homeland. With the jew's being the parasites they are once their source of food is taken away they too shall know starvation and suffering. This is why I (State your full name) declare that tonight and for all eternity the jewish owned Rothschild banking system is DESTROYED FOR ALL ETERNITY.

NO MORE shall the jew have control of a Gentile Nation's Financial Market, NO MORE shall the jew have a say in how a Gentile's Financial system operates, NO MORE shall a Gentile suffer financially in his own homeland, AND NO MORE shall any jewish financial system be allowed on Gentile land EVER AGAIN.

Hail Satan

Hail Beelzebub

Hail Astaroth

Hail Azazel

Hail To All the Gods of Hell

Heil Hitler

Heil Heinrich Himmler

Hail to All Warriors of Hells Eternal Army

Hail To Our Most Definite Victory

The Ritual

***Friday's Ritual***

1. Before you begin do the following- raise your energies either
through alternate nostril breathing or breathe of fire. This is to ensure you raise your energies during this destructive ritual and also to bring some extra energy into it. Next clean your ritual space of all conflicting energies by cleansing the area with blue satanic flames. See these flames burning over your ritual area and affirm they are doing their job.

2. Open the ritual using the basic ritual format found on the JoS or the format created by HP Vovim found on his site

3. Read your ritual prayer with passion and know it what is stated in the ritual prayer is occurring in real life

4. Burn the prayer or save it until the end and burn it with the sigil

5. Now place the sigil on your alter and begin by stating the ritual affirmation. As you are doing this see the entire sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy

6. Begin with the rune Fehu. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the fehu runes on the sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a white-gold energy.

7. Move onto the rune Ansuz. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the Ansuz runes on the sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a white-gold energy.

8. Move onto the rune Nauthiz. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the Nauthiz runes on the sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a white-gold energy.

9. Move onto the rune Sowilo. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the Sowilo runes on the sigil glowing in a white-gold energy. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a white-gold energy.

10. Sit for a few minutes and meditate on your desired outcome. See all the Gentile nations of the world creating their own independent financial systems and those systems becoming strong and providing for their nation as a whole. Direct this energy into the sigil

11. Burn the sigil while repeating the ritual affirmation for as long as it takes for the flames to die out.

12. Close the ritual

***Saturday's Ritual***

1. Before you begin do the following- raise your energies either through alternate nostril breathing or breathe of fire. This is to ensure you raise your energies during this destructive ritual and also to bring some extra energy into it. Next clean your ritual space of all conflicting energies by cleansing the area with blue satanic flames. See these flames burning over your ritual area and affirm they are doing their job.

2. Open the ritual using the basic ritual format found on the JoS or the format created by HP Vovim found on his site

3. Read your ritual prayer with passion and know it what is stated in the ritual prayer is occurring in real life

4. Burn the prayer or save it until the end and burn it with the sigil

5. Now place the sigil on your alter and begin by stating the ritual affirmation. As you are doing this see the entire sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color

6. Begin with the rune Fehu. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the fehu runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish grey color.

7. Move onto the rune Raidho. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the Raidho runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish grey color.

8. Move onto the rune Kenaz. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the kenaz runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish grey color.

9. Move onto the rune Wunjo. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the Wunjo runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish grey color.

10. Move onto the rune Isa. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the Isa runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish grey color.

11. Now take a sterilized needle and make a small cut on your left index finger. Trace the Isa rune in your own blood in the center of the sigil while vibrating the rune. See your blood glowing In a dirty reddish-grey color while stating the following affirmation

"The energies within my blood, within my life force are continuously binding the Vatican banking system to shame, exposure, disintegration and complete and utter financial failure"

12. Sit for a few minutes and meditate on your desired outcome. Think of all of the horrible things the Vatican has done in the past centuries against our people and our Gods. Raise this anger and disgust and direct it into the sigil.

13. Burn the sigil while repeating the ritual affirmation for as long as it takes for the flames to die out.

14. Close the ritual

15. Cleanse your aura and raise your energies.
Lydia and strength you make such valid and undeniable points. It is so true that GENTILEs do not seem to think twice on how the product got here and why it has the price it does. Everytime I go to a grocery store or a clothe store I bring up the fact to people on how the prices say We save money when really the prices are blind face robbing us. All I get is a dumb look, or a "it is what it is."
The same thing happens when I talk about chemicals in our food. I tell the workers or even complete strangers about kosher animal cruelty and the kosher tax(calmly, don't want to sound like a ranting maniac), and it doesn't phase anyone. Same goes with flouride, aspartame, and everyother gmo.
Everybody knows but nobody seems to care. Even if they did they wouldn't want to do anything about it.

These are the effects of the Jewish plague on our society! They have destroyed our spirituality! They have DESTROYED and FRAMED our culture and Whatever unity that was left was obliterated by mixing of cultures and varying religious morals!(protestant, catholic, etc) Yet this is how it has been for a very long time. Before and even during the period of enlightenment us Gentiles have been forced and bred into excepting and complying. Our people have been taught that if We live in poverty then the Jewish god made us destined for poverty. Or that We have to except Whatever is handed to us. We have been and Almost were the perfect slave!

But there are always exceptions. These exceptions have paved the way for OUR Satanic future. As time goes on I hope that more of our people will begin to question and resent the Jewish puppet master that plays with our economy. Soon all cultures except for the Jewish filth will find unity within their own culture. Satan will make sure they reap what they sow! THROUGH THE JEWISH PEOPLE'S MEDDLING OF CULTURES THEY HAVE SEEDED THEIR OWN DESTRUCTION! THEY WILL STAY CULTURALLY CONFUSED! Once they lose their hook on their host they will wither away and die in their own heap of shit.

Hopefully as our Satanic Future creeps ever closer more and more Gentiles will be free of the Slave mindset/individualistic, selfish desires for freedom. Our GENTILE people WILL see that the only way to truly be free is to have a society free of infestation!

I Almost hate shopping for anything these days. I can't even fully enjoy candy, milk, or even water. Not to mention the clothes that have a bad vibe to them. It is ridiculous and I can not wait for all of this to end.

On Sun, Mar 17, 2013 3:53 PM PDT strengththroughsatan89 wrote:

It is horrible in deed of how of how our Gentile people are loosing their homeland to outside invaders. I was in Italy and Greece back in 2007 on a class trip, and as the tour bus moved from destination to destination we would always stop at these small mom and pop stores. Even when I was over there I would always love that and put it near the top of the list of what I liked about my trip. I thought it was weird at first and wondered why I would place such a thing near the top of a list compared to the rest of my european trip; however I understand now.

I buy as much organic products as I can from higher end stores and these products are from Mexico, Uruguay, canada and etc. I mean why is it so hard for us to grow our own products right here. People are so damn needs and demanding that they want stuff all trhoughout the year regardless if it is readily available in their own Nation. When it is not in season why can people not wait for when it is in season. In acient times our ancestors did not grow all products throughout the year, they waited for the right time.

Same with the meat, I have found that so little organic meat products are from here in the U.S. when bought at grocery stores. As listed above they are from uruguay, canada and etc. We have fucking cattle, lambs, chickens and etc right here, so whats the problem.

I checked it out before but did so recently again, I went on a website of an organic supplier/farm not to farm from me. They grow their produce, and have organic meat and dairy products brought in from local farms in the area. Now I live in Pennsylvania and these organic meat and dairy products came from Lancaster PA, which has been called the "puppy mill county U.S.A". Am I suppose to trust products from this area??? I would highly be willing to pay the extra dollar or two per pound but one can never win, even when it comes to local organic. There is so much corruption in all areas of production.

When it comes to clothing, it has much to do with our society and social programming. We are brainwashed into being urged to shop for that next great deal, and feel great about ourselves when we find it. People do not care how it is or where it was made, if they can save a dollar or two than that is all that matters. They see a sale price and they grab as much as they can. Whatever happened to saving for luxuary? and wearing out that one nice piece of clothing or whatever by showing it off. We all have desired and likes, that we all act upon and should act upon. I for one love clothing, and is the one thing that I would spend money on. It is so hard to find quality. A designer that I have been buying from seemed great, very nice shirts, feel great but than I bought one shirt of which was laminated and it faded all on its own by hanging in my closet. They asked me if I washed it due to it being dry clean only and I said no. They sent another and said
they tested it, same thing happend within a week. I spent, well a nice amount of money on it and it turned out to be junk. It is an Italian designer but the location of the store selling them is Hong Kong.

Going back to food again, that one show for those who have seen it on TLC "extreme couponers" is a good example. They spend so much time going through garbadsge bins of their neighbors to get so many coupons and than go shopping for hours spending thousand dollars on groceries, with their coupons bringing it down to only 60 or 70 dollars. This is great as we should all save money, but you see what they buy and its all cheap, horrible junk.

This social programming is the problem and once this is broken real change can begin.
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "serpentfire666" <firebird894@... wrote:

So I just finished the second ritual a while ago. I want to tell you what happened today. I will first say I hope it is not just me that felt this and that others will start feeling what I did in some way becomming aware of what they are buying even more and the larger picture around them. While I was shopping for some things it hit me harder than ever and I could see the whole picture of what is happening with the cheapening of goods and services, I could feel an upsurge all I can do to describe it of energy from our past in defiance of this state of shit Gentiles have been conditioned to accept as normal.

Only 2 shops were open in town kmart and spotlight. I went to look for fabric to make some things first. As I looked around I was touching some fabrics and looked at the lables made in china, or made in bangladesh, india but I felt a repulsive feeling through my hand that brought feelings of people in stinking hot smelly factories painfully making things with no air exhausted and just going on and on and I felt something awfull. Then it was kmart and it was the same.

I go in there all the time, being a country town its the main shop for everything and I looked at every lable on the clothes all china, bangladesh or india and I felt it even worse. The quality of the fabrics is even worse than last year and the prices are the same. All polyester and shit,cheap, bad stitching, paper thin flimsy fabric and thread some even had holes in the seams already. I couldn't stand it and I looked around at all the people in there and they were all oblivious as if this is all fine, these clothes are normal and good and we accept this.
I walked out in disgust. I found myself commenting out loud actually how shit this is.
All the food shops in the little mall are all shit. It just all stood out very strong, how Gentiles have been conditioned bit by bit to accept crap products, low pay, bad service now its self service checkouts too. I fucking hate them.

Even the materials around me stood out I saw how bad it all was. We walk past all this every day and don't even notice like there is a filter on our eyes.
The main shop in a small Australian town with one of the highest rates of unemployment in the state, buys all their product in from China and India, drive all local buisness out of the market because people here are too poor to spend more money and kmart is cheap so local buisness dies and raises unemployment further... the vicious circle so the public buys even more at kmart of imported junk (plus they are 24 hours when all the other shops close 4.30 - 5.30 and lunchtime saturday and not at all sunday so Kmart gets all the buisness), so more buisness dies and so on. Then to add insult to injury they bring in self service checkouts putting more staff out of jobs. People get more used to not having traditional customer service being further and further condititioned to accept lower and lower standards.

All the pet products are toxic made in china. The electronics they used to sell NEC, Sanyo etc and now it is all china junk and cheap brands that dont last 5 minutes.
MOST of the shops in town that locals can afford to shop in they import from china. Our towns are dying, bit by bit this machine is just raping our local buisness and economy and anyone who tries to make a living themselves is struggling bad.

