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christians against jews

Kyle Nowak

New member
Sep 26, 2006
there are a lot of christian groups out there that are against the jew rats  we all know most of the big name ones that get a fair bit of press but is any one else getting really annoyed at how they blame satan for the jew bastards? really it's sad there so brain washed by the jew that even when they get it right and strike at the evil jewthey blame satan for the jew it just gets me pissed how ignorant they are  HAIL SATAN!!!
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From: Kyle Nowak <seraphim_sarov@...
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]
Sent: Monday, October 24, 2011 5:38:48 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] christians against jews

  there are a lot of christian groups out there that are against the jew rats   we all know most of the big name ones that get a fair bit of press   but is any one else getting really annoyed at how they blame satan for the jew bastards?   really it's sad there so brain washed by the jew that even when they get it right and strike at the evil jew they blame satan for the jew   it just gets me pissed how ignorant they are   HAIL SATAN!!!

It is sad how they get brainwashed. From birth it is programed into their mind like a damn computer! They need to think for themselves. I don't know why you say some xians are anti jew, that would also mean some xians are for Satan would it not? xians are programed to believe the jews are special, chosen by god. They are not chosen by Father Satan they are scum! When people say it is Satans fault it is because they blame all evil on him, they don't know him only what the jews tell them of him. They don't speak of him because them little chicken shits fear him! Like rats hide from the sunlight.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Kyle Nowak <seraphim_sarov@... wrote:

there are a lot of christian groups out there that are against the jew rats
we all know most of the big name ones that get a fair bit of press
but is any one else getting really annoyed at how they blame satan for the jew bastards?
really it's sad there so brain washed by the jew that even when they get it right and strike at the evil jew
they blame satan for the jew
it just gets me pissed how ignorant they are
This is all a huge conspiracy and it depends and relies upon the populace just being gullible and believing all of this jew crap and doing no research of their own.

Christianity is the jewish source of power; their bulwark. Christianity is the spiritual host, the host of psychic power and energy that the jews draw upon in order to advance their agenda. Just as in witchcraft, workings of the mind, spells and so forth [all the same thing], a connection must be made. The nazarene was a kike from birth do death. Circumcised and named on the eighth day by a rabbi in the jewish synagogue, parents observed jewish law and the passover, etc.

Every single page of that foul and filthy jewish bible of literary filth has the word 'jew/s' 'israel' or related on it. The old testament is nothing more than the kike monster 'god' [who 'was a murderer and a liar from the begining'], sending his band of kikes on a mass murder spree against Gentiles- genocide, stealing, looting, enslaving, and conquering. This is all a powerful subliminal message used in their 'magick'- jews conquer and enslave the Gentiles. The jew world order with the communist doctrines are laid down with the teachings and the life of the nazarene.

Now, in order for this malignancy to thrive and to fulfill its intended purpose, xianity has to have a serious enemy. The more serious, the better, so of course, everything is blamed upon 'Satan' which means 'enemey' in hebrew. I learned to read just enough hebrew to research this in hebrew and know this for a fact. Look in any hebrew/english dictionary.

Now, in Ancient Sanskrit, 'Satan' means 'truth.' So, it isn't surprising the people of the lie would also condemn 'Satan' as their enemy, because Satan is truth.

The jews are masters of human psychology and are not stupid by any means. This is how they have survived. Christianity is very essential to their survival and the advancement of their agenda. They very well know this, so they not only play upon the ignorance and general laziness of the populace in neglecting research, but they also work diligently to confuse Gentiles.

Crap such as 'the jews murdered jesus' and then that human sacrifice crap the xians try to pin on Satanists [when it is really jewish], christianity vs. judaism- like as if they are enemies; no different from the vatican openly and publicly condemning communism and such. Truth be known, this works every time in fooling the masses. That is until one does one's research.

Now, how can jews and xians really be enemies when both worship the very same piece of jewish filth as a 'god'? The nazarene was a kike and anyone who questions this has their head up their ass to say the least. IT IS ALL IN THE SCRIPTURES. As for communism and xianity being enemies, this is another fallacy, a blatant one at that. The entire judeo/xian bible, especially their jewsus' teachings are a blueprint for world communism. THERE ARE NO CONFLICTS IN ANY OF THAT KIKE MAGOT'S TEACHINGS OR IN ANYTHING HE DID THAT CONTRADICT COMMUNISM.
http://www.exposingchristianity.com/Xia ... munism.htm

A major help to the jewish agenda and in bringing people into believing and adhering to the lie of xianity [which brings them under the spiritual thumb and control of the jews] is promoting themselves as the enemy to xianity. This works a lot of the time. The jews really don't care if a few of their own are sacrificed for their agenda. They always try to make themselves look to be persecuted by the xians- the more the better, for them, as this further confuses many into being duped into their snare of xianity. If xians are against jews, then xianity must be ok, right?
I don't think so. It is all a game of playing both sides and then whichever side one is on, the kikes had them all along.

