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I can agree with that.
I almost want to derail his plans to get together with a girl in glass..in fact I kinda do want to. She kinda deserves better than a scum-sucker like this joo. But, eh, I'll see what I can go magickally, if it doesn't take--screw it, it's worth it, I'll put an aura of protection around her. This joo is relatively weak. I'm not feeding him energy, so that's one less source for him to abuse.
Preparing for the Path, Cleansing the Mind - Satanic High Priest Vovim Baghie: Joy of Satan Ministries - Satanic High Priest Vovim Baghie
Just bookmark this link. I have found it has come in very useful:Internet Archive: Wayback Machine

On Wednesday, June 17, 2015 8:57 PM, "zolaluckystar@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Hi, I followed this link  http://www.vovimbaghie.com/satanic-serm ... -the-mind/ to read the sermon and it took me nowhere basically, no sermon there. Not the first time either I have tried to look at something and its taken me nowhere...

Hail Lucifer/Satan

The Gods are always guiding and helping us, if we help ourselves, do our power meditations and seek a relationship with Satan.Just keep a journal and write in it daily of good things that happen, people that come into your life (or leave), and answers to your questions that you pose to Satan in the form of coincidences, signs, thoughts/ideas that "pop" into your head, etc. This is Satan and your Guardian Demon(s) helping you.Hail Satan.

On Sunday, June 28, 2015 5:41 PM, "ipsita.adhikari@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I mean lord satan when I know that he is helping me?

Thank you

Always healthy goin back to basics. Even more healthy to hear the basics.

Hail Satan
On Tue, 6/30/15, Magus Immortalis magus.immortalis@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Confused
To: "[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Tuesday, June 30, 2015, 3:26 PM


The Gods
are always guiding and helping us, if we help ourselves, do
our power meditations and seek a relationship with
Satan.Just keep
a journal and write in it daily of good things that happen,
people that come into your life (or leave), and answers to
your questions that you pose to Satan in the form of
coincidences, signs, thoughts/ideas that "pop"
into your head, etc. This is Satan and your Guardian
Demon(s) helping you.Hail

On Sunday, June 28,
2015 5:41 PM, "ipsita.adhikari@...
[JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]


I mean lord satan when I know that he is helping

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I wanted to ask a question.
Is Illuminati apart of Satan agenda or is it apart of Jews agenda???
! side says they are of Satan and the other it says it is of Jews, so I'm confused to which believe I should take.
Hail Satan
Attachments :
<ol>1452924621629.png</ol>To make it simple:
illuminati are jewish "nobles"/corrupt 33+ freemasons that are in contact with "superior entities".
These "superior entities" are non other than Y.H.V.H (mega-thoughtform), greys and reptilians (there could be others negative aliens who have a "deal" with them, everyone seems to want planet Earth and da humanz slavez/living batteriez after all)
Originally, freemasonry was founded by Satanists or Lucifer followers if you wish. They hated the church, the nazarene, kikestianity and everything it represented, but in 1776 something happened....

 Illumination on the Illuminati

Dieter Schwarz - Freemasonry Ideology, Organisation, And Policy
Quotations written by high level Masons praising Lucifer, the Taxil Hoax canard refuted, and the Anti-Clerical, Anti-Catholic, Anti-Christian history of Freemasonry

The claim that the illuminati/jews/government are "Satanic" is maybe the greatest scapegoat of the 21th century, the kikes are abusing of this claim now more than ever (exceptionally trough the music industry), since people are finding the truth.
We are at the doors of the Age of Aquarius, after all.

Hail Satan
Hail the Gods
Hail the Demons of Hell


---In [email protected], <kendallnight6@... wrote :

I wanted to ask a question.
Is Illuminati apart of Satan agenda or is it apart of Jews agenda???
! side says they are of Satan and the other it says it is of Jews, so I'm confused to which believe I should take.
Hail Satan
Iluminaty is just another word for jew word order. They are trying to say that Satan is behind the ideas in the iluminaty because the majority of the world is blined by the jewish lies and believes Satan to be the evil being he is portrayed to be in the bilble, the jewish book of lies. 

