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cwazy christian argument


New member
May 10, 2003
this is a lil long, sorry but this is my recent argument with a christian i met in yahoo chat rooms. i just thought it was funny.

ferdinnnann: hiyo
Luke Campbell: hello
Luke Campbell: how are u?
ferdinnnann: mi great
ferdinnnann: im*
ferdinnnann: u?
Luke Campbell: better than i deserve
Luke Campbell: God is good
ferdinnnann: in your opinion
Luke Campbell: haven't talked to u in awhile
ferdinnnann: havnt seen you on in a while
Luke Campbell: i've been on, i come on invisible a lot
Luke Campbell: just cause i want to log in and check my mail
Luke Campbell: it's easier going through yahoo
Luke Campbell: what is your opinion of "good"?
ferdinnnann: positive in relation to the self?
ferdinnnann: i dont spend most my time thinking about the definition of good
Luke Campbell: its good to think about haha
ferdinnnann: there are things which require thought more urgently at times
Luke Campbell: well, goodness is the only way you will see God in live, if u have it
Luke Campbell: (goodness)
Luke Campbell: (see God and live)
ferdinnnann: so youre saying all god does is good?
Luke Campbell: yes
Luke Campbell: all of His judgments are righteous and true altogether
ferdinnnann: maybe for your opinion of what good is for your god
ferdinnnann: if god was judged as one of those who he judges he would not be considered so "good"
Luke Campbell: how so?
ferdinnnann: how many people has he killed who were no imediate threat to himself?
Luke Campbell: you have made a judgment that it is only justifiable to kill people who are a threat to yourself
ferdinnnann: i mean hitler believed he was wiping out jews for the greater good
ferdinnnann: does that make him righteous?
Luke Campbell: God kills people because of sin
ferdinnnann: and sin is?
ferdinnnann: define sin
Luke Campbell: the oppisite of good, it is a chink or void in that which is good, the word sin means to miss the mark, it is summed up in the commandments though
Luke Campbell: have u ever lied?
ferdinnnann: so sin is going against gods will basically?
Luke Campbell: yes, it is going against His commandments
ferdinnnann: so god kills because people go against what he wants
ferdinnnann: now if any human was held up to that standard what would happen to him?
ferdinnnann: if we start killing people cause they dont do what we want are we considered evil?
ferdinnnann: when were just being godlike
Luke Campbell: it doesn't matter what we want, God made us, and it only matters what He wants
ferdinnnann: here we go
ferdinnnann: back to my original point
ferdinnnann: you hold god up on a pedastal
ferdinnnann: he can do no wrong
ferdinnnann: you have no room to judge one if you cant judge another
Luke Campbell: right now we are in an age where there is a period of grace before judgment
ferdinnnann: you have no perspective of what is right and wrong if you refuse to see wrong in one place
ferdinnnann: killing someone because they dont do what you want is not ok, even for your god
Luke Campbell: God has given Israel the right to judge according to His commandments, no one else
Luke Campbell: God is the ultimate Judge
ferdinnnann: if a father kills his son cause he doesnt do what he wants is he ok?
ferdinnnann: or a father and a mother kill their child
ferdinnnann: does that make it right?
ferdinnnann: they created them
ferdinnnann: should their will govern their childs life?
ferdinnnann: assuming were going by your religion
ferdinnnann: he created us
ferdinnnann: gave us the ability to choose to follow him or not
ferdinnnann: and kills us when we dont
ferdinnnann: your god is a bully and a god of fear
Luke Campbell: you have to make a just judgment, children do not know any better, if your child grew up and started killing people then you (or the governemt) will have to decide on how to punish your child
ferdinnnann: so should god be punished as well
Luke Campbell: your child will not be a child any more so he cant be judged by the same standards of a child
ferdinnnann: and your god is considered above all man so he should be held up to a higher standard
Luke Campbell: should a judge be punished for sentencing a murderer to jail?
ferdinnnann: no
ferdinnnann: but a judge has to be fair
ferdinnnann: a judge cant put someone in jail just because they dont do what he wants
ferdinnnann: and if they try to they go to jail themselves
ferdinnnann: i think we should give god a big ol "time out"
Luke Campbell: Ok, the judge puts someone in jail for murder
Luke Campbell: now, who says murder is wrong?
ferdinnnann: the person who got murdered?
Luke Campbell: is it this judge or is it society?
ferdinnnann: or both hopefully
ferdinnnann: cause if the judge thinks murder is ok he has no business being a judge
ferdinnnann: your god is as a child peering over ants with a magnifying glass
Luke Campbell: but where did their definition of murder being wrong from?
Luke Campbell: being wrong come from?
ferdinnnann: for some higher reason if the child doesnt like an ant he rains down fiery wrath
ferdinnnann: and i believe it was when people who loved eachother thought hmm
ferdinnnann: this guy killed my loved one
ferdinnnann: im pissed
ferdinnnann: this isnt a good thing
Luke Campbell: so it is good to judge someone who murders?
ferdinnnann: im saying
Luke Campbell: u better say it is good
Luke Campbell: haha
ferdinnnann: you have no business judging if you are not held up to the same standards
Luke Campbell: u just said that a judge has every right to sentence a murderer
ferdinnnann: and thankfully, going against "gods will" is not a criminal offense
ferdinnnann: the judge is held under the same laws as everyone else
ferdinnnann: if a judge kills someone does he get preferential treatment?
Luke Campbell: would we say, "Whoa judge, hold on now, you can't judge him, you need to be held to the same standard"
ferdinnnann: a judge is under the same laws as he is
Luke Campbell: exactly
ferdinnnann: your god has no laws for himself
ferdinnnann: no ten i will not dos
Luke Campbell: if God has a moral law that He gives and expects no man to go against it, then He Himself will never go against it
ferdinnnann: the closest thing in the bible to a law for god is the rainbow
ferdinnnann: that was after he wiped out nearly the whole population on earth
Luke Campbell: when has God lied? when has God murdered? (killing and murder are two different things)
ferdinnnann: what did all those lil animals do to deserve to die?
ferdinnnann: whats the dif between murder and killing?
Luke Campbell: the difference is hatred in the heart
ferdinnnann: if were all below god i guess he must consider all us as we do insects
ferdinnnann: so it would just be extermination for him
ferdinnnann: and god seems to hate quite a lot
Luke Campbell: a police officer can kill someone trying to kill you without hate in his heart, because he is doing a good thing
ferdinnnann: ya
ferdinnnann: while god can wipe out nearly everyone on earth for no good reason
Luke Campbell: i have to go soon, but here is the biggest picture (i believe) u must absolutely get:
Luke Campbell: have u ever lied before?
ferdinnnann: yes
ferdinnnann: have you?
Luke Campbell: what do u call someone who has told a lie?
ferdinnnann: normal?
Luke Campbell: (i have broken all of the commandments)
Luke Campbell: no, it starts with an "l"
ferdinnnann: liberal?
ferdinnnann: and there is no way to know if god has ever lied or not
Luke Campbell: any politician, but seriously
Luke Campbell: it rymes with fiar
ferdinnnann: hmm
Luke Campbell: (fire)
ferdinnnann: a fire?
ferdinnnann: i wouldnt calls omeone a fire
Luke Campbell: no it rymes with fire
ferdinnnann: lyre
ferdinnnann: musical instrument
Luke Campbell: liar
Luke Campbell: close
ferdinnnann: you spelled it wrong
Luke Campbell: not the musical intrument
ferdinnnann: thats someone who tells untruths consistently
ferdinnnann: my original point is
Luke Campbell: how many people do you have to kill before u are a murderer?
ferdinnnann: 1
ferdinnnann: how many has god killed?
ferdinnnann: god is a murderer by current standards
ferdinnnann: killing someone because they go against your will is not justified
Luke Campbell: killing and murder is different
Luke Campbell: the Bible says the soul that sins, it shall die
Luke Campbell: but back on topic please
ferdinnnann: the bible says a lot of things
Luke Campbell: so how many lies do u have to tell before u are a liar?
Luke Campbell: 10 and a bell goes off?
ferdinnnann: nope
ferdinnnann: its not a number of lies
ferdinnnann: what makes you a liar is the habit of lying in the past and intending to lie in the future
Luke Campbell: if i told u one lie what could u reasonably call me?
Luke Campbell: so have u lied in the past?
ferdinnnann: an asshole?
ferdinnnann: yes i have lied in the past
ferdinnnann: i intend not to lie in the future unless need be
ferdinnnann: but hey thats ok in my religion
ferdinnnann: to lie to save your ass
ferdinnnann: instead of yours
Luke Campbell: u have exhibited someone who lies, u have that propensity
Luke Campbell: if u have lied even once it makes u a liar
ferdinnnann: in your opinion
ferdinnnann: which is but a hair in my perspective
Luke Campbell: my opinion does not matter
ferdinnnann: easily brushed off
ferdinnnann: and no it doesnt
Luke Campbell: i am just trying to tell u the truth man
ferdinnnann: neither does that of a bunch of guys who got together and wrote a book
Luke Campbell: your gonna die one day
ferdinnnann: so will you
ferdinnnann: then we will know whos right
ferdinnnann: well you will
ferdinnnann: i already do
Luke Campbell: There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. (Proverbs 16:25)
ferdinnnann: there is a book written by men, which is quoted a lot to those who dont even respect it(the bible)
Luke Campbell: the Bible is God's Word
Luke Campbell: if u can prove that statement wrong, there are millions of people who would like to see
ferdinnnann: lets see you prove it right
ferdinnnann: ill try right now
ferdinnnann: GOD
ferdinnnann: ...
ferdinnnann: *looks from side to side
ferdinnnann: *
ferdinnnann: *looks up*
ferdinnnann: idk im pretty sure im still alive
ferdinnnann: *pinches self*
Luke Campbell: since i am considered His messenger according to His word, let me try to instruct you one something
ferdinnnann: why would i do that?
ferdinnnann: to tell the truth i dint even wanna get into a religious discussion today
Luke Campbell: God is God, which means He doesn't have to listen to me or you or anybody
ferdinnnann: i said the whole jesus man playfully
ferdinnnann: so he can ignore us
ferdinnnann: but we cant ignore him
ferdinnnann: or we die
Luke Campbell: He can, but He will answer you one day
ferdinnnann: ah
Luke Campbell: you will be struck dead, just not when you asked for it
ferdinnnann: now i will call on the rain god to bring rain
ferdinnnann: but not right now
ferdinnnann: later
ferdinnnann: it will rain
ferdinnnann: you can bet on that
ferdinnnann: OH GREAT GOD OF RAIN
ferdinnnann: but ignore me until circumstances fit and ill claim you did it
Luke Campbell: what would i have to show you to prove to you that the Bible is God's Word?
Luke Campbell: what proof would u need?
Luke Campbell: fulfilled prophecy? perfect historical accuracy? complete unity over 1600 years by over 40 different authors?
ferdinnnann: i think for an all powerful god having a giant cross suddenly appear on the top opf my house
ferdinnnann: shouldnt be too hard
ferdinnnann: complete unity?
ferdinnnann: whats to say towards the end of those 1600 years the christians didnt decide hey lets make these fit
ferdinnnann: wheres this perfect historical accuracy
ferdinnnann: ?
ferdinnnann: whats it going to take for yout o see that your god is a crock of shit and that faith is a bad thing?
ferdinnnann: faith is making a virtue out of not thinking
ferdinnnann: "bill maher
Luke Campbell: oh, just about 24,000 manuscripts that you can check out to see if they did
Luke Campbell: i have 9 minutes
ferdinnnann: so 24000 manuscripts match perfectly?
ferdinnnann: written by different people at different times?
ferdinnnann: without prior knowledge of the other manuscripts?
ferdinnnann: i mean yeah cause dates and words certainly cant be changed
Luke Campbell: there is 24,970
ferdinnnann: ok theres the first question answered
Luke Campbell: of the new testament alone
ferdinnnann: so 24970 copies of the new testament?
Luke Campbell: manuscripts
Luke Campbell: of the Greek there is 307 Uncial
Luke Campbell: 2,860 of the Minuscule
Luke Campbell: 2,410 of the Lectionaries
ferdinnnann: so now youre claiming the greeks are christians?
ferdinnnann: were*
Luke Campbell: and 109 of the Papyri
Luke Campbell: it was written in Greek
ferdinnnann: so people cant write things in greek
ferdinnnann: say
ferdinnnann: today?
ferdinnnann: and papyri cant be recreated or mistranslated?
Luke Campbell: the only thing that comes close to the New Testament in ancient books is Homers Iliad
Luke Campbell: and the 1st complete copy of the Iliad dates to the 13th century
ferdinnnann: so homer was a christian
Luke Campbell: no
Luke Campbell: im talking about comparing historical books
ferdinnnann: so christians took their books from a basis of homers?
Luke Campbell: no historian doubts that the Iliad is authentic copy
ferdinnnann: youre saying in all the world not one historian doubts it
ferdinnnann: ?
Luke Campbell: the Iliad is the only other writing that comes close to the shear number of copies of the New Testament
ferdinnnann: yes youre right by darnit
ferdinnnann: im gonna worship homer from now on
Luke Campbell: (i don't know that for sure, so i dont know of an historian that doubts we have Homers Iliad)
ferdinnnann: but you dont know
ferdinnnann: therefore you spoke an untruth
ferdinnnann: posed certainty where there is none
Luke Campbell: i made an absolute statement
ferdinnnann: making you a liar
ferdinnnann: L
ferdinnnann: I
ferdinnnann: A
ferdinnnann: R
ferdinnnann: liar
ferdinnnann: you shouldnt lie
Luke Campbell: which i can't make unless i have all knowledge
Luke Campbell: which i dont have
ferdinnnann: "lies make baby jesus cry" rod flanders, the simpsons
ferdinnnann: which makes it untrue
ferdinnnann: which makes it a lie
Luke Campbell: im sorry, i was exaggerating a bit
Luke Campbell: but i do not know of an historian who doubts it
Luke Campbell: i gotta go
ferdinnnann: just for confirmation
Luke Campbell: but it's not like u were listening to me anyway
ferdinnnann: cwazy christian youre never going to change my mind until you have absolute proof
ferdinnnann: i listened to you
Luke Campbell: u mocked me
ferdinnnann: but you just have no solid points
ferdinnnann: and yes i did
ferdinnnann: because youre trying to convince me with coincidences
ferdinnnann: about books
ferdinnnann: and circumstances
ferdinnnann: written by men
Luke Campbell: Read this and answer me two questions:
Luke Campbell: 1. Who is the Servant this passage is talking about?
Luke Campbell: 2. What did this Servant do?
ferdinnnann: were discussing god cause you brought him up
ferdinnnann: and as far as im concerned he dont even exist
ferdinnnann: theres your questions answered
ferdinnnann: i bid you a good day
Luke Campbell: (I am typing different so you dont have trouble reading)
ferdinnnann: i can read fine
ferdinnnann: your font is quite large
Luke Campbell: hold on...
ferdinnnann: should i type bigger?
ferdinnnann: can you read this?
Luke Campbell: haha yes
Luke Campbell: i just picked something random
Luke Campbell: Isa 52:13 Behold, my servant shall deal prudently, he shall be exalted and extolled, and be very high.
Isa 52:14 As many were astonied at thee; his visage was so marred more than any man, and his form more than the sons of men:
Isa 52:15 So shall he sprinkle many nations; the kings shall shut their mouths at him: for that which had not been told them shall they see; and that which they had not heard shall they consider.
ferdinnnann: ok so were quoting the bible now
Luke Campbell: Isa 53:1 Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the LORD revealed?
Isa 53:2 For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.
Isa 53:3 He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
Isa 53:4 Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.
Isa 53:5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
Luke Campbell: Isa 53:6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.
Isa 53:7 He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth.
Isa 53:8 He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation? for he was cut off out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was he stricken.

