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Chronic fatigue syndrome.


New member
May 27, 2022
Hello everyone I use a translator, so forgive me if the text may be difficult to understand.
Chronic fatigue syndrome - I have been suffering from this problem for several years and just don't know what to do. This syndrome started suddenly and continues to this day. I constantly want to sleep, get tired quickly and hardly do any physical exercises. Some days I feel better and the symptoms disappear, but I still don't know why this happened and what is the cause of my illness. I visited various doctors, did a blood test, I have reduced hemoglobin, hematocrit, ferritin and neutrophils. In addition, I have caries, gastritis and helicobacter pylori in my stomach, and I also suffer from tonsillitis, pain in the rectum after defecation, and my bruises appear on their own and heal for a long time, but the doctors say that everything is fine with me. "Everyone has similar problems, you have no abnormalities, you are healthy" - that's what I hear from them. But almost every day I feel bad - it's a fact. The treatment prescribed by them does not help. Maybe they don't understand why I feel bad, or they're just trying to make as much money as possible and don't prescribe effective treatment.
I have read that CFS can be caused by a viral infection (Epstein-Barr virus) caused by parasites, bartonellosis (I have not tested for it), etc., or HIV, but I do not have a sexual life. Against this background, I developed depression, depersonalization and derealization, as well as thoughts that I will soon die from a deadly disease, but I try to fight them, despite my poor condition, because I want to live and help people around me. I suspect that I have anemia because I often lack air and petechiae appear on my skin, but I'm not sure about that. That's why I'm asking you to help me. Has anyone had a similar problem? I will be glad of any advice. Thank you for reading it, and have a nice day.
Have you considered sleep apnea?

Sleep deprivation is the number one cause of all of this. Some people stop breathing hundreds of times per night, so even if you slept 8 hours it might as well have been 4.

Imagine someone shaking you awake 100 times per night. That’s what sleep apnea is on a smaller scale.
Kindness said:

This just sounds like poor vitality, with many secondary problems derived from that. You are deficient in both yin and yang energy, which explains the variety of symptoms.

On a positive note, this does not mean you are doomed to a horrible fate, because the majority, if not all, of these conditions can heal on their own, provided you give them enough energy to do so. However, it means your soul has a harder time than others keeping itself nourished in this way.

Remember, the solar chakra is the source of vitality. Looking at the stomach, we see that it outputs both blood (yin) and energy (yang) into the body, which is then further refined into more specific items. You may think that you have weak lungs, for example, but this may not be the case. Rather, they are simply malnourished from their source, and could otherwise be relatively fine.

The most immediate thing you can do is through physical exercise, which adds a lot of energy into the body. While someone with naturally strong vitality may gain +50 units of energy per day to use, you may start with 20, for example. Yet, each routine of yoga could add perhaps 10 or 20 units each, which would then give you enough to feel better and start healing as well. This has the dual benefit of helping your soul, as I imagine meditation might be harder for you anyway.

I would recommend the Tibetan 5 Rites or Hatha Yoga routines, which are both relatively easy to do, yet very helpful.

In the case where you are exceptionally tired, I would recommend something simpler, like the Breath of Fire. Again, notice how the movement of this exercise directly stimulates the solar chakra.

Following this, you can also try this solar chakra kriya. Divide the times by 2 or 3 so it is shorter and easier for you.


I would also recommend you switch your choice of medical system to one that does not ignore the problems which you clearly face. Holistic medical systems such as Traditional Chinese Medicine, or Ayurvedic medicine, would not tell you that you are "fine", just because you did not literally collapse in front of them.

Through these systems, you will be able to get clear direction on food and herbs, as well as other activities which influence the body. For example, do not stay up late at night, as this is the when you best recover.

Additionally, TCM understands how to manipulate the energy of the body through the medians to promote health. One acupressure point which you can use yourself to stimulate the digestive system and output of vital energy is the Stomach 36 point.

Actually, there is a resident TCM doctor on JoS who offers discounted consultations, which I would recommend you consider: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=76057


As far as permanent solutions, you will need to do energy work to permanently modify your soul to have better vitality. This is done through Sun energy, as mentioned above. It can also be done through the Uruz rune, as mentioned here: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=383590#p383590

You will likely want to heavily work on your Sun and Mars, in addition to targeting your vitality alone. This is because I am guessing you are afflicted in these areas. Although they do rule vitality, they also rule other areas of life, such as depression, sex (Mars), wealth (Sun), etc.

Good luck!
Henu the Great said:
Describe what you eat in detail.