So yes, iluminaty is the jewish agenda. 

Read the information on the Joy of Satan webpages and deprogram your mind from the jewish dogma. When you empower yourself with power meditation and free your mind of the enemies influence you can easily see through the lies of the enemy. Their deciet doesn't work on you anymore when you get a powerful aura. 
I was looking through the Web and then I saw this website claiming using white light/bright light to clean your aura is bad. Can someone please debunk/expose this quote from ThriveMeditation.com( I'm guessing there jews)

""Filling up with white light is the last thing you want to do to protect yourself or your aura. The problem is that white resonates with what psychics call "unconscious energy," i.e., energy that makes you go unconscious. So if you have lots of white in your upper chakras then what happens is all kinds of spirits can plug into you and toy with you.""
What is that UTTER fucking jewish bullshit??? Could you PLEASE not take the advice or "guidance" of such fucking retarded jewish fucking websites???
Dear god, am I angry! Not at you, but at the fuckers who posted that shit on their website! They're most certainly jews! Or deluded Gentiles, but I think not.

It reminded me of some shit I had heard from someone who was "meditating" with the help of a "guru"... Saying that "cleaning the aura is done with red light". RED?! The color of war, passion, anger etc... REALLY?! FUCKERS!!!!! And funny thing, afterwards that person told me that, meditating brought him closer to gawd! OH NO WONDER!!!!!

Again, I am not angry at you who asked this question, I am angry at the fuckers who own that website and whatnot, and spread such misinfo.

In regards to color, you can read about it here: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Color.html

And of course here: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ction.htmlit explains it perfectly. Although it's for protection and not cleaning. (the first link explains more: White
All purpose, balances the aura as all color emanates from white light. Energizing, protective, stimulating, inspiring, destroys destructive energies, cleans the aura. Provides protection when applied to others and directed. The Moon rules white. White rules the third eye, along with indigo and silver.)
That is crap information as they are attempting to embed hypnotic information into the unconscious.  White Light is all bands of the full light spectrum, and so empowers anything that is held within the Unconscious (like what they are trying to make you believe on that website).  When you use White Light instead to create a protective aura, what happens is that spirits cannot as easily toy with you, so it will bring any varied forms of Reactions out of them as a result.  This is because you are cutting Parasites off from the energy supply.  Anyway, there is nothing wrong with feeding energy.... BUT.. you should be consciously aware so you can control what you feed energy to, so all manifestations are of your own design.  You decide what comes and goes and who or what you donate energy to.... which first starts with the things within your Unconscious.  This is the reason you work on yourself before raising energy or kundalini so you do not empower the wrong things.

On Tuesday, December 20, 2016 6:01 AM, "smith.666smith@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I was looking through the Web and then I saw this website claiming using white light/bright light to clean your aura is bad. Can someone please debunk/expose this quote from ThriveMeditation.com( I'm guessing there jews)

""Filling up with white light is the last thing you want to do to protect yourself or your aura. The problem is that white resonates with what psychics call "unconscious energy," i.e., energy that makes you go unconscious. So if you have lots of white in your upper chakras then what happens is all kinds of spirits can plug into you and toy with you.""


When a white shirt is stained, what do you do? Wash it! Of course.
When you wash it, does it turn blacker, darker, dirtier, more stained, or more fresh, brighter, cleaner, more cleaner?

Answer to this question and you have your answer.
Actually, if you keep reading, it warns about one particular type of white, which is the blank and not vibrant type, a spent white, like a wall or milk. Then they go and promote SHINING, vibrant white light and gold light (personal note: a mixture of the two is preferable).

"The real problem with "white light" is that people tend to conceptualize or visualize it as a blank piece of paper, or glue - because that is white - right? Not exactly. Real white light includes all colors and hence is actually clear. It is the same clear light that is repeatedly referred to in the Tibetan Book of the Dead. Surrounding yourself with clear light is much different from surrounding yourself with milky, creamy, or glue-like white."

