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Clearing Up Past Disinfo

Bigot Boy

Sep 20, 2017
A lot of harmful ideas were spread by past clergy members, and these need to be cleared up.

If you have any to share, please comment below so all of this lingering disinformation can be snuffed out. There is so much that has been stated over the years, it's impossible to recount every single one before posting this thread.

I will put in red what is already confirmed to be false as of the creation of this thread.

Ideas that came from Mageson:

- White + Asian hybrids have a high tendency to be psychotic. (Notable subraces that fall within this category are Japanese and Mexicans)

- Weightlifting is a waste of time. He also stated because of his supposed high spiritual level, he could gain muscle really fast from small amounts of weight training. But, according to him he was very physically fit before coming to Satanism, and, if this is true, simple muscle memory would make gaining back lost muscles a fast process and is not an indicator of spiritual power.

- Socialism is a needed step towards National Socialism.

- Vegetarianism being optimal. Initially he promoted it, then backtracked and said small portions of meat and lots of greens was optimal. It was either him or Jake Carlson that also stated Hitler was vegetarian.

- UBI being a good thing that should be widespread.

- Drinking a glass of wine before meditation helps one relax, and was done by Hindus.

- Ginger hair is a natural trait for Whites. HPS Maxine stated it came from Whites mixing with Blacks, and not naturally occurring among Whites. I personally leaned towards Mageson's opinion on this matter, but would like this cleared up.

- 10,000 years ago, before the great flood, the entire Earth had the same climate, that being tropical. He also stated it was likely dinosaurs, neanderthals and such were still around then, as modern fossil dating methods are flawed. He also said that these species may still exist in the unexplored areas of the Earth.

- There used to be 13 months, in accordance with 13 yearly moon cycles, and that 12 months is a corruption. He stated there is about an extra minute attributed to every day currently that also helped his theory. I always thought this theory made some sense, but then again the 13th zodiac is supposed to be "hidden".

Note from Lydia that is related to this: "Ophiuchus is important, but guess what, there are 88 constellations. And only 12 of them are ones that our Sun and planets move through."

- Abraham Lincoln was a race traitor, selling out the South. He stated the civil war was never about slavery, but was about the South fighting against globalist (Jewish) banks being allowed in. In summary, the Confederacy was the actual "good", gentile side, not the North as is stated in modern history books.

- Originally Gnostics were Satanists that were pretending to worship Jesus in order to stay hidden on the Jew's radar.

- Paper money is temporary and eventually will need to be done away with. I believe he stated the Gods use energy (as in gathered Aether) as currency - if this is the case, then it would be somewhat feasible to think we could potentially shift to a similar system in the FAR future.

- True Kung Fu masters that used chi could knock people out simply through prana, not even needing to touch them. This doesn't seem far fetched to me but thought I'd mention it.

- That the KKK was never Satanic, which goes directly against what is stated about the Ku Klux Klan's origins on the Joy Of Satan main website. Note that the modern KKK is stated to be heavily corrupted regardless.

Ideas that came from Jake Carlson:

- Astarte is the patron Goddess of transvestites, and seemingly promoting sex change rather than acceptance of one's own sex.

- In Nazi Germany, citizens would throw feces at monotheistic churches as a form of protest.

- He also used to promote straight men dating trans women, and things like this. Saying it doesn't make them "gay" to do so.


Also I would just like to add in a very old article on the Joy Of Satan website, that is from 2005. It states the following:
The Wand is a standard ritual tool used by mages and sorcerers of the enemy. I strongly discourage the use of a wand. It is also called a "Blasting Rod" and for centuries has been used to abuse and exploit Demons in the name of the enemy "god" and angels.
From: https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/RITUALITEMS.html

This page never sat well with me, as the wand is simply a representation of the Satanic symbol of the phallus, and the masculinity this symbol represents is used in directing energy. Likewise, the staff is just a longer version of the wand, and is a representation of the spine. I have personally played around with wands over the years with no repercussions - it's basically an extension of your hand chakras.

If confirmed to be no longer accurate by an HP, I'd like to request the page be corrected, as this confused me when I was new to Satanism years ago.
Bigot Boy said:

- Paper money is temporary and eventually will need to be done away with. I believe he stated the Gods use energy (as in gathered Aether) as currency - if this is the case, then it would be somewhat feasible to think we could potentially shift to a similar system in the FAR future.

I said this about the energy both publicly and in private emails as I have seen this and got told by the Gods. He just went on with what I stated to gently correct his communist insanity.

The other line he also said was that money is the root of all evil basically, and general poverty peaching. After me and HPS Maxine lashed out at him raging, he chaged the tune to supposedly promote money is ok and be rich fake posting. We deleted these posts

He also said this other thing that studying in university was bad etc, and when I came in and answered this may leave people destitute, he again did the same pullback and pretended it was something else. As always it were. Do not pay attention to me planting kike seeds goyim, it was something else.

