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Coronavirus Fake Tests

HPS Shannon said:
And stop using the clergy title and throwing it in my face. Youre just projecting and trying to make me feel as though I am purposely using that as a reason to get people to believe what I mentioned. I dont care about that and neither do alot of people here. I'm just a woman here and stating what I feel. Get over it. Seriously. We can keep going back and fourth but we will get nowhere. All you can do is call someone an ex satanist because they have a different opinion. What kind of bullshit is that?

Do you or anyone's opinion about me actually matters?

No. So save your breath and shut up. You and I are done.

I'm not mentioning the clergy title on the act as any 'disguise' or 'exscusability' from you and I never said you were ever using it as any reason of persuading people, in fact I've never seen you refer to it at all before to justify even a single thing so why would I think this? I'm using it in the context that regardless of anything it makes you very impressionable to members when you have HP/S in your name and they trust and sometimes almost 'worship' a clergy member's words as superior.

It is a very real factor of having to be more careful with what you say and share. If I was HP and made an error of judgement I would feel like absolute shit, and I know this because I already have felt like absolute shit when I unintentionally misinform people and immediately have to right the wrong and find whatever post it was and correct myself and apologize to anyone who read it.

And I've said this before already so let me clarify it again.

I am not saying you are purposefully attacking anyone or are some infiltrator or that you're trying to trick our members or are under some 'disguise on behalf of the enemy', I never said this and I know you aren't and don't think that you are for a second.

But do you think I was aware what I was doing when I was preaching the words of 'G-d' as an xian many, many years ago? Do you think I was consciously and knowingly, on purpose trying to enslave humanity into a program or trying to drag people into a borg cult of insect-eye greylien parasites by sharing their garbage? No, I was completely blind and ignorant to what I was doing back then. I thought I was right and everyone was wrong, I was incredibly confident in my 'belief' too and just threw aside any 'outsiders' who didn't believe me, calling them delusional for not seeing 'muh trooths'.

Someone can spread lies and harmful crap to people and not know any better at all, but just because you're not knowingly or purposefully doing it doesn't mean you aren't doing it and that it's not bringing harm.

That is all I am getting at. I'm sorry if I'm causing you stresses and it's not my intention in the slightest to make you feel like shit or to drowntrod you with any negativity, but I'm not going to sit here and watch a bunch of lies spread around without exposing them for what they are. Enemy forged.
Ghost in the Machine said:
I urge anyone who has stumbled upon this thread to read the messages of Ghost here. It's a great example of how it looks like when a delusional idiot finally loses it completely.

Take note of this, and keep it in mind for any further fools like this who will come around in the future, so you can spot them more effectively. It's important to train your mind for these things, so you do not end up taking potentially devastating advice or other things from these people during their time here before they finally implode completely.

I myself will do so, as well. I still remember when this guy was going on about how aliens are trying to abduct him and are stalking him, but I naively gave him the benefit of the doubt. It already was a very obvious sign of his mental instability and insanity.
And the friggin measles?! come on that is the most contageous diasease to humans.[/quote]

What? How many people do you know with measles? I Believe that would be the common cold.[/quote]

HPS Shannon said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
I read it and I was thinking.. "if its dead material then what are animo acids" ?
Basicly this whole thing is easily debunked if you think about it logically and use common sense.

On a side note, I do believe in electric charge though.

And the friggin measles?! come on that is the most contageous diasease to humans.

You can ponder all you want but he won and court and no one was able to prove it or anything like that. Dont shoot the messenger.

LoL ... guys, Moon Girl was ironic
Syd Silver said:
And the friggin measles?! come on that is the most contageous diasease to humans.

What? How many people do you know with measles? I Believe that would be the common cold.[/quote]

HPS Shannon said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
LOL I couldn’t tell. This thread got hectic quick. I feel like it will end up being deleted, oh well.
I read it and I was thinking.. "if its dead material then what are animo acids" ?
Basicly this whole thing is easily debunked if you think about it logically and use common sense.

On a side note, I do believe in electric charge though.

And the friggin measles?! come on that is the most contageous diasease to humans.

You can ponder all you want but he won and court and no one was able to prove it or anything like that. Dont shoot the messenger.

LoL ... guys, Moon Girl was ironic[/quote]
Please do not tie Satan into this, and yes, the situation is understood.

Agree to disagree, but please do not use the "My intentions" as immunity, nor the "Gods said so" as a ground, because this is obviously personal.

Also, blanket terms like "Jewish Medical Establishment" and thinking all of science is wrong and shit because some proponents of it are jewish, is errant thought. Science is observation, experimentation and so forth. This is the same as when people say that Auryveda and other forms of healing are "Superstition".

Each case has to be examined in itself, and not dismissed as "Jewish" because there are jews involved, but judged on the effectiveness of real scientific inquiry. There is no debate on anti-biotics, they simply work when consumed, and that is based on a scientific theory that is observable based on experimentation. Jews saying these do work or not working does not make the practice jewish necessarily. That is only one example.

If a jew quotes Neuton that does not make Neuton wrong, only the jew a jew.

If you want, take it on the personal e-mail.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Please do not tie Satan into this, and yes, the situation is understood.

Agree to disagree, but please do not use the "My intentions" as immunity, nor the "Gods said so" as a ground, because this is obviously personal.

Also, blanket terms like "Jewish Medical Establishment" and thinking all of science is wrong and shit because some proponents of it are jewish, is errant thought. Science is observation, experimentation and so forth. This is the same as when people say that Auryveda and other forms of healing are "Superstition".

Each case has to be examined in itself, and not dismissed as "Jewish" because there are jews involved, but judged on the effectiveness of real scientific inquiry. There is no debate on anti-biotics, they simply work when consumed, and that is based on a scientific theory that is observable based on experimentation. Jews saying these do work or not working does not make the practice jewish necessarily. That is only one example.

If a jew quotes Neuton that does not make Neuton wrong, only the jew a jew.

If you want, take it on the personal e-mail.

Thats my point HoodedCobra, whether my sources were jews or gentiles, science is science. Jews and Gentiles alike can be good at science as it is a truth that is part of life and how we all function.

The Jewish and Gentile sources both talk about how microbial diseases are the result of disease and not the sole cause. That an imbalanced body invites disease, and that taking care of the immune system, toxicity and etc prevents diseases even from infections. That is pretty much terrain theory. And whther one wants to agree with me or not, thats fine but dont call it spreading enemy lies or saying Im nit a satanist anmore because I pay attention to Science. Just because Jews also agree and use science to show terrain theory doesnt mean its wrong.

I put aside my hatred for Jews to learn as much as I can, even if its from them.

And when I say Jewish medical establishment, I dont mean that medicine and science is Jewish. Im talking about the one that the Jewish Rockefeller group created within the field of medicine as outlined in "Death by Medicine" and "Rockefeller Medicine men".

I was saying to him all this time that Science is science, but I guess that was too much for him to understand

It seems Hooded Cobra has to be the one to post in order for some people to get this.

Anyway, thank you. That is all.
Syd Silver said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
On a side note, I do believe in electric charge though.

Oh wow, you to!! I thought I was the only one!
Now that we are 2 we should make a cult ;)
(if others have personal cults (and illusions / delusions) >:)

Haha.. well lets not. And basicly it shouldnt be much different from vril anyway.
Better (try and) keep it sane, Syd :) (Though playing around is fun but on the forum probably should come with a disclaimer lol).
Eric13 said:
Ghost, you’re gonna get yourself banned dude. Multiple Hps at this point have gotten on to you about strange delusional behavior, which based on this thread seems to be back in full stride, and you can’t allow this to keep happening. Lower down the intensity a bit. Intensity is only useful when applied wisely. Otherwise, you become a crazy train off the rails. It’s self destructive.

You talk of grounding a lot. You need to settle yourself and look at this situation rationally. Do some self reflecting. It’s like victim mentality. Where everyone is wrong, and your the one that’s right. At a certain point who is the common denominator in the debacles? It’s isn’t Cobra, it isn’t HPS Shannon.

It’s sounds like you’re having astral communication problems. This happens. Use wise judgment always when doing any communication.
Especially if you’re just starting off.