I eat when there is a need to eat, I don't have a specific meal schedule. I can not eat during the day and do it, for example, in the evening.
In the morning or afternoon I usually eat different porridges (sweet oatmeal with milk, rice on water with salt, etc.) and a few boiled eggs. I drink black tea with sugar, sometimes coffee with milk and sandwiches (wheat bread with butter and cheese). I love vegetables, especially tomatoes (I eat them raw) the rest of the vegetables I are mostly added to soups. The soup usually consists of zucchini, carrots, tomatoes, chicken meat, onions, barley and sometimes mushrooms. Sometimes I cook pasta and bake pies with minced meat or raspberries.
I prefer apples, oranges and bananas from fruits, but I rarely buy them. In the evening I eat what I cooked in the afternoon, but I can bake potatoes with salt, oil and spices. I can drink a glass of milk, oat milk or yogurt before going to bed.
I buy fish and seafood extremely rarely, I don't know why, probably because my family almost never cooked it, although I don't have allergies to it. I don't drink alcohol, I don't smoke, I don't use drugs. I do not have obesity or anorexia. I'm pretty slim. However, lately I often want sweet and fatty foods - pizza, chocolate, ice cream, French fries, etc. and I don`t know why.
Ronnie The Limo Driver said:
Have you considered sleep apnea?

Sleep deprivation is the number one cause of all of this. Some people stop breathing hundreds of times per night, so even if you slept 8 hours it might as well have been 4.

Imagine someone shaking you awake 100 times per night. That’s what sleep apnea is on a smaller scale.

Hello, Ronnie!
I didn't even know about this diagnosis, but how can I find out that I have it?
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=384554 time=1661724195 user_id=21286]
Kindness said:

This just sounds like poor vitality, with many secondary problems derived from that. You are deficient in both yin and yang energy, which explains the variety of symptoms.

On a positive note, this does not mean you are doomed to a horrible fate, because the majority, if not all, of these conditions can heal on their own, provided you give them enough energy to do so. However, it means your soul has a harder time than others keeping itself nourished in this way.

Remember, the solar chakra is the source of vitality. Looking at the stomach, we see that it outputs both blood (yin) and energy (yang) into the body, which is then further refined into more specific items. You may think that you have weak lungs, for example, but this may not be the case. Rather, they are simply malnourished from their source, and could otherwise be relatively fine.

The most immediate thing you can do is through physical exercise, which adds a lot of energy into the body. While someone with naturally strong vitality may gain +50 units of energy per day to use, you may start with 20, for example. Yet, each routine of yoga could add perhaps 10 or 20 units each, which would then give you enough to feel better and start healing as well. This has the dual benefit of helping your soul, as I imagine meditation might be harder for you anyway.

I would recommend the Tibetan 5 Rites or Hatha Yoga routines, which are both relatively easy to do, yet very helpful.

In the case where you are exceptionally tired, I would recommend something simpler, like the Breath of Fire. Again, notice how the movement of this exercise directly stimulates the solar chakra.

Following this, you can also try this solar chakra kriya. Divide the times by 2 or 3 so it is shorter and easier for you.


I would also recommend you switch your choice of medical system to one that does not ignore the problems which you clearly face. Holistic medical systems such as Traditional Chinese Medicine, or Ayurvedic medicine, would not tell you that you are "fine", just because you did not literally collapse in front of them.

Through these systems, you will be able to get clear direction on food and herbs, as well as other activities which influence the body. For example, do not stay up late at night, as this is the when you best recover.

Additionally, TCM understands how to manipulate the energy of the body through the medians to promote health. One acupressure point which you can use yourself to stimulate the digestive system and output of vital energy is the Stomach 36 point.

Actually, there is a resident TCM doctor on JoS who offers discounted consultations, which I would recommend you consider: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=76057


As far as permanent solutions, you will need to do energy work to permanently modify your soul to have better vitality. This is done through Sun energy, as mentioned above. It can also be done through the Uruz rune, as mentioned here: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=383590#p383590

You will likely want to heavily work on your Sun and Mars, in addition to targeting your vitality alone. This is because I am guessing you are afflicted in these areas. Although they do rule vitality, they also rule other areas of life, such as depression, sex (Mars), wealth (Sun), etc.

Good luck!
Hello, Blitzkreig!
Thank you so much for such a detailed answer! And I sincerely thank you for the recommendations. Honestly, I don't know much about traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurvedic medicine, and I don't understand where to start. Please, if it's not difficult for you, what would you recommend me to read about TCM and AM?
And yes, you are right, it is very hard for me to do meditations, I almost abandoned them, since all my efforts are focused on finding a solution to my health problem. I will try to get back to them as soon as possible.
Without asking further questions, it's difficult to differentiate between the TCM concepts of wood invading Earth, Spleen or Kidney Yang Deficiency but I suspect Spleen Qi/Yang Deficiency and Spleen not holding blood are significant contributors here.

What is of note is that raw tomatoes are extremely heavy in nature, and one of the most difficult foods to digest uncooked.

They are worsening your gastritis and impairing your energy due to the strain they place on your digestion.

It is recommended that you stop consuming these in large amounts.
Kindness said:
Ronnie The Limo Driver said:
Have you considered sleep apnea?

Sleep deprivation is the number one cause of all of this. Some people stop breathing hundreds of times per night, so even if you slept 8 hours it might as well have been 4.

