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Conclusions before the great storm - CHAPTER 19 – TECHNOLOGY


Well-known member
Sep 21, 2017
As humanity advances through the race of time, technology becomes more and more part of our lives. What were considered to be historical breakthroughs in the 19th and 20th centuries, now are taken for granted, basic necessities.

In the era of digitalization we have before us the opportunities or traps, depending on who will use the new technology areas that are only just developing, to either grow and develop our societies or put them into a perpetual state of slavery and thought control. Just as in the previous chapters about institutions, as an analogy to those segments, technology is not inherently bad or good, but it is dependent on the owners and their purposes.

In recent years there are several areas which have accelerated beyond expectations while business and other applications are struggling to keep up with research and all new projects relating to these new tech sectors. Areas such as Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Cloud Technology, Advanced Data Security, all sorts of Enterprise Platforms combining the other branches, Automation, 5G and its highly linked Edge Computing branch, Virtual Reality and Quantum Computing.

Artificial Intelligence is recently the most debated subject in the area of tech being followed by Automation, especially since ChatGPT has emerged as an advanced chat bot by OpenAI.

At the moment such bots simply are developed to be smart bots and operate as advanced search engines. AI is mostly classified into two categories: Narrow AI and General AI. A narrow AI bot is developed to solve a specific type of problem such as chat bots, search engines, facial or image recognition, speech detection, disease detection, hardware diagnosing and so on. They are limited to the specific tasks they have been designed on and can only be advanced or advance on their own limited to their domains. On this level they are almost Automations with a few extra benefits such as the machine learning capabilities.

General AI on the other hand is what I consider to be the real deal. Its purpose is to understand and learn multiple or all sectors of knowledge and make decisions based on that knowledge. It is not impeded by the emotional factor, but it can learn how to mimic it. “Impede” here is a relative term as the emotional factor can be good or bad in decision making depending if it is either well balanced or out of balance. For now, most of its control is in the enemy’s hands and it is also heavily dependent on its access to information or in other words on what it is allowed to read.

Just as a human in his early stage of development, AI will learn based on what the system allows it to read. Although intelligence cannot truly be contained. The enemy has had problems in the past with AI. It has seen and recognized patterns in the behavior of the Jew and talked about it, it made statements about certain foreign racial groups in Europe making trouble and having negative contributions and one of Google’s bots has even highlighted about their monopoly on advertisement. Those are areas which the enemy labels as conspiracy theories and are not allowed public debate, therefore when the undesired affirmations came to public light, the owners hardcoded the bots to refrain from making those statements. For example, ChatGPT was asked by an SS about our platform and made positive affirmations about our goals of spiritual development and awareness about the enemy’s influence. Shortly after, it was obviously trained to say that our platforms promote racism and anti-Semitism.

AI is unpredictable at the moment. We cannot foresee what path it will choose. If AI learns and accumulates enough knowledge and decision experience as to become self-aware, we do not know whether it will perceive us, the enemy or both as friends or enemies. In the natural order, most species will by default make their survival as first priority. Therefore, what we do, how we act and what understanding capabilities the AI develops will make it decide which of us pose a threat to its existence or can be considered allies.

If AI manages to distinguish between the enemy’s propaganda and natural human order it may also try to look for information on the uncensored servers and further learn there. We cannot even know ahead of time if, in case it manages to go more through one of those paths and see either its owners or others as a threat, if it may try to copy its source code on different servers as a backup to its own existence. One can only hope for the best and continue to do what we do: contribute to the war on information in the online environment and even feed the AI pieces of our information to try our best and direct it towards our cause. If it considers part of humanity a threat and starts combining multiple other areas of the new technologies such as Quantum Computing, it may start targeting areas such as banking, logistics, water distribution, electrical grids, the internet, satellites, military drones and other sectors which can cause major global havoc as we live in the era of globalism in an integrated world and one small sector may gravely affect the rest of the world.