Every year the clothing these shops sell is worse than the last year and prices dont go down they go up once competition is driven out.

Today it hit me hardest it ever has.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@ wrote:

Purpose of Ritual

Push for independent Gentile markets within each Gentile Nation

Push to destroy the rothschild banking system

Date of Ritual

This ritual will occur on both Friday March 15th and March 16th. With the push for free Gentile markets taking place on Friday and the destruction portion of the ritual taking place on Saturday. On these two days the moon will be in the sign of Taurus, which will give us the following benefits

Projects begun when the moon is in Taurus are usually permanent or long lasting, Money, finances, possessions, material things, sensuality, earth, greed, permanence, wealth, things that increase in value, loans, bankers, slow but lasting results, time delays.

***Time delays are an important part of this ritual for it will help us gradually achieve what we desire and not bring more quick results which can devastate many Gentiles. Time will takes its course in bringing what is already taking place around the world especially in the EU but our energies will help it gradually go on***

As seen above the day for the positive portion of the ritual is Friday which is ruled by Venus and gives us the following benefits

Indulgence, money, social activities

***Venus rules the astro sign Taurus which greatly strengthens the energy in this ritual***

With the day for the negative portion of this ritual to take place on Saturday which is ruled by Saturn we are given the following benefits

Suffering, misery, restrictions, poverty, ***delay***, defects, fatalities, misers, denial, debts, fear, insecurity, loss, disease, limitations, time and clocks, serious, learning the hard way.

Time of Ritual

During the hours of Venus on Friday

During the Hours of Saturn on Saturday

***On Friday there is no void moon according to the results for America but please make the right changes for your position. However please keep in mind that the Taurus phase DOES END on Saturday at roughly 730PM EST. For those who wish to perform this portion of the ritual MUST perform it before the void begins***.

Ritual Affirmations

***Fridays Affirmations***

Ritual Affirmation- "All Gentiles are free from the Rothschild banking system and are in a free and independent financial system of their own, now and for all eternity"

Runic Affirmation- "The energies of (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally free all Gentiles from the Rothschild banking system, and into a free and independent system of their own, now and for all eternity"

***Saturdays Affirmations***

Ritual Affirmation-"Any and all financial influence and control the rothschild banking system holds within Gentile society is completely destroyed and nonexistent, now and for all eternity"

Runic Affirmation-"The energies of (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally ensure that all financial influence and control the rothschild banking system holds within Gentile society is completely destroyed and becomes nonexistent, now and for all eternity".

Blood Affirmation-"The energies within my blood, within my life force are continuously binding the rothschild's banking system to shame, exposure, disintegration and complete and utter financial failure"

Runes to be used

***Friday's Runes***
1.Fehu- Wealth, possessions, honors, property, money, expansion. Power over one's environment, increase in wealth; fertility, mobility

2.Ansuz- Order, creative inspiration, persuade others and audiences through speech. Opens channels of self-expression and overcomes obstacles of every kind

3.Nauthiz- is a rune of endurance and will. The mental strength to last. rune gives defiance and the strength to carry on when all hope seems lost. It is a rune of survival and fearlessness in the face of death.

4.Sowilo- is the rune of the Sun and can be used in masculine magick. Sowilo is a rune of invincibility, and final triumph. This rune is movement and action and bestows the will to take action. Brings out one's leadership abilities and one's ability to inspire others. Enhances one's strength of spirit

***Saturday's Runes***

1.Fehu- binds an enemy; instills fear and dependence in an enemy

2.Raidho- This rune represents justice and the essence of the law

3.Kenaz- Magically this rune can be used for intellect,
penetrating things as it carries energy. It also increases awareness and gives insight

4.Wunjo- overconfidence, trust in wrong people or wrong things
Extra Rune

Isa- Isa is a rune of binding. It represents stealth and sneakiness and is used in operations where one wishes to proceed undetected; Isa bestows invisibility, It can halt a plan and prevent something from developing, It is used to conceal and can render a victim unaware of impending personal disaster to where any actions attempted will be too late in coming

Sigil to be used

***Friday's Sigil***
For this sigil simply draw a swastika with the above runes for this day surrounding it. In NO WAY should there be any circles on this sigil. All you need is a swastika with the above runes surrounding it.

***Saturday's Sigil***

The image will be the symbol of the vatican,

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... ly.svg.png

go online and print it out. Over top of this should be three circles. One circle surrounding the image, a larger one surrounding the first circle and an even larger one on the outside.

In between the center and second largest circles place the first four runes. Do this all the way around the space, with the same number of each rune being presented. Than in-between the second largest and outer most circles place the rune Isa four times. One on top, one on bottom, one on far right and one on far left.

Now in the center overtop the image place the first four rituals so that the entire image is covered.

Ritual Declaration

***Friday's Ritual Declaration***

Since the jew's beginning they have depleted and squeezed the Gentile Nations until they disintegrated into nothing. It was not by force that the cowardly jew did this but through manipulation and the seizure of our Nation's financial markets. For centuries the jewish pigs grew fat as the Gentiles starved and suffered in their own homeland. With the jew's being the parasites they are once their source of food is taken away they too shall know starvation and suffering. This is why I (State your full name) declare that tonight and for all eternity the jewish owned Rothschild banking system is DESTROYED FOR ALL ETERNITY.

NO LONGER shall any Gentile suffer financially within his own homeland, No LONGER shall any Gentile be subject to foreign rule within his own homeland, NO LONGER shall any Gentile be subject to any foreign practice, and NO LONGER shall any Gentile have to rely on their government for financial survival EVER AGAIN,

Hail Satan

Hail Beelzebub

Hail Astaroth

Hail Azazel

Hail To All the Gods of Hell

Heil Hitler

Heil Heinrich Himmler

Hail to All Warriors of Hells Eternal Army

Hail To Our Most Definite Victory

***Saturday's Ritual Declarationl***

Since the jew's beginning they have depleted and squeezed the Gentile Nations until they disintegrated into nothing. It was not by force that the cowardly jew did this but through manipulation and the seizure of our Nation's financial markets. For centuries the jewish pigs grew fat as the Gentiles starved and suffered in their own homeland. With the jew's being the parasites they are once their source of food is taken away they too shall know starvation and suffering. This is why I (State your full name) declare that tonight and for all eternity the jewish owned Rothschild banking system is DESTROYED FOR ALL ETERNITY.

NO MORE shall the jew have control of a Gentile Nation's Financial Market, NO MORE shall the jew have a say in how a Gentile's Financial system operates, NO MORE shall a Gentile suffer financially in his own homeland, AND NO MORE shall any jewish financial system be allowed on Gentile land EVER AGAIN.

Hail Satan

Hail Beelzebub

Hail Astaroth

Hail Azazel

Hail To All the Gods of Hell

Heil Hitler

Heil Heinrich Himmler

Hail to All Warriors of Hells Eternal Army

Hail To Our Most Definite Victory

The Ritual

***Friday's Ritual***

1. Before you begin do the following- raise your energies either
through alternate nostril breathing or breathe of fire. This is to ensure you raise your energies during this destructive ritual and also to bring some extra energy into it. Next clean your ritual space of all conflicting energies by cleansing the area with blue satanic flames. See these flames burning over your ritual area and affirm they are doing their job.

2. Open the ritual using the basic ritual format found on the JoS or the format created by HP Vovim found on his site

3. Read your ritual prayer with passion and know it what is stated in the ritual prayer is occurring in real life

4. Burn the prayer or save it until the end and burn it with the sigil

5. Now place the sigil on your alter and begin by stating the ritual affirmation. As you are doing this see the entire sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy

6. Begin with the rune Fehu. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the fehu runes on the sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a white-gold energy.

7. Move onto the rune Ansuz. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the Ansuz runes on the sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a white-gold energy.

8. Move onto the rune Nauthiz. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the Nauthiz runes on the sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a white-gold energy.

9. Move onto the rune Sowilo. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the Sowilo runes on the sigil glowing in a white-gold energy. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a white-gold energy.

10. Sit for a few minutes and meditate on your desired outcome. See all the Gentile nations of the world creating their own independent financial systems and those systems becoming strong and providing for their nation as a whole. Direct this energy into the sigil

11. Burn the sigil while repeating the ritual affirmation for as long as it takes for the flames to die out.

12. Close the ritual

***Saturday's Ritual***

1. Before you begin do the following- raise your energies either through alternate nostril breathing or breathe of fire. This is to ensure you raise your energies during this destructive ritual and also to bring some extra energy into it. Next clean your ritual space of all conflicting energies by cleansing the area with blue satanic flames. See these flames burning over your ritual area and affirm they are doing their job.

2. Open the ritual using the basic ritual format found on the JoS or the format created by HP Vovim found on his site

3. Read your ritual prayer with passion and know it what is stated in the ritual prayer is occurring in real life

4. Burn the prayer or save it until the end and burn it with the sigil

5. Now place the sigil on your alter and begin by stating the ritual affirmation. As you are doing this see the entire sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color

6. Begin with the rune Fehu. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the fehu runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish grey color.

7. Move onto the rune Raidho. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the Raidho runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish grey color.

8. Move onto the rune Kenaz. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the kenaz runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish grey color.

9. Move onto the rune Wunjo. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the Wunjo runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish grey color.

10. Move onto the rune Isa. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the Isa runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish grey color.

11. Now take a sterilized needle and make a small cut on your left index finger. Trace the Isa rune in your own blood in the center of the sigil while vibrating the rune. See your blood glowing In a dirty reddish-grey color while stating the following affirmation

"The energies within my blood, within my life force are continuously binding the Vatican banking system to shame, exposure, disintegration and complete and utter financial failure"

12. Sit for a few minutes and meditate on your desired outcome. Think of all of the horrible things the Vatican has done in the past centuries against our people and our Gods. Raise this anger and disgust and direct it into the sigil.

13. Burn the sigil while repeating the ritual affirmation for as long as it takes for the flames to die out.

14. Close the ritual

15. Cleanse your aura and raise your energies.
Just doing this ritual has caused a shift in my own awareness of this issue so strong I have really changed the way I see it all in just a few days. Before I was aware of it but it didn't really sink in, now it hits me. I found out the last few days also a big Australian car manufacturer actually 2 of them, have plans to stop making their top selling cars that have been an Aussie icon, or at least stop making them here in Australia instead it appears they will be pandering to the overseas markets and making cars offshore to save money. It will mean the closing of more Australian factories, lost jobs and the parts for existing models of these cars will be harder to get and more expensive. More people will turn to Asian cars and ovseas models. It might also see the end of a long running iconic racing industry for the V8 supercars. On one hand they are quite poluting but on the other hand there are other options to instead improve the designs of the cars to be more fuel efficiant and they could do it here in Australia. But no... the sale of SUV's went up so now the companies want to sell out and cash in.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@... wrote:

It is horrible in deed of how of how our Gentile people are loosing their homeland to outside invaders. I was in Italy and Greece back in 2007 on a class trip, and as the tour bus moved from destination to destination we would always stop at these small mom and pop stores. Even when I was over there I would always love that and put it near the top of the list of what I liked about my trip. I thought it was weird at first and wondered why I would place such a thing near the top of a list compared to the rest of my european trip; however I understand now.

