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Light13 said:
I want to contribute to our alliance but don't know where to start. what can I do to help our group?

Really above all, meditate to your GDs and the Gods, and ask them what you can do for your race before I give you my own advice.

Now you stated you are Chinese if I can recall? Chinese spiritual culture and heritage is probably one of the richest, even the HPHC himself told me in an email that he considered Chinese spirituality and mythology to be on a supreme level. Although while Serpents are prevalent in Vedic religion, not other culture I've ever seen outwardly embraces Dragons as much as the Chinese. I could certainly use some help, since I am working to bring life into the Oriental Satanic community.

So for starters - I would embrace things like martial arts, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and then study Feng-Shui, Taoist and Shinto religions, since those two have been confirmed by HPs and former HPs to be of Satanic origin, and not enemy filth like Buddhism. For once I'd actually like see an Oriental promoting these things, as more non-Orientals promote and talk about martial arts and Traditional CHINESE Medicine.

Promote traditional Chinese festivals and holidays like the Lunar New Year and Mid-Autumn Festival by posting greetings, or any other information you can find.

Anything you discover along the way, post it in the Oriental Sub-forum but for questions, ask it anonymously in the Ask-Satan.net sub-forum. You can also post things that expose Jewish agendas in Asia. Something needs to be about the communist government in China.

Also, artwork is great - and if anything, the Chinese were probably the masters of implementing spirituality in their art, as they were in implementing spiritual truths in all their facets of life, which how and why Chinese martial arts came to be.

I don't know if you're fluent in Chinese or not - but get involved in a translation project. In addition, what people need to remember is that Chinese language is just a broad term, the three main "Chinese languages" are Mandarin, Cantonese and Hokkien, though I think JoS CHina is in Mandarin.

The Chinese alphabet in of itself, back in the day wasn't just an average alphabet, it's usage was transcendental. There's a reason why in Ancient Korea, the Chinese alphabet had a different usage than the native, Hangul. Right everyone, regardless of race uses the Germanic Runes, and that's fine, if its shows results but every culture and civilization had their own divination to the Gods, the Chinese no exception.

Here's a reply I sent to Voimir (Filipino SS) in another post,
Maxis Orientis said:
What I've realized is that back in the day, many alphabets we today consider "dead" or "archaic" weren't just a "literary tool", nor were they used by just commoners, they had Runic magick and divination purposes, not just the Fuhark Runes, a point I have made about the Ancient Chinese alphabet.

Basically gathering my knowledge of how sigil magick and sigil-charging works - you empower a symbol by vibrating and pouring energy into it using other tools such as universal numerology, astrology and for the higher-advanced, aid from the Gods themselves. This is why the Chinese alphabet in Ancient Korea and Ancient Vietnam was limited to usage by the priestly class, since they understood the power behind Chinese symbols - kinda like the Roman Empire where you had Vulgar Latin vs. Classical Latin, the latter being used by the high and advanced castes though I'm no expert on Latin culture or language. Take the Chinese symbol "神" for example, translates/pronounced as "Shen" in Chinese, "Shin" in Japanese and "Thần" in Vietnamese all meaning "God". But the translation was absolutely irrelevant to practitioners of Chinese/East Asian spirituality, they all simply understood that "神" meant God and very likely vibrated it in their meditations. These three languages aren't related either. So theoretically, I can make up a language and transliterate "神" as some other word that doesn't sound anything like Shen/Shin or Than, but it would still mean the same thing, "God".

Then I would meditate to the Gods and focus on the ancient religion of your country, again Taoism, Shintoism and Chinese Folk Religion - Shintoism while mostly associated Japan didn't originate in Japan, and was originally Chinese Shen-Daoism. Find out what ancient Gods/Goddesses of China are the Demons, much like the way the White Satanists have been recovering the identities of the Demons in Greco-Roman, Egyptian and Vedic mythology.

Check my signature, me and another Chinese SS have pretty much started digging and finding the identities of Satan, Baalzabul, Azazel and Thoth in Chinese mythology, I've also found Lord Bifrons and Lady Astarte (that's one's big), but I'm saving those two posts for Lunar New Year (Bifronts) and Lady Astarte (Ishtar). I've had the help and guidance of STanBlank (long-time Chinese SS) and HPHC himself on crafting it. But we need help with many of the other Demons.

Ancient China was the cultural center of East Asia prior to communism and Christianity, and the likes of Japan, Vietnam and Korea were all influenced by China and Chinese tradition.