It’s funny, enemy ets tell you crazy shit about an HP and you believe it blindly. Then our HPS shows evidence and data for her claims backed by real world science and she’s crazy! Hahaha

Okay, here's some scientific proof that the Earth is flat. They have diagrams, many things that make sense, they show the mathematics too and provide all manners of reasonable explanations. Let me know if you even almost fall for it or if you think the slightest thought of "Wait a minute... this makes sense..." chances are you're not even going to bother to look at it because you believe too much of what Shannon is saying to trust me, thus you don't bother to do the research.

If you don't know a lick of the real actual sciences that disprove all of it, you'll believe it easily.

Look at the people who wrote the article: "Anti-Vaccine Scientific Support Arsenal". Want to know who they are? Well look at all the bible quotes around the article and the links leading to other sub articles, especially that category that says "Biblical Proof" and much relations to xians.

You think all 'scientific data' 'proof' and 'evidence' is trustworthy from the enemy? Are you aware that these articles of 'proof' and 'evidence' she's given that you're referring to in disputing me on this are written by jews?

Do you know how to recognize a jew when you see them?

Do you know the surnames they use?

And do you realize how severely all of this is present in her 'studies', 'evidence' and 'proof' on this whole virus dispute?

Also she's not crazy, just misled, and I am not communicating with anyone on the astral at all in any use as proof of what I'm saying, I've given the physical proof in that it should be enough to know not to trust anything mass produced by the enemy, let alone anything at all to the point of devoting your every stock and store to it.

You should read my other posts on this thread if you ever find the time. Frankly I am mentally exhausted in trying to make people see the truth of what's going on here as if I'm some kind of one-man-army as the only one who is actually forcing against it for the sake of our member's safety and well-being. It is not good to so severely downgrade your awareness of the reality of viruses, especially when they can be incredibly deadly not just to you, but those you spread them to who are vulnerable because of your negligence in thinking they are not what they are.

This is especially what the enemy wants during this pandemic, for people to dismiss the virus so they don't protect themselves from it and spread it further, they know this greatly can risk the health and safety of our own people and Shannon literally just called people who wear masks "Sheep", do you think members who look up to clergy are going to be devoted to protecting themselves, like Maxine and other clergy have told them to with utmost severe seriousness now after reading something like that from one of them?

You can't be serious Eric in falling for this as well, it's so obvious. Create virus > Cause pandemic > Tell people viruses aren't real > Dumb goyim don't bother doing the precautions of safety because they believe this > ???Chaos??? > jew profits.

I honestly don't know what to say any more, it's like trying to tell the truth of Satanism to a bunch of xians. I'm pretty sure many of us know how stubbornly hard and virtually impossible that is. I wish something was done about this with the other clergy or something from our gods to completely show what is going on here. We CANNOT lose our way to blind ignorance and lies, or to be divided and torn apart by two sides of Group A 'virus is real' and Group B 'muh hoax'. Is it not a coincidence that with all of this, it just so happens that an entire pandemic, a VIRUS is the focus of all of our attention right now as a global event?

This needs to be rectified in totality some how. This can become a danger to the entire ministry community at this rate in more ways than one in causing disorder, I shouldn't be seeing so many people believing in things written by our irrefutable enemy and thinking it's okay to trust their writings, it's common sense as a Satanist to not trust alien parasites who are literally programmed to lie, manipulate and warp with illusions to stray humanity from truth.

They've been doing it to us for thousands of years, it's how humanity got into this whole mess in the first place.
Ghost in the Machine said:

You have a good point that we shouldn't trust any Jew sources. I agree with that, and I believe that is where you are correct. Looking at both HPS Shannon's and your posts and the content of the argument surrounding the virus: I think you guys are arguing about the details whilst operating within a Jew dichotomy. What I mean is, the Jew set up the modern medical system to be ineffective, and it currently avoids modern scientific evidence in its curriculum to do this. At the same time, it infiltrated the alternative fields to corrupt the opposition, hence the Jew authors you have found. What you have to realize is that there are also tons of Jews in the current medical curriculum, as well as in the governments, resulting in the covid disaster.

In this sense, both of you must unwittingly believe some corrupted details within your medical philosophies, as you both subscribe to areas of Jewish influence. It seems that you are both trying to make sense of the details of what is muddied water, which is at this point in our history, is an unfruitful usage of energy. From your position, you have to acknowledge that the current medical curriculum, distinct from medical science, has led us to believe Jew lies about physiology. From HPS Shannon's position, she has to acknowledge that she has a few bad apples in her research collection, since there are Jews influencing that research, as well.

I think where you went wrong is the intensity of the attack. While I understand that you felt compelled to act to defend those who may be vulnerable, you have to realize that HPS Shannon has her position because the gods know she is beneficial to us. If she was making grave errors, she or the other clergy members would be aware of that soon enough. Besides that, we all have to be careful not to fight each other, as it states in the Al-Jilwah to not fight against other Satanists. While you didn't curse her, you did harm your relationship with her and cause some unnecessary stress in the community.

Again, I understand that you felt compelled to argue, but this is a touchy area that requires a delicate approach, as it could easily create communal strife. The enemy sees this and can easily exploit it, pushing either of the arguing parties to act inappropriately, either in content or intensity of their approach, leading to additional tension. In this way, one has to be very careful and therefore err on the side of caution. One has to ask themselves whether the argument is even worth it.

Even better, does what you say have to even be construed or perceived as argumentation? Meaning, if you come across as hostile in your approach, the other person is likely to end up putting up a wall instead of trying to integrate what you say with their views. One can be completely correct in their intentions, and even in their reasoning, but if they are too aggressive or hostile, not letting their opponent save face, how can they expect anything but a defensive response?

For someone to incorporate certain reasoning or details into their philosophy, such reasoning must first appeal to them. If it is packaging in hostility, they won't do that. We can see that has happened here, as HPS Shannon said she does not want to interact with you, anymore.

I think you made a good point, and I don't think calling you delusional is appropriate, but I do think the intensity of the attack was not the right choice. HPS Shannon cannot be entirely wrong, otherwise she would not hold her position. I would consider reflecting and apologizing on where you went wrong, perhaps here or in email, because I think you pushed too hard (even with good intentions!) and damaged your relationship with a very positive member of the community.
Shael said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
I myself will do so, as well. I still remember when this guy was going on about how aliens are trying to abduct him and are stalking him, but I naively gave him the benefit of the doubt. It already was a very obvious sign of his mental instability and insanity.

Is that not simply evidence of enemy attack, in your opinion? Reading what he said in this thread, he made some good points, but also messed up in other areas. I don't think he is delusional in his entirety, but more likely acted irrationally unwittingly under some sort of enemy influence. In that sense, it seems harsh, to me, to label him a deluded idiot.

In a reply to him, I told him that he acted of inappropriate hostile intensity, and I think that applies here when a term as strong as deluded idiot is used. I understand emotions are high, but that should call for emotional bandaids to be applied, not for more wounds to be made (even in defense). In a better world, we could split ways with others after a negative encounter, but as of now, I feel we are all in the same boat dealing with clownworld waves around us. In that sense, I opt for trying to calm and reunite the disagreeing parties, as opposed to casting one-sided blame.

I am curious what you think, though. You have been here much longer than I have.
This topic has become a mess ...

BTW ... Ghost we all got it, you hate Shannon, now take a break, go find a mental institution and and ask for help, you really need it
Syd Silver said:
This topic has become a mess ...

BTW ... Ghost we all got it, you hate Shannon, now take a break, go find a mental institution and and ask for help, you really need it

Judging from other posts GITM seems too pretentious to see the error of his ways and thinking.

He is pro vaccine because most of the anti vaccine people happen to be Christian, I don’t have a problem with that if their information is good. It’s not Jews purposefully trying to deceive everyone.

There are secular anti vax people like Dr. Andrew Wakefield who made a VERY important discovery. The gut-brain connection. But if you read Jewish media sources they say he is “discredited”.
Syd Silver said:
This topic has become a mess ...

BTW ... Ghost we all got it, you hate Shannon, now take a break, go find a mental institution and and ask for help, you really need it

No offense to you, but stating something like that is unfair towards Ghost. He makes some good points, but I think he is being too aggressive about it. I don't think he hates Shannon, and I don't think he is mentally ill. That just seems to disrespectful to call someone that.

SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Judging from other posts GITM seems too pretentious to see the error of his ways and thinking.

He is pro vaccine because most of the anti vaccine people happen to be Christian, I don’t have a problem with that if their information is good. It’s not Jews purposefully trying to deceive everyone.

There are secular anti vax people like Dr. Andrew Wakefield who made a VERY important discovery. The gut-brain connection. But if you read Jewish media sources they say he is “discredited”.