I buy as much organic products as I can from higher end stores and these products are from Mexico, Uruguay, canada and etc. I mean why is it so hard for us to grow our own products right here. People are so damn needs and demanding that they want stuff all trhoughout the year regardless if it is readily available in their own Nation. When it is not in season why can people not wait for when it is in season. In acient times our ancestors did not grow all products throughout the year, they waited for the right time.

Same with the meat, I have found that so little organic meat products are from here in the U.S. when bought at grocery stores. As listed above they are from uruguay, canada and etc. We have fucking cattle, lambs, chickens and etc right here, so whats the problem.

I checked it out before but did so recently again, I went on a website of an organic supplier/farm not to farm from me. They grow their produce, and have organic meat and dairy products brought in from local farms in the area. Now I live in Pennsylvania and these organic meat and dairy products came from Lancaster PA, which has been called the "puppy mill county U.S.A". Am I suppose to trust products from this area??? I would highly be willing to pay the extra dollar or two per pound but one can never win, even when it comes to local organic. There is so much corruption in all areas of production.

When it comes to clothing, it has much to do with our society and social programming. We are brainwashed into being urged to shop for that next great deal, and feel great about ourselves when we find it. People do not care how it is or where it was made, if they can save a dollar or two than that is all that matters. They see a sale price and they grab as much as they can. Whatever happened to saving for luxuary? and wearing out that one nice piece of clothing or whatever by showing it off. We all have desired and likes, that we all act upon and should act upon. I for one love clothing, and is the one thing that I would spend money on. It is so hard to find quality. A designer that I have been buying from seemed great, very nice shirts, feel great but than I bought one shirt of which was laminated and it faded all on its own by hanging in my closet. They asked me if I washed it due to it being dry clean only and I said no. They sent another and said they tested it, same thing happend within a week. I spent, well a nice amount of money on it and it turned out to be junk. It is an Italian designer but the location of the store selling them is Hong Kong.

Going back to food again, that one show for those who have seen it on TLC "extreme couponers" is a good example. They spend so much time going through garbadsge bins of their neighbors to get so many coupons and than go shopping for hours spending thousand dollars on groceries, with their coupons bringing it down to only 60 or 70 dollars. This is great as we should all save money, but you see what they buy and its all cheap, horrible junk.

This social programming is the problem and once this is broken real change can begin.
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "serpentfire666" <firebird894@ wrote:

So I just finished the second ritual a while ago. I want to tell you what happened today. I will first say I hope it is not just me that felt this and that others will start feeling what I did in some way becomming aware of what they are buying even more and the larger picture around them. While I was shopping for some things it hit me harder than ever and I could see the whole picture of what is happening with the cheapening of goods and services, I could feel an upsurge all I can do to describe it of energy from our past in defiance of this state of shit Gentiles have been conditioned to accept as normal.

Only 2 shops were open in town kmart and spotlight. I went to look for fabric to make some things first. As I looked around I was touching some fabrics and looked at the lables made in china, or made in bangladesh, india but I felt a repulsive feeling through my hand that brought feelings of people in stinking hot smelly factories painfully making things with no air exhausted and just going on and on and I felt something awfull. Then it was kmart and it was the same.

I go in there all the time, being a country town its the main shop for everything and I looked at every lable on the clothes all china, bangladesh or india and I felt it even worse. The quality of the fabrics is even worse than last year and the prices are the same. All polyester and shit,cheap, bad stitching, paper thin flimsy fabric and thread some even had holes in the seams already. I couldn't stand it and I looked around at all the people in there and they were all oblivious as if this is all fine, these clothes are normal and good and we accept this.
I walked out in disgust. I found myself commenting out loud actually how shit this is.
All the food shops in the little mall are all shit. It just all stood out very strong, how Gentiles have been conditioned bit by bit to accept crap products, low pay, bad service now its self service checkouts too. I fucking hate them.

Even the materials around me stood out I saw how bad it all was. We walk past all this every day and don't even notice like there is a filter on our eyes.
The main shop in a small Australian town with one of the highest rates of unemployment in the state, buys all their product in from China and India, drive all local buisness out of the market because people here are too poor to spend more money and kmart is cheap so local buisness dies and raises unemployment further... the vicious circle so the public buys even more at kmart of imported junk (plus they are 24 hours when all the other shops close 4.30 - 5.30 and lunchtime saturday and not at all sunday so Kmart gets all the buisness), so more buisness dies and so on. Then to add insult to injury they bring in self service checkouts putting more staff out of jobs. People get more used to not having traditional customer service being further and further condititioned to accept lower and lower standards.

All the pet products are toxic made in china. The electronics they used to sell NEC, Sanyo etc and now it is all china junk and cheap brands that dont last 5 minutes.
MOST of the shops in town that locals can afford to shop in they import from china. Our towns are dying, bit by bit this machine is just raping our local buisness and economy and anyone who tries to make a living themselves is struggling bad.

Every year the clothing these shops sell is worse than the last year and prices dont go down they go up once competition is driven out.

Today it hit me hardest it ever has.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@ wrote:

Purpose of Ritual

Push for independent Gentile markets within each Gentile Nation

Push to destroy the rothschild banking system

Date of Ritual

This ritual will occur on both Friday March 15th and March 16th. With the push for free Gentile markets taking place on Friday and the destruction portion of the ritual taking place on Saturday. On these two days the moon will be in the sign of Taurus, which will give us the following benefits

Projects begun when the moon is in Taurus are usually permanent or long lasting, Money, finances, possessions, material things, sensuality, earth, greed, permanence, wealth, things that increase in value, loans, bankers, slow but lasting results, time delays.

***Time delays are an important part of this ritual for it will help us gradually achieve what we desire and not bring more quick results which can devastate many Gentiles. Time will takes its course in bringing what is already taking place around the world especially in the EU but our energies will help it gradually go on***

As seen above the day for the positive portion of the ritual is Friday which is ruled by Venus and gives us the following benefits

Indulgence, money, social activities

***Venus rules the astro sign Taurus which greatly strengthens the energy in this ritual***

With the day for the negative portion of this ritual to take place on Saturday which is ruled by Saturn we are given the following benefits

Suffering, misery, restrictions, poverty, ***delay***, defects, fatalities, misers, denial, debts, fear, insecurity, loss, disease, limitations, time and clocks, serious, learning the hard way.

Time of Ritual

During the hours of Venus on Friday

During the Hours of Saturn on Saturday

***On Friday there is no void moon according to the results for America but please make the right changes for your position. However please keep in mind that the Taurus phase DOES END on Saturday at roughly 730PM EST. For those who wish to perform this portion of the ritual MUST perform it before the void begins***.

Ritual Affirmations

***Fridays Affirmations***

Ritual Affirmation- "All Gentiles are free from the Rothschild banking system and are in a free and independent financial system of their own, now and for all eternity"

Runic Affirmation- "The energies of (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally free all Gentiles from the Rothschild banking system, and into a free and independent system of their own, now and for all eternity"

***Saturdays Affirmations***

Ritual Affirmation-"Any and all financial influence and control the rothschild banking system holds within Gentile society is completely destroyed and nonexistent, now and for all eternity"

Runic Affirmation-"The energies of (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally ensure that all financial influence and control the rothschild banking system holds within Gentile society is completely destroyed and becomes nonexistent, now and for all eternity".

Blood Affirmation-"The energies within my blood, within my life force are continuously binding the rothschild's banking system to shame, exposure, disintegration and complete and utter financial failure"

Runes to be used

***Friday's Runes***
1.Fehu- Wealth, possessions, honors, property, money, expansion. Power over one's environment, increase in wealth; fertility, mobility

2.Ansuz- Order, creative inspiration, persuade others and audiences through speech. Opens channels of self-expression and overcomes obstacles of every kind

3.Nauthiz- is a rune of endurance and will. The mental strength to last. rune gives defiance and the strength to carry on when all hope seems lost. It is a rune of survival and fearlessness in the face of death.

4.Sowilo- is the rune of the Sun and can be used in masculine magick. Sowilo is a rune of invincibility, and final triumph. This rune is movement and action and bestows the will to take action. Brings out one's leadership abilities and one's ability to inspire others. Enhances one's strength of spirit

***Saturday's Runes***

1.Fehu- binds an enemy; instills fear and dependence in an enemy

2.Raidho- This rune represents justice and the essence of the law

3.Kenaz- Magically this rune can be used for intellect,
penetrating things as it carries energy. It also increases awareness and gives insight

4.Wunjo- overconfidence, trust in wrong people or wrong things
Extra Rune

Isa- Isa is a rune of binding. It represents stealth and sneakiness and is used in operations where one wishes to proceed undetected; Isa bestows invisibility, It can halt a plan and prevent something from developing, It is used to conceal and can render a victim unaware of impending personal disaster to where any actions attempted will be too late in coming

Sigil to be used

***Friday's Sigil***
For this sigil simply draw a swastika with the above runes for this day surrounding it. In NO WAY should there be any circles on this sigil. All you need is a swastika with the above runes surrounding it.

***Saturday's Sigil***

The image will be the symbol of the vatican,

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... ly.svg.png

go online and print it out. Over top of this should be three circles. One circle surrounding the image, a larger one surrounding the first circle and an even larger one on the outside.

In between the center and second largest circles place the first four runes. Do this all the way around the space, with the same number of each rune being presented. Than in-between the second largest and outer most circles place the rune Isa four times. One on top, one on bottom, one on far right and one on far left.

Now in the center overtop the image place the first four rituals so that the entire image is covered.

Ritual Declaration

***Friday's Ritual Declaration***

Since the jew's beginning they have depleted and squeezed the Gentile Nations until they disintegrated into nothing. It was not by force that the cowardly jew did this but through manipulation and the seizure of our Nation's financial markets. For centuries the jewish pigs grew fat as the Gentiles starved and suffered in their own homeland. With the jew's being the parasites they are once their source of food is taken away they too shall know starvation and suffering. This is why I (State your full name) declare that tonight and for all eternity the jewish owned Rothschild banking system is DESTROYED FOR ALL ETERNITY.

NO LONGER shall any Gentile suffer financially within his own homeland, No LONGER shall any Gentile be subject to foreign rule within his own homeland, NO LONGER shall any Gentile be subject to any foreign practice, and NO LONGER shall any Gentile have to rely on their government for financial survival EVER AGAIN,

Hail Satan

Hail Beelzebub

Hail Astaroth

Hail Azazel

Hail To All the Gods of Hell

Heil Hitler

Heil Heinrich Himmler

Hail to All Warriors of Hells Eternal Army

Hail To Our Most Definite Victory

***Saturday's Ritual Declarationl***

Since the jew's beginning they have depleted and squeezed the Gentile Nations until they disintegrated into nothing. It was not by force that the cowardly jew did this but through manipulation and the seizure of our Nation's financial markets. For centuries the jewish pigs grew fat as the Gentiles starved and suffered in their own homeland. With the jew's being the parasites they are once their source of food is taken away they too shall know starvation and suffering. This is why I (State your full name) declare that tonight and for all eternity the jewish owned Rothschild banking system is DESTROYED FOR ALL ETERNITY.

NO MORE shall the jew have control of a Gentile Nation's Financial Market, NO MORE shall the jew have a say in how a Gentile's Financial system operates, NO MORE shall a Gentile suffer financially in his own homeland, AND NO MORE shall any jewish financial system be allowed on Gentile land EVER AGAIN.