This article doesn't disprove white light per se, what it does is warning about non-vibrant, spent white.
You have been conditioned by the title of the article into thinking it disproves white light for good.
Personally, since January (i was attacked intensively with the intention of making me abandon JoS, they failed) i haven't even been scratched by any hostile entity or thoughtform while using vibrant, shining gold light everyday.

That's it.

Ave Satanas.
It it just science.  All things that you see via your Physical Eyes are processed as a Bio-Electric Signal into your brain (Inner Eye).  So everytime you visualize a color you are working with your Inner Eye vision.  Likewise, there is a small split second delay of all things we see and the Sensory Signal being processed in the brain.
It is on the very front of the Joy of Satan Website.  Darkness (black) is Light turned inside out (Beelzebub) <<<

On Tuesday, December 20, 2016 8:08 PM, "donotfearthetruth666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:


When a white shirt is stained, what do you do? Wash it! Of course.
When you wash it, does it turn blacker, darker, dirtier, more stained, or more fresh, brighter, cleaner, more cleaner?

Answer to this question and you have your answer.

Hello all,
As I understand it, we reincarnate with a certain set of strengths and weaknesses. Due to past life "karma" we may be carrying "negative energies" into this life. Of course we have some positive ones too. Everyone is different and has varying ratios of good/bad strong/weak energies.
Anyway... my point it... I have done MANY... I mean a LOT of Sun squares, Jupiter squares, Venus Squares, Runes, rituals, etc... 40 day, 80 day, you name it. A lot of rituals to help improve my money situation. I do my RTRs daily and try to improve myself.
I am NOT a huge gambler, but I have recently started playing a dollar or two every other day in the local lotto. Haven't won anything substantial. 
WHY do all of these super poor, downtrodden people (who are mostly xtian) win the freaking power ball for $100 million dollars?!? 
What did they do in their past lives? because from the photos and backstories they give upon receiving their prize... they have been suffering in some trailer park smoking and boozing their lives away. NO RTRs, NO sun squares... and yet they win BIG money.

I KNOW money is not everything. But dammit... I am not asking for millions. Just enough to pay some jewtrix debts and have some semblance of freedom to focus on my spiritual practice, and not have to worry about struggling. I know I ma not the only SS who has responsibilities... but seriously... How do I put in so much energy and do workings to bring in money and these waste of life hillbillies win millions without effort?
Such is life in the jewtrix, I guess. 
The lottery is most likely a scam. Think about it like this, most people put $20 on lotto tickets right? And hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people play the lottery.So they jews are making even more money, and are trying to convince people that they have a legitimate chance of making huge sums of free money. It just sounds like a scam. HAIL SATAN!!!
Sent from my iPhone
On Jan 23, 2017, at 02:50, hapatato@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Hello all,
As I understand it, we reincarnate with a certain set of strengths and weaknesses. Due to past life "karma" we may be carrying "negative energies" into this life. Of course we have some positive ones too. Everyone is different and has varying ratios of good/bad strong/weak energies.
Anyway... my point it... I have done MANY... I mean a LOT of Sun squares, Jupiter squares, Venus Squares, Runes, rituals, etc... 40 day, 80 day, you name it. A lot of rituals to help improve my money situation. I do my RTRs daily and try to improve myself.
I am NOT a huge gambler, but I have recently started playing a dollar or two every other day in the local lotto. Haven't won anything substantial. 
WHY do all of these super poor, downtrodden people (who are mostly xtian) win the freaking power ball for $100 million dollars?!? 
What did they do in their past lives? because from the photos and backstories they give upon receiving their prize... they have been suffering in some trailer park smoking and boozing their lives away. NO RTRs, NO sun squares... and yet they win BIG money.

