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Oct 2, 2017
I heard a HP mention once that competetion is useless, a quick search shows that the post was deleted so im assuming it was mageson.

Competetion is natural and normal and a healthy individual will use it to push themselves beyond their percieved limitations. Since we were kids we would play fun games like arm wrestling or Tag. Eventually sports are introduced and many of us instantly fall in love. Losing isnt as fun as winning.

I remember learning multiplication in Elementary school and they used a ranking system to encourage us to improve. This was probably one of the funnest things ive ever done with Math.

Its no coincidence that we love Sports and we admire athletes.
Competition is one natural part of life. People compete in order to become better, ie, sports or elsewhere. So long this force is counter balanced by necessary unity, and values, competition is a major force for development.

Yes, I remember this decadent post alongside many others.
I am not good at competition. If I get consumed by being competitive I get jealous, and obsessed about winning.

Also I don't have much talent at school and although I have talents for sports and have good genetics I would rarely win in stuff like soccer because I am an introvert and my main interest are the occult, sex, and money.

Now, I just like to go at my own pace and accepted this for now until I improve myself more.

I want to become the best version of myself comparing myself with other people makes me jealous and is also unfair because those people I am comparing myself to are usually older or spent more time working on that skill or hobby.

Also most people I met who are competitive have toxic masculinity where that if they are better or stronger me at sports for example that mean I am less a man than them which is stupid and fucked up.

This is just my experience with competition it depends on the character and the natal chart of a person some people grow with competition some people are slower yet more consistent for example.
Bravera said:
I heard a HP mention once that competetion is useless, a quick search shows that the post was deleted so im assuming it was mageson.

Competetion is natural and normal and a healthy individual will use it to push themselves beyond their percieved limitations. Since we were kids we would play fun games like arm wrestling or Tag. Eventually sports are introduced and many of us instantly fall in love. Losing isnt as fun as winning.

I remember learning multiplication in Elementary school and they used a ranking system to encourage us to improve. This was probably one of the funnest things ive ever done with Math.

Its no coincidence that we love Sports and we admire athletes.

This is true, not everyone is blatantly competitive but a person should at the very least have a sense of competition with themselves or in some area. Some people act competitive over the wrong things in the wrong areas of life, there’s a higher level of competitiveness and a lower level a person can express this on. Same with envy, overall people who are envious are highly negative, jews strongly express low and degraded envy and competition while gentiles express a healthy level of this. Envy is overall pretty negative, jealousy, ect. But the way the gods express this emotion is with such purpose and guided with insight. There can be envy towards another where you hate another person because they’re better than you - not good, insecure weak trait. But then there’s the type of envy that is kind of an animalistic possessiveness that guys get and sometimes girls when they’re being protective, not always negative. It’s prone to going sour with certain people though. There should be different words for different types of envy and competitiveness. Those two ways to express envy are so drastically different.
Im always in competition with my nephew doesn't matter what we do, but it really does help for improvement. Like throwing knife and darts or pool or even Maths and building things haha
We also love athletes because their auras, chakra and nadih are cleaner and stronger, with their energy flowing more freely. Couch potatoes have duller and more negligible energy. Hardly anyone could be attracted to them without brainwashing.
For a lot of people, especially men, competition is great and encourages them to do better than they ever could on their own.

Being an older-soul woman though, I'm more about encouraging others to do their best. I compete with myself only, I have never competed with anyone else except as a child with running as I was always naturally the fastest or second-fasted, but I never had that sense of accomplishment or victory for winning that men (and some women) tend to get. I also excelled at strategy games but it never really meant anything to me to win against others.

I give encouragement and praise to others who have broken through barriers or limitations, or learned new skills and/or did better than their previous level. And I'm sure a lot of other women are the same.

Just stating my perspective, as it's nice for people to know multiple perspectives on things.
Lydia said:
For a lot of people, especially men, competition is great and encourages them to do better than they ever could on their own.

