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China Is Lying About The Death Toll

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China Is Lying About The Death Toll

The official report from the Communist Chinese government states that 3305 people in China died from the current pandemic.

However this does not match the evidence of the actual counts. The Daily Mail reported that Boris Johnson was told by his scientific advisors the numbers the Communist government had given were down played by 15 to 40 times.

Some of this has slipped out of China. Caixin a news paper inside China interviewed a truck diver on March 26 in Wuhan, who stated in two days he delivered 2500 urns full of human ashes each day. Making five thousand people. From the stats on Wuhan only around 131 people die normally a day within Wuhan. This is five thousand in two days. The same news paper showed a picture from just one funeral home in Wuhan that had 3500 urns that were full of ashes. Some images that have escaped from with Wuhan show hundreds of people lining up to pick up urns of their family members. The signs states in Chinese that no pictures or video are allowed. The Communist Party is covering up the real amount.

There are also reports slipping out of social media in China of major riots against the Communist government.

The actual amount being reported from RFA is around 48,000 and more deaths just within Wuhan. This virus is raging out of control in China.


Estimates Show Wuhan Death Toll Far Higher Than Official Figure

As authorities lifted a two-month coronavirus lockdown in the central Chinese city of Wuhan, residents said they were growing increasingly skeptical that the figure of some 2,500 deaths in the city to date was accurate.

Since the start of the week, seven large funeral homes in Wuhan have been handing out the cremated remains of around 500 people to their families every day, suggesting that far more people died than ever made the official statistics.

"It can't be right ... because the incinerators have been working round the clock, so how can so few people have died?" an Wuhan resident surnamed Zhang told RFA on Friday.

"They started distributing ashes and starting interment ceremonies on
Monday," he said.

Seven funeral homes currently serve Wuhan -- a huge conurbation of three cities: Hankou, Wuchang and Hanyang.

Social media users have been doing some basic math to figure out their daily capacity, while the news website Caixin.com reported that 5,000 urns had been delivered by a supplier to the Hankou Funeral Home in one day alone -- double the official number of deaths.

Some social media posts have estimated that all seven funeral homes in Wuhan are handing out 3,500 urns every day in total.

Funeral homes have informed families that they will try to complete cremations before the traditional grave-tending festival of Qing Ming on April 5, which would indicate a 12-day process beginning on March 23.

Such an estimate would mean that 42,000 urns would be given out during that time.

Various calculations
Another popular estimate is based on the cremation capacity of the funeral homes, which run a total of 84 furnaces with a capacity over 24 hours of 1,560 urns city-wide, assuming that one cremation takes one hour.

This calculation results in an estimated 46,800 deaths.

A resident of Hubei province, of which Wuhan is the capital, said most people there now believe that more than 40,000 people died in the city before and during the lockdown.

"Maybe the authorities are gradually releasing the real figures, intentionally or unintentionally, so that people will gradually come to accept the reality," the resident, who gave only his surname Mao, said.

A source close to the provincial civil affairs bureau said many people had died at home, without being diagnosed with, or treated for, COVID-19.

The source said any talk of the true number of deaths in Wuhan was very sensitive, but that the authorities do likely know the real figure.

"Every funeral home reports data on cremations directly to the authorities twice daily," the source said. "This means that each funeral home only knows how many cremations it has conducted, but not the situation at the other funeral homes."

The source said Wuhan saw 28,000 cremations in the space of a single month, suggesting that the online estimates over a two-and-a-half month period weren't excessive.

Wuhan resident Sun Linan said relatives of those who died are now forming long lines outside funeral homes to collect their loved ones' ashes.

"It has already begun," Sun said on Thursday. "There were people lining up in Biandanshan Cemetery yesterday, and a lot of people forming lines today at Hankou Funeral Home."

Hush money
Wuhan resident Chen Yaohui told RFA that city officials have been handing out 3,000 yuan in "funeral allowances" to the families of the dead in exchange for their silence.

"There have been a lot of funerals in the past few days, and the authorities are handing out 3,000 yuan in hush money to families who get their loved ones' remains laid to rest ahead of Qing Ming," he said, in a reference to the traditional grave tending festival on April 5.

"It's to stop them keening [a traditional expression of grief]; nobody's allowed to keen after Qing Ming has passed," Chen said.

The son of deceased COVID-19 patient Hu Aizhen said he had been told to collect his mother's ashes by the local neighborhood committee.

"The local committee told me they are now handling funerals, but I don't want to do it right now," the man, surnamed Ding, told RFA.

"There are too many people doing it right now."

Chen said nobody in the city believes the official death toll.

"The official number of deaths was 2,500 people ... but before the epidemic began, the city's crematoriums typically cremated around 220 people a day," he said.

"But during the epidemic, they transferred cremation workers from around China to Wuhan keep cremate bodies around the clock," he said.