I KNOW money is not everything. But dammit... I am not asking for millions. Just enough to pay some jewtrix debts and have some semblance of freedom to focus on my spiritual practice, and not have to worry about struggling. I know I ma not the only SS who has responsibilities... but seriously... How do I put in so much energy and do workings to bring in money and these waste of life hillbillies win millions without effort?
Such is life in the jewtrix, I guess. 
On Mon, 1/23/17, lucifers.child666@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Confused
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Monday, January 23, 2017, 10:32 PM

I know how you feel. I
have jewtrix debt out the ass.

can i see anybody here that come from Nigeria that can be my mater teaching me how i can go about it please help.

thank you. hail satana
Hi I have been a satanist for about a year now and I'm a little confused the actual church of Satan doesn't view Satan as a actually being it just a simbol but u guys view him like a actual being and worship him I don't understand why is this different from how people on the church of Satan ...can someone plz explain this to me thank you very much
JoyofSatan.org is the restoration of True,ancient and original Satanism. Church of Satan is not.

Satan is a real being, hes not the devil or a fallen angel he is the Sumerian god Enki who created humanity and taught us how to become like the gods. The demons aren't evil but are original gods from Egypt, Greece etc.

JoyofSatan. Org has the meditations that will transform your soul into that of a god. This is what true Satanism is about, becoming a god and reaching enlightenment.

Church of Satan does not have these things and recognizes Satan as an archetype. It's pretty disrespectful to Satan,the way these modern church of Satan geeks worship.

If you want to learn about True Satanism which is mankinds original and only true religion and want to establish a relatioship with your true creator and work on becoming your own god. Read JoyofSatan. Org

If you're looking to worship Satan as some type of archetype and don't want to advance yourself and don't want to become a god. Go with church of Satan.

Of course, we advise you to go with JoyofSatan. Org because it's actually the truth about Satanism and church of Satan is not. But we don't push this on anybody just how Satan doesn't push himself on anyone. The choice is yours.
On Mon, 3/13/17, stacy.gibbs@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Confused
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Monday, March 13, 2017, 5:02 AM

Hi I have been a satanist
for about a year now and I'm a little confused the
actual church of Satan doesn't view Satan as a actually
being it just a simbol but u guys view him like a actual
being and worship him I don't understand why is this
different from how people on the church of Satan ...can
someone plz explain this to me thank you very
@... - The church of Satan is not Spiritual Satanism. It is the joo-kiki version of Christianity. What we call xian or xtany. Has nothing to do with Satan.
Read [again if you've done so already] Exposing Christianityhttp://see_the_truth.webs.com
And then read For Those who are NewFor Those Who are New to Spiritual Satanism [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD] [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]
And then read Spiritual Satanism [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD] [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]
Churches exist so gentiles can *donate* their energy and money to the joos. Also to worship their gawd, which isn't real at all. This isn't what the real God is about. 
Satan is and has always meant TRUTH. He is a real, living and loving Father of the Gentiles.  Many of us have seen Him. Talked with Him. His hug leaves a lasting impression of Love! 
Read. Study. Also, there is the Joy of Satan website. Joy of Satan [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD] [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]
And when you're ready dedicate your soul to the only Real God SatanHow to Dedicate You Soul to Satan [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD] [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]

After you dedicate the Gods and Satan will help to protect you from enemy attacks. You can advance your soul through meditations and work for Satan. Hell's Army 666 [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD] [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]
It's against our advice to join or subscribe to any kind of church. Churches only exist to advance the Jewish- Christian cause. 
Hail SatanHail Lilith
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Mon, Mar 13, 2017 at 10:58 AM, stacy.gibbs@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   Hi I have been a satanist for about a year now and I'm a little confused the actual church of Satan doesn't view Satan as a actually being it just a simbol but u guys view him like a actual being and worship him I don't understand why is this different from how people on the church of Satan ...can someone plz explain this to me thank you very much
The Church of Satan is not affiliated in an way with the Joy of Satan ministries. They are a different group completely. That's why they have different beliefs. 
I used the world "beliefs but don't let that mislead you - the things that are preached here are not "beliefs", they are truths. Truths which you will come to know for yourself as you meditate and gain spiritual power and free your mind. Don't let any other groups that call themselves "Satanists" mislead you - we're the real Satanists.
Stacy, it's actually very simple. Truth is always simple. It is the enemy who confuse and makes something that is simple obtuse. Most of these Satanist 'churches' are infiltrated by jews. I reference:

