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Conspiracy theories, greater fear


New member
Jul 10, 2020
I want to start by saying i am a full blown conspiracy nut. So if this sounds a bit unhinged i apologize in advance. But I've seen some connected dots that are absolutely keeping me up this night. I have an overwhelming urge to point them out to my fellow satanists...so here goes.

We've pretty much all seen what has happened to the u.s. at this point. But with this being a satanist forum i wonder if anyone here knows much about the Q theories going around. Ive not seen many posts here about it.

The short and sweet of the Q posts is that someone close to the president has supposedly been leaking out intel to the Qanon community. They are heavily xtian oriented. They believe with all their being trump was sent from christ to defend the u.s. and as of the 6th people have been posting messages for trump on their social media.

They have said their final attack is underway. That the president signed the insurrection act two weeks ago and the military is pretending to go along with congress while the world sets up for a great reset. That he has 8 days worth of videos, tapes, pictures, and most importantly affidavits that will all drop this weekend. He will be taking out congress, and the media. His primary target is the central bank.

Stay with me a second. Heres where things get really weird. The plan is supposed to start no later than monday. It will start with a nuclear bomb alarm. Followed by a higher defcon rating. A false attack will be started. The idea is for everyone to be home. Glued to your tv. Then we will start 8 days of video and communication blackout that will begin in an effort to heal the nation. When the military are done we will have a clean house. Everything will be "clean" (ill come back here in a second). They are saying a coordinated attach will be made on china with russia and india. And when its over we will return the land to 1776. The constitution will reign supreme. For every land. Not just america. This will be world wide...

Sounds great right? And a little far fetched. Until one last thought occured to me....these people are adamant they have god on their side. The same way the people running the senate and doing all of this other stuff believe they are doing gods direct will. And they are also adamant that they will be declassifying EVERYTHING. most importantly everything about "aliens" and their "forbidden" tech.

Then i remembered hooded cobras warnings earlier this year. A fake alien landing. And probably a return of jesus/god/grey/reptilians....

Now we get to my worry. What if this is the greys play to throw their pawns down. Take out china. They were to be sacrificed to begin with. Then when its done and over they come out and say they did it because god returned! Hes an alien. And they roll out the red carpet for our new "friends" the grey aliens! With a play like this the world will explode in a new wave of belief in xtianity. They will rush to the tribes side telling them how amazing they are and how they squashed the enemy. Never realizing its an enemy that was theirs to begin with...And the enemy will no longer be circling the planet but right here....and no longer walking among us in hiding but right out in the open.

The only thing left is to attack the "evil" aliens coming after them. Satan. And his "followers"...

With a communication blackout world wide all those just following the jews now cant ask why their getting attacked when they were just following orders. After all everything will be "cleaned".

I know this all sounds pretty far out there. And i sincerely hope this stays nothing more than a theory. When i asked the gods myself if this was just another fantasy the answer shouted at me was to spread a warning.

If it doesn't happen thousands upon thousands of Qanon followers will be rejecting xtianity and the belief in Trump come the 20th. Because all of the people close to trump have come out and said this is true up till now. If you were the enemy how would you play this? Let the americans reject Q and his xtianity plans. Come together under nationalism and defend themselves. Allowing the people to go through 1776 2.0. Or come in and lead the charge and get to be the new leaders of Satans planet...

Thank you for listening to my ramblings. If this is wrong i look forward to a good chuckle in the coming days. If im right...no wonder satan told hooded cobra to just keep the sites open as long as he could.

Q anon is a federal operation that totally derailed the America First Movement and destroyed it.

Trump has already conceded. There are no secret Patriot State (as opposed to deep state) that is going to do anything.

Yes there is going to be a communication blackout (cyber polygon). Not because Trump is doing something, but because all of this has been already pre planned to create mass depopulation, in the Global elite plan for years.

Yes, there is a possibility of a massive EMP attack followed by a nuclear strike on US soil (by China). This is an actual possibility.

No Russia ,and India will not attack China. China and Russia were already conquered in the last century by the jews. They are Globalist territory. And India won't do anything unless the United States helps it. It's a simple fact of reality.

Currently as I'm writing this, they have total and absolute control over the internet, the political machinery ,the nuclear silos,the pre prepared killer viruses and everything else. Every single major power, they have already taken over in full.

