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Count Your Blessings, Whiny Whiny

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
I see many people in this day and era are very thankless for things given and things that we do posses, in particular spiritual opportunities, and this is always, as if by a big joke, centered mostly around the things that truly DO matter.

Things that have exactly zero value and do not matter at all, are treated with respect or at least time is dwelt and wasted on them, and attention, while things that are good and positive, and important truly, are neglected and looked down upon.

I want you to take a moment to visualize this. This is more than likely a story of a yet unknown soul and what happened to them, during what is historically, literally yesterday, as a thousand years is not all that much of a timeline at all.

You are somewhere during the Middle Ages, and you have suspicions about the occult. You are of course into a village, totally alone, surrounded by Christians, about to report you and slaughter you at any given time, for any given reason, and even the mere suspicion of said things in regards to your thoughts would land you dead directly, all in the love of the jew Christ, of course.

The village was converted around 100 years ago, and you remember your grandparents telling you stories of a world that literally was the product of dreams, while you live a grim reality. Indeed most of this is just fairytales to you now. All you see is what you have in front of you, and time or space of dreams does not exist in anyway.

You know the clergymen of christ that you see with golden diadems while your people are probably dying from bubonic plague, know a few things that you do not. Maybe one night you went one saw one of them chanting the Torah, thinking to yourself that you have absolutely no fucking idea what this was. Only thing you could understand was some random words like Miriam and other hebrew words, which happen to be the new names these are that are given to newborns in your village now. Can't think a lot to yourself cause you're slaving your day in the field and then compulsory church education, during which if you sleep, you get beaten until your ribs break, for disrespect to your new hebrew god. Knowing this you go to sleep.

All you know is that your family is going to starve yet another day, and go for another 12 hours in Church tomorrow, a place where you feel repulsion about, but submission has been beaten into you anyway but both the brutal mob and the christians.

Every so often, the centurions of the jewish religious figures come and pillage your already dirt poor village, sometimes stealing up to 9 out of 10 of all your resources. Beautiful women are seized and prostituted, and when you do not slave into the church, you have to slave somewhere in the field, while basically hungering to death. One day in wallowing misery you pray to "God" for help, but of course, there is no help - after all, "Gods" manifested will is the christian pastor, and your so called "king" with the big hooknose, who you are told was descended from your "new" and basically hebrew "God". Not knowing, you keep praying to "God", Jesus you think it's called, and it's hanging on a crucifix, and that's all you know.

Eventually one day someone comes and robs your household, and takes your wife to rape her and kill her, and abducts your young daughter to get her to the court for Primae Noctis. For those who do not know what this is, this is where church officials in the Middle Ages, who had religious authority (There was no political authority back then, only religious) would take the virginity of your daughter, just "because it was the good thing to do". While people in your village die like skeletons into dark alleys and buried, you see fat clergy jews consuming pork and beef by the dozens, while you are lucky if you get served any bread.

One day you become very pissed off as the jew paid centurions come to pillage you, and you wish and "pray to god" to kill one of these centurions. To your surprise, he falls off the horse by an accident, and breaks his neck, an event which leaves you terrified somehow, because you have heard of this stuff before. Whether or not related to your prayer you have no idea, all you know is that you have hatred in your heart, and you start to suspect that something is really going wrong with all of this. Of course the raid continues and the pope will stuff his fat worthless mouth canal with more food for one more day, while your people are probably dying from the flu randomly and like flies.

The other night you converse with someone in a language that you cannot even write, as you have no idea WTF writing is, and you tell someone about your prayer to "God", which you were surprised took down this opponent. Your friend goes pale and tells you that he remembers from church that the Devil may be trying to deceive you here. He explains to you he has a buried book about the druids from some time, and he says he will be bringing this to you tommorow at night, to study it, with candlelight, and not a broaband internet connection, which lazy asses today think is a very hard way and tiresome to communicate through.

Tommorow you decide to meet with your friend, and you go into his bottom rung of a house that looks like a cave, to find there a cleric, and your friend murdered lying on the floor. This guy was a guilty type, and he thought to himself that instead of looking into a druidic text that he couldn't understand anyway, he should give it to the pastor, who agreed to come take this at night, as he had reported "We have a witch in the village".

So the pastor basically brutally murders him by a backstab and he sits there waiting as he talked about his appointment with you. Since you happened to check the window first, you see this, and you try to run away, but dumb villagers see you, abduct you, and you are just toasted in the fire and tortured for an extended period of time, possibly around many months. You knew it wasn't going to be different anyway, but you wished you died as a slave instead. When your soul departs from your body, you really do not want to ever live, ever again. Eventually you are again incarnated, because against of all the above odds, progress has to slowly be made.

And the above is a tale of literally millions of people who were Pagans, were forcibly enslaved, converted and destroyed, but decided to go straight through the fire for their so called "lunatic beliefs", and we have people today who cannot do the most basic things of the most basic, for free, easily, and with exactly zero cost but time.

I am pretty certain if we asked the above souls, and gave them the deal you have today, and the means you have today, their reply would be I want this 10 minutes ago. There wouldn't be any complaints as they would be so thankful and so elated, that from this existential and true misery of life, a hand was given to them to move out.

And today for example, people who legitimately have everything, can read, can know, can study, can do this from a level of unimaginable comfort, are like too "lazy" and too "critical" and too "Judgemental" of "This Community". They think their emotional drivel and problems actually matters to anything, personal entitlement syndromes of the 21st century going hardest than ever before in history.

So highly critical 12 and 14 year olds with huge mouths and lack of any form of manners, and overfed boomer xian fatasses come to question here, why are so filled with hate and so much against Abrahamic dogma. It's also beyond imagination to "Tolerate" the so called "Stupidity" of others in this community. Indeed, when one sees a brother, their first thought is to undermine, rather than to extend a hand.

