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Chinese Translation Thread

666Pagan said:
I'm in. I am going to translate "The Doctrines of Satan". Is it fine to directly post here after I finish or any other plan for this?
Hello. JoS is in the process of getting a domain for the Chinese Joy of Satan and the translations will be carried out in an online server that is separate from the forum. If you wish, you can either join the protonmail conversation on this (I would need your proton email) or alternatively, obviously the other websites will need translated as well. I used DeepL to translate Exposing Christianity in Chinese so it would need verification by a native speaker, also I translated around 15-20% of Death of Communism but in the end the choice is all yours, you can either:
- join the main JoS translation discussion on protonmail;
- verify and correct what I translated with DeepL;
- start translating a website in Chinese from scratch;
Please let me know which way you prefer
The Alchemist7 said:
666Pagan said:
I'm in. I am going to translate "The Doctrines of Satan". Is it fine to directly post here after I finish or any other plan for this?
Hello. JoS is in the process of getting a domain for the Chinese Joy of Satan and the translations will be carried out in an online server that is separate from the forum. If you wish, you can either join the protonmail conversation on this (I would need your proton email) or alternatively, obviously the other websites will need translated as well. I used DeepL to translate Exposing Christianity in Chinese so it would need verification by a native speaker, also I translated around 15-20% of Death of Communism but in the end the choice is all yours, you can either:
- join the main JoS translation discussion on protonmail;
- verify and correct what I translated with DeepL;
- start translating a website in Chinese from scratch;
Please let me know which way you prefer
I would like to start translating a website in Chinese from scratch. Here is the first article I translated, to see if it's ok. I also use DeepL, but I understand basic grammar so I can correct it a bit. Further correction is welcomed. I choose simplified Chinese, as far as I know, which is widely used in China.

The Yezidi Devil Worshippers of Iraq


埃里杜也被称为 "恩基杜(Enkidu)",是位于伊拉克南部的一座古城。这是撒旦[恩基]的城市。被埋葬的古城上方的Baten El Ghoul山谷现在被人们称为 "恶魔之洞 "和 "野兽之腹"。约旦人和许多其他人都认为这里闹鬼。许多在那里过夜的人都声称看到了恶魔,其中大多数是在宿营地的士兵。那些在那里待了很长时间的人声称那里有一种强大的能量,犹太教/基督教/穆斯林计划的追随者将这些能量称为 "邪恶"。

在那里过夜的人们还声称整个地区 "沐浴在一种奇怪的蓝灰色光线中"。人们还看到了 "幻影"。[以上信息来自大卫-穆尔豪斯的《通灵勇士》一书]。作者是一名美国陆军士兵,当他与他的排连在该山谷露营时,他被迫击炮弹击中头部,并经历了事发前从未拥有的通灵现象和能力。他最终被分配到美国陆军通灵战部。


"......七座塔--撒旦之塔[Ziarahs]--其中六座是梯形的,还有一座是形状像一个尖锐的凹槽并且位于拉莱什山上的 "中心。"
" 安东-拉维的《撒旦仪式》(The Satanic Rituals)。

上面的摘录同样是一个寓言,因为那个中心很与众不同,心轮。心轮确实拥有力量,但不是灵魂中最强的脉轮,即太阳的 "666 "脉轮所拥有的力量。心轮的力量是最小的。这就是为什么敌人总是在主流书籍中吹捧它,以及在公众容易获得的新纪元教条中吹捧它。


雅兹迪人经常被描述为一个神秘的民族,他们不允许向外人透露自己的宗教;他们把自己的真正信仰隐藏起来。由于外界的干扰,现代耶西迪教与旧有的方式有了一定的改变。雅兹迪人曾受到了严重的迫害,因此他们对外来者抱有怀疑态度。根据Qu "ret Al Yezid一书,很明显,他们的教义已经被改变以符合基督教的信仰;撒旦口述证实了他是上帝,在其他地方则写着他是 "天使长"。

撒旦在12世纪直接将Al Jilwah口述给雅兹迪先知谢克-阿迪。Al Jilwah是撒旦教中最重要的教义,每个撒旦教徒都应该熟悉其教义。我曾询问过撒旦,Al Jilwah是否来自他,他证实了是的,但表示穆斯林曾篡改了耶济迪人的一些学说。

雅兹迪人一直是其他人(主要是基督教和穆斯林宗教的人)手中的大规模屠杀和种族灭绝的受害者。在公元1415年,穆斯林亵渎并焚烧了谢克-阿迪的坟墓,然后将他的坟墓洗劫一空,并当着雅兹迪人的面取出他的骨头烧掉。"一些雅兹迪族人被他们当作俘虏,并且被奴役,其他的人则被他们杀害。" 巴德尔-丁还下令处决了该教派的200名成员,并将谢克-阿迪的遗骨挖出烧掉。" ³

1892年,法里克 "奥马尔-帕萨邀请几个雅兹迪酋长到摩苏尔。他的目的是向雅兹迪酋长收取过去20年的补税,并试图让他们皈依伊斯兰教。有几个基督徒出席了这场会议。他开始告诉他们,"如果他们愿意放弃对魔鬼的崇拜,他们将得到高位和级别的奖励,并会取悦伟大的真主"。当酋长们拒绝回答时,法里克把他们扔进了监狱,向他们的村庄进军,并 "杀死了大约500人"。4