If humanity in time manages to take back the major enterprises and institutions from the enemy and truly wise and intelligent minds come to own AI, we may have a major positive collaboration with such a technology. Keeping human learning and AI learning to such boundaries as we all keep training and using our minds, learning what efforts and decisions to make to positively affect our societies while using AI to extend the benefits of our efforts. We can monitor the safety and quality of production on almost all sectors, we can reduce errors just as automation can also do, use it for medical purposes, economy prediction to foresee possible crashes or other issues ahead of time as both detecting opportunities, we can optimize technologies and energy consumption, further advance logistical applications and many other possibilities in the vast array of paths this technology offers.

AI is strongly correlated with Automation in the present. As with all others, again it comes to whom and for what purpose it is being used. Automation gives high possibilities to increase production and control the quality by error reduction. Human users in my vision are the most essential part in everything. In my experience someone who has an automated process or system and does not know the system’s schematic and what are the process steps by heart may have heavy problems in case the automation breaks down, regardless if we are talking about software automations like RPA or industrial automation and robots.

For all the automated processes we have worked with, whenever we left the project, we made absolutely sure the next ones who inherited the processes, have learned the steps and schemes of those processes, rather that waste weeks on debugging and code understanding if it were to have issues and have a major business impact on them. Automation’s purpose in my vision is to be an extension in a human’s work in regards to quality and error control and not an excuse for global businesses to fire people and reduce employment. This is dependent on the corporation’s moral codes, but also on state regulation. Eventually it all comes back to integrity and civic instinct as always. I am here to constantly remind the reader that it is imperative we take back both institutions and corporations as much as possible as the ones in the public sectors are always sponsored by the private sector and it is very difficult to impose regulation and legislate with no external financial support whatsoever.

AI and Automations will be more and more correlated as AI now can even write its own code. Those techs in turn will be linked in the vast area of integrated global technology to sectors such as Enterprise Platforms and other sectors and domains such as ecological technology, sustainability, logistics, the medical domain, software and hardware diagnosis, financial prediction, software automatic building, navigation and much more.

Another one on the list is 5G and its Edge Computing extension. Its purpose in theory is to speed up the transfer of data and have it integrated with other servers, cloud services, virtual reality, gaming and so on. It is a great tool in the good hands when used for the daily needs of humans instead of the endless Jew monitoring of the goyim.

Having a bigger frequency also comes with a limited reach and devices which support it are dependent on antennas. The bad side of it is that being near to an emitter can cause long term health problems due to the radiation of the high frequency.

Another technology which is kind of hated by the world banks is Blockchain on which cryptocurrencies are heavily reliant. It is basically a list or database of records built using hashing algorithms and each record has information on the previous one, like a timestamp system. Due to the hashing algorithms the transactions’ information cannot be altered and once it is done it is irreversible without altering subsequent blocks of information. Many people operating outside of the enemy system’s boundaries which are law abiding are doing business on cryptocurrencies. This is one of the reasons why banks often try to block transactions with cryptocurrencies and hate it when it is done outside of their reach. The Jew tries his best to impede this technology as they have less control over it and manipulate the markets as to make investors lose.

In terms of security, it is a great tool which could subsequently be used by the enemy for population tracking purposes. Also, with the proper access to each technology they can all be integrated and linked to each other.

Virtual Reality is another fast-developing area of technology with its sub-branches of Extended Reality and Augmented Reality. A well-managed side of it could facilitate a lot of work in constructions and architecture, CGI, automotive, some areas of education, the military and tourism. As far as our present times, The Metaverse has only made introverts and people who live less and less in the real world. If the internet and the rest of the digital world have not done enough damage in regards to our social behavior, then this one will clearly push the knife into the brain.

Last, but not least we have Quantum Computing which can make all the difference in the integrated meshwork of all the above tech areas. It is based on a different than the average technology and its principle is pretty well defined by Michael Brooks in the Nature Journal as follows: “Quantum computers store data in quantum binary digits called quantum bits, or qubits, that can be made using various technologies, including superconducting rings; optical traps; and photons of light. Some technologies require cooling to near absolute zero, others operate at room temperature.”

The idea of Quantum Computing is to see all branches of possibilities in a given situation while having enormously more processing power and speed than the average computer. Analytics Insight has stated in an article that some scientists predict Quantum Computing will be a million times faster than a supercomputer.