Everyone thinks it's such a big sacrifice to spend 2 minutes to legitimately save the life of another person, who, not that long ago, may have suffered like you, the above fate. And I tell you this is retarded behavior if one has anything valuable in context.

And even if they did not have any of the above, only by imagination or putting one's self in another's shoes, those who might have, would understand that the worlds like the world described above should never manifest again, and that even worse, we are moving into a modern version of said world by systematic re-creation of this, only it will be worse this time.

But we are also stronger this time around, and are graced to also be able to have one another, through seemingly an irrelevant amount of distance.

People say it's too tiresome to spend 15 minutes doing an RTR and other 15 minutes meditating, and 10 minutes helping other people out, or contributing to anything. Can't be assed about this.

Better look random stuff on the internet instead, because as we know, 10 hours wasted on this can't remain 9 with the "sacrifice" of one valuable hour to meditate, advance, and save the world and improve one's condition, no. All of it must go to bullshit waste.

Having respect and decency towards Satan, the Gods, and one's self, doesn't take impossibility stuff, or supre huge money, or super good looks, or any form of exaggeration. It just takes a person who knows what to do and is a little bit aware past themselves and wants to improve, and understands the fundamental of "doing my part". There are no heavenly requirements to do the most heavenly and important of all work one can do. True Satanists understand it.

We work for greater things and for a greater vision of the world, and while blows of mortality can affect us, they must not make us lose sight of important objectives.

The only good news is that in the midst of this people there are also some other people who will devote their 10 minutes a day to do what is necessary, important, and uplifting for this world, and a necessity for personal development and what for helping out the world better itself.

The biggest pleasures and empowerment will be put as a crown to those who follow the ways of the Gods, and who did not bent - everything of value we live into today, was made by this people, and the fate of this world still depends on them.

Things are easier now and this is because of endless people who sacrificed for a better world - this can be used as an advantage to fight better, more effective, easier, and without the damnation that many of our own had to undergo, again, to pass a painful torch, that is the only light of sense that humanity possessed for a very long time.

A moment of applied appreciation daily, and applying the adage strength through joy, and doing what one can for their betterment and that of the world, is the greatest pleasure. However low one is today, a lot of heavy lifting has been done. Are you here or are you not existing? You are here. And you can do what is important. So one must do this without any hesitation.

Considering the problems other beings underwent so that people can whine over the most superficial bullshit today, while of course will leave uninterested the typical weakling, to the person of strength and noblety of character, will mean a transformative awareness in how they conduct themselves permanently, both towards the Gods, towards themselves, and towards our world, a world which is assaulted by the enemy and has been surviving by the world of people like us, and against "impossible odds" on a consistent basis.

We have a duty to ourselves and to our Gods, and it's a pleasant duty to people who understand it's beautiful depth of meaning.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I understood everything. Thank you so much for this wonderful sermon Commander. I'm not weak. The problem is the current level of spiritual development. It's like sending a disabled person to the war with a wheeled carriage. I still don't see the energies. In this case it is a spiritual disability. It would be nice to have some advanced technology to help in spiritual development. Technology is very important.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Thats all people do is whine. At Jobs i try to come in with as much energy as possible. Positivity and high Energy. All people around me do is Bitch Bitch Bitch.

I make friends with all the assholes, because they find out quick how that one goes. While others are like wahh theyre being mean to me. You know drama and wanting to quit because someone said something.

I am very optimistic about the future. I mean were all gonna take back this world and become Gods in 20 years and people be like ehhh its too hard.

Im positive and Happy.

Saturn is raping my ass right now and hopefully thats all it is. But I do feel moody and lonely and like im going crazy. But one day my soul will be cleaned out. Im excited for who I will become. Just imagining when im a God living in the Golden Age.

Friendships, relationships My Gods in person. My astrology be like you will never attract friends in this life and be destined to be bitter and alone. But that will be gone one day and more. So I suffer and fight and are in some ways unhappy for 20 years, small price to pay for eternity of unimaginable Bliss.
Love this post HP. Beautiful, inspiring and a reality check.

On a side note, back in the Middle Ages, with people feeling so miserable and “not wanting to live”, it made me think of how many ‘depressed’ youth and people in general there are at present, this feeling/trauma being carried through lifetimes, affecting us to this day..possibly. Aside from all the other factors that contribute to this.

Once again, awesome post.

Can you see if the amount of RTR energy decreases? (less people doing rtr)
bluebow said:
Love this post HP. Beautiful, inspiring and a reality check.

On a side note, back in the Middle Ages, with people feeling so miserable and “not wanting to live”, it made me think of how many ‘depressed’ youth and people in general there are at present, this feeling/trauma being carried through lifetimes, affecting us to this day..possibly. Aside from all the other factors that contribute to this.

Once again, awesome post.


The suffering of witches back then has nothing to do with every moody person on the planet, just few people. Very few in number.

Most people are "depressed" today for non serious reasons or out of a habit.

Quite few people that I see that say they are depressed really have no reason, it is a cataleptic state of mind. They are so used to it they cannot change it, or so they think. Because it can change.

Every case in depression is totally individual. However, most people do not have serious trauma or anything.

I say this as some people have terrible lives and they are not depressed to the extent a lot of people claim today for absolutely no material or emotional reason.
Aldrick Strickland said:
Saturn is raping my ass right now
I wondered, have you tried to obliterate your Saturn? Lydia has a thread on it that I've read several times but haven't performed it yet.