Being an older-soul woman though, I'm more about encouraging others to do their best. I compete with myself only, I have never competed with anyone else except as a child with running as I was always naturally the fastest or second-fasted, but I never had that sense of accomplishment or victory for winning that men (and some women) tend to get. I also excelled at strategy games but it never really meant anything to me to win against others.

I give encouragement and praise to others who have broken through barriers or limitations, or learned new skills and/or did better than their previous level. And I'm sure a lot of other women are the same.

Just stating my perspective, as it's nice for people to know multiple perspectives on things.
Are you very old?
Lydia said:
For a lot of people, especially men, competition is great and encourages them to do better than they ever could on their own.

Being an older-soul woman though, I'm more about encouraging others to do their best. I compete with myself only, I have never competed with anyone else except as a child with running as I was always naturally the fastest or second-fasted, but I never had that sense of accomplishment or victory for winning that men (and some women) tend to get. I also excelled at strategy games but it never really meant anything to me to win against others.

I give encouragement and praise to others who have broken through barriers or limitations, or learned new skills and/or did better than their previous level. And I'm sure a lot of other women are the same.

Just stating my perspective, as it's nice for people to know multiple perspectives on things.

Sorry for my question! You mean you are a old soul not a old person.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Lydia said:
For a lot of people, especially men, competition is great and encourages them to do better than they ever could on their own.

Being an older-soul woman though, I'm more about encouraging others to do their best. I compete with myself only, I have never competed with anyone else except as a child with running as I was always naturally the fastest or second-fasted, but I never had that sense of accomplishment or victory for winning that men (and some women) tend to get. I also excelled at strategy games but it never really meant anything to me to win against others.

I give encouragement and praise to others who have broken through barriers or limitations, or learned new skills and/or did better than their previous level. And I'm sure a lot of other women are the same.

Just stating my perspective, as it's nice for people to know multiple perspectives on things.

Sorry for my question! You mean you are a old soul not a old person.

Lol! No problem about the question, it made me have a funny mental image in my head of me being really old with grey hair in a bun and using a walker to get around.
Lydia said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Lydia said:
For a lot of people, especially men, competition is great and encourages them to do better than they ever could on their own.

Being an older-soul woman though, I'm more about encouraging others to do their best. I compete with myself only, I have never competed with anyone else except as a child with running as I was always naturally the fastest or second-fasted, but I never had that sense of accomplishment or victory for winning that men (and some women) tend to get. I also excelled at strategy games but it never really meant anything to me to win against others.

I give encouragement and praise to others who have broken through barriers or limitations, or learned new skills and/or did better than their previous level. And I'm sure a lot of other women are the same.

Just stating my perspective, as it's nice for people to know multiple perspectives on things.

Sorry for my question! You mean you are a old soul not a old person.

Lol! No problem about the question, it made me have a funny mental image in my head of me being really old with grey hair in a bun and using a walker to get around.
Competition is the spark of art as well. Most of the Renaissance jewels we have were due to extreme competition between the artists involved, the same goes for many of the Athenian wonders. Echo chambers produce weimar pedophile garbage.

Whenever people rail against competition there is usually a communist undertone to it.

On the other hand, sometimes there are pretty distinctly useless types of competition that instill fake achievement over nothing whatsoever. Such as who can cancel whom on whatever social media shithole the quickest, or who can get addicted to World of Warcraft fast enough.
I love competing, this is especially good in sports. When you are playing idk, Basketball for example or even pingpong, it is good to have a strong opponent, as this really helps you to get better.

With a sound form of competition, both parties can grow much faster than they would, when they were alone. A sound form of competition, don’t get toxic!
I was part of that conversation and I frankly still have the same opinion. I can tolerate competition for things such as sports, games or such activities.

But I personally am against any form of competition when we start talking about labor, resources and careers. When competition is taken too far it brings out the worst in people.

People begin to work to sabotage one another, begin to envy and hate those who are better than them at something. I work in management of a factory where we have a monthly ranking system where we list and rank every worker based on their production, from best to worst.

