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What vibrations are good for opening the chakras? I read about some people using 108x thurizas on chakras to fully open them - is this one for every chakra or does each have a special vibration to fully open it (like thoth is for 3rd eye)
Thurisaz will make you blockages to explode. He has tha energy similiar to planet uranus and litle bit of mars. Fast & Sharp

-------- Original message --------
From: "taolvanswd@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected]
Date: 27/06/2016 21:44 (GMT+01:00)
To: [email protected]
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Chakras

  Full chakra meditation (should be in the beginner meditations)

Thurisaz is not used for opening, but unblocking. There is a difference. Some chakra's don't open nicely because they are blocked. Then you can do Thurisaz on it for the amount required to open it or what you can handle at first. Build your way up to the 108.
Thank you for your help!!
It turned out that the blockade on my heart chakra was so minor it went away after 4-5 vibrations of yaum xD
I've been researching about chakras and I have concluded that there is so much different info on chakras it is overwhelming. I have researched on JOS firstly and then other sites out curiousity on there views. Other sites believe the chakras are circular shape with the fronter and rear chakra directing energy into the center part of the chakra like a vortex but the jos site shows them as triangles/pyramids, with the fronter and rear chakra directing energy into the center part of the chakra like a vortex also. My question is how does energy enter the chakras if the center part of the chakra is triangle shaped(either pointing up or down), because the wide end would need to be pointing outward to asorb the energy right? but it is not this way on the Jos diagrams. Please explain this I am highly confused. Thanks in advance. 

Hail Satan! 

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
Chakras are pyramids and they spin like vortexes. The energy comes in from the base of the pyramid and out from the other side, when it's not consciously circulated in other manners. The front and rear extension of chakra are always pointed inward to allow the same principle: they bring energy into the main whirlpool. It's very plain.
A bit of explaining here.
JOS doesn't treat chakras as 'triangles'. Nope. Instead, if you read through the power meditation section and the chakra spinning meditation, you will see that JOS treats them like 'energy vortices'. So, your question of them being treated as triangles gets resolved there.
Secondly, if you look at a 2-D pictorial representation, it is really hard to represent a vortex as it is. So, the simplest method would be to draw a triangle. This is just for the sake of simplicity. If you have looked closely at other sites that denote chakras, you will see that they represent them in the shape of multi-petalled flowers (petals differ for each chakra) with a triangle in each. So, even these sites represent them as triangles and not really vortices.
Imagine a tornado. What would you generally consider the shape to be? A cone or simply, a triangle. It's just that which has been used here, that's all.

Thirdly, if you also look at some authentic sites, they don't treat the front and rear chakras as directing energy into the centre part. Instead, they depict the main chakras on the spinal line. The front and rear parts are the extensions of these chakras. So, when Kundalini rises through the chakras, it is essentially through these central chakras on the Sushumna nadi and not the extensions.
Hope this helps.

If I didn't do meditations for a week(I'm trying hard every time, I restarted now) do I have to reopen my 3rd eye and crown chakra? I opened them before and when I concentrate on them while meditating I feel that they are still open. So do I have to reopen them or can I just continue opening the next chakras.

Hail Satan!
If you have perceived they are open then why are you doubting your abilities and spiritual perception? Move onto the next chakras.

Exploring human
energy and endocrine
Todd Mangum MD



The caduceus, or what is better known as the medical symbol, with its central staff, entwined snakes, and feathered wings on top, looks uncannily similar to the subtle energy system described by the ancient Hindus of India. In this system, the seven chakras or energy centers are aligned along a vertical column which parallels the spine. Two more subtle energy currents form helical spirals crossing at each chakra, ending in the crown which is symbolized by a lotus with 1000 petals. It is through this system that the kundalini, or energy of the coiled serpent, is said to rise as one progresses towards enlightenment.

We will journey through human energy and endocrine anatomy using the symbol of the caduceus, interwoven with the chakras, as a map. The chakras are a metaphysical system that diagrams the interfaces and interrelationships between the various aspects of our multidimensional selves. The word chakra itself means spinning wheel or disk. In humans the chakras represent the energy centers, which compose our subtle anatomy.