No day goes by without me expressing my appreciation verbally to Satan and the Powers of Hell for all the blessings in my life. The only whining part is the workload and sometimes nearly passing out while doing the FRTR at the end of the day, feeling exhausted.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
bluebow said:
Love this post HP. Beautiful, inspiring and a reality check.

On a side note, back in the Middle Ages, with people feeling so miserable and “not wanting to live”, it made me think of how many ‘depressed’ youth and people in general there are at present, this feeling/trauma being carried through lifetimes, affecting us to this day..possibly. Aside from all the other factors that contribute to this.

Once again, awesome post.


The suffering of witches back then has nothing to do with every moody person on the planet, just few people. Very few in number.

Most people are "depressed" today for non serious reasons or out of a habit.

Quite few people that I see that say they are depressed really have no reason, it is a cataleptic state of mind. They are so used to it they cannot change it, or so they think. Because it can change.

Every case in depression is totally individual. However, most people do not have serious trauma or anything.

I say this as some people have terrible lives and they are not depressed to the extent a lot of people claim today for absolutely no material or emotional reason.

There could be a whole Host of reasons for someome to feel unhappy. Diet and exercise and medications is a huge one. There is truth to people being rediculous but this can also be taken to far. People do have a right to not feel happy and bad things happen in life.

I have a friend who just had her son get murdered, should I tell her hey at least were not in the middle ages. Or tell people in the Gulag of Russia, this is bad but at least theyre not cutting our limbs off or sending us to the dark ages completely. Look theres a light bulb.

In Theory there is much to be thankful for but that also can bleed over into living like a slave. Wow im making 10 anhour and have running water. Smiles like a pasty faced christian.

Im happy all the time. I feel happy I feel fine! I feel this way all the time! Oh im a little lonely. Unacceptable feelings! Im not in the dark ages! Do the Happy Dance. Happy Happy Happy.

So in reality and level headed thinking. One should be grateful for what they have but also strive for more and accept their emotions as they come. Trying where they can to either improve their emotional state or their lives. At the end of the day if youre not perfect and feel moody for no reason, its because youre fricken Human and not AI.

But this should be common sense...
Aldrick Strickland said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
bluebow said:
Love this post HP. Beautiful, inspiring and a reality check.

On a side note, back in the Middle Ages, with people feeling so miserable and “not wanting to live”, it made me think of how many ‘depressed’ youth and people in general there are at present, this feeling/trauma being carried through lifetimes, affecting us to this day..possibly. Aside from all the other factors that contribute to this.

Once again, awesome post.


The suffering of witches back then has nothing to do with every moody person on the planet, just few people. Very few in number.

Most people are "depressed" today for non serious reasons or out of a habit.

Quite few people that I see that say they are depressed really have no reason, it is a cataleptic state of mind. They are so used to it they cannot change it, or so they think. Because it can change.

Every case in depression is totally individual. However, most people do not have serious trauma or anything.

I say this as some people have terrible lives and they are not depressed to the extent a lot of people claim today for absolutely no material or emotional reason.

There could be a whole Host of reasons for someome to feel unhappy. Diet and exercise and medications is a huge one. There is truth to people being rediculous but this can also be taken to far. People do have a right to not feel happy and bad things happen in life.

I have a friend who just had her son get murdered, should I tell her hey at least were not in the middle ages. Or tell people in the Gulag of Russia, this is bad but at least theyre not cutting our limbs off or sending us to the dark ages completely. Look theres a light bulb.

In Theory there is much to be thankful for but that also can bleed over into living like a slave. Wow im making 10 anhour and have running water. Smiles like a pasty faced christian.

Im happy all the time. I feel happy I feel fine! I feel this way all the time! Oh im a little lonely. Unacceptable feelings! Im not in the dark ages! Do the Happy Dance. Happy Happy Happy.

So in reality and level headed thinking. One should be grateful for what they have but also strive for more and accept their emotions as they come. Trying where they can to either improve their emotional state or their lives. At the end of the day if youre not perfect and feel moody for no reason, its because youre fricken Human and not AI.

But this should be common sense...

Our moods can fluctuate as we are alive and subject to circles, but this doesn't mean we have to beat our head on the wall for it, or not learn to ignore a few things.

The current slave labor system will gradually also be replaced. At least if our people are left alone to finally develop this. Loosening and making work easier and much more meaningful has been our goal for like 3000+ years but the enemy has been just impeding this to turn people into slaves and make them see work with hatred, to keep creation of the world back.

A woman who has lost a son has all reasons to lament and be sad, but the majority of people does not have such heavy reasons for such heavy spirit. Most people just cause this to themselves without any all that heavy external conditions.

Meditation is required to see this and open up the mind, both to gradually build off the negative karma, and also maintain the necessary control and maturity of mind to know when things are valid and when there is pointless self torment.
Master Darkness said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I understood everything. Thank you so much for this wonderful sermon Commander. I'm not weak. The problem is the current level of spiritual development. It's like sending a disabled person to the war with a wheeled carriage. I still don't see the energies. In this case it is a spiritual disability. It would be nice to have some advanced technology to help in spiritual development. Technology is very important.

Stop whining.

Just do it.

Supply follows demand.

There are subliminal that are supposed to do things automatically for you. But it's been covered here already that they're crap.

Just keep keeping on mate
A lot of people are depressed because the society is negative, we also are taught by Xianity that people have to be negative and suffering to be a good person.
bluebow said:
Love this post HP. Beautiful, inspiring and a reality check.

On a side note, back in the Middle Ages, with people feeling so miserable and “not wanting to live”, it made me think of how many ‘depressed’ youth and people in general there are at present, this feeling/trauma being carried through lifetimes, affecting us to this day..possibly. Aside from all the other factors that contribute to this.

Once again, awesome post.