Covertly, he also promoted and admitted years ago that his real agenda was to draw a line that Satan = Jesus, which is a line that is being shilled by the "Socialist" and Masonic Jew Pinkham, who is a jewish sellout. HP Jake admitted this to me in a mail that I still have, that this was his secret agenda and factor.

Another lie also inclued the bullshit that mixed people should go with the race they "feel". I myself as a newbie did not understand this.

Then, reasonable inspection shows there are no feelings here, only the hard reality of genes. A person who is half blac but "felt white", adulterates further the white bloodline if they breed with a fully White person.

Promotion of socialism, veganism, anarchy with Kroptkin, poverty, away with the evil money, do not exercise, and many more things. Welcome to the dead husks of Satanism goyim. And its ok to just follow feelings goy in regards to this race thing. Also, Satan is Christos goyim, oy vey and oy gevalt.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Bigot Boy said:

- Paper money is temporary and eventually will need to be done away with. I believe he stated the Gods use energy (as in gathered Aether) as currency - if this is the case, then it would be somewhat feasible to think we could potentially shift to a similar system in the FAR future.

I said this about the energy both publicly and in private emails as I have seen this and got told by the Gods. He just went on with what I stated to gently correct his communist insanity.
Ah, my apologies, some of this information was read so many years ago it's hard to remember which HP it was from at times.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Another lie also inclued the bullshit that mixed people should go with the race they "feel". I myself as a newbie did not understand this.
Thank you for stating this, I actually was not aware this was a lie. I guess I assumed a mixed soul may be able to feel which race's genes they have more of, but of course this leaves room for error and the actual genes are undeniable fact.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Another lie also inclued the bullshit that mixed people should go with the race they "feel". I myself as a newbie did not understand this.

Then, reasonable inspection shows there are no feelings here, only the hard reality of genes. A person who is half blac but "felt white", adulterates further the white bloodline if they breed with a fully White person.
Ah, I originally thought you meant in regards to which Satanic racial branch a person belongs to.

I do remember them promoting this gross, cloaked race mixing mentality on mixed race people. And I remember clearly you were the voice of reason stating subraces should breed with other members of their subrace, and that now that these said sub races exist they should advance themselves accordingly.

I can almost imagine a white person asking a mixed person which of their races they feel most strongly, and using this answer in whether or not they should have relations with them... just disgusting.
The vegetarian thing Mageson said, isn’t actually all that crazy. The health of the Hunza’s of the Himalayas and the 7th day Adventist is well documented. They eat primarily vegetarian with eggs and dairy. Those within these communities who also ate fish were found to be the healthiest.

The thing is if you include eggs and dairy, then you’re getting everything nutritional that you get from straight meat. You just have to be a little more diligent on meal planning. Many people eat meat and are unhealthy. It’s because they’re not getting enough plant foods. The whole idea is more plant foods are needed in most people’s diets. That isn’t a bad thing. Animal products are 100% necessary too. And if you can get from humane sources it’s wise to include actual meat in your diet. However, as stated, you can remain healthy by including eggs and dairy.

Meat can be expensive if you’re buying organic, free range, grass fed. I often tell people, who go vegan because they have ethical dilemmas, to not avoid animal products all together, but to instead include eggs and dairy. And as money allows buy higher quality local meat products. You will be healthier and you’ll support farms who are more ethical.

That’s another issue as well. Vegans boycotting all animal products doesn’t serve the situation. What they really should do is boycott the factory farms and instead support the local grass fed organic farms. I’ve worked on such farms in the past. I’ve never seen anything unethical. I’ve been on and visited many farms.

With diet, everyone’s needs are different, but no one is going to be hurt by the advice of “Eat more plant foods!” Veganism can be deadly. Vegetarianism is a different thing. People get it confused.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Covertly, he also promoted and admitted years ago that his real agenda was to draw a line that Satan = Jesus, which is a line that is being shilled by the "Socialist" and Masonic Jew Pinkham, who is a jewish sellout. HP Jake admitted this to me in a mail that I still have, that this was his secret agenda and factor.
You meant Mageson first and then Jake? I was a confused on who you were reffering to. Jake wrote a bunch on never using "Lucifer" without the name Satan on it, as to never link Lucifer with "Aryan Jesus", so he never meant that but backhandedly believed it.

Bigot Boy said:
Ideas that came from Mageson
All that, but also even the sermons that were "correct" have several red flaggish bits withing them, too many to point, which now were clearly his own nonsense backed up only by books and not what the Gods wanted, except when they were plagiarized info from other HPs. His articles should be read like outsider books writen by people who have no back up by the Gods, imo.

-Another one was a sermon on the number 7 being as bad as number 6, in the same of being used with the same Saturnine effects. I felt strange about it but HPS Maxine responded at least to the part of 216 being good and 108 bad.

