1)Planets within 5 degrees or less of an angle [Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven,
or IC] or in the angular houses; 1st, 4th, 7th or 10th house are more powerful in
their influence. This also includes aspects..
-I cant understand this..
2)Planets in their ruling signs are stronger.
-Its means sun rule their own sign(leo) stronger than rule other sign?
3)Intercepted signs and planets are weaker.
-Its means sun in pisces are weaker?
4)Planets in their exalted signs are stronger; in signs of their detriment or fall..
-Are exalted only for first house cusp and first sign?
or IC] or in the angular houses; 1st, 4th, 7th or 10th house are more powerful in
their influence. This also includes aspects..
-I cant understand this..
2)Planets in their ruling signs are stronger.
-Its means sun rule their own sign(leo) stronger than rule other sign?
3)Intercepted signs and planets are weaker.
-Its means sun in pisces are weaker?
4)Planets in their exalted signs are stronger; in signs of their detriment or fall..
-Are exalted only for first house cusp and first sign?