Luke Campbell: Isa 53:9 And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth.
Isa 53:10 Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand.
Isa 53:11 He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied: by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities.
Luke Campbell: Isa 53:12 Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong; because he hath poured out his soul unto death: and he was numbered with the transgressors; and he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.
ferdinnnann: ok i have no desire to read the bible
ferdinnnann: or passages from it
Luke Campbell: (remember the two questions: who is the Servant? and what did He do?)
ferdinnnann: i liked my answers better
ferdinnnann: they dint take up 50 pages
Luke Campbell: your claiming it is wrong and you wont even read it?
ferdinnnann: ive read it before
ferdinnnann: i dont need to read it again
Luke Campbell: it's just 15 verses
ferdinnnann: you have a brain
ferdinnnann: im guessing
ferdinnnann: you can put into your own words instead of spouting anothers
Luke Campbell: you wanted proof of the Bible being God's word
ferdinnnann: so it says its gods word?
Luke Campbell: read it and answer the questions
ferdinnnann: *resists the urge to mock*
ferdinnnann: but reading it is sickening
ferdinnnann: im allergic to bullshit
Luke Campbell: satan hates God's word too, i took more time because you said u were listening to me but once again, i dont believe u are
ferdinnnann: i listened
ferdinnnann: you just arent saying anything i havnt heard before
Luke Campbell: then it should be easy to answer the questions
Luke Campbell: who is the Servant and what did He do?
Luke Campbell: ... i have 5 minutes
ferdinnnann: i thought you had 9 minutes a half hour ago
Luke Campbell: that was 20 minutes and like i said i took more time because u said u were listening
ferdinnnann: im listening but that doesnt alter the fact that nothing you say is going to convince me
ferdinnnann: just like i doubt anything i say will convince you
ferdinnnann: does that mean youre not listening?
Luke Campbell: well if there was anything i wish i could convince you of is that u are a sinner
Luke Campbell: u are going to face God on judgment day
ferdinnnann: and ill spit in his face
ferdinnnann: even if youre right
ferdinnnann: id rather go to torture than worship a hippocryte
Luke Campbell: He is going to judge u so thoroughly that every idle word you speak will be held into account
ferdinnnann: is swearing a sin?
ferdinnnann: if so that could take a while
ferdinnnann: masterbation too
ferdinnnann: damn i could be sitting there for a year or more
Luke Campbell: every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that JESUS CHRIST is LORD
ferdinnnann: not this tongue
ferdinnnann: not these knees
Luke Campbell: to the glory of God the Father
ferdinnnann: but i will bow all but two fingers to your lord
Luke Campbell: some will bow out of reverence and some will bow because their knees are crushed by Him Who judges the nations with a rod of iron
ferdinnnann: let his iron rod come
Luke Campbell: i fear two things: God and people who are not afraid of God
ferdinnnann: i wont bow
ferdinnnann: even if god was real
ferdinnnann: i would rather be crushed by his giant rod that worship him
Luke Campbell: i wish u could see Him
ferdinnnann: and i wish you could see the truth
ferdinnnann: but right now it dont look like either is going to happen
Luke Campbell: weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth will be your just reward and u dont have to go there
ferdinnnann: let gods monstrous form try
Luke Campbell: Jesus said, I am the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE, no man cometh unto the Father but by Me
ferdinnnann: yeah and plenty of people said that thousands of years before him
Luke Campbell is typing a message.
Luke Campbell: i gotta go, God bless you
ferdinnnann: satan bless you and let you see the truth someday
Handled with the wit, booksmart, streetsmart and intelligence of a true satanist!
My praises and compliments, friend :D

Hail Satan, and the gods of old!

This Campbell is so lost that he don't know what to say (contradictions), whereas you still adhere to the Truth.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "keith" <regularromeo_91@... wrote:

this is a lil long, sorry but this is my recent argument with a christian i met in yahoo chat rooms. i just thought it was funny.

ferdinnnann: hiyo
Luke Campbell: hello
Luke Campbell: how are u?
ferdinnnann: mi great
ferdinnnann: im*
ferdinnnann: u?
Luke Campbell: better than i deserve
Luke Campbell: God is good
ferdinnnann: in your opinion
Luke Campbell: haven't talked to u in awhile
ferdinnnann: havnt seen you on in a while
Luke Campbell: i've been on, i come on invisible a lot
Luke Campbell: just cause i want to log in and check my mail
Luke Campbell: it's easier going through yahoo
Luke Campbell: what is your opinion of "good"?
ferdinnnann: positive in relation to the self?
ferdinnnann: i dont spend most my time thinking about the definition of good
Luke Campbell: its good to think about haha
ferdinnnann: there are things which require thought more urgently at times
Luke Campbell: well, goodness is the only way you will see God in live, if u have it
Luke Campbell: (goodness)
Luke Campbell: (see God and live)
ferdinnnann: so youre saying all god does is good?
Luke Campbell: yes
Luke Campbell: all of His judgments are righteous and true altogether
ferdinnnann: maybe for your opinion of what good is for your god
ferdinnnann: if god was judged as one of those who he judges he would not be considered so "good"
Luke Campbell: how so?
ferdinnnann: how many people has he killed who were no imediate threat to himself?
Luke Campbell: you have made a judgment that it is only justifiable to kill people who are a threat to yourself
ferdinnnann: i mean hitler believed he was wiping out jews for the greater good
ferdinnnann: does that make him righteous?
Luke Campbell: God kills people because of sin
ferdinnnann: and sin is?
ferdinnnann: define sin
Luke Campbell: the oppisite of good, it is a chink or void in that which is good, the word sin means to miss the mark, it is summed up in the commandments though
Luke Campbell: have u ever lied?
ferdinnnann: so sin is going against gods will basically?
Luke Campbell: yes, it is going against His commandments
ferdinnnann: so god kills because people go against what he wants
ferdinnnann: now if any human was held up to that standard what would happen to him?
ferdinnnann: if we start killing people cause they dont do what we want are we considered evil?
ferdinnnann: when were just being godlike
Luke Campbell: it doesn't matter what we want, God made us, and it only matters what He wants
ferdinnnann: here we go
ferdinnnann: back to my original point
ferdinnnann: you hold god up on a pedastal
ferdinnnann: he can do no wrong
ferdinnnann: you have no room to judge one if you cant judge another
Luke Campbell: right now we are in an age where there is a period of grace before judgment
ferdinnnann: you have no perspective of what is right and wrong if you refuse to see wrong in one place
ferdinnnann: killing someone because they dont do what you want is not ok, even for your god
Luke Campbell: God has given Israel the right to judge according to His commandments, no one else
Luke Campbell: God is the ultimate Judge
ferdinnnann: if a father kills his son cause he doesnt do what he wants is he ok?
ferdinnnann: or a father and a mother kill their child
ferdinnnann: does that make it right?
ferdinnnann: they created them
ferdinnnann: should their will govern their childs life?
ferdinnnann: assuming were going by your religion
ferdinnnann: he created us
ferdinnnann: gave us the ability to choose to follow him or not
ferdinnnann: and kills us when we dont
ferdinnnann: your god is a bully and a god of fear
Luke Campbell: you have to make a just judgment, children do not know any better, if your child grew up and started killing people then you (or the governemt) will have to decide on how to punish your child
ferdinnnann: so should god be punished as well
Luke Campbell: your child will not be a child any more so he cant be judged by the same standards of a child
ferdinnnann: and your god is considered above all man so he should be held up to a higher standard
Luke Campbell: should a judge be punished for sentencing a murderer to jail?
ferdinnnann: no
ferdinnnann: but a judge has to be fair
ferdinnnann: a judge cant put someone in jail just because they dont do what he wants
ferdinnnann: and if they try to they go to jail themselves
ferdinnnann: i think we should give god a big ol "time out"
Luke Campbell: Ok, the judge puts someone in jail for murder
Luke Campbell: now, who says murder is wrong?
ferdinnnann: the person who got murdered?
Luke Campbell: is it this judge or is it society?
ferdinnnann: or both hopefully
ferdinnnann: cause if the judge thinks murder is ok he has no business being a judge
ferdinnnann: your god is as a child peering over ants with a magnifying glass
Luke Campbell: but where did their definition of murder being wrong from?
Luke Campbell: being wrong come from?
ferdinnnann: for some higher reason if the child doesnt like an ant he rains down fiery wrath
ferdinnnann: and i believe it was when people who loved eachother thought hmm
ferdinnnann: this guy killed my loved one
ferdinnnann: im pissed
ferdinnnann: this isnt a good thing
Luke Campbell: so it is good to judge someone who murders?
ferdinnnann: im saying
Luke Campbell: u better say it is good
Luke Campbell: haha
ferdinnnann: you have no business judging if you are not held up to the same standards
Luke Campbell: u just said that a judge has every right to sentence a murderer
ferdinnnann: and thankfully, going against "gods will" is not a criminal offense
ferdinnnann: the judge is held under the same laws as everyone else
ferdinnnann: if a judge kills someone does he get preferential treatment?
Luke Campbell: would we say, "Whoa judge, hold on now, you can't judge him, you need to be held to the same standard"
ferdinnnann: a judge is under the same laws as he is
Luke Campbell: exactly
ferdinnnann: your god has no laws for himself
ferdinnnann: no ten i will not dos
Luke Campbell: if God has a moral law that He gives and expects no man to go against it, then He Himself will never go against it
ferdinnnann: the closest thing in the bible to a law for god is the rainbow
ferdinnnann: that was after he wiped out nearly the whole population on earth
Luke Campbell: when has God lied? when has God murdered? (killing and murder are two different things)
ferdinnnann: what did all those lil animals do to deserve to die?
ferdinnnann: whats the dif between murder and killing?
Luke Campbell: the difference is hatred in the heart
ferdinnnann: if were all below god i guess he must consider all us as we do insects
ferdinnnann: so it would just be extermination for him
ferdinnnann: and god seems to hate quite a lot
Luke Campbell: a police officer can kill someone trying to kill you without hate in his heart, because he is doing a good thing
ferdinnnann: ya
ferdinnnann: while god can wipe out nearly everyone on earth for no good reason
Luke Campbell: i have to go soon, but here is the biggest picture (i believe) u must absolutely get:
Luke Campbell: have u ever lied before?
ferdinnnann: yes
ferdinnnann: have you?
Luke Campbell: what do u call someone who has told a lie?
ferdinnnann: normal?
Luke Campbell: (i have broken all of the commandments)
Luke Campbell: no, it starts with an "l"
ferdinnnann: liberal?
ferdinnnann: and there is no way to know if god has ever lied or not
Luke Campbell: any politician, but seriously
Luke Campbell: it rymes with fiar
ferdinnnann: hmm
Luke Campbell: (fire)
ferdinnnann: a fire?
ferdinnnann: i wouldnt calls omeone a fire
Luke Campbell: no it rymes with fire
ferdinnnann: lyre
ferdinnnann: musical instrument
Luke Campbell: liar
Luke Campbell: close
ferdinnnann: you spelled it wrong
Luke Campbell: not the musical intrument
ferdinnnann: thats someone who tells untruths consistently
ferdinnnann: my original point is
Luke Campbell: how many people do you have to kill before u are a murderer?
ferdinnnann: 1
ferdinnnann: how many has god killed?
ferdinnnann: god is a murderer by current standards
ferdinnnann: killing someone because they go against your will is not justified
Luke Campbell: killing and murder is different
Luke Campbell: the Bible says the soul that sins, it shall die
Luke Campbell: but back on topic please
ferdinnnann: the bible says a lot of things
Luke Campbell: so how many lies do u have to tell before u are a liar?
Luke Campbell: 10 and a bell goes off?
ferdinnnann: nope
ferdinnnann: its not a number of lies
ferdinnnann: what makes you a liar is the habit of lying in the past and intending to lie in the future
Luke Campbell: if i told u one lie what could u reasonably call me?
Luke Campbell: so have u lied in the past?
ferdinnnann: an asshole?
ferdinnnann: yes i have lied in the past
ferdinnnann: i intend not to lie in the future unless need be
ferdinnnann: but hey thats ok in my religion
ferdinnnann: to lie to save your ass
ferdinnnann: instead of yours
Luke Campbell: u have exhibited someone who lies, u have that propensity
Luke Campbell: if u have lied even once it makes u a liar
ferdinnnann: in your opinion
ferdinnnann: which is but a hair in my perspective
Luke Campbell: my opinion does not matter
ferdinnnann: easily brushed off
ferdinnnann: and no it doesnt
Luke Campbell: i am just trying to tell u the truth man
ferdinnnann: neither does that of a bunch of guys who got together and wrote a book
Luke Campbell: your gonna die one day
ferdinnnann: so will you
ferdinnnann: then we will know whos right
ferdinnnann: well you will
ferdinnnann: i already do
Luke Campbell: There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. (Proverbs 16:25)
ferdinnnann: there is a book written by men, which is quoted a lot to those who dont even respect it(the bible)
Luke Campbell: the Bible is God's Word
Luke Campbell: if u can prove that statement wrong, there are millions of people who would like to see
ferdinnnann: lets see you prove it right
ferdinnnann: ill try right now
ferdinnnann: GOD
ferdinnnann: ...
ferdinnnann: *looks from side to side
ferdinnnann: *
ferdinnnann: *looks up*
ferdinnnann: idk im pretty sure im still alive
ferdinnnann: *pinches self*
Luke Campbell: since i am considered His messenger according to His word, let me try to instruct you one something
ferdinnnann: why would i do that?
ferdinnnann: to tell the truth i dint even wanna get into a religious discussion today
Luke Campbell: God is God, which means He doesn't have to listen to me or you or anybody
ferdinnnann: i said the whole jesus man playfully
ferdinnnann: so he can ignore us
ferdinnnann: but we cant ignore him
ferdinnnann: or we die
Luke Campbell: He can, but He will answer you one day
ferdinnnann: ah
Luke Campbell: you will be struck dead, just not when you asked for it
ferdinnnann: now i will call on the rain god to bring rain
ferdinnnann: but not right now
ferdinnnann: later
ferdinnnann: it will rain
ferdinnnann: you can bet on that
ferdinnnann: OH GREAT GOD OF RAIN
ferdinnnann: but ignore me until circumstances fit and ill claim you did it
Luke Campbell: what would i have to show you to prove to you that the Bible is God's Word?
Luke Campbell: what proof would u need?
Luke Campbell: fulfilled prophecy? perfect historical accuracy? complete unity over 1600 years by over 40 different authors?
ferdinnnann: i think for an all powerful god having a giant cross suddenly appear on the top opf my house
ferdinnnann: shouldnt be too hard
ferdinnnann: complete unity?
ferdinnnann: whats to say towards the end of those 1600 years the christians didnt decide hey lets make these fit
ferdinnnann: wheres this perfect historical accuracy
ferdinnnann: ?
ferdinnnann: whats it going to take for yout o see that your god is a crock of shit and that faith is a bad thing?
ferdinnnann: faith is making a virtue out of not thinking
ferdinnnann: "bill maher
Luke Campbell: oh, just about 24,000 manuscripts that you can check out to see if they did
Luke Campbell: i have 9 minutes
ferdinnnann: so 24000 manuscripts match perfectly?
ferdinnnann: written by different people at different times?
ferdinnnann: without prior knowledge of the other manuscripts?
ferdinnnann: i mean yeah cause dates and words certainly cant be changed
Luke Campbell: there is 24,970
ferdinnnann: ok theres the first question answered
Luke Campbell: of the new testament alone
ferdinnnann: so 24970 copies of the new testament?
Luke Campbell: manuscripts
Luke Campbell: of the Greek there is 307 Uncial
Luke Campbell: 2,860 of the Minuscule
Luke Campbell: 2,410 of the Lectionaries
ferdinnnann: so now youre claiming the greeks are christians?
ferdinnnann: were*
Luke Campbell: and 109 of the Papyri
Luke Campbell: it was written in Greek
ferdinnnann: so people cant write things in greek
ferdinnnann: say
ferdinnnann: today?
ferdinnnann: and papyri cant be recreated or mistranslated?
Luke Campbell: the only thing that comes close to the New Testament in ancient books is Homers Iliad
Luke Campbell: and the 1st complete copy of the Iliad dates to the 13th century
ferdinnnann: so homer was a christian
Luke Campbell: no
Luke Campbell: im talking about comparing historical books
ferdinnnann: so christians took their books from a basis of homers?
Luke Campbell: no historian doubts that the Iliad is authentic copy
ferdinnnann: youre saying in all the world not one historian doubts it
ferdinnnann: ?
Luke Campbell: the Iliad is the only other writing that comes close to the shear number of copies of the New Testament
ferdinnnann: yes youre right by darnit
ferdinnnann: im gonna worship homer from now on
Luke Campbell: (i don't know that for sure, so i dont know of an historian that doubts we have Homers Iliad)
ferdinnnann: but you dont know
ferdinnnann: therefore you spoke an untruth
ferdinnnann: posed certainty where there is none
Luke Campbell: i made an absolute statement
ferdinnnann: making you a liar
ferdinnnann: L
ferdinnnann: I
ferdinnnann: A
ferdinnnann: R
ferdinnnann: liar
ferdinnnann: you shouldnt lie
Luke Campbell: which i can't make unless i have all knowledge
Luke Campbell: which i dont have
ferdinnnann: "lies make baby jesus cry" rod flanders, the simpsons
ferdinnnann: which makes it untrue
ferdinnnann: which makes it a lie
Luke Campbell: im sorry, i was exaggerating a bit
Luke Campbell: but i do not know of an historian who doubts it
Luke Campbell: i gotta go
ferdinnnann: just for confirmation
Luke Campbell: but it's not like u were listening to me anyway
ferdinnnann: cwazy christian youre never going to change my mind until you have absolute proof
ferdinnnann: i listened to you
Luke Campbell: u mocked me
ferdinnnann: but you just have no solid points
ferdinnnann: and yes i did
ferdinnnann: because youre trying to convince me with coincidences
ferdinnnann: about books
ferdinnnann: and circumstances
ferdinnnann: written by men
Luke Campbell: Read this and answer me two questions:
Luke Campbell: 1. Who is the Servant this passage is talking about?
Luke Campbell: 2. What did this Servant do?
ferdinnnann: were discussing god cause you brought him up
ferdinnnann: and as far as im concerned he dont even exist
ferdinnnann: theres your questions answered
ferdinnnann: i bid you a good day
Luke Campbell: (I am typing different so you dont have trouble reading)
ferdinnnann: i can read fine
ferdinnnann: your font is quite large
Luke Campbell: hold on...
ferdinnnann: should i type bigger?
ferdinnnann: can you read this?
Luke Campbell: haha yes
Luke Campbell: i just picked something random
Luke Campbell: Isa 52:13 Behold, my servant shall deal prudently, he shall be exalted and extolled, and be very high.
Isa 52:14 As many were astonied at thee; his visage was so marred more than any man, and his form more than the sons of men:
Isa 52:15 So shall he sprinkle many nations; the kings shall shut their mouths at him: for that which had not been told them shall they see; and that which they had not heard shall they consider.
ferdinnnann: ok so were quoting the bible now
Luke Campbell: Isa 53:1 Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the LORD revealed?
Isa 53:2 For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.
Isa 53:3 He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
Isa 53:4 Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.
Isa 53:5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
Luke Campbell: Isa 53:6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.
Isa 53:7 He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth.
Isa 53:8 He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation? for he was cut off out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was he stricken.