A resident surnamed Gao said the city's seven crematoriums should have a capacity of around 2,000 bodies a day if they worked around the clock.

"Anyone looking at that figure will realize, anyone with any ability to think," Gao said. "What are they talking about [2,535] people?"

"Seven crematoriums could get through more than that [in a single day]."

Reported by Qiao Long for RFA's Mandarin Service, and by Lau Siu-fung for the Cantonese Service. Translated and edited by Luisetta Mudie.
Let us question this, why did 8 to 20 millions of users permanently disappear from their phone database, as if suddenly they disappeared and they are no longer using a phone?

They clearly are lying and their death and infection rates may have reached closely a million or more in both cases, or possibly way more. The CCP is a Communist lying government, which as per usual, puts human life in the last level of importance.
Don bro don’t you think that this information and other info about this pointing to China being responsible for all of this is getting back to the US? They need to be held accountable for that, do you think such a thing can happen if they get exposed enough?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Let us question this, why did 8 to 20 millions of users permanently disappear from their phone database, as if suddenly they disappeared and they are no longer using a phone?

They clearly are lying and their death and infection rates may have reached closely a million or more in both cases, or possibly way more. The CCP is a Communist lying government, which as per usual, puts human life in the last level of importance.

High Priest I do feel this is a hoax to bring about draconian laws, forced vaccinations and an implanted RFID chip.

I'm seeing mounting evidence these hospitals are empty;

In fact on twitter there is a hashtag #filmmyhospital and everyone is reporting the same, empty hospitals. https://mobile.twitter.com/hashtag/filmyourhospitals?src=hash

I've been reading articles, from various sources, about New York America's supposes epicenter of the disease. I read article after article with no mention of any specific hospitals only general areas.

We know 9/11 was fabricated, why is this covid19 not the same?
It has to be at least 50,000 deaths based on these numbers here, but even then that seems rather low.

Twitter is ablaze with Chinese bots teaming up with deluded ass Americans and (((Americans))) who are breaking the sound barrier in their rush to defend China like their lives depend on it. You'd think a sickle was pressed against their jugular and a hammer against their temple with the sheer amount of smug ass tweets praising everything China does and shitting on anything and everything having to do with the US.

"It can't be right ... because the incinerators have been working round the clock, so how can so few people have died?" an Wuhan resident surnamed Zhang told RFA on Friday.

It's good they put at least some effort into protecting this person's full identity; even so, they've likely been unperson'd at this point in time.
It's very important to clarify that Coronavirus and Covid-19 is not the same thing.

I don't know what has happened in China, or how many were the casualties there, but I know for sure that what's happening in the rest of the world is a total fraud, and has nothing to do with fighting a virus.

The coronaviruses that we have in the rest of the world have nothing to do with the Covid-19 in China. The so called "confirmed cases of covid-19" are fraudulent, they are using fraudulent coronavirus tests that cannot discern between COVID-19, and the other types of coronaviruses that are harmless, and have existed for decades, but they are telling us that they are "finding" COVID-19.


Also, it doesn't make any sense how the Covid-19 has supposedly spread so quickly around the whole world, unlike the outbreaks of Ebola, SARS, or even the swine flu. Especially considering the slower spread of the Covid-19 in other Chinese provinces.

And even if we take the number of 48,000 deaths within Wuhan, even this would be comparable to the 2009 swine flu pandemic, and what's most important - the full lockdown and the other Orwell's "1984" type of measures that they are taking do not fight the virus in any way! It is a historical fact that quarantine never worked and never could work, especially if they are only forcing quarantine, but without taking any emergency measures in the health system (and that's exactly what they do, maybe not in all, but in most countries). These measures are not meant to fight the virus!


Half of the patients on the Intensive Care is below age 50. Among them is a 38 y old man that used to run marathons, in reasonable healthy shape.

The thing that only the elderly die is a total lie.

And the secobd article mentions one person coming down with fever and severe pneumonia in just 24 hours.

Also Ill update on the numbers soon. NL is at 13.000+ cases. On the amount of deaths were on 3# of Europe but I need to calculate the percentage because we only have 17 million people here.
That's in China. So in America we can aspect the same. The news is saying that Hospitals around don't have the nesseccary equipment and breathing machines and so. Some video surfaced on Facebook of an horrendous scene: a sweatshop with tens of coughing half naked Chinese making facial mask. Horrible.

It became obvious when other countries deathtoll and infected began to grow and douple daily that China is lying. Same for every other country. Jews are lying. Economy worldwide is officially dead. There's about two weeks for the affects to be permanently noticeable. Millions are already out of jobs. Malls and conglomerates are all shut down. The only things open are fast food and alot of them are only doing deliveries and drive thru. Life as we knew it is gone.

