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Dead Sea Scrolls -- FAKE


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2019
How forgers fooled the Bible museum with fake Dead Sea Scroll fragments

By Daniel Burke, CNN Religion Editor
Mar 15, 2020

(CNN) - Last year, the Museum of the Bible in Washington, DC, said five of its most valuable artifacts -- once thought to be part of the historic Dead Sea Scrolls -- were fake.

Now the museum is facing a harder truth: All of its 16 expensive fragments are forgeries.

This weekend, at a conference in Washington scrambled by the coronavirus pandemic, experts released a 200-page report revealing how the forgeries fooled scholars and buyers on the antiquities market.

"After an exhaustive review of all the imaging and scientific analysis results, it is evident that none of the textual fragments in Museum of the Bible's Dead Sea Scroll collection are authentic," said the leader of the investigation, Colette Loll, the director of Art Fraud Insights, in a statement.

"Moreover, each exhibits characteristics that suggest they are deliberate forgeries created in the twentieth century with the intent to mimic authentic Dead Sea Scroll fragments."

The findings were originally scheduled to be made public at the Museum of the Bible on Sunday, but the event was postponed.
CNN raised questions about the museum's Dead Sea Scroll fragments in 2017 as the Green family prepared to unveil their $500 million museum.

Now scholars say the Dead Sea forgeries could be part of the most significant sham in biblical archeology since the "Gospel of Jesus' Wife," which hoodwinked a Harvard scholar and made worldwide news in 2012.
Some scholars estimate that as many as 70 forged fragments, purportedly part of the Dead Sea Scrolls, have hit the market since 2002.

Revelations about the Green's collection could raise more questions about ancient biblical artifacts bought by other evangelicals, often for millions of dollars.
Why the scrolls are so coveted
Discovered 70 years ago in caves around Qumran, the Dead Sea Scrolls are among archaeology's most significant scriptural finds, containing the oldest versions of the Hebrew Bible and other Jewish texts that date to the time of Jesus.

Most of the scrolls are kept at the Shrine of the Book in Jerusalem
In 2018, German-based scholars tested the five of the Bible museum's fragments and said they "show characteristics inconsistent with ancient origin."

Oklahoma billionaires, the Greens are best-known for their chain of Hobby Lobby craft stores and their religious freedom battle with the Obama administration over covering contraception in company health care plans.

The news of the forgeries is a significant embarrassment for the new museum, which, at 430,000 square feet in the heart of downtown DC, is a deep investment for its evangelical founders.

Museum leaders portrayed the fiasco as good for museums and the antiquities market.

"The sophisticated and costly methods employed to discover the truth about our collection could be used to shed light on other suspicious fragments and perhaps even be effective in uncovering who is responsible for these forgeries," said Jeffrey Kloha, the Museum of the Bible's chief curator, in a statement.

Heather Cirmo, a spokeswoman for the Bible Museum, said Steve Green, the museum's founder and board chairman, is not commenting on this project, though he is supportive of it. Cirmo said the Bible museum will not release the cost of the tests.

Green has declined to say how much his family spent for the 16 fake Dead Sea Scrolls fragments. Scholars say that similar, authentic artifacts can fetch millions in the antiquities market.
How the forgeries were made
The forgers likely used ancient scraps, possibly from archaeological sites around the Qumran caves.

But most of the Green's fake fragments are leather, not parchment like the rest of the Dead Sea Scrolls, according to the report by Art Fraud Insights. The leather scraps could have been bits from ancient Roman shoes, the report speculates.

To make convincing forgeries, the forgers coated the scraps with a shiny amber material, most likely animal glue, to fix tears and match the waxy sheen of authentic Dead Sea scroll fragments, the report says. Remarkably, despite being bought from for different sellers, all were coated by the same amber material, suggesting the forgeries may have come from the same hand.

Among the forgers' errors, according to the report, was in using modern ink to write snippets from the Bible on the ancient scraps, according to an analysis by German labs. And the writing itself bore clues: letters appeared to follow the creases and tears of the ancient leather, an indication that someone was trying hard to write on the uneven surfaces.

While the ink was still wet, the forgers scattered variety of loose mineral deposits consistent with the Dead Sea region.
"It is our opinion that all of these methods were utilized with the intent to deceive," the report says.

To confirm the forgery, the six-member advisory team hired by the museum used a superhero-esque array of gadgetry, including 3D microscopes, infrared spectroscopy and "energy dispersive X-ray analysis."

Where did the forgeries come from?
The report released this weekend doesn't detail the fake fragment's provenance, or history of how they ended up in the Green's hands. It only says the textual artifacts were "purchased on behalf of" the Green family "in four lots from four separate private collectors."

During a 2017 interview at the Bible museum, Green said he wasn't sure who sold him the Dead Sea Scroll fragments. "There's been different sources, but I don't know specifically where those came from."
But for years, scholars, including some hired by the Bible museum have expressed doubts about their authenticity.

Kipp Davis, a scholar at Canada's Trinity Western University, published evidence in 2017 that cast doubt on two Museum of the Bible fragments, including one that was on display when the museum opened in 2017.

One fragment's lettering squeezed into a corner that wouldn't have existed when the writing surface was new. Another appeared to have a Greek letter alpha where a 1930s reference Hebrew Bible used an alpha to flag a footnote.
Huge wins amidst everything. This is a monumental victory.
Very good, Aldrick. Keep it private and keep it that way.
Aldrick said:
Master said:
Very good, Aldrick. Keep it private and keep it that way.

