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Combining rune???


Sep 20, 2017
Okay, was looking but can't find an answer to my question.

The runes,
How is it combined and how do you do the affirmation with it after?

If I want to empower my astral sense and intuition what would be best combined and affirmation... Would it be all the same or you can parts of each rune to make the sentence?

Same for money and luck?

Not sure if asking the right way but hope someone can give me more info.
Thank you
Okay, was looking but can't find an answer to my question.

The runes,
How is it combined and how do you do the affirmation with it after?

If I want to empower my astral sense and intuition what would be best combined and affirmation... Would it be all the same or you can parts of each rune to make the sentence?

Same for money and luck?

Not sure if asking the right way but hope someone can give me more info.
Thank you

A person that is new or at a beginner level should not worry about combining Runes.

There are Triads, combinations of three Runes, that you can read about in many books about the runes. They are obviously a practice, and we use them in the God Rituals. But the sources on this are likely very corrupted.
As GoldenxChild pointed out, the page about the Runes gives you enough information to use one Rune at a time, and you do not need to look past that at your level beyond some curiosity.
Thank you two for answering.

However, please refrain from assuming you know me or what my level is or any other.
Assuming is very dangerous.

Again my question still stands on what I asked.
Thank you two for answering.

However, please refrain from assuming you know me or what my level is or any other.
Assuming is very dangerous.

Again my question still stands on what I asked.
And, again, my answer still stands.

It's good to know you are advanced, and need stronger things than single Runes. That means you don't really have any reason to ask here anymore, you should simply ask your Guardian Demon and the Gods about it, if you need these tools.
That is what is encouraged, and it should be easy for you.
And, again, my answer still stands.

It's good to know you are advanced, and need stronger things than single Runes. That means you don't really have any reason to ask here anymore, you should simply ask your Guardian Demon and the Gods about it, if you need these tools.
That is what is encouraged, and it should be easy for you.
And your answer didn't answer my question, if you don't know then don't answer.

And I see,
So your one of them.
Assuming and then tell me where I should ask.

This group is for new and advanced people. Proper communication is what our community is about, and we are all learning. Even advanced ones still learn and grow.
That is actually what's encouraged.
Not only that The God's want you to learn and research yourself before always asking.
The God's help when others can't help or there is specific things they need help with.

What I ask isn't specific it's general. Some things another may need help with and thought of too. So they post it in the group.
And your answer didn't answer my
What you read doesn't make sense either.

Combining runes isn't just for advanced players, otherwise there wouldn't be examples of magic working with 2 or 4 runes at once.

People don't know, so they say it depends.

It's much better not to say anything.

You can combine runes that suit your purpose.

For example, in a God ritual, if you want to bless an enemy and punish him at the same time, you can use a positive rune and other attack runes.

As for numerology, I like to think of these sacred numbers as long as they are above the rune's unique number.

Like 111 (depending on the type of rune, like Sowilo) or 108 in general when I'm going for something complete and energetic.

The number with a minimum of 4 repetitions and another number 2 can be combined.

A rune number 5 and 10 can be combined well.

A rune with at least 8 repetitions can be combined well with another rune with at least 4 repetitions.

Anyway, I think that's it.

This is how I use it, and I hope someone will correct me if I'm wrong.

One thing to say is that people like to correct each other.
If you need an answer to something difficult, try writing something about what you don't know so that someone will come along and correct you.
What you read doesn't make sense either.

Combining runes isn't just for advanced players, otherwise there wouldn't be examples of magic working with 2 or 4 runes at once.

People don't know, so they say it depends.

It's much better not to say anything.

You can combine runes that suit your purpose.

For example, in a God ritual, if you want to bless an enemy and punish him at the same time, you can use a positive rune and other attack runes.
*When we're going to bless a God and shred an enemy at the same time, we use a positive rune and negative ones.

Usually 2 negative war runes and 1 positive rune in the middle.*
As for the statements, they can be very large in text.
I've seen people do it like this, so it should work.

