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Cultural War, Holland Shooting And New Zealand Attack

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Many people have confused the truth of an event and if it happened, with the term "False Flag". False Flag means that a ruling authority, creates an event by itself, to push forward the measures that it wants to push. The validity of the event is not really covered by the term "False Flag", aka, if it really happened or not.

For example, the 9/11 was indeed both an occult attack, and a deadly attack. Jewish employees were told to move out in advance from the building, but other people died in high numbers. The even of murder actually happened, what however is the difference is the narrative as to how. The buildings collapsed like a pack of cards to name one example. The fact that one day they were to go down has been memed strongly way before to open up the mass mind to be receptive of the event.

False Flag doesn't mean that an event didn't happen, it deals with who or what caused this and why. The mainstream narrative that was created for the 9/11 for example was that it was 4 random Muslims (who happened to be still alive and went and aired online to admit it too), piloting literal planes, and crashed them on the towers.

Clearly, most of the shootings and attacks, are indeed real. The events do happen, except in some rare cases. Seeing this objectively the enemy has no reason to not commit these atrocities and kill people during them, they could give a shit less really. They kill people in Gaza and in their borders all the time, a few dead Muslims here and there don't really matter to them in anyway.

But what is a lie about them all is the suspects and the motivations, and the play pretend that these happen by major 'coincidences'.

How to understand if an attack is False Flag is pretty easy. Just see what follows as an excuse from it, and see what the media and the other sources are trying to do.

For one, the idea of the ignition of war between Muslims and Christians (two foreign races to the jews, dominated by their Abrahamic mental viruses) is a thing that has been going on for centuries, and nothing new. They have successfully created endless wars and enmity based on their abrahamic programs. This is one thing they will gain.

The jews are slowly since 2012, in a shadowy manner, have been evacuating from certain places Europe. This is because they know that when they cause the above, despite of how much they try to meme things in place, if and when shit hits the fan, the jews will be doomed. So they are progressively pushing their two enemy factions at war, progress their general agenda, but move away safely to save themselves from the apocalyptic situations they are trying to create.

All the goal posts for basically what in the end may result to cataclysmic Jew created Race war covered pretext of a "Religious Clashing of Civilizations" in Europe are in place. An disarmed population filled with mental Marxism, endless infestation of Haji's and foreigners who would love to see natives die, and a fake air of 'peace' where there is none, while the pot is heating up until it reaches the critical degree.

Then, censorship attempts, rising enmity, turning away all the hatred about migration to the symptom and not the CAUSE. The jews are the CAUSE and MOTIVATING FACTOR. As for the people who move around like goal posts, they are definitely dangerous and wrong, but they are not the SOURCE or the CAUSE of this, and therefore, centering attention on them, is as covering a skin illness that results from internal damage, with a skin surface cream. The invasion deal is the symptom. Jews are behind everything of this nature, fund it, operate it, stage it.

And yes, it's not unfair to say, that wasting one's time complaining about a Mosque is wasted time when you can point your finger on the jew, who paid for, allowed politically and culturally, and brought all people in by Soros jew shekels to build this said "Mosque". It's a total waste of time. Of course, everyone hates or dislikes this situation, but one's constructive and unmasking or healing efforts should rather go to the CAUSE of this, while "Symptoms" are only kept in check.

Unfortunately, the above is becoming impossible, as the jew has cleverly injected in all of Europe all their previously destroyed "ISIS" Criminal network, and many other elements who just want to retaliate. This is why also it's not beyond understanding that many people are flipping out over Muslims, and this is what the enemy wants in the first place. If their henchman wants to fight you, you have to fight him back, eventhough you see the jew running like a slug and moving away from having set the stage.

Islam in Europe is a pressing matter, and the enemy is feeding it as one fees growth soil to a tree they want to raise. This was also the initial plan.

An example of this ancient plotting is how the jews have brainwashed Europeans for centuries to "Retake the Holy Land" for centuries. Since the jew is feeble and worthless and cannot get what they wanted ever through military force, as Arabs literally had them on the run since forever, they decided to brainwash another race to wage wars wars to hopefully gain for them "THEIR" territory territory. After 1950 years of brainwashing, they finally succeeded to instate their bandit state.

The "Holy Land" is of no importance to the White race, as it's a desert, and absolutely worthless for us. The jews even today can't give any good reason as to why any "Western" country has to do anything in the region. First it was oil. Then, when this was settled, they tried to make up proof of nuclear weaponry with cheap photoshop. Then, it became "Just for Muh Israel Muh Ally". When this meme also collapses now, the jew drops the mask and says it plainly: "BECAUSE YOU SERVE ME YOU FUCKING CHRISTIAN GOYIM, THATS WHY! NOW DEFEND ME!".

So every so often they re-spark the meme of "West Vs East" aka "Islam Vs Christianity", to create a new reason for everyone to serve the jewish interest.

This of course, goes on the side of the Muslims, which in many cases, were also the ones to pack the first punch, again, brainwashed by their own version of the mental viruses, such as how "Jihad is a necessity to spread the message of Pedo Prophet Mohammed".

In the inspection of all these centuries, the losers in all of this, are the Whites and the Arabs, and anyone else involved, and in no way the jews. The jews have only gained everything from when they had nothing. All with propaganda, and false flags, and mental brainwashing.