SATAN is the biggest threat to the jews and they KNOW this. This is why they have worked to get control of Satanism, dictate hideous and outrageous lies as to what Satanism is and then from there, make Satan the most reviled and hated being in the universe. Make Satanists look like a bunch of infant murderers, which then works to draw a selection of mentally unbalanced nut-cases and other deranged individuals- this works wonders for the jewish agenda. It keeps the number of Satanists very small, and with the xianity vs. Satanism, no alternative is given, so if someone is to reject xianity and know there is a spirit world beyond atheism, many deluded ones believe the jew invented lies and hideous filth concerning Satan. There have been teens who have fallen into this trap.

When one dares to speak out regarding the TRUTH about Satan and Satanism, one is attacked and worse. The truth is vehemently suppressed because it is a threat to the jewish people. Anything and everything goes, UNLESS it is a threat to the jewish agenda. The jewish lies are then self-perpetuating.

Just as with the ADL website, the jews actually promote any individuals supposedly working against them as notorious and such, when in truth, the ones they promote the most are bought and paid for with kosher money. This is to attract legitimate people into their snare, as with the NSM and other related groups deemed as National Socialist; anti-jewish, etc. From there, a blatant give-away that they are not to be trusted is their promotion and advocacy of xianity. When any group that is supposedly against the jews and their agenda promoted xianity, you can rest assured, they are in reality working FOR the jews. Then, there is the 'zionist' vs. 'anti-zionist' 'good jew' vs. 'bad jew.' This is another tactic of how they advance their agenda through infiltration and control. A jew is a jew is a jew.

No religion, no God, has ever been maligned and blasphemed, not even near in all of history as has Satan. Communist countries have permitted catholic churches, synagogues and xian churches of nearly every denomination; bibles and xian paraphanailia. Yes, they pretend to be against it, but this in itself works FOR the jewish agenda. The stepping off point of xianity is communism. As I said before and anyone with even half a brain who has studied both the bible and the communist doctrine can easily see there is NO conflict.

Now, on the other hand, just how long do you think any communist country would tolerate anyone even secretly [if they knew about it] being a Satanist.


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Kyle Nowak <seraphim_sarov@... wrote:

there are a lot of christian groups out there that are against the jew rats

we all know most of the big name ones that get a fair bit of press

but is any one else getting really annoyed at how they blame satan for the jew bastards?

really it's sad there so brain washed by the jew that even when they get it right and strike at the evil jew
they blame satan for the jew

it just gets me pissed how ignorant they are

"The christian today can feel anti-jewish without realizing that he himself is the ultimate consequence of the jew."- Friedrich Nietzsche.

Xianity is the jew. It cannot possibly be against jews. To be Truly against jews would mean one knows the Truth, and then one would be a Satanist, not a xian.

Xians are very stupid and fail to see that the entire point of xianity is worshiping, serving and being a slave to the jews and their agenda. Half of the time, those who claim this BS about being against jews, it is an outright lie and a classic example of how the jews deceive and play both sides against the middle, and the other half it is people who were stupid enough to fall for this lie.

There is no xian who is against the jews, as the xian worships the jews.

They try to claim the same lies with islam, which is another program of the jews through and through:
http://exposingthelieofislam.wordpress. ... -a-facade/

All of these programs are there to serve the jewish agenda of enslaving our Gentile People.

We must ensure that the are destroyed.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!

Heil Hitler!!
Heil Heinrich Himmler!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "mightymelkie" <mightymelkie@... wrote:

It is sad how they get brainwashed. From birth it is programed into their mind like a damn computer! They need to think for themselves. I don't know why you say some xians are anti jew, that would also mean some xians are for Satan would it not? xians are programed to believe the jews are special, chosen by god. They are not chosen by Father Satan they are scum! When people say it is Satans fault it is because they blame all evil on him, they don't know him only what the jews tell them of him. They don't speak of him because them little chicken shits fear him! Like rats hide from the sunlight.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Kyle Nowak <seraphim_sarov@ wrote:

there are a lot of christian groups out there that are against the jew rats
we all know most of the big name ones that get a fair bit of press
but is any one else getting really annoyed at how they blame satan for the jew bastards?
really it's sad there so brain washed by the jew that even when they get it right and strike at the evil jew
they blame satan for the jew
it just gets me pissed how ignorant they are
Well said everyone. Xians are just lying or fooling themselves. More then half feel bad for the jews. Like they always seem to bring up Hitler yet they don't look at the other true faults like the Inquisition and more. Don't loss your way to fall into such lies.

Hail Satan! Hail Azazel! Hail Zeus! Hail the Gods of Duat!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@... wrote:

This is all a huge conspiracy and it depends and relies upon the populace just being gullible and believing all of this jew crap and doing no research of their own.

Christianity is the jewish source of power; their bulwark. Christianity is the spiritual host, the host of psychic power and energy that the jews draw upon in order to advance their agenda. Just as in witchcraft, workings of the mind, spells and so forth [all the same thing], a connection must be made. The nazarene was a kike from birth do death. Circumcised and named on the eighth day by a rabbi in the jewish synagogue, parents observed jewish law and the passover, etc.

