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China Implants Microchip On "Patient's" Brain To "Cure Addiction"

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012

Of course, we all know Communists and in general these type of people do that type of stuff for Humanitarian Reasons. Their intense Care for Humanity propels them, Because We Are All Equal, To decide about if they are going to drill people's heads or not and put a holy and healing and very good, definitely for good reasons microchip in them.

There is no Conspiracy here. Do not be a Conspiracy Theorist. They are just very GOOD people and so concerned about the health of some patients that they don't have time to rehab drug addicts and others - has to happen faster - due to Humanitarian Reasons.

We, the Goyim, have to remember this: This is Humanitarian and all those who reject this have to be Imprisoned. The Borg, sorry I meant, The People will not be bossed around in this. This is how the Freedom Party deals with this. This is like Multiculturalism - Those who deny this are Clinically Ill and they need to be Cured.

This is also why China has an internet firewall, makes dissidents disappear, has a social mechanism through spyware that tells it which citizens are "Obedient" and who are "Not Obedient". This is to Help people. From these very good people who are above all HUMANITARIAN, we have REVOLUTIONARY solutions such as putting microchips in people's head to CURE THEM.

Because the West is Humanitarian, we have to put this in perspective: Brown kalergi specimen which have an implant that decides their mood and makes them Good people. Wrong Think is Finally Abolished. There are not Anti-semites anymore, nor Terrorists of Thought and Opinion, let alone Terrorists of Speech.

Everyone Is Safe. This is a Great Aspiration for society, and those who are against this are simply Human Haters.

It's also to be understood that in the future there may be cures to other things like: Conspiracy Theoritism, Anti-Semitism, Not Believing In Rabbi Jewsus Christ, Being Too Outspoken and so forth. Questioning Too Many Things is Unhealthy and China and it's Revolutionary Hammer Sickle Scientists want to solve this Problem.

Imagine this: A person who knew was manic and depressive. No Cure ie, psycho pills worked. Now, without giving them any care or mental attention, you can Cure them simply by Drilling into their Skull and getting a Microchip in. Then, with the press of one button you can make their brain feel Good and be their Savior. Amen to that, Amen.

These are Necessities for the Humanitarian, Fair and Just society that is coming. Do not worry this is not the Borg and it's definitely not an alien plan as these people tell you in the JoS. This is because they are Evil People who like to Question things like the above - Human Haters all in all.

Those who Love humans and their Fellow Man, do put a Microchip in his head to keep them from Negative thoughts and Addictions. Orwell Also and 1984 is totally Fiction and nobody wants to do any of that to people. Stop being Microchip-Phobic and embrace the Good News.

Heh, at least don't be a Conspiracy Theorists.

Is it like these things may be used or implanted forcibly to turn people into drones? Like Come on, this can never happen. If this was achieved without any microchips we can only imagine what may be achieved with them, heh. But let's not be conspiracy theorists now.

I mean it isn't like we have been saying this for like 15 years now, heh. It's by a coincidence these things are happening, heh.


Chinese Researchers Try Brain Implants to Treat Drug Addicts

The hope is that technology will extinguish his addiction, quite literally, with the flip of a switch.

Associated PressUpdated:May 8, 2019, 9:52 AM IST


Patient Number One is a thin man, with a scabby face and bouncy knees. His head, shaved in preparation for surgery, is wrapped in a clean, white cloth.

Years of drug use cost him his wife, his money and his self-respect, before landing him in this drab yellow room at a Shanghai hospital, facing the surgeon who in 72 hours will drill two small holes in his skull and feed electrodes deep into his brain.

The hope is that technology will extinguish his addiction, quite literally, with the flip of a switch.

The treatment — deep brain stimulation — has long been used for movement disorders like Parkinson's. Now, the first clinical trial of DBS for methamphetamine addiction is being conducted at Shanghai's Ruijin Hospital, along with parallel trials for opioid addicts. And this troubled man is the very first patient.

