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Debunking Hollywood Satanism

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Debunking Hollywood Satanism

The book "The Spear Of Destiny" by Trevor Ravenscroft when one reads this book and researches its principal claims it turns out to be an obvious work of fantasy written by a British Theosophist in the tradition of another obvious Theosophist and British author, Dennis Wheatley. This book often will appear by other authors in the esoteric realm to attack National Socialism and its Thule Society origins and spiritual tradition which is steeped in the deep and ancient Germanic Pagan culture.

Ravenscroft's book is pure Hollywood Satanism which is were Wheatley's book's such as "The Devil Rides Out" also appear in Hollywood movies. Ravenscroft's book has nothing of any value this is why actual scholars on the subject such as Peter Levenda openly denounce this work as nonsense when interviewed on the subject.

Trevor Ravenscroft's The Spear of Destiny was published by that famous British house of occultism, the aptly named Neville Spearman Ltd,.in 1972, and has since gone through many edition.

Two challenges to Ravenscroft's facts, discussed below, have led some readers to conclude his book is more nearly a novel than strict history. Nonetheless, its provocative premise and fluent synthesis of black magical thematic will keep it on occult booklists until a better effort at explaining Hitler comes along.

The Spear of Destiny focuses first on Hitler's lost years in Vienna from 1909 to 1913. During that time, Ravenscroft writes, Dr. Stein was pursuing his occult researches as a student at the University of Vienna and getting to know Hitler, then a dropout living in a flophouse.

The problem lies with Ravenscroft's primary source, Dr. Walter Johannes Stein. And the problem with Dr.Stein is really two problems: one his method of historical research: and two, the fact that he is dead and unable to speak for himself.

Given his method, of course, this second problem should not be insurmountable. Had we the technique, Dr. Stein could presumably verify each of Ravenscroft's assertion for us from beyond the grave. For Dr. Stein is alleged to have studied history not in the libraries and archives that are the usual haunt of the historian but in an arena called the Cosmic Chronicle where, according to Ravenscroft, past present and future were united in a higher dimension of time.

What's more Ravenscroft reveals in his introduction, Dr.Stein taught the same techniques to him.

It is, however, undeniably difficult, if not unprecedented, to footnote clairvoyance. We have to take on faith that the The Spear of Destiny is what Dr.Stein told Ravenscroft. This is not to say that all of his information came from the Cosmic Chronicle; Dr. Stein as we have seen is purported to have been present in Vienna during Hitler's lost years there. Nor did their close association end in Austria. Ravenscroft says Dr. Stein "watched at close quarters" the founding of the Nazi party and Hitler's association with Eckart and other sinister mentors.

When Reichsfuehrer SS Heinrich Himmler ordered Dr.Stein's arrest in Stuttgart in 1933 in order to press him into service with the SS Occult Bureau, he escaped from Germany and brought with him to Britain the most authoritative knowledge of the occultism of the Nazi Party.

Nowhere does Ravenscroft made it clear whether he's talking about eyewitness knowledge on Dr.Stein's part or about the sort of information to be gleaned from the Cosmic Chronicle. But two critics of the The Spear of Destiny do cast doubt on several of the factual assertions upon the factual assertions upon which Ravenscroft's argument is built.

One is Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, whose book on the occult roots of Nazism is quoted above. In an appendix called The Modern Mythology of Nazi Occultism, Goodrick-Clarke takes Ravenscroft to task for the story about Hitler's relations with the occult bookseller in Vienna and for his claim that Guido Von List was forced to flee from outraged Viennese Catholics in 1909 after the sexual rites of his blood brotherhood were exposed. he writes flatly,

There is not a shred of evidence for such rituals. List was never obliged to leave Vienna and he enjoyed the patronage of prominent Vienna figures...The fictional nature of the whole episode surrounding the annotated copy of copy of Parzival is suggested by the similarity of Pretzsche's obscure bookshop to the one described by Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton in Zanoni, (1842), which probably served Ravenscroft as a literary model.

Goodrick-Clarke also criticizes Jean Michael Angebert's book, The Occult and the Third Reich, cited above. He brands as imaginary Angebert's account of the young Hitler's association with Lanz von Lebenfels.

As noted earlier, Goodrick-Clarke's book is an important and serious piece of research on Guido von List and Lanz von Lievenfels. But the author seems a little over-sensitive toward other writers who invoke his two subjects. Nevertheless, his critique of Angebert and Ravenscroft, though brief, does offer a glimpse of the misgivings that professional historians feel regarding such material.