Imagine someone shaking you awake 100 times per night. That’s what sleep apnea is on a smaller scale.

Hello, Ronnie!
I didn't even know about this diagnosis, but how can I find out that I have it?

I know Ronnie is an infiltrator, but just in case he's accidentally right (broken clock and all that), you cannot know by yourself as you are asleep when it happens. The only way is to have someone monitor you closely while you are asleep. Or you can leave the phone close to you while sleeping and record your whole sleep and try to listen to it to hear if you stopped breathing for a moment during your sleep.
Larissa666 said:
Kindness said:
Ronnie The Limo Driver said:
Have you considered sleep apnea?

Sleep deprivation is the number one cause of all of this. Some people stop breathing hundreds of times per night, so even if you slept 8 hours it might as well have been 4.

Imagine someone shaking you awake 100 times per night. That’s what sleep apnea is on a smaller scale.

Hello, Ronnie!
I didn't even know about this diagnosis, but how can I find out that I have it?

I know Ronnie is an infiltrator, but just in case he's accidentally right (broken clock and all that), you cannot know by yourself as you are asleep when it happens. The only way is to have someone monitor you closely while you are asleep. Or you can leave the phone close to you while sleeping and record your whole sleep and try to listen to it to hear if you stopped breathing for a moment during your sleep.

Hello, Larissa666!
Thank you so much for answer!
Centralforce666 said:
Without asking further questions, it's difficult to differentiate between the TCM concepts of wood invading Earth, Spleen or Kidney Yang Deficiency but I suspect Spleen Qi/Yang Deficiency and Spleen not holding blood are significant contributors here.

What is of note is that raw tomatoes are extremely heavy in nature, and one of the most difficult foods to digest uncooked.

They are worsening your gastritis and impairing your energy due to the strain they place on your digestion.

It is recommended that you stop consuming these in large amounts.

Thank you so much!
Steve Langford said:
In America the main way to get sleep apnea formally diagnosed and treated is to request a sleep study usually your doctor has to sign on with this.

Just tell them that you snore a lot and that your family and others have heard you stop breathing while you were asleep they usually need probable cause such as this before prescribing a study.

Hello, Steve!
Thank you for recommendation, I`ll try it!
And thank you all for answers, my friends! I appreciate it, really! <3
Kindness said:
Hello, Blitzkreig!
Thank you so much for such a detailed answer! And I sincerely thank you for the recommendations. Honestly, I don't know much about traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurvedic medicine, and I don't understand where to start. Please, if it's not difficult for you, what would you recommend me to read about TCM and AM?
And yes, you are right, it is very hard for me to do meditations, I almost abandoned them, since all my efforts are focused on finding a solution to my health problem. I will try to get back to them as soon as possible.

On areas to start with learning, I wrote about this here: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=386005#p386005
For both learning and direct assistance, I would highly recommend that you consult with Centralforce for professional help.

In regards to your spiritual practice, focus heavily on yoga, then try to do basic things. You can accomplish a basic AOP with chanting Algiz, and this does not require a level of focus which will exhaust you. With a little more focus, you can also accomplish aura and chakra cleaning with Surya.

Any meditations should not be forced in a manner that exhausts you. Just because you cannot focus well does not mean nothing is happening. If you merely applied your intention of cleaning a part of your soul with Surya, then it has happened.

Although it may not feel like it now, these meditations do make a huge difference in your life. Accomplishing something is better than nothing, especially if done without stressing yourself. Furthermore, this paves the way for a more permanent solution with the Auruz rune, and similar energies.

Good luck.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=387242 time=1662725281 user_id=21286]
Kindness said:
Hello, Blitzkreig!
Thank you so much for such a detailed answer! And I sincerely thank you for the recommendations. Honestly, I don't know much about traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurvedic medicine, and I don't understand where to start. Please, if it's not difficult for you, what would you recommend me to read about TCM and AM?
And yes, you are right, it is very hard for me to do meditations, I almost abandoned them, since all my efforts are focused on finding a solution to my health problem. I will try to get back to them as soon as possible.

On areas to start with learning, I wrote about this here: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=386005#p386005
For both learning and direct assistance, I would highly recommend that you consult with Centralforce for professional help.

In regards to your spiritual practice, focus heavily on yoga, then try to do basic things. You can accomplish a basic AOP with chanting Algiz, and this does not require a level of focus which will exhaust you. With a little more focus, you can also accomplish aura and chakra cleaning with Surya.

Any meditations should not be forced in a manner that exhausts you. Just because you cannot focus well does not mean nothing is happening. If you merely applied your intention of cleaning a part of your soul with Surya, then it has happened.

Although it may not feel like it now, these meditations do make a huge difference in your life. Accomplishing something is better than nothing, especially if done without stressing yourself. Furthermore, this paves the way for a more permanent solution with the Auruz rune, and similar energies.

Good luck.

Hello again and thank you so much!
Good luck you too, my friend!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