Ideas that came from Jake Carlson
Of the examples quoted, I don't think they are "misleading" per se, but neither relevant to be stated. He didn't seem to have any common sense to filter a message after taking examples from books, such as over the top statements about race and homosexuality that only alienated newer members. Like who the fuck needs to make a statement about the sexuality of someone dating trans women, when he claimed to be against this sexual labelling paranoia in the LGBT community. The one misleading thing he wrote and was quoted was the Gay Merkaba, see: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=43390&p=190316#p190316
Egon said:
I suppose I should have called it "Clearing Up Past Incorrect Information" instead, as like you said some of these may not have been intentionally meant to mislead. I also am unsure on if several of these are true or not, as as you mentioned some came from books which may or may not be credible - the Nazi citizens throwing feces at churches for example, I remember Jake had a book he had referenced for that one.
I think Mageson's theory about the earth having no tilt prior to 10,000 years ago is stupid. The precession of the globe which is a direct result of the Earth's tilt is responsible for the astrological ages.

Additionally, the equinoxes and solstices are timed just perfectly with the four cardinal signs, like how the spring equinox occurs with the sun at 0° of Aries. The Magnum Opus is also traditionally begun at this time.

This all coincides with the four quarters of the soul. It is clear that the Earth's tilt is something that has been around for a very long time, and is not a 'convenient mistake' from the destruction of the planet Phaeton.

Another ridiculous idea was that the Demon Set is the patron of the BDSM community, by Jake Carlson. The Gods don't care much about our sex lives to where they now have rulership over certain fetishes or even orientation.

In this sermon Mageson promoted a lot of lies about Rome written by the jewish historian Eustace Mullins

First of all the political party of Rome that if it was full of Jews were the Optimates and Jewish puppets like Sila or Pompey who attacked and tried to destroy Greece, Pergamon, the kingdom of ponto, ect.
Julius Caesar was never the puppet that says the article, even the famous account of his conquest of Gaul is false and was written more than a century after his death during the Flavian dynasty.
Brutus a loyal senator? :roll: Brutus was a member of the jewish family of the Cato.
The murder of Julius Caesar was a jewish blood sacrifice, he was killed in Purim and tortured.
Finally Augustus was a puppet that the Jews put on the throne of Rome, the one who was elected to be the successor of Julius Caesar was Mark Antony and in the 42 BC was declared emperor of Rome, then during the civil war of Rome Mark Antony was forced to exile to Alexandria.
From what I had heard Carlson and Mossad agent Mageson were the same person posing as separate agents.

Also, I do not understand all of this hate against wands.

All they do is direct one's energy.

Am I missing something here?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
...Satan = Jesus...

(Note note that I ascribe to that just stating stolen allegories and certain bullshit stated by certain elements)

Technically isn't this correct for certain xtianistic corrupting elements in India?

I mean there are Hindu blogs posting not just that but also counter information stating things like Shiva = Jebus or Shiva is not jesus but his stories are being parroted as jesus is Shiva.

It's just I noticed in recent times some members posting information how Shivistic principles have been subverted into xtian logic for the promotion of jesus.

Eric13 said:

This isn't wrong Eric13 makes a good point. The sheer fact is eating about 75-90% non-meat and 10-25% meat is a reasonable diet particularly the Mediterranean diet. Albeit even recent picture by Member: Blitzkreig, mentioning TCM suggesting 17% meat consumption about 350mL of meat or 6oz is reasonable meat consumption.

We are omnivores but meat in high levels can create issues. With that said meat could be eaten more or less amount by genetic freaks. SOME people are capable of consuming more or less and getting away with good health. Non the less Vegen = Marxist or more precisely social Marxist property i.e. judeo-bolshevism.

Vegenism is just a method to crush the will of civilizations by hoarding out vitamin Bs and generating more revenue on consumer health issues.

Bigot Boy said:
Weightlifting is a waste of time.

Weightlifting is not a waste of time as long as you follow the principle of "progressive overload" i.e. 5lb increase per week say you start with 30lbs of weight to lift on your arms the next week try 5lbs. Even micro-loading has become popular with Rogue's microloading of 0.5lb to 2.75lb weight rings.

With that said weightlifting does require a balance with body weight exercises. Weightlifters cannot do what bodyweight lifters do. For example the Flag position is done by Bodyweight lifters rather than Weightlifters. Weightlifting focuses on specific muscle groups while Bodyweight does in general a number of other muscle groups.

Think of it like one is target-able and one is in general. It's not wrong to weightlift just realize you need to include other exercises as well like bodyweight exercises.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I said this about the energy both publicly and in private emails as I have seen this and got told by the Gods. He just went on with what I stated to gently correct his communist insanity.

I know you said about two or so years ago. You weren't gonna make a sermon about money the way the Gods do it because it would be taken by jewagers and promoted as some great thing by certain elements.

But have you ever decided to make a sermon on this topic? or are you still limiting it for now?
Egon said:
-Another one was a sermon on the number 7 being as bad as number 6, in the same of being used with the same Saturnine effects.
To my knowledge, the number 7 deals with disharmony, and as an extension of that, with illness and sickness. In a way, that makes it opposite of the number 5. Out of all the odd base numbers (1, 3, 5, 7, 9), the number 1 is of beginnings and the "self", the number 3 is of both creation and destruction, the number 5 is of harmony and equilibrium, and the number 9 is of endings and (in some cases) sacrifices.