Merge the two goals you have into the same affirmation, or if you want, make an affirmation for each.
However, it will be a separate rune work and not together.
However, please refrain from assuming you know me or what my level is or any other.
Assuming is very dangerous.

Again my question still stands on what I asked.
I see it from both cases , first , he was just checking in your level and given you a friendly warning about what harm can be done if playing with things which are at the current time bigger then others, meaning the capacity onto holding and manipulating energy.

There's no need to do subtle threat's by saying that's dangerous to assume things, some assumption followed by intuition can lead to truth sometimes. Point is, you should be more grateful that he bother to even answer to your topic, he did done well and has given you some decent information, don't be that kind of guy and learn to be more grateful.

And for your question , look at the link with the runes, each one of them has their own number , depending on the rune's you've choose you got to vibrate them by their multiple of their each other number. So if rune X has number 7 then you do 7x7x7x7x7 until whatever you can do.
Thing is , no matter what each other level posses in spiritual power, that is not the only thing, the other things required are brains which indeed you grow by meditating but I mean more on a intellect point of level, so knowledge .

For combinations you have to look of what you need the runes for so you did said what for and now go and look onto each rune description and see what it does and choose accordingly how many you want .

Rune X vibration 60
Affirmation 10x times
Rune Y vibration 54
Affirmation 10x times
Rune U vibration 63 times
Affirmation 10x times

Before I have used to vibrate the runes at once , meaning after I was finishing with 100x fehu I was jumping onto vibrating the second rune, feel free to experiment yourself but I think that it is better to use the affirmation after each rune vibration ending ,because you're summoning and spawning energy , if you do long vibrations then it would be better to even let's say you're choosing 100x fehu as vibration , then you could also just do 10x vibration 10x affirmation 10x vibration 10x affirmation , because the energy which was soon spawned from the 10x of Fehu is more potent and better to redirect it THEN instead of vibrating it at 100x times, but everyone should experiment for themselves and see which one works better for them.
Additionally : The affirmation do not have to be the same for each rune, and if you look at the rune ÜRUZ then you can use that as well to amply your working.

The reason for choosing 10x affirmation it's because that's SUN number.

By the way, truthfully I am saying , there's no need to impress anyone here , take in consideration very well that if you do not have all of your chakra properly opened and active then playing with superiors energies as such might not do very well to you, consider doing what is important first before jumping into Harry Potter style.
I have fucked up myself with Suryae and then I couldn't wake up from the bed for 2 weeks , seriously. I don't even know what I would had become of if not for the God's to help me out of my own stupidity at that time. But experience is the greatest teacher and that's how we learn "better".
For combinations you have to look of what you need the runes for so you did said what for and now go and look onto each rune description and see what it does and choose accordingly how many you want .
No, one does have to. It's totally fine and cool to pick any number of repetitions and stick with it.

The main concern is to choose runes that complement each other, ie. no 'clashing'. If the practitioner in question can not discern what combination works, then it stands that they probably should not do it and learn how these things work separately first. Eventually, combining runes should be a pretty straightforward process as the knowledge and experience are there.
No, one does have to. It's totally fine and cool to pick any number of repetitions and stick with it.

The main concern is to choose runes that complement each other, ie. no 'clashing'. If the practitioner in question can not discern what combination works, then it stands that they probably should not do it and learn how these things work separately first. Eventually, combining runes should be a pretty straightforward process as the knowledge and experience are there.
You're correct. I've missed expressed myself. Thank you for the clarification. Yes, I did not try to mean it like it is a 100% "must", anyone can vibrate the runes for whatever number they wishes but I do believe it would be nice if they could follow the runic numbers, that's all.

I never asked anyone to assess my level nore their opinion.
I asked for information on how to do something.
No I don't need to be thankful either,
especially if didn't answer the question.
If don't now the answer don't reply.
And that's okay.
You've got helped and you've said no "thanks" at all, which as you say "it's fine" keep doing that and see where it brings you, if them people who reply to you with answers and help, keep being ungrateful and see how much they will help you in the future 😄 Although you've got answers here, you did not bother for a secound to say "thank you all", which your not obliged to but at least don't moan like a spoiled brat bruv.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