Every single Patriot who isn't an establishment member Republican will be banned from every social media site. They are going to prevent Sites from operating, not just shadowbanning,deplatforming and canceling payment services but actually taking the domain away (as they did with the DS and Alex Jones in 2017.)

After a total purge of any legitimate information from the internet, they will launch various depopulation plans as is their intention is and has been for decades.

All of this is preplanned. The only thing that the elites didn't expect is so much of us humanity are Redpilled about their plans already. Which is why they are panicking.

They never expected this much resistance and awareness. I suspect the error reporting updates in their social simulations is upwards of 40%.

But most of it is still going to happen, because humanity needs an electric shock to wake up.

The only ones who could have saved us from our current predicament are the Germans in the last century. If they would have defeated the jews, communism would have been eradicated, the Jewish Globalist bankers would not have existed and could never have created China and the Jews Depopulation plan and other ideologies could not have materialized.

But that's wishful thinking. The Germans lost the war and now we're deep in this shit, fast approaching the apocalypse.

But I'm also sure this kind of event has happened atleast once before with the enemy aliens trying to genocide everyone thousands of years ago. We had much more advanced civilizations and spiritual abilities then. If we survived that ,we'll definitely survive this. But the pain is coming, no doubt about that.
Dont get me wrong I had the exact same outlook on this you have three weeks ago. But the last place I figured to see some kind of change coming from was the vatican and


I'm not even saying thats real. I've been played before. But once again if your in danger of losing your whole play it makes more sense to sacrifice your pawns and finish the job yourself...

And the Q people are saying more to come. I'm headed to bed now but I just read Berlin and France just went into blackout... the same as Rome did this morning...
I just hope neither of us is right. Lol
OmegaWraith said:
Dont get me wrong I had the exact same outlook on this you have three weeks ago. But the last place I figured to see some kind of change coming from was the vatican and


I'm not even saying thats real. I've been played before. But once again if your in danger of losing your whole play it makes more sense to sacrifice your pawns and finish the job yourself...

And the Q people are saying more to come. I'm headed to bed now but I just read Berlin and France just went into blackout... the same as Rome did this morning...
I just hope neither of us is right. Lol

I can't access the site but it doesn't surprise me the Vatican and it's predatory abilities. Funny the HongKong Men a secret society paid a visit to Adolfo(Black Pope JNWO member) who was sick in a Japanese hospital and took him out. That occurred sometime around September or was it October of 2019 just before this whole CoVID-19 bullshit.

So don't be surprised if SHTF(Shit hits the fan) for said people.

On the website I COULD find information supposedly a Blackout occurred in Rome/Vatican area. So remember just as the enemy does things so do the good guys or at least hopefully the people working for truth and justice.

Just relax take it easy if you got a job and make money great if not and are in lockdown. Meditate, exercise, spiritual warfare and try and stay sane. Cause insanity is about to come.
Gear88 said:
OmegaWraith said:
Dont get me wrong I had the exact same outlook on this you have three weeks ago. But the last place I figured to see some kind of change coming from was the vatican and


I'm not even saying thats real. I've been played before. But once again if your in danger of losing your whole play it makes more sense to sacrifice your pawns and finish the job yourself...

And the Q people are saying more to come. I'm headed to bed now but I just read Berlin and France just went into blackout... the same as Rome did this morning...
I just hope neither of us is right. Lol

I can't access the site but it doesn't surprise me the Vatican and it's predatory abilities. Funny the HongKong Men a secret society paid a visit to Adolfo(Black Pope JNWO member) who was sick in a Japanese hospital and took him out. That occurred sometime around September or was it October of 2019 just before this whole CoVID-19 bullshit.

So don't be surprised if SHTF(Shit hits the fan) for said people.

On the website I COULD find information supposedly a Blackout occurred in Rome/Vatican area. So remember just as the enemy does things so do the good guys or at least hopefully the people working for truth and justice.

Just relax take it easy if you got a job and make money great if not and are in lockdown. Meditate, exercise, spiritual warfare and try and stay sane. Cause insanity is about to come.
Would it not be all over the j/news? You can simply google it or use another search engine. Not to mention, this "the" pope is a jew and a high/important jew; therefore, it is protected and wouldn't be arrested, unless it suited the jew or christianity or the status quo for it to be arrested.
:lol: sorry guys. Let me start by saying this. I work swing shift in a warehouse and don't talk to anyone but maybe a trucker from time to time. The only other people I talk to on a normal day are a handful of friends, a couple family members, and my wife. When I'm done with work I come home and either do research on something or do programming. Communication is the weakest suit in my deck. :D So I apologize ahead of time if I say something in a manner that offends or upsets you guys. It happens a lot, I've gotten to the point I just laugh about it.