Luke Campbell: Isa 53:9 And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth.
Isa 53:10 Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand.
Isa 53:11 He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied: by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities.
Luke Campbell: Isa 53:12 Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong; because he hath poured out his soul unto death: and he was numbered with the transgressors; and he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.
ferdinnnann: ok i have no desire to read the bible
ferdinnnann: or passages from it
Luke Campbell: (remember the two questions: who is the Servant? and what did He do?)
ferdinnnann: i liked my answers better
ferdinnnann: they dint take up 50 pages
Luke Campbell: your claiming it is wrong and you wont even read it?
ferdinnnann: ive read it before
ferdinnnann: i dont need to read it again
Luke Campbell: it's just 15 verses
ferdinnnann: you have a brain
ferdinnnann: im guessing
ferdinnnann: you can put into your own words instead of spouting anothers
Luke Campbell: you wanted proof of the Bible being God's word
ferdinnnann: so it says its gods word?
Luke Campbell: read it and answer the questions
ferdinnnann: *resists the urge to mock*
ferdinnnann: but reading it is sickening
ferdinnnann: im allergic to bullshit
Luke Campbell: satan hates God's word too, i took more time because you said u were listening to me but once again, i dont believe u are
ferdinnnann: i listened
ferdinnnann: you just arent saying anything i havnt heard before
Luke Campbell: then it should be easy to answer the questions
Luke Campbell: who is the Servant and what did He do?
Luke Campbell: ... i have 5 minutes
ferdinnnann: i thought you had 9 minutes a half hour ago
Luke Campbell: that was 20 minutes and like i said i took more time because u said u were listening
ferdinnnann: im listening but that doesnt alter the fact that nothing you say is going to convince me
ferdinnnann: just like i doubt anything i say will convince you
ferdinnnann: does that mean youre not listening?
Luke Campbell: well if there was anything i wish i could convince you of is that u are a sinner
Luke Campbell: u are going to face God on judgment day
ferdinnnann: and ill spit in his face
ferdinnnann: even if youre right
ferdinnnann: id rather go to torture than worship a hippocryte
Luke Campbell: He is going to judge u so thoroughly that every idle word you speak will be held into account
ferdinnnann: is swearing a sin?
ferdinnnann: if so that could take a while
ferdinnnann: masterbation too
ferdinnnann: damn i could be sitting there for a year or more
Luke Campbell: every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that JESUS CHRIST is LORD
ferdinnnann: not this tongue
ferdinnnann: not these knees
Luke Campbell: to the glory of God the Father
ferdinnnann: but i will bow all but two fingers to your lord
Luke Campbell: some will bow out of reverence and some will bow because their knees are crushed by Him Who judges the nations with a rod of iron
ferdinnnann: let his iron rod come
Luke Campbell: i fear two things: God and people who are not afraid of God
ferdinnnann: i wont bow
ferdinnnann: even if god was real
ferdinnnann: i would rather be crushed by his giant rod that worship him
Luke Campbell: i wish u could see Him
ferdinnnann: and i wish you could see the truth
ferdinnnann: but right now it dont look like either is going to happen
Luke Campbell: weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth will be your just reward and u dont have to go there
ferdinnnann: let gods monstrous form try
Luke Campbell: Jesus said, I am the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE, no man cometh unto the Father but by Me
ferdinnnann: yeah and plenty of people said that thousands of years before him
Luke Campbell is typing a message.
Luke Campbell: i gotta go, God bless you
ferdinnnann: satan bless you and let you see the truth someday
<dir> "Luke Campbell: well if there was anything i wish i could convince you of is that u are a sinner[/B] Luke Campbell: u are going to face God on judgment day[/B] ferdinnnann: and ill spit in his face[/B] ferdinnnann: even if youre right"[/B]   <dir>  "ferdinnnann: is swearing a sin?[/B] ferdinnnann: if so that could take a while[/B] ferdinnnann: masterbation too"[/B]</dir>   you are my hero, you really are. this fully made my day...well it made it better lol. have not laughed this hard for a while. well played my friend.   hail satan!</dir>
Need mail bonding? Bring all your contacts to Yahoo!Xtra with TrueSwitch
<td val[/IMG]That's why [/IMG]Tue Aug 11, 2009 9:40 pm (PDT)

this is a lil long, sorry but this is my recent argument with a christian i met in yahoo chat rooms. i just thought it was funny.
Your effort was valiant, but this is as good an opportunity as any to point out that I think efforts to confront xians may be handled better without use of harsh and condescending language. I've seen atheists do it, and it comes off like children fighting. Unfortunately, it may not be possible to confront most of them without dropping to their level, though. I'd love to see an argument like this made where our side comes off better; to have something that you could show to atheists and xians who aren't impervious to logic and make it apparent that xians don't have a shred of logic in their arguments. But, if bash-tactics work for you, then keep it up. Hopefully the truth gets through.

Hail Satan
<td val[/IMG]thank you for the kind words brother

--- On Wed, 8/12/09, David De Jager <shadow.slade@... wrote:
From: David De Jager <shadow.slade@...
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] cwazy christian argument
To: [email protected]
Date: Wednesday, August 12, 2009, 6:04 AM

  <dir> "Luke Campbell: well if there was anything i wish i could convince you of is that u are a sinner[/B] Luke Campbell: u are going to face God on judgment day[/B] ferdinnnann: and ill spit in his face[/B] ferdinnnann: even if youre right"[/B]   <dir>  "ferdinnnann: is swearing a sin?[/B] ferdinnnann: if so that could take a while[/B] ferdinnnann: masterbation too"[/B]</dir>   you are my hero, you really are. this fully made my day...well it made it better lol. have not laughed this hard for a while. well played my friend.   hail satan!</dir>
Need mail bonding? Bring all your contacts to Yahoo!Xtra with TrueSwitch
Very interesting.

this is a lil long, sorry but this is my recent argument with a christian i met in yahoo chat rooms. i just thought it was funny.