Positive: The world is finally clean as manufacturing and industry is shot dead. And many (((people))) are dead. We are free. RTR RTR RTR!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The governments of the world are going to have to maintain a travel ban on China or this is going to rage all over the world for a second round. Any nation which refuses is going to have to a travel ban placed on them.
The Iranian Co-Vid strain appears to be more brutal or strangely so [Iran being hostile to Israel, and the rest of it we all know what's up], but all info is with-held by Iran, and they aren't giving info. Too many lies are being told everywhere and too much information is with-held on purpose.

Some officials have reported there are many many strains, and many people who have a random Coronavirus of another type, may be falsely diagnosed as having the other type and so forth. The situation is obscure and all the measures taken are only suspicious, people have every right to question and suspect these measures.

DiscipleOfSatan said:
It's very important to clarify that Coronavirus and Covid-19 is not the same thing.
StraitShot47 said:

txg said:

DiscipleOfSatan said:

I’m posting this here again, for people like you who don’t really understand how these things work, or how the enemy works..

Basically why do you all swear by the totally ignorant speculation this thing must be some sort of hoax, just because they are using it to further their communist agenda in the west?

It is blatantly obvious that this is the very purpose the virus was designed to accomplish, as I explained in a post on 15th of March..

It has some outdated info in it, but currently don’t have the time to edit that out, however it is still completely relevant and explains exactly how this virus is being used and for what purpose it exists to begin with.

I recommend you read it, if after reading it you still cannot see how this thing is anything but a fake hoax which you are wishfully thinking it must be, then I don’t know what should happen for you to understand it. With that kind of ignorance I suspect even if you end up in the ER with the virus itself, you’ll still believe “It’s just the flue bro!”.

Post follows here:

To me it doesn’t feel like it is actually a hoax.

Nor is this related to 5G. Of that I am certain. 5G compromises people’s immune systems locally, it wouldn’t cause a pandemic if it is deployed in one nation, because the sickly and weak people traveling abroad wouldn’t necessarily infect the healthy people of other places they visit in the manner this virus is doing, as their immune systems aren’t compromised yet.

It’s illogical to assume this is related to 5G, which has yet to begin rolling out globally, and only select places have implemented it so far. The satellites haven’t yet been deployed yet either, so 5G should not be a factor in this anywhere, except perhaps China itself where it is currently most widespread.

Then there is the thing about this being a hoax. I don’t necessarily agree with this. It is very possible this is a real virus, a real bioweapon designed with exactly the properties they say it has. How it can make one a permanent carrier even after recovery, how it is extremely infectious, etc.

A bioweapon doesn’t have to be deadly to fulfill a purpose. If it is disruptive enough to demoralize the population globally and shut down economies of nations it infects because of it’s infectivity being so high that not using quarantine measures has the real risk of infecting most the national population of a nation within months, as well as the panic this causes and how it disable’s people’s resistance to any Orwellian measures and policies implemented during these times, paralyzing the populace with fear, paranoia and depression.

In the hands of the jews the perfect bioweapon would be one that allows them to exert control and further their agenda, not one that exterminates the world population.

They could use this to thin the world population by enforcing mandatory vaccination, and create a way over exaggerated reaction to this, artificially causing greater harm and panic than it should cause on it’s own by using negative propaganda and other tools.

However this has far more credence if the virus is real. A hoax can only go so far, even with all the tools they have. Even if the real cause is far less damning than they inflate it to be, if there is a real cause behind it, it is far easier for them to use this as a means to accelerate their agenda, and they can shut down any naysayers and people suggesting this is a fake conspiracy easily as they have real proof that in-fact the virus is not some imaginary hoax tactic.

They don’t need to fake this, and a bioweapon that perpetually infects and weakens people is far more fitting and effective to their agenda than a bioweapon that genocides dozens of millions of people.

Their plan and mission after all is not to kill the entire population, but to enslave everyone and transform humanity into another grey borg hive.

This covid is letting them get away with a lot of extreme measures and policies to accelerate their agenda on some fronts, but it is also harming them on others, as they can only to an extend control the reaction to this and they cannot control the whole thing itself.

For these reason I don’t think it is a hoax, but a real bioweapon designed for the specific purpose, to demoralize the people and make them susceptible to Orwellian policies they wish to implement in order to accelerate their agenda as they are running out of time without some artificial enforcer to open the way for them.

World war 3 is something that can play that role, so are the enemy programs of xianity and the like, and so is a controlled virus deployed onto the people for specific reasons and manipulated through media and the economic control they have to inflate it’s severity and potential harm maximally.

Just my thoughts on this, I felt like I should share them, as there are many perspectives to look at this from, and one should not blindly focus on only one of these, possibly overlooking the full extend of this thing and it’s possibilities.

I will update what I wrote no March 15th in a bit, as there is a lot more we know now, especially about the way the enemy is trying to steer this and benefit from this, which is very relevant.