The last sentence on that site I posted last night says that the EU has given a direct no report order on a lot of things in the last couple of days, but its only for the EU. So they can legally post it for the American audience (clearly I'm in America, so if you can't access the site maybe your from the EU? I dunno.) I saw they also said there was a firefight at the Vatican and this morning the Vatican has posted that one of their higher ups has died to Covid. Just seems odd.

Thank you for the concern Gear88. I have once again chosen the wrong words for my original post. I say I worry about this stuff, and it concerns me but in reality I am not concerned. I still do all my things and haven't lost a minute of sleep over this. As far as lockdowns and that I'm a "necessary" employee so other than wearing a mask from time to time, my life literally hasn't changed at all. This particular time I was simply doing what I always do and looked up something from an opposing viewpoint and noticed a pattern. I have spent a lot of time researching the apocalypse stuff from both the Jew and Satanist perspective. My biggest concern has always been that I was more or less told the gods would be here ABOUT 2035. And before them the Antichrist would arrive. I was trying to point out mostly that if the big concerns everyone has about china are true my timetable would seem off. Which would mean I either adjust my timetable, or something else was off. So I tried to find a timetable that would fit. Then when I saw it I posted mostly to try and see if others have noticed the same patterns. I'll be honest other than keeping updated on the Q matters and keeping an eye on the forums I haven't given it much thought. But I'm still chugging along doing my usual.

FancyMancy this is exactly the thought process I had when I originally posted. You'd think these people would be protected pretty much no matter what they did. I just wanted to get out the idea that some people may see what is going on and say "YAY! A cleansing!" But it just seems like behind every play the enemies make there is something else always going on.

And just because I like to keep an eye on what's going on: The Q people are saying that Secretary Pompeo on twitter is posting every half hour. Soon he will go down to every 15 minutes, followed by 10 and 5 minute intervals. When he finally gets to 5 and finishes Trump and his team will take over from there and all will be revealed. If they're wrong Pompeo may just win worlds biggest troll. If they're right maybe we get a show and popcorn. Who knows. lol only time will tell!

Have fun guys! After all that and always progressing is what life's all about!
OmegaWraith said:
The last sentence on that site I posted last night says that the EU has given a direct no report order on a lot of things in the last couple of days, but its only for the EU. So they can legally post it for the American audience (clearly I'm in America, so if you can't access the site maybe your from the EU? I dunno.) I saw they also said there was a firefight at the Vatican and this morning the Vatican has posted that one of their higher ups has died to Covid. Just seems odd.
Eu resident here. The link works, but it loaded slowly when I opened it earlier though.

I'm sceptical about the contents, very sceptical to be honest. That being said we'll see in due time what's what. In time being, focus on yoga and study. :D
OmegaWraith said:
And just because I like to keep an eye on what's going on: The Q people are saying that Secretary Pompeo on twitter is posting every half hour. Soon he will go down to every 15 minutes, followed by 10 and 5 minute intervals. When he finally gets to 5 and finishes Trump and his team will take over from there and all will be revealed. If they're wrong Pompeo may just win worlds biggest troll. If they're right maybe we get a show and popcorn. Who knows. lol only time will tell!

This isn’t an attack on you but man am I fucking tired of hearing about what Q (Stephen Miller) and his Christian faggot followers have to say about anything.

I just checked Pompeo’s Twitter and there hasn’t been anything for 3 hours. You have to wonder do the Qtards even believe what they say?

It was same thing with Bill Barr, “Guys he has all the indictments ready Hillary and Soros are going to prison bro just 2 more weeks bro trust the plan mkay?”

And what happened with that? Nothing. Barr left without indicting anyone and actively covering up for the Biden family, everyone myself including that looking into him knew he was a swamp rat to begin with.

But here we go again, do they ever tired of being wrong about EVERYTHING? Just from looking at the very first Q post discredits them.