ferdinnnann: hiyo
Luke Campbell: hello
Luke Campbell: how are u?
ferdinnnann: mi great
ferdinnnann: im*
ferdinnnann: u?
Luke Campbell: better than i deserve
Luke Campbell: God is good
ferdinnnann: in your opinion
Luke Campbell: haven't talked to u in awhile
ferdinnnann: havnt seen you on in a while
Luke Campbell: i've been on, i come on invisible a lot
Luke Campbell: just cause i want to log in and check my mail
Luke Campbell: it's easier going through yahoo
Luke Campbell: what is your opinion of "good"?
ferdinnnann: positive in relation to the self?
ferdinnnann: i dont spend most my time thinking about the definition of good
Luke Campbell: its good to think about haha
ferdinnnann: there are things which require thought more urgently at times
Luke Campbell: well, goodness is the only way you will see God in live, if u have it
Luke Campbell: (goodness)
Luke Campbell: (see God and live)
ferdinnnann: so youre saying all god does is good?
Luke Campbell: yes
Luke Campbell: all of His judgments are righteous and true altogether
ferdinnnann: maybe for your opinion of what good is for your god
ferdinnnann: if god was judged as one of those who he judges he would not be considered so "good"
Luke Campbell: how so?
ferdinnnann: how many people has he killed who were no imediate threat to himself?
Luke Campbell: you have made a judgment that it is only justifiable to kill people who are a threat to yourself
ferdinnnann: i mean hitler believed he was wiping out jews for the greater good
ferdinnnann: does that make him righteous?
Luke Campbell: God kills people because of sin
ferdinnnann: and sin is?
ferdinnnann: define sin
Luke Campbell: the oppisite of good, it is a chink or void in that which is good, the word sin means to miss the mark, it is summed up in the commandments though
Luke Campbell: have u ever lied?
ferdinnnann: so sin is going against gods will basically?
Luke Campbell: yes, it is going against His commandments
ferdinnnann: so god kills because people go against what he wants
ferdinnnann: now if any human was held up to that standard what would happen to him?
ferdinnnann: if we start killing people cause they dont do what we want are we considered evil?
ferdinnnann: when were just being godlike
Luke Campbell: it doesn't matter what we want, God made us, and it only matters what He wants
ferdinnnann: here we go
ferdinnnann: back to my original point
ferdinnnann: you hold god up on a pedastal
ferdinnnann: he can do no wrong
ferdinnnann: you have no room to judge one if you cant judge another
Luke Campbell: right now we are in an age where there is a period of grace before judgment
ferdinnnann: you have no perspective of what is right and wrong if you refuse to see wrong in one place
ferdinnnann: killing someone because they dont do what you want is not ok, even for your god
Luke Campbell: God has given Israel the right to judge according to His commandments, no one else
Luke Campbell: God is the ultimate Judge
ferdinnnann: if a father kills his son cause he doesnt do what he wants is he ok?
ferdinnnann: or a father and a mother kill their child
ferdinnnann: does that make it right?
ferdinnnann: they created them
ferdinnnann: should their will govern their childs life?
ferdinnnann: assuming were going by your religion
ferdinnnann: he created us
ferdinnnann: gave us the ability to choose to follow him or not
ferdinnnann: and kills us when we dont
ferdinnnann: your god is a bully and a god of fear
Luke Campbell: you have to make a just judgment, children do not know any better, if your child grew up and started killing people then you (or the governemt) will have to decide on how to punish your child
ferdinnnann: so should god be punished as well
Luke Campbell: your child will not be a child any more so he cant be judged by the same standards of a child
ferdinnnann: and your god is considered above all man so he should be held up to a higher standard
Luke Campbell: should a judge be punished for sentencing a murderer to jail?
ferdinnnann: no
ferdinnnann: but a judge has to be fair
ferdinnnann: a judge cant put someone in jail just because they dont do what he wants
ferdinnnann: and if they try to they go to jail themselves
ferdinnnann: i think we should give god a big ol "time out"
Luke Campbell: Ok, the judge puts someone in jail for murder
Luke Campbell: now, who says murder is wrong?
ferdinnnann: the person who got murdered?
Luke Campbell: is it this judge or is it society?
ferdinnnann: or both hopefully
ferdinnnann: cause if the judge thinks murder is ok he has no business being a judge
ferdinnnann: your god is as a child peering over ants with a magnifying glass
Luke Campbell: but where did their definition of murder being wrong from?
Luke Campbell: being wrong come from?
ferdinnnann: for some higher reason if the child doesnt like an ant he rains down fiery wrath
ferdinnnann: and i believe it was when people who loved eachother thought hmm
ferdinnnann: this guy killed my loved one
ferdinnnann: im pissed
ferdinnnann: this isnt a good thing
Luke Campbell: so it is good to judge someone who murders?
ferdinnnann: im saying
Luke Campbell: u better say it is good
Luke Campbell: haha
ferdinnnann: you have no business judging if you are not held up to the same standards
Luke Campbell: u just said that a judge has every right to sentence a murderer
ferdinnnann: and thankfully, going against "gods will" is not a criminal offense
ferdinnnann: the judge is held under the same laws as everyone else
ferdinnnann: if a judge kills someone does he get preferential treatment?
Luke Campbell: would we say, "Whoa judge, hold on now, you can't judge him, you need to be held to the same standard"
ferdinnnann: a judge is under the same laws as he is
Luke Campbell: exactly
ferdinnnann: your god has no laws for himself
ferdinnnann: no ten i will not dos
Luke Campbell: if God has a moral law that He gives and expects no man to go against it, then He Himself will never go against it
ferdinnnann: the closest thing in the bible to a law for god is the rainbow
ferdinnnann: that was after he wiped out nearly the whole population on earth
Luke Campbell: when has God lied? when has God murdered? (killing and murder are two different things)
ferdinnnann: what did all those lil animals do to deserve to die?
ferdinnnann: whats the dif between murder and killing?
Luke Campbell: the difference is hatred in the heart
ferdinnnann: if were all below god i guess he must consider all us as we do insects
ferdinnnann: so it would just be extermination for him
ferdinnnann: and god seems to hate quite a lot
Luke Campbell: a police officer can kill someone trying to kill you without hate in his heart, because he is doing a good thing
ferdinnnann: ya
ferdinnnann: while god can wipe out nearly everyone on earth for no good reason
Luke Campbell: i have to go soon, but here is the biggest picture (i believe) u must absolutely get:
Luke Campbell: have u ever lied before?
ferdinnnann: yes
ferdinnnann: have you?
Luke Campbell: what do u call someone who has told a lie?
ferdinnnann: normal?
Luke Campbell: (i have broken all of the commandments)
Luke Campbell: no, it starts with an "l"
ferdinnnann: liberal?
ferdinnnann: and there is no way to know if god has ever lied or not
Luke Campbell: any politician, but seriously
Luke Campbell: it rymes with fiar
ferdinnnann: hmm
Luke Campbell: (fire)
ferdinnnann: a fire?
ferdinnnann: i wouldnt calls omeone a fire
Luke Campbell: no it rymes with fire
ferdinnnann: lyre
ferdinnnann: musical instrument
Luke Campbell: liar
Luke Campbell: close
ferdinnnann: you spelled it wrong
Luke Campbell: not the musical intrument
ferdinnnann: thats someone who tells untruths consistently
ferdinnnann: my original point is
Luke Campbell: how many people do you have to kill before u are a murderer?
ferdinnnann: 1
ferdinnnann: how many has god killed?
ferdinnnann: god is a murderer by current standards
ferdinnnann: killing someone because they go against your will is not justified
Luke Campbell: killing and murder is different
Luke Campbell: the Bible says the soul that sins, it shall die
Luke Campbell: but back on topic please
ferdinnnann: the bible says a lot of things
Luke Campbell: so how many lies do u have to tell before u are a liar?
Luke Campbell: 10 and a bell goes off?
ferdinnnann: nope
ferdinnnann: its not a number of lies
ferdinnnann: what makes you a liar is the habit of lying in the past and intending to lie in the future
Luke Campbell: if i told u one lie what could u reasonably call me?
Luke Campbell: so have u lied in the past?
ferdinnnann: an asshole?
ferdinnnann: yes i have lied in the past
ferdinnnann: i intend not to lie in the future unless need be
ferdinnnann: but hey thats ok in my religion
ferdinnnann: to lie to save your ass
ferdinnnann: instead of yours
Luke Campbell: u have exhibited someone who lies, u have that propensity
Luke Campbell: if u have lied even once it makes u a liar
ferdinnnann: in your opinion
ferdinnnann: which is but a hair in my perspective
Luke Campbell: my opinion does not matter
ferdinnnann: easily brushed off
ferdinnnann: and no it doesnt
Luke Campbell: i am just trying to tell u the truth man
ferdinnnann: neither does that of a bunch of guys who got together and wrote a book
Luke Campbell: your gonna die one day
ferdinnnann: so will you
ferdinnnann: then we will know whos right
ferdinnnann: well you will
ferdinnnann: i already do
Luke Campbell: There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. (Proverbs 16:25)
ferdinnnann: there is a book written by men, which is quoted a lot to those who dont even respect it(the bible)
Luke Campbell: the Bible is God's Word
Luke Campbell: if u can prove that statement wrong, there are millions of people who would like to see
ferdinnnann: lets see you prove it right
ferdinnnann: ill try right now
ferdinnnann: GOD
ferdinnnann: ...
ferdinnnann: *looks from side to side
ferdinnnann: *
ferdinnnann: *looks up*
ferdinnnann: idk im pretty sure im still alive
ferdinnnann: *pinches self*
Luke Campbell: since i am considered His messenger according to His word, let me try to instruct you one something
ferdinnnann: why would i do that?
ferdinnnann: to tell the truth i dint even wanna get into a religious discussion today
Luke Campbell: God is God, which means He doesn't have to listen to me or you or anybody
ferdinnnann: i said the whole jesus man playfully
ferdinnnann: so he can ignore us
ferdinnnann: but we cant ignore him
ferdinnnann: or we die
Luke Campbell: He can, but He will answer you one day
ferdinnnann: ah
Luke Campbell: you will be struck dead, just not when you asked for it
ferdinnnann: now i will call on the rain god to bring rain
ferdinnnann: but not right now
ferdinnnann: later
ferdinnnann: it will rain
ferdinnnann: you can bet on that
ferdinnnann: OH GREAT GOD OF RAIN
ferdinnnann: but ignore me until circumstances fit and ill claim you did it
Luke Campbell: what would i have to show you to prove to you that the Bible is God's Word?
Luke Campbell: what proof would u need?
Luke Campbell: fulfilled prophecy? perfect historical accuracy? complete unity over 1600 years by over 40 different authors?
ferdinnnann: i think for an all powerful god having a giant cross suddenly appear on the top opf my house
ferdinnnann: shouldnt be too hard
ferdinnnann: complete unity?
ferdinnnann: whats to say towards the end of those 1600 years the christians didnt decide hey lets make these fit
ferdinnnann: wheres this perfect historical accuracy
ferdinnnann: ?
ferdinnnann: whats it going to take for yout o see that your god is a crock of shit and that faith is a bad thing?
ferdinnnann: faith is making a virtue out of not thinking
ferdinnnann: "bill maher
Luke Campbell: oh, just about 24,000 manuscripts that you can check out to see if they did
Luke Campbell: i have 9 minutes
ferdinnnann: so 24000 manuscripts match perfectly?
ferdinnnann: written by different people at different times?
ferdinnnann: without prior knowledge of the other manuscripts?
ferdinnnann: i mean yeah cause dates and words certainly cant be changed
Luke Campbell: there is 24,970
ferdinnnann: ok theres the first question answered
Luke Campbell: of the new testament alone
ferdinnnann: so 24970 copies of the new testament?
Luke Campbell: manuscripts
Luke Campbell: of the Greek there is 307 Uncial
Luke Campbell: 2,860 of the Minuscule
Luke Campbell: 2,410 of the Lectionaries
ferdinnnann: so now youre claiming the greeks are christians?
ferdinnnann: were*
Luke Campbell: and 109 of the Papyri
Luke Campbell: it was written in Greek
ferdinnnann: so people cant write things in greek
ferdinnnann: say
ferdinnnann: today?
ferdinnnann: and papyri cant be recreated or mistranslated?
Luke Campbell: the only thing that comes close to the New Testament in ancient books is Homers Iliad
Luke Campbell: and the 1st complete copy of the Iliad dates to the 13th century
ferdinnnann: so homer was a christian
Luke Campbell: no
Luke Campbell: im talking about comparing historical books
ferdinnnann: so christians took their books from a basis of homers?
Luke Campbell: no historian doubts that the Iliad is authentic copy
ferdinnnann: youre saying in all the world not one historian doubts it
ferdinnnann: ?
Luke Campbell: the Iliad is the only other writing that comes close to the shear number of copies of the New Testament
ferdinnnann: yes youre right by darnit
ferdinnnann: im gonna worship homer from now on
Luke Campbell: (i don't know that for sure, so i dont know of an historian that doubts we have Homers Iliad)
ferdinnnann: but you dont know
ferdinnnann: therefore you spoke an untruth
ferdinnnann: posed certainty where there is none
Luke Campbell: i made an absolute statement
ferdinnnann: making you a liar
ferdinnnann: L
ferdinnnann: I
ferdinnnann: A
ferdinnnann: R
ferdinnnann: liar
ferdinnnann: you shouldnt lie
Luke Campbell: which i can't make unless i have all knowledge
Luke Campbell: which i dont have
ferdinnnann: "lies make baby jesus cry" rod flanders, the simpsons
ferdinnnann: which makes it untrue
ferdinnnann: which makes it a lie
Luke Campbell: im sorry, i was exaggerating a bit
Luke Campbell: but i do not know of an historian who doubts it
Luke Campbell: i gotta go
ferdinnnann: just for confirmation
Luke Campbell: but it's not like u were listening to me anyway
ferdinnnann: cwazy christian youre never going to change my mind until you have absolute proof
ferdinnnann: i listened to you
Luke Campbell: u mocked me
ferdinnnann: but you just have no solid points
ferdinnnann: and yes i did
ferdinnnann: because youre trying to convince me with coincidences
ferdinnnann: about books
ferdinnnann: and circumstances
ferdinnnann: written by men
Luke Campbell: Read this and answer me two questions:
Luke Campbell: 1. Who is the Servant this passage is talking about?
Luke Campbell: 2. What did this Servant do?
ferdinnnann: were discussing god cause you brought him up
ferdinnnann: and as far as im concerned he dont even exist
ferdinnnann: theres your questions answered
ferdinnnann: i bid you a good day
Luke Campbell: (I am typing different so you dont have trouble reading)
ferdinnnann: i can read fine
ferdinnnann: your font is quite large
Luke Campbell: hold on...
ferdinnnann: should i type bigger?
ferdinnnann: can you read this?
Luke Campbell: haha yes
Luke Campbell: i just picked something random
Luke Campbell: Isa 52:13 Behold, my servant shall deal prudently, he shall be exalted and extolled, and be very high.
Isa 52:14 As many were astonied at thee; his visage was so marred more than any man, and his form more than the sons of men:
Isa 52:15 So shall he sprinkle many nations; the kings shall shut their mouths at him: for that which had not been told them shall they see; and that which they had not heard shall they consider.
ferdinnnann: ok so were quoting the bible now
Luke Campbell: Isa 53:1 Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the LORD revealed?
Isa 53:2 For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.
Isa 53:3 He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
Isa 53:4 Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.
Isa 53:5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
Luke Campbell: Isa 53:6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.
Isa 53:7 He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth.
Isa 53:8 He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation? for he was cut off out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was he stricken.

Luke Campbell: Isa 53:9 And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth.
Isa 53:10 Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand.
Isa 53:11 He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied: by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities.
Luke Campbell: Isa 53:12 Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong; because he hath poured out his soul unto death: and he was numbered with the transgressors; and he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.
ferdinnnann: ok i have no desire to read the bible
ferdinnnann: or passages from it
Luke Campbell: (remember the two questions: who is the Servant? and what did He do?)
ferdinnnann: i liked my answers better
ferdinnnann: they dint take up 50 pages
Luke Campbell: your claiming it is wrong and you wont even read it?
ferdinnnann: ive read it before
ferdinnnann: i dont need to read it again
Luke Campbell: it's just 15 verses
ferdinnnann: you have a brain
ferdinnnann: im guessing
ferdinnnann: you can put into your own words instead of spouting anothers
Luke Campbell: you wanted proof of the Bible being God's word
ferdinnnann: so it says its gods word?
Luke Campbell: read it and answer the questions
ferdinnnann: *resists the urge to mock*
ferdinnnann: but reading it is sickening
ferdinnnann: im allergic to bullshit
Luke Campbell: satan hates God's word too, i took more time because you said u were listening to me but once again, i dont believe u are
ferdinnnann: i listened
ferdinnnann: you just arent saying anything i havnt heard before
Luke Campbell: then it should be easy to answer the questions
Luke Campbell: who is the Servant and what did He do?
Luke Campbell: ... i have 5 minutes
ferdinnnann: i thought you had 9 minutes a half hour ago
Luke Campbell: that was 20 minutes and like i said i took more time because u said u were listening
ferdinnnann: im listening but that doesnt alter the fact that nothing you say is going to convince me
ferdinnnann: just like i doubt anything i say will convince you
ferdinnnann: does that mean youre not listening?
Luke Campbell: well if there was anything i wish i could convince you of is that u are a sinner
Luke Campbell: u are going to face God on judgment day
ferdinnnann: and ill spit in his face
ferdinnnann: even if youre right
ferdinnnann: id rather go to torture than worship a hippocryte
Luke Campbell: He is going to judge u so thoroughly that every idle word you speak will be held into account
ferdinnnann: is swearing a sin?
ferdinnnann: if so that could take a while
ferdinnnann: masterbation too
ferdinnnann: damn i could be sitting there for a year or more
Luke Campbell: every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that JESUS CHRIST is LORD
ferdinnnann: not this tongue
ferdinnnann: not these knees
Luke Campbell: to the glory of God the Father
ferdinnnann: but i will bow all but two fingers to your lord
Luke Campbell: some will bow out of reverence and some will bow because their knees are crushed by Him Who judges the nations with a rod of iron
ferdinnnann: let his iron rod come
Luke Campbell: i fear two things: God and people who are not afraid of God
ferdinnnann: i wont bow
ferdinnnann: even if god was real
ferdinnnann: i would rather be crushed by his giant rod that worship him
Luke Campbell: i wish u could see Him
ferdinnnann: and i wish you could see the truth
ferdinnnann: but right now it dont look like either is going to happen
Luke Campbell: weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth will be your just reward and u dont have to go there
ferdinnnann: let gods monstrous form try
Luke Campbell: Jesus said, I am the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE, no man cometh unto the Father but by Me
ferdinnnann: yeah and plenty of people said that thousands of years before him
Luke Campbell is typing a message.
Luke Campbell: i gotta go, God bless you
ferdinnnann: satan bless you and let you see the truth someday
<td val[/IMG]thank you for the compliments brother, im sure a lot of the people here would have handled it the same way

--- On Wed, 8/12/09, adamalkemis <adamalkemis@... wrote:
From: adamalkemis <adamalkemis@...
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: cwazy christian argument
To: [email protected]
Date: Wednesday, August 12, 2009, 5:34 AM

  Handled with the wit, booksmart, streetsmart and intelligence of a true satanist!
My praises and compliments, friend :D

Hail Satan, and the gods of old!