大多数雅兹迪人是文盲,他们为数不多的教义是靠每代人口口相传的。为了避免受迫害,雅兹迪人故意向外人隐瞒欺骗了他们的信仰和教义。这就解释了为什么他们的信仰里有那么多矛盾的说法。雅兹迪人的经文非常少;在《Al-Jilwah》中,撒旦指示说 "我不需要书就能引向直路"。
"Melek Ta "us教导了 "首先是通过口传,其次是通过这本书Jilwe"。5

雅兹迪人被禁止说 "沙坦(Shaitan)"这个名字。他们称撒旦为 "Melek Ta "us"。Melek的意思是 "国王"。因为他的美丽和骄傲,他被人们熟知为孔雀天使。他是 "骄傲的人 "和 "地球的统治者"。他是光明之神而非黑暗之神,并且关心世界的命运。4 雅兹迪人用孔雀和蛇代表撒旦。"孔雀代表被崇拜的上帝的美丽,蛇代表他的智慧,因为他既美丽又有智慧"。他们的圣物是铜制的具有孔雀的形象的桑贾克。6

在雅兹迪人的节日里,他们会吹笛子、打手鼓,跳舞;"这种崇拜导致了各种过度的放荡和淫乱 "7。

"Jalwah"和 "Resh"是雅兹迪人的真正圣典。雅兹迪人不仅承认丢失了经书的许多副本,而且还承认谢赫-海德尔对《雷什》的记录。后者无疑是根据记忆记下的雷什(Resh)经文。雅兹迪人的确避免提及 "撒旦 "这个名字或他的任何属性,并且几个世纪以来一直远离尘世。他们的书是一个谜团。他们还被禁止穿蓝色的衣服,因为这是撒旦的神圣颜色。8

雅兹迪人有时用 "安卡(Ankar)"这个名字来表示撒旦,用安卡-曼尤这个名字来表示琐罗亚斯德教中的阿里曼。9 雅兹迪人认为由谢赫-哈桑-巴斯里写的Mishaf[经文]Resh[黑色]被称为 "黑色",因为撒旦一词被包含在其中。它的尺寸为28 x 21厘米,摒弃有一个皮革封面。雅兹迪人也以擅长黑魔法而闻名。10



1 The Yezidis, their Life and Beliefs by Sami Said Ahmed 1975
2 Adventures in Arabia: Among the Bedouins, Druses, Whirling Dervishes & Yezidee Devil Worshipers by W.B. Seabrook 1927
3 Yezidism- its Background, Observances and Textual Tradition
by Philip G. Kreyenbroek 1995
4 Ibid.
5 The Yezidis: A Study in Survival by J.S. Guest 1987
6 Peacock Angel by E.S. Drower 1941
7 Ibid
8 The Yezidis, their Life and Beliefs by Sami Said Ahmed 1975
9 Ibid
10 Devil Worship 1919: The Sacred Books and Traditions of the Yezidiz by Isya Joseph
666Pagan said:
I would like to start translating a website in Chinese from scratch. Here is the first article I translated, to see if it's ok. I also use DeepL, but I understand basic grammar so I can correct it a bit. Further correction is welcomed. I choose simplified Chinese, as far as I know, which is widely used in China.
That's great, also don't worry about inserting any images as I will insert them in the documents. What website have you started? Also i think the references might need to be translated as well. If they don't translate automatically, it might work if you copy paste one line at a time. Is good to get the websites translated even with DeepL and they will eventually be verified and corrected later on.
The Alchemist7 said:
666Pagan said:
I would like to start translating a website in Chinese from scratch. Here is the first article I translated, to see if it's ok. I also use DeepL, but I understand basic grammar so I can correct it a bit. Further correction is welcomed. I choose simplified Chinese, as far as I know, which is widely used in China.
That's great, also don't worry about inserting any images as I will insert them in the documents. What website have you started? Also i think the references might need to be translated as well. If they don't translate automatically, it might work if you copy paste one line at a time. Is good to get the websites translated even with DeepL and they will eventually be verified and corrected later on.
The references will be translated. I am working on 4. THE AL JILWAH BLACK BOOK OF SATAN. How should I send them to you after I finish and in what form, pdf or directly coping them to here.
I just finished translating all articles of The Al-Jilwah Black book of Satan.