“Certain organizations who claim to be “Satanists” but who readily accept Jews are being rotted out and controlled from the inside. A Jew is a Jew is a Jew… First and foremost. The reason we were cursed so hard? For doing work for Father Satan; the RTRs. So here we have Jews who work directly against Satan. They call themselves “Satanists” but do not believe in him. They only work to make Satanism look bad, and to conform to the Christian concept of Satanism. This is some of the element we are dealing with. Satan and our Gods are completely fed up and enraged by these organizations. They are taken over by Jews and are actively working for his destruction. This is no different from how the originally Satanic Freemasonry was taken over and hijacked by the Jews. Few of the original rituals remain, the modern newly initiated Freemason swears upon the bible and all of it is now geared toward communism.”
They want to make you believe that Satan is nothing more than a thought form or a 'force'. This is not true and we reject that. We KNOW Satan is a Real Being.
Hail Satan
On Tue, 3/14/17, zolaluckystar@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Confused
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Tuesday, March 14, 2017, 6:23 AM

Stacy, it's actually
very simple. Truth is always simple. It is the enemy who
confuse and makes something that is simple obtuse. Most of
these Satanist 'churches' are infiltrated by jews. I


“Certain organizations who claim to be
“Satanists” but who readily accept Jews are being rotted
out and controlled from the inside. A Jew is a Jew is a
Jew… First and foremost. The reason we were cursed so
hard? For doing work for Father Satan; the RTRs. So here we
have Jews who work directly against Satan. They call
themselves “Satanists” but do not believe in him. They
only work to make Satanism look bad, and to conform to the
Christian concept of Satanism. This is some of the element

we are dealing with.
Satan and our Gods
are completely fed up and enraged by these organizations.
They are taken over by Jews and are actively working for his
destruction. This is no different from how the originally
Satanic Freemasonry was taken over and hijacked by the Jews.
Few of the original rituals remain, the modern newly
initiated Freemason swears upon the bible and all of it is
now geared toward communism.”

They want to make you believe
that Satan is nothing more than a thought form or a
'force'. This is not true and we reject that. We
KNOW Satan is a Real Being.

Hail Satan

Hi um... but the thing I was looking at things from the first satanic church by Anton LaVey and his followers wrote a article on how they view them selves at atheist and use Satan as a simbol but they do witchcraft and things like that so I was confused they make satanism seem focused on themselves more then anything and even stated they don't worship Satan or anything else they just use it as a simbol I just don't see how the founder of it would twist word and make false accusations... sincerely Stacy
hello i have opened all my chakras with chant given in audio by high priestess. so i used different sound than given in website. is that ok?
I'm new to the group. I am a Satanist, not the kind that the Joy of Satan site suggests. After going through the sites, I'm confused as to why do you guys call yourselves Satanists when it calls for the death of Jews and how it worships, so to speak, the white race. That's obviously not the kind of Satanism I learned. I'm confused. Mind explainin so I can better understand?
Don't rush things for your own sake. Study www.joyofsatan.com and you'll know the answers.

On Monday, 15 May 2017, Sixbillion Dollars sixbillionairedollars@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

I'm new to the group. I am a Satanist, not the kind that the Joy of Satan site suggests. After going through the sites, I'm confused as to why do you guys call yourselves Satanists when it calls for the death of Jews and how it worships, so to speak, the white race. That's obviously not the kind of Satanism I learned. I'm confused. Mind explainin so I can better understand?
YOU NEED TO KNOW THE HISTORY. It is fully explained on the Joy of Satan website.
I had a problem with the jew thing for a long time, but after much research, as I have
known a few decent jews in my time. I would say good men. But, as a whole, the Zionists
especially, the race is evil. They are different than the other races. They even admit
they are a race, NOT a reliigon. They have stolen from the other religions and mythologies
of the world, tagged their names on characters, and made themselves the "chosen" people.
And they control the world's banks, Hollywood, and the list goes. Study, if you want to
know the truth. It is often hard for newcomers to accept... But once the blatant truth
hits you fully -- you WILL understand. They have taken/stolen sacred things from Father Satan
and twisted them into their own evil agenda. We are true Satanists, because we know
our Father Satan as HE really is -- the true God of this world, and, much, much more. And
yes, many of us know him personally. We have seen Him and heard HIS voice.