This is great! I didn't read the whole thing, but I've heard that "have you ever told a lie" line soo fucking much. I love the way you dealt with it. I'll have to come back and read this whole thing, you got quite a bit up there.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "keith" <regularromeo_91@... wrote:

this is a lil long, sorry but this is my recent argument with a christian i met in yahoo chat rooms. i just thought it was funny.

ferdinnnann: hiyo
Luke Campbell: hello
Luke Campbell: how are u?
ferdinnnann: mi great
ferdinnnann: im*
ferdinnnann: u?
Luke Campbell: better than i deserve
Luke Campbell: God is good
ferdinnnann: in your opinion
Luke Campbell: haven't talked to u in awhile
ferdinnnann: havnt seen you on in a while
Luke Campbell: i've been on, i come on invisible a lot
Luke Campbell: just cause i want to log in and check my mail
Luke Campbell: it's easier going through yahoo
Luke Campbell: what is your opinion of "good"?
ferdinnnann: positive in relation to the self?
ferdinnnann: i dont spend most my time thinking about the definition of good
Luke Campbell: its good to think about haha
ferdinnnann: there are things which require thought more urgently at times
Luke Campbell: well, goodness is the only way you will see God in live, if u have it
Luke Campbell: (goodness)
Luke Campbell: (see God and live)
ferdinnnann: so youre saying all god does is good?
Luke Campbell: yes
Luke Campbell: all of His judgments are righteous and true altogether
ferdinnnann: maybe for your opinion of what good is for your god
ferdinnnann: if god was judged as one of those who he judges he would not be considered so "good"
Luke Campbell: how so?
ferdinnnann: how many people has he killed who were no imediate threat to himself?
Luke Campbell: you have made a judgment that it is only justifiable to kill people who are a threat to yourself
ferdinnnann: i mean hitler believed he was wiping out jews for the greater good
ferdinnnann: does that make him righteous?
Luke Campbell: God kills people because of sin
ferdinnnann: and sin is?
ferdinnnann: define sin
Luke Campbell: the oppisite of good, it is a chink or void in that which is good, the word sin means to miss the mark, it is summed up in the commandments though
Luke Campbell: have u ever lied?
ferdinnnann: so sin is going against gods will basically?
Luke Campbell: yes, it is going against His commandments
ferdinnnann: so god kills because people go against what he wants
ferdinnnann: now if any human was held up to that standard what would happen to him?
ferdinnnann: if we start killing people cause they dont do what we want are we considered evil?
ferdinnnann: when were just being godlike
Luke Campbell: it doesn't matter what we want, God made us, and it only matters what He wants
ferdinnnann: here we go
ferdinnnann: back to my original point
ferdinnnann: you hold god up on a pedastal
ferdinnnann: he can do no wrong
ferdinnnann: you have no room to judge one if you cant judge another
Luke Campbell: right now we are in an age where there is a period of grace before judgment
ferdinnnann: you have no perspective of what is right and wrong if you refuse to see wrong in one place
ferdinnnann: killing someone because they dont do what you want is not ok, even for your god
Luke Campbell: God has given Israel the right to judge according to His commandments, no one else
Luke Campbell: God is the ultimate Judge
ferdinnnann: if a father kills his son cause he doesnt do what he wants is he ok?
ferdinnnann: or a father and a mother kill their child
ferdinnnann: does that make it right?
ferdinnnann: they created them
ferdinnnann: should their will govern their childs life?
ferdinnnann: assuming were going by your religion
ferdinnnann: he created us
ferdinnnann: gave us the ability to choose to follow him or not
ferdinnnann: and kills us when we dont
ferdinnnann: your god is a bully and a god of fear
Luke Campbell: you have to make a just judgment, children do not know any better, if your child grew up and started killing people then you (or the governemt) will have to decide on how to punish your child
ferdinnnann: so should god be punished as well
Luke Campbell: your child will not be a child any more so he cant be judged by the same standards of a child
ferdinnnann: and your god is considered above all man so he should be held up to a higher standard
Luke Campbell: should a judge be punished for sentencing a murderer to jail?
ferdinnnann: no
ferdinnnann: but a judge has to be fair
ferdinnnann: a judge cant put someone in jail just because they dont do what he wants
ferdinnnann: and if they try to they go to jail themselves
ferdinnnann: i think we should give god a big ol "time out"
Luke Campbell: Ok, the judge puts someone in jail for murder
Luke Campbell: now, who says murder is wrong?
ferdinnnann: the person who got murdered?
Luke Campbell: is it this judge or is it society?
ferdinnnann: or both hopefully
ferdinnnann: cause if the judge thinks murder is ok he has no business being a judge
ferdinnnann: your god is as a child peering over ants with a magnifying glass
Luke Campbell: but where did their definition of murder being wrong from?
Luke Campbell: being wrong come from?
ferdinnnann: for some higher reason if the child doesnt like an ant he rains down fiery wrath
ferdinnnann: and i believe it was when people who loved eachother thought hmm
ferdinnnann: this guy killed my loved one
ferdinnnann: im pissed
ferdinnnann: this isnt a good thing
Luke Campbell: so it is good to judge someone who murders?
ferdinnnann: im saying
Luke Campbell: u better say it is good
Luke Campbell: haha
ferdinnnann: you have no business judging if you are not held up to the same standards
Luke Campbell: u just said that a judge has every right to sentence a murderer
ferdinnnann: and thankfully, going against "gods will" is not a criminal offense
ferdinnnann: the judge is held under the same laws as everyone else
ferdinnnann: if a judge kills someone does he get preferential treatment?
Luke Campbell: would we say, "Whoa judge, hold on now, you can't judge him, you need to be held to the same standard"
ferdinnnann: a judge is under the same laws as he is
Luke Campbell: exactly
ferdinnnann: your god has no laws for himself
ferdinnnann: no ten i will not dos
Luke Campbell: if God has a moral law that He gives and expects no man to go against it, then He Himself will never go against it
ferdinnnann: the closest thing in the bible to a law for god is the rainbow
ferdinnnann: that was after he wiped out nearly the whole population on earth
Luke Campbell: when has God lied? when has God murdered? (killing and murder are two different things)
ferdinnnann: what did all those lil animals do to deserve to die?
ferdinnnann: whats the dif between murder and killing?
Luke Campbell: the difference is hatred in the heart
ferdinnnann: if were all below god i guess he must consider all us as we do insects
ferdinnnann: so it would just be extermination for him
ferdinnnann: and god seems to hate quite a lot
Luke Campbell: a police officer can kill someone trying to kill you without hate in his heart, because he is doing a good thing
ferdinnnann: ya
ferdinnnann: while god can wipe out nearly everyone on earth for no good reason
Luke Campbell: i have to go soon, but here is the biggest picture (i believe) u must absolutely get:
Luke Campbell: have u ever lied before?
ferdinnnann: yes
ferdinnnann: have you?
Luke Campbell: what do u call someone who has told a lie?
ferdinnnann: normal?
Luke Campbell: (i have broken all of the commandments)
Luke Campbell: no, it starts with an "l"
ferdinnnann: liberal?
ferdinnnann: and there is no way to know if god has ever lied or not
Luke Campbell: any politician, but seriously
Luke Campbell: it rymes with fiar
ferdinnnann: hmm
Luke Campbell: (fire)
ferdinnnann: a fire?
ferdinnnann: i wouldnt calls omeone a fire
Luke Campbell: no it rymes with fire
ferdinnnann: lyre
ferdinnnann: musical instrument
Luke Campbell: liar
Luke Campbell: close
ferdinnnann: you spelled it wrong
Luke Campbell: not the musical intrument
ferdinnnann: thats someone who tells untruths consistently
ferdinnnann: my original point is
Luke Campbell: how many people do you have to kill before u are a murderer?
ferdinnnann: 1
ferdinnnann: how many has god killed?
ferdinnnann: god is a murderer by current standards
ferdinnnann: killing someone because they go against your will is not justified
Luke Campbell: killing and murder is different
Luke Campbell: the Bible says the soul that sins, it shall die
Luke Campbell: but back on topic please
ferdinnnann: the bible says a lot of things
Luke Campbell: so how many lies do u have to tell before u are a liar?
Luke Campbell: 10 and a bell goes off?
ferdinnnann: nope
ferdinnnann: its not a number of lies
ferdinnnann: what makes you a liar is the habit of lying in the past and intending to lie in the future
Luke Campbell: if i told u one lie what could u reasonably call me?
Luke Campbell: so have u lied in the past?
ferdinnnann: an asshole?
ferdinnnann: yes i have lied in the past
ferdinnnann: i intend not to lie in the future unless need be
ferdinnnann: but hey thats ok in my religion
ferdinnnann: to lie to save your ass
ferdinnnann: instead of yours
Luke Campbell: u have exhibited someone who lies, u have that propensity
Luke Campbell: if u have lied even once it makes u a liar
ferdinnnann: in your opinion
ferdinnnann: which is but a hair in my perspective
Luke Campbell: my opinion does not matter
ferdinnnann: easily brushed off
ferdinnnann: and no it doesnt
Luke Campbell: i am just trying to tell u the truth man
ferdinnnann: neither does that of a bunch of guys who got together and wrote a book
Luke Campbell: your gonna die one day
ferdinnnann: so will you
ferdinnnann: then we will know whos right
ferdinnnann: well you will
ferdinnnann: i already do
Luke Campbell: There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. (Proverbs 16:25)
ferdinnnann: there is a book written by men, which is quoted a lot to those who dont even respect it(the bible)
Luke Campbell: the Bible is God's Word
Luke Campbell: if u can prove that statement wrong, there are millions of people who would like to see
ferdinnnann: lets see you prove it right
ferdinnnann: ill try right now
ferdinnnann: GOD
ferdinnnann: ...
ferdinnnann: *looks from side to side
ferdinnnann: *
ferdinnnann: *looks up*
ferdinnnann: idk im pretty sure im still alive
ferdinnnann: *pinches self*
Luke Campbell: since i am considered His messenger according to His word, let me try to instruct you one something
ferdinnnann: why would i do that?
ferdinnnann: to tell the truth i dint even wanna get into a religious discussion today
Luke Campbell: God is God, which means He doesn't have to listen to me or you or anybody
ferdinnnann: i said the whole jesus man playfully
ferdinnnann: so he can ignore us
ferdinnnann: but we cant ignore him
ferdinnnann: or we die
Luke Campbell: He can, but He will answer you one day
ferdinnnann: ah
Luke Campbell: you will be struck dead, just not when you asked for it
ferdinnnann: now i will call on the rain god to bring rain
ferdinnnann: but not right now
ferdinnnann: later
ferdinnnann: it will rain
ferdinnnann: you can bet on that
ferdinnnann: OH GREAT GOD OF RAIN
ferdinnnann: but ignore me until circumstances fit and ill claim you did it
Luke Campbell: what would i have to show you to prove to you that the Bible is God's Word?
Luke Campbell: what proof would u need?
Luke Campbell: fulfilled prophecy? perfect historical accuracy? complete unity over 1600 years by over 40 different authors?
ferdinnnann: i think for an all powerful god having a giant cross suddenly appear on the top opf my house
ferdinnnann: shouldnt be too hard
ferdinnnann: complete unity?
ferdinnnann: whats to say towards the end of those 1600 years the christians didnt decide hey lets make these fit
ferdinnnann: wheres this perfect historical accuracy
ferdinnnann: ?
ferdinnnann: whats it going to take for yout o see that your god is a crock of shit and that faith is a bad thing?
ferdinnnann: faith is making a virtue out of not thinking
ferdinnnann: "bill maher
Luke Campbell: oh, just about 24,000 manuscripts that you can check out to see if they did
Luke Campbell: i have 9 minutes
ferdinnnann: so 24000 manuscripts match perfectly?
ferdinnnann: written by different people at different times?
ferdinnnann: without prior knowledge of the other manuscripts?
ferdinnnann: i mean yeah cause dates and words certainly cant be changed
Luke Campbell: there is 24,970
ferdinnnann: ok theres the first question answered
Luke Campbell: of the new testament alone
ferdinnnann: so 24970 copies of the new testament?
Luke Campbell: manuscripts
Luke Campbell: of the Greek there is 307 Uncial
Luke Campbell: 2,860 of the Minuscule
Luke Campbell: 2,410 of the Lectionaries
ferdinnnann: so now youre claiming the greeks are christians?
ferdinnnann: were*
Luke Campbell: and 109 of the Papyri
Luke Campbell: it was written in Greek
ferdinnnann: so people cant write things in greek
ferdinnnann: say
ferdinnnann: today?
ferdinnnann: and papyri cant be recreated or mistranslated?
Luke Campbell: the only thing that comes close to the New Testament in ancient books is Homers Iliad
Luke Campbell: and the 1st complete copy of the Iliad dates to the 13th century
ferdinnnann: so homer was a christian
Luke Campbell: no
Luke Campbell: im talking about comparing historical books
ferdinnnann: so christians took their books from a basis of homers?
Luke Campbell: no historian doubts that the Iliad is authentic copy
ferdinnnann: youre saying in all the world not one historian doubts it
ferdinnnann: ?
Luke Campbell: the Iliad is the only other writing that comes close to the shear number of copies of the New Testament
ferdinnnann: yes youre right by darnit
ferdinnnann: im gonna worship homer from now on
Luke Campbell: (i don't know that for sure, so i dont know of an historian that doubts we have Homers Iliad)
ferdinnnann: but you dont know
ferdinnnann: therefore you spoke an untruth
ferdinnnann: posed certainty where there is none
Luke Campbell: i made an absolute statement
ferdinnnann: making you a liar
ferdinnnann: L
ferdinnnann: I
ferdinnnann: A
ferdinnnann: R
ferdinnnann: liar
ferdinnnann: you shouldnt lie
Luke Campbell: which i can't make unless i have all knowledge
Luke Campbell: which i dont have
ferdinnnann: "lies make baby jesus cry" rod flanders, the simpsons
ferdinnnann: which makes it untrue
ferdinnnann: which makes it a lie
Luke Campbell: im sorry, i was exaggerating a bit
Luke Campbell: but i do not know of an historian who doubts it
Luke Campbell: i gotta go
ferdinnnann: just for confirmation
Luke Campbell: but it's not like u were listening to me anyway
ferdinnnann: cwazy christian youre never going to change my mind until you have absolute proof
ferdinnnann: i listened to you
Luke Campbell: u mocked me
ferdinnnann: but you just have no solid points
ferdinnnann: and yes i did
ferdinnnann: because youre trying to convince me with coincidences
ferdinnnann: about books
ferdinnnann: and circumstances
ferdinnnann: written by men
Luke Campbell: Read this and answer me two questions:
Luke Campbell: 1. Who is the Servant this passage is talking about?
Luke Campbell: 2. What did this Servant do?
ferdinnnann: were discussing god cause you brought him up
ferdinnnann: and as far as im concerned he dont even exist
ferdinnnann: theres your questions answered
ferdinnnann: i bid you a good day
Luke Campbell: (I am typing different so you dont have trouble reading)
ferdinnnann: i can read fine
ferdinnnann: your font is quite large
Luke Campbell: hold on...
ferdinnnann: should i type bigger?
ferdinnnann: can you read this?
Luke Campbell: haha yes
Luke Campbell: i just picked something random
Luke Campbell: Isa 52:13 Behold, my servant shall deal prudently, he shall be exalted and extolled, and be very high.
Isa 52:14 As many were astonied at thee; his visage was so marred more than any man, and his form more than the sons of men:
Isa 52:15 So shall he sprinkle many nations; the kings shall shut their mouths at him: for that which had not been told them shall they see; and that which they had not heard shall they consider.
ferdinnnann: ok so were quoting the bible now
Luke Campbell: Isa 53:1 Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the LORD revealed?
Isa 53:2 For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.
Isa 53:3 He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
Isa 53:4 Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.
Isa 53:5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
Luke Campbell: Isa 53:6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.
Isa 53:7 He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth.
Isa 53:8 He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation? for he was cut off out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was he stricken.