Next I will be translating Origins of Satanism.
666Pagan said:
Next I will be translating Origins of Satanism.
Origins of Satanism is from the main website, as said above do not start to translate from the main Joy of Satan website because it will be translated on a server that is separate from the forum. I am thinking you might not be able to translate there actually because you said you are not a native Chinese speaker, while from that server the translations will probably be posted straight in the Chinese JoS so they will most likely be translated by a native straight away so there will be no need for grammar verification, which would be the case if the translations were done with DeepL. However as I said you can definitely translate with DeepL the other JoS websites. I translated Exposing Christianity and about a quarter of Exposing Communism, you can definitely start any other JoS website, including Black Sun 666, Kabbalah Exposed, The Real Holocaust, White Death of Islam etc.
Also before STanBlank joined, Fuchs translated with DeepL around 460 pages from the main JoS, therefore what you was intending to translate might have been already translated by Fuchs. Best is to stick to the other websites because they will definitely need to be translated as well.
The Alchemist7 said:
666Pagan said:
Next I will be translating Origins of Satanism.
Origins of Satanism is from the main website, as said above do not start to translate from the main Joy of Satan website because it will be translated on a server that is separate from the forum. I am thinking you might not be able to translate there actually because you said you are not a native Chinese speaker, while from that server the translations will probably be posted straight in the Chinese JoS so they will most likely be translated by a native straight away so there will be no need for grammar verification, which would be the case if the translations were done with DeepL. However as I said you can definitely translate with DeepL the other JoS websites. I translated Exposing Christianity and about a quarter of Exposing Communism, you can definitely start any other JoS website, including Black Sun 666, Kabbalah Exposed, The Real Holocaust, White Death of Islam etc.
Also before STanBlank joined, Fuchs translated with DeepL around 460 pages from the main JoS, therefore what you was intending to translate might have been already translated by Fuchs. Best is to stick to the other websites because they will definitely need to be translated as well.
Ok, I misunderstood. How can I have access to other websites, like The Real Holocaust?
The Alchemist7 said:
666Pagan said:
Next I will be translating Origins of Satanism.
Origins of Satanism is from the main website, as said above do not start to translate from the main Joy of Satan website because it will be translated on a server that is separate from the forum. I am thinking you might not be able to translate there actually because you said you are not a native Chinese speaker, while from that server the translations will probably be posted straight in the Chinese JoS so they will most likely be translated by a native straight away so there will be no need for grammar verification, which would be the case if the translations were done with DeepL. However as I said you can definitely translate with DeepL the other JoS websites. I translated Exposing Christianity and about a quarter of Exposing Communism, you can definitely start any other JoS website, including Black Sun 666, Kabbalah Exposed, The Real Holocaust, White Death of Islam etc.
Also before STanBlank joined, Fuchs translated with DeepL around 460 pages from the main JoS, therefore what you was intending to translate might have been already translated by Fuchs. Best is to stick to the other websites because they will definitely need to be translated as well.
I'm going to translate The Real Holocaust.
666Pagan said:
Ok, I misunderstood. How can I have access to other websites, like The Real Holocaust?
Is this one

If you want to find any JoS website, the easiest and quickest is to go in the first link in my signature to a scribd document and then go to the English section which is the very first one

You will find there all the JoS websites.
STanBlank said:
The contents that need to be translated are:
1.expose Christianity
2.The AI ​​Jilwah
3.Satan's Sermons
4.Origin of Satanism
The translated texts of these projects are currently needed, if anyone can speak Chinese and is willing to translate, please put the translated texts in this thread, thank you. :)
I already translated Exposing Christianity with DeepL. All needed is the text to be re-read by a native and corrected. Hopefully there is no much to rectify. I was also doing Death of Communism until the JoS Library project turned up
Hello, please email me [email protected]
I need a Chinese translator for a projet we're doing
I have to specifically mention that “Demons” shall not be translated as “恶魔” or “魔鬼”, both nouns are the fucking Jewish crap same as “天使” in order to show that the goddamn Jewish bullshit religions are “good” and our true gods are “evil”. I suggest that you should change the noun from “恶魔” to “魔神” or rather just use the original name.
Von_Neuromancer said:
I have to specifically mention that “Demons” shall not be translated as “恶魔” or “魔鬼”, both nouns are the fucking Jewish crap same as “天使” in order to show that the goddamn Jewish bullshit religions are “good” and our true gods are “evil”. I suggest that you should change the noun from “恶魔” to “魔神” or rather just use the original name.
Hello. I will deliver your comment to the translators in case they haven't seen it already. Thanks a lot for your input
The Alchemist7 [JG said:
" post_id=457556 time=1691530615 user_id=1057]
Von_Neuromancer said:
I have to specifically mention that “Demons” shall not be translated as “恶魔” or “魔鬼”, both nouns are the fucking Jewish crap same as “天使” in order to show that the goddamn Jewish bullshit religions are “good” and our true gods are “evil”. I suggest that you should change the noun from “恶魔” to “魔神” or rather just use the original name.
Hello. I will deliver your comment to the translators in case they haven't seen it already. Thanks a lot for your input

Thanks a lot. I hope this can help more Chinese newcomers.
Since there is no Chinese member yet, I decided to start translating from English into Chinese using DeepL. I will start with the small websites first and build the way as time goes, hopefully Chinese members will join and correct these automated translations but it is a good beginning as DeepL is better than google translate. This will highly depend on my available time. For reference, when I finish a website I will link it here. If other members have nothing to translate left in their own language they can join here if they want to help. Making this knowledge available to around 1.5 billion people mostly opressed under communism is of massive importance.
Sir, I am Chinese member, I want to join the Chinese translation job. I've sent you an e-mail sir, please tell me what should I do? Thank you !!!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