Now as you get really advanced, try posting and promoting Chinese-style meditations, divinations and astrology. For example, we need someone to promote the I-Ching, which is pretty-much Ancient China's own version of other popular Satanic texts like the Indian Rigvedas. I think they even use their own sigils to the Gods, referred to as the Taijitu.

Check my posts in the Oriental sub-forum if you want a general direction (IGNORE the "Hawaii post", as that reveals an embarrassing period on my end), in addition I have more posts under my old account "GuangXia_666".

Additionally, you can email STanBlank, his email is [email protected] since he is Chinese and too, has been studying Chinese mythology. If you wanna get involved in translations projects, contact The Alchemist7.

In spite of how much knowledge I have of of Chinese mythology and tradition - I am not Chinese, as I belong to particularly different Asiatic sub-race.

Some of HPHC's comments on Asian spirituality, from this post.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Before anyone thinks that this is about "Northern Europeans", I want to mention here that this culture is not explicit to Northern Europeans, who for many intents have widely not only strayed from this culture, but did not at all historical intervals understand it as good as other adoptees and contemporaries. We could say that while the culture arises out of a people, if removed upon them, what remains is the hardware of a people without the software.

So eventually, all teaching and instruction from the Wise People or the Gods, can fall into jeopardy.

The Asians have also comprehended these realities, yet the situation is that when people are mindwashed into certain programs which bring them closer to the animal level of consciousness, the animal level of consciousness is what will come out of them. We see the results of this worldwide today in lesser or higher extents.

I am not saying here the above things or programs are "somewhat right", but I try to show everyone that even some drops of the so called "Aryan Spirit" do actually make a foundation for a higher spiritual manifestation.

The Asian Cultures who have held strongly on the teachings of the Gods, do perform the highest when it comes to spiritual life and duty, yet when these are mixed with Communism and other innate problems in each people's [all human beings, we have flaws] this is where things go wrong.

Hope this helps, HS

My mistake, I saw you're actually Vietnamese, but all points still stand, most of Vietnamese religion is actually based off of Chinese religion, but anything you can find even before Chinese will be beneficial to your people.
vietnamese have been influenced so heavily by China that I don't think we have records of our original religions anymore. and my ancestors migrated from China to Vietnam about 500 years ago. but I was raised as a Vietnamese so I identify as one. I think I'm the only Viet on here lol, and my Viet isn't good so translations are out of the question. also, I think ill stick to the meditations on the site, I'm not that advanced and I don't really have much background in Chinese culture besides what was imported into vietnam. but thank you for the replies I really appreciate it. thanks again.

Hail the Gods
Light13 said:
vietnamese have been influenced so heavily by China that I don't think we have records of our original religions anymore. also, I think ill stick to the meditations on the site, I'm not that advanced and I don't really have much background in Chinese culture besides what was imported into vietnam. but thank you for the replies I really appreciate it. thanks again.

Hail the Gods

This is understandable, you can't go wrong practicing strictly what is on the JoS, after all, they been proven to work, it's how many began. Don't feel bad about the Chinese culture dominating Vietnam, it's just one of the "greats" of spiritual history, let's remember that Greek culture pretty-much dominated the Roman Empire, there's an old saying that goes, "Rome conquered Greece, but Greece conquered Rome" or something like that, that second-statement obviously referring to the culture. Not much is known or preserved about pre-Greek Latin culture, but that's beyond my realm of knowledge, you'll have to ask the White Latin or Greek members for confirmation on that.

Japan and Korea both followed a very similar trajectory but with Chinese culture, though traces of their pre-Chinese culture are still in tact, to where they become distinguished from Chinese culture. My home country had it culturally worst that Vietnam, Japan and Korea, since our pre-Abrahamist culture, which was Vedic influenced, is almost vanquished, that my attempts to educate my people on our pre-Abrahamist culture often falls on deaf ears and NPC minds.

Don't give up, and as you further advance and remain dedicated, you will further discover your people's heritage and the Gods will show you many great things, they may further lead you towards Chinese spirituality, who knows? It is Your path.

I hope to see from you in the future

vietnamese have been influenced so heavily by China that I don't think we have records of our original religions anymore. and my ancestors migrated from China to Vietnam about 500 years ago. but I was raised as a Vietnamese so I identify as one. I think I'm the only Viet on here lol, and my Viet isn't good so translations are out of the question. also, I think ill stick to the meditations on the site, I'm not that advanced and I don't really have much background in Chinese culture besides what was imported into vietnam. but thank you for the replies I really appreciate it. thanks again.