Luke Campbell: Isa 53:9 And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth.
Isa 53:10 Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand.
Isa 53:11 He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied: by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities.
Luke Campbell: Isa 53:12 Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong; because he hath poured out his soul unto death: and he was numbered with the transgressors; and he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.
ferdinnnann: ok i have no desire to read the bible
ferdinnnann: or passages from it
Luke Campbell: (remember the two questions: who is the Servant? and what did He do?)
ferdinnnann: i liked my answers better
ferdinnnann: they dint take up 50 pages
Luke Campbell: your claiming it is wrong and you wont even read it?
ferdinnnann: ive read it before
ferdinnnann: i dont need to read it again
Luke Campbell: it's just 15 verses
ferdinnnann: you have a brain
ferdinnnann: im guessing
ferdinnnann: you can put into your own words instead of spouting anothers
Luke Campbell: you wanted proof of the Bible being God's word
ferdinnnann: so it says its gods word?
Luke Campbell: read it and answer the questions
ferdinnnann: *resists the urge to mock*
ferdinnnann: but reading it is sickening
ferdinnnann: im allergic to bullshit
Luke Campbell: satan hates God's word too, i took more time because you said u were listening to me but once again, i dont believe u are
ferdinnnann: i listened
ferdinnnann: you just arent saying anything i havnt heard before
Luke Campbell: then it should be easy to answer the questions
Luke Campbell: who is the Servant and what did He do?
Luke Campbell: ... i have 5 minutes
ferdinnnann: i thought you had 9 minutes a half hour ago
Luke Campbell: that was 20 minutes and like i said i took more time because u said u were listening
ferdinnnann: im listening but that doesnt alter the fact that nothing you say is going to convince me
ferdinnnann: just like i doubt anything i say will convince you
ferdinnnann: does that mean youre not listening?
Luke Campbell: well if there was anything i wish i could convince you of is that u are a sinner
Luke Campbell: u are going to face God on judgment day
ferdinnnann: and ill spit in his face
ferdinnnann: even if youre right
ferdinnnann: id rather go to torture than worship a hippocryte
Luke Campbell: He is going to judge u so thoroughly that every idle word you speak will be held into account
ferdinnnann: is swearing a sin?
ferdinnnann: if so that could take a while
ferdinnnann: masterbation too
ferdinnnann: damn i could be sitting there for a year or more
Luke Campbell: every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that JESUS CHRIST is LORD
ferdinnnann: not this tongue
ferdinnnann: not these knees
Luke Campbell: to the glory of God the Father
ferdinnnann: but i will bow all but two fingers to your lord
Luke Campbell: some will bow out of reverence and some will bow because their knees are crushed by Him Who judges the nations with a rod of iron
ferdinnnann: let his iron rod come
Luke Campbell: i fear two things: God and people who are not afraid of God
ferdinnnann: i wont bow
ferdinnnann: even if god was real
ferdinnnann: i would rather be crushed by his giant rod that worship him
Luke Campbell: i wish u could see Him
ferdinnnann: and i wish you could see the truth
ferdinnnann: but right now it dont look like either is going to happen
Luke Campbell: weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth will be your just reward and u dont have to go there
ferdinnnann: let gods monstrous form try
Luke Campbell: Jesus said, I am the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE, no man cometh unto the Father but by Me
ferdinnnann: yeah and plenty of people said that thousands of years before him
Luke Campbell is typing a message.
Luke Campbell: i gotta go, God bless you
ferdinnnann: satan bless you and let you see the truth someday
HAHAHA you handled it like a pro.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "keith" <regularromeo_91@... wrote:

this is a lil long, sorry but this is my recent argument with a christian i met in yahoo chat rooms. i just thought it was funny.

ferdinnnann: hiyo
Luke Campbell: hello
Luke Campbell: how are u?
ferdinnnann: mi great
ferdinnnann: im*
ferdinnnann: u?
Luke Campbell: better than i deserve
Luke Campbell: God is good
ferdinnnann: in your opinion
Luke Campbell: haven't talked to u in awhile
ferdinnnann: havnt seen you on in a while
Luke Campbell: i've been on, i come on invisible a lot
Luke Campbell: just cause i want to log in and check my mail
Luke Campbell: it's easier going through yahoo
Luke Campbell: what is your opinion of "good"?
ferdinnnann: positive in relation to the self?
ferdinnnann: i dont spend most my time thinking about the definition of good
Luke Campbell: its good to think about haha
ferdinnnann: there are things which require thought more urgently at times
Luke Campbell: well, goodness is the only way you will see God in live, if u have it
Luke Campbell: (goodness)
Luke Campbell: (see God and live)
ferdinnnann: so youre saying all god does is good?
Luke Campbell: yes
Luke Campbell: all of His judgments are righteous and true altogether
ferdinnnann: maybe for your opinion of what good is for your god
ferdinnnann: if god was judged as one of those who he judges he would not be considered so "good"
Luke Campbell: how so?
ferdinnnann: how many people has he killed who were no imediate threat to himself?
Luke Campbell: you have made a judgment that it is only justifiable to kill people who are a threat to yourself
ferdinnnann: i mean hitler believed he was wiping out jews for the greater good
ferdinnnann: does that make him righteous?
Luke Campbell: God kills people because of sin
ferdinnnann: and sin is?
ferdinnnann: define sin
Luke Campbell: the oppisite of good, it is a chink or void in that which is good, the word sin means to miss the mark, it is summed up in the commandments though
Luke Campbell: have u ever lied?
ferdinnnann: so sin is going against gods will basically?
Luke Campbell: yes, it is going against His commandments
ferdinnnann: so god kills because people go against what he wants
ferdinnnann: now if any human was held up to that standard what would happen to him?
ferdinnnann: if we start killing people cause they dont do what we want are we considered evil?
ferdinnnann: when were just being godlike
Luke Campbell: it doesn't matter what we want, God made us, and it only matters what He wants
ferdinnnann: here we go
ferdinnnann: back to my original point
ferdinnnann: you hold god up on a pedastal
ferdinnnann: he can do no wrong
ferdinnnann: you have no room to judge one if you cant judge another
Luke Campbell: right now we are in an age where there is a period of grace before judgment
ferdinnnann: you have no perspective of what is right and wrong if you refuse to see wrong in one place
ferdinnnann: killing someone because they dont do what you want is not ok, even for your god
Luke Campbell: God has given Israel the right to judge according to His commandments, no one else
Luke Campbell: God is the ultimate Judge
ferdinnnann: if a father kills his son cause he doesnt do what he wants is he ok?
ferdinnnann: or a father and a mother kill their child
ferdinnnann: does that make it right?
ferdinnnann: they created them
ferdinnnann: should their will govern their childs life?
ferdinnnann: assuming were going by your religion
ferdinnnann: he created us
ferdinnnann: gave us the ability to choose to follow him or not
ferdinnnann: and kills us when we dont
ferdinnnann: your god is a bully and a god of fear
Luke Campbell: you have to make a just judgment, children do not know any better, if your child grew up and started killing people then you (or the governemt) will have to decide on how to punish your child
ferdinnnann: so should god be punished as well
Luke Campbell: your child will not be a child any more so he cant be judged by the same standards of a child
ferdinnnann: and your god is considered above all man so he should be held up to a higher standard
Luke Campbell: should a judge be punished for sentencing a murderer to jail?
ferdinnnann: no
ferdinnnann: but a judge has to be fair
ferdinnnann: a judge cant put someone in jail just because they dont do what he wants
ferdinnnann: and if they try to they go to jail themselves
ferdinnnann: i think we should give god a big ol "time out"
Luke Campbell: Ok, the judge puts someone in jail for murder
Luke Campbell: now, who says murder is wrong?
ferdinnnann: the person who got murdered?
Luke Campbell: is it this judge or is it society?
ferdinnnann: or both hopefully
ferdinnnann: cause if the judge thinks murder is ok he has no business being a judge
ferdinnnann: your god is as a child peering over ants with a magnifying glass
Luke Campbell: but where did their definition of murder being wrong from?
Luke Campbell: being wrong come from?
ferdinnnann: for some higher reason if the child doesnt like an ant he rains down fiery wrath
ferdinnnann: and i believe it was when people who loved eachother thought hmm
ferdinnnann: this guy killed my loved one
ferdinnnann: im pissed
ferdinnnann: this isnt a good thing
Luke Campbell: so it is good to judge someone who murders?
ferdinnnann: im saying
Luke Campbell: u better say it is good
Luke Campbell: haha
ferdinnnann: you have no business judging if you are not held up to the same standards
Luke Campbell: u just said that a judge has every right to sentence a murderer
ferdinnnann: and thankfully, going against "gods will" is not a criminal offense
ferdinnnann: the judge is held under the same laws as everyone else
ferdinnnann: if a judge kills someone does he get preferential treatment?
Luke Campbell: would we say, "Whoa judge, hold on now, you can't judge him, you need to be held to the same standard"
ferdinnnann: a judge is under the same laws as he is
Luke Campbell: exactly
ferdinnnann: your god has no laws for himself
ferdinnnann: no ten i will not dos
Luke Campbell: if God has a moral law that He gives and expects no man to go against it, then He Himself will never go against it
ferdinnnann: the closest thing in the bible to a law for god is the rainbow
ferdinnnann: that was after he wiped out nearly the whole population on earth
Luke Campbell: when has God lied? when has God murdered? (killing and murder are two different things)
ferdinnnann: what did all those lil animals do to deserve to die?
ferdinnnann: whats the dif between murder and killing?
Luke Campbell: the difference is hatred in the heart
ferdinnnann: if were all below god i guess he must consider all us as we do insects
ferdinnnann: so it would just be extermination for him
ferdinnnann: and god seems to hate quite a lot
Luke Campbell: a police officer can kill someone trying to kill you without hate in his heart, because he is doing a good thing
ferdinnnann: ya
ferdinnnann: while god can wipe out nearly everyone on earth for no good reason
Luke Campbell: i have to go soon, but here is the biggest picture (i believe) u must absolutely get:
Luke Campbell: have u ever lied before?
ferdinnnann: yes
ferdinnnann: have you?
Luke Campbell: what do u call someone who has told a lie?
ferdinnnann: normal?
Luke Campbell: (i have broken all of the commandments)
Luke Campbell: no, it starts with an "l"
ferdinnnann: liberal?
ferdinnnann: and there is no way to know if god has ever lied or not
Luke Campbell: any politician, but seriously
Luke Campbell: it rymes with fiar
ferdinnnann: hmm
Luke Campbell: (fire)
ferdinnnann: a fire?
ferdinnnann: i wouldnt calls omeone a fire
Luke Campbell: no it rymes with fire
ferdinnnann: lyre
ferdinnnann: musical instrument
Luke Campbell: liar
Luke Campbell: close
ferdinnnann: you spelled it wrong
Luke Campbell: not the musical intrument
ferdinnnann: thats someone who tells untruths consistently
ferdinnnann: my original point is
Luke Campbell: how many people do you have to kill before u are a murderer?
ferdinnnann: 1
ferdinnnann: how many has god killed?
ferdinnnann: god is a murderer by current standards
ferdinnnann: killing someone because they go against your will is not justified
Luke Campbell: killing and murder is different
Luke Campbell: the Bible says the soul that sins, it shall die
Luke Campbell: but back on topic please
ferdinnnann: the bible says a lot of things
Luke Campbell: so how many lies do u have to tell before u are a liar?
Luke Campbell: 10 and a bell goes off?
ferdinnnann: nope
ferdinnnann: its not a number of lies
ferdinnnann: what makes you a liar is the habit of lying in the past and intending to lie in the future
Luke Campbell: if i told u one lie what could u reasonably call me?
Luke Campbell: so have u lied in the past?
ferdinnnann: an asshole?
ferdinnnann: yes i have lied in the past
ferdinnnann: i intend not to lie in the future unless need be
ferdinnnann: but hey thats ok in my religion
ferdinnnann: to lie to save your ass
ferdinnnann: instead of yours
Luke Campbell: u have exhibited someone who lies, u have that propensity
Luke Campbell: if u have lied even once it makes u a liar
ferdinnnann: in your opinion
ferdinnnann: which is but a hair in my perspective
Luke Campbell: my opinion does not matter
ferdinnnann: easily brushed off
ferdinnnann: and no it doesnt
Luke Campbell: i am just trying to tell u the truth man
ferdinnnann: neither does that of a bunch of guys who got together and wrote a book
Luke Campbell: your gonna die one day
ferdinnnann: so will you
ferdinnnann: then we will know whos right
ferdinnnann: well you will
ferdinnnann: i already do
Luke Campbell: There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. (Proverbs 16:25)
ferdinnnann: there is a book written by men, which is quoted a lot to those who dont even respect it(the bible)
Luke Campbell: the Bible is God's Word
Luke Campbell: if u can prove that statement wrong, there are millions of people who would like to see
ferdinnnann: lets see you prove it right
ferdinnnann: ill try right now
ferdinnnann: GOD
ferdinnnann: ...
ferdinnnann: *looks from side to side
ferdinnnann: *
ferdinnnann: *looks up*
ferdinnnann: idk im pretty sure im still alive
ferdinnnann: *pinches self*
Luke Campbell: since i am considered His messenger according to His word, let me try to instruct you one something
ferdinnnann: why would i do that?
ferdinnnann: to tell the truth i dint even wanna get into a religious discussion today
Luke Campbell: God is God, which means He doesn't have to listen to me or you or anybody
ferdinnnann: i said the whole jesus man playfully
ferdinnnann: so he can ignore us
ferdinnnann: but we cant ignore him
ferdinnnann: or we die
Luke Campbell: He can, but He will answer you one day
ferdinnnann: ah
Luke Campbell: you will be struck dead, just not when you asked for it
ferdinnnann: now i will call on the rain god to bring rain
ferdinnnann: but not right now
ferdinnnann: later
ferdinnnann: it will rain
ferdinnnann: you can bet on that
ferdinnnann: OH GREAT GOD OF RAIN
ferdinnnann: but ignore me until circumstances fit and ill claim you did it
Luke Campbell: what would i have to show you to prove to you that the Bible is God's Word?
Luke Campbell: what proof would u need?
Luke Campbell: fulfilled prophecy? perfect historical accuracy? complete unity over 1600 years by over 40 different authors?
ferdinnnann: i think for an all powerful god having a giant cross suddenly appear on the top opf my house
ferdinnnann: shouldnt be too hard
ferdinnnann: complete unity?
ferdinnnann: whats to say towards the end of those 1600 years the christians didnt decide hey lets make these fit
ferdinnnann: wheres this perfect historical accuracy
ferdinnnann: ?
ferdinnnann: whats it going to take for yout o see that your god is a crock of shit and that faith is a bad thing?
ferdinnnann: faith is making a virtue out of not thinking
ferdinnnann: "bill maher
Luke Campbell: oh, just about 24,000 manuscripts that you can check out to see if they did
Luke Campbell: i have 9 minutes
ferdinnnann: so 24000 manuscripts match perfectly?
ferdinnnann: written by different people at different times?
ferdinnnann: without prior knowledge of the other manuscripts?
ferdinnnann: i mean yeah cause dates and words certainly cant be changed
Luke Campbell: there is 24,970
ferdinnnann: ok theres the first question answered
Luke Campbell: of the new testament alone
ferdinnnann: so 24970 copies of the new testament?
Luke Campbell: manuscripts
Luke Campbell: of the Greek there is 307 Uncial
Luke Campbell: 2,860 of the Minuscule
Luke Campbell: 2,410 of the Lectionaries
ferdinnnann: so now youre claiming the greeks are christians?
ferdinnnann: were*
Luke Campbell: and 109 of the Papyri
Luke Campbell: it was written in Greek
ferdinnnann: so people cant write things in greek
ferdinnnann: say
ferdinnnann: today?
ferdinnnann: and papyri cant be recreated or mistranslated?
Luke Campbell: the only thing that comes close to the New Testament in ancient books is Homers Iliad
Luke Campbell: and the 1st complete copy of the Iliad dates to the 13th century
ferdinnnann: so homer was a christian
Luke Campbell: no
Luke Campbell: im talking about comparing historical books
ferdinnnann: so christians took their books from a basis of homers?
Luke Campbell: no historian doubts that the Iliad is authentic copy
ferdinnnann: youre saying in all the world not one historian doubts it
ferdinnnann: ?
Luke Campbell: the Iliad is the only other writing that comes close to the shear number of copies of the New Testament
ferdinnnann: yes youre right by darnit
ferdinnnann: im gonna worship homer from now on
Luke Campbell: (i don't know that for sure, so i dont know of an historian that doubts we have Homers Iliad)
ferdinnnann: but you dont know
ferdinnnann: therefore you spoke an untruth
ferdinnnann: posed certainty where there is none
Luke Campbell: i made an absolute statement
ferdinnnann: making you a liar
ferdinnnann: L
ferdinnnann: I
ferdinnnann: A
ferdinnnann: R
ferdinnnann: liar
ferdinnnann: you shouldnt lie
Luke Campbell: which i can't make unless i have all knowledge
Luke Campbell: which i dont have
ferdinnnann: "lies make baby jesus cry" rod flanders, the simpsons
ferdinnnann: which makes it untrue
ferdinnnann: which makes it a lie
Luke Campbell: im sorry, i was exaggerating a bit
Luke Campbell: but i do not know of an historian who doubts it
Luke Campbell: i gotta go
ferdinnnann: just for confirmation
Luke Campbell: but it's not like u were listening to me anyway
ferdinnnann: cwazy christian youre never going to change my mind until you have absolute proof
ferdinnnann: i listened to you
Luke Campbell: u mocked me
ferdinnnann: but you just have no solid points
ferdinnnann: and yes i did
ferdinnnann: because youre trying to convince me with coincidences
ferdinnnann: about books
ferdinnnann: and circumstances
ferdinnnann: written by men
Luke Campbell: Read this and answer me two questions:
Luke Campbell: 1. Who is the Servant this passage is talking about?
Luke Campbell: 2. What did this Servant do?
ferdinnnann: were discussing god cause you brought him up
ferdinnnann: and as far as im concerned he dont even exist
ferdinnnann: theres your questions answered
ferdinnnann: i bid you a good day
Luke Campbell: (I am typing different so you dont have trouble reading)
ferdinnnann: i can read fine
ferdinnnann: your font is quite large
Luke Campbell: hold on...
ferdinnnann: should i type bigger?
ferdinnnann: can you read this?
Luke Campbell: haha yes
Luke Campbell: i just picked something random
Luke Campbell: Isa 52:13 Behold, my servant shall deal prudently, he shall be exalted and extolled, and be very high.
Isa 52:14 As many were astonied at thee; his visage was so marred more than any man, and his form more than the sons of men:
Isa 52:15 So shall he sprinkle many nations; the kings shall shut their mouths at him: for that which had not been told them shall they see; and that which they had not heard shall they consider.
ferdinnnann: ok so were quoting the bible now
Luke Campbell: Isa 53:1 Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the LORD revealed?
Isa 53:2 For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.
Isa 53:3 He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
Isa 53:4 Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.
Isa 53:5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
Luke Campbell: Isa 53:6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.
Isa 53:7 He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth.
Isa 53:8 He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation? for he was cut off out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was he stricken.