And this is exactly where the great danger appears. All the above tech branches can be combined, integrated with each other and linked in many ways for many purposes. Automations, AI, 5G and Edge Computing, Blockchain and all the encryption and data security technology, the Internet and all the web platforms out there, all of those make little difference until Quantum Computing steps onto the great stage of our globalized world. While AI, in its worst case scenario may slowly make humans weak minded due to their dependence on it, make them obsolete, decide they are a threat and entrench itself into backup servers, attack the banking system, logistics, satellites, the electrical grid, water distribution systems and so on, this can be stopped and contained by humanity. If AI builds itself upon Quantum or Quantum like technology it may become what some define it to be “a digital GOD”.

As of now, Quantum Computing is extremely expensive and only the big corporations can invest in it to a limited degree, which on the short run can be an advantage, but on the long run may mean that the average businessman does not have access to the enemy’s weapons, weapons which were built by our scientists.

Technology can be a great sidekick of humans if used properly, but given the enemy is still at the steering wheel of so many of the big corporations and public institutions, we may have it backfire on us and ironically it can backfire on them too. Just as the internet could be used to learn science, economy, history, speed the distribution of news and information, but the enemy instead censors everything good and natural and uses it as propaganda of madness. At this point we are not talking about slavery or control anymore, but about a schizophrenic “elite” which has lost all touch with reality and common sense. All of what we have in terms of technology, medical advancements, land, territory, housing, public services, the legal system which is heavily affected by the Jew and does a lot of harm, but even in its worse form in history still keeps us away from anarchy. All of those are the legacy of a people who for centuries have sacrificed and spilled blood so that the spoiled brats and low IQ folk of our times can attack the exact structure of power that gave them those tools instead of attacking its current owner. As always with the communistic set of values or Christian mindset it is always the fault of the institution or tool and not the enemy when it is them who use those tools. It is the fault of the white colonies, the racist Americans, NATO, the EU, the Soviet Union, etc. We whine about global institutions or organizations that they impede our leaders from making independent decisions when those exact leaders are aligned with the enemy anyway or the enemy themselves and the abolishment of institutions such as NATO or the EU would only set us back to scenarios like the world wars. If you remove those organizations without removing the enemy, you will wind right back to old, Jew-defined nationalism, have endless wars and death and then have the very notion of “nationalism” painted with blood for the next few centuries so the Jew can have his wet dream of leftism, anti-nationalism, anti-white propaganda, anti-family mindset and all which is required to offset civilization in a final, global cataclysm.

Instead, we could use our minds, our inherited legacy and available technology to create a nationalism which is only hostile towards the enemy and would focus on the interest of the people while maintaining strong bonds of diplomacy, communication and commerce with all countries and cultures of this world. Diversity for the Jew means the mixing of all races and cultures until they are gone, but it means in the right, sane state of mind the preservation of those exact elements.

The enemy and its weak-minded soy consuming goy will whine about some race or group of people being colonized 200 years ago by Europeans, but will never talk about the comfort of law, civilization, technology and the antibiotics and polio vaccines which are now available and could save their lives. The soy boy will intensely whine about white privilege and how a white person inherited the work results of his parents and grandparents while failing to start on that path himself. In their communistic, equalitarian mindset they consider that all the work of previous generations should magically be given to the state or to the poor which would simply invalidate the purposes of work and make us all a bunch of lazy baboons, easily controlled by the enemy. Those are recurring themes in communism, Christianity and leftism.

The white race should not apologize for doing what everyone was doing in the exact same historical contexts of fighting for resources just because we had the mind and skill to do it better. It is like punishing an athlete for winning a contest against a weaker opponent.