Like Shannon, he makes good arguments, and like HPS Shannon, he probably trusts his side of the medical debate too much. In reality, jews have corrupted both the anti-vaccine/pro-vaccine, alternative health/modern health, etc sides. What this means is that the details are hard to make clear. It would take a large investment of energy to make sense of what was 100% correct and what was not.

Speaking in broad strokes, however, we can at least conclude that there is more to immunity than vaccines, and that vaccines have been corrupted to damage Gentile populations. Similarly, I think that viruses are real in the sense that they can harm you if you are exposed, but like HPS Shannon states, there is more to them than what we have been told.

I agree that I trust Christian gentiles in the sense that I don't believe they will lie and manipulate like a Jew would, but they still tie into enemy energy, so one has to be wary. It would be hard to evaluate all scientists on their degree of Christianity unless they have some personal page up or something. We could at least discount the prominent Christians, though, to be on the safe side.
Blitzkreig said:
Is that not simply evidence of enemy attack, in your opinion? Reading what he said in this thread, he made some good points, but also messed up in other areas. I don't think he is delusional in his entirety, but more likely acted irrationally unwittingly under some sort of enemy influence. In that sense, it seems harsh, to me, to label him a deluded idiot.
It definitely is evidence of that. But it's also majorly the fault of the person who is being attacked, for letting it happen so easily and opening themselves up to it so much.
There is a good reason why some advanced people are not experiencing many attacks at all while others are brought to the point of insanity regularly. It's about ones mindset, personal conduct, and maintaining proper protection. If one or more things are improperly handled, attacks occur much more easily and frequently.

I don't have any intent to spend much of my time discussing anything about this guy, as it is frankly just not worth my time to do so. In a general sense, your assumption here is correct in my opinion. I wrote what I did because I know the details that went into this whole situation, as well as many of the things Ghost actually did and said, which are worse than what may be visible on the surface here.

The main point of my message is that, when you see someone acting like they might be "on the spectrum", then it's a good idea to not blindly believe any advice they give in posts on the forums here, even if those posts themselves may seem sane on their own.
Ghost in the Machine said:

Bruh, your whole point is just "He has a big head, so he must be a jew."

You know a lot of people have big heads, that doesn't necessarily mean anything.

I'm not strongly agreeing or disagreeing with either of you. But you seriously gotta have some kind of evidence more than just "He has a big head."
Blitzkreig said:
Shael said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
I myself will do so, as well. I still remember when this guy was going on about how aliens are trying to abduct him and are stalking him, but I naively gave him the benefit of the doubt. It already was a very obvious sign of his mental instability and insanity.

Is that not simply evidence of enemy attack, in your opinion? Reading what he said in this thread, he made some good points, but also messed up in other areas. I don't think he is delusional in his entirety, but more likely acted irrationally unwittingly under some sort of enemy influence. In that sense, it seems harsh, to me, to label him a deluded idiot.

In a reply to him, I told him that he acted of inappropriate hostile intensity, and I think that applies here when a term as strong as deluded idiot is used. I understand emotions are high, but that should call for emotional bandaids to be applied, not for more wounds to be made (even in defense). In a better world, we could split ways with others after a negative encounter, but as of now, I feel we are all in the same boat dealing with clownworld waves around us. In that sense, I opt for trying to calm and reunite the disagreeing parties, as opposed to casting one-sided blame.

I am curious what you think, though. You have been here much longer than I have.

Thank you Blitzkrieg for your polite response, and sharing what you feel.

I understand GITM and his positive intentions, It just got me so irate and frustrated that he called me an ex satanist and said a couple other things in the email that came off as deluded or strange. I am not calling him deluded because he has a different opinion on science, etc.

I do feel bad about what I said to him but my Mars in Aries and now kundalini energy makes the emotions flare and heightened. I apologize to everyone here if I came off a certain way. I enjoy peace and harmony truly but certain things I personally can not stand.

I understand the Jew issues, I do.
But if a Jew is using science to show terrain theory, I will read it, especially if the concept has been touched by gentiles and are sourced by them, and the references are gentiles as well as case studies from them. If that makes me wrong in the eyes of people here, then so be it.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Please do not tie Satan into this, and yes, the situation is understood.

Agree to disagree, but please do not use the "My intentions" as immunity, nor the "Gods said so" as a ground, because this is obviously personal.

Also, blanket terms like "Jewish Medical Establishment" and thinking all of science is wrong and shit because some proponents of it are jewish, is errant thought. Science is observation, experimentation and so forth. This is the same as when people say that Auryveda and other forms of healing are "Superstition".

Each case has to be examined in itself, and not dismissed as "Jewish" because there are jews involved, but judged on the effectiveness of real scientific inquiry. There is no debate on anti-biotics, they simply work when consumed, and that is based on a scientific theory that is observable based on experimentation. Jews saying these do work or not working does not make the practice jewish necessarily. That is only one example.

If a jew quotes Neuton that does not make Neuton wrong, only the jew a jew.

If you want, take it on the personal e-mail.

Yes you are completely right and I want to clarify my focus here is "judged on the effectiveness of real scientific inquiry". This is what I am basing it off of, the fact that her books are so largely written by jews is just icing on the cake in regards to trust. All of the mass known sciences largely refute in a multitude of factors the inaccuracy even just in common sense what is being said here about viruses and the human body, the most basics of biology even. These studies and such being shared are as obscure and outcast as they are because there is so much scientific proof against it.

I can easily say on our end in our own understandings that anti-biotics only work because we've been made so massively through media, books and research implanted into our heads and souls so strongly for so many years to believe so powerfully that they do what they do, and because of this belief and due to the power of our own minds in directing energy, willpower and intent, we are only ever healing ourselves with the placebo affect with our own mind and the anti-biotics are actually just toxic garbage the enemy feeds us to heal ails. We already have proof this can happen with real placebos so is that also strongly believable that it's all just in our head even though it's not true?

If you read that 'theory' with focus on your own inner self and the emotions of what is being said, if you notice that when you focus and read to consume the information into your head and the energies are going to your upper chakras as the inner self of emotions in what we exude as our inner world perception, you'll see how it makes so much sense and it might even be discomforting at how much so and you can end up falling for it. But if you strongly differentiate the emotions of the self-perception to see what is truth beyond outside of the self intuitively, you can immediately know it's total bullshit and can feel that 'repelling' force of it not being truth.

What I'm getting at is that it's easy to trick people with things that make too much sense this way in regards to persuading the mind through words, speech and couple of pictures. I'm looking at the core of the subject here and the various matters that tie in in what matters as the whole of the picture. There is countless for generations physical scientific proof of what the human body does, how it does it, how it functions, the purpose for it's functions, the minute structures of it's complexities, intricate workings, we see the videos, we see the recordings, we see the physical experiments, we see under the microscope, we physically see it there before us. The mind is a separate matter of the chaos of the astral without order or sensibility, but the physical plane is what holds all of the solid proof and evidence to what actually is, it cannot be denied for what it is as it is the most grounded realm of all.

Any real physical studies that have been done by these 'people' to prove the mere words in their book based on nothing but fake theories have all ended either in total disaster in that they killed/harmed someone, or they end up proven severely wrong with multiple countering factors, end up in jail even or end up dying themselves. I'm sorry but the only third-party enforcers and 'witnesses' to prove the words of one book written by a jew on this subject are, as has been very evident, other jews. All I see and find though are nothing but words, words and words. Speech, talking, theories and diagrams to creatively express these theories but no physical proof or evidence to support it on account of the mass known sciences, I'm not seeing any real math, any real chemistry, any real solidly proven logical uses of science, they're all trying to somehow weasel around it and when I do it's when actual mass gentile, and sometimes yes even other jew scientists, are proving them severely wrong via the real physical proof of the grounded physical realm.

It's all being shared on matters of the mind through speech, words, communications of the psychic catering, because the mind is so easily impressionable, mutable, changed and manipulated, and it's all outcast because it's already so strongly physically proven wrong.

So I'm not basing this primarily on the fact that it's written by jews. Hell, I needed to know how to properly turn off my wifi a few months back in order to switch to cable, I watched a video on someone showing how to do it and it was a jew. But I physically saw the proof and evidence right before me in the video how it was done and it worked for me, I didn't just say "Oh it's a jew telling me how to do this, better not trust them and find some other way to turn off my wifi", no, I don't constrict myself to a single factor because that's not how you find truth, you have to look at the whole picture.