Hail Satan

Hail Beelzebub

Hail Astaroth

Hail Azazel

Hail To All the Gods of Hell

Heil Hitler

Heil Heinrich Himmler

Hail to All Warriors of Hells Eternal Army

Hail To Our Most Definite Victory

The Ritual

***Friday's Ritual***

1. Before you begin do the following- raise your energies either
through alternate nostril breathing or breathe of fire. This is to ensure you raise your energies during this destructive ritual and also to bring some extra energy into it. Next clean your ritual space of all conflicting energies by cleansing the area with blue satanic flames. See these flames burning over your ritual area and affirm they are doing their job.

2. Open the ritual using the basic ritual format found on the JoS or the format created by HP Vovim found on his site

3. Read your ritual prayer with passion and know it what is stated in the ritual prayer is occurring in real life

4. Burn the prayer or save it until the end and burn it with the sigil

5. Now place the sigil on your alter and begin by stating the ritual affirmation. As you are doing this see the entire sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy

6. Begin with the rune Fehu. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the fehu runes on the sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a white-gold energy.

7. Move onto the rune Ansuz. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the Ansuz runes on the sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a white-gold energy.

8. Move onto the rune Nauthiz. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the Nauthiz runes on the sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a white-gold energy.

9. Move onto the rune Sowilo. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the Sowilo runes on the sigil glowing in a white-gold energy. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a white-gold energy.

10. Sit for a few minutes and meditate on your desired outcome. See all the Gentile nations of the world creating their own independent financial systems and those systems becoming strong and providing for their nation as a whole. Direct this energy into the sigil

11. Burn the sigil while repeating the ritual affirmation for as long as it takes for the flames to die out.

12. Close the ritual

***Saturday's Ritual***

1. Before you begin do the following- raise your energies either through alternate nostril breathing or breathe of fire. This is to ensure you raise your energies during this destructive ritual and also to bring some extra energy into it. Next clean your ritual space of all conflicting energies by cleansing the area with blue satanic flames. See these flames burning over your ritual area and affirm they are doing their job.

2. Open the ritual using the basic ritual format found on the JoS or the format created by HP Vovim found on his site

3. Read your ritual prayer with passion and know it what is stated in the ritual prayer is occurring in real life

4. Burn the prayer or save it until the end and burn it with the sigil

5. Now place the sigil on your alter and begin by stating the ritual affirmation. As you are doing this see the entire sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color

6. Begin with the rune Fehu. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the fehu runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish grey color.

7. Move onto the rune Raidho. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the Raidho runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish grey color.

8. Move onto the rune Kenaz. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the kenaz runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish grey color.

9. Move onto the rune Wunjo. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the Wunjo runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish grey color.

10. Move onto the rune Isa. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the Isa runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish grey color.

11. Now take a sterilized needle and make a small cut on your left index finger. Trace the Isa rune in your own blood in the center of the sigil while vibrating the rune. See your blood glowing In a dirty reddish-grey color while stating the following affirmation

"The energies within my blood, within my life force are continuously binding the Vatican banking system to shame, exposure, disintegration and complete and utter financial failure"

12. Sit for a few minutes and meditate on your desired outcome. Think of all of the horrible things the Vatican has done in the past centuries against our people and our Gods. Raise this anger and disgust and direct it into the sigil.

13. Burn the sigil while repeating the ritual affirmation for as long as it takes for the flames to die out.

14. Close the ritual

15. Cleanse your aura and raise your energies.
Just do the best you can, we are still stuck in the system but at least we are awake to it and make the best choices we can.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Enkiss on Descarte <enkisson_descarte_666@... wrote:

Lydia and strength you make such valid and undeniable points. It is so true that GENTILEs do not seem to think twice on how the product got here and why it has the price it does. Everytime I go to a grocery store or a clothe store I bring up the fact to people on how the prices say We save money when really the prices are blind face robbing us. All I get is a dumb look, or a "it is what it is."
The same thing happens when I talk about chemicals in our food. I tell the workers or even complete strangers about kosher animal cruelty and the kosher tax(calmly, don't want to sound like a ranting maniac), and it doesn't phase anyone. Same goes with flouride, aspartame, and everyother gmo.
Everybody knows but nobody seems to care. Even if they did they wouldn't want to do anything about it.

These are the effects of the Jewish plague on our society! They have destroyed our spirituality! They have DESTROYED and FRAMED our culture and Whatever unity that was left was obliterated by mixing of cultures and varying religious morals!(protestant, catholic, etc) Yet this is how it has been for a very long time. Before and even during the period of enlightenment us Gentiles have been forced and bred into excepting and complying. Our people have been taught that if We live in poverty then the Jewish god made us destined for poverty. Or that We have to except Whatever is handed to us. We have been and Almost were the perfect slave!

But there are always exceptions. These exceptions have paved the way for OUR Satanic future. As time goes on I hope that more of our people will begin to question and resent the Jewish puppet master that plays with our economy. Soon all cultures except for the Jewish filth will find unity within their own culture. Satan will make sure they reap what they sow! THROUGH THE JEWISH PEOPLE'S MEDDLING OF CULTURES THEY HAVE SEEDED THEIR OWN DESTRUCTION! THEY WILL STAY CULTURALLY CONFUSED! Once they lose their hook on their host they will wither away and die in their own heap of shit.

Hopefully as our Satanic Future creeps ever closer more and more Gentiles will be free of the Slave mindset/individualistic, selfish desires for freedom. Our GENTILE people WILL see that the only way to truly be free is to have a society free of infestation!

I Almost hate shopping for anything these days. I can't even fully enjoy candy, milk, or even water. Not to mention the clothes that have a bad vibe to them. It is ridiculous and I can not wait for all of this to end.

On Sun, Mar 17, 2013 3:53 PM PDT strengththroughsatan89 wrote:

It is horrible in deed of how of how our Gentile people are loosing their homeland to outside invaders. I was in Italy and Greece back in 2007 on a class trip, and as the tour bus moved from destination to destination we would always stop at these small mom and pop stores. Even when I was over there I would always love that and put it near the top of the list of what I liked about my trip. I thought it was weird at first and wondered why I would place such a thing near the top of a list compared to the rest of my european trip; however I understand now.

I buy as much organic products as I can from higher end stores and these products are from Mexico, Uruguay, canada and etc. I mean why is it so hard for us to grow our own products right here. People are so damn needs and demanding that they want stuff all trhoughout the year regardless if it is readily available in their own Nation. When it is not in season why can people not wait for when it is in season. In acient times our ancestors did not grow all products throughout the year, they waited for the right time.

Same with the meat, I have found that so little organic meat products are from here in the U.S. when bought at grocery stores. As listed above they are from uruguay, canada and etc. We have fucking cattle, lambs, chickens and etc right here, so whats the problem.

I checked it out before but did so recently again, I went on a website of an organic supplier/farm not to farm from me. They grow their produce, and have organic meat and dairy products brought in from local farms in the area. Now I live in Pennsylvania and these organic meat and dairy products came from Lancaster PA, which has been called the "puppy mill county U.S.A". Am I suppose to trust products from this area??? I would highly be willing to pay the extra dollar or two per pound but one can never win, even when it comes to local organic. There is so much corruption in all areas of production.

When it comes to clothing, it has much to do with our society and social programming. We are brainwashed into being urged to shop for that next great deal, and feel great about ourselves when we find it. People do not care how it is or where it was made, if they can save a dollar or two than that is all that matters. They see a sale price and they grab as much as they can. Whatever happened to saving for luxuary? and wearing out that one nice piece of clothing or whatever by showing it off. We all have desired and likes, that we all act upon and should act upon. I for one love clothing, and is the one thing that I would spend money on. It is so hard to find quality. A designer that I have been buying from seemed great, very nice shirts, feel great but than I bought one shirt of which was laminated and it faded all on its own by hanging in my closet. They asked me if I washed it due to it being dry clean only and I said no. They sent another and said
they tested it, same thing happend within a week. I spent, well a nice amount of money on it and it turned out to be junk. It is an Italian designer but the location of the store selling them is Hong Kong.

Going back to food again, that one show for those who have seen it on TLC "extreme couponers" is a good example. They spend so much time going through garbadsge bins of their neighbors to get so many coupons and than go shopping for hours spending thousand dollars on groceries, with their coupons bringing it down to only 60 or 70 dollars. This is great as we should all save money, but you see what they buy and its all cheap, horrible junk.

This social programming is the problem and once this is broken real change can begin.
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "serpentfire666" <firebird894@ wrote:

So I just finished the second ritual a while ago. I want to tell you what happened today. I will first say I hope it is not just me that felt this and that others will start feeling what I did in some way becomming aware of what they are buying even more and the larger picture around them. While I was shopping for some things it hit me harder than ever and I could see the whole picture of what is happening with the cheapening of goods and services, I could feel an upsurge all I can do to describe it of energy from our past in defiance of this state of shit Gentiles have been conditioned to accept as normal.

Only 2 shops were open in town kmart and spotlight. I went to look for fabric to make some things first. As I looked around I was touching some fabrics and looked at the lables made in china, or made in bangladesh, india but I felt a repulsive feeling through my hand that brought feelings of people in stinking hot smelly factories painfully making things with no air exhausted and just going on and on and I felt something awfull. Then it was kmart and it was the same.

I go in there all the time, being a country town its the main shop for everything and I looked at every lable on the clothes all china, bangladesh or india and I felt it even worse. The quality of the fabrics is even worse than last year and the prices are the same. All polyester and shit,cheap, bad stitching, paper thin flimsy fabric and thread some even had holes in the seams already. I couldn't stand it and I looked around at all the people in there and they were all oblivious as if this is all fine, these clothes are normal and good and we accept this.
I walked out in disgust. I found myself commenting out loud actually how shit this is.
All the food shops in the little mall are all shit. It just all stood out very strong, how Gentiles have been conditioned bit by bit to accept crap products, low pay, bad service now its self service checkouts too. I fucking hate them.

Even the materials around me stood out I saw how bad it all was. We walk past all this every day and don't even notice like there is a filter on our eyes.
The main shop in a small Australian town with one of the highest rates of unemployment in the state, buys all their product in from China and India, drive all local buisness out of the market because people here are too poor to spend more money and kmart is cheap so local buisness dies and raises unemployment further... the vicious circle so the public buys even more at kmart of imported junk (plus they are 24 hours when all the other shops close 4.30 - 5.30 and lunchtime saturday and not at all sunday so Kmart gets all the buisness), so more buisness dies and so on. Then to add insult to injury they bring in self service checkouts putting more staff out of jobs. People get more used to not having traditional customer service being further and further condititioned to accept lower and lower standards.

All the pet products are toxic made in china. The electronics they used to sell NEC, Sanyo etc and now it is all china junk and cheap brands that dont last 5 minutes.
MOST of the shops in town that locals can afford to shop in they import from china. Our towns are dying, bit by bit this machine is just raping our local buisness and economy and anyone who tries to make a living themselves is struggling bad.

Every year the clothing these shops sell is worse than the last year and prices dont go down they go up once competition is driven out.

Today it hit me hardest it ever has.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@ wrote:

Purpose of Ritual

Push for independent Gentile markets within each Gentile Nation

Push to destroy the rothschild banking system

Date of Ritual

This ritual will occur on both Friday March 15th and March 16th. With the push for free Gentile markets taking place on Friday and the destruction portion of the ritual taking place on Saturday. On these two days the moon will be in the sign of Taurus, which will give us the following benefits

Projects begun when the moon is in Taurus are usually permanent or long lasting, Money, finances, possessions, material things, sensuality, earth, greed, permanence, wealth, things that increase in value, loans, bankers, slow but lasting results, time delays.