I made a lot of posts on this subject since February already, but I suppose most of what I discussed went under the radar, however everything I have said on it is all completely relevant and holds true.

Deciphering how the enemy functions and tries to push their agenda with various means, as well as how they build their plans around the events happening in the world, looking behind the veil so to speak, is one of the things I am quite good at.

Not sure why it is so hard for people to grasp this, especially being an SS. As with an open third eye this sort of thing is as easy to see and understand as the sunrise in the morning when you open the curtains.

It’s blindingly obvious to me...

Hail Satan!
StraitShot47 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Empty hospitals where exactly and why is the questions you need to ask. Most if not all hospitals have cancelled their appointments for things like plastic surgery or physical tests etc etc. They are also getting ready for when it hits hard which the medical people and even HP HC had mentioned it will peak in around a month or two.

This is not a hoax by any stretch of the imagination. A version that got of hand is becoming more and more blatant but a hoax it is not.
U.S. intelligence came out and said the same thing. Here's the link to the article but it's beind a pay wall,

U.S. Intelligence Says China Concealed Extent of
Virus Outbreak


but this person in this video has access to the article and reads it and delves into it,

Leaked Intel Report CONFIRMS China Is Lying About COVID Numbers, China Is Exploiting The Crisis


Leaked Intel Report CONFIRMS China Is Lying About COVID Numbers, China Is Exploiting The Crisis. Several intel officials have privately confirmed that China has been under reporting the number of infected to downplay the crisis. China has been lying in an effort to exploit the situation for economic gain. When the outbreak first began they started hoarding supplies from other countries while downplaying the severity. They have since been supplying faulty numbers resulting in slow responses to the pandemic. Now a new report from the FBI shows Chinese scientists caught illicitly transporting vials with the virus in it. In the end we must take what China has done seriously. Republicans, Democrats and Trump should absolutely come together in a way to help the American people and prevent this from happening in the future
The virus is not a hoax, it would be best for humans worldwide if it were "just a hoax" and didn't exist at all, but this would be improbable and highly dangerous were the situation staged. It would be the best scenario that the situation was that good and it didn't even exist, because it wouldn't cost any lives. But the virus does exist, and there are also numerous strains, and possibly a lot of other hidden information.

But people actually die from this [or from their system being brought too low from this and then other illnesses], some have bad complications, and it's actually happening. It is also not like the flu as the MSM kept repeating, nor it was since the beginning, and they knew it, but they lied, so that people wouldn't be prepared. People whistled it all in the beginning even from China.

Most doctors are intelligent, many are competitive, and one cannot easily fool the all those in the medical system worldwide by 100% precision, with only a hearsay hoax, all at the same time.

Nor are those behind these incidents in anyway "kind" as to merely to create a non threatening hoax. Many of these people are really vile and would enjoy the worst and deadliest scenarios.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Most doctors are intelligent, many are competitive, and one cannot easily fool the all those in the medical system worldwide by 100% precision, with only a hearsay hoax, all at the same time.

If you take a look at the coronavirus crisis response teams in many countries, you won't find even a single virologist... Usually they are doctors specialized in other areas, not virology experts. What a coheincidence. It's easier to fool a doctor who is not specialized in viral infections that these Orwellian ,,1984'' type of emergency measures are necessary, or at least that they are maybe too extreme, or disproportionate to the threat, but they are actually meant to contain the epidemic. Virologists know that the measures being taken are insane, and that these measures are not preventing virus infections in any way, these measures are solely political, and have nothing to do with medicine. And many of them say it publicly.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
It is also not like the flu as the MSM kept repeating, nor it was since the beginning, and they knew it, but they lied, so that people wouldn't be prepared. People whistled it all in the beginning even from China.

Virologists state that the Covid-19 is very unstable and it mutates very easily, which means that it's turning back into it's natural form of a flu-like infection very quickly. Literally every disease (whether artificially created or not) mutates into a less deadly form and ultimately just vanishes. That's why all flu epidemics don't last more than 10 weeks. This is also the reason why the mortality rate of every pandemic is higher in the first phase, and it goes much lower over time. This explains why the mortality rate of the coronavirus is so much lower in most European countries compared to China. As I said in my previous comment ,,The coronaviruses that we have in the rest of the world have nothing to do with the Covid-19 in China. The so called "confirmed cases of covid-19" are fraudulent, they are using fraudulent coronavirus tests that cannot discern between COVID-19, and the other types of coronaviruses that are harmless, and have existed for decades, but they are telling us that they are "finding" COVID-19."