Virus pandemic is planned for the future > make the new age belief on how viruses aren't real or are virtually harmless > mass science with physical proof, experimentation and real evidence of biology prove it wrong > jew virus conspiracy is outcast because of this and becomes obscure and hard to find > work around real proven science, mathematics, chemistry, etc to base it upon nothing but words, diagrams and no real videos or physical proof of it that can be strongly and undeniably seen and known as physical proof > whole belief is shared, spread and massively distributed by jews > some gentiles and even their personal enemies fall for it and start sharing it everywhere > pandemic happens > said gentiles do not protect themselves from pandemic and further encourage others not to by new age belief > "haha dumb goyim".

SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Syd Silver said:
This topic has become a mess ...

BTW ... Ghost we all got it, you hate Shannon, now take a break, go find a mental institution and and ask for help, you really need it

Judging from other posts GITM seems too pretentious to see the error of his ways and thinking.

He is pro vaccine because most of the anti vaccine people happen to be Christian, I don’t have a problem with that if their information is good. It’s not Jews purposefully trying to deceive everyone.

There are secular anti vax people like Dr. Andrew Wakefield who made a VERY important discovery. The gut-brain connection. But if you read Jewish media sources they say he is “discredited”.

Do not put words into my mouth I don't hate Shannon and I am most definitely not pro-vaccine but I am also not anti-vaccine. I am a middle ground guy who looks to see truth in any sense through any chaos on the fact that reality is messy and that good and bad is not so easily perceived, just look at the defacing of Hitler for example.

Something like vaccines has scientific potential in doing actual good as a creation for real health purposes, but because of the mass parasites who basically own the whole show, I don't trust it and deem the bullshit of today not worth anything, in fact with satanic advancements both spiritually and physically vaccines could hardly ever said to even be needed in the ultimate end. We know proof and help of actual medicine, it works, Ancient Egypt had all kinds of medicines, more natural than today of course, and the medicines of today are not perfect in how it should be in total safety and well-being of gentiles because the joo throws in other shit wherever it can but this isn't always the case.

What works though works, because sorry, if one of my loved ones has something wrong with them that they'll drop dead if they don't take a blood stabilizer, they're going to have to take it. Sure the blood stabilizer can be better and more healthful and we should honestly be having better options, but unfortunately in this shit world we only really got what we got and have to make due for now.

Good and evil are not so easily perceived and truth and falsehood is not so easily blatant. Shannon is not a bad person, and I have never even said such, in fact I've clearly said the exact opposite and many times, she's a very good person and in my eyes is just misled on certain things. I have clarified blatantly that I am not attacking her, have nothing against her, no personal odds to her as an individual at all, and that I do not want to see anybody straight up insulting her, calling her shit or any form of bullying by any sense of means because that is disgusting and childish behaviour that is most assuredly unnecessary.

I am not fighting anybody, what I'm fighting for is truth and clarity. That is all. I see a mess of misinformation and implications and only want there to be sense made out of it, and that is what I am fighting. I have no qualms against anyone and even if you insult me or brand me as delusional garbage or make me out to be some villain I'm still going to help you the next day with any problems or issues you are having like I have been for so many people ever since I made an account here.

Because this is a family to me and nobody here understands how deep it is to me when I say that, it is a learning path and I follow to the whims of who we are as Satanists. I don't hate any of you, but yes, it does hurt me when you say that I do because it's like if my own child I cared about for years in safety and health straight up told me they want nothing to do with me. That's just how any soldier is going to perceive people they devote to protect it's nature. And in regards to my behaviour to clergy, I will never worship clergy because I know of the great harm and mistakes our past ones have made and we're not supposed to worship clergy or deem their personal opinions and personal inquiries equal to or above our gods. The only one I trust and revere with worship above all else is Satan, nobody goes higher in meritocracy to where they are actually ranked in advancement, not in perception, and not in opinion.


I have great respect for what clergy do in truth and on behalf of Satan and our gods in the proof of their writings and knowledge, I recognize their experiences and wisdom, but we are not all made the same for a reason. So if I strongly feel something is wrong with what someone is saying, clergy or not, I'm going to trust my intuition and gut-feeling as well as what I do know as truth.

I've said everything I wanted to say, clarified what I could in this thread and thensome, I'm dropping this entire thing that people have deemed as a 'vendetta' because it's only going to grow into a horrific mess. Clearly there is nothing more to be done about this entire topic as nothing further is going to go about it, I can only let it be at this point and hope nothing majorly bad happens or develops in full.

The more I make these multiple long walls of texts the more people think I'm delusional with some crazy devotion to some sort of agenda, clearly it's not evident after all this time that I always make long walls of text with information in relaying my words, it's practically my signature in how I make my responses to literally everything I'm serious about on this forum. There are many more things here and probably more will come in people saying I did this or did that as defacement with no full context given to the whole source in both inaccuracies and the fact that I have recognized past mistakes and admitted to them when they are there, even clarifying them and what they were and why they happened and how I learned from them.

But if I defend myself it only continues the consistent drivel in rising to an arguement at this point. I've never used anyone's past mistakes as an excuse to immediately refute everything they say, it's childish, immature and unrealistic, nor have I ever thought once that nobody could ever get better or improve themselves.

Do what you will, I'm not fighting my own people.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Syd Silver said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
On a side note, I do believe in electric charge though.

Oh wow, you to!! I thought I was the only one!
Now that we are 2 we should make a cult ;)
(if others have personal cults (and illusions / delusions) >:)

Haha.. well lets not. And basicly it shouldnt be much different from vril anyway.
Better (try and) keep it sane, Syd :) (Though playing around is fun but on the forum probably should come with a disclaimer lol).
Okay Moon Girl:)
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Judging from other posts GITM seems too pretentious to see the error of his ways and thinking.
I think it's more than that

SouthernWhiteGentile said:
He is pro vaccine because most of the anti vaccine people happen to be Christian, I don’t have a problem with that if their information is good. It’s not Jews purposefully trying to deceive everyone.

There are secular anti vax people like Dr. Andrew Wakefield who made a VERY important discovery. The gut-brain connection. But if you read Jewish media sources they say he is “discredited”.
That's what the jews do all the time, they discredit anyone who doesn't play their game, but "they" can't hide the truth anymore their grid is falling apart
HPS Shannon has medical education. You do not... I am sure that you have good intentions, but when you don't have knowledge on a topic you should listen to the people who do, instead of arguing with them.

Covid-19 doesn't exist. I have talked privately with two of the best virologists in my country, and they had the same opinion, but for obvious reasons were not willing to say it publicly, as they would be labeled insane, lose their jobs, and so on... Plus, it is much easier to convince people that the virus exists, but it's not that deadly, and that lockdowns are not necessary as they don't make a difference anyway, without sounding crazy to most people. But the truth is that this virus doesn't exist at all.

Yes, people are dying, but not from a virus. They are dying from improper treatment, medical errors, because they are afraid to go to a hospital, or were unable to, because all "nonessential" surgeries or procedure were delayed, which means basically everything except covid-19, even cancer surgeries, diagnosis and treatment was delayed. These deaths are then attributed to covid-19 and this gives the appearance that the virus is real.

There is all cause excess mortality, but if these excess deaths were caused by a virus the mortality rate would have been the same everywhere. While we have high percentage of excess deaths in New York and a few other hotspots and virtually no excess deaths in most places. California and New York had the same rate of covid hospitalizations, but California had no excess deaths at all, while New York had the highest percentage of excess deaths. And all of the excess deaths occurred right after the locdowns were implemented... The only logical explanation is the fact that the hospitals in NY all have changed their protocols. Anyone with a respiratory symptoms, which could have been the flu, panic attack, COPD, emphysema, or dozens of other things were coerced to be put on a ventilator almost right away. Normally, ventilators are used only when the patient is unable to breathe on their own, this is extremely risky procedure and is usually the last resort. But what they did is putting tons of people on a ventilator, when it was not necessary or appropriate, which caused a lot of fatalities. Another thing is the nursing homes, what they did is they took elderly people who were sick from the hospitals and put them in nursing homes (supposedly to free beds for covid patients, even though hospitals were almost empty) and in nursing homes they don't provide acute care. Especially during the "pandemic" when the staff was afraid to go near them, as they were all labeled as covid patients, so they basically just neglected them, and of course they had much higher mortality rates compared to hospital treatment. Another thing is how many patients were treated with drugs with extreme side effects, including experimental drugs, for example RoActemra, which is an immunosuppressive drug, and when you have a compromised immune system any disease will have a devastating effect. And of course, all of these deaths were labeled as covid-19 victims, which backed the whole mainstream narrative about the deadly virus.