***Time delays are an important part of this ritual for it will help us gradually achieve what we desire and not bring more quick results which can devastate many Gentiles. Time will takes its course in bringing what is already taking place around the world especially in the EU but our energies will help it gradually go on***

As seen above the day for the positive portion of the ritual is Friday which is ruled by Venus and gives us the following benefits

Indulgence, money, social activities

***Venus rules the astro sign Taurus which greatly strengthens the energy in this ritual***

With the day for the negative portion of this ritual to take place on Saturday which is ruled by Saturn we are given the following benefits

Suffering, misery, restrictions, poverty, ***delay***, defects, fatalities, misers, denial, debts, fear, insecurity, loss, disease, limitations, time and clocks, serious, learning the hard way.

Time of Ritual

During the hours of Venus on Friday

During the Hours of Saturn on Saturday

***On Friday there is no void moon according to the results for America but please make the right changes for your position. However please keep in mind that the Taurus phase DOES END on Saturday at roughly 730PM EST. For those who wish to perform this portion of the ritual MUST perform it before the void begins***.

Ritual Affirmations

***Fridays Affirmations***

Ritual Affirmation- "All Gentiles are free from the Rothschild banking system and are in a free and independent financial system of their own, now and for all eternity"

Runic Affirmation- "The energies of (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally free all Gentiles from the Rothschild banking system, and into a free and independent system of their own, now and for all eternity"

***Saturdays Affirmations***

Ritual Affirmation-"Any and all financial influence and control the rothschild banking system holds within Gentile society is completely destroyed and nonexistent, now and for all eternity"

Runic Affirmation-"The energies of (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally ensure that all financial influence and control the rothschild banking system holds within Gentile society is completely destroyed and becomes nonexistent, now and for all eternity".

Blood Affirmation-"The energies within my blood, within my life force are continuously binding the rothschild's banking system to shame, exposure, disintegration and complete and utter financial failure"

Runes to be used

***Friday's Runes***
1.Fehu- Wealth, possessions, honors, property, money, expansion. Power over one's environment, increase in wealth; fertility, mobility

2.Ansuz- Order, creative inspiration, persuade others and audiences through speech. Opens channels of self-expression and overcomes obstacles of every kind

3.Nauthiz- is a rune of endurance and will. The mental strength to last. rune gives defiance and the strength to carry on when all hope seems lost. It is a rune of survival and fearlessness in the face of death.

4.Sowilo- is the rune of the Sun and can be used in masculine magick. Sowilo is a rune of invincibility, and final triumph. This rune is movement and action and bestows the will to take action. Brings out one's leadership abilities and one's ability to inspire others. Enhances one's strength of spirit

***Saturday's Runes***

1.Fehu- binds an enemy; instills fear and dependence in an enemy

2.Raidho- This rune represents justice and the essence of the law

3.Kenaz- Magically this rune can be used for intellect,
penetrating things as it carries energy. It also increases awareness and gives insight

4.Wunjo- overconfidence, trust in wrong people or wrong things
Extra Rune

Isa- Isa is a rune of binding. It represents stealth and sneakiness and is used in operations where one wishes to proceed undetected; Isa bestows invisibility, It can halt a plan and prevent something from developing, It is used to conceal and can render a victim unaware of impending personal disaster to where any actions attempted will be too late in coming

Sigil to be used

***Friday's Sigil***
For this sigil simply draw a swastika with the above runes for this day surrounding it. In NO WAY should there be any circles on this sigil. All you need is a swastika with the above runes surrounding it.

***Saturday's Sigil***

The image will be the symbol of the vatican,

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... ly.svg.png

go online and print it out. Over top of this should be three circles. One circle surrounding the image, a larger one surrounding the first circle and an even larger one on the outside.

In between the center and second largest circles place the first four runes. Do this all the way around the space, with the same number of each rune being presented. Than in-between the second largest and outer most circles place the rune Isa four times. One on top, one on bottom, one on far right and one on far left.

Now in the center overtop the image place the first four rituals so that the entire image is covered.

Ritual Declaration

***Friday's Ritual Declaration***

Since the jew's beginning they have depleted and squeezed the Gentile Nations until they disintegrated into nothing. It was not by force that the cowardly jew did this but through manipulation and the seizure of our Nation's financial markets. For centuries the jewish pigs grew fat as the Gentiles starved and suffered in their own homeland. With the jew's being the parasites they are once their source of food is taken away they too shall know starvation and suffering. This is why I (State your full name) declare that tonight and for all eternity the jewish owned Rothschild banking system is DESTROYED FOR ALL ETERNITY.

NO LONGER shall any Gentile suffer financially within his own homeland, No LONGER shall any Gentile be subject to foreign rule within his own homeland, NO LONGER shall any Gentile be subject to any foreign practice, and NO LONGER shall any Gentile have to rely on their government for financial survival EVER AGAIN,

Hail Satan

Hail Beelzebub

Hail Astaroth

Hail Azazel

Hail To All the Gods of Hell

Heil Hitler

Heil Heinrich Himmler

Hail to All Warriors of Hells Eternal Army

Hail To Our Most Definite Victory

***Saturday's Ritual Declarationl***

Since the jew's beginning they have depleted and squeezed the Gentile Nations until they disintegrated into nothing. It was not by force that the cowardly jew did this but through manipulation and the seizure of our Nation's financial markets. For centuries the jewish pigs grew fat as the Gentiles starved and suffered in their own homeland. With the jew's being the parasites they are once their source of food is taken away they too shall know starvation and suffering. This is why I (State your full name) declare that tonight and for all eternity the jewish owned Rothschild banking system is DESTROYED FOR ALL ETERNITY.

NO MORE shall the jew have control of a Gentile Nation's Financial Market, NO MORE shall the jew have a say in how a Gentile's Financial system operates, NO MORE shall a Gentile suffer financially in his own homeland, AND NO MORE shall any jewish financial system be allowed on Gentile land EVER AGAIN.

Hail Satan

Hail Beelzebub

Hail Astaroth

Hail Azazel

Hail To All the Gods of Hell

Heil Hitler

Heil Heinrich Himmler

Hail to All Warriors of Hells Eternal Army

Hail To Our Most Definite Victory

The Ritual

***Friday's Ritual***

1. Before you begin do the following- raise your energies either
through alternate nostril breathing or breathe of fire. This is to ensure you raise your energies during this destructive ritual and also to bring some extra energy into it. Next clean your ritual space of all conflicting energies by cleansing the area with blue satanic flames. See these flames burning over your ritual area and affirm they are doing their job.

2. Open the ritual using the basic ritual format found on the JoS or the format created by HP Vovim found on his site

3. Read your ritual prayer with passion and know it what is stated in the ritual prayer is occurring in real life

4. Burn the prayer or save it until the end and burn it with the sigil

5. Now place the sigil on your alter and begin by stating the ritual affirmation. As you are doing this see the entire sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy

6. Begin with the rune Fehu. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the fehu runes on the sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a white-gold energy.

7. Move onto the rune Ansuz. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the Ansuz runes on the sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a white-gold energy.

8. Move onto the rune Nauthiz. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the Nauthiz runes on the sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a white-gold energy.

9. Move onto the rune Sowilo. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the Sowilo runes on the sigil glowing in a white-gold energy. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a white-gold energy.

10. Sit for a few minutes and meditate on your desired outcome. See all the Gentile nations of the world creating their own independent financial systems and those systems becoming strong and providing for their nation as a whole. Direct this energy into the sigil

11. Burn the sigil while repeating the ritual affirmation for as long as it takes for the flames to die out.

12. Close the ritual

***Saturday's Ritual***

1. Before you begin do the following- raise your energies either through alternate nostril breathing or breathe of fire. This is to ensure you raise your energies during this destructive ritual and also to bring some extra energy into it. Next clean your ritual space of all conflicting energies by cleansing the area with blue satanic flames. See these flames burning over your ritual area and affirm they are doing their job.

2. Open the ritual using the basic ritual format found on the JoS or the format created by HP Vovim found on his site

3. Read your ritual prayer with passion and know it what is stated in the ritual prayer is occurring in real life

4. Burn the prayer or save it until the end and burn it with the sigil

5. Now place the sigil on your alter and begin by stating the ritual affirmation. As you are doing this see the entire sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color

6. Begin with the rune Fehu. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the fehu runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish grey color.

7. Move onto the rune Raidho. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the Raidho runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish grey color.

8. Move onto the rune Kenaz. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the kenaz runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish grey color.

9. Move onto the rune Wunjo. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the Wunjo runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish grey color.

10. Move onto the rune Isa. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the Isa runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish grey color.

11. Now take a sterilized needle and make a small cut on your left index finger. Trace the Isa rune in your own blood in the center of the sigil while vibrating the rune. See your blood glowing In a dirty reddish-grey color while stating the following affirmation

"The energies within my blood, within my life force are continuously binding the Vatican banking system to shame, exposure, disintegration and complete and utter financial failure"

12. Sit for a few minutes and meditate on your desired outcome. Think of all of the horrible things the Vatican has done in the past centuries against our people and our Gods. Raise this anger and disgust and direct it into the sigil.

13. Burn the sigil while repeating the ritual affirmation for as long as it takes for the flames to die out.

14. Close the ritual

15. Cleanse your aura and raise your energies.
I try My best. I have been searching for local sources for food. I even managed to find some milk from a local farm. It's only available once in awhile. I would make the best choice by not drinking milk, but I can't live without milk.

On Mon, Mar 18, 2013 1:46 AM PDT Serpentfire666 wrote:

Just do the best you can, we are still stuck in the system but at least we are awake to it and make the best choices we can.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Enkiss on Descarte <enkisson_descarte_666@... wrote:

Lydia and strength you make such valid and undeniable points. It is so true that GENTILEs do not seem to think twice on how the product got here and why it has the price it does. Everytime I go to a grocery store or a clothe store I bring up the fact to people on how the prices say We save money when really the prices are blind face robbing us. All I get is a dumb look, or a "it is what it is."
The same thing happens when I talk about chemicals in our food. I tell the workers or even complete strangers about kosher animal cruelty and the kosher tax(calmly, don't want to sound like a ranting maniac), and it doesn't phase anyone. Same goes with flouride, aspartame, and everyother gmo.
Everybody knows but nobody seems to care. Even if they did they wouldn't want to do anything about it.

These are the effects of the Jewish plague on our society! They have destroyed our spirituality! They have DESTROYED and FRAMED our culture and Whatever unity that was left was obliterated by mixing of cultures and varying religious morals!(protestant, catholic, etc) Yet this is how it has been for a very long time. Before and even during the period of enlightenment us Gentiles have been forced and bred into excepting and complying. Our people have been taught that if We live in poverty then the Jewish god made us destined for poverty. Or that We have to except Whatever is handed to us. We have been and Almost were the perfect slave!

But there are always exceptions. These exceptions have paved the way for OUR Satanic future. As time goes on I hope that more of our people will begin to question and resent the Jewish puppet master that plays with our economy. Soon all cultures except for the Jewish filth will find unity within their own culture. Satan will make sure they reap what they sow! THROUGH THE JEWISH PEOPLE'S MEDDLING OF CULTURES THEY HAVE SEEDED THEIR OWN DESTRUCTION! THEY WILL STAY CULTURALLY CONFUSED! Once they lose their hook on their host they will wither away and die in their own heap of shit.

