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Colloidal gold + platinum results


Active member
Sep 21, 2017
Nowhere of particular interest
Good morning, everyone :)

My apologies for not posting this sooner. Any how, I've taken both colloidal gold and platinum as planned a month or so back, and have some results to share.

To start off: I'm not a doctor nor am I a dietician. That being said, none of this is/was/ever will be diet and or health advice. These are the results of me personally taking supplements and reporting on them for those who are curious.


During the 7 days I took colloidal gold (one tablespoon a day minutes after waking up) I experienced: Improved memory, high energy, faster thoughts and slightly increased movement speed (all voluntary motor functions), (slightly) improved connection to my third eye, and a sense of levity.

These effects dulled towards the last 2 days, but over all it worked pretty well. I'm going to keep what I have left as a neural booster.


I took the platinum for only a few days (one tablespoon a day, minutes after waking up), but its visible effects on me were even less than that of colloidal gold's effects. I really only had very vivid dreams (I didn't have lucid dreams, but I got very close, and the dreams were exceptionally vivid). But my right hand was hurting quite a bit before I took the platinum, and afterwards it didn't hurt unless I kept my hand closed for more than a few minutes, so it did something to help with that :)

All in all, I don't think I'm spiritually advanced enough to notice colloidal platinum's changes on me, but it did help me get somewhat closer to lucid dreaming. And that's one of its main effects.

At the end of the day colloidals are supplements, and good ones at that. But they are expensive, and something to keep in mind is you can obtain similar results by meditating regularly and spiritually advancing :) (This is especially for newbies reading this, there are no shortcuts in Spiritual Satanism)

If you have any questions, feel free to ask here.

Thank you all for your time, and have a great day :)
Just remember that people get poisoned by eating heavy metals like those. There are some of them that our bodies need in small amounts, like copper, zinc, molybdenum, potassium, lithium, sodium. Silver is safe and good when you have it only in very small amounts as a one-time thing, not as a reoccurring common supplement. All those other metals I listed, they have to be had in very specific forms and only in very small amounts in the trace amounts that is already in some of the food. Bad things can happen if you eat too much of any of those.

But gold and platinum, there is no use for those in your body and either they are not having any effect or they are having a harmful effect, because there is not anything that the body uses them for. Gold is kind of more nutral and inert, it does not react much, so it is less harmful than platinum but still is not good to eat. A very small amount of gold might be harmless, I'm not sure, but it is not helpful for anything either. Good thing you stopped with the platinum, because platinum is just a straight heavy metal which can cause serious damage to your body. People die from heavy metal poisoning all the time. Having a lot of aluminum in the blood is what causes Alzheimer's disease and several other diseases, and aluminum is considered a lighter metal not a heavy metal, which means that platinum would be even much more harmful than that. Those vivid dreams were your brain's reaction to being flooded with a heavy metal that has a poisoning and harmful effect and messes up the brain's chemical balance. Look up mercury poisoning, and lead poisoning, those are other ones. It's absolutely stupid and unsafe to just be eating random metals with no thought of what they will do. And since these kinds of mild metal poisonings often cause diseases that only manifest when the person gets real old, you may have just signed yourself up to get Alzheimer's disease when you get old, or other things.

Any good thing you think you may have noticed was only a placebo effect, and you may have also caused a lot of damage that you do not notice. That company does not tell you how dangerous it is to drink that stuff because they are trying to sell you a product and you wouldn't buy it if you weren't going to drink it.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Just remember that people get poisoned by eating heavy metals like those. There are some of them that our bodies need in small amounts, like copper, zinc, molybdenum, potassium, lithium, sodium. Silver is safe and good when you have it only in very small amounts as a one-time thing, not as a reoccurring common supplement. All those other metals I listed, they have to be had in very specific forms and only in very small amounts in the trace amounts that is already in some of the food. Bad things can happen if you eat too much of any of those.