When you add the deaths from other causes who have been attributed to covid-19, you have 160k+ deaths in the US... These "statistics" count everyone who has been tested positive (and with these PCR tests even the papaya tests positive) and died. You could have been tested positive in February, have no symptoms, then be hit by a bus in July and you’d be recorded as a Covid death. Heart disease deaths, for example, "dropped" by 40 percent in the US. It's not because covid-19 healed heart diseases, it's because cancer deaths, heart attack deaths, etc, have been attributed to COVID-19 and included in the statistics.

What proof do we have that covid-19 is real, besides their fraudulent PCR tests? None. Why do we have increased all cause mortality only in the areas where the lockdowns were strictest, and no increased all cause mortality in areas with lighter lockdowns? Because the cause of excess mortality was the lockdowns, and the change of hospital protocols, not a virus. If it was caused by a virus, and this virus has spread all around the world, the mortality rates would have been the same.

Basically they caused tons of deaths with the lockdowns, and by changing hospitals protocols because of a virus that doesn't exist, attributed these deaths plus tons of other deaths from other causes to this virus, and then they tell you that we need stricter lockdown measures to save ourselves from this non-existent virus. If this sounds "crazy" to you, remember that the truth about Nazi Germany, Satan, the Jews, and so on is even "crazier".

Ghost in the Machine said:
HPS Shannon said:
I was scared too. Its natural but then I started studying viruses and what they really are.

I dont care if the virus exists or not, because the effects of it like the shut down and supply chain has been devastating.

I dont go out wearing a mask like a sheep. Masks are ridiculous and in this summer weather too. The average person has given up their common sense. They act like viruses hover or stay suspended in the air.
Very idiotic.

But anyway, like I told Syd, if the measles virus was proven to not exist, what else viruses have we been lied about existing?
Thats all I am saying. I am not trying to start issues. Nothing wrong with aslong questions. This all has to do with gentile health and well being.

I can't believe what I'm reading right now.

You realize after all other clergy including Maxine has heavily encouraged with entire threads and sermons as well as countless posts even not just upon common sense but from warnings of the gods themselves for everyone to protect themselves with masks and precautions to keep safe against this very real virus, that you are encouraging members to do the exact opposite because Shekelstein Goyim-Are-Dumb-Berg said viruses aren't real and that Covid-19 is a hoax?

Are you serious? Of course the members you've roped up into this hoax crap don't recognize how dangerous this is either because you've wrapped them up in your own enemy-corrupted beliefs that this whole thing is bullshit and have legitimately tied them into an astral psychic binding which is why they believe it so strongly and so easily and quickly embraced it the moment they started getting into it. The government leaders of whom are most definitely not all jews otherwise the enemy wouldn't have to be throwing their curses to incite wars with them against each other, can hardly agree upon the most ridiculous of things and are usually at heads with one another.

As I've already said, what makes you think they're all going to systematically agree on globally faking a pandemic that costs them severe civil unrest, drastic expenses and the risk of entire economic collapse of which not even the enemy would have control over? You honestly think government leaders of whom are the entire forces of the whole world that be are going to just take some doctor from another country's word for it that some new deadly virus is spreading across the globe and killing people without checking it out VERY personally for themselves? And given they've hardly trusted each other enough as is for decades constantly worrying about throes of war that they'd even trust another government leader's word for it?

The enemy knew because of these very reasons that they could not cause such a global panic of shutting down entire country borders and causing governmental unrest with a fake virus and a bunch of lies. The virus HAD to be real in order for any of this to happen and for it to have any real effects, so they MADE it real. The virus is real and it is not some bullshit that Dr Oyvey said is just some "natural bodily responses". This is what I mean in that you are endangering our people in more ways than one with this crap and I hope the people you tied into it all grow up fast before they apparently go down with your ship because at this rate you're going to end up being the first one in this entire ministry to actually get the virus.

The fact that you even trust these enemy 'scientists' telling you viruses are fake and crap should be telling enough. I wouldn't trust einstein with the most basic gravitational theory even if my life depended on it.
DiscipleOfSatan said:
HPS Shannon has medical education. You do not... I am sure that you have good intentions, but when you don't have knowledge on a topic you should listen to the people who do, instead of arguing with them.

Covid-19 doesn't exist. I have talked privately with two of the best virologists in my country, and they had the same opinion, but for obvious reasons were not willing to say it publicly, as they would be labeled insane, lose their jobs, and so on... Plus, it is much easier to convince people that the virus exists, but it's not that deadly, and that lockdowns are not necessary as they don't make a difference anyway, without sounding crazy to most people. But the truth is that this virus doesn't exist at all.

Yes, people are dying, but not from a virus. They are dying from improper treatment, medical errors, because they are afraid to go to a hospital, or were unable to, because all "nonessential" surgeries or procedure were delayed, which means basically everything except covid-19, even cancer surgeries, diagnosis and treatment was delayed. These deaths are then attributed to covid-19 and this gives the appearance that the virus is real.

There is all cause excess mortality, but if these excess deaths were caused by a virus the mortality rate would have been the same everywhere. While we have high percentage of excess deaths in New York and a few other hotspots and virtually no excess deaths in most places. California and New York had the same rate of covid hospitalizations, but California had no excess deaths at all, while New York had the highest percentage of excess deaths. And all of the excess deaths occurred right after the locdowns were implemented... The only logical explanation is the fact that the hospitals in NY all have changed their protocols. Anyone with a respiratory symptoms, which could have been the flu, panic attack, COPD, emphysema, or dozens of other things were coerced to be put on a ventilator almost right away. Normally, ventilators are used only when the patient is unable to breathe on their own, this is extremely risky procedure and is usually the last resort. But what they did is putting tons of people on a ventilator, when it was not necessary or appropriate, which caused a lot of fatalities. Another thing is the nursing homes, what they did is they took elderly people who were sick from the hospitals and put them in nursing homes (supposedly to free beds for covid patients, even though hospitals were almost empty) and in nursing homes they don't provide acute care. Especially during the "pandemic" when the staff was afraid to go near them, as they were all labeled as covid patients, so they basically just neglected them, and of course they had much higher mortality rates compared to hospital treatment. Another thing is how many patients were treated with drugs with extreme side effects, including experimental drugs, for example RoActemra, which is an immunosuppressive drug, and when you have a compromised immune system any disease will have a devastating effect. And of course, all of these deaths were labeled as covid-19 victims, which backed the whole mainstream narrative about the deadly virus.

When you add the deaths from other causes who have been attributed to covid-19, you have 160k+ deaths in the US... These "statistics" count everyone who has been tested positive (and with these PCR tests even the papaya tests positive) and died. You could have been tested positive in February, have no symptoms, then be hit by a bus in July and you’d be recorded as a Covid death. Heart disease deaths, for example, "dropped" by 40 percent in the US. It's not because covid-19 healed heart diseases, it's because cancer deaths, heart attack deaths, etc, have been attributed to COVID-19 and included in the statistics.

What proof do we have that covid-19 is real, besides their fraudulent PCR tests? None. Why do we have increased all cause mortality only in the areas where the lockdowns were strictest, and no increased all cause mortality in areas with lighter lockdowns? Because the cause of excess mortality was the lockdowns, and the change of hospital protocols, not a virus. If it was caused by a virus, and this virus has spread all around the world, the mortality rates would have been the same.

Basically they caused tons of deaths with the lockdowns, and by changing hospitals protocols because of a virus that doesn't exist, attributed these deaths plus tons of other deaths from other causes to this virus, and then they tell you that we need stricter lockdown measures to save ourselves from this non-existent virus. If this sounds "crazy" to you, remember that the truth about Nazi Germany, Satan, the Jews, and so on is even "crazier".

Ghost in the Machine said:
HPS Shannon said:
I was scared too. Its natural but then I started studying viruses and what they really are.

I dont care if the virus exists or not, because the effects of it like the shut down and supply chain has been devastating.

I dont go out wearing a mask like a sheep. Masks are ridiculous and in this summer weather too. The average person has given up their common sense. They act like viruses hover or stay suspended in the air.
Very idiotic.