This is my current info on them. I'm not some numerology expert however, so if someone else wants to share their knowledge on it, I too would be interested in hearing about it.
Bear with me guys but if. I may ask what has happened with Mageson was he an infiltrator and misleading I am a bit lost
Shael said:
Egon said:
-Another one was a sermon on the number 7 being as bad as number 6, in the same of being used with the same Saturnine effects.
To my knowledge, the number 7 deals with disharmony, and as an extension of that, with illness and sickness. In a way, that makes it opposite of the number 5. Out of all the odd base numbers (1, 3, 5, 7, 9), the number 1 is of beginnings and the "self", the number 3 is of both creation and destruction, the number 5 is of harmony and equilibrium, and the number 9 is of endings and (in some cases) sacrifices.

This is my current info on them. I'm not some numerology expert however, so if someone else wants to share their knowledge on it, I too would be interested in hearing about it.

The 7 is not an evil number but is correlated with Athena and the supreme mind, that has arose above the 6 with "matter". It also deals with rising above karmic control because one experiences this control, and deals with causality. It also deals with the physical health and the adage of reaping what one sows, for better or for worse.

It is not an evil number. But a number that for some reasons one may dislike. Who likes "karmic" or forced lessons?
Gear88 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I said this about the energy both publicly and in private emails as I have seen this and got told by the Gods. He just went on with what I stated to gently correct his communist insanity.

I know you said about two or so years ago. You weren't gonna make a sermon about money the way the Gods do it because it would be taken by jewagers and promoted as some great thing by certain elements.

But have you ever decided to make a sermon on this topic? or are you still limiting it for now?

Yes, because nothing will be understood, and if anything is understood, it will be taken severely out of context because we don't have anything resembling this nor we are anywhere close to having anything similar as a civilization. So everyone is going to have their own idea.

Even when I saw it I was astounded by the simplicity but also how weird it was, compared to what we have today.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shael said:
Egon said:
-Another one was a sermon on the number 7 being as bad as number 6, in the same of being used with the same Saturnine effects.
To my knowledge, the number 7 deals with disharmony, and as an extension of that, with illness and sickness. In a way, that makes it opposite of the number 5. Out of all the odd base numbers (1, 3, 5, 7, 9), the number 1 is of beginnings and the "self", the number 3 is of both creation and destruction, the number 5 is of harmony and equilibrium, and the number 9 is of endings and (in some cases) sacrifices.

This is my current info on them. I'm not some numerology expert however, so if someone else wants to share their knowledge on it, I too would be interested in hearing about it.

The 7 is not an evil number but is correlated with Athena and the supreme mind, that has arose above the 6 with "matter". It also deals with rising above karmic control because one experiences this control, and deals with causality. It also deals with the physical health and the adage of reaping what one sows, for better or for worse.

It is not an evil number. But a number that for some reasons one may dislike. Who likes "karmic" or forced lessons?

That makes a lot of sense. Is this concept to do with the mythological story of Athena emerging out of the top of Zeus head (Crown/7th Chakra)?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Gear88 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I said this about the energy both publicly and in private emails as I have seen this and got told by the Gods. He just went on with what I stated to gently correct his communist insanity.

I know you said about two or so years ago. You weren't gonna make a sermon about money the way the Gods do it because it would be taken by jewagers and promoted as some great thing by certain elements.

But have you ever decided to make a sermon on this topic? or are you still limiting it for now?

Yes, because nothing will be understood, and if anything is understood, it will be taken severely out of context because we don't have anything resembling this nor we are anywhere close to having anything similar as a civilization. So everyone is going to have their own idea.

Even when I saw it I was astounded by the simplicity but also how weird it was, compared to what we have today.

He also said that the throat chakra is ruled by Mercury and the heart ruled by venus. Which is obviously false because you can feel the Shukraya mantra in the throat. And all the other squares correspond to their days and planets etc so why would those two not.

Also, why was this never corrected on the JoS HP?

On the magickal squares, it still says that the Venus square empowers the heart chakra and the Mercury square for the throat. But this is inaccurate.

He seems to just be a misleader
likman666 said:
Bear with me guys but if. I may ask what has happened with Mageson was he an infiltrator and misleading I am a bit lost

Not likely an infiltrator, he just started drifting away, started consuming and spreading enemy BS, and didn’t want to stop after being warned several times.

Rest of the clergy couldn’t let that to continue, so they decided to demote him.

It was necessary. It is what it is. Now we move on.
of the true light said:
Also, I do not understand all of this hate against wands.

All they do is direct one's energy.

Am I missing something here?
I think it's just a really outdated article. It's true wands are used in Jewish grimoires and such but, just like the hexagonal star, these are stolen Satanic symbols and tools. Hexagonal stars can be found naturally occurring in snowflakes, which I find really cool!