Hail the Gods
Thật ra có một người Việt Nam ở đây nữa đó nha bạn. There's actually a Vietnamese here.
Thật ra có một người Việt Nam ở đây nữa đó nha bạn. There's actually a Vietnamese here.
xinh chao. I can't write Viet so, I will speak English. I am Viet living in the USA, I have been here for a while maybe 10 years. I found Satan by fluke but, I am delighted it happened. Welcome! I'm very happy you are here. if you need any help let me know!
Thật ra có một người Việt Nam ở đây nữa đó nha bạn. There's actually a Vietnamese here.
xinh chao. I can't write Viet so, I will speak English. I am Viet living in the USA, I have been here for a while maybe 10 years. I found Satan by fluke but, I am delighted it happened. Welcome! I'm very happy you are here. if you need any help let me know!

If it interests both of you, Satan's name in Vietnamese religion is "Đại Hắc Thiên", also in my signature. It appears in Chu Nom/Chu Han script as "大黑天" - it appears the same in Chinese, Japanese Khanji and Korean Hanja.
If it interests both of you, Satan's name in Vietnamese religion is "Đại Hắc Thiên", also in my signature. It appears in Chu Nom/Chu Han script as "大黑天" - it appears the same in Chinese, Japanese Khanji and Korean Hanja.
How cool! how did you find this out? I was raised in Canada and America so I'm heavily influenced by Christianity and, I don't know much about the Vietnamese religion besides, things like the Au Lac creation myth. are you Viet? if i remember correctly Maxis Orientis is Chinese?
The Yi King (Book of Transformations) is also an excellent subject. It seems nobody speak about it here.
In Europe, well educated people know it or use it.


what can I do to help our group?

Promote traditional Chinese festivals and holidays like the Lunar New Year and Mid-Autumn Festival by posting greetings, or any other information you can find.

There's actually a Vietnamese here.
How cool! how did you find this out? I was raised in Canada and America so I'm heavily influenced by Christianity and, I don't know much about the Vietnamese religion besides, things like the Au Lac creation myth. are you Viet? if i remember correctly Maxis Orientis is Chinese?

I searched "Mahakala". Back when I was exposing Buddhism and "reversing" the slander against our Gods, I saw that Buddhists made mention of a Deity by the name of "Mahakala", which is Old Sanskrit. They labeled Mahakala as being an "evil monster", and STanBlank from China even told me that they make horror movies about him.

Upon doing further research, I found that that Mahakala is also Lord Shiva, or at least one of Lord Shiva's wrathful sides which means he must therefore be our Father Satan. Buddhists texts however distorted the meaning of this into making him an "evil monster who roams forests and drinks blood", when clearly anything in regards to "eating/raping" in ancient mythology is all allegorical.

According to translation in-between ancient texts, Mahakala has been recorded in civilizations that wrote in Chinese as "大黑天", which when transliterated into Roman script, renders as Đại Hắc Thiên in Vietnamese. In the East Asian languages, it renders as Dàhēitiān and Daaih'hāktīn (Mandarin/Cantonese), Daeheukcheon (Korean), Daikokuten (Japanese), nonetheless very similar. In addition, he is depicted as having a trident, a sword and the Goat is also one of his animals, which is in-line in what JoS has revealed about Satan being Poseidon/Neptune in Greco-Roman mythology, having the Goat as one of His favorite animals, and since Mahakala/Đại Hắc Thiên bears a Trident, it also only makes since Shiva and Poseidon are both depicted as having tridents. I went through a wild 🔥dopamine rush 🔥 when I found this information out.

Ever since joining JoS, my intent was solely to help the Asians recover the history of their spiritual faiths and promote Oriental Satanic traditions.

Hope this helps! And have a 🎆 Happy Year of the Dragon! 🎆 And I understand your pain dealing with Christianity, yes I am Maxis Orientis but I am not Chinese or Vietnamese. Sadly my particular Asian country of origin has a serious Christianity issue as well, and we used to venerate Dragons as did the Asians of the Ancient World, but the stupid church cut us off and my particular sub-race has been spiritually and morally bankrupt.

Here's some links to help you out:

The Yi King (Book of Transformations) is also an excellent subject. It seems nobody speak about it here.
In Europe, well educated people know it or use it.

View attachment 678

Yes, thanks for this and I've heard and seen these before, and recently have ordered books to begin studying the subject, excites me very much to say the least. Taoism is a legitimate religion unlike enemy Buddhism, or at least "most" sects. of Buddhism nowadays.
Yes, thanks for this and I've heard and seen these before, and recently have ordered books to begin studying the subject, excites me very much to say the least. Taoism is a legitimate religion unlike enemy Buddhism, or at least "most" sects. of Buddhism nowadays.
our old HP was very knowledgeable about our race sadly, when he left he took that knowledge with him. I remember he telling me asians are hyper competitive I, found that interesting. there's not too much out there about asians, that i have been able to find i also remember him saying we are of the element air and water, i think. You wouldn't happen to know how he came upon this information would you. i think a lot of people would like to know about this stuff if they don't know already.