Hopefully as our Satanic Future creeps ever closer more and more Gentiles will be free of the Slave mindset/individualistic, selfish desires for freedom. Our GENTILE people WILL see that the only way to truly be free is to have a society free of infestation!

I Almost hate shopping for anything these days. I can't even fully enjoy candy, milk, or even water. Not to mention the clothes that have a bad vibe to them. It is ridiculous and I can not wait for all of this to end.

On Sun, Mar 17, 2013 3:53 PM PDT strengththroughsatan89 wrote:

It is horrible in deed of how of how our Gentile people are loosing their homeland to outside invaders. I was in Italy and Greece back in 2007 on a class trip, and as the tour bus moved from destination to destination we would always stop at these small mom and pop stores. Even when I was over there I would always love that and put it near the top of the list of what I liked about my trip. I thought it was weird at first and wondered why I would place such a thing near the top of a list compared to the rest of my european trip; however I understand now.

I buy as much organic products as I can from higher end stores and these products are from Mexico, Uruguay, canada and etc. I mean why is it so hard for us to grow our own products right here. People are so damn needs and demanding that they want stuff all trhoughout the year regardless if it is readily available in their own Nation. When it is not in season why can people not wait for when it is in season. In acient times our ancestors did not grow all products throughout the year, they waited for the right time.

Same with the meat, I have found that so little organic meat products are from here in the U.S. when bought at grocery stores. As listed above they are from uruguay, canada and etc. We have fucking cattle, lambs, chickens and etc right here, so whats the problem.

I checked it out before but did so recently again, I went on a website of an organic supplier/farm not to farm from me. They grow their produce, and have organic meat and dairy products brought in from local farms in the area. Now I live in Pennsylvania and these organic meat and dairy products came from Lancaster PA, which has been called the "puppy mill county U.S.A". Am I suppose to trust products from this area??? I would highly be willing to pay the extra dollar or two per pound but one can never win, even when it comes to local organic. There is so much corruption in all areas of production.

When it comes to clothing, it has much to do with our society and social programming. We are brainwashed into being urged to shop for that next great deal, and feel great about ourselves when we find it. People do not care how it is or where it was made, if they can save a dollar or two than that is all that matters. They see a sale price and they grab as much as they can. Whatever happened to saving for luxuary? and wearing out that one nice piece of clothing or whatever by showing it off. We all have desired and likes, that we all act upon and should act upon. I for one love clothing, and is the one thing that I would spend money on. It is so hard to find quality. A designer that I have been buying from seemed great, very nice shirts, feel great but than I bought one shirt of which was laminated and it faded all on its own by hanging in my closet. They asked me if I washed it due to it being dry clean only and I said no. They sent another and said
they tested it, same thing happend within a week. I spent, well a nice amount of money on it and it turned out to be junk. It is an Italian designer but the location of the store selling them is Hong Kong.

Going back to food again, that one show for those who have seen it on TLC "extreme couponers" is a good example. They spend so much time going through garbadsge bins of their neighbors to get so many coupons and than go shopping for hours spending thousand dollars on groceries, with their coupons bringing it down to only 60 or 70 dollars. This is great as we should all save money, but you see what they buy and its all cheap, horrible junk.

This social programming is the problem and once this is broken real change can begin.
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "serpentfire666" <firebird894@ wrote:

So I just finished the second ritual a while ago. I want to tell you what happened today. I will first say I hope it is not just me that felt this and that others will start feeling what I did in some way becomming aware of what they are buying even more and the larger picture around them. While I was shopping for some things it hit me harder than ever and I could see the whole picture of what is happening with the cheapening of goods and services, I could feel an upsurge all I can do to describe it of energy from our past in defiance of this state of shit Gentiles have been conditioned to accept as normal.

Only 2 shops were open in town kmart and spotlight. I went to look for fabric to make some things first. As I looked around I was touching some fabrics and looked at the lables made in china, or made in bangladesh, india but I felt a repulsive feeling through my hand that brought feelings of people in stinking hot smelly factories painfully making things with no air exhausted and just going on and on and I felt something awfull. Then it was kmart and it was the same.

I go in there all the time, being a country town its the main shop for everything and I looked at every lable on the clothes all china, bangladesh or india and I felt it even worse. The quality of the fabrics is even worse than last year and the prices are the same. All polyester and shit,cheap, bad stitching, paper thin flimsy fabric and thread some even had holes in the seams already. I couldn't stand it and I looked around at all the people in there and they were all oblivious as if this is all fine, these clothes are normal and good and we accept this.
I walked out in disgust. I found myself commenting out loud actually how shit this is.
All the food shops in the little mall are all shit. It just all stood out very strong, how Gentiles have been conditioned bit by bit to accept crap products, low pay, bad service now its self service checkouts too. I fucking hate them.

Even the materials around me stood out I saw how bad it all was. We walk past all this every day and don't even notice like there is a filter on our eyes.
The main shop in a small Australian town with one of the highest rates of unemployment in the state, buys all their product in from China and India, drive all local buisness out of the market because people here are too poor to spend more money and kmart is cheap so local buisness dies and raises unemployment further... the vicious circle so the public buys even more at kmart of imported junk (plus they are 24 hours when all the other shops close 4.30 - 5.30 and lunchtime saturday and not at all sunday so Kmart gets all the buisness), so more buisness dies and so on. Then to add insult to injury they bring in self service checkouts putting more staff out of jobs. People get more used to not having traditional customer service being further and further condititioned to accept lower and lower standards.

All the pet products are toxic made in china. The electronics they used to sell NEC, Sanyo etc and now it is all china junk and cheap brands that dont last 5 minutes.
MOST of the shops in town that locals can afford to shop in they import from china. Our towns are dying, bit by bit this machine is just raping our local buisness and economy and anyone who tries to make a living themselves is struggling bad.

Every year the clothing these shops sell is worse than the last year and prices dont go down they go up once competition is driven out.

Today it hit me hardest it ever has.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@ wrote:

Purpose of Ritual

Push for independent Gentile markets within each Gentile Nation

Push to destroy the rothschild banking system

Date of Ritual

This ritual will occur on both Friday March 15th and March 16th. With the push for free Gentile markets taking place on Friday and the destruction portion of the ritual taking place on Saturday. On these two days the moon will be in the sign of Taurus, which will give us the following benefits

Projects begun when the moon is in Taurus are usually permanent or long lasting, Money, finances, possessions, material things, sensuality, earth, greed, permanence, wealth, things that increase in value, loans, bankers, slow but lasting results, time delays.

***Time delays are an important part of this ritual for it will help us gradually achieve what we desire and not bring more quick results which can devastate many Gentiles. Time will takes its course in bringing what is already taking place around the world especially in the EU but our energies will help it gradually go on***

As seen above the day for the positive portion of the ritual is Friday which is ruled by Venus and gives us the following benefits

Indulgence, money, social activities

***Venus rules the astro sign Taurus which greatly strengthens the energy in this ritual***

With the day for the negative portion of this ritual to take place on Saturday which is ruled by Saturn we are given the following benefits

Suffering, misery, restrictions, poverty, ***delay***, defects, fatalities, misers, denial, debts, fear, insecurity, loss, disease, limitations, time and clocks, serious, learning the hard way.

Time of Ritual

During the hours of Venus on Friday

During the Hours of Saturn on Saturday

***On Friday there is no void moon according to the results for America but please make the right changes for your position. However please keep in mind that the Taurus phase DOES END on Saturday at roughly 730PM EST. For those who wish to perform this portion of the ritual MUST perform it before the void begins***.

Ritual Affirmations

***Fridays Affirmations***

Ritual Affirmation- "All Gentiles are free from the Rothschild banking system and are in a free and independent financial system of their own, now and for all eternity"

Runic Affirmation- "The energies of (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally free all Gentiles from the Rothschild banking system, and into a free and independent system of their own, now and for all eternity"

***Saturdays Affirmations***

Ritual Affirmation-"Any and all financial influence and control the rothschild banking system holds within Gentile society is completely destroyed and nonexistent, now and for all eternity"

Runic Affirmation-"The energies of (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally ensure that all financial influence and control the rothschild banking system holds within Gentile society is completely destroyed and becomes nonexistent, now and for all eternity".

Blood Affirmation-"The energies within my blood, within my life force are continuously binding the rothschild's banking system to shame, exposure, disintegration and complete and utter financial failure"

Runes to be used

***Friday's Runes***
1.Fehu- Wealth, possessions, honors, property, money, expansion. Power over one's environment, increase in wealth; fertility, mobility

2.Ansuz- Order, creative inspiration, persuade others and audiences through speech. Opens channels of self-expression and overcomes obstacles of every kind

3.Nauthiz- is a rune of endurance and will. The mental strength to last. rune gives defiance and the strength to carry on when all hope seems lost. It is a rune of survival and fearlessness in the face of death.

4.Sowilo- is the rune of the Sun and can be used in masculine magick. Sowilo is a rune of invincibility, and final triumph. This rune is movement and action and bestows the will to take action. Brings out one's leadership abilities and one's ability to inspire others. Enhances one's strength of spirit

***Saturday's Runes***

1.Fehu- binds an enemy; instills fear and dependence in an enemy

2.Raidho- This rune represents justice and the essence of the law

3.Kenaz- Magically this rune can be used for intellect,
penetrating things as it carries energy. It also increases awareness and gives insight

4.Wunjo- overconfidence, trust in wrong people or wrong things
Extra Rune

Isa- Isa is a rune of binding. It represents stealth and sneakiness and is used in operations where one wishes to proceed undetected; Isa bestows invisibility, It can halt a plan and prevent something from developing, It is used to conceal and can render a victim unaware of impending personal disaster to where any actions attempted will be too late in coming

Sigil to be used

***Friday's Sigil***
For this sigil simply draw a swastika with the above runes for this day surrounding it. In NO WAY should there be any circles on this sigil. All you need is a swastika with the above runes surrounding it.

***Saturday's Sigil***

The image will be the symbol of the vatican,

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... ly.svg.png

go online and print it out. Over top of this should be three circles. One circle surrounding the image, a larger one surrounding the first circle and an even larger one on the outside.

In between the center and second largest circles place the first four runes. Do this all the way around the space, with the same number of each rune being presented. Than in-between the second largest and outer most circles place the rune Isa four times. One on top, one on bottom, one on far right and one on far left.

Now in the center overtop the image place the first four rituals so that the entire image is covered.

Ritual Declaration

***Friday's Ritual Declaration***

Since the jew's beginning they have depleted and squeezed the Gentile Nations until they disintegrated into nothing. It was not by force that the cowardly jew did this but through manipulation and the seizure of our Nation's financial markets. For centuries the jewish pigs grew fat as the Gentiles starved and suffered in their own homeland. With the jew's being the parasites they are once their source of food is taken away they too shall know starvation and suffering. This is why I (State your full name) declare that tonight and for all eternity the jewish owned Rothschild banking system is DESTROYED FOR ALL ETERNITY.