Luke Campbell: Isa 53:9 And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth.
Isa 53:10 Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand.
Isa 53:11 He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied: by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities.
Luke Campbell: Isa 53:12 Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong; because he hath poured out his soul unto death: and he was numbered with the transgressors; and he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.
ferdinnnann: ok i have no desire to read the bible
ferdinnnann: or passages from it
Luke Campbell: (remember the two questions: who is the Servant? and what did He do?)
ferdinnnann: i liked my answers better
ferdinnnann: they dint take up 50 pages
Luke Campbell: your claiming it is wrong and you wont even read it?
ferdinnnann: ive read it before
ferdinnnann: i dont need to read it again
Luke Campbell: it's just 15 verses
ferdinnnann: you have a brain
ferdinnnann: im guessing
ferdinnnann: you can put into your own words instead of spouting anothers
Luke Campbell: you wanted proof of the Bible being God's word
ferdinnnann: so it says its gods word?
Luke Campbell: read it and answer the questions
ferdinnnann: *resists the urge to mock*
ferdinnnann: but reading it is sickening
ferdinnnann: im allergic to bullshit
Luke Campbell: satan hates God's word too, i took more time because you said u were listening to me but once again, i dont believe u are
ferdinnnann: i listened
ferdinnnann: you just arent saying anything i havnt heard before
Luke Campbell: then it should be easy to answer the questions
Luke Campbell: who is the Servant and what did He do?
Luke Campbell: ... i have 5 minutes
ferdinnnann: i thought you had 9 minutes a half hour ago
Luke Campbell: that was 20 minutes and like i said i took more time because u said u were listening
ferdinnnann: im listening but that doesnt alter the fact that nothing you say is going to convince me
ferdinnnann: just like i doubt anything i say will convince you
ferdinnnann: does that mean youre not listening?
Luke Campbell: well if there was anything i wish i could convince you of is that u are a sinner
Luke Campbell: u are going to face God on judgment day
ferdinnnann: and ill spit in his face
ferdinnnann: even if youre right
ferdinnnann: id rather go to torture than worship a hippocryte
Luke Campbell: He is going to judge u so thoroughly that every idle word you speak will be held into account
ferdinnnann: is swearing a sin?
ferdinnnann: if so that could take a while
ferdinnnann: masterbation too
ferdinnnann: damn i could be sitting there for a year or more
Luke Campbell: every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that JESUS CHRIST is LORD
ferdinnnann: not this tongue
ferdinnnann: not these knees
Luke Campbell: to the glory of God the Father
ferdinnnann: but i will bow all but two fingers to your lord
Luke Campbell: some will bow out of reverence and some will bow because their knees are crushed by Him Who judges the nations with a rod of iron
ferdinnnann: let his iron rod come
Luke Campbell: i fear two things: God and people who are not afraid of God
ferdinnnann: i wont bow
ferdinnnann: even if god was real
ferdinnnann: i would rather be crushed by his giant rod that worship him
Luke Campbell: i wish u could see Him
ferdinnnann: and i wish you could see the truth
ferdinnnann: but right now it dont look like either is going to happen
Luke Campbell: weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth will be your just reward and u dont have to go there
ferdinnnann: let gods monstrous form try
Luke Campbell: Jesus said, I am the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE, no man cometh unto the Father but by Me
ferdinnnann: yeah and plenty of people said that thousands of years before him
Luke Campbell is typing a message.
Luke Campbell: i gotta go, God bless you
ferdinnnann: satan bless you and let you see the truth someday
i don't get it?!
so ... this "god" is not a murderer? soooo, all the people who have no choice but to work in sweat shops are sinners and his "god" gave them a life of pain for being born in a third world country? how about the females in said sweat shops who are forced to pay for contraceptive pills, on there less then $3 a day wages, just so there bosses can have there way with them unless they want to get killed? were is this "god" for them, cause i bet they have been crying for "his" help for generations to make it stop!
how about the children who starve cause you got these retards who take donation from people who want to feed them and instead give's them like 10 bibles, let them die, and the rest go's to pay for that golden throne that pope sits on or the rich people who fund the whole organization. were is this "god"? people are dieing every day ... as i write this... they are crying and begging for help. this guy is saying that they are bad in some way? they have sinned and god hates them and lets them rot? but this act is just? and "he" is righteous?
or how about the children?the ones that "don't know any better"? the ones that get recruited to some gorilla army and are given guns to kill or be killed and are trained to take down whole villages just so that they don't starve or get shot like there mother's and fathers and brothers cause "god" just happens to hate them too. and the people they kill? did they deserve it? what did they do? 'oh! you are not living near a church! so all of you deserve to die for not listening to me. i will rob these children from there childhood so that they can eliminate all the sinners'
so this is your 'god'... letting the second and third world countries suffer for the benefit of the people who , just so happen, to be born first world countries and they are not capable of sin cause we got money and we do whatever our superiors tell us to do(like good little sheep) and as long as we do what this "god" say we should do, we wont end up like the rest of the "godforsaken world"?

maybe this guy should stop living in the bubble he thinks he lives in and grow up...there is no "god"... only knowledge, which this 'LIAR' is severely lacking.

(sorry, i just got pissed and carried away..._)

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "keith" <regularromeo_91@... wrote:

this is a lil long, sorry but this is my recent argument with a christian i met in yahoo chat rooms. i just thought it was funny.