This reminds me of another claim Mageson made:
- He stated the Christian cross is a stolen Satanic symbol, and represents the 7 chakras and the shoulder chakras. The problem here is it folds into the cube... so perhaps it's really just a perverted Ankh, and Mageson promoting jew BS again...
Blackdragon666 said:
I think Mageson's theory about the earth having no tilt prior to 10,000 years ago is stupid. The precession of the globe which is a direct result of the Earth's tilt is responsible for the astrological ages.
Well, that wasn’t Magesons theory. There were other scientists who came up with that. I think the book was called something like Cosmic Collisions. Or something like that. There is evidence for it. But who knows for sure? I think it seems plausible there was a planet between mars and Jupiter. It could of been destroyed and that type of energy would of made its way to earth in some kind of shockwave. Sounds realistic. There’s radiation found at deeper levels of earths crust, as well as the mentioned fossil records in the north and South Poles revealing things living there that we would expect in a tropical ecosystem. So, again could be plausible. But it wasn’t Magesons theory. He just read a book and relayed that info.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Gear88 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I said this about the energy both publicly and in private emails as I have seen this and got told by the Gods. He just went on with what I stated to gently correct his communist insanity.

I know you said about two or so years ago. You weren't gonna make a sermon about money the way the Gods do it because it would be taken by jewagers and promoted as some great thing by certain elements.

But have you ever decided to make a sermon on this topic? or are you still limiting it for now?

Yes, because nothing will be understood, and if anything is understood, it will be taken severely out of context because we don't have anything resembling this nor we are anywhere close to having anything similar as a civilization. So everyone is going to have their own idea.

Even when I saw it I was astounded by the simplicity but also how weird it was, compared to what we have today.

I too think the materialist monetary system is wrong and always felt that it was oppressive to a majority of people while making life easy for certain people unfairly. It takes spirituality and spiritual ability out of the equation and allows anyone to have power over others who is able to get money. Mostly this is abused even on a personal level down to families to exercise power over younger members and even by abusive husbands or yes wives even sometimes (you would be suprised see investigation discovery) to exercise control over their partners. This creates an environment where people who are way lower in actual ability vibration and rank can exercise power over others who are vastly supperior and their isn't shit the supperior person can do unless they gain a lot of spiritual power to off the person with magick.

This system sucks and is not in accordance with nature or natural law and for that reason creates hatred and division.

Look everyone has a rank of different kinds in things. All of us usually are more up there in rank than say an xtian unless someone is a new soul somehow here and the xtian is an old soul which would be a rare exception but money would allow this xtian to control our situation.

If everyone was allowed to rise or fall to where they actually belong in society things would be a lot more smooth and many hatreds and conflicts would stop. Not to mention all races would move to their correct area (dont know about the USA though who should have that as that is more recent that whites moved there I think if history is even somewhat correct)

Money allows an unnatural system to exist and this since it IS unnatural gives an advantage to the Jews.

I dont know what the better system is the Gods will have to show us when its right time but we do need to eventually abolish the monetary system as it is right now or society will always be unnatural and unfair for at least someone even if spirituality is put into the equation here. Someone or multiple people will still end up victimized or in the wrong rank or area of society somehow.

So it is bad I agree.

Society is a lot more like the military than we think each person has a naturally assigned rank and place.
Karnonnos said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shael said:
To my knowledge, the number 7 deals with disharmony, and as an extension of that, with illness and sickness. In a way, that makes it opposite of the number 5. Out of all the odd base numbers (1, 3, 5, 7, 9), the number 1 is of beginnings and the "self", the number 3 is of both creation and destruction, the number 5 is of harmony and equilibrium, and the number 9 is of endings and (in some cases) sacrifices.

This is my current info on them. I'm not some numerology expert however, so if someone else wants to share their knowledge on it, I too would be interested in hearing about it.

The 7 is not an evil number but is correlated with Athena and the supreme mind, that has arose above the 6 with "matter". It also deals with rising above karmic control because one experiences this control, and deals with causality. It also deals with the physical health and the adage of reaping what one sows, for better or for worse.

It is not an evil number. But a number that for some reasons one may dislike. Who likes "karmic" or forced lessons?

That makes a lot of sense. Is this concept to do with the mythological story of Athena emerging out of the top of Zeus head (Crown/7th Chakra)?

Precisely Brother. I will relate details in the future.
Eric13 said:
Blackdragon666 said:
I think Mageson's theory about the earth having no tilt prior to 10,000 years ago is stupid. The precession of the globe which is a direct result of the Earth's tilt is responsible for the astrological ages.
Well, that wasn’t Magesons theory. There were other scientists who came up with that. I think the book was called something like Cosmic Collisions. Or something like that. There is evidence for it. But who knows for sure? I think it seems plausible there was a planet between mars and Jupiter. It could of been destroyed and that type of energy would of made its way to earth in some kind of shockwave. Sounds realistic. There’s radiation found at deeper levels of earths crust, as well as the mentioned fossil records in the north and South Poles revealing things living there that we would expect in a tropical ecosystem. So, again could be plausible. But it wasn’t Magesons theory. He just read a book and relayed that info.
Doesn't make him any less guilty. Also, while it's true the asteroid belt was formerly a planet, what I am calling out is the lie that the Earth's tilt came about when the planet was destroyed.
Larissa666 said:
likman666 said:
Bear with me guys but if. I may ask what has happened with Mageson was he an infiltrator and misleading I am a bit lost

Not likely an infiltrator, he just started drifting away, started consuming and spreading enemy BS, and didn’t want to stop after being warned several times.