Chakras are vortices of energy which act as interfaces between our physical bodies and larger cosmic forces. The chakras emerge from the interaction of matter and energy much like a whirlpool emerges in a drain from the interaction of the water and the force created by the spinning earth. They could also be seen to emerge in the way the energy of sunlight interacts with the matter in a prism to form a rainbow.

The chakras act as transformers between the opposing forces or energy currents of manifestation and liberation. Modulating the frequencies of each, making slower and denser with each step the downward manifesting current and faster and more rarefied the upward liberating one. A blockage in any of the chakras may result in an inability to either expand our consciousness or to manifest our desires.

Each chakra has a specific nerve ganglion or network associated with it. These ganglia could be seen as antennae which receive and transmit information relevant to the areas governed by each specific chakra. Each one of the seven major centers of the body have multiple associations, from the purely physical like endocrine glands and nerve ganglia to different emotional realms and states of conscious awareness. Each also has a specific color, sound, element and food.



Survival and Security

Location: Near the base of the spine, in the perineum.

Governs: Our understanding of the physical world.

Main issue: Survival and security.

Externalizes: As the adrenal gland.

Element: Earth.
When balanced: We feel grounded.

Color: A harmonic of RED.

Key words: Matter, body, home, family, food.

Influences: Our feet, knees, legs, bones, large intestine and rectum.

Deficiencies: Will manifest as an inability to draw to oneself the material things needed for

Excess: Hoarding, inactivity, obesity, fighting, conquests and warmongering.

Imbalances: Will manifest as hemorrhoids, constipation, sciatica, fibromyalgia, chronic
fatigue, and knee and feet trouble. Our emotions will be dominated by fear, panic and



Pleasure, Sensations, and Sexuality

Location: In the pelvis.

Governs: Our sexuality and desires.

Main issue: Involves our ability to experience pleasure and sensation,
especially as these relate to our sexuality.

Externalizes: As the ovaries in women and the testicles in men.
Element: Water.

When balanced: We feel sensuous.

Color: A harmonic of ORANGE.

Key words: Fluidity, change, polarity, movement, sensation and emotion.

Influences: the sacrum, pelvis, lower abdomen, genitals, gonads,
prostate, uterus, kidneys and bladder.

Deficiencies: Manifest as an inability to derive pleasure through the senses, a fear of sexual
intimacy, or a belief that earthly sensual pleasure is somehow evil and should be denied.

Excesses: Lead one to seek pleasure in addictive ways.

Imbalances: manifest physically as impotence, frigidity, any gynecological problem, PMS,
prostatitis, lower back pain especially at lumbosacral joint, urinary tract infections and
cancers of any associated structures.



Personal Power

Location: in the solar plexus or upper abdomen.

Governs: our production and utilization of energy especially in relation to sugar metabolism
and digestion of food.

Main issue: involves our personal power or will.
Externalizes: as the pancreas.
Element: fire.

When balanced: we feel powerful.
Color: a harmonic of YELLOW.

Key words: sun, warmth, metabolism, energy, control, transformation and authority.

Influences: the stomach, small intestine, liver, gallbladder, spleen, pancreas and lumbar

Deficiencies: manifest as an inability to set boundaries, express anger appropriately and

Excesses: appear as rage, domination and violence.

Imbalances: manifest physically as anorexia, bulimia, hypoglycemia, diabetes, pancreatitis,
abdominal pain, hepatitis, ulcers, gastritis, digestive disturbances including indigestion,
heartburn, gas, bloating, nausea and vomiting, malabsorption and diarrhea.



Unconditional Love

Location: In the center of the chest.

Governs: Our immunity.

Main issue: Involves our ability to feel self acceptance and unconditional love.

Externalizes: As the thymus gland.
Element: Air.

When balanced: We feel compassionate.
Color: A harmonic of GREEN.

Key words: Healing, ecstasy, serenity, intimacy, nurturing, forgiveness, joy,
grief, oxygen and balance.

Influences: The heart, blood vessels, lungs, diaphragm, thoracic spine, ribs,
breasts, arms and hands.

Deficiencies: Manifest as feelings of isolation, loneliness, low self esteem,
jealousy and anxiety. Shallow respiration with an inability to take a deep
breath or feelings of pressure in the chest are also indicators.

Excesses: Manifest in codependent relationships where we give ourselves
away and loose our center.