Along with being heavily exposed to christianity at home i was exposed to buddhism some, would say im double have mental disorder jk, if im not mistaken all the chinese gods have been sinthicesd, if im spelling that correctly, i wonder how or if our gods were satan himself or some other gods of the asiatic race. have you read saciriah sitchen books, ive been reading them but he is jewish so its to be taken with some salt.

do you have an email? id like to talk with you more on things or this sorts. idk if u can see mine but if u can shoot me an email, im interested in helping you.
our old HP was very knowledgeable about our race sadly, when he left he took that knowledge with him. I remember he telling me asians are hyper competitive I, found that interesting. there's not too much out there about asians, that i have been able to find i also remember him saying we are of the element air and water, i think. You wouldn't happen to know how he came upon this information would you. i think a lot of people would like to know about this stuff if they don't know already.

Along with being heavily exposed to christianity at home i was exposed to buddhism some, would say im double have mental disorder jk, if im not mistaken all the chinese gods have been sinthicesd, if im spelling that correctly, i wonder how or if our gods were satan himself or some other gods of the asiatic race. have you read saciriah sitchen books, ive been reading them but he is jewish so its to be taken with some salt.

do you have an email? id like to talk with you more on things or this sorts. idk if u can see mine but if u can shoot me an email, im interested in helping you.

My vision to get all the Asian SS to work on a joint-project, as the Oriental Satanic Alliance progressed and blossoms with new content, then it will build up to as having info on the "Demons pages" of the main JoS site, and then our own website much like the Whites and BlackSun666 and the Blacks with Blacks4Satan. Although focusing on your particular nation is great, I feel it is beneficial if all the Asian SS can start connecting more and fostering a stronger bond much like the White SS and Black SS have. The sad situation is we seem to have all gone all over the place. An Asian SS have even admitted to me they don't give a shit or bother to contribute anything to the Oriental Satanic group, I won't mention this person, but nonetheless it infuriates me to no end. :mad:

Now as for my email it is [email protected], but I won't be available online until about Feb. 11 or 12, due to observance of Lunar New Year, I don't know if your famz celebrates it but I'd recommend taking the day off from the internet too and just enjoying the holiday since Feb. 10, the start of the Lunar New Year also starts on the Witch's Sabbat. Although Baal Zebul is the direct patron God of the Orientals, but Satan was surely venerated and honored in Asiatic civilizations. If you search back and read some of HP Lucius Oria's articles (check the signature on my other account, Maxis Orientis) - Fuxi is Satan and Nuwa is Lilith (the website changes sadly have rendered all his articles unlinkable). I'm still not clear about us being air and water. The Mongols to me seem like fire and earth.

And our former HP Lucius Oria is correct about what he said about most Asians, many of us have extremely high IQ, excel in academics and competition, the Japanese used these skills and talents during the Meiji era to advance the Empire of Japan, which why Hitler referred to the Japanese as "Honorary Aryans", although they weren't bloodline Aryans, they were spiritually Aryan. Even look at Japan today, look how far their technology is, they literally live in 2500 or something though it's not say it comes easy, Japan is considered ultra-expensive for a reason. My familiars who can attest to this, they have all literally excelled in multiple areas, not only academically but even athletically and if it wasn't for Jewish control of our entertainment system, they'd very likely be Olympic stars at this point and my family would all be Hollywood stars. People back in my school could never comprehend how they had such energy and talent, but one of my familiars was actually a high-ranking Southeast Asian noble in a previous life, so it'd make sense why she was so popular, powerful and good things "naturally" came her way.

Even HP Cobra on the other hand has had positive things to say about Asians, in an article called "Why Asians Don't Whine".

Yet, unlike China, Japan doesn't go around sending waves upon waves of migrant invaders to other countries. Sadly, the Chinese government abuses this very fact of hyper-competitive nature of Asians to invade and infiltrate other nations and agitate relations between Chinese and non-Chinese. My familiars even have experience with Chinese classmates who have gotten spied and harassed by CPC coverts sent to spy on them.

I too, am fighting with cleansing my Soul of parasitic fear-based Christian energies and I deal with attacks daily from the enemy striking at my weakest points. These vile energies are like rotting fruit to fruit flies because I currently deal with xian asssholes praying for me to "repent". :mad:

Any, Happy Year of the Dragon Bro and HS

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