VoiceofEnki said:
Basically why do you all swear by the totally ignorant speculation this thing must be some sort of hoax, just because they are using it to further their communist agenda in the west?
A bioweapon doesn’t have to be deadly to fulfill a purpose. If it is disruptive enough to demoralize the population globally and shut down economies of nations it infects because of it’s infectivity being so high that not using quarantine measures has the real risk of infecting most the national population of a nation within months, as well as the panic this causes and how it disable’s people’s resistance to any Orwellian measures and policies implemented during these times, paralyzing the populace with fear, paranoia and depression.

They are not using the virus itself to further their communist agenda, they are using the media hysteria over the virus.

Under the quarantine people are still able to go to the supermarket and buy food, right? And almost everyone does this every day, people also go outside, visit relatives and friends, and so on. 99.999% of the people don't fully isolate themselves for months. Can you please explain how exactly is the quarantine, and the other Orwellian measures "protecting" the population from being infected?

I've never said that "the virus is a hoax", or that "the virus doesn't exist", or that "people are not dying from complications of the virus", and so on.... I am saying that under normal circumstances, without the media hysteria over the virus, the virus would have been contained the same way as the 2009 swine flu pandemic, or the so called bird flu pandemic of 2005, and so on - through medical measures, not through quarantine, ruining the economy, police repressions, mass surveillance, checkpoints within the cities, and other Orwellian measures. These measures are not meant to fight the virus.
txg said:
the two or three little jews responsible for this arent going to be caught or punished ever.

and its not the big issue, the main goal is to remove the jews from the pharmaceutical, and civil service departments altogether.
ultimately that is the most fair compromise we can give.

So this "txg" guy calls himself one of us, yet says we have to give a fair compromise to the jews?

I'm just going to leave this at that. I'm off to do more RTR's....
There is so much conflicting information right now it's too difficult to tell which is real and which is fake... On the one hand you have all the jew (((media))) screaming about how dangerous the virus is and we need more totalitarian control of people's lives to "protect them." On the other hand you have a growing number of people who are questioning all of the official figures and refusing to believe anything coming from any source of "authority," but this could just be a result of controlled opposition...

I really have no idea what to think right now.
The CIA is moving against China . The coronavirus is obviously at the center. There is talk of a dossier submitted last week to the White House , which the Bloomberg agency reported, citing sources of services: the Dragon would have hidden the real extent of the epidemic. A circumstance we are dealing with is now almost taken for granted. The numbers released by Beijing are said to be "false", according to the top secret dossier. "The figures released by Beijing would be intentionally incomplete," the report said. To be clear, China has reported only 82,000 cases and 3,300 victims to date , fewer than the United States, Italy and Spain. Impossible even from a statistical point of view. Not surprisingly, for months the scientific community has shown skepticism about the figures released by the regime. In the last few days, finally, the shocking images spread by Caixin with stacks of cinerary urns in Wuhan. Photographs that showed the regime's lie at a glance. Now, the CIA dossier, yet another proof of how the relations between the two superpowers, which have never been idyllic, are officially crumbling.

Its obvious that Jewish Chinese agenda wouldnt just release an official number of Death because it would ruin their image around the globe, WHO went silent after alleged "kind hearted" help, not only WHO went silent but number of informations about situation in China suddenly decreased. They are trying to cover it up like every government does. Every Rtr is worth more than gold especially at these exacerbated Times
Lydia said:
txg said:
the two or three little jews responsible for this arent going to be caught or punished ever.

and its not the big issue, the main goal is to remove the jews from the pharmaceutical, and civil service departments altogether.
ultimately that is the most fair compromise we can give.

So this "txg" guy calls himself one of us, yet says we have to give a fair compromise to the jews?

I'm just going to leave this at that. I'm off to do more RTR's....

It's not the first time they do that. It's highly likely they are part of some outside group who tries to subtly hijack the minds of people in the forum. They tried to invite people to an outside group some time ago.
They made buses free in Columbus to help with the Coronavirus as nobody was riding the bus. I went to OSU in the Short North District at night. Complete Ghost Town and no cars.
Did China's Tencent Accidentally Leak The True Terrifying Coronavirus Statistics


"Tencent told Taiwan News in a statement that the image had been doctored, although the outlet writes: 'However, a Taiwanese netizen, who wished to remain anonymous, confirmed to Taiwan News on Feb. 7 that he too had witnessed the much higher numbers on the Tencent page at 3:30 a.m. Taipei time on Jan. 26. He said that when he checked the webpage again the next day, he noticed the figures had been substantially lowered.'"

"According to the report, late on Saturday evening, Tencent, on its webpage titled "Epidemic Situation Tracker", showed confirmed cases of novel coronavirus (2019nCoV) in China as standing at 154,023, 10 times the official figure at the time. It listed the number of suspected cases as 79,808, four times the official figure.

And while the number of cured cases was only 269, well below the official number that day of 300, most ominously, the death toll listed was 24,589, vastly higher than the 300 officially listed that day."