Rest of the clergy couldn’t let that to continue, so they decided to demote him.

It was necessary. It is what it is. Now we move on.
He was reading and translating all these evil hebrew writings, so that he could use it as evidence that they have all these evil plans. And he thought that he could do enough power meditations and returning curses rituals to keep all of that garbage off of him. But it did effect him. If you remember, after he started translating all those hebrew things, in the months after that is when he started getting worse. And it kept getting worse until he couldn't be fixed anymore.

It's a good lesson about what to not do.
Bigot Boy said:
- White + Asian hybrids have a high tendency to be psychotic. (Notable subraces that fall within this category are Japanese and Mexicans)

Wait Japanese are White Asian Hybrids? I thought they were pure Asians? What evidence is there that they're hybrids?
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Larissa666 said:
likman666 said:
Bear with me guys but if. I may ask what has happened with Mageson was he an infiltrator and misleading I am a bit lost

Not likely an infiltrator, he just started drifting away, started consuming and spreading enemy BS, and didn’t want to stop after being warned several times.

Rest of the clergy couldn’t let that to continue, so they decided to demote him.

It was necessary. It is what it is. Now we move on.

He was reading and translating all these evil hebrew writings, so that he could use it as evidence that they have all these evil plans. And he thought that he could do enough power meditations and returning curses rituals to keep all of that garbage off of him. But it did effect him. If you remember, after he started translating all those hebrew things, in the months after that is when he started getting worse. And it kept getting worse until he couldn't be fixed anymore.

It's a good lesson about what to not do.

This perception includes a poor victim which was not even there. It is actually the reverse.

For starters, to be consumed by these, means one has them inside them somewhere in the first place.

He was also not translating any hebrew, he was reading some translated books like anyone else was doing. It just came in to stick with other already poisoned notions.

There was far more into this, including instability, and other things we knew and observed. And the above is basically one of the little factors of it all.

Satan would never let a dedicated one of his whom he cares about to "drift" in this way. We have done, seen and related worse without issues.

On the other hand, people of questionable substance, it is a matter of time. This is at the soul and it is not a factor of external circumstances.

A person who purposefully misguides others or who expands topics of the enemy from a position of influence, with an agenda or numerous in mind, which are contrary to the general idea of Satanism, cannot be anything but an infiltrator.

And there is more but we just decided to keep it at the simple reasons which were already enough.
SleepingWolf said:
Bigot Boy said:
- White + Asian hybrids have a high tendency to be psychotic. (Notable subraces that fall within this category are Japanese and Mexicans)

Wait Japanese are White Asian Hybrids? I thought they were pure Asians? What evidence is there that they're hybrids?
It has been stated several times in the past.

Here is one quote from HP Cobra on the subject:
Within this context, some "Whites" may not be Aryan, as Aryan is not only a racial term, but a term of a people in regards to value and spiritual rank. This is why the Japanese were called Honorary Aryans, which was believed is the case both due to having White Blood from a very long time before historically, and be created by the same Gods, and have the same ideology like National Socialism, and a Pagan religion, even-though they were Asians.

from: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=24688&p=109741&hilit=japanese#p109741

It has also been stated that the reason the Japanese have such a high level of creativity in inventions and such compared to the rest of Asia is because of their White blood admixture.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Larissa666 said:
Not likely an infiltrator, he just started drifting away, started consuming and spreading enemy BS, and didn’t want to stop after being warned several times.

Rest of the clergy couldn’t let that to continue, so they decided to demote him.

It was necessary. It is what it is. Now we move on.

He was reading and translating all these evil hebrew writings, so that he could use it as evidence that they have all these evil plans. And he thought that he could do enough power meditations and returning curses rituals to keep all of that garbage off of him. But it did effect him. If you remember, after he started translating all those hebrew things, in the months after that is when he started getting worse. And it kept getting worse until he couldn't be fixed anymore.

It's a good lesson about what to not do.

This perception includes a poor victim which was not even there. It is actually the reverse.

For starters, to be consumed by these, means one has them inside them somewhere in the first place.

He was also not translating any hebrew, he was reading some translated books like anyone else was doing. It just came in to stick with other already poisoned notions.

There was far more into this, including instability, and other things we knew and observed. And the above is basically one of the little factors of it all.

Satan would never let a dedicated one of his whom he cares about to "drift" in this way. We have done, seen and related worse without issues.

On the other hand, people of questionable substance, it is a matter of time. This is at the soul and it is not a factor of external circumstances.

A person who purposefully misguides others or who expands topics of the enemy from a position of influence, with an agenda or numerous in mind, which are contrary to the general idea of Satanism, cannot be anything but an infiltrator.