28-Oct-2017 3:44:28 PM CDT
HRC extradition already in motion effective yesterday with several countries in case of cross border run. Passport approved to be flagged effective 10/30 @ 12:01am. Expect massive riots organized in defiance and others fleeing the US to occur. US M’s will conduct the operation while NG activated. Proof check: Locate a NG member and ask if activated for duty 10/30 across most major cities.

What an absolute joke. People should have dropped the larp after this didn’t happen. I can’t be bothered to go through the other 4952 posts of this Jewish manchild, but it probably consists of many other cases like this.

Little Steve hasn’t posted anything on that site since the election other than some stupid MAGA song, I wonder why. You think “Q” would be on fire right now, but nope. Complete silence.
OmegaWraith said:
. I have spent a lot of time researching the apocalypse stuff from both the Jew and Satanist perspective. My biggest concern has always been that I was more or less told the gods would be here ABOUT 2035. And before them the Antichrist would arrive. I was trying to point out mostly that if the big concerns everyone has about china are true my timetable would seem off.

From your research when will the Antichrist finally come? Who or from where will He be and can he help save us from the Zhidan's NWO?
AntonellaIT said:
From your research when will the Antichrist finally come? Who or from where will He be and can he help save us from the Zhidan's NWO?

Please check the date of a post before replying to it. Normally there's nothing wrong with replying to an old post to comment to it or bump it, but here you are expecting a person who hasn't posted since January to reply to you.

Also SouthernWhiteGentile who posted exactly above you has a picture of the Antichrist in his signature.
Sorry I didn't check whether the person had written or if it was an old post, I did a search for antichrist and apocalypse and this came up.
I know Hitler was an Antichrist, but the one in the apocalypse script the jews are using is supposed to be in the future not in the past, so another Antichrist is due to arrive maybe Hitler's reincarnation? I don't know, that's why I'm asking
AntonellaIT said:
Sorry I didn't check whether the person had written or if it was an old post, I did a search for antichrist and apocalypse and this came up.
I know Hitler was an Antichrist, but the one in the apocalypse script the jews are using is supposed to be in the future not in the past, so another Antichrist is due to arrive maybe Hitler's reincarnation? I don't know, that's why I'm asking

What makes you think we are a jewish/kosher/kike organization? What makes you think we follow the bible and all the non-sense shehameforash can "predict" but could never stop. Just predict shit but not stop it.

Hitler is a person who is the leader of the Human race, aside from being the main Anti-christ for the Earth/Human civilization. He was born and never died, his death was faked because to this day they hide the evidence he died. They knew he faked his death and hide his faked death. If the allies are so good why do they hide his death to this day. If Russia and really the Soviet Union had this glorious victory against the evil devil Satanists why continue hiding over 80 years after WW2 that Hitler died. They state he died but every time someone investigates things happen like for example the Soviets hide hide his skull and bones. The allies have the part of the skull with the bullet hole and well where is the rest of it.

We know he escaped from a secret exit in the Berlin Bunker. He went along with Eva Braun and one or two other people flew was flown by Hanna Reitsch up north and then disappeared. One member stated he is still on Earth and I'm not surprised he is. I guess it doesn't require being with the high Gods spiritual evolution. So the underground Nordic civilization spent their time teaching and elevating him. But that doesn't mean he is ultra-power or anything rather for one of the few Magnum Opus completed Gods he is of a lower level. Probably one of the reasons why the Gods need to come to rescue not just the Earth and the Sol-Solar System but the other planets under various levels of kosher supervision housing humans who were meant to be the planets for our Space Fairing civilization. Hitler might be the leader of the Humans but he still requires much more training and expertise non-the less he is more powerful than Humans put together so there is some respect to his abilities.

Earth and it's position are very sacred to Satan I'm sure he must have laughed his ass off at how precious the Earth/Mars/Phaeton were. 3 life giving planet a stones throw away from a complete chakra network of planets like Jupiter or Saturn or Neptune. And on top of that 9 or 10 other life sustaining planets whereby additional Humans can live and be part of the Human race.

Humanity should have been highly technologically and spiritually advanced by now. If it weren't for the enemy machinations 15,000-12,000 years ago and a full physical strike 10,000 years ago. Had non-of that happened we'd probably be surprisingly ahead especially since Humanity advanced in such a slow and steady way like a Turtle or Snail that even Satan respected our advancement and realized he made a good choice leaving it up to the Humans. We weren't stupid rather we even surprised the Gods at how Humanity wanted to evolve.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