This big depression of society today is because life is super monotone, repetitive and boring with not many great things to accomplish because most of the people become workers.
When i was a little kid i always asked my self my life is so repetitive, why do people accept this cicle of boring of life and when i was telling someone about this it was like ''yeah it's true'' but that's for far their mind goes, nothing more than that.
Of course now people use video games, drugs, lust and alchool to ''escape'' this boring cicle. Many of the people who have anxiety is because of the pressure that society put on us without even understanding why its happening.
Here, look at this video, it explain a lot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJW_av0PQXM
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Aldrick Strickland said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The suffering of witches back then has nothing to do with every moody person on the planet, just few people. Very few in number.

Most people are "depressed" today for non serious reasons or out of a habit.

Quite few people that I see that say they are depressed really have no reason, it is a cataleptic state of mind. They are so used to it they cannot change it, or so they think. Because it can change.

Every case in depression is totally individual. However, most people do not have serious trauma or anything.

I say this as some people have terrible lives and they are not depressed to the extent a lot of people claim today for absolutely no material or emotional reason.

There could be a whole Host of reasons for someome to feel unhappy. Diet and exercise and medications is a huge one. There is truth to people being rediculous but this can also be taken to far. People do have a right to not feel happy and bad things happen in life.

I have a friend who just had her son get murdered, should I tell her hey at least were not in the middle ages. Or tell people in the Gulag of Russia, this is bad but at least theyre not cutting our limbs off or sending us to the dark ages completely. Look theres a light bulb.

In Theory there is much to be thankful for but that also can bleed over into living like a slave. Wow im making 10 anhour and have running water. Smiles like a pasty faced christian.

Im happy all the time. I feel happy I feel fine! I feel this way all the time! Oh im a little lonely. Unacceptable feelings! Im not in the dark ages! Do the Happy Dance. Happy Happy Happy.

So in reality and level headed thinking. One should be grateful for what they have but also strive for more and accept their emotions as they come. Trying where they can to either improve their emotional state or their lives. At the end of the day if youre not perfect and feel moody for no reason, its because youre fricken Human and not AI.

But this should be common sense...

Our moods can fluctuate as we are alive and subject to circles, but this doesn't mean we have to beat our head on the wall for it, or not learn to ignore a few things.

The current slave labor system will gradually also be replaced. At least if our people are left alone to finally develop this. Loosening and making work easier and much more meaningful has been our goal for like 3000+ years but the enemy has been just impeding this to turn people into slaves and make them see work with hatred, to keep creation of the world back.

A woman who has lost a son has all reasons to lament and be sad, but the majority of people does not have such heavy reasons for such heavy spirit. Most people just cause this to themselves without any all that heavy external conditions.

Meditation is required to see this and open up the mind, both to gradually build off the negative karma, and also maintain the necessary control and maturity of mind to know when things are valid and when there is pointless self torment.

Right we Meditate, so as Maxine has stated our souls elevate away from pockets of negative energy. I dont think its just were so much more enlightened, its the fact that meditation makes you feel good and fills you with energy.

Its like going to gym and saying theres all these people that dont work out and feel like shit. Yes this is true and perhaps if they did work out they would have higher energy and dopamine rushes and thus feel better.

Diet, Exercise, Meditation, Yoga all work to empower and make your life better. People may needlessly do things but other times one tries their hardest to feel happy and their mood is discontent. But yes it fluctuates, in being happy and not.

There are those that refuse to try and are just never happy.
HP Mageson666 said:
A lot of people are depressed because the society is negative, we also are taught by Xianity that people have to be negative and suffering to be a good person.
It's easier to control depressed people-- they are less conscious, I quess.
Personal Growth said:
Master Darkness said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I understood everything. Thank you so much for this wonderful sermon Commander. I'm not weak. The problem is the current level of spiritual development. It's like sending a disabled person to the war with a wheeled carriage. I still don't see the energies. In this case it is a spiritual disability. It would be nice to have some advanced technology to help in spiritual development. Technology is very important.

Stop whining.

Just do it.

Supply follows demand.

There are subliminal that are supposed to do things automatically for you. But it's been covered here already that they're crap.

Just keep keeping on mate

Meant to say subliminals.

Audio subliminals that have imbedded affirmations that your conscious mind cannot pick up but your subconscious mind does.

There are for all manner of material goals. And even for chakras and spiritual practices. But you know it's all new age corrupted crap.

If you don't put in the leg work and do the work it's not real.

Be in control. Develop spiritual muscle and strong will power. Get strong by self control and practice.
You are completely right those of us who lived through those kinds or conditions in past lives some here right now are fighting. This is an interesting topic because recently I decided to watch a documentary on the middle ages. Fell asleep for about ten minutes or passed out or something (this happens sometimes when I meditate too especially if I'm laying down and I get a realistic dream or vision then come to quickly) I was in this kind of hut with a dirt floor there was no electricity I was laying next to this woman dressed somewhat like a nun I didn't see what I was wearing. Anyways so I felt this strong heaviness but in the vision I knew the truth this person knew the truth we were discussing something about immortality and the God's. That was it I snap back awake. This was on the day of the solstice when I was doing many rtrs I had that on in the background for the purpose of giving me motivation (the Inquisition documentary) Ever since this I have felt this heavy sadness I described on here in a few posts. This is what started it. Before this it was just a pressure in my heart chakra I guess it's released now mostly at least I don't feel the knot and pressure much anymore. It even caused me to lose my emotions completely for a few years. So I may have been one of these people I don't know I won't say absolutely cause I can't prove it and I don't yet remember other stuff.