The surgery involves implanting a device that acts as a kind of pacemaker for the brain, electrically stimulating targeted areas. While Western attempts to push forward with human trials of DBS for addiction have foundered, China is emerging as a hub for this research.

Scientists in Europe have struggled to recruit patients for their DBS addiction studies, and complex ethical, social and scientific questions have made it hard to push forward with this kind of work in the United States, where the devices can cost $100,000 to implant.

China has a long, if troubled, history of brain surgery on drug addicts. Even today, China's punitive anti-drug laws can force addicts into years of compulsory treatment, including "rehabilitation" through labor. It has a large patient population, government funding and ambitious medical device companies ready to pay for DBS research.

There are eight registered DBS clinical trials for drug addiction being conducted in the world, according to a U.S. National Institutes of Health database. Six are in China.

But the suffering wrought by the opioid epidemic may be changing the risk-reward calculus for doctors and regulators in the United States. Now, the experimental surgery Patient Number One is about to undergo is coming to America. In February, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration greenlighted a clinical trial in West Virginia of DBS for opioid addicts.


Human Experiments

Patient Number One insisted that only his surname, Yan, be published; he fears losing his job if he is identified.

He said doctors told him the surgery wasn't risky. "But I still get nervous," he said. "It's my first time to go on the operating table."

Three of Yan's friends introduced him to meth in a hotel room shortly after the birth of his son in 2011. They told him: Just do it once, you've had your kid, you won't have problems.

Smoking made Yan feel faint and slightly unhinged. Later, he found meth brought crystalline focus to his mind, which he directed at one thing: Cards. Every time Yan smoked, he gambled. And every time he gambled, he lost — all told, around $150,000 since he started using drugs, he estimated.

His wife divorced him. He rarely saw his son.

Yan checked into a hospital for detox, moved to another town to get away from bad influences, took Chinese traditional medicine. But he relapsed every time. "My willpower is weak," he said.

Last year his father, who had a friend who had undergone DBS surgery at Ruijin, gave him an ultimatum: Back to rehab or brain surgery. "Of course, I chose surgery," Yan said. "With surgery, I definitely have the chance to get my life back."

Before there were brain implants in China there was brain lesioning. Desperate families of heroin addicts paid thousands of dollars for unproven and risky surgeries in which doctors destroyed small clumps of brain tissue. Brain lesioning quickly became a profit center at some hospitals, but it also left a trail of patients with mood disorders, lost memories and altered sex drives.

In 2004, China's Ministry of Health ordered a halt to brain lesioning for addiction at most hospitals. Nine years later, doctors at a military hospital in Xi'an reported that roughly half of the 1,167 addicts who had their brains lesioned stayed off drugs for at least five years.

DBS builds on that history. But unlike lesioning, which irreversibly kills brain cells, the devices allow brain interventions that are — in theory — reversible. The technology has opened a fresh field of human experimentation globally.

"As doctors we always need to think about the patients," said Dr. Sun Bomin, director of Ruijin Hospital's functional neurosurgery department. "They are human beings. You cannot say, 'Oh, we do not have any help, any treatment for you guys.'"

Sun said he has served as a consultant for two Chinese companies that make deep brain stimulators — SceneRay Corp. and Beijing PINS Medical Co. He has tried to turn Ruijin into a center of DBS research, not just for addiction, but also Tourette syndrome, depression and anorexia.

In China, DBS devices can cost less than $25,000. Many patients pay cash.

"You can rest assured for the safety of this operation," Yan's surgeon, Dr. Li Dianyou, told him. "It is no problem. When it comes to effectiveness, you are not the first one, nor the last one. You can take it easy because we have done this a lot."

In fact, there are risks. There is a small chance Yan could die of a brain hemorrhage. He could emerge with changes to his personality, seizures, or an infection. And in the end, he may go right back on drugs.


A Buzzing Drill

Some critics believe this surgery should not be allowed.

They argue that such human experiments are premature, and will not address the complex biological, social and psychological factors that drive addiction. Scientists don't fully understand how DBS works and there is still debate about where electrodes should be placed to treat addiction. There is also skepticism in the global scientific community about the general quality and ethical rigor — particularly around issues like informed consent — of clinical trials done in China.