We've openly discussed this in meetings and in truth it doesn't matter if someone is at the top or bottom of the list, we don't actually look at anyone's rate of production unless it's some very extreme case. But simply the fact that the list exists and everyone is ranked based on production speeds, this highly motivates most of the workforce to work twice or even three times as fast as they normally would.

Just the competitive element existing pushes many people to overwork themselves for the sole benefit of the company. The fear of dropping down in the ranking is enough to keep many working much faster than they normally would, when in reality we don't care about the ranking at all, and don't actually give any special value or treatment to those at the top.

My opinion remains the same. I don't like competition at all. People should unite and be working together, supporting and lifting each other, not sabotaging and backstabbing each other to come out on top.

Competition is by definition going against another person. Why not unite and work with them instead. You might assume competition is only bad if you are a loser, but I'd say most who believe this have little life experience.

The reality of a highly competitive environment is that it's toxic to everybody, even he who comes out on top. Others will envy and hate you and as much as you try to ignore it, it's always unpleasant working hard for something, and having groups of jealous and bitter little people trying to belittle your accomplishments or hard work.

Such is the nature of competition. I'd much rather help to elevate the people beneath me, and so would I prefer the person superior to me guide and support me.

Unity is better than competition, and we practice the opposite of competition here. Clergy doesn't hoard spiritual knowledge to themselves so that they will always be at the top and the "best". They put it out there and guide anybody who comes to better themselves.

People with knowledge use the forum to spread their knowledge and elevate others, instead of keeping it to themselves so they can be the "best".
Dahaarkan said:

What you describe here is high level toxicity, this is not "competition", but it is actually a pointless war of the throats which in the end destroys everyone. This mentality has emerged from other mentalities that society has been brainwashed into such as radical "Individualism". These on the extremes destroy everything and everyone involved.

Primarily, for accomplished people, the competitive force should be on self overcoming, rather than a focus to ruin others for no reason whatsoever.

Competition should be seen as an attuned force like a Martian force. Is misdirected, it can cause personal and general ruin. But without it, nothing gets made.

Basically I think you are describing snoobish motherfuckers here, if anything, these people aren't "competitive", more than they are weak. Because they afraid others will undo them so easily. I watched this behavior on many uptown brats, for example.

In reality, these people think they are "competing", but the true prospects of competition remain locked at them.

The positive manifestation of this would be sports, the negative would be people cutting each other's throats and conspiring in work places against proper workers to get their way. This is just destruction and imbalance of this energy.

People lose terribly when this is done. Any gains are temporary, and always come at a loss for them in the end too, same as everyone involved.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
What you describe here is high level toxicity, this is not "competition", but it is actually a pointless war of the throats which in the end destroys everyone. This mentality has emerged from other mentalities that society has been brainwashed into such as radical "Individualism". These on the extremes destroy everything and everyone involved.

Primarily, for accomplished people, the competitive force should be on self overcoming, rather than a focus to ruin others for no reason whatsoever.

Competition should be seen as an attuned force like a Martian force. Is misdirected, it can cause personal and general ruin. But without it, nothing gets made.

Basically I think you are describing snoobish motherfuckers here, if anything, these people aren't "competitive", more than they are weak. Because they afraid others will undo them so easily. I watched this behavior on many uptown brats, for example.

In reality, these people think they are "competing", but the true prospects of competition remain locked at them.

The positive manifestation of this would be sports, the negative would be people cutting each other's throats and conspiring in work places against proper workers to get their way. This is just destruction and imbalance of this energy.

People lose terribly when this is done. Any gains are temporary, and always come at a loss for them in the end too, same as everyone involved.

That toxicity is born from the fabricated competitive setting in my opinion. One can say that it's the people who are rotten and have rotten behavior, but put yourself in their shoes.

Is it not a duty to yourself and those who might depend on you, that you do everything in your power to better your situation and theirs. Are you really capable of setting your career progress aside to give way to someone else who you've never even met.

Are you really able to go home and look at your family and tell them that their disposable income will not go up, because you simply accepted that someone else is superior to you and you set back your ambitions for the sake of a complete stranger.