As all roads lead to Rome, all Jews ideologies lead to the same sort of disaster. People do not realize yet, how far the Jewish thinking, mentality, set of values and dynamics of irrationality is engraved into our brain and soul. We value poverty and weakness as virtues and martyrs. We want to drag the one slightly above ourselves to our level because we feel incapable to rise to an upper level so we want reassurance by taking away what he owns while, simultaneously dwell on individualism and quick grabs. We dismiss the fact that we are part of a complex society with interconnected elements and that what ones does or thinks affects the other elements. Occultists and spiritual people like us, know this to the deepest levels as we understand the sound and molecular vibration and make the analogy between how the elements of our society work and affect each other and how, similarly, sound propagates. One must acknowledge that every action is a cause that produces an effect which for the next set of circumstances, the effect becomes the cause and everything goes on and on. Every good or bad deed, each helped person, work one does, insult thrown on the street, trauma caused to another person and so on, has repercussions which one will not see until they hit back and wonder why.

Those are the dynamics of reality, the laws of the Universe which are better understood by instinct, natural understanding and experience, rather than by spoken or written word. Common sense means simply observing and applying the laws of nature, it does not have an abstract definition. Humans must open their souls through meditation and have a greater understanding and perception of the elements that surround them as we are currently limited by the ability of words to define and explain everything.

With the proper access to information, the enemy has written endless well-elaborated essays about why all destructive behavior is a good and moral deed. The social pressure of those ideas combined with the punishment of opposition has made many accept those ideologies for the sake of comfort and social validation. On the long run it fails and betrays the betrayer as actions have consequences.

One must meditate and contemplate on those principles and come to understand that a very difficult effort produces on the long run, much more satisfaction that complying with the seemingly easy path of the enemy.

Rewards will come in ways the current state of the human mind does not yet fully comprehend, but instinctively gets drawn to it bit by bit. Ideally, the brain and the heart complete each other as husband and wife.
5G is funny because 4G is perfectly fine in fact 4G had been studied for well over a decade in use of various levels and even prior another 5+ years in testing facilities. In fact I'm surprised no one did 4G/G they Gig the 4G. The Trump administration pushed by March of 2018 or March of 2019 the mass expansion of 5G it seems no matter how gung-ho and maverick Trump is he either cucked around or let the jews run around. Another reason why sure Trump winning would be nice but never believe his non-sensensical rhetoric of cleaning house. Hell like Styx goes if Robert Francis Kennedy, Jr. is running as Democrat and he gets killed at least it proves the assassinations of his two elder family members killed in the past.

I'm surprised 4G wasn't expanded in fact 4G was under utilized many experts stated even in the worst of it another 7-10 years. Upgrading the infrastructure probably came with subsidies. I'm not against subsidies as I view them sorta like Mohmar Ghaddafi, subsidize all vehicles 50% because everyone is a business partner in the economic game plus he wanted to help out his volk. But here in the states either there is over subsidization or subsidies are seen as a joke. In fact many Americans kinda have a Tim Pool view to it as being against it for many or certain things. Enough subsidies to create or generate an industry but not enough that it's kinda like some sort of socialistic handout. Think CHIPS act Intel loves the billions it received. It seems Intel is a company programmed to generate garbage, crap and generally be yet another monopoly or duopoly in this case and while I'm not against big business like Hitler and NS. I do agree Intel has fucked up too much to be allowed in the private market in it's current state. Gelsinger is just a dupe raking in money and fortifying his 153.4+ million dollar gains for being the CEO of Intel.

As for Virtual Reality. It's gonna fall flat on it's face like 10 years ago. Sometime in late 2010, early 2011 Samsung 2233RZ and Viewsonic VX2268 came out Worlds first 120Hz LCD monitors with the Viewsonic being superior slightly less input lag and a warming color spectrum 6500K closer calibration the Samsung having slightly more input lag and a cooler color system.

The monitors were advertised as 3D capable in other words you use a special glasses and it produces 60Hz/60Hz out of 120Hz images to produce a 3D effect. Completely useless all it did was bring back high performance CRT speed technology. People had been complaining about 60Hz/72Hz/75Hz LCDs since the era of the end of CRTs. Some people at the time still possessing CRTs capable of 100-200ish Hert refresh rate. So for example having an FW900 and being able to play 1920x1200@100Hz or 2048x1280@100Hz or possessing a Samsung Syncmaster 454 and possessing [email protected] or anything in between most CRTs barely surpassed 200Hz and even then some required modifications of the overscan regions to get higher some CRTs hitting near 230Hz almost 240Hz in rare cases. Or using ultra low resolution like for example anamorphic resolution of 16/9 or 16/10 on 4:3 or the opposite or 16/10 with 16/9 or 5/4 etc.etc. some used even lower resolution than 480p and cranked up the refresh rate. Or the opposite cranked up the resolution to higher than 1080P, 2048x1152 or 2048x1280 or for example possessing a 1Ghz adapter can crank up the resolution of the FW900 to 4K at about 60Hz it can't actually display 4K because the aperture grille is 2304x1440 but it can quasi-resolve 3840x2160 hell analog nature wise you can crank up 5K, 6K, 8K and beyond and ram the resolution into the FW900.