"It would be fantastic if there were something where we could flip a switch, but it's probably fanciful at this stage," said Adrian Carter, who heads the neuroscience and society group at Monash University in Melbourne. "There's a lot of risks that go with promoting that idea."

The failure of two large-scale, U.S. clinical trials on DBS for depression around five years ago prompted soul-searching about what threshold of scientific understanding must be met in order to design effective, ethical experiments.

"We've had a reset in the field," said Dr. Nader Pouratian, a neurosurgeon at UCLA who is investigating the use of DBS for chronic pain. He said it's "a perfectly appropriate time" to research DBS for drug addiction, but only "if we can move forward in ethical, well-informed, well-designed studies."

In China, meanwhile, scientists are charging ahead.

At 9 a.m. on a grey October Friday in Shanghai, Dr. Li drilled through Yan's skull and threaded two electrodes down to his nucleus accumbens, a small structure near the base of the forebrain that has been implicated in addiction.

Yan was awake during the surgery. The buzzing of the drill made him tremble.

At 4 p.m. the same day, Yan went under general anesthesia for a second surgery to implant a battery pack in his chest to power the electrodes in his skull.

Three hours later, Yan still hadn't woken from the anesthesia. His father began weeping. His doctors wondered if drug abuse had somehow altered his sensitivity to anesthesia.

Finally, after 10 hours, Yan opened his eyes.

'You Came too Late'

Two unsteady days after Yan's surgery, doctors switched on his DBS device. As the electrodes activated, he felt a surge of excitement. The current running through his body kept him awake; he said he spent the whole night thinking about drugs.

The next day, he sat across from Dr. Li, who used a tablet computer to remotely adjust the machine thrumming inside Yan's head.

"Cheerful?" Li asked as the touched the controls on the tablet.

"Yes," Yan answered.

Li changed the settings. "Now?"

"Agitated," Yan said. He felt heat in his chest, then a beating sensation, numbness and fatigue. Yan began to sweat.

Li made a few more modifications. "Any feelings now?"

"Pretty happy now," Yan said.

He was in high spirits. "This machine is pretty magical. He adjusts it to make you happy and you're happy, to make you nervous and you're nervous," Yan said. "It controls your happiness, anger, grief and joy."

Yan left the hospital the next morning.

More than six months later, he said he's still off drugs. With sobriety, his skin cleared and he put on 20 pounds. When his friends got back in touch, he refused their drugs. He tried to rekindle his relationship with his ex-wife, but she was pregnant with her new husband's child.

"The only shame is that you came too late," she told him.

Sometimes, in his new life, he touches the hard cable in his neck that leads from the battery pack to the electrodes in his brain. And he wonders: What is the machine is doing inside his head?
There was a post shared online of Elon Musk mentioning his plans to bring about A Neuralink. A few friends were claiming how amazing it would be. How even if such technology could be taken advantage of for the worst, that would come some 20 years after all the "good" that it would bring about. They firmly believe it would be "best for humanity" to merge with AI, and said how crazy I was to believe it wasn't right. They even went so far as to say there would be NO disadvantages, as "if it brought about the end of humanity, that would be best for Earth."
What the fuck.
Jews be like: Uhm, take this bible and uhm, focus for 2000 years all your psychic energy into verses of getting totally and permanently enslaved, all Gentiles for the benefit of the jews.

Christians be like: Uhm, that sounds bad rabbi, should we be doing this? I mean what if it manifests? We will be slaves?

Jews be like: Goy please do it or you will burn in hell, ok? We will kill you, just do it goy. This is God's Word.

Christians be like: Oh Rabbi Goldstein, as you say.

*2000 years later*

"Yan was awake during the surgery. The buzzing of the drill made him tremble.

At 4 p.m. the same day, Yan went under general anesthesia for a second surgery to implant a battery pack in his chest to power the electrodes in his skull."

