Hello brothers and sisters, I am new here and if you don't mind I would like to ask for some advice. I did the dedication ritual in March and after a week I started meditating with the 40-day program. Assuming that I have always had problems in concentration, during the program I had no particular problems, my only obstacle was and is void meditation with open eyes. Keeping my mind still is so difficult for me, I don't even have time to bring my attention back to the object I have chosen that my head is already thinking about something else. It makes me feel awful because I don't do it on purpose, it's really my brain that can't keep still and I'm afraid of disappointing the gods and Father Satan
I know they are very understanding especially towards us newcomers, but I'm afraid they will think I'm not trying hard enough... another obstacle is trance. When I finished the 40-day program, I started with Priestess Maxine's spiritual training, in which the exercise you do in the first week is trance training. What can I say, I just can't do it...I can't relax as well as I should and I can't imagine the "mental fall" effect, I'm really blue and when I can't do it I get so angry at myself. Would someone who has been through this be able to give me some advice on this, please? Is it perhaps better for me to stop the training to improve on these two little issues and then resume it later? I would be very grateful if you answer
This is normal if you are both new, and/or if your soul's disposition is more yang-oriented. The important part here is to practice, not necessarily get upset at where you think you should be.
By feeling like a disappointment you are eroding your sense of value through the unrealistic expectation that your mind/body should be trained to be calm, despite that you just started. If myself or others can see this, the Gods can most certainly see this and not feel disappointment, because this would be demanding too much out of you for what is reasonable.
We all have our own gifts and start at different levels. Try to think how you would benefit JoS or Satan the most beyond this. Your Sun placement and 5th house show how and where you can create value.
Keep training your skills, but if you are someone who needs more help, then you can plan workings to increase your abilities here. For example, yin energies like Isa or Berkano work well for stilling or calming hyperactivity, respectively, which includes the mind and the body. This will make it feel more natural for you and can expedite your training progress.
Hatha yoga and alternate nose breathing are examples of two other calming activities which can help, and these can be done immediately.
While you should put extra effort in areas that need it, I would not suggest totally stopping your other meditations, as you can still do these successfully, even if your mind is hyperactive. It will be harder, but not impossible, plus they will still benefit you. Having some sort of cleanliness or aura of protection is better than nothing, plus you will train your mind by attempting these activities, as well. The basic framework of the 40 day guide should be done by all SS, but modified as one advances and is able to make decisions on this, or as advised by their GD.
On the topic of aura of protection, you had mentioned in another thread feeling like an angel or enemy entity was still bothering you. Here you should keep a strong AOP and imagine that this protects you against them. Any enemy interaction, even if it is "nice", are all considered attacks and returning curses should reflect this, and your AOP should also block this and do the same.
Further, you need to increase your connection to Satan, such as by meditating on his sigil or chanting his name. You can also invoke electric-blue (demonic) energy to draw your soul closer to the Gods and away from the enemies.
If the problem is bad enough, you should do a banishment. You can do the ritual of Andras or Abrasax and ask them to please protect you. If you cannot do this, then ask anyway, because it is important to really guard your relationship with the Gods, especially as the enemy can play on your fears (like a fear of disappointment) as a way to drive distance between you and Satan or the other Gods.