NO LONGER shall any Gentile suffer financially within his own homeland, No LONGER shall any Gentile be subject to foreign rule within his own homeland, NO LONGER shall any Gentile be subject to any foreign practice, and NO LONGER shall any Gentile have to rely on their government for financial survival EVER AGAIN,

Hail Satan

Hail Beelzebub

Hail Astaroth

Hail Azazel

Hail To All the Gods of Hell

Heil Hitler

Heil Heinrich Himmler

Hail to All Warriors of Hells Eternal Army

Hail To Our Most Definite Victory

***Saturday's Ritual Declarationl***

Since the jew's beginning they have depleted and squeezed the Gentile Nations until they disintegrated into nothing. It was not by force that the cowardly jew did this but through manipulation and the seizure of our Nation's financial markets. For centuries the jewish pigs grew fat as the Gentiles starved and suffered in their own homeland. With the jew's being the parasites they are once their source of food is taken away they too shall know starvation and suffering. This is why I (State your full name) declare that tonight and for all eternity the jewish owned Rothschild banking system is DESTROYED FOR ALL ETERNITY.

NO MORE shall the jew have control of a Gentile Nation's Financial Market, NO MORE shall the jew have a say in how a Gentile's Financial system operates, NO MORE shall a Gentile suffer financially in his own homeland, AND NO MORE shall any jewish financial system be allowed on Gentile land EVER AGAIN.

Hail Satan

Hail Beelzebub

Hail Astaroth

Hail Azazel

Hail To All the Gods of Hell

Heil Hitler

Heil Heinrich Himmler

Hail to All Warriors of Hells Eternal Army

Hail To Our Most Definite Victory

The Ritual

***Friday's Ritual***

1. Before you begin do the following- raise your energies either
through alternate nostril breathing or breathe of fire. This is to ensure you raise your energies during this destructive ritual and also to bring some extra energy into it. Next clean your ritual space of all conflicting energies by cleansing the area with blue satanic flames. See these flames burning over your ritual area and affirm they are doing their job.

2. Open the ritual using the basic ritual format found on the JoS or the format created by HP Vovim found on his site

3. Read your ritual prayer with passion and know it what is stated in the ritual prayer is occurring in real life

4. Burn the prayer or save it until the end and burn it with the sigil

5. Now place the sigil on your alter and begin by stating the ritual affirmation. As you are doing this see the entire sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy

6. Begin with the rune Fehu. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the fehu runes on the sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a white-gold energy.

7. Move onto the rune Ansuz. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the Ansuz runes on the sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a white-gold energy.

8. Move onto the rune Nauthiz. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the Nauthiz runes on the sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a white-gold energy.

9. Move onto the rune Sowilo. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the Sowilo runes on the sigil glowing in a white-gold energy. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a white-gold energy.

10. Sit for a few minutes and meditate on your desired outcome. See all the Gentile nations of the world creating their own independent financial systems and those systems becoming strong and providing for their nation as a whole. Direct this energy into the sigil

11. Burn the sigil while repeating the ritual affirmation for as long as it takes for the flames to die out.

12. Close the ritual

***Saturday's Ritual***

1. Before you begin do the following- raise your energies either through alternate nostril breathing or breathe of fire. This is to ensure you raise your energies during this destructive ritual and also to bring some extra energy into it. Next clean your ritual space of all conflicting energies by cleansing the area with blue satanic flames. See these flames burning over your ritual area and affirm they are doing their job.

2. Open the ritual using the basic ritual format found on the JoS or the format created by HP Vovim found on his site

3. Read your ritual prayer with passion and know it what is stated in the ritual prayer is occurring in real life

4. Burn the prayer or save it until the end and burn it with the sigil

5. Now place the sigil on your alter and begin by stating the ritual affirmation. As you are doing this see the entire sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color

6. Begin with the rune Fehu. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the fehu runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish grey color.

7. Move onto the rune Raidho. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the Raidho runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish grey color.

8. Move onto the rune Kenaz. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the kenaz runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish grey color.

9. Move onto the rune Wunjo. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the Wunjo runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish grey color.

10. Move onto the rune Isa. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the Isa runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish grey color.

11. Now take a sterilized needle and make a small cut on your left index finger. Trace the Isa rune in your own blood in the center of the sigil while vibrating the rune. See your blood glowing In a dirty reddish-grey color while stating the following affirmation

"The energies within my blood, within my life force are continuously binding the Vatican banking system to shame, exposure, disintegration and complete and utter financial failure"

12. Sit for a few minutes and meditate on your desired outcome. Think of all of the horrible things the Vatican has done in the past centuries against our people and our Gods. Raise this anger and disgust and direct it into the sigil.

13. Burn the sigil while repeating the ritual affirmation for as long as it takes for the flames to die out.

14. Close the ritual

15. Cleanse your aura and raise your energies.
I try My best. I have been searching for local sources for food. I even managed to find some milk from a local farm. It's only available once in awhile. I would make the best choice by not drinking milk, but I can't live without milk.

On Mon, Mar 18, 2013 1:46 AM PDT Serpentfire666 wrote:

Just do the best you can, we are still stuck in the system but at least we are awake to it and make the best choices we can.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Enkiss on Descarte <enkisson_descarte_666@... wrote:

Lydia and strength you make such valid and undeniable points. It is so true that GENTILEs do not seem to think twice on how the product got here and why it has the price it does. Everytime I go to a grocery store or a clothe store I bring up the fact to people on how the prices say We save money when really the prices are blind face robbing us. All I get is a dumb look, or a "it is what it is."
The same thing happens when I talk about chemicals in our food. I tell the workers or even complete strangers about kosher animal cruelty and the kosher tax(calmly, don't want to sound like a ranting maniac), and it doesn't phase anyone. Same goes with flouride, aspartame, and everyother gmo.
Everybody knows but nobody seems to care. Even if they did they wouldn't want to do anything about it.

These are the effects of the Jewish plague on our society! They have destroyed our spirituality! They have DESTROYED and FRAMED our culture and Whatever unity that was left was obliterated by mixing of cultures and varying religious morals!(protestant, catholic, etc) Yet this is how it has been for a very long time. Before and even during the period of enlightenment us Gentiles have been forced and bred into excepting and complying. Our people have been taught that if We live in poverty then the Jewish god made us destined for poverty. Or that We have to except Whatever is handed to us. We have been and Almost were the perfect slave!

But there are always exceptions. These exceptions have paved the way for OUR Satanic future. As time goes on I hope that more of our people will begin to question and resent the Jewish puppet master that plays with our economy. Soon all cultures except for the Jewish filth will find unity within their own culture. Satan will make sure they reap what they sow! THROUGH THE JEWISH PEOPLE'S MEDDLING OF CULTURES THEY HAVE SEEDED THEIR OWN DESTRUCTION! THEY WILL STAY CULTURALLY CONFUSED! Once they lose their hook on their host they will wither away and die in their own heap of shit.

Hopefully as our Satanic Future creeps ever closer more and more Gentiles will be free of the Slave mindset/individualistic, selfish desires for freedom. Our GENTILE people WILL see that the only way to truly be free is to have a society free of infestation!

I Almost hate shopping for anything these days. I can't even fully enjoy candy, milk, or even water. Not to mention the clothes that have a bad vibe to them. It is ridiculous and I can not wait for all of this to end.

On Sun, Mar 17, 2013 3:53 PM PDT strengththroughsatan89 wrote:

It is horrible in deed of how of how our Gentile people are loosing their homeland to outside invaders. I was in Italy and Greece back in 2007 on a class trip, and as the tour bus moved from destination to destination we would always stop at these small mom and pop stores. Even when I was over there I would always love that and put it near the top of the list of what I liked about my trip. I thought it was weird at first and wondered why I would place such a thing near the top of a list compared to the rest of my european trip; however I understand now.

I buy as much organic products as I can from higher end stores and these products are from Mexico, Uruguay, canada and etc. I mean why is it so hard for us to grow our own products right here. People are so damn needs and demanding that they want stuff all trhoughout the year regardless if it is readily available in their own Nation. When it is not in season why can people not wait for when it is in season. In acient times our ancestors did not grow all products throughout the year, they waited for the right time.

Same with the meat, I have found that so little organic meat products are from here in the U.S. when bought at grocery stores. As listed above they are from uruguay, canada and etc. We have fucking cattle, lambs, chickens and etc right here, so whats the problem.

I checked it out before but did so recently again, I went on a website of an organic supplier/farm not to farm from me. They grow their produce, and have organic meat and dairy products brought in from local farms in the area. Now I live in Pennsylvania and these organic meat and dairy products came from Lancaster PA, which has been called the "puppy mill county U.S.A". Am I suppose to trust products from this area??? I would highly be willing to pay the extra dollar or two per pound but one can never win, even when it comes to local organic. There is so much corruption in all areas of production.

When it comes to clothing, it has much to do with our society and social programming. We are brainwashed into being urged to shop for that next great deal, and feel great about ourselves when we find it. People do not care how it is or where it was made, if they can save a dollar or two than that is all that matters. They see a sale price and they grab as much as they can. Whatever happened to saving for luxuary? and wearing out that one nice piece of clothing or whatever by showing it off. We all have desired and likes, that we all act upon and should act upon. I for one love clothing, and is the one thing that I would spend money on. It is so hard to find quality. A designer that I have been buying from seemed great, very nice shirts, feel great but than I bought one shirt of which was laminated and it faded all on its own by hanging in my closet. They asked me if I washed it due to it being dry clean only and I said no. They sent another and said
they tested it, same thing happend within a week. I spent, well a nice amount of money on it and it turned out to be junk. It is an Italian designer but the location of the store selling them is Hong Kong.

Going back to food again, that one show for those who have seen it on TLC "extreme couponers" is a good example. They spend so much time going through garbadsge bins of their neighbors to get so many coupons and than go shopping for hours spending thousand dollars on groceries, with their coupons bringing it down to only 60 or 70 dollars. This is great as we should all save money, but you see what they buy and its all cheap, horrible junk.

This social programming is the problem and once this is broken real change can begin.
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "serpentfire666" <firebird894@ wrote:

So I just finished the second ritual a while ago. I want to tell you what happened today. I will first say I hope it is not just me that felt this and that others will start feeling what I did in some way becomming aware of what they are buying even more and the larger picture around them. While I was shopping for some things it hit me harder than ever and I could see the whole picture of what is happening with the cheapening of goods and services, I could feel an upsurge all I can do to describe it of energy from our past in defiance of this state of shit Gentiles have been conditioned to accept as normal.

Only 2 shops were open in town kmart and spotlight. I went to look for fabric to make some things first. As I looked around I was touching some fabrics and looked at the lables made in china, or made in bangladesh, india but I felt a repulsive feeling through my hand that brought feelings of people in stinking hot smelly factories painfully making things with no air exhausted and just going on and on and I felt something awfull. Then it was kmart and it was the same.

I go in there all the time, being a country town its the main shop for everything and I looked at every lable on the clothes all china, bangladesh or india and I felt it even worse. The quality of the fabrics is even worse than last year and the prices are the same. All polyester and shit,cheap, bad stitching, paper thin flimsy fabric and thread some even had holes in the seams already. I couldn't stand it and I looked around at all the people in there and they were all oblivious as if this is all fine, these clothes are normal and good and we accept this.
I walked out in disgust. I found myself commenting out loud actually how shit this is.
All the food shops in the little mall are all shit. It just all stood out very strong, how Gentiles have been conditioned bit by bit to accept crap products, low pay, bad service now its self service checkouts too. I fucking hate them.