More extensive criticisms have been offered by Christoph Lindenberg in his review of The Spear of Destiny in the German journal Die Drie. Lindenberg has done some effective digging at the Vienna Records office. Ravenscroft has Hitler sitting high up in the cheap seats of the Vienna Opera House in the winter of 1910 - 1 watching Wagner's Parzifal and sympathizing with Klingsor. This proves to have been impossible, because Lindenberg learned that the first performance of Wagner's opera took place three years later, on January 14,1914.

Ravenscroft's second mistake was to name the Viennese bookseller who introduced Hitler to drugs. "No better name occurred to him than Pretsche, popular among English writers of fiction for German malefactors," Lindenberg writes scornfully before revealing that extensive checks of Vienna city and business directories and police records for the years 1892 through 1920 were negative for the name in question.

Next, Lindenberg takes issue with Ravenscroft's description of the Danube trip Hitler and Dr. Stein took in May 1913, to visit the mystic woodcutter, Hands Lodz:

We can overlook Ravenscroft's mistake of speaking of "Wachau" as a place and not of the region which really it is. But the details do not fit: the snow melting in May, the steamer running in spite of the floods, bathing in the river- it makes no sense. Certainly wrong is the statement that Hitler had only one testicle... all this has been completely refuted by Werner Maser.

Ravenscroft's account of Hitler's circumstances in Vienna also come in for some heavy criticism. Dr. Stein reportedly sat in a window seat in Demel's Cafe, reading the anonymous marginalia in the copy of Parzival he'd found and concluding they were "the footnotes of Satan" when he looked through the glass and beheld "the most arrogant face and demonical eyes he had ever seen". This was of course the future Fuehrer in his legendary guise as an impoverished pavement artist, selling homemade postcards, dressed in a big black "sleazy" coat, his toes visible through the cracks in his shoes. When in August, 1912, he sought Hitler out at the "flophouse" he lived in , in Meldemannstrasse, he was told Hitler was away at Spittal-an-der-Drau collecting a legacy left him by an aunt. Thereafter, Hitler dressed well.

Hitler did receive a legacy from his aunt, Johanna Poelzl, Lindenberg reports. But this happens in March, 1911, and the aunt lived in Spital-with-one-t, not on the Drau but in southern Austria. Furthermore,

At no time of life did Hitler live in impoverished conditions, rather he had always sufficient money. In the Meldenmannstrasse, a kind of large hotel, Hitler paid a rent of 15 Kronen a month. So he could afford a fairly expensive room and had no need to sell his pictures, which in any case were no postcards. So this scene too, that impoverished Hitler dressed in an oversized black coat selling water colors in front of the Cafe Dehmel does not agree with the facts either (cf. the two works by Werner Maser who with incredible care collected all ascertained facts of Hitler's youth).

In his discussion of the holy lance's power to evoke transcendent experience, Ravenscroft has a scene in which the chief of the German general staff, Helmut von Moltke, visited the relic in the company of Conrad von Hoetzendorf, an Austrian general, shortly before the outbreak of World War I. The spear's presence led von Moltke to have a trance vision of himself incarnated as Pope Nicolas I, a ninth century pontiff concerned, like von Moltke, with the balance of geopolitical power between east and west.

Untrue protests Lindenberg. "For Moltke visited Vienna neither in 1913 nor in 1914. Conrad and Moltke met on May 12, 1914 at Karlsbad, from September 7 - 10, 1913, in Silesia, and at Leipzig on October 18 at the Centenary of the Battle of Leipzig. They had no other meeting."

Lindenberg has several other criticisms to make, such as the assertion that "A number of people who intimately knew Walter Johannes Stein in the last years of his life state that Stein never met Hitler." Unfortunately Ravenscroft's aversion to footnotes has also afflicted his critic, and Lindenberg nowhere names these people nor does he document his other assertions.

Lindenberg doesn't like Ravenscroft's book; he calls it " a pollution of our spiritual environment." And it is manifestly difficult for him or anyone to rebut research done on the cosmic level.
But isn't Ravencroft's book, one of the books recommended by JoS or more specifically used by Maxine to promote certain occult properties found among the JoS site?

Also I've never delved into such things it's great you bring this up as new knowledge comes up. Frankly and I know I sound extremely naive and deluded. Hope no one takes my naivety and delusion as a fact of my own self rather questioning innocently with curiostiy.