But anyway, like I told Syd, if the measles virus was proven to not exist, what else viruses have we been lied about existing?
Thats all I am saying. I am not trying to start issues. Nothing wrong with aslong questions. This all has to do with gentile health and well being.

I can't believe what I'm reading right now.

You realize after all other clergy including Maxine has heavily encouraged with entire threads and sermons as well as countless posts even not just upon common sense but from warnings of the gods themselves for everyone to protect themselves with masks and precautions to keep safe against this very real virus, that you are encouraging members to do the exact opposite because Shekelstein Goyim-Are-Dumb-Berg said viruses aren't real and that Covid-19 is a hoax?

Are you serious? Of course the members you've roped up into this hoax crap don't recognize how dangerous this is either because you've wrapped them up in your own enemy-corrupted beliefs that this whole thing is bullshit and have legitimately tied them into an astral psychic binding which is why they believe it so strongly and so easily and quickly embraced it the moment they started getting into it. The government leaders of whom are most definitely not all jews otherwise the enemy wouldn't have to be throwing their curses to incite wars with them against each other, can hardly agree upon the most ridiculous of things and are usually at heads with one another.

As I've already said, what makes you think they're all going to systematically agree on globally faking a pandemic that costs them severe civil unrest, drastic expenses and the risk of entire economic collapse of which not even the enemy would have control over? You honestly think government leaders of whom are the entire forces of the whole world that be are going to just take some doctor from another country's word for it that some new deadly virus is spreading across the globe and killing people without checking it out VERY personally for themselves? And given they've hardly trusted each other enough as is for decades constantly worrying about throes of war that they'd even trust another government leader's word for it?

The enemy knew because of these very reasons that they could not cause such a global panic of shutting down entire country borders and causing governmental unrest with a fake virus and a bunch of lies. The virus HAD to be real in order for any of this to happen and for it to have any real effects, so they MADE it real. The virus is real and it is not some bullshit that Dr Oyvey said is just some "natural bodily responses". This is what I mean in that you are endangering our people in more ways than one with this crap and I hope the people you tied into it all grow up fast before they apparently go down with your ship because at this rate you're going to end up being the first one in this entire ministry to actually get the virus.

The fact that you even trust these enemy 'scientists' telling you viruses are fake and crap should be telling enough. I wouldn't trust einstein with the most basic gravitational theory even if my life depended on it.

I am not a medical professional or have training. I am just an avid researcher and do study. I also have experience in natural healing and such but not a medical professional.

I simply go with what makes sense and I agree with you DiscipleofSatan. This is just how I see it. PCR tests do not test for viruses and the creator of it has said many times that they cannot tests for viruses..so...

Viruses also have not passed Kochs postulate. So thats another thing. Kochs postulates are a set of protocols taken to prove and show whether a microbe causes disease. You must identify, isolate it and then introduce the microbe to a subject in order to show that it is the CAUSE of disease.

So far, in my research and what I have seen, viruses are the result of a diseased state and not the cause and they are created and found in the body as a result of poisoning, trauma, toxicity, etc, etc.

Anyway, it doesnt matter at this point as the whole world has changed because of all this crap. We all know the measures they are taking because of this are wrong and they are obviously doing a global communist reset.

Thanks for putting your thoughts in this thread.
The virus actually exists. There are certain evidences for this.

An aquantaince , a 35 years old male. Fit and fine, slept under fan in night in Feb or March. It's still kind of little cold here at my place during those months.

He got fever. He felt uneasiness. He didn't go to the hospital either. The weird thing is that "uneasiness/uncomfortable" feeling his family member described. That's something which we never feel when we fell sick because of cold and fever then.

And he died with the fever.
sahasrarabliss said:
The virus actually exists. There are certain evidences for this.

An aquantaince , a 35 years old male. Fit and fine, slept under fan in night in Feb or March. It's still kind of little cold here at my place during those months.

He got fever. He felt uneasiness. He didn't go to the hospital either. The weird thing is that "uneasiness/uncomfortable" feeling his family member described. That's something which we never feel when we fell sick because of cold and fever then.

And he died with the fever.

You have to give a better explaination than that. Sleeping under a cold fan during winter creates wind cold invasion of the exterior and causes those symptoms. Not a virus.

Something similar happens to me when I sleep with the fan right on me...
sahasrarabliss said:
The virus actually exists. There are certain evidences for this.

An aquantaince , a 35 years old male. Fit and fine, slept under fan in night in Feb or March. It's still kind of little cold here at my place during those months.

He got fever. He felt uneasiness. He didn't go to the hospital either. The weird thing is that "uneasiness/uncomfortable" feeling his family member described. That's something which we never feel when we fell sick because of cold and fever then.

And he died with the fever.
Yeah, so much evidence ... I know an acquaintance who has an acquaintance who fell off a plane and died, and the cause of death was Coronavirus, because that's what the doctors wrote on the death certificate.
sahasrarabliss said:
The virus actually exists. There are certain evidences for this.

An aquantaince , a 35 years old male. Fit and fine, slept under fan in night in Feb or March. It's still kind of little cold here at my place during those months.

He got fever. He felt uneasiness. He didn't go to the hospital either. The weird thing is that "uneasiness/uncomfortable" feeling his family member described. That's something which we never feel when we fell sick because of cold and fever then.

And he died with the fever.

The enemy's biggest hoaxes are Christianity, Islam, sandy hook, holocaust and their false flag 9/11. Why is it hard to believe they can fake a virus? Doctors have come saying they’re being told by the WHO to lie on death certificates. If you die in the hospital sometimes they don’t even test the person. They just assume COVID and label it COVID. New York got caught doing that. In Florida they labeled a motor cycle death as Covid.
Syd Silver said:
sahasrarabliss said:
The virus actually exists. There are certain evidences for this.

An aquantaince , a 35 years old male. Fit and fine, slept under fan in night in Feb or March. It's still kind of little cold here at my place during those months.

He got fever. He felt uneasiness. He didn't go to the hospital either. The weird thing is that "uneasiness/uncomfortable" feeling his family member described. That's something which we never feel when we fell sick because of cold and fever then.

And he died with the fever.
Yeah, so much evidence ... I know an acquaintance who has an acquaintance who fell off a plane and died, and the cause of death was Coronavirus, because that's what the doctors wrote on the death certificate.

You are mockingly saying that the cause of his death could be otherwise not the virus.

Kindly do not ignore the existence of this virus. Hoodedcobra himself has stated the virus Exists.
sahasrarabliss said:
Syd Silver said:
sahasrarabliss said:
The virus actually exists. There are certain evidences for this.

An aquantaince , a 35 years old male. Fit and fine, slept under fan in night in Feb or March. It's still kind of little cold here at my place during those months.

He got fever. He felt uneasiness. He didn't go to the hospital either. The weird thing is that "uneasiness/uncomfortable" feeling his family member described. That's something which we never feel when we fell sick because of cold and fever then.

And he died with the fever.
Yeah, so much evidence ... I know an acquaintance who has an acquaintance who fell off a plane and died, and the cause of death was Coronavirus, because that's what the doctors wrote on the death certificate.

You are mockingly saying that the cause of his death could be otherwise not the virus.

Kindly do not ignore the existence of this virus. Hoodedcobra himself has stated the virus Exists.

The virus is not real because:

1. The only "evidence" that these people have died from covid-19 is that the PCR tests that have been undeniably proven to be fraudulent (a goat and a pawpaw fruit came back with positive results in Tanzania, and there are numerous other proofs that these tests give false positive results and are totally unreliable).

Even though autopsies were not formally prohibited, there is a great reluctance to perform autopsies of patients who died supposedly Covid-19 with the excuse that such autopsies are "needless" (how are they studying the disease when autopsies are not being done?) and because autopsies of covid-19 victims are "very dangerous" (but somehow, autopsies of Ebola patients, and other diseases where the death rate is nearly 100%, were not dangerous).

So first of all, how do you know if the covid-19 virus was even present, if the tests that they are using to diagnose this virus have been undeniably proven to be fraudulent? And second, even if we assume that the virus was present, how do you know that this virus was what had led to the death of the person, and not something else, when autopsies are not being done?

To claim that a patient has died because of the coronavirus, means that the coronavirus (and not something else) led to interstitial pneumonia, afterward leading to the death of the person, with no other diseases in other organs and systems. There isn't a single autopsy in the world that has reported this!