And there is more but we just decided to keep it at the simple reasons which were already enough.
So he became or was always "Oy Vey....."
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Larissa666 said:
Not likely an infiltrator, he just started drifting away, started consuming and spreading enemy BS, and didn’t want to stop after being warned several times.

Rest of the clergy couldn’t let that to continue, so they decided to demote him.

It was necessary. It is what it is. Now we move on.

He was reading and translating all these evil hebrew writings, so that he could use it as evidence that they have all these evil plans. And he thought that he could do enough power meditations and returning curses rituals to keep all of that garbage off of him. But it did effect him. If you remember, after he started translating all those hebrew things, in the months after that is when he started getting worse. And it kept getting worse until he couldn't be fixed anymore.

It's a good lesson about what to not do.

This perception includes a poor victim which was not even there. It is actually the reverse.

For starters, to be consumed by these, means one has them inside them somewhere in the first place.

Does this imply he had an agenda from the very beginning?
Personally my opinion on Mageson after all this info was revealed, and that their was a subversive agenda, it sounds like very jewish behaviour, typical jewish behaviour actually, like a sneaky jew out of a university.

Who in their right mind, if they were a gentile, involved in this for so long, would commit and put into such subversive tactics in order to decieve and destroy the reemergence of satanism?

Now before anyone says anything, im well aware the jos has enemies, subversive gentiles, degenerates, and shabbos goys, who smear shit on websites about us just to slander.

But the extreme amount of effort mageson did to subvert, infiltrate, alter and try to destroy, over more then a DECADE... only points to one thing in my opinion.... JEW.
Larissa666 said:
Does this imply he had an agenda from the very beginning?

Yes. He was on a mission to "prove" that Satan = jesus.
Larissa666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
He was reading and translating all these evil hebrew writings, so that he could use it as evidence that they have all these evil plans. And he thought that he could do enough power meditations and returning curses rituals to keep all of that garbage off of him. But it did effect him. If you remember, after he started translating all those hebrew things, in the months after that is when he started getting worse. And it kept getting worse until he couldn't be fixed anymore.

It's a good lesson about what to not do.

This perception includes a poor victim which was not even there. It is actually the reverse.

For starters, to be consumed by these, means one has them inside them somewhere in the first place.

Does this imply he had an agenda from the very beginning?

Yes, it also caused me amazement and incredibility when I discovered and realized it, but he was an infiltrator and never was one of ours.
Larissa666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This perception includes a poor victim which was not even there. It is actually the reverse.

For starters, to be consumed by these, means one has them inside them somewhere in the first place.
Does this imply he had an agenda from the very beginning?

Sounds like a jew to me with that description.

No matter, we continue without him. Whatever he is.
Blackdragon666 said:
Doesn't make him any less guilty. Also, while it's true the asteroid belt was formerly a planet, what I am calling out is the lie that the Earth's tilt came about when the planet was destroyed.
I know he’s guilty of course. Why did you say that?

There is well documented fossil records in Antarctica of trees and all kinds of other things that would never be there if Earths tilt has always been here. We do have the layers of radiation in our crust. I’m not a scientist, but it does seem like there was a big event in the past and we were effected. If there were trees In Antarctica at one point, what does that say? At some point the tilt wasn’t there. Did it come from the destruction of a planet in our system? Idk. Could be? Could of been something else.. Just saying it isn’t inherent BS. There’s some evidence.
In many of his more recent posts Mageson was greatly advocating the "strength and importance" of the Heart chakra while stating it is through the heart chakra that one advances towards godhood or something like that. On the JoS page it states that this was never the case as the heart chakra is a neuter and serves as a connection between the upper and lower chakras.
Larissa666 said:
Does this imply he had an agenda from the very beginning?
Yeah, as he said he admitted to Jake he had an agenda from the beginning to more or less paint Satan as christ. As well as actively mislead people and who knows what else.

I’m honestly still super confused. If Mageson wasn’t a victim and was unsalvageable, and the problem was in his soul, then I guess that clears it up. He was jewish? That’s so confusing to know we had a jew hp all this time. As well we still have his writings, the writings of a jew, on the most antisemetic site on the web? Confusion...

But that’s why I think this thread is important. To clear this shit up. I stated stuff I shouldn’t have in another thread on this topic, but I’m glad I did in retrospect because it allowed Cobra to come on and actually enlighten and clear up the confusion I had. I think a lot of people have been acting is if they knew all along and aren’t surprised, but most of those same people can be seen kissing Magesons ass and thanking him endlessly in even recent sermons only months ago. I think the full truth caught most off guard and that’s fine. We’re human. Discussing it is best rather than pretending to not care and that you ‘knew’ all along. It is important to have as much cleared up as we safely can.
You do not need to be 10 or any years in Satanism to feel RTR extatic effect. Newbies in Russian forum with less than one year in Satanism felt it. You do not need to be anywhere spiritually or even an adult to not do sertain things such as urine drinking. People do not do it even before they go to kindergarten.