Excuse me?
Sorry, the translator didn't translate right. I meant to say:
My compliments, Aldrick. Keep your privacy and be careful. And keep it that way.
I was about to complain that the article in the OP is only referring to a recent batch of documents and not the ones from the seventies, but then I stumbled on this article:


When I read this I almost choked laughing...

Emanuel Tov, a professor at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, is perhaps the world's leading expert on the Dead Sea Scrolls. Davis calls him one of the most important biblical scholars of the last 50 years.

Like Davis, Tov was hired by the Greens to study their fragments and help edit the book about them. Tov says he is not convinced the fragments are fake.
"I will not say the Museum of the Bible has no inauthentic fragments," he said. "I will say I have not seen the proof."

The handwriting anomalies Davis describes also occur in authentic Dead Sea Scrolls, Tov says. To determine whether the Greens' fragments are forgeries, they need to be compared to a larger sample size of scrolls.

It's all downhill from here :D
Yeah, I said on the other forum that they were just "found" just after WW2, so conveniently, so cohencidentally. Why - and how, other than falsely - would they just be sitting there on a cliff or in a cave or wherever it was? "god" magicked them into being discovered, instead of sending an "angel" to give ann frank a pen from the future. Such lolage. :roll: :puke:
I think that RTR are giving exceptional result we must continue like this who know what other surprise might come!! :)

Also the shroud of Turin long ago that some scientists showed that it was made in medieval times between the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries and the Vatican tried to hide it by all means.
txg said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Huge wins amidst everything. This is a monumental victory.

i dont understand, why is this a victory in any regard. my generation couldn't care less about dead sea scrolls.
much less any biblical artifacts.
this "victory" will be swept away and long forgotten last week

Cool story, but the Dead Sea Scrolls are an important part of the New Age religion, to which many a boomer adhere. The nu'agers consider themselves open minded, so these developments could put a big dent in their bowl of concepts.

Gregg Braden should be worried at least. Time to revise some books. He he :D
txg said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Huge wins amidst everything. This is a monumental victory.

i dont understand, why is this a victory in any regard. my generation couldn't care less about dead sea scrolls.
much less any biblical artifacts.
this "victory" will be swept away and long forgotten last week

I think you greatly underestimate the attraction to xtianism(judeo-bolshevism) and the (((god's love))) bullshit spread by these political programs cloaked in a religion.

Your right I'm sure the next episode of the kardahsians, is more important. I like to call it the "week mentality". It happened with 9/11; terrorist attack, one week later "Huh what happened something in NYC who cares".

That is the week mentality you mention.

But now that there are 10s of millions maybe 100s of millions of people affected by the virus they will be researching stuff and finding out sites.

Much like the recent forgeries of pagan artifacts and ruining original artifacts in the Basque region of Spain by judeo-bolshevik forces spreading bullshit. Jebus wuz here before his fake bullshit existed.

Notice how hardcore ingrained these people are into judeo-bolshevism. They are certainly doing ((("god's work"))) by promoting a hoax of judeo-bolshevism.

It is a win because it attacks the very basis of their foundation especially the kosher narrative that jewz wuz pagan an shiet, also jewz wuz always humanz and shiet and finally jewz wuz always around and shiet but paganz are ebul and shiet cuz jewz dindu nuffin and shiet.
txg said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Huge wins amidst everything. This is a monumental victory.

i dont understand, why is this a victory in any regard. my generation couldn't care less about dead sea scrolls.
much less any biblical artifacts.
Whether they care or not doesn't matter. The evidence is mounting and continuing to mount, to out christianity and the jew, and explain it is a load of BS. The mass mind (a lot of people thinking the same thing or things) needs to stop pumping energies into "god".
Aldrick said:
Master said:
Aldrick said:
Excuse me?
Sorry, the translator didn't translate right. I meant to say:
My compliments, Aldrick. Keep your privacy and be careful. And keep it that way.

What's your Native Language?
I'm from Eastern Europe. For security reasons I will not reveal any further details. This is a public forum and we must not expose ourselves to the enemy and their zombies. We must be anonymous. I'm not a guy who jokes in any way. I'm very serious and I have no intention of failing on the Satanic Spiritual Path. When I ascend, I would like to meet those of you who advance and ascend in the astral.
Wotanwarrior said:
Also the shroud of Turin long ago that some scientists showed that it was made in medieval times between the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries and the Vatican tried to hide it by all means.

Yup, they have lost everything.





So they "were" found in 12 caves (12 being 1+2=3, the number of creation/destruction, and also tying-in to the "holy trinity"; 12 being the 12 disciples of jewsus; 12 being the 12 Zodiacal Signs), and they "were" found over a period of 10 years (1946-56), 10 being the number of perfection in jew numerology. While there were supposed to have been many thousands of fragments (because "god" "did" create the entire Universe, but couldn't piece together an entire faerie tale fantasy story book without holes and contradictions... (nor defeat chariots made out of iron, for that matter)), these 16 (1+6=7 Chakras, 7 Chakra seals in the book of revelation) are fake. They "were" discovered, now we know fake, in the Dead Sea of all places. Fake shit "found" in a dead place. Someone really has to not use their Brain (if they have one) to believe that nonsense makes sense. The jew knows about making the Goyim suspend disbelief!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