2. 99% of those infected with Covid-19 are asymptomatic, i.e. perfectly healthy, while others experience a mortal illness... This is absurd beyond comprehension... Yes, it is possible for a virus that causes only mild symptoms in healthy people, such as the flu, to cause immunocompromised people with serious comorbid diseases to die. But how can a virus that causes no symptoms at all in the vast majority of the people to cause people in good health to die? Do you even realize how absurd that is? If we are both healthy, and we are both infected by the same virus, how can it kill you, while I, and 99% of the other infected remain "asymptomatic" (i.e. perfectly healthy)? Gosh...

3. The all cause mortality spike has ended in May, while they are telling us that we have a constantly increasing number of new covid-19 cases.


If the deaths were caused by a virus, then how the all cause mortality rate normalized, when we have constantly increasing number of cases? It doesn't make any sense, because these deaths were not caused by a virus, they were caused by the lockdown, because during the lockdown, especially in April when it was strictest, plus all of the mass hysteria, many people with severe diseases were afraid, or unable to go to a hospital, because all "nonessential" surgeries or procedure were delayed, and just died at home during the lockdown after their health worsened and they could not get specialist help. Many people also died from improper treatment, and medical errors, because they were treated for covid-19 (because the fraudulent test came back positive) while their conditions were actually caused by something else. These deaths are then attributed to covid-19 and this gives the appearance that the virus is real.

About the people with no pre-existing medical conditions, who have died (supposedly) from covid-19.

When I hear about someone who, unlike 99% of the other covid-19 fatalities, had no pre-existing medical conditions, and has died (supposedly) from covid-19, I get an awful feeling, because it makes me wonder what this person has REALLY died from, and if it could have been prevented...

I know personally about several people who have died because of the devastating effects for the healthcare system this covid-19 insanity has. One is a guy in his mid 40s who experienced shortness of breath, and of course, was immediately hospitalized for covid-19. Later on medical staff found out that what he had was a heart attack, not Covid-19, but it was too late because there was too much damage already from the heart attack that had been the cause of the issue all along. This could have been prevented if hospitals were working under normal conditions and he got a test to measure his heart’s electrical signals when presented to the hospitals. Another case that I know of, is a guy in his mid 20s in good health, who was hospitalized for covid-19 with mild symptoms. He was isolated in the Covid-19 section of the hospital, which has conditions like Mother Teresa's home for the dying (I'm not exaggerating). He was treated with RoActemra, which is NOT approved for treatment of any form of pneumonia. It's an immunosuppressive drug, and the most common side effect from it is lung infection (pneumonia). I am absolutely sure that this person has died from the side effects of the drugs he was treated with, and the neglect of the hospital staff (they treat covid-19 like the deadliest and most infectious disease in human history, they are afraid to move the patient to another facility/unit of the hospital for test, or anything, or to even go near them, so they basically just neglect them). His parents are now suing the hospital. And I have no doubt that there are a lot of cases like these, but the people were just reported as covid-19 victims.

Remember that the most important thing for the treatment of any disease is to find out what's the cause of it. If you have any health conditions that need treatment always be very careful about which doctor to trust, which hospital you choose, ask for a second opinion, and always do your own research. If the person I mentioned above has just read the package leaflet of the medicine he is taking, (RoActemra) he would have been alive now.
Another thing that I forgot to mention in my previous post: We've never had an epidemic (let alone pandemic) number of SICK people (which excludes the so called asymptomatic cases)... We have a constantly increasing number of "confirmed cases", but 99% of them are asymptomatic, even the majority of the hospitalized patients are asymptomatic, or in other words HEALTHY people... At first I also thought that the virus is real, I expected to see crowded hospitals and tons of people in queues in doctors waiting rooms, like every year with the seasonal flu, but this never happened. This was the main thing that made me realize that covid-19 doesn't exist at all. The all cause excess mortality was caused by the lockdown itself, combined with the mass hysteria, and the devastating effects on the healthcare system this had.
sahasrarabliss said:
You are mockingly saying that the cause of his death could be otherwise not the virus.

Kindly do not ignore the existence of this virus. Hoodedcobra himself has stated the virus Exists.

Everyone keeps getting caught up on whether the virus is real or not, that’s not the point. Everyone is marked as a CoVid death, wether it was the actual cause or not. This is admitted.
sahasrarabliss said:
The virus actually exists. There are certain evidences for this.

An aquantaince , a 35 years old male. Fit and fine, slept under fan in night in Feb or March. It's still kind of little cold here at my place during those months.

He got fever. He felt uneasiness. He didn't go to the hospital either. The weird thing is that "uneasiness/uncomfortable" feeling his family member described. That's something which we never feel when we fell sick because of cold and fever then.

And he died with the fever.

It doesn't matter if the virus exists or not, it is totally clear that is a hoax and is all staged: people who die of other ailments and causes and census it as Covid19, tests that give false positives and pass it as asymptomatic cases, empty hospitals, ect.
sahasrarabliss said:
DiscipleOfSatan said:
The virus is not real because:

It is real. This is not a new virus. It has been existing.
I already know the things you've mentioned.

And in my opinion and based on what science is showing, the virus exists but like I said, its not what we have been told they are.

According to science and the WHO info, the covid virus is actually chromosome particles, which is what I have been saying is viruses are created by the body in response to different factors. They are not contagious. Viruses are a result of disease and not the cause.


The human body is brilliant and knows what it has to do to try to repair itself. I've studied these things and it is just testament that our gods created the gentile body as intelligent and efficient. The problem is a polluted and toxic environment and other things.
HPS Shannon said:
sahasrarabliss said:
DiscipleOfSatan said:
The virus is not real because:

It is real. This is not a new virus. It has been existing.
I already know the things you've mentioned.

And in my opinion and based on what science is showing, the virus exists but like I said, its not what we have been told they are.

According to science and the WHO info, the covid virus is actually chromosome particles, which is what I have been saying is viruses are created by the body in response to different factors. They are not contagious. Viruses are a result of disease and not the cause.


The human body is brilliant and knows what it has to do to try to repair itself. I've studied these things and it is just testament that our gods created the gentile body as intelligent and efficient. The problem is a polluted and toxic environment and other things.
Honestly what you say makes sense, even if you consider other types of healing theories like Ayurveda and TCM. The point would be then how was this "created"? Did they put something in our food or water? Or maybe they are trying to use something 'natural' as influenza and kill people while they are in the hospital by using wrong tools like those ventilators...Hopefully all of this can get exposed and jews can take the blame. Imagine if this will get out and people start to wake up to the truth...
HPS Shannon said:
sahasrarabliss said:
DiscipleOfSatan said:
The virus is not real because:

It is real. This is not a new virus. It has been existing.
I already know the things you've mentioned.

And in my opinion and based on what science is showing, the virus exists but like I said, its not what we have been told they are.

According to science and the WHO info, the covid virus is actually chromosome particles, which is what I have been saying is viruses are created by the body in response to different factors. They are not contagious. Viruses are a result of disease and not the cause.


The human body is brilliant and knows what it has to do to try to repair itself. I've studied these things and it is just testament that our gods created the gentile body as intelligent and efficient. The problem is a polluted and toxic environment and other things.

That makes sense.

I was responding to someone who didn't believe it didn't exist.

Idk but this reminded me of intestines worms.
How do you avoid getting it and how to get rid of if you have it?

I'll ask this in health section too. If it's not appropriate here.
sahasrarabliss said:
HPS Shannon said:
sahasrarabliss said:
It is real. This is not a new virus. It has been existing.
I already know the things you've mentioned.

And in my opinion and based on what science is showing, the virus exists but like I said, its not what we have been told they are.

According to science and the WHO info, the covid virus is actually chromosome particles, which is what I have been saying is viruses are created by the body in response to different factors. They are not contagious. Viruses are a result of disease and not the cause.


The human body is brilliant and knows what it has to do to try to repair itself. I've studied these things and it is just testament that our gods created the gentile body as intelligent and efficient. The problem is a polluted and toxic environment and other things.

That makes sense.

I was responding to someone who didn't believe it didn't exist.

Idk but this reminded me of intestines worms.
How do you avoid getting it and how to get rid of if you have it?

I'll ask this in health section too. If it's not appropriate here.