But one thing is for sure *IF* it's all about the shekels, which it is a factor. Why even bother writing a book about Hitler or National Socialism or Satanism or the Occult with bias.

For example as much as xtianity is hated it would be a war crime speech from xtians and jews to denounce the enemy teachings. As an example people reading the bible and other books written by xtians and basically making a book stating: "All these people promote is communism wrapped in some metaphysics". Thus Xtianity is communism.

The funniest part if people believe or more specifically are lied to about God and loving God. Then the question becomes "Why are xtians not abhorrent towards people claiming their books as communist manuscripts".

Write one thing about Satanism, Hitler, NatSoc, or anything and automatically "OY GEVALATING" to infinity and beyond.

For example just recently as of the time of this post. I've read some things on China, how well-off China and and how crazy their shekelberging empire is. Funny thing is "WHAT WOULD have been China if it were a NatSoc state much like the Japanese probably hoped their fellow Asiatic brother in arms would be".

Everyone praises communism, socialism, and capitalism. And yet no one wants a solution to the debt, interest, inflation, deflation etc.etc.

Just like the bible. Your born a sinner, you burn as a sinner for sinning, and on top of that your a slave to krast.

So again I apologize if I sound stupid. But all these people seem like a bunch of biased dipsticks that hate on something they don't even have a modicum of understanding.

It's just like NatSoc, it's a centralist, All-wing, All-leaning, black spectrum political opposition, in opposition towards pinko-red spectrum and other rainbow color spectrums of political opposition.

In other words Nigrido stage politics. It's the Al Bundy of religious-politics.

Frankly I'm just sick and tired of all this shit with my nation falling apart due to communist dupes and people clapping their hands going "Yay freedom 'murica". When these people are in a camp worse than Kolyma. Your gonna be going "WHERE the fuck is the freedom".

Am I wrong or being stupid by stating my opinion on the this sermon?

Stein is one of the chief characters in Trevor Ravenscroft's books The Spear of Destiny and The Cup of Destiny. Though Ravenscroft claimed that he had been a pupil of Stein's, investigative reporter Eric Wynants discovered the Stein/Ravenscroft connection was a complete fabrication while interviewing Ravenscroft for an article in 1982
I was skimming through the site linked and came across this


I thought this was satire when I originally read it.
Thank You…
Tiger Tiger is a restaurant chain based in London that specializes in serving special fast foods and delicious dishes across the world. The restaurant provides everything from home comfort classics to chicken dishes to grill dishes.

I sat and read this entire book and that was the only website I am aware along with the actual wiki page for Stein that came up in the search into the claims of Ravenscroft book. It cites the actual scholar Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke's work and investigation into this book and shows it to be a false work.

This book was full of literally just about every awful lie ever told about Hitler and the National Socialists by the Jews. You should be thanking me for having to sit down and research this book and saving everyone else the time.

I posted the link so people can read the full article themselves and to source the article.

So what is your argument here? Most people believe Hitler was a xian and did the holocaust. That is false yes. But the article on this book is actually well done and true. No one is perfect.

SouthernWhiteGentile said:
I was skimming through the site linked and came across this


I thought this was satire when I originally read it.
HP Mageson666 said:
I sat and read this entire book and that was the only website I am aware along with the actual wiki page for Stein that came up in the search into the claims of Ravenscroft book. It cites the actual scholar Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke's work and investigation into this book and shows it to be a false work.

This book was full of literally just about every awful lie ever told about Hitler and the National Socialists by the Jews. You should be thanking me for having to sit down and research this book and
saving everyone else the time.

I posted the link so people can read the full article themselves and to source the article.

So what is your argument here? Most people believe Hitler was a xian and did the holocaust. That is false yes. But the article on this book is actually well done and true. No one is perfect.

SouthernWhiteGentile said:
I was skimming through the site linked and came across this


I thought this was satire when I originally read it.

I wasn’t trying to be rude or to discredit this just pointing it out.

And I do thank you for reading through this and also for reading the Hebrew texts and Kabbalah this information is invaluable.
“At no time of life did Hitler live in impoverished conditions, rather he had always sufficient money”

Confident this is not true....Hitler states himself in Mein Kampf that he was homeless in Vienna for a period of time.

Other than that, interesting read!
13th_Wolf said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:

Nice Axl Rose pic there :D

Thank you!

It’s a shame in 2020 he is another basic Trump hating celebrity. I think he does it for attention and to get his name buzzing on the internet.