But gold and platinum, there is no use for those in your body and either they are not having any effect or they are having a harmful effect, because there is not anything that the body uses them for. Gold is kind of more nutral and inert, it does not react much, so it is less harmful than platinum but still is not good to eat. A very small amount of gold might be harmless, I'm not sure, but it is not helpful for anything either. Good thing you stopped with the platinum, because platinum is just a straight heavy metal which can cause serious damage to your body. People die from heavy metal poisoning all the time. Having a lot of aluminum in the blood is what causes Alzheimer's disease and several other diseases, and aluminum is considered a lighter metal not a heavy metal, which means that platinum would be even much more harmful than that. Those vivid dreams were your brain's reaction to being flooded with a heavy metal that has a poisoning and harmful effect and messes up the brain's chemical balance. Look up mercury poisoning, and lead poisoning, those are other ones. It's absolutely stupid and unsafe to just be eating random metals with no thought of what they will do. And since these kinds of mild metal poisonings often cause diseases that only manifest when the person gets real old, you may have just signed yourself up to get Alzheimer's disease when you get old, or other things.

Any good thing you think you may have noticed was only a placebo effect, and you may have also caused a lot of damage that you do not notice. That company does not tell you how dangerous it is to drink that stuff because they are trying to sell you a product and you wouldn't buy it if you weren't going to drink it.

Thank you for the concern :)

As I've said, this is an experiment. And as I've stated you can get the same effects (for free) from doing regular meditation and yoga. I in no way advocate for supplementation, nor do I personally practice any ongoing supplementation.

Also, the amount of gold / platinum in a bottle is measured in micro grams ( with the total content of a bottle of gold being 300 micrograms / 20ppm). So it is not much. As well, the gold particles are suspended in a solution of deionized water, not dissolved as a salt. This alone makes absorption and excretion of the gold / platinum / silver particles much easier, and moreover less toxic than their salt counterparts.

I also frequently drink from aluminum cans (I have a sleep problem I'm still working on), so I'm more than aware of the dangers of aluminum and heavy metals.

Really though, thank you for your concern.

I just don't see what the fuss is about, I'm not by any means indestructable, but I do take care of myself and am also a SS. I'll be fine, and as stated before, I'm not taking any colloidals regularly. There are people who take almost 4 tablespoons of colloidal gold a day and they're fine, also I see no point in paying for something I can get naturally through spiritual advancement :)
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Any good thing you think you may have noticed was only a placebo effect, and you may have also caused a lot of damage that you do not notice. That company does not tell you how dangerous it is to drink that stuff because they are trying to sell you a product and you wouldn't buy it if you weren't going to drink it.

May that's how things are in the US. In many European countries things are different. Besides, you can't compare gold and platinum to lead, let alone to mercury. Research has been done on colloidals. Sols are not the same thing as salt or ionic metals (whatever you want to call them). By going all out against, you're doing nothing more than reiterating the official medical opinion (in other words, the jewish opinion) that any positive effect is placebo and that any negative effect is what is to be expected. That's not the way it is and true, unbiased scientific research proves it. Both gold and platinum can, like silver, copper and zinc, be supplement short-term in certain non-toxic doses. Only excessive doses and/or longer-than-need usage cause negative conditions, such as platinosis in the case of platinum and argyria in the case of silver. Other things that can cause negative effects are those promoted by other users on the other topic (ionic silver and the likes). Basically, metallic salts (which is what ionic metals are) are detrimental to health, as biochemistry proves.
Just because you can possibly have a small amount of something without any harm, does not mean that that thing is a benefit for you. But if you say that platinum and gold can have some benefit, then what is that benefit? What do they do? You say there has been some research, did that research show any clear and true benefit? And of course there are so many variables involved in something like this that research can be created that shows whatever result you want it to show. Especially when you are talking about the possible connections of subjective and vague health effects with taking an almost insignificantly small amount of some supplement. Because they have found that taking large amounts leads to problems, so they use just very small amounts in the tests to try to avoid these problems.