With that said I always do some kind of Spiritual warfare and meditation every day. I have not skipped the RTR for months at least once a day mostly I do it more. So I understand the importance of this. I never complained about the little stuff. In the USA we have it so much better than most places (although yes I'll admit there probably are a few places better or much better but they are few and far between) if you think about what so many people are going through you don't have time to complain about the petty things. Even xtianity unless you are dealing with fundies I don't complain about that much cause most of the people are just in it for a cultural thing anyways and I know some places people are getting their heads cut off for even questioning Islam a little bit and stuff. I am grateful for the people that fought and sacrificed to make things better I myself probably did in several lives.

I completely agree with this. People just need to shut up and realize how good they have it. Now if someone gets murdered you loved raped or you lose everything ok then complain and take action but most of these problems are not even that bad. I don't have time for the way most people these days act.
Anyways to add to what I said I don't even know how long it will take to fully release this I had horrible anxiety all my life felt lonely blocked and stuff just talking about this made me feel heavy again I don't remember anything much but something about this whole thing really effects me.
Great message! This is exactly why everyone needs to do the RTRs consistently . If there was another dark age it would be nightmarish beyond imagination and likely no way to escape from it.
Especially on work environments there are endless people who are goddamn toxic. Its always handy to have a little ignore button in your mind for them. Ignore and move on.

People like to give endless energy in whining and even if 10% of this energy went in fixing things, we would be living in a world 20 times better than this.

Anyone who has means like we do must not spent their times on endless whining, we have solutions to things.
6zeliris6lalibratum6 said:
Have you tried starting your day with the RTR instead? I've found if I wait till the end of the day it exhausts me as well. Doing it in the morning also seems to help it manifest better, at least for me. Some energy raising and aura cleansing afterwards may also help if its just too draining for the time being. Hope this is beneficial advice for you. :)
Thank you. Yes, I actually do it in the morning after waking up and eating whenever I get a chance. Feels so much better. I'm not always passing out in the evenings. Every now and then, there just are some days that take too much.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Especially on work environments there are endless people who are goddamn toxic. Its always handy to have a little ignore button in your mind for them. Ignore and move on.

People like to give endless energy in whining and even if 10% of this energy went in fixing things, we would be living in a world 20 times better than this.

Anyone who has means like we do must not spent their times on endless whining, we have solutions to things.
At one of my previous jobs, a scaringly high majority of people were just like living zombies. They had an appearance that was just devoid of life. During their workday, their only goal was to "stretch" their routine work out to take as long as possible, so they will not get more work assigned to them. I'm talking about stretching 2h of work out to 9h. It was ridiculous. And not to forget the only thing they were "looking forward" to - Friday, the day where they go to some local disco and drink until they pass out. A good portion of them also would repeat this on Saturday as well, after which they would sleep for the whole of Sunday, and repeat the entire thing again every week. This was my first job so at the very least it let me experience the end-stage of "goyim" first hand.
6zeliris6lalibratum6 said:
Apprentice said:
Aldrick Strickland said:
Saturn is raping my ass right now
I wondered, have you tried to obliterate your Saturn? Lydia has a thread on it that I've read several times but haven't performed it yet.

No day goes by without me expressing my appreciation verbally to Satan and the Powers of Hell for all the blessings in my life. The only whining part is the workload and sometimes nearly passing out while doing the FRTR at the end of the day, feeling exhausted.

Have you tried starting your day with the RTR instead? I've found if I wait till the end of the day it exhausts me as well. Doing it in the morning also seems to help it manifest better, at least for me. Some energy raising and aura cleansing afterwards may also help if its just too draining for the time being. Hope this is beneficial advice for you. :)

I remember i did this a while ago and indeed it works. Thank you for this reminder I think i will do this again ;)
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Especially on work environments there are endless people who are goddamn toxic. Its always handy to have a little ignore button in your mind for them. Ignore and move on.

People like to give endless energy in whining and even if 10% of this energy went in fixing things, we would be living in a world 20 times better than this.

Anyone who has means like we do must not spent their times on endless whining, we have solutions to things.

This is perfectly true and when dealing with daily toxic environments it is up to everyon to find a solution to block this negative toxicity. Either ignore them, treat them with sarcasm or do a trick that I read on the main JoS site: when someone is negative towards you, you can visualise the the grey energy going back to them. Also do a quick and simple cleaning after this process just to be safe I think.
That is something I think of often. I find myself in bouts of not wanting to do anything, delaying when I do because "I don't feel like it." And I came across another post elsewhere of someone explaining how you'll never really "feel like it" when it's your go to excuse. And that's all it is. An excuse.
Along the same lines, you'll not always feel motivated, or inspired to do things. In fact, most of the time when you're trying to find your routine and figure things out, you're gonna dip or hit walls along the way that stop any motivation and momentum flat. What's important is that you continue to do what you need to. You don't need a lofty reason or motivation. You already have so much at your disposal. Make use of it before you no longer can.
Aldrick Strickland said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Aldrick Strickland said:
There could be a whole Host of reasons for someome to feel unhappy. Diet and exercise and medications is a huge one. There is truth to people being rediculous but this can also be taken to far. People do have a right to not feel happy and bad things happen in life.

I have a friend who just had her son get murdered, should I tell her hey at least were not in the middle ages. Or tell people in the Gulag of Russia, this is bad but at least theyre not cutting our limbs off or sending us to the dark ages completely. Look theres a light bulb.

In Theory there is much to be thankful for but that also can bleed over into living like a slave. Wow im making 10 anhour and have running water. Smiles like a pasty faced christian.

Im happy all the time. I feel happy I feel fine! I feel this way all the time! Oh im a little lonely. Unacceptable feelings! Im not in the dark ages! Do the Happy Dance. Happy Happy Happy.