I listen to guns n roses everyday regardless.
HP Mageson666 said:
I sat and read this entire book and that was the only website I am aware along with the actual wiki page for Stein that came up in the search into the claims of Ravenscroft book. It cites the actual scholar Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke's work and investigation into this book and shows it to be a false work.

This book was full of literally just about every awful lie ever told about Hitler and the National Socialists by the Jews. You should be thanking me for having to sit down and research this book and saving everyone else the time.

I posted the link so people can read the full article themselves and to source the article.

So what is your argument here? Most people believe Hitler was a xian and did the holocaust. That is false yes. But the article on this book is actually well done and true. No one is perfect.

SouthernWhiteGentile said:
I was skimming through the site linked and came across this


I thought this was satire when I originally read it.
Thank you for saving me the trouble! I have seen enough anti Hitler garbage in my life time.
Everyone who knows I'm a national socialist bothers me over it and call me a "monster" and a "bigot" and show me photos of "jews" in WW2 and I can debunk each photo they try to show me,
I show them so much evidence that Hitler was a good leader but they refuse to understand it.
Soon people will see the truth.
Do you happen to have any positive KKK article links. I read once on satanisgod.org KKK, but I can't find it. I would love to read using Satanic Telepathic Communication. I always keep -High Priestess Maxine Dietrich in my prayers Up There.
I try to build a strong relationship with Satan/Lucifer. I read. I read things like How To Clean Your Aura and Welcome as well as Satan.
There really is no Satanic KKK one of the main founders Albert Pike was a esoteric Christian and his main book if you read through it is based on attempting to create a Judeo-Christian narrative to White civilization that was common among the Free Masons of the time. Its a style of British Israelism. That later morphs into Christian Identity in America. The KKK was just a militarized lodge to fight the Northern occupation forces after the civil war that is all once they achieved their political goals of gaining back freedoms and the political process they disbanded. However the American south never recovered from reconstruction economically.
HP Mageson666 said:
There really is no Satanic KKK one of the main founders Albert Pike was a esoteric Christian and his main book if you read through it is based on attempting to create a Judeo-Christian narrative to White civilization that was common among the Free Masons of the time. Its a style of British Israelism. That later morphs into Christian Identity in America. The KKK was just a militarized lodge to fight the Northern occupation forces after the civil war that is all once they achieved their political goals of gaining back freedoms and the political process they disbanded. However the American south never recovered from reconstruction economically.
Opening the soul will lead you to see the truth and obtain enlightenment.
HP Mageson666 said:
There really is no Satanic KKK one of the main founders Albert Pike was a esoteric Christian and his main book if you read through it is based on attempting to create a Judeo-Christian narrative to White civilization that was common among the Free Masons of the time. Its a style of British Israelism. That later morphs into Christian Identity in America. The KKK was just a militarized lodge to fight the Northern occupation forces after the civil war that is all once they achieved their political goals of gaining back freedoms and the political process they disbanded. However the American south never recovered from reconstruction economically.

I am not trying to be rude or trying to cause friction, but i see there's a concerning contradiction between what you said and what is found here at: https://www.satanslibrary.org/666BlackSun/Ku_Klux_Klan.html

And I quote:

"The Satanic Origins of the Ku Klux Klan [...] The original Ku Klux Klan, founded in Pulaski, Tennessee, in 1866 [the order was disbanded around 1869] by 6 Confederate officers including 33 degree Scottish Rite Freemason Albert Pike, and Nathan Bedford Forrest. Forrest was a former Confederate General and Freemason. He was the first Imperial Wizard of the KKK. Albert Pike who was a Satanist, held the office of Chief Justice of the KKK while he was simultaneously Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite of Masonry, in the Southern Jurisdiction."
Gear88 said:
Also I've never delved into such things it's great you bring this up as new knowledge comes up. Frankly and I know I sound extremely naive and deluded. Hope no one takes my naivety and delusion as a fact of my own self rather questioning innocently with curiostiy.