ferdinnnann: hiyo
Luke Campbell: hello
Luke Campbell: how are u?
ferdinnnann: mi great
ferdinnnann: im*
ferdinnnann: u?
Luke Campbell: better than i deserve
Luke Campbell: God is good
ferdinnnann: in your opinion
Luke Campbell: haven't talked to u in awhile
ferdinnnann: havnt seen you on in a while
Luke Campbell: i've been on, i come on invisible a lot
Luke Campbell: just cause i want to log in and check my mail
Luke Campbell: it's easier going through yahoo
Luke Campbell: what is your opinion of "good"?
ferdinnnann: positive in relation to the self?
ferdinnnann: i dont spend most my time thinking about the definition of good
Luke Campbell: its good to think about haha
ferdinnnann: there are things which require thought more urgently at times
Luke Campbell: well, goodness is the only way you will see God in live, if u have it
Luke Campbell: (goodness)
Luke Campbell: (see God and live)
ferdinnnann: so youre saying all god does is good?
Luke Campbell: yes
Luke Campbell: all of His judgments are righteous and true altogether
ferdinnnann: maybe for your opinion of what good is for your god
ferdinnnann: if god was judged as one of those who he judges he would not be considered so "good"
Luke Campbell: how so?
ferdinnnann: how many people has he killed who were no imediate threat to himself?
Luke Campbell: you have made a judgment that it is only justifiable to kill people who are a threat to yourself
ferdinnnann: i mean hitler believed he was wiping out jews for the greater good
ferdinnnann: does that make him righteous?
Luke Campbell: God kills people because of sin
ferdinnnann: and sin is?
ferdinnnann: define sin
Luke Campbell: the oppisite of good, it is a chink or void in that which is good, the word sin means to miss the mark, it is summed up in the commandments though
Luke Campbell: have u ever lied?
ferdinnnann: so sin is going against gods will basically?
Luke Campbell: yes, it is going against His commandments
ferdinnnann: so god kills because people go against what he wants
ferdinnnann: now if any human was held up to that standard what would happen to him?
ferdinnnann: if we start killing people cause they dont do what we want are we considered evil?
ferdinnnann: when were just being godlike
Luke Campbell: it doesn't matter what we want, God made us, and it only matters what He wants
ferdinnnann: here we go
ferdinnnann: back to my original point
ferdinnnann: you hold god up on a pedastal
ferdinnnann: he can do no wrong
ferdinnnann: you have no room to judge one if you cant judge another
Luke Campbell: right now we are in an age where there is a period of grace before judgment
ferdinnnann: you have no perspective of what is right and wrong if you refuse to see wrong in one place
ferdinnnann: killing someone because they dont do what you want is not ok, even for your god
Luke Campbell: God has given Israel the right to judge according to His commandments, no one else
Luke Campbell: God is the ultimate Judge
ferdinnnann: if a father kills his son cause he doesnt do what he wants is he ok?
ferdinnnann: or a father and a mother kill their child
ferdinnnann: does that make it right?
ferdinnnann: they created them
ferdinnnann: should their will govern their childs life?
ferdinnnann: assuming were going by your religion
ferdinnnann: he created us
ferdinnnann: gave us the ability to choose to follow him or not
ferdinnnann: and kills us when we dont
ferdinnnann: your god is a bully and a god of fear
Luke Campbell: you have to make a just judgment, children do not know any better, if your child grew up and started killing people then you (or the governemt) will have to decide on how to punish your child
ferdinnnann: so should god be punished as well
Luke Campbell: your child will not be a child any more so he cant be judged by the same standards of a child
ferdinnnann: and your god is considered above all man so he should be held up to a higher standard
Luke Campbell: should a judge be punished for sentencing a murderer to jail?
ferdinnnann: no
ferdinnnann: but a judge has to be fair
ferdinnnann: a judge cant put someone in jail just because they dont do what he wants
ferdinnnann: and if they try to they go to jail themselves
ferdinnnann: i think we should give god a big ol "time out"
Luke Campbell: Ok, the judge puts someone in jail for murder
Luke Campbell: now, who says murder is wrong?
ferdinnnann: the person who got murdered?
Luke Campbell: is it this judge or is it society?
ferdinnnann: or both hopefully
ferdinnnann: cause if the judge thinks murder is ok he has no business being a judge
ferdinnnann: your god is as a child peering over ants with a magnifying glass
Luke Campbell: but where did their definition of murder being wrong from?
Luke Campbell: being wrong come from?
ferdinnnann: for some higher reason if the child doesnt like an ant he rains down fiery wrath
ferdinnnann: and i believe it was when people who loved eachother thought hmm
ferdinnnann: this guy killed my loved one
ferdinnnann: im pissed
ferdinnnann: this isnt a good thing
Luke Campbell: so it is good to judge someone who murders?
ferdinnnann: im saying
Luke Campbell: u better say it is good
Luke Campbell: haha
ferdinnnann: you have no business judging if you are not held up to the same standards
Luke Campbell: u just said that a judge has every right to sentence a murderer
ferdinnnann: and thankfully, going against "gods will" is not a criminal offense
ferdinnnann: the judge is held under the same laws as everyone else
ferdinnnann: if a judge kills someone does he get preferential treatment?
Luke Campbell: would we say, "Whoa judge, hold on now, you can't judge him, you need to be held to the same standard"
ferdinnnann: a judge is under the same laws as he is
Luke Campbell: exactly
ferdinnnann: your god has no laws for himself
ferdinnnann: no ten i will not dos
Luke Campbell: if God has a moral law that He gives and expects no man to go against it, then He Himself will never go against it
ferdinnnann: the closest thing in the bible to a law for god is the rainbow
ferdinnnann: that was after he wiped out nearly the whole population on earth
Luke Campbell: when has God lied? when has God murdered? (killing and murder are two different things)
ferdinnnann: what did all those lil animals do to deserve to die?
ferdinnnann: whats the dif between murder and killing?
Luke Campbell: the difference is hatred in the heart
ferdinnnann: if were all below god i guess he must consider all us as we do insects
ferdinnnann: so it would just be extermination for him
ferdinnnann: and god seems to hate quite a lot
Luke Campbell: a police officer can kill someone trying to kill you without hate in his heart, because he is doing a good thing
ferdinnnann: ya
ferdinnnann: while god can wipe out nearly everyone on earth for no good reason
Luke Campbell: i have to go soon, but here is the biggest picture (i believe) u must absolutely get:
Luke Campbell: have u ever lied before?
ferdinnnann: yes
ferdinnnann: have you?
Luke Campbell: what do u call someone who has told a lie?
ferdinnnann: normal?
Luke Campbell: (i have broken all of the commandments)
Luke Campbell: no, it starts with an "l"
ferdinnnann: liberal?
ferdinnnann: and there is no way to know if god has ever lied or not
Luke Campbell: any politician, but seriously
Luke Campbell: it rymes with fiar
ferdinnnann: hmm
Luke Campbell: (fire)
ferdinnnann: a fire?
ferdinnnann: i wouldnt calls omeone a fire
Luke Campbell: no it rymes with fire
ferdinnnann: lyre
ferdinnnann: musical instrument
Luke Campbell: liar
Luke Campbell: close
ferdinnnann: you spelled it wrong
Luke Campbell: not the musical intrument
ferdinnnann: thats someone who tells untruths consistently
ferdinnnann: my original point is
Luke Campbell: how many people do you have to kill before u are a murderer?
ferdinnnann: 1
ferdinnnann: how many has god killed?
ferdinnnann: god is a murderer by current standards
ferdinnnann: killing someone because they go against your will is not justified
Luke Campbell: killing and murder is different
Luke Campbell: the Bible says the soul that sins, it shall die
Luke Campbell: but back on topic please
ferdinnnann: the bible says a lot of things
Luke Campbell: so how many lies do u have to tell before u are a liar?
Luke Campbell: 10 and a bell goes off?
ferdinnnann: nope
ferdinnnann: its not a number of lies
ferdinnnann: what makes you a liar is the habit of lying in the past and intending to lie in the future
Luke Campbell: if i told u one lie what could u reasonably call me?
Luke Campbell: so have u lied in the past?
ferdinnnann: an asshole?
ferdinnnann: yes i have lied in the past
ferdinnnann: i intend not to lie in the future unless need be
ferdinnnann: but hey thats ok in my religion
ferdinnnann: to lie to save your ass
ferdinnnann: instead of yours
Luke Campbell: u have exhibited someone who lies, u have that propensity
Luke Campbell: if u have lied even once it makes u a liar
ferdinnnann: in your opinion
ferdinnnann: which is but a hair in my perspective
Luke Campbell: my opinion does not matter
ferdinnnann: easily brushed off
ferdinnnann: and no it doesnt
Luke Campbell: i am just trying to tell u the truth man
ferdinnnann: neither does that of a bunch of guys who got together and wrote a book
Luke Campbell: your gonna die one day
ferdinnnann: so will you
ferdinnnann: then we will know whos right
ferdinnnann: well you will
ferdinnnann: i already do
Luke Campbell: There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. (Proverbs 16:25)
ferdinnnann: there is a book written by men, which is quoted a lot to those who dont even respect it(the bible)
Luke Campbell: the Bible is God's Word
Luke Campbell: if u can prove that statement wrong, there are millions of people who would like to see
ferdinnnann: lets see you prove it right
ferdinnnann: ill try right now
ferdinnnann: GOD
ferdinnnann: ...
ferdinnnann: *looks from side to side
ferdinnnann: *
ferdinnnann: *looks up*
ferdinnnann: idk im pretty sure im still alive
ferdinnnann: *pinches self*
Luke Campbell: since i am considered His messenger according to His word, let me try to instruct you one something
ferdinnnann: why would i do that?
ferdinnnann: to tell the truth i dint even wanna get into a religious discussion today
Luke Campbell: God is God, which means He doesn't have to listen to me or you or anybody
ferdinnnann: i said the whole jesus man playfully
ferdinnnann: so he can ignore us
ferdinnnann: but we cant ignore him
ferdinnnann: or we die
Luke Campbell: He can, but He will answer you one day
ferdinnnann: ah
Luke Campbell: you will be struck dead, just not when you asked for it
ferdinnnann: now i will call on the rain god to bring rain
ferdinnnann: but not right now
ferdinnnann: later
ferdinnnann: it will rain
ferdinnnann: you can bet on that
ferdinnnann: OH GREAT GOD OF RAIN
ferdinnnann: but ignore me until circumstances fit and ill claim you did it
Luke Campbell: what would i have to show you to prove to you that the Bible is God's Word?
Luke Campbell: what proof would u need?
Luke Campbell: fulfilled prophecy? perfect historical accuracy? complete unity over 1600 years by over 40 different authors?
ferdinnnann: i think for an all powerful god having a giant cross suddenly appear on the top opf my house
ferdinnnann: shouldnt be too hard
ferdinnnann: complete unity?
ferdinnnann: whats to say towards the end of those 1600 years the christians didnt decide hey lets make these fit
ferdinnnann: wheres this perfect historical accuracy
ferdinnnann: ?
ferdinnnann: whats it going to take for yout o see that your god is a crock of shit and that faith is a bad thing?
ferdinnnann: faith is making a virtue out of not thinking
ferdinnnann: "bill maher
Luke Campbell: oh, just about 24,000 manuscripts that you can check out to see if they did
Luke Campbell: i have 9 minutes
ferdinnnann: so 24000 manuscripts match perfectly?
ferdinnnann: written by different people at different times?
ferdinnnann: without prior knowledge of the other manuscripts?
ferdinnnann: i mean yeah cause dates and words certainly cant be changed
Luke Campbell: there is 24,970
ferdinnnann: ok theres the first question answered
Luke Campbell: of the new testament alone
ferdinnnann: so 24970 copies of the new testament?
Luke Campbell: manuscripts
Luke Campbell: of the Greek there is 307 Uncial
Luke Campbell: 2,860 of the Minuscule
Luke Campbell: 2,410 of the Lectionaries
ferdinnnann: so now youre claiming the greeks are christians?
ferdinnnann: were*
Luke Campbell: and 109 of the Papyri
Luke Campbell: it was written in Greek
ferdinnnann: so people cant write things in greek
ferdinnnann: say
ferdinnnann: today?
ferdinnnann: and papyri cant be recreated or mistranslated?
Luke Campbell: the only thing that comes close to the New Testament in ancient books is Homers Iliad
Luke Campbell: and the 1st complete copy of the Iliad dates to the 13th century
ferdinnnann: so homer was a christian
Luke Campbell: no
Luke Campbell: im talking about comparing historical books
ferdinnnann: so christians took their books from a basis of homers?
Luke Campbell: no historian doubts that the Iliad is authentic copy
ferdinnnann: youre saying in all the world not one historian doubts it
ferdinnnann: ?
Luke Campbell: the Iliad is the only other writing that comes close to the shear number of copies of the New Testament
ferdinnnann: yes youre right by darnit
ferdinnnann: im gonna worship homer from now on
Luke Campbell: (i don't know that for sure, so i dont know of an historian that doubts we have Homers Iliad)
ferdinnnann: but you dont know
ferdinnnann: therefore you spoke an untruth
ferdinnnann: posed certainty where there is none
Luke Campbell: i made an absolute statement
ferdinnnann: making you a liar
ferdinnnann: L
ferdinnnann: I
ferdinnnann: A
ferdinnnann: R
ferdinnnann: liar
ferdinnnann: you shouldnt lie
Luke Campbell: which i can't make unless i have all knowledge
Luke Campbell: which i dont have
ferdinnnann: "lies make baby jesus cry" rod flanders, the simpsons
ferdinnnann: which makes it untrue
ferdinnnann: which makes it a lie
Luke Campbell: im sorry, i was exaggerating a bit
Luke Campbell: but i do not know of an historian who doubts it
Luke Campbell: i gotta go
ferdinnnann: just for confirmation
Luke Campbell: but it's not like u were listening to me anyway
ferdinnnann: cwazy christian youre never going to change my mind until you have absolute proof
ferdinnnann: i listened to you
Luke Campbell: u mocked me
ferdinnnann: but you just have no solid points
ferdinnnann: and yes i did
ferdinnnann: because youre trying to convince me with coincidences
ferdinnnann: about books
ferdinnnann: and circumstances
ferdinnnann: written by men
Luke Campbell: Read this and answer me two questions:
Luke Campbell: 1. Who is the Servant this passage is talking about?
Luke Campbell: 2. What did this Servant do?
ferdinnnann: were discussing god cause you brought him up
ferdinnnann: and as far as im concerned he dont even exist
ferdinnnann: theres your questions answered
ferdinnnann: i bid you a good day
Luke Campbell: (I am typing different so you dont have trouble reading)
ferdinnnann: i can read fine
ferdinnnann: your font is quite large
Luke Campbell: hold on...
ferdinnnann: should i type bigger?
ferdinnnann: can you read this?
Luke Campbell: haha yes
Luke Campbell: i just picked something random
Luke Campbell: Isa 52:13 Behold, my servant shall deal prudently, he shall be exalted and extolled, and be very high.
Isa 52:14 As many were astonied at thee; his visage was so marred more than any man, and his form more than the sons of men:
Isa 52:15 So shall he sprinkle many nations; the kings shall shut their mouths at him: for that which had not been told them shall they see; and that which they had not heard shall they consider.
ferdinnnann: ok so were quoting the bible now
Luke Campbell: Isa 53:1 Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the LORD revealed?
Isa 53:2 For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.
Isa 53:3 He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
Isa 53:4 Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.
Isa 53:5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
Luke Campbell: Isa 53:6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.
Isa 53:7 He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth.
Isa 53:8 He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation? for he was cut off out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was he stricken.

Luke Campbell: Isa 53:9 And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth.
Isa 53:10 Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand.
Isa 53:11 He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied: by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities.
Luke Campbell: Isa 53:12 Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong; because he hath poured out his soul unto death: and he was numbered with the transgressors; and he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.
ferdinnnann: ok i have no desire to read the bible
ferdinnnann: or passages from it
Luke Campbell: (remember the two questions: who is the Servant? and what did He do?)
ferdinnnann: i liked my answers better
ferdinnnann: they dint take up 50 pages
Luke Campbell: your claiming it is wrong and you wont even read it?
ferdinnnann: ive read it before
ferdinnnann: i dont need to read it again
Luke Campbell: it's just 15 verses
ferdinnnann: you have a brain
ferdinnnann: im guessing
ferdinnnann: you can put into your own words instead of spouting anothers
Luke Campbell: you wanted proof of the Bible being God's word
ferdinnnann: so it says its gods word?
Luke Campbell: read it and answer the questions
ferdinnnann: *resists the urge to mock*
ferdinnnann: but reading it is sickening
ferdinnnann: im allergic to bullshit
Luke Campbell: satan hates God's word too, i took more time because you said u were listening to me but once again, i dont believe u are
ferdinnnann: i listened
ferdinnnann: you just arent saying anything i havnt heard before
Luke Campbell: then it should be easy to answer the questions
Luke Campbell: who is the Servant and what did He do?
Luke Campbell: ... i have 5 minutes
ferdinnnann: i thought you had 9 minutes a half hour ago
Luke Campbell: that was 20 minutes and like i said i took more time because u said u were listening
ferdinnnann: im listening but that doesnt alter the fact that nothing you say is going to convince me
ferdinnnann: just like i doubt anything i say will convince you
ferdinnnann: does that mean youre not listening?
Luke Campbell: well if there was anything i wish i could convince you of is that u are a sinner
Luke Campbell: u are going to face God on judgment day
ferdinnnann: and ill spit in his face
ferdinnnann: even if youre right
ferdinnnann: id rather go to torture than worship a hippocryte
Luke Campbell: He is going to judge u so thoroughly that every idle word you speak will be held into account
ferdinnnann: is swearing a sin?
ferdinnnann: if so that could take a while
ferdinnnann: masterbation too
ferdinnnann: damn i could be sitting there for a year or more
Luke Campbell: every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that JESUS CHRIST is LORD
ferdinnnann: not this tongue
ferdinnnann: not these knees
Luke Campbell: to the glory of God the Father
ferdinnnann: but i will bow all but two fingers to your lord
Luke Campbell: some will bow out of reverence and some will bow because their knees are crushed by Him Who judges the nations with a rod of iron
ferdinnnann: let his iron rod come
Luke Campbell: i fear two things: God and people who are not afraid of God
ferdinnnann: i wont bow
ferdinnnann: even if god was real
ferdinnnann: i would rather be crushed by his giant rod that worship him
Luke Campbell: i wish u could see Him
ferdinnnann: and i wish you could see the truth
ferdinnnann: but right now it dont look like either is going to happen
Luke Campbell: weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth will be your just reward and u dont have to go there
ferdinnnann: let gods monstrous form try
Luke Campbell: Jesus said, I am the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE, no man cometh unto the Father but by Me
ferdinnnann: yeah and plenty of people said that thousands of years before him
Luke Campbell is typing a message.
Luke Campbell: i gotta go, God bless you
ferdinnnann: satan bless you and let you see the truth someday

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