As for anarchism, well, mageson was the one who for 10+ years read and quoted books that being read between the lines alone exposed it just too much. All of sudden after 10 years exposure it read some book (from which you also could easily get repelled by jewish anarchist agenda if you read between the lines) and all of sudden it's ok? Anarchy in the sense of "lack of power" does not exist in nature. You will just have another power - criminal one. It is so clearly obvious that even insects understand this and let zero of so called "anarchy" in their ranks.

You basically need to be an insect to understand things inside out that mageson faked to not understand after 10 years here.

As for statements such as "SS can drift" (drift from basic things that even insects inderstand) or that "just reading some literature can cause drift" etc. Well, since some of us happen to be interested in occult from kindergarten, we read jewish Grimoires, kabbalah etc. all our lives and the only thing it did to us was making us vomit, learn English and find JoS in English internet. That's it. We do not "drift" does not matter how much jew is forced down our throats.

Also what about the fact mageson created numerous sock accounts to promote this ugly agenda under their coverage. Which proves it is not a "drift" - it knew what it did was against Satanism from the very begining. I will not be surprised many of its socks are still being created.

Bashing RTR under the coverage of a sock is nothing of a "drift". You can't not feel the effect of RTR. You do not need one minute in Satanism to feel it. It is incredible life saving experience of a Gentile soul one can ever imagine. From the first vibrations...
Coraxo said:
Larissa666 said:
Does this imply he had an agenda from the very beginning?

Yes. He was on a mission to "prove" that Satan = jesus.

HP Jake who was not a traitor in the infiltrator fashion, did reveal this in an email. Then, progressively, especially at the last years, we were keeping a watch and kept seeing all the weeds and infections that were coming to that end.

These two were at some sort of war for many years. Especially since Mageson revealed his agenda to what he considered his confidante, Jake. But Jake cringed because of this and let us know.

For someone to even dance around these things, one's soul is off. He also admitted to us many times he never saw the Gods or that they never bothered. The degree of off can come anywhere from wrong mantras, to being a jew, to other mixes of issues.

From what I also got to know, this person was trying angelic and Hebrew mantras for years now. Wanted "power", supposedly for testing? But the reality is far more direct and that this was all a front to get other Clergy to experiment with these corrosive things.

But does one bother when they know you have such an agenda in mind to literally communize Satanism or pull the plug on their household? Are some so idiotic to assume Satan does not know?

Personally nothing of this puzzles me as I have seen many of these examples before. For example, everyone praised Vovim for years, but I know he was beating his wife senseless and he was a fucking cocaine infested fiend. When we knew, we immediately kicked the piece of crap out. Some people still remain "confused" on this petty animal. Apparently according to his wife Satanism was a joke to him and he only wanted people to "worship him", and worse.

Satanic Souls would never do these things. Also, Satan takes care of his own people, teaches them, and will defnitely raise a true one out of just about any hole.

The icing on the cake was the fake accounts and his Canadian buddy with whom they tried to attack the RTR. Posing as other people or some shit. "Random poster Dionysos". Another genius undertaking.

There was always resentment of this poor soul against HPS Maxine and he admitted numerous psychological issues to us, so this was like a general autistic failed backstab to everyone and all work done. Sort of how it would be expected.

For some strange reason these types assume after a point that they are beyond Satan or that the Gods will let things pass. Probably part of the general complexes thing growing itself.

All he did was promote all the corrosive values which have no place in Satanism and inject people seeds of weakness. If one does not see it then maybe they are weak. The logical projection of these actions over let's say a decade, would mean incomprehensible weakening or damage.

Everyone would be a vegan anarchistic sissy, with a hammer and sickle up their rear, but that is ok goy, at least he made some articles or whatever.
Eric13 said:
Blackdragon666 said:
Doesn't make him any less guilty. Also, while it's true the asteroid belt was formerly a planet, what I am calling out is the lie that the Earth's tilt came about when the planet was destroyed.
I know he’s guilty of course. Why did you say that?

There is well documented fossil records in Antarctica of trees and all kinds of other things that would never be there if Earths tilt has always been here. We do have the layers of radiation in our crust. I’m not a scientist, but it does seem like there was a big event in the past and we were effected. If there were trees In Antarctica at one point, what does that say? At some point the tilt wasn’t there. Did it come from the destruction of a planet in our system? Idk. Could be? Could of been something else.. Just saying it isn’t inherent BS. There’s some evidence.
Because Mageson had a habit of pushing some scientific 'facts' which were not even understood by people oftenly. While it's plausible that the ice age model may be wrong and the rise in sea level was caused by the destruction of planet Phaeton, the Earth's tilt seems to have always been around. Many species did also disappear during the event.

Can you explain why the four seasons, equinoxes and solstices match exactly with the cardinal signs? It has also been explained that 666 can be interpreted as 6×6×6 which gives 216 which corresponds with 2160; roughly the time each astrological age lasts. Very many ancient monuments also align with either the solstices or past north stars. The evidence is strong that the earth has always had a tilt.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