I'm the same way. Father knows this well of me. Sometimes enemies pretend to be our gods and goddesses.
HP Mageson666 said:
There really is no Satanic KKK one of the main founders Albert Pike was a esoteric Christian and his main book if you read through it is based on attempting to create a Judeo-Christian narrative to White civilization that was common among the Free Masons of the time. Its a style of British Israelism. That later morphs into Christian Identity in America. The KKK was just a militarized lodge to fight the Northern occupation forces after the civil war that is all once they achieved their political goals of gaining back freedoms and the political process they disbanded. However the American south never recovered from reconstruction economically.
Bone Dust said:
I am not trying to be rude or trying to cause friction, but i see there's a concerning contradiction between what you said and what is found here at: https://www.satanslibrary.org/666BlackSun/Ku_Klux_Klan.html

And I quote:

"The Satanic Origins of the Ku Klux Klan [...] The original Ku Klux Klan, founded in Pulaski, Tennessee, in 1866 [the order was disbanded around 1869] by 6 Confederate officers including 33 degree Scottish Rite Freemason Albert Pike, and Nathan Bedford Forrest. Forrest was a former Confederate General and Freemason. He was the first Imperial Wizard of the KKK. Albert Pike who was a Satanist, held the office of Chief Justice of the KKK while he was simultaneously Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite of Masonry, in the Southern Jurisdiction."

One of these two sources is telling the truth. The answer, regardless of which it is, sets a very bad precedent for the opposite. I can't possibly be the only who sees an issue with this. Could this please be addressed?
Bone Dust said:
One of these two sources is telling the truth. The answer, regardless of which it is, sets a very bad precedent for the opposite. I can't possibly be the only who sees an issue with this. Could this please be addressed?

I think you need to understand that albeit I fully understand your stature as a truth for non-members and newer people.

You need to understand the JoS is REALLY old for a website I mean we still have information probably dating back to the Black Rose group of the mid-late 1990s. So the information on the website dates back to it's creation in 2002. Even though the KKK/Semana Santa article was typed up a long time ago. It's the information available at the time.

The information on Klan's creation is accurate it is NOT an anti-negro organization made of bed-sheet wearing people so the occult history is there. But the people who created it are for christ-land in other words the whole Jacobin/Communism of the 1700s-to-Now are the mainstay of the article. In reality the article is kinda like a meditation you might be doing the truthful act but there is a lot of corrupted information around such factors until we uncover the truth.

Both could be considered accurate depending on what your researching and whatnot. I believe your desire for the truth Bone Dust, is merely to prevent non-members and newer people from believing totally the KKK is some sort of Satanic organization when in reality the Klan is basically FBI/CIA/Federal honeypots i.e. traps or for the few Klan organizations that aren't under federal watch are nothing more than catholic organizations pumping some sort of druidic/mixed/xtian organization.

Anyways I agree we should research more but it's possible lots of corrupted anti-racialist crap is gonna pop up especially with the current situation of mankind somehow believing racism is evil when they have no idea what true racism is. So basically right now people will probably find marxised/BLM pro- anti-racialist propaganda to history. And funny enough the dreck will be eaten up by the masses cause some how modern man is so much better than ancient man and some how modern man can explain things better despite using judeo-bolshevism as a spring board to spread judeo-bolshevism in history i.e. a kosher supervision of history.
Bone Dust said:
HP Mageson666 said:
There really is no Satanic KKK one of the main founders Albert Pike was a esoteric Christian and his main book if you read through it is based on attempting to create a Judeo-Christian narrative to White civilization that was common among the Free Masons of the time. Its a style of British Israelism. That later morphs into Christian Identity in America. The KKK was just a militarized lodge to fight the Northern occupation forces after the civil war that is all once they achieved their political goals of gaining back freedoms and the political process they disbanded. However the American south never recovered from reconstruction economically.
Bone Dust said:
I am not trying to be rude or trying to cause friction, but i see there's a concerning contradiction between what you said and what is found here at: https://www.satanslibrary.org/666BlackSun/Ku_Klux_Klan.html

And I quote:

"The Satanic Origins of the Ku Klux Klan [...] The original Ku Klux Klan, founded in Pulaski, Tennessee, in 1866 [the order was disbanded around 1869] by 6 Confederate officers including 33 degree Scottish Rite Freemason Albert Pike, and Nathan Bedford Forrest. Forrest was a former Confederate General and Freemason. He was the first Imperial Wizard of the KKK. Albert Pike who was a Satanist, held the office of Chief Justice of the KKK while he was simultaneously Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite of Masonry, in the Southern Jurisdiction."

One of these two sources is telling the truth. The answer, regardless of which it is, sets a very bad precedent for the opposite. I can't possibly be the only who sees an issue with this. Could this please be addressed?
Probably when that article was written they didn't know that Pike was a xian in reality, and probably the article never have been updated since then, that is a pretty valid hypothesis

Stuff like this happens, this is not the only case

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