Two unsteady days after Yan's surgery, doctors switched on his DBS device. As the electrodes activated, he felt a surge of excitement. The current running through his body kept him awake; he said he spent the whole night thinking about drugs.

The next day, he sat across from Dr. Li, who used a tablet computer to remotely adjust the machine thrumming inside Yan's head.

"Cheerful?" Li asked as the touched the controls on the tablet.

"Yes," Yan answered.

Li changed the settings. "Now?"

"Agitated," Yan said. He felt heat in his chest, then a beating sensation, numbness and fatigue. Yan began to sweat.

Li made a few more modifications. "Any feelings now?"

Cyn666 said:
There was a post shared online of Elon Musk mentioning his plans to bring about A Neuralink. A few friends were claiming how amazing it would be. How even if such technology could be taken advantage of for the worst, that would come some 20 years after all the "good" that it would bring about. They firmly believe it would be "best for humanity" to merge with AI, and said how crazy I was to believe it wasn't right. They even went so far as to say there would be NO disadvantages, as "if it brought about the end of humanity, that would be best for Earth."
What the fuck.

I will have a lot of fun when fat hackers will just hack into their brains and make them dance like chickens in the middle of the streets, or throws them off the cliff. It will be really great guys don't worry, trust the jews on that one.

After all the jews aren't like they have used everything presently available to enslave people for thousands of years. They are really good beings and definitely won't use that. This is why they put this in the bible as a subliminal for people to charge for over 2000 years en masse to manifest it.

Always a good idea to keep people connected in a network with microchipped brains where you can press a kill command and just stop someone's heart. After all as we know this will never be used in the bad because people aren't already doing EVERYTHING in their power to enslave everyone on a daily basis.

Will be very good, don't question dat.
There's some real life dystopian CIA monarch type shit going on in that country. Let's see when the Jews I'm the west renew their original programs of utilizing state funds to chip dead dogs and drug randos in clubs.
Jack said:
There's some real life dystopian CIA monarch type shit going on in that country. Let's see when the Jews I'm the west renew their original programs of utilizing state funds to chip dead dogs and drug randos in clubs.

Compared to what Communists do in these situations, the CIA are very good compared to them. China is a manifestation of this boundlessness. They don't even care to keep it secret as simply nobody is going to even be critical of it.

CIA is very good compared to Communists and the "People's Republic of China" right now.
This is how the Jews will cure the Goyim of anti-Semitism.
There's something better than using the microchip; they should just numb their brain with a lobotomy or fry it with ECT cure them.
If you think about it, if people die today and they'd have to reincarnate.. and the ones fighting this evil plan are gone.. we'd all be microchipped from birth..

And there are so few people that raise an eyebrow and think of this as abnormal..
Tech is good right.. Robots are fine.. and no one even thinks about those scify movies in which robots turn on humanity..
Its all fiction.. its not real... it'd never happen..
T.A.O.L. said:
If you think about it, if people die today and they'd have to reincarnate.. and the ones fighting this evil plan are gone.. we'd all be microchipped from birth..

And there are so few people that raise an eyebrow and think of this as abnormal..
Tech is good right.. Robots are fine.. and no one even thinks about those scify movies in which robots turn on humanity..
Its all fiction.. its not real... it'd never happen..

After a point with these things they get too far and it's either a civilization turns around or it becomes borg. The implications are too many here.

This is why Lucifuge was frantic to relate what he did. Our own civilization is slowly entering into that circle of extremely important decisions, and with the enemy in power, this is bound to get really fucked up. The RTR can prevent this and we have to be resolute. There is no time to be lazy, compliant, and not giving a fuck.

We understand this before the time but, when the average joe will understand this is when they will bust down his door and open his skull for his new implant. By then average joe is already dead/slave.

You have the correct idea about this Taol. For example, they discuss around putting the microchips on the brain since birth or early years.

Tech can be very good, same as robotics and automation, but this nefarious plan to just microchip people is of the enemy in it's entirety.