During the time of that testing, what is their diet? What is their activity level? What is their amount of exposure to sunlight? What is their mental state? How much water are they drinking? What vitamins are they getting, and do they have the right balance of everything? What are some astrological effects which may be affecting them for some small amount of time? Every one of these factors can have an even larger effect on a person's health than taking some very small amount of colloidal metal would. So it is very hard to create a research test like this because whatever little result they think there is might be from something else.

The effects of silver and copper as antibacterial and antiviral have been known for tens of thousands of years. This is why there is the tradition of it being good luck to throw coins into the well, because the copper and silver coins purify the water and kill all contaminants and bacterias. And the tradition of making drinking cups from copper or silver, for the same reason. In a lab, they can take a dish full of bacteria and put silver or copper into it and watch it remove all the bacteria. So there is a lot of clear and obvious proof for the benefits of these metals.

But what is the effects of gold or platinum, and how do they know what that effect is? I would be very interested to learn if there really are any benefits to these. But now it looks to me like people are just looking for random metals to eat without knowing what it would do, just because there is a lot of spiritul symbolism that uses the metals gold and platinum so they think it might have that good of a physical effect too. There is also a huge amount of positive spiritual symbolism that talks about mercury metal, but we obviously know that we can't eat mercury.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Just because you can possibly have a small amount of something without any harm, does not mean that that thing is a benefit for you. But if you say that platinum and gold can have some benefit, then what is that benefit? What do they do? You say there has been some research, did that research show any clear and true benefit? And of course there are so many variables involved in something like this that research can be created that shows whatever result you want it to show. Especially when you are talking about the possible connections of subjective and vague health effects with taking an almost insignificantly small amount of some supplement. Because they have found that taking large amounts leads to problems, so they use just very small amounts in the tests to try to avoid these problems.

During the time of that testing, what is their diet? What is their activity level? What is their amount of exposure to sunlight? What is their mental state? How much water are they drinking? What vitamins are they getting, and do they have the right balance of everything? What are some astrological effects which may be affecting them for some small amount of time? Every one of these factors can have an even larger effect on a person's health than taking some very small amount of colloidal metal would. So it is very hard to create a research test like this because whatever little result they think there is might be from something else.

The effects of silver and copper as antibacterial and antiviral have been known for tens of thousands of years. This is why there is the tradition of it being good luck to throw coins into the well, because the copper and silver coins purify the water and kill all contaminants and bacterias. And the tradition of making drinking cups from copper or silver, for the same reason. In a lab, they can take a dish full of bacteria and put silver or copper into it and watch it remove all the bacteria. So there is a lot of clear and obvious proof for the benefits of these metals.

But what is the effects of gold or platinum, and how do they know what that effect is? I would be very interested to learn if there really are any benefits to these. But now it looks to me like people are just looking for random metals to eat without knowing what it would do, just because there is a lot of spiritul symbolism that uses the metals gold and platinum so they think it might have that good of a physical effect too. There is also a huge amount of positive spiritual symbolism that talks about mercury metal, but we obviously know that we can't eat mercury.

Honestly, while I like your enthusiasm for questioning this post was ONLY to document my little experiment, not to advertise a product or claim 'Yoga and Meditation are obsolete'.

And as such I don't entertain any explanations I might have to give on the matter. My source for the supplements I took is Purest Colloids, here's their website: https://www.purestcolloids.com/ Purest Colloids have literature and documentation on tests they did, albeit not as rigorous documentation as you might like. (Nor that I found suitable)

All in all I want to help convey what it is I've done and my results, I'm not here to argue whether or not it is good. I most certainly don't care right now, as I've already taken it once and know even if I don't take it again if there are any negative effects I'll experience them regardless.

My bluntness on the matter is purely out of brevity, my apologies for any miscommunicated feelings. I hope you understand with all that is going on right now.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