So in reality and level headed thinking. One should be grateful for what they have but also strive for more and accept their emotions as they come. Trying where they can to either improve their emotional state or their lives. At the end of the day if youre not perfect and feel moody for no reason, its because youre fricken Human and not AI.

But this should be common sense...

Our moods can fluctuate as we are alive and subject to circles, but this doesn't mean we have to beat our head on the wall for it, or not learn to ignore a few things.

The current slave labor system will gradually also be replaced. At least if our people are left alone to finally develop this. Loosening and making work easier and much more meaningful has been our goal for like 3000+ years but the enemy has been just impeding this to turn people into slaves and make them see work with hatred, to keep creation of the world back.

A woman who has lost a son has all reasons to lament and be sad, but the majority of people does not have such heavy reasons for such heavy spirit. Most people just cause this to themselves without any all that heavy external conditions.

Meditation is required to see this and open up the mind, both to gradually build off the negative karma, and also maintain the necessary control and maturity of mind to know when things are valid and when there is pointless self torment.

Right we Meditate, so as Maxine has stated our souls elevate away from pockets of negative energy. I dont think its just were so much more enlightened, its the fact that meditation makes you feel good and fills you with energy.

Its like going to gym and saying theres all these people that dont work out and feel like shit. Yes this is true and perhaps if they did work out they would have higher energy and dopamine rushes and thus feel better.

Diet, Exercise, Meditation, Yoga all work to empower and make your life better. People may needlessly do things but other times one tries their hardest to feel happy and their mood is discontent. But yes it fluctuates, in being happy and not.

There are those that refuse to try and are just never happy.

I feel like meditations make you proud when you see how far you have come. And it makes you happy because you can still become much stronger, well at least this excites me
Master Darkness said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I understood everything. Thank you so much for this wonderful sermon Commander. I'm not weak. The problem is the current level of spiritual development. It's like sending a disabled person to the war with a wheeled carriage. I still don't see the energies. In this case it is a spiritual disability. It would be nice to have some advanced technology to help in spiritual development. Technology is very important.
The thechnology won't fix disability only you can fix that, hoddedcobra said "People who use clutches to walk to their own fridge will find themselves disappointed and weak."
Master Darkness said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I understood everything. Thank you so much for this wonderful sermon Commander. I'm not weak. The problem is the current level of spiritual development. It's like sending a disabled person to the war with a wheeled carriage. I still don't see the energies. In this case it is a spiritual disability. It would be nice to have some advanced technology to help in spiritual development. Technology is very important.

Nobody sends any disabled person into any war. You are not having any extremely serious responsibilities, so asking for a tank to go the local flea market and buy something is just absurd.

Depending on technology all the time is like depending on a breathing machine to breathe. Your own system shrinks at the expense of the object of your dependence. We are nowhere close spiritual machines yet, and even then, these will mean nothing.

The most sophisticated spiritual machine is already man, but he is in a dormant state.

You do not have responsibility to see or all the things you imagine. Just to grow, for now, and do your part in this, which does not require a PhD into anything.
NinRick said:
Aldrick Strickland said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Our moods can fluctuate as we are alive and subject to circles, but this doesn't mean we have to beat our head on the wall for it, or not learn to ignore a few things.

The current slave labor system will gradually also be replaced. At least if our people are left alone to finally develop this. Loosening and making work easier and much more meaningful has been our goal for like 3000+ years but the enemy has been just impeding this to turn people into slaves and make them see work with hatred, to keep creation of the world back.

A woman who has lost a son has all reasons to lament and be sad, but the majority of people does not have such heavy reasons for such heavy spirit. Most people just cause this to themselves without any all that heavy external conditions.

Meditation is required to see this and open up the mind, both to gradually build off the negative karma, and also maintain the necessary control and maturity of mind to know when things are valid and when there is pointless self torment.

Right we Meditate, so as Maxine has stated our souls elevate away from pockets of negative energy. I dont think its just were so much more enlightened, its the fact that meditation makes you feel good and fills you with energy.

Its like going to gym and saying theres all these people that dont work out and feel like shit. Yes this is true and perhaps if they did work out they would have higher energy and dopamine rushes and thus feel better.

Diet, Exercise, Meditation, Yoga all work to empower and make your life better. People may needlessly do things but other times one tries their hardest to feel happy and their mood is discontent. But yes it fluctuates, in being happy and not.

There are those that refuse to try and are just never happy.

I feel like meditations make you proud when you see how far you have come. And it makes you happy because you can still become much stronger, well at least this excites me

True. I was doing 216 surya in the morning then heading to work. When I would get back I would do the rest of my meditation. Well then I decided to do all my meditation inthe morning. The day flew and went much better.

I had forgotten when I worked at a warehouse, I would have to get up at 4am. Well I would get up at 2am, to knock 2 hours of meditation out which would make the 12 or more hour day go by much easier.

I would go to sleep at midnight and wake up 2 am then work all day. There were a few days I ran 120 percent production and be on fire with energy.

But ultimately I got tired of it. The Final RTR is changing our lives. It keeps asking us why? Why are we doing this meaningless thing and devoting all our energy to it?
Aldrick Strickland said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
bluebow said:
Love this post HP. Beautiful, inspiring and a reality check.

On a side note, back in the Middle Ages, with people feeling so miserable and “not wanting to live”, it made me think of how many ‘depressed’ youth and people in general there are at present, this feeling/trauma being carried through lifetimes, affecting us to this day..possibly. Aside from all the other factors that contribute to this.

Once again, awesome post.


The suffering of witches back then has nothing to do with every moody person on the planet, just few people. Very few in number.

Most people are "depressed" today for non serious reasons or out of a habit.

Quite few people that I see that say they are depressed really have no reason, it is a cataleptic state of mind. They are so used to it they cannot change it, or so they think. Because it can change.