"This was not the first time Tencent has done this: as Taiwan Times notes, Chinese netizens have noticed that Tencent has on at least three occasions posted extremely high numbers, only to quickly lower them to government-approved statistics.

This is where it gets even more bizarre: contrary to claiming that this was just a "fat finger" mistyping of data, observant Chinese netizens also noticed that each time the screen with the large numbers appears, it shows a comparison with the previous day's data which demonstrates a "reasonable" incremental increase, much like comparisons of official numbers.

This led many in the mainland to speculate that Tencent has two sets of data, the real data and "processed" data."
txg said:
Stormblood said:
Lydia said:
So this "txg" guy calls himself one of us, yet says we have to give a fair compromise to the jews?

I'm just going to leave this at that. I'm off to do more RTR's....

It's not the first time they do that. It's highly likely they are part of some outside group who tries to subtly hijack the minds of people in the forum. They tried to invite people to an outside group some time ago.

yo are so low iq it hurts

That's what people with 2-digit IQs always say when they can't make any excuses for their behaviour or support any of their statements with facts. It speaks volumes.
txg said:

Well at least it is no wonder you have been banned multiple times already.

They just keep coming back for more. Maybe these low life’s take some strange pleasure out of getting shutdown by logic and intelligence and subsequently getting banned from our forum? Who knows.

Also the obligatory brag about how many times they have been banned before their inevitable meltdown occurs as their pathetic little minds cannot handle the well spoken arguments and words by us here.

They seem to only know how to write baseless Internet argument garble common to YouTube or some news sites comment sections, and throw around unintelligent insults the teens love so very much these days, thinking they are clever now.

The fact the world is populated by as many of these types as it today is truly disappointing. Cleaning all of that off our beautiful Earth, helping the gentiles of the world re discover societal decency and healthy morality, might honestly take more effort than destroying the enemy...

Stormblood said:
It's not the first time they do that. It's highly likely they are part of some outside group who tries to subtly hijack the minds of people in the forum. They tried to invite people to an outside group some time ago.

Seems like he felt you were giving him too much credit, so he came out to proof for us all he really is nothing more than a stupid idiot.
txg said:
vast majority of weak minded people
on the jews
took away their right to own
we had better be damned
sent to jail for the rest of your life.

I stripped away some parts of tgx the genius post; here it is what the readers unconscious truly perceives.
This is a technique I observed in many trolls. This is possibly conscious or most likely unconscious, like "automatic writing" in trance.
In case conscious = jew behind the screen
In case unconscious = weak non-jew puppet whose mind is unknowingly under jewish control.

It's a refined technique they use in press, books, and mostly movies. The sentence before is perceived as "interesting" and "insightful" while the unconscious opens up to accept the words, negative very short sentences are thrown into the mind so it takes it without preadvise.
Of course most of us and trained minds knows that but, just ringing the bell to highlight that.
Lydia said:
So this "txg" guy calls himself one of us, yet says we have to give a fair compromise to the jews?

I'm just going to leave this at that. I'm off to do more RTR's....
Txg is a very obvious infiltrator that has been here for the longest time. The reason why it wasnt banned yet is because it writes in just enough of a cryptic way that it ended up avoiding a ban until now. Some ass-kissing to the HPs on top of this and you have yourself a recipe to not get banned, unfortunately.

Along with the likes of Bull Gotze and other obvious infiltrators (or highly mentally-challenged individuals), this "thing" should have been banned a long time ago in my personal opinion. I usually do not speak up on these things as I respect the HPs' right to moderate this site in the way they themselves deem correct. I only comment on this matter at all now because more members have started to notice the foul smell that emnates from txg.
VoiceofEnki said:
The fact the world is populated by as many of these types as it today is truly disappointing. Cleaning all of that off our beautiful Earth, helping the gentiles of the world re discover societal decency and healthy morality, might honestly take more effort than destroying the enemy...

I'm sure that that's just another step in our work after we're through with the kikes. It might not be right after but it's definitely in the priority list, don't you agree?
Yes. This txg individual already show his true colors in the topics about Iran too, when he tried to pretend to be super informed and intelligent but all he did was trying to manipulate others and sharing utter bullshit about the Iranian situation and about the regime.

I just don't get why the bloody fuck he is still here...
Guess who else is lying and doing major cover ups. Xi's little brother Putin.
This one is in Romanian:

I hope people revolt on (((those fuckers)))
txg said:
the earth iS flat like a pancake and bananna plantations are a portal to Hell

That mindset is evidnvcing my previous possibility number 2 and leaves absolutely unchanged what I evidenced before.
Where I live we say "you slip while climbing mirrors".

Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
I just don't get why the bloody fuck he is still here...