Every single page of that foul and filthy jewish bible of literary filth has the word 'jew/s' 'israel' or related on it. The old testament is nothing more than the kike monster 'god' [who 'was a murderer and a liar from the begining'], sending his band of kikes on a mass murder spree against Gentiles- genocide, stealing, looting, enslaving, and conquering. This is all a powerful subliminal message used in their 'magick'- jews conquer and enslave the Gentiles. The jew world order with the communist doctrines are laid down with the teachings and the life of the nazarene.

Now, in order for this malignancy to thrive and to fulfill its intended purpose, xianity has to have a serious enemy. The more serious, the better, so of course, everything is blamed upon 'Satan' which means 'enemey' in hebrew. I learned to read just enough hebrew to research this in hebrew and know this for a fact. Look in any hebrew/english dictionary.

Now, in Ancient Sanskrit, 'Satan' means 'truth.' So, it isn't surprising the people of the lie would also condemn 'Satan' as their enemy, because Satan is truth.

The jews are masters of human psychology and are not stupid by any means. This is how they have survived. Christianity is very essential to their survival and the advancement of their agenda. They very well know this, so they not only play upon the ignorance and general laziness of the populace in neglecting research, but they also work diligently to confuse Gentiles.

Crap such as 'the jews murdered jesus' and then that human sacrifice crap the xians try to pin on Satanists [when it is really jewish], christianity vs. judaism- like as if they are enemies; no different from the vatican openly and publicly condemning communism and such. Truth be known, this works every time in fooling the masses. That is until one does one's research.

Now, how can jews and xians really be enemies when both worship the very same piece of jewish filth as a 'god'? The nazarene was a kike and anyone who questions this has their head up their ass to say the least. IT IS ALL IN THE SCRIPTURES. As for communism and xianity being enemies, this is another fallacy, a blatant one at that. The entire judeo/xian bible, especially their jewsus' teachings are a blueprint for world communism. THERE ARE NO CONFLICTS IN ANY OF THAT KIKE MAGOT'S TEACHINGS OR IN ANYTHING HE DID THAT CONTRADICT COMMUNISM.
http://www.exposingchristianity.com/Xia ... munism.htm

A major help to the jewish agenda and in bringing people into believing and adhering to the lie of xianity [which brings them under the spiritual thumb and control of the jews] is promoting themselves as the enemy to xianity. This works a lot of the time. The jews really don't care if a few of their own are sacrificed for their agenda. They always try to make themselves look to be persecuted by the xians- the more the better, for them, as this further confuses many into being duped into their snare of xianity. If xians are against jews, then xianity must be ok, right?
I don't think so. It is all a game of playing both sides and then whichever side one is on, the kikes had them all along.

SATAN is the biggest threat to the jews and they KNOW this. This is why they have worked to get control of Satanism, dictate hideous and outrageous lies as to what Satanism is and then from there, make Satan the most reviled and hated being in the universe. Make Satanists look like a bunch of infant murderers, which then works to draw a selection of mentally unbalanced nut-cases and other deranged individuals- this works wonders for the jewish agenda. It keeps the number of Satanists very small, and with the xianity vs. Satanism, no alternative is given, so if someone is to reject xianity and know there is a spirit world beyond atheism, many deluded ones believe the jew invented lies and hideous filth concerning Satan. There have been teens who have fallen into this trap.

When one dares to speak out regarding the TRUTH about Satan and Satanism, one is attacked and worse. The truth is vehemently suppressed because it is a threat to the jewish people. Anything and everything goes, UNLESS it is a threat to the jewish agenda. The jewish lies are then self-perpetuating.

Just as with the ADL website, the jews actually promote any individuals supposedly working against them as notorious and such, when in truth, the ones they promote the most are bought and paid for with kosher money. This is to attract legitimate people into their snare, as with the NSM and other related groups deemed as National Socialist; anti-jewish, etc. From there, a blatant give-away that they are not to be trusted is their promotion and advocacy of xianity. When any group that is supposedly against the jews and their agenda promoted xianity, you can rest assured, they are in reality working FOR the jews. Then, there is the 'zionist' vs. 'anti-zionist' 'good jew' vs. 'bad jew.' This is another tactic of how they advance their agenda through infiltration and control. A jew is a jew is a jew.

No religion, no God, has ever been maligned and blasphemed, not even near in all of history as has Satan. Communist countries have permitted catholic churches, synagogues and xian churches of nearly every denomination; bibles and xian paraphanailia. Yes, they pretend to be against it, but this in itself works FOR the jewish agenda. The stepping off point of xianity is communism. As I said before and anyone with even half a brain who has studied both the bible and the communist doctrine can easily see there is NO conflict.

Now, on the other hand, just how long do you think any communist country would tolerate anyone even secretly [if they knew about it] being a Satanist.


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Kyle Nowak <seraphim_sarov@ wrote:

there are a lot of christian groups out there that are against the jew rats

we all know most of the big name ones that get a fair bit of press

but is any one else getting really annoyed at how they blame satan for the jew bastards?

really it's sad there so brain washed by the jew that even when they get it right and strike at the evil jew
they blame satan for the jew

it just gets me pissed how ignorant they are


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