Every case in depression is totally individual. However, most people do not have serious trauma or anything.

I say this as some people have terrible lives and they are not depressed to the extent a lot of people claim today for absolutely no material or emotional reason.

There could be a whole Host of reasons for someome to feel unhappy. Diet and exercise and medications is a huge one. There is truth to people being rediculous but this can also be taken to far. People do have a right to not feel happy and bad things happen in life.

I have a friend who just had her son get murdered, should I tell her hey at least were not in the middle ages. Or tell people in the Gulag of Russia, this is bad but at least theyre not cutting our limbs off or sending us to the dark ages completely. Look theres a light bulb.

In Theory there is much to be thankful for but that also can bleed over into living like a slave. Wow im making 10 anhour and have running water. Smiles like a pasty faced christian.

Im happy all the time. I feel happy I feel fine! I feel this way all the time! Oh im a little lonely. Unacceptable feelings! Im not in the dark ages! Do the Happy Dance. Happy Happy Happy.

So in reality and level headed thinking. One should be grateful for what they have but also strive for more and accept their emotions as they come. Trying where they can to either improve their emotional state or their lives. At the end of the day if youre not perfect and feel moody for no reason, its because youre fricken Human and not AI.

But this should be common sense...

I realized that the soul will be weakened if the person is upset, and remember that the soul is hereditary :roll: These negative emotions of unease or depression seem to take the person over it seems almost completely. Then you might have to clean your aura and work on the entire soul system! I have seen some evil people I get hateful rather than upset, because being depressed will hurt me, As HPS Maxine said by feeling bad for someone you are actually susceptible to curses, and the person would fucking themselves well over too...
Not helping the persons soul at the speed of light not a good idea.
This as well, you take away the runes, you take away the man..
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Master Darkness said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I understood everything. Thank you so much for this wonderful sermon Commander. I'm not weak. The problem is the current level of spiritual development. It's like sending a disabled person to the war with a wheeled carriage. I still don't see the energies. In this case it is a spiritual disability. It would be nice to have some advanced technology to help in spiritual development. Technology is very important.

Nobody sends any disabled person into any war. You are not having any extremely serious responsibilities, so asking for a tank to go the local flea market and buy something is just absurd.

Depending on technology all the time is like depending on a breathing machine to breathe. Your own system shrinks at the expense of the object of your dependence. We are nowhere close spiritual machines yet, and even then, these will mean nothing.

The most sophisticated spiritual machine is already man, but he is in a dormant state.

You do not have responsibility to see or all the things you imagine. Just to grow, for now, and do your part in this, which does not require a PhD into anything.
I would like to contribute in a powerful way. I hate this weak level. However, I would be far ahead if I weren't so lazy. I decided to program my mind with different statements to work very hard and tirelessly to become a god. Divinity is one of the most important things for me.
For those who do not believe they hold any power or significant impact in doing the RTRs because they feel they are too spiritually weak, think about this.
Think about every day the millions of people who pray to jewsus and put their energy into the j*wish thoughtform to help push their agenda.
Even an SS with a little bit of spiritual power, or even just someone with their chakras opened, holds more power than 1,000, 10,000, or even 100,000 christian zombies who send their energies to the j*wish thoughtform every day. Your power is even more amplified with the RTR which was designed by the Gods, it is literal nordic alien technology. Then, it is multiplied even further when we perform it in unison, every day.

Hail Satan
Master Darkness said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Master Darkness said:
I understood everything. Thank you so much for this wonderful sermon Commander. I'm not weak. The problem is the current level of spiritual development. It's like sending a disabled person to the war with a wheeled carriage. I still don't see the energies. In this case it is a spiritual disability. It would be nice to have some advanced technology to help in spiritual development. Technology is very important.

Nobody sends any disabled person into any war. You are not having any extremely serious responsibilities, so asking for a tank to go the local flea market and buy something is just absurd.

Depending on technology all the time is like depending on a breathing machine to breathe. Your own system shrinks at the expense of the object of your dependence. We are nowhere close spiritual machines yet, and even then, these will mean nothing.

The most sophisticated spiritual machine is already man, but he is in a dormant state.

You do not have responsibility to see or all the things you imagine. Just to grow, for now, and do your part in this, which does not require a PhD into anything.
I would like to contribute in a powerful way. I hate this weak level. However, I would be far ahead if I weren't so lazy. I decided to program my mind with different statements to work very hard and tirelessly to become a god. Divinity is one of the most important things for me.
You can still do rtrs, all these excuses are lazyness themselves.
666Esoteric666 said:
Even an SS with a little bit of spiritual power, or even just someone with their chakras opened, holds more power than 1,000, 10,000, or even 100,000 christian zombies who send their energies to the j*wish thoughtform every day.
If the psychic energies of the average mass of people watching a football game or a musical comedy could be diverted into the rational channels of a freedom movement, they would be invincible.
Wilhelm Reich
Aquarius said:
Master Darkness said:
I would like to contribute in a powerful way. I hate this weak level. However, I would be far ahead if I weren't so lazy. I decided to program my mind with different statements to work very hard and tirelessly to become a god. Divinity is one of the most important things for me.
You can still do rtrs, all these excuses are lazyness themselves.
You always asking for strong spiritual technology to make everyone in the world all know the truth, and fix the world in every way. But you already have that technology and you can use it right now. RTR
Dr George King has made more than two devices to clean the aura and environment, this is rather interesting.

"Founder-President of The Aetherius Society a mysyic order that was charged with the karmic responsibility of assisting the Cosmic Masters of this planet and solar system with stablizing the collective karmic patterns of the human race. Dr King developed and designed several missions and devices that mankind can use to purify his aura and the environment. He also delivered over 600 messages from cosmic masters while in a self-induced samahic trance."