Possibly, the HPs want us to train the anti-troll ability, even if we recently see only cheap-labour hired trolls with low profiles, as the enemy is moving forces to thirld word countries to save some shekels?
It's a sad fact that there are people who still believe and accept everything they see as the truth, actually believing China has it completely under control.

Also I shared some information from an insider on the megathread, and has fully lived up to his claims since january, stated to not expect official statistics until after everything is over but probably not even. At this point it's all up to ones research to make their own conclusions on what is becoming of this, don't be the lazy sheeptard that lives in a cave. I will try to find updates from this guy as his information has indeed been crucial.
txg said:
Shael said:
Lydia said:
So this "txg" guy calls himself one of us, yet says we have to give a fair compromise to the jews?

I'm just going to leave this at that. I'm off to do more RTR's....
Txg is a very obvious infiltrator that has been here for the longest time. The reason why it wasnt banned yet is because it writes in just enough of a cryptic way that it ended up avoiding a ban until now. Some ass-kissing to the HPs on top of this and you have yourself a recipe to not get banned, unfortunately.

Along with the likes of Bull Gotze and other obvious infiltrators (or highly mentally-challenged individuals), this "thing" should have been banned a long time ago in my personal opinion. I usually do not speak up on these things as I respect the HPs' right to moderate this site in the way they themselves deem correct. I only comment on this matter at all now because more members have started to notice the foul smell that emnates from txg.

you just sit there and call me a kike because youre too dumb to understand sarcasm or a joke.

you guys have such weak senses its pathetic, you talk about speaking to your guardians or how true and mighty you destroy the enemy blah blah blah are but its all delusion. i watched you make your first posts shael some of the most braindead drivel i have ever seen from a newbie, and how egotistical and ignorant do you have to be to claim to be the voice of enki literal blasphemy which should not be tolerated. not to mention fancy mancy a crap name thought up with a crap brain poor guy cant even read, storm blood lame weaboo with terrible taste in anime. and gerecht a mediocre amateur artist with no talent at all.

you weaklings think you mean something because you do an rtr with little to no power on the lowest sphere of influence.

i might not be mature enough to ignore you freaks but there is nothing wrong with me, your projecting your fears and insecurity onto me and it makes me really sad because i tried to be good on here and it seems like nobody ever responds or wants to talk unless its to point the finger about how *someone* elses entire existence is below them.

i literally contribute to discussions in a meaningful way and this is all i ever get from you guys, and the thing is, i know its unjustified. i tried to make friends but flaming homosexuals come out of nowhere and try to type their way to superiority. and any good that comes of having a forum is lost.

if we wanted, the astrologers here could just post the rtr schedule on the jos website, no interaction required from anyone else.

but we are here to make friends so why are you bunch of apes behaving this way toward me?

i want a genuine answer

Here's your genuine answer.
If you were not a racial jew you would not have written this. Your wordings, your filthy arrogance, your obnoxious behaviour, the way you react, the former dubious or two-sided comments you posted show clearly that something's fucking wrong with you...
First I believed you are just plain dumb and maybe confused but later it turned out that you have evil intent.

Who the bloody fuck are you to call other dedicated and decent members here "weaklings", "apes" etc ?! You intentionally attack others now. It's a distraction.

And what fuck? Projecting? So when we are reacting on your dubious and bullshit comments is just a projection of our "fears" and "insecurities", according to you...
We just see through you, your real thoughts is right behind your sentences:
"you weaklings think you mean something because you do an rtr with little to no power on the lowest sphere of influence."

Also your other comments which you tried to portray later as "sarcasm" or "joke"...
You may believe that you were very clever or something, but you are not.

Actually you are nothing but a parasitic bitch who tries to manipulate others here but failed. So now you're offended of course.
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
txg said:
you just sit there and call me a kike because youre too dumb to understand sarcasm or a joke.

you guys have such weak senses its pathetic, you talk about speaking to your guardians or how true and mighty you destroy the enemy blah blah blah are but its all delusion. i watched you make your first posts shael some of the most braindead drivel i have ever seen from a newbie, and how egotistical and ignorant do you have to be to claim to be the voice of enki literal blasphemy which should not be tolerated. not to mention fancy mancy a crap name thought up with a crap brain poor guy cant even read, storm blood lame weaboo with terrible taste in anime. and gerecht a mediocre amateur artist with no talent at all.

you weaklings think you mean something because you do an rtr with little to no power on the lowest sphere of influence.

i might not be mature enough to ignore you freaks but there is nothing wrong with me, your projecting your fears and insecurity onto me and it makes me really sad because i tried to be good on here and it seems like nobody ever responds or wants to talk unless its to point the finger about how *someone* elses entire existence is below them.

i literally contribute to discussions in a meaningful way and this is all i ever get from you guys, and the thing is, i know its unjustified. i tried to make friends but flaming homosexuals come out of nowhere and try to type their way to superiority. and any good that comes of having a forum is lost.

if we wanted, the astrologers here could just post the rtr schedule on the jos website, no interaction required from anyone else.

but we are here to make friends so why are you bunch of apes behaving this way toward me?

i want a genuine answer

Here's your genuine answer.
If you were not a racial jew you would not have written this. Your wordings, your filthy arrogance, your obnoxious behaviour, the way you react, the former dubious or two-sided comments you posted show clearly that something's fucking wrong with you...
First I believed you are just plain dumb and maybe confused but later it turned out that you have evil intent.