There is absolutely no need for people to get these things INTO their skull. Outside, there can be whatever from VR to whatever else arises. But INTO the head, this is just a plan for creating the alien grey borg 2.0 and nothing else. People could be wearing a helmet, certain glasses, even contact lenses with computers, what have you.

Severe cases of depression have been healed by external manipulation of electrodes outside the head if this is a clinical condition such as from intense trauma.

The brain hijacking is an enemy agenda.

If this shit comes in and people do not revolt, then this planet will become a borg plantation with slaves, despite of whether the major populace does want to accept this or not.
Addictive drugs are also predominantly being pushed by Globotron/Deep State, so this is yet another example of playing both sides against the middle.

I know that this has been discussed before, but is worth repeating:
The grays and other completely enslaved peoples are bearing intra-cranial implants, probably still well more advanced than the one featured here. AFAIK, this is the ultimate instrument of the (((centralized power))).

Deus Ex is one of my favorite games too. Even if crude/shoddy in certain ways(game mechanics, AI), it features exceptionally intriguing and vibrant game world. The writer(s) of its story must have studied conspiracy-theoretic material very well. The game was originally released in 2000, well before all this conspiracy stuff became sort-of-mainstream with David Icke, InfoWars, et. al.
I have not played this game nor know its content, but it looks like it had a story. Zero time for any of that however for me.

It sounds very interesting. Not sure what the story is about, but it looks insightful.

If anyone plays it and they are in the loop, posting a review of it may be insightful actually.
serpentwalker666 said:
Oh by the gods. As hard as i try to stay calm these types of topics bring me in an almost full blown panic. But we can do this, these kike abominations will be completely eradicated. WE ARE GOING TO BE VICTORIOUS!!

No need to panic, them pushing these things is a necessity of them just throwing the mask.

If this does not happen they cannot be dealt with. It is necessary the world knows what they truly are.

These may be unnerving but serve the purpose of people getting it. The enemy drops the mask and of course this causes fear in people with the abominations they present. But this is what the enemy is.

People see these things and their hatred just grows.

This is way better than how it was before with them telling them shit ahout universal love and this kind of crap. It shows they are worried, have stopped giving a fuck, and they race to be on the offensive now.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I have not played this game nor know its content, but it looks like it had a story. Zero time for any of that however for me.

It sounds very interesting. Not sure what the story is about, but it looks insightful.

If anyone plays it and they are in the loop, posting a review of it may be insightful actually.
A very short TLDR of a massive world/storyline.....

As someone who's super heavy into technology, I also recommend this one for consideration:


The same way electro-mechanical technology can be hacked/manipulated with malicious intent, so can electro-biological. The most weakest element of them all is.... trust....

My personal favorite one...
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I have not played this game nor know its content, but it looks like it had a story. Zero time for any of that however for me.

It sounds very interesting. Not sure what the story is about, but it looks insightful.

If anyone plays it and they are in the loop, posting a review of it may be insightful actually.

Pardon my more off topic queston :

Is npc stuff like gaming not boring, compared to travel/explore the astral and other advanced spiritual techniques?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Finally, after 10 hours, Yan opened his eyes.

'You Came too Late'

Two unsteady days after Yan's surgery, doctors switched on his DBS device. As the electrodes activated, he felt a surge of excitement. The current running through his body kept him awake; he said he spent the whole night thinking about drugs.

The next day, he sat across from Dr. Li, who used a tablet computer to remotely adjust the machine thrumming inside Yan's head.

"Cheerful?" Li asked as the touched the controls on the tablet.

"Yes," Yan answered.

Li changed the settings. "Now?"

"Agitated," Yan said. He felt heat in his chest, then a beating sensation, numbness and fatigue. Yan began to sweat.

Li made a few more modifications. "Any feelings now?"

"Pretty happy now," Yan said.

He was in high spirits. "This machine is pretty magical. He adjusts it to make you happy and you're happy, to make you nervous and you're nervous," Yan said. "It controls your happiness, anger, grief and joy."