Born January 23, 1919
Deid July 12, 1997
satanichonor said:
Dr George King has made more than two devices to clean the aura and environment, this is rather interesting.

"Founder-President of The Aetherius Society a mysyic order that was charged with the karmic responsibility of assisting the Cosmic Masters of this planet and solar system with stablizing the collective karmic patterns of the human race. Dr King developed and designed several missions and devices that mankind can use to purify his aura and the environment. He also delivered over 600 messages from cosmic masters while in a self-induced samahic trance."

Born January 23, 1919
Deid July 12, 1997
That sounds very New Age/Juw Age ridiculous
I was born depressed, but never understood why. Eventually at 14 I found meditation, at 15 I left Christianity, at 16 I became a Satanist. As I kept meditating I found the core of my depression was because of neglectful parents, a deadbeat dad and a mother who's only choice was to work so much I barely got to see her. It put me in a unique opportunity where I was raised by demons, which I believe myself to be incredibly lucky for. In school I was bullied by everyone I knew, even the "nerds" hated me, despite how high energy and loving I always have been. My story is hatred, and if there were witch burnings where I'm at, I would have been burned a long time ago. I'm not saying this for attention, well maybe a little, but mostly as a story of triumph. When I found meditation, everything changed, girls started taking notice of me, and those that oppressed me began becoming afraid of me. Rn I live in a life where money is at hand, rather than at a distance. Even with the Coronavirus I've been on a persistent rise, only rising in power and wealth despite the economic crisis we've been dealing with. The truth is every single one of us have suffered greatly in our own way, I'm sure you the reader, have gone through hell and back on your journey. I'm not going to pretend that I'm a picture perfect Satanist, sometimes I slack off, and my Saturn is in Taurus, so I have a hard time understanding how valuable my time and money is. But I can say that I've truly dedicated my life to Satan, and everything has been turning for the better. As I do these Reverse Torah Rituals I can feel my curses being lifted day by day. So what is my point? It is this: we have been tormented since the day we were born, and I incite you to look to your past, and look at the struggle you've had. Look at what you've been through, and realize that if we don't fight your life will be even worse than you can imagine. Realize that through work you can turn ANYTHING around. We will win only through strength, power, and intelligence, and you personally will only win like that as well. I've been given glimpses of a world of reptilian control and if you could see it too you would spend every waking second meditating and fighting. If you understood just how blessed you are to be given the opportunity you have now, you would take it and live it. Understand that this is our stand, and it is our duty to stand firm and not give a single inch. It is our duty to reclaim the ancient future and save our race and our people! THIS WAR NOT A GAME! THIS IS NOT A HOBBY BUT THE ULTIMATE PRIORITY!!! WE MUST WIN THERE IS NO OTHER OPTION, AND ONLY YOU, THE READER, CAN HELP US!!!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The slavery of today has shifted to a mental one, rather than a physical one. The overall conditions are better, but in general people still remain enslaved, just this time they are enslaved in their mind. That's done through several things. For one, the common case of being forced into xianity from an early age, which embeds harmful and self-destructive habits in people. And for two, mainly, the current culture of smartphones, games, and social media. Those things are quite literally the modern form of slavery, as they overload the brain with dopamine like a drug, making people addicted to them and having them lose any interest in these "important things", like meditation and studies, because they don't give the same dopamine rush.

The reason that people have become lazy and worthless slabs of meat in this current day, is because of this jewish culture of fake validation and fake dopamine that is available at nearly everyone's fingertips. The way to break out of this system is to radically stay away from those things and only use technology for worthwhile pursuits that dont give fake dopamine.

This is very important to understand for anyone who actually wants to stop being lazy.
The problem persists at large due to the christians, and the heavy mass programming the enemy has done over to the masses. There's tons of movies filled with christian garbage and subliminals that for most stays with them for a lifetime.

I'm into exercise and stuffs and over the years I've met many crazy christian cunts who really are messed up in their heads, this one guy I met had a direct relationship with The Rocky movie series and he said that's the time he got into lifting. This guy clearly picked up just too much Xian garbage from that series and got very delusional!
He used to pray even before lifting his sets, his posture was the worst you would find in the city and he had no good gains. while asked he said, "This pain is like the pain jebus took, ain't it?"

I know right, beyond gross to even laugh.. these bastards! and yeah, for an update this guy didn't got anywhere! #SufferForOurSaviour

Same goes for this various athletes and celebs who promote xianity and the masses are very easily influenced, be it getting tattoos of Bible passages, wearing cross lockets/bracelets or making a cross handsign anywhere for absolutely no reason. Seriously, how can a normal person go on with so much to the point becoming an absolute sheep, and still at the end of the day be happy about it! = GOYIM ✓

Another important thing I want to discuss is about the various writing that have been written by countless "supposed" yogis and babas from India, who came to United States and Britain years ago to spread their knowledge of Yoga and Meditation. The point here is that these babas in their pursuit to garner attention and "money" from the westerners used to twist and turn words and events from the jewshit Bible to find cultural appropriation. It's just too funny that many of these peoples had made hundreds of claims over the Jewish thoughtform of jebus whereabouts, because sheeps would surely graze!
I want to warn everyone to stay away from such garbage, especially like those of yogananda. If you're interested in seeing a fat brown kinky guy give you fetishes by just staring at you with eyes open, you pretty much need to leave asap dumbass! India still to date struggles with these babas who eventually get caught in rape cases.
The lesson here is to clear every kind of ties/relations with the enemy at all levels!

Remember, the only sin in Satanism - "Stupidity!"

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