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that of course, do exist, but are not causing diseases in humans. The disease called Covid-19, in my opinion doesn't exist, and I've explained in my previous posts why I think so, and why I am sure that the all cause excess deaths in the areas where the lockdowns were strictest were in reality not caused by a virus, but by the lockdowns and the delays of surgeries, diagnosis, and procedures for other diseases that it caused.
luis said:
HPS Shannon said:
sahasrarabliss said:
It is real. This is not a new virus. It has been existing.
I already know the things you've mentioned.

And in my opinion and based on what science is showing, the virus exists but like I said, its not what we have been told they are.

According to science and the WHO info, the covid virus is actually chromosome particles, which is what I have been saying is viruses are created by the body in response to different factors. They are not contagious. Viruses are a result of disease and not the cause.


The human body is brilliant and knows what it has to do to try to repair itself. I've studied these things and it is just testament that our gods created the gentile body as intelligent and efficient. The problem is a polluted and toxic environment and other things.
Honestly what you say makes sense, even if you consider other types of healing theories like Ayurveda and TCM. The point would be then how was this "created"? Did they put something in our food or water? Or maybe they are trying to use something 'natural' as influenza and kill people while they are in the hospital by using wrong tools like those ventilators...Hopefully all of this can get exposed and jews can take the blame. Imagine if this will get out and people start to wake up to the truth...

From alternative microbiologists and the like, viruses are created from within the body in response to dead, dying or damaged tissue, body toxicity, being poisoned, etc, etc.

They appear to be the result of disease. Virus in latin means poison. From the science I have read, viruses are produced and created from within the body to clean up toxins or repair damaged cells like little tool boxes. That is why they are seen in certain areas of the body when damaged. The viruses congregate around thw damaged area to be able to cleanse and repair.

In TCM and Ayurveda, there is not such thing as contagion and that all disease emanates from a weakened body, immunse system, toxemia, etc. The ancient people knew this.

With the covid thing, it appears they took advantage of a time back in winter/spring when people get the flu (which from science has been shown to not be contagious or caused by a virus) allergies, etc. Then they lied about numbers, people dying and of course killed people by putting them on ventilators or just denying people their routine medical care which caused people to die at home. Its very sad.

Just wait until fall/winter when people start getting colds and flu symptoms, they will just say covid started again...

I stopped getting the flu or cold after I detoxed my body and ate better. And I never catch anything even when I am near sick people. Flus appear to be a detox event in the body when the season changes like how in nature when trees and animals make changes in their systems.

As for as viruses, lets take herpes for example. I have a pdf from a doctor who shows that herpes is not caused by a virus nor is it sexually transmitted because babies, children and young adults who have not been intimate at all in their lives have got it. And that people healed the herpes after detoxing their body from heavy metals and taking collagen, etc. The toxins are trying to leave through the pores.

This doctor is the same man who talked about HIV being a false disease made up by the medical industry and that people actually died and got sick only when thwy started taking the harmful drugs for it.

If anyone is interested, I have the pdf booklet talking about herpes.

Another one, hepatitis has been shown to not be caused by a virus but is the result of a toxic liver. Nothing more.

Again, this is all my belief based on what science shows and is not my opinion.

Polluted air, nano particulates, vaccines, chemical laden foods, stress, cellular damage, blunt physical trauma, and a weakened system for example causes the body to create viruses and related cellular debris. Which is why the covid test are full of false positives and such. They are simply calling cellular debris that everyone can have as covid. Same how a fruit tested positove for covid...
DiscipleOfSatan said:
sahasrarabliss said:
HPS Shannon said:
And in my opinion and based on what science is showing, the virus exists but like I said, its not what we have been told they are.

According to science and the WHO info, the covid virus is actually chromosome particles, which is what I have been saying is viruses are created by the body in response to different factors. They are not contagious. Viruses are a result of disease and not the cause.


The human body is brilliant and knows what it has to do to try to repair itself. I've studied these things and it is just testament that our gods created the gentile body as intelligent and efficient. The problem is a polluted and toxic environment and other things.

That makes sense.

I was responding to someone who didn't believe it didn't exist.

Idk but this reminded me of intestines worms.
How do you avoid getting it and how to get rid of if you have it?

I'll ask this in health section too. If it's not appropriate here.

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that of course, do exist, but are not causing diseases in humans. The disease called Covid-19, in my opinion doesn't exist, and I've explained in my previous posts why I think so, and why I am sure that the all cause excess deaths in the areas where the lockdowns were strictest were in reality not caused by a virus, but by the lockdowns and the delays of surgeries, diagnosis, and procedures for other diseases that it caused.
The enemy is doing many things behind this lockdown. Only time will tell.
HPS Shannon said:
luis said:
HPS Shannon said:
If anyone is interested, I have the pdf booklet talking about herpes.

Another one, hepatitis has been shown to not be caused by a virus but is the result of a toxic liver. Nothing more.

Again, this is all my belief based on what science shows and is not my opinion.

Polluted air, nano particulates, vaccines, chemical laden foods, stress, cellular damage, blunt physical trauma, and a weakened system for example causes the body to create viruses and related cellular debris. Which is why the covid test are full of false positives and such. They are simply calling cellular debris that everyone can have as covid. Same how a fruit tested positove for covid...

I'm very interested in the pdf, please.
HPS Shannon said:
luis said:
HPS Shannon said:
And in my opinion and based on what science is showing, the virus exists but like I said, its not what we have been told they are.

According to science and the WHO info, the covid virus is actually chromosome particles, which is what I have been saying is viruses are created by the body in response to different factors. They are not contagious. Viruses are a result of disease and not the cause.


The human body is brilliant and knows what it has to do to try to repair itself. I've studied these things and it is just testament that our gods created the gentile body as intelligent and efficient. The problem is a polluted and toxic environment and other things.
Honestly what you say makes sense, even if you consider other types of healing theories like Ayurveda and TCM. The point would be then how was this "created"? Did they put something in our food or water? Or maybe they are trying to use something 'natural' as influenza and kill people while they are in the hospital by using wrong tools like those ventilators...Hopefully all of this can get exposed and jews can take the blame. Imagine if this will get out and people start to wake up to the truth...

From alternative microbiologists and the like, viruses are created from within the body in response to dead, dying or damaged tissue, body toxicity, being poisoned, etc, etc.

They appear to be the result of disease. Virus in latin means poison. From the science I have read, viruses are produced and created from within the body to clean up toxins or repair damaged cells like little tool boxes. That is why they are seen in certain areas of the body when damaged. The viruses congregate around thw damaged area to be able to cleanse and repair.

In TCM and Ayurveda, there is not such thing as contagion and that all disease emanates from a weakened body, immunse system, toxemia, etc. The ancient people knew this.

With the covid thing, it appears they took advantage of a time back in winter/spring when people get the flu (which from science has been shown to not be contagious or caused by a virus) allergies, etc. Then they lied about numbers, people dying and of course killed people by putting them on ventilators or just denying people their routine medical care which caused people to die at home. Its very sad.

Just wait until fall/winter when people start getting colds and flu symptoms, they will just say covid started again...

I stopped getting the flu or cold after I detoxed my body and ate better. And I never catch anything even when I am near sick people. Flus appear to be a detox event in the body when the season changes like how in nature when trees and animals make changes in their systems.

As for as viruses, lets take herpes for example. I have a pdf from a doctor who shows that herpes is not caused by a virus nor is it sexually transmitted because babies, children and young adults who have not been intimate at all in their lives have got it. And that people healed the herpes after detoxing their body from heavy metals and taking collagen, etc. The toxins are trying to leave through the pores.

This doctor is the same man who talked about HIV being a false disease made up by the medical industry and that people actually died and got sick only when thwy started taking the harmful drugs for it.

If anyone is interested, I have the pdf booklet talking about herpes.

Another one, hepatitis has been shown to not be caused by a virus but is the result of a toxic liver. Nothing more.

Again, this is all my belief based on what science shows and is not my opinion.

Polluted air, nano particulates, vaccines, chemical laden foods, stress, cellular damage, blunt physical trauma, and a weakened system for example causes the body to create viruses and related cellular debris. Which is why the covid test are full of false positives and such. They are simply calling cellular debris that everyone can have as covid. Same how a fruit tested positove for covid...
Thank you, this makes sense. I don't get the Flu from years now even when I'm around others who have it. This is just with spirituality. Honestly after healing my allergy with vitamin D supplments that for science it could not be healed or I had to take a very costly vaccine, I'm definitely more open to other theories. We all know how the jews have corrupted science for a long time.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