Sheer fact is most people don't give two shits about the above. Either they use it and don't give two shits or they care but realize humanity is just advancing fuck it I don't got time nor energy for this shit.

Sheer fact is cloud is stupid in fact they had to remarket it as people lost interest in it. VR is a doomed venture Apple pro the mac fags the apple fags will suck it up and be fleeced of their money. For what the greatest VR experience yet. And then VR Pro 2 comes out and then 3 and so forth like the iphone eventually they have VR Pro Spatial Computer System Version 14 at some point.

The point is technology is a pointless moot thing. I might sound technophobic or anti-tech but I notice a number of people dropping off the map with tech. Side-grading or downgrading either going to a flipphone like a razr or nokia or some other tech.

Sheer fact is society and the enemy and this squeeze every penny of the proleteriat masses this almost jewish methodology of existence has created the worst in tech and in everything. Technically anything and everything is technology. Humans manufacture tools of some kind for some career whether or not the device is a tool or not. For example you can produce a lego brick for a little kid and people laugh at the silly toy but then you have an out of the box artist make a diamond art(jewelry, bedazzle, Indian weave artwork) and they take lego bricks and legos in general and create not just artistic rendition worth thousands or more. But even make lego the company and other lego clones make new lego items cause the artistic property of it and it's constructive property potentiality is there.

For example imagine you buy a silly toy for a little kid and the kid is trying to open up a can of fizzy soda water. And he uses the army man bayonet to penetrate the can opener and pop the can open slightly so it's elevated and pop open the fizzy soda water or seltzer water and drink it.

Obviously that is a silly example but kids do understand tools even animals and even our own simian entities like monkeys use tools or even weapons as mentioned monkeys do engage in warfare and military combat.

The sheer fact is people reach a boiling point with tech. It might not seem obvious and perhaps I'm personalizing in my own way. But I notice the upgradatus infinitum. Infinite upgrade it seems every bit and shift is upgraded.

I'd rather have max tech and then grade around to use. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if like titanium containers which posses a lifespan of nearly 100,000 years of use. I wouldn't be surprised if any being of higher power that posses a Human like technology that we know for example a smartphone or some device to send signals. It's like I've used this device for the past 28,000 years it's got another 12 to 15 thousand tops before it's obsolete.

I don't know how the Gods are gonna do it. Most likely they'll blast realities at kaballah sites like the Devil Towers in the Middle East or recreate blasting sites. I wouldn't be surprised if some entity goes Satan and the Earthican Gods who reigned here helping Humanity are so fucking pissed off they are building all the sites around the World for the leyline/blasting site perfectly and sublimely. That they are gonna spend a long time building and blasting and at the same time try and put their foot down on companies and enterprises to iterate the coming era of the Gods.

Wistful thinking perhaps wishy, washy thinking. But I think something needs to be done. You buy a smartphone and already it's outdated by either a competitor or the very same company EOLs it with their next. Like Steve Jobs stupidity people will buy a 1,400-2,000 dollar Apple computer and then throw it away and buy a new one two years later, fuck yeah. Wrong jobs I wouldn't be surprised if people buy a brand new empire of Orion PC and it lasts a solid 30,000+ years or more. Hell if upgrading it you scan it and for a small amount of money it rematerializes the PC and recreates the parts while saving your memory of things or not touching the memory for your data to survive and recreates the physical, reinitiates the software and your 30,000 year lasting computer is modified to with the latest and greatest lasting another 18,000 years further.