Imbalances: Manifest physically as asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis, emphysema, lung
cancer, hypertension, heart attacks, palpitations and immune dysfunction including allergies,
immune deficiencies and autoimmune diseases.



Self Expresion

Location: in the throat.

Governs: our metabolism during activity and determines our resting metabolic rate.

Main issue: communication and self expression.

Externalizes: as both the thyroid and parathyroid glands.
Element: sound.

When balanced: we feel harmonious.
Color: a harmonic of BLUE.

Key words: vibration, creativity, voice, language, myth, talking, listening, harmony,
resonance, rhythm, music, singing and chanting.

Influences: the neck, cervical spine, shoulders, trachea, vocal chords, throat, mouth, gums,
teeth, tongue, ears and jaw.

Deficiencies: manifest as stifled creativity, repressed communication and an inability to
speak our truth. Often these feelings are described as a lump in the throat or that the cat got our tongue.

Excesses: appear as incessant chatter, or loud and boisterous behavior.

Imbalances: manifest physically as chronic sore throats, strep throat, neck and shoulder
pain, earaches and infections, canker sores, swollen glands in the neck, laryngitis, hearing
loss, and hyper or hypometabolism.




Location: between the eyebrows.

Governs: our circadian rhythms.

Main issue: intuition.

Externalizes: as the pineal gland.
Element: light.

When balanced: we feel imaginative.
Color: is a harmonic of INDIGO.

Key words: vision, seeing, sleep, dreams, trance, clairvoyance, color, rainbow, psychedelic, holographic.

Influences: eyes, nose, sinuses, forehead, occiput.

Deficiencies: will manifest as hopelessness, despair and a lack of vision and insight.

Excesses: will appear as hallucinations, schizophrenia and manic behavior.

Imbalances: will manifest as sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, frontal headaches, mood disorders, sleep disturbances, insomnia, blindness and eye diseases like conjunctivitis, keratitis and




Location: the crown or top of the head.

Governs: the integration of the central nervous system with that of endocrine glands.

Main issue: understanding.

Externalizes: as the pituitary and hypothalamus glands.

Element: thought.
When balanced: we know.

Color: a harmonic of VIOLET.

Key words: awareness, intelligence, memory, cosmic consciousness, universal mind, unity, oneness, silence, spirituality, soul and celestial.

Influences: the central nervous system including the cerebrum, cerebellum, brain stem spinal cord and the skull.

Deficiencies: will manifest as memory loss, personality changes, cognitive impairment, confusion, alienation and a loss of meaning in one’s life.

Excesses: will appear as feelings of spiritual superiority, ungrounded and spacey behavior, feeling as if one’s head were in the clouds, or in being overly intellectual.

Imbalances: will manifest as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, stunted or excessive growth, attention deficit disorder, multiple sclerosis, seizures, dementia, depression, learning
Attachments :
<ol>FB_IMG_1506181603000.jpg</ol>Hi, How could I balance my chakra base? I have problems with marijuana abuse, I left it 1 month and a half ago, but it left me 1 hemorrhoid, what should I do? 

Thank you.Hail Satan.

El Sábado, 23 de septiembre, 2017 13:12:09, "Fleur De Lis fleurde.lis@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] escribió:


Exploring human
energy and endocrine
Todd Mangum MD



The caduceus, or what is better known as the medical symbol, with its central staff, entwined snakes, and feathered wings on top, looks uncannily similar to the subtle energy system described by the ancient Hindus of India. In this system, the seven chakras or energy centers are aligned along a vertical column which parallels the spine. Two more subtle energy currents form helical spirals crossing at each chakra, ending in the crown which is symbolized by a lotus with 1000 petals. It is through this system that the kundalini, or energy of the coiled serpent, is said to rise as one progresses towards enlightenment.

We will journey through human energy and endocrine anatomy using the symbol of the caduceus, interwoven with the chakras, as a map. The chakras are a metaphysical system that diagrams the interfaces and interrelationships between the various aspects of our multidimensional selves. The word chakra itself means spinning wheel or disk. In humans the chakras represent the energy centers, which compose our subtle anatomy.

Chakras are vortices of energy which act as interfaces between our physical bodies and larger cosmic forces. The chakras emerge from the interaction of matter and energy much like a whirlpool emerges in a drain from the interaction of the water and the force created by the spinning earth. They could also be seen to emerge