I can't speak for others but I know I can't. And if I can't come out on top through virtue then I'll lie, cheat and backstab my way to the top, and I have. If you're not better than the competition, then destroy everyone who is better than you so you win anyway.

Virtue doesn't pay bills, it doesn't put food on the table, and it doesn't create security or stability.

People who act like this, their actions are rotten but their motivations are good. Which is why I don't blame them but instead blame the competitive environment that forces them to behave this way.

Because of this covid shit my family back home depends on me to keep afloat. You're mad if you think I'll set their needs aside simply to feel virtuous, and give up the resources I need to take care of them to some random dickhead who happens to be better than me in some aspects. No one would do this, and no one does.

Competition for career and resources drives people to destroy each other out of NECESSITY. Which is why in my opinion competition has no place outside of sports and such.
Dahaarkan said:
.We've openly discussed this in meetings and in truth it doesn't matter if someone is at the top or bottom of the list, we don't actually look at anyone's rate of production unless it's some very extreme case. But simply the fact that the list exists and everyone is ranked based on production speeds, this highly motivates most of the workforce to work twice or even three times as fast as they normally would.

Just the competitive element existing pushes many people to overwork themselves for the sole benefit of the company. The fear of dropping down in the ranking is enough to keep many working much faster than they normally would, when in reality we don't care about the ranking at all, and don't actually give any special value or treatment to those at the top.
Of course I disagree with any type of sabotaging each other when they are meant to work together.

But I really don't understand what is wrong with people being motivated to do a good job at work. Especially when the motivation is something harmless, like how this list is harmless because it never gets used for anything. When the people around me are working hard, that makes it easier for everybody because the work is all getting done, and I can work harder too.

I have been in the opposite situation. Working with worthless people who only pretend to do their job, only get 30 minutes to an hour of actual work done every day and basically just fake it the rest of the time. And I wish they had something like that to get them to actually put in an effort. If all the jobs are interconnected, and they are not doing their side, then how am I supposed to do mine? When I want to work, and I want to get it done, but worthless people slow me down.

My work isn't always like that because what I do is actually very independent. But it's still true that a lot of people need some more motivation to actually do their job. Maybe some of those people would have worked an actual regular amount of work, instead of basically 5 hours a week.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Of course I disagree with any type of sabotaging each other when they are meant to work together.

But I really don't understand what is wrong with people being motivated to do a good job at work. Especially when the motivation is something harmless, like how this list is harmless because it never gets used for anything. When the people around me are working hard, that makes it easier for everybody because the work is all getting done, and I can work harder too.

I have been in the opposite situation. Working with worthless people who only pretend to do their job, only get 30 minutes to an hour of actual work done every day and basically just fake it the rest of the time. And I wish they had something like that to get them to actually put in an effort. If all the jobs are interconnected, and they are not doing their side, then how am I supposed to do mine? When I want to work, and I want to get it done, but worthless people slow me down.

My work isn't always like that because what I do is actually very independent. But it's still true that a lot of people need some more motivation to actually do their job. Maybe some of those people would have worked an actual regular amount of work, instead of basically 5 hours a week.

The harm is people push each other to overwork themselves for no real gain besides the company squeezing more production out of individuals, and creates arguments and division across the workforce. This is incredibly useful for management reasons a divided workforce is prone to abusive schedules and borderline illegal work hours.

Because the team never comes together to protest abusive management we get away with things we shouldn't, and wouldn't if they weren't bickering among themselves over who works the hardest or who is cheating the system to go up in ranks etc.

There's also the issue that everyone becomes obsessed with pumping their production/tasks to go up in the list, so most people work in very selfish ways and refuse to help or work with others, only focused on their individual tasks.

Everyone is working under a lot more stress because their production speed is constantly being recorded and any accident, delay or error sends many into rage and often verbally abusing coworkers, sometimes even physical assault. All to look good on a pointless list.

How about pay people accordingly and fairly and that is their motivation to do a good job. Instead of creating workarounds such as fabricated competitive work environments.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