Even the materials around me stood out I saw how bad it all was. We walk past all this every day and don't even notice like there is a filter on our eyes.
The main shop in a small Australian town with one of the highest rates of unemployment in the state, buys all their product in from China and India, drive all local buisness out of the market because people here are too poor to spend more money and kmart is cheap so local buisness dies and raises unemployment further... the vicious circle so the public buys even more at kmart of imported junk (plus they are 24 hours when all the other shops close 4.30 - 5.30 and lunchtime saturday and not at all sunday so Kmart gets all the buisness), so more buisness dies and so on. Then to add insult to injury they bring in self service checkouts putting more staff out of jobs. People get more used to not having traditional customer service being further and further condititioned to accept lower and lower standards.

All the pet products are toxic made in china. The electronics they used to sell NEC, Sanyo etc and now it is all china junk and cheap brands that dont last 5 minutes.
MOST of the shops in town that locals can afford to shop in they import from china. Our towns are dying, bit by bit this machine is just raping our local buisness and economy and anyone who tries to make a living themselves is struggling bad.

Every year the clothing these shops sell is worse than the last year and prices dont go down they go up once competition is driven out.

Today it hit me hardest it ever has.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@ wrote:

Purpose of Ritual

Push for independent Gentile markets within each Gentile Nation

Push to destroy the rothschild banking system

Date of Ritual

This ritual will occur on both Friday March 15th and March 16th. With the push for free Gentile markets taking place on Friday and the destruction portion of the ritual taking place on Saturday. On these two days the moon will be in the sign of Taurus, which will give us the following benefits

Projects begun when the moon is in Taurus are usually permanent or long lasting, Money, finances, possessions, material things, sensuality, earth, greed, permanence, wealth, things that increase in value, loans, bankers, slow but lasting results, time delays.

***Time delays are an important part of this ritual for it will help us gradually achieve what we desire and not bring more quick results which can devastate many Gentiles. Time will takes its course in bringing what is already taking place around the world especially in the EU but our energies will help it gradually go on***

As seen above the day for the positive portion of the ritual is Friday which is ruled by Venus and gives us the following benefits

Indulgence, money, social activities

***Venus rules the astro sign Taurus which greatly strengthens the energy in this ritual***

With the day for the negative portion of this ritual to take place on Saturday which is ruled by Saturn we are given the following benefits

Suffering, misery, restrictions, poverty, ***delay***, defects, fatalities, misers, denial, debts, fear, insecurity, loss, disease, limitations, time and clocks, serious, learning the hard way.

Time of Ritual

During the hours of Venus on Friday

During the Hours of Saturn on Saturday

***On Friday there is no void moon according to the results for America but please make the right changes for your position. However please keep in mind that the Taurus phase DOES END on Saturday at roughly 730PM EST. For those who wish to perform this portion of the ritual MUST perform it before the void begins***.

Ritual Affirmations

***Fridays Affirmations***

Ritual Affirmation- "All Gentiles are free from the Rothschild banking system and are in a free and independent financial system of their own, now and for all eternity"

Runic Affirmation- "The energies of (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally free all Gentiles from the Rothschild banking system, and into a free and independent system of their own, now and for all eternity"

***Saturdays Affirmations***

Ritual Affirmation-"Any and all financial influence and control the rothschild banking system holds within Gentile society is completely destroyed and nonexistent, now and for all eternity"

Runic Affirmation-"The energies of (name of rune) are continuously working to completely and totally ensure that all financial influence and control the rothschild banking system holds within Gentile society is completely destroyed and becomes nonexistent, now and for all eternity".

Blood Affirmation-"The energies within my blood, within my life force are continuously binding the rothschild's banking system to shame, exposure, disintegration and complete and utter financial failure"

Runes to be used

***Friday's Runes***
1.Fehu- Wealth, possessions, honors, property, money, expansion. Power over one's environment, increase in wealth; fertility, mobility

2.Ansuz- Order, creative inspiration, persuade others and audiences through speech. Opens channels of self-expression and overcomes obstacles of every kind

3.Nauthiz- is a rune of endurance and will. The mental strength to last. rune gives defiance and the strength to carry on when all hope seems lost. It is a rune of survival and fearlessness in the face of death.

4.Sowilo- is the rune of the Sun and can be used in masculine magick. Sowilo is a rune of invincibility, and final triumph. This rune is movement and action and bestows the will to take action. Brings out one's leadership abilities and one's ability to inspire others. Enhances one's strength of spirit

***Saturday's Runes***

1.Fehu- binds an enemy; instills fear and dependence in an enemy

2.Raidho- This rune represents justice and the essence of the law

3.Kenaz- Magically this rune can be used for intellect,
penetrating things as it carries energy. It also increases awareness and gives insight

4.Wunjo- overconfidence, trust in wrong people or wrong things
Extra Rune

Isa- Isa is a rune of binding. It represents stealth and sneakiness and is used in operations where one wishes to proceed undetected; Isa bestows invisibility, It can halt a plan and prevent something from developing, It is used to conceal and can render a victim unaware of impending personal disaster to where any actions attempted will be too late in coming

Sigil to be used

***Friday's Sigil***
For this sigil simply draw a swastika with the above runes for this day surrounding it. In NO WAY should there be any circles on this sigil. All you need is a swastika with the above runes surrounding it.

***Saturday's Sigil***

The image will be the symbol of the vatican,

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... ly.svg.png

go online and print it out. Over top of this should be three circles. One circle surrounding the image, a larger one surrounding the first circle and an even larger one on the outside.

In between the center and second largest circles place the first four runes. Do this all the way around the space, with the same number of each rune being presented. Than in-between the second largest and outer most circles place the rune Isa four times. One on top, one on bottom, one on far right and one on far left.

Now in the center overtop the image place the first four rituals so that the entire image is covered.

Ritual Declaration

***Friday's Ritual Declaration***

Since the jew's beginning they have depleted and squeezed the Gentile Nations until they disintegrated into nothing. It was not by force that the cowardly jew did this but through manipulation and the seizure of our Nation's financial markets. For centuries the jewish pigs grew fat as the Gentiles starved and suffered in their own homeland. With the jew's being the parasites they are once their source of food is taken away they too shall know starvation and suffering. This is why I (State your full name) declare that tonight and for all eternity the jewish owned Rothschild banking system is DESTROYED FOR ALL ETERNITY.

NO LONGER shall any Gentile suffer financially within his own homeland, No LONGER shall any Gentile be subject to foreign rule within his own homeland, NO LONGER shall any Gentile be subject to any foreign practice, and NO LONGER shall any Gentile have to rely on their government for financial survival EVER AGAIN,

Hail Satan

Hail Beelzebub

Hail Astaroth

Hail Azazel

Hail To All the Gods of Hell

Heil Hitler

Heil Heinrich Himmler

Hail to All Warriors of Hells Eternal Army

Hail To Our Most Definite Victory

***Saturday's Ritual Declarationl***

Since the jew's beginning they have depleted and squeezed the Gentile Nations until they disintegrated into nothing. It was not by force that the cowardly jew did this but through manipulation and the seizure of our Nation's financial markets. For centuries the jewish pigs grew fat as the Gentiles starved and suffered in their own homeland. With the jew's being the parasites they are once their source of food is taken away they too shall know starvation and suffering. This is why I (State your full name) declare that tonight and for all eternity the jewish owned Rothschild banking system is DESTROYED FOR ALL ETERNITY.

NO MORE shall the jew have control of a Gentile Nation's Financial Market, NO MORE shall the jew have a say in how a Gentile's Financial system operates, NO MORE shall a Gentile suffer financially in his own homeland, AND NO MORE shall any jewish financial system be allowed on Gentile land EVER AGAIN.

Hail Satan

Hail Beelzebub

Hail Astaroth

Hail Azazel

Hail To All the Gods of Hell

Heil Hitler

Heil Heinrich Himmler

Hail to All Warriors of Hells Eternal Army

Hail To Our Most Definite Victory

The Ritual

***Friday's Ritual***

1. Before you begin do the following- raise your energies either
through alternate nostril breathing or breathe of fire. This is to ensure you raise your energies during this destructive ritual and also to bring some extra energy into it. Next clean your ritual space of all conflicting energies by cleansing the area with blue satanic flames. See these flames burning over your ritual area and affirm they are doing their job.

2. Open the ritual using the basic ritual format found on the JoS or the format created by HP Vovim found on his site

3. Read your ritual prayer with passion and know it what is stated in the ritual prayer is occurring in real life

4. Burn the prayer or save it until the end and burn it with the sigil

5. Now place the sigil on your alter and begin by stating the ritual affirmation. As you are doing this see the entire sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy

6. Begin with the rune Fehu. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the fehu runes on the sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a white-gold energy.

7. Move onto the rune Ansuz. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the Ansuz runes on the sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a white-gold energy.

8. Move onto the rune Nauthiz. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the Nauthiz runes on the sigil glowing in a bright white-gold energy. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a white-gold energy.

9. Move onto the rune Sowilo. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the Sowilo runes on the sigil glowing in a white-gold energy. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a white-gold energy.

10. Sit for a few minutes and meditate on your desired outcome. See all the Gentile nations of the world creating their own independent financial systems and those systems becoming strong and providing for their nation as a whole. Direct this energy into the sigil

11. Burn the sigil while repeating the ritual affirmation for as long as it takes for the flames to die out.

12. Close the ritual

***Saturday's Ritual***

1. Before you begin do the following- raise your energies either through alternate nostril breathing or breathe of fire. This is to ensure you raise your energies during this destructive ritual and also to bring some extra energy into it. Next clean your ritual space of all conflicting energies by cleansing the area with blue satanic flames. See these flames burning over your ritual area and affirm they are doing their job.

2. Open the ritual using the basic ritual format found on the JoS or the format created by HP Vovim found on his site

3. Read your ritual prayer with passion and know it what is stated in the ritual prayer is occurring in real life

4. Burn the prayer or save it until the end and burn it with the sigil

5. Now place the sigil on your alter and begin by stating the ritual affirmation. As you are doing this see the entire sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color

6. Begin with the rune Fehu. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the fehu runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish grey color.

7. Move onto the rune Raidho. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the Raidho runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish grey color.

8. Move onto the rune Kenaz. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the kenaz runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish grey color.

9. Move onto the rune Wunjo. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the Wunjo runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish grey color.

10. Move onto the rune Isa. Now begin to breathe, on each inhale repeat the runic affirmation, and on the exhale vibrate the rune. As you are vibrating see all of the Isa runes on the sigil glowing in a dirty reddish-grey color. Do this for nine repetitions. After the ninth repletion repeat the ritual affirmation once more while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish grey color.

11. Now take a sterilized needle and make a small cut on your left index finger. Trace the Isa rune in your own blood in the center of the sigil while vibrating the rune. See your blood glowing In a dirty reddish-grey color while stating the following affirmation

"The energies within my blood, within my life force are continuously binding the Vatican banking system to shame, exposure, disintegration and complete and utter financial failure"

12. Sit for a few minutes and meditate on your desired outcome. Think of all of the horrible things the Vatican has done in the past centuries against our people and our Gods. Raise this anger and disgust and direct it into the sigil.

13. Burn the sigil while repeating the ritual affirmation for as long as it takes for the flames to die out.

14. Close the ritual

15. Cleanse your aura and raise your energies.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