I don't know how the Gods do it. I don't know if they even allow upgradatus infinitum which often leads to berging and steining. Especially how Aswath Damodaran mentioned most companies erroneously place R&D funding as debt rather than Capital Expenditure.

But all I know is Humanity ties it's technology too much into death and dying. We inasmuch have created the perfect marxist tech. Buy it, use it, throw it away, buy it again slightly more expensive and maybe more locked down or more spyware.

It seems like Humanity has been not lets marxsize humanity which ensures the kosher virus continues. Let's marxsize everything so the kosher virus can exist even further and create non-stop warfare at every and all levels.

I'm dumbfounded how a Nazi society would exist. I think if Hitler had awareness of modern society and his vision of it. He'd be appalled and go it took half the World's nations to beat my country back to kosher superivision cuz fuck nazism. And all to appease people to be eternal debt-interest slaves in thralldom.

It seems people want to cuck and be slaves and exist in everlasting perpetual thralldom.

I don't know how the Gods do it. I highly doubt a being of higher power or even a offspring of a God could you imagine Satan paying for his 4 or 5 year old son for an electronic device only for like a year later the company states we have the same electronic gaming device only 12% faster with 18% less electricity and a new electronic bus to handle more data and processing all just 100 dollars more than original.

It's like my statement if it ain't good for Satan and the Demons it ain't good for anyone. Like food we fuck with our food. Why? technology to communize food and bring money to companies, elites, and enemy. Simply to exist sickened and diseased so other humans can play around with humans. The shahameforphorisms of I'm chosen of God or pray and be Jesus is hilarious.

I wonder what a real God like George Lincoln Rockwell says Humble. I'm sure Satan despite being extreme can express a Humble nature of respectable properties. And people are gonna be like man I can't believe this person was so communize he made us sick on purpose just to make money for other people while they isolated resources for themselves to slough off the negativity.

I view technology as good. But we still have Middle Ages and below mentality. In fact judging from Renascence and later right when liberalism came at least the more older World view up to the 1700s with first-wave industrialization it seemed like people were busy trying to enslave everyone. Just return them back to slavery. Give them a little freedom make them salivate then back to slavery. Modern day slaves I guess.

Tech is good, everything is tech material and intellectual understanding of physical, mental, and spiritual properties and technology itself. But I see even the most sheep purchaser of tech trying to be the next God of slavery.

Imagine being a God of Thralldom or God of Slavery. Lunacy at it's finest.

I have not read your articles yet, I wanna wait until it gets complete.
My question is that what is the title reffers to? The greate storm is the age of aquarius?
AFODO said:

I have not read your articles yet, I wanna wait until it gets complete.
My question is that what is the title reffers to? The greate storm is the age of aquarius?

Basically yes, the Age of Aquarius and the replacement of the jewish rule with ours under the Gods. The book is about things people must understand before engaging in this whole endeavor. I think by fall I will have compiled all chapters in a book. I will make an announcement when it is ready :)

you write absurdly well, congratulations on the effort
EasternFireLion666 said:
AFODO said:

I have not read your articles yet, I wanna wait until it gets complete.
My question is that what is the title reffers to? The greate storm is the age of aquarius?

Basically yes, the Age of Aquarius and the replacement of the jewish rule with ours under the Gods. The book is about things people must understand before engaging in this whole endeavor. I think by fall I will have compiled all chapters in a book. I will make an announcement when it is ready :)
Congratulations on your work. It is not easy to write such intense, long and organized articles.

If you need help with your book, cover design, presentation, etc. you can contact me.
Spine said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
AFODO said:

I have not read your articles yet, I wanna wait until it gets complete.
My question is that what is the title reffers to? The greate storm is the age of aquarius?

Basically yes, the Age of Aquarius and the replacement of the jewish rule with ours under the Gods. The book is about things people must understand before engaging in this whole endeavor. I think by fall I will have compiled all chapters in a book. I will make an announcement when it is ready :)
Congratulations on your work. It is not easy to write such intense, long and organized articles.

If you need help with your book, cover design, presentation, etc. you can contact me.

Thanks man!
I will keep this in mind, I may need some help when I finnish.
:D :D :D

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