It takes a while, but if you really want to know, you will eventually see it...see them (jews)
for their ugly lies and agenda to control the rest of mankind.

Hope this helps.

Hail Father Satan/Lucifer!


On Sun, 5/14/17, Sixbillion Dollars sixbillionairedollars@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Confused
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Sunday, May 14, 2017, 7:22 PM


I'm new to the group. I am a Satanist,
not the kind that the Joy of Satan site suggests. After
going through the sites, I'm confused as to why do you
guys call yourselves Satanists when it calls for the death
of Jews and how it worships, so to speak, the white race.
That's obviously not the kind of Satanism I learned.
I'm confused. Mind explainin so I can better

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@sixbillion.  Ref who we are
We are Spiritual Satanists! Dedicated to the Truth, we stand by the words of Father Satan. For more information please readWww.exposingchristianity.com
Then learn more about the SSWww.joyofsatan.org
We welcome Gentiles of ALL races! 
Any other questions please ask on this forum.
Hail SatanHail Lilith
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Tue, May 16, 2017 at 2:25 AM, Sixbillion Dollars sixbillionairedollars@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   I'm new to the group. I am a Satanist, not the kind that the Joy of Satan site suggests. After going through the sites, I'm confused as to why do you guys call yourselves Satanists when it calls for the death of Jews and how it worships, so to speak, the white race. That's obviously not the kind of Satanism I learned. I'm confused. Mind explainin so I can better understand?
Thanks to all who responded but I still don't understand how Jews have anything to do with Satanism. Or being white have to do with Satan??
On May 16, 2017 5:53 PM, "'denadehna@...' denadehna@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  @sixbillion.  Ref who we are
We are Spiritual Satanists! Dedicated to the Truth, we stand by the words of Father Satan. For more information please readWww.exposingchristianity.com
Then learn more about the SSWww.joyofsatan.org
We welcome Gentiles of ALL races! 
Any other questions please ask on this forum.
Hail SatanHail Lilith
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
  I'm new to the group. I am a Satanist, not the kind that the Joy of Satan site suggests. After going through the sites, I'm confused as to why do you guys call yourselves Satanists when it calls for the death of Jews and how it worships, so to speak, the white race. That's obviously not the kind of Satanism I learned. I'm confused. Mind explainin so I can better understand?
SD: Jews have nothing to do with Satanism. They are the enemy. Satan abhors them. They are not and cannot ever be Satanists. However, the filthy kikes do encourage deluded Gentiles to see the jewish idea of 'Satanism'. That is, the mainstream idea that Satanists are pedophiles who sacrifice children in blood rituals etc. Everything the jews do, as usual they point the finger at the Gentiles and try to lay the blame for that filth on us and on Satan. Lies meant to frighten ignorant Goyim away from real Satanism and our One True God. 
The white race is the bloodline of Satan.
Jews control most of the media and what is in bookstores today. Most if not all occult books, websites, videos, and what trash comes out of hollywood that depicts Satan and His Demons/the Original Pre-Christian Gods as monsters that like sacrificed children and virgins, are the work of the Jews. They are the ones that denigrate, diminish and blaspheme Satan and the Gods. 
Please read www.exposingchristianity.com and Joy of Satan for more information and knowledge why JoS takes the stance on Jews that they do. If you had read the websites, at your own pace, you would understand better.

[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]

On Sunday, May 21, 2017 3:21 AM, "zolaluckystar@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  SD: Jews have nothing to do with Satanism. They are the enemy. Satan abhors them. They are not and cannot ever be Satanists. However, the filthy kikes do encourage deluded Gentiles to see the jewish idea of 'Satanism'. That is, the mainstream idea that Satanists are pedophiles who sacrifice children in blood rituals etc. Everything the jews do, as usual they point the finger at the Gentiles and try to lay the blame for that filth on us and on Satan. Lies meant to frighten ignorant Goyim away from real Satanism and our One True God. 
The white race is the bloodline of Satan.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