Who the bloody fuck are you to call other dedicated and decent members here "weaklings", "apes" etc ?! You intentionally attack others now. It's a distraction.

And what fuck? Projecting? So when we are reacting on your dubious and bullshit comments is just a projection of our "fears" and "insecurities", according to you...
We just see through you, your real thoughts is right behind your sentences:
"you weaklings think you mean something because you do an rtr with little to no power on the lowest sphere of influence."

Also your other comments which you tried to portray later as "sarcasm" or "joke"...
You may believe that you were very clever or something, but you are not.

Actually you are nothing but a parasitic bitch who tries to manipulate others here but failed. So now you're offended of course.
I boldified all the nonesense they spout. Now I'm going to drink a banana smoothie, the one he thinks will reveal a suicide mantra if I meditate upon it lol
txg said:
if we wanted, the astrologers here could just post the rtr schedule on the jos website, no interaction required from anyone else.

Without interaction here, we would not enjoy the funny stuff, that is ridiculizing impotent trolls and laugh their ass off!
...on TXG...

Maybe HP.Cobra is letting him troll so you guys learn to identify trolls and better respond towards them and exposing them.

Also so you guys can debate with trolls better and improve your debate skills.

...Argedco's statements...

I don't know if you guys are aware recently Argedco responded mentioning that live bodies are being cremated as well. They are placed in body-bags and dumped in the cremation oven. I wouldn't be surprised if people are being killed for the "mere suspicion of having the virus". Even if you aren't virally affected they still get you cause "Fuck your morals" and "Might is right". Since communism doesn't give two shits about your innocence.

I'd wager to state that at least several thousand to several tens of thousands are probably not sick but merely suspicion of being sick. And in my personal opinion I believe that number of dead might be at over 2 million.

In fact funny enough we haven't heard anything from Beijing. Supposedly the underground mentioned Beijing caters to a lot of Wuhan residents and may have spread the virus to Beijing. So does anyone know anything on Beijing's cases?
Gerecht Ror said:
txg said:
if we wanted, the astrologers here could just post the rtr schedule on the jos website, no interaction required from anyone else.

Without interaction here, we would not enjoy the funny stuff, that is ridiculizing impotent trolls and laugh their ass off!
Thank you Txg for providing top notch entertainment :D
Lydia said:
So this "txg" guy calls himself one of us, yet says we have to give a fair compromise to the jews?

I'm just going to leave this at that. I'm off to do more RTR's....

Yeah, I can't speak for anybody but the jews won't even offer an unfair compromise so I won't offer one at all. It's all or nothing, and both sides have literally everything on the line for this.

"txg" is like many others trying to subvert with his Serbian-Jew Double Bluff, (Cartman impression) and it ain't gonna work on us, ha ha ha.
Effects of the virus that I've been noticing

Empowers the "Karens" of the world to snitch on ppl for violating distancing orders

Empowers police on the ground to abuse people's rights with no recourse (Most of the videos online I see the police are actually the ones breaking the social distancing rules, not the ones they are arresting, whether its in the USA, Great Britain, India, etc)

Empowers local and state governments to abuse people's rights (Why TF are things like vegetable seeds being banned in stores from being purchased?)

Giving democrats fake justification for mail in ballots = massive voter fraud

Disincentivizes intimacy in human interaction that we are genetically imbedded with, making us more into coldhearted reptilian jew robots (no hugs, no handshakes, no kiss-kiss(European greeting), limited social interaction)

Other observations:

The biggest spreaders of the disease (aside from Chinese nationals) are the devout religious monotheists, whether its hassidic jews, christians, muslims....they are still congregating and dont give 2 shits about mitigation efforts

Dr Fakey and the scarf lady are shills of Bill Gates


The few young ppl who are getting sick, I suspect they are vegans with low protein intake, fat obese hippos, or ppl who never got diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder (genetically unfortunate), or they simply eat a crap diet and dont exercise and aren't obese....

Just bc someone is a super athlete doesn't mean they are healthy. Physical fitness does not necessarily equal health

Overwhelming majority of the old ppl dying have pre-existing conditions.

Since everyone is interacting with grocery store workers, why dont we hear reports of a disproportionate amount of grocery cashiers getting sick?

I can go on for hours but I think this is enough to talk about for now

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
