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Jun 20, 2011
1)Planets within 5 degrees or less of an angle [Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven,
or IC] or in the angular houses; 1st, 4th, 7th or 10th house are more powerful in
their influence. This also includes aspects..
-I cant understand this..

2)Planets in their ruling signs are stronger.
-Its means sun rule their own sign(leo) stronger than rule other sign?

3)Intercepted signs and planets are weaker.
-Its means sun in pisces are weaker?

4)Planets in their exalted signs are stronger; in signs of their detriment or fall..
-Are exalted only for first house cusp and first sign?
1. Just as it says. Put a natal chart with time in astro. Com

2. Yes sun in leo is stronger than sun in virgo. Again reread the website. There is a page with home exalted debilitated and fall on there in overview. However a dictionary might help you understand what is meant.

3. No not necessarily. It means that if you have a large house that starts on in example gemini and ends in leo then cancer is an intercepted zodiac sign.

4. For so far I understood no. The first house is personal. Any planets in there are corulers making them more important planets than others.
Exalted has to do by which zodiac sign its in. Lets say you have a sun in aries first house. The sun in aries is exalted in that case, if I remember correctly, but having it in the first house as well makes it a co (chart) ruler, and thus places more importance on that part.

Look, I am no pro at this, far from. But if you understand some basics and at first it goes over your head as it did to me, but eventually it becomes easier to understand.
I have my birth chart..
Now, I just want to find which is the most important and powerful influence
Btw thank you for the answer..

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