The situation is that the actual death tolls from covered up attacks against "Western" people are way higher than the reported ones. If one actually only goes to see the list of the "Terrorist" attacks that happened, you only see the ones that did SUCCEED.

The ATTEMPTED ones in Europe, can in a year be more than 8000, or at such high numbers. Since 2015, because these official statistics were very dangerous, they were censored from being reported. The same also happened with any "Anti-Migrant News", websites, criticism, and so forth. Now, the only place this happens is in the internet, and that, they cannot censor, and that's the only reason most people even know.

People are now sleeping in Sweden peacefully into their beds, only with a FEELING that their country is going down, that they are putting down by shoveling in one Xanax. They open the news paper, and it's all rainbows. They go outside, they see only foreigners, but that's fine - their house has not yet been annexed. The realistic statistic data shows that in the span of 15 - 20 years, even with the most generous estimation, Sweden will become a third world country with people mostly displaced. But it's alright, so long you have a xanax box, and you hear centralized news sources from the (J)E(W)-U that is all fine.

Now, because the above cannot be stopped, and the enemy wants our countries to be destroyed, aside of just the demographic destruction (War accelerates this in more than one ways) they put people like the New Zealand "Shooter" to push the fires of war in Europe and elsewhere, but pay close attention here: NEVER TOWARDS THE JEWS.

If the so called "Manifesto" mentioned the jews, or had any other information, it would have disappeared from the web or died without a mention. The reality of the "News Reporting" is that all news start from a few centralized sources, and that is worldwide, in the "Western Sphere". This is jew ruled and it all goes through the office of jews who work as a central council of information control. The first outlets make the 'stories', and then all the other outlets only repost/copy them.

If something like that was "Advertised", and it was brought in the attention of MILLIONS of people, the enemy would have been finished on an instant, as the information here would awaken people at a rapid pace.

False flags are constantly used as excuses from the central Zion authority to just further disarm, censor, misdirect, and keep the melting pot going until the point of no return for everyone involved in this mess. This isn't really working anymore, but they try, and they will try until the end, or until they are finally defeated in information, spiritual warfare, and collapse under the weight of their own lies.

It's to the benefit of Gentiles to move on and leave behind jewish created and instigated hatred, and focus on what has been really damning us, and the CAUSE of all this.

The problem of the enemy cannot be solved by only "one" people getting informed, all people universally have to become informed, so we don't run this same loop for all thousands of years to come and finally put an end to it.

Now with the internet is the time, so seize this chance while it's here.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
The reality of False Flag's are well documented. Even the Jewish Mossad did false flags on Jewish communities in Iraq back in the 1950's to push their own agenda. Makes one wonder about the "Tree of Life" synagogue attack. That has been used by the Jewish regime in America to justify every attempt to pass "anti-Semitism" laws.
For the umpteenth time ... the Gentiles must be guided unconsciously to accept the truth inevitably. Must be mandatory. Why show them hundreds of tests and hope they accept the truth? Instead we must guide them psychically to accept the truth inevitably. HAIL SATAN IN INFINITY
Gray0123456789 said:
For the umpteenth time ... the Gentiles must be guided unconsciously to accept the truth inevitably. Must be mandatory. Why show them hundreds of tests and hope they accept the truth? Instead we must guide them psychically to accept the truth inevitably. HAIL SATAN IN INFINITY

I agree with you
But I think they understood you.
The question is ... is it about time? what would cause something forced in the minds of the masses?
Gray0123456789 said:
For the umpteenth time ... the Gentiles must be guided unconsciously to accept the truth inevitably. Must be mandatory. Why show them hundreds of tests and hope they accept the truth? Instead we must guide them psychically to accept the truth inevitably. HAIL SATAN IN INFINITY

Part of our job is to the fight in the information war. It goes hand and hand once the spell of the jews is destroyed. Many people keep making excuses for their laziness when it comes to spreading information. Thank goodness HPS Maxine didn't have this lazy view when she made the JoS site....

Then there's the big "ego" people. I have met those who can't handle spreading truth they are the type of people who tend to have huge "ego" and can't be told they're wrong even if it's by a NPC. Our job isn't to have a pissing contest with people online but to just provide info and that's it. Who cares if someone's says something mean to you. Get over it and move on.
0toti2 said:
how we can help in this

Start by actually reading Joy of Satan's material and stop being a muslim. The fact you're posting here, showing your face to the world, means you're putting yourself at serious risk of curses from Satanists, and physical violence from your fellow muslims. And I mean deadly risk. You have no idea what you're doing.

Exposing islam:

Joy of Satan:
Nick Vabzircnila said:
0toti2 said:
how we can help in this

Start by actually reading Joy of Satan's material and stop being a muslim. The fact you're posting here, showing your face to the world, means you're putting yourself at serious risk of curses from Satanists, and physical violence from your fellow muslims. And I mean deadly risk. You have no idea what you're doing.

Exposing islam:

Joy of Satan:

Yes Sure I reading JOS Material and doing Meditations .
There seems to be a lot of Israeli ties to the Christchurch incident. I think the shooter was a Mossad agent. And from what I've seen it may have been staged.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