Yan left the hospital the next morning.

More than six months later, he said he's still off drugs. With sobriety, his skin cleared and he put on 20 pounds. When his friends got back in touch, he refused their drugs. He tried to rekindle his relationship with his ex-wife, but she was pregnant with her new husband's child.

"The only shame is that you came too late," she told him.

Sometimes, in his new life, he touches the hard cable in his neck that leads from the battery pack to the electrodes in his brain. And he wonders: What is the machine is doing inside his head?

Please, Gods and Goddesses! Please come to earth already!
Fuchs said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I have not played this game nor know its content, but it looks like it had a story. Zero time for any of that however for me.

It sounds very interesting. Not sure what the story is about, but it looks insightful.

If anyone plays it and they are in the loop, posting a review of it may be insightful actually.

Pardon my more off topic queston :

Is npc stuff like gaming not boring, compared to travel/explore the astral and other advanced spiritual techniques?

Yes, that is for sure for the spiritual, but also, a lot of simple things do actually have deeper meaning the more one advances. These include even simple things such as a walk in the park, or things like that.

People who waste their life in that stuff all day long like many people are doing now have a lot in parallel with drug users.

A balance is required between spiritual/physical, mundane/advanced etc.

If one is gaming but they aren't like a crackhead about it, spending all their life energy and day into something solely like that, I personally see nothing bad with this. A lot of people with gaming have become crackheads and they do not understand it. There are people who use 15+ hours of their day into that.

Quite a few people have become crackheads with video games, but not all. This is called being a no lifer.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
If one is gaming but they aren't like a crackhead about it, spending all their life energy and day into something solely like that, I personally see nothing bad with this.
A huge partition of it also depends on your state of mind and how you approach the games you play. Even if someone plays only 30 minutes every day, I would see it as a harmful habit if they are just mindlessly clicking buttons and have their brain running on "autopilot". If however those 30 minutes are spent in full focus on the game, trying to think up new strategies towards victory, training the mind and intellect, I can see it being a healthy habit.
This is just my personal opinion on the subject.
Shael said:
someone plays only 30 minutes every day, I would see it as a harmful habit if they are just mindlessly clicking buttons and have their brain running on "autopilot".

What about trying to do void and playing video games, similar to fokus total on one subjekt ? :D
Much thanks for your answer HP. Hoodedcobra666
Fuchs said:
What about trying to do void and playing video games, similar to fokus total on one subjekt ? :D
In my opinion you would be much better off doing this while engaging in some activity outside, like a walk/jog or something. Using a PC game for that would just be a downgrade, as you miss out on the exercise and fresh air you could have gotten otherwise.
But again, this is just my personal stance.
It can be useful if people do vibrations or meditations while gaming. I sometimes have the TV or music on as it helps me focus on meditation better. It depends on the personality elemental make up etc. I never though liked video games that much. I have an xbox and love some of the kids games as it's good fantasy and cool but the shooter and grand theft auto and a lot of the new stuff seems too much Jewish for me. I haven't even played it in awhile. Documentaries about space on Science Channel or crime shows or stuff much more interesting to me (I really do not like many of the shows either like with video games a lot but not all of it is too Jewish) I can focus on several things but it's hard for me to focus on one at one time as I get restless. So having something on in the backgroud actually allows me to meditate more or do the rtr more times IDK about anyone else.
So guys, I have linked the news article to one of my skeptic friends whom I'm working on opening up to NS, and he looked it up. He doesn't sperg out and I can openly talk about it with him, but Satanism will have to wait as he is a hardcore materialist. Anyway, this news article apparently doesn't have any source. All the news sites featuring this news have nearly the exact same article, and the closest thing I found to a "source" is this livescience article. The other sites show "associated press" as the source, and associated press leads one to the livescience article. And looking up the name of the doctor mentioned doesn't really turn up anything either.

This kind of thing sometimes happens. Could this be fake news or am I missing something here? I mean, this kind of future wouldn't be too far away -if not for our intervention-, but could it not be here yet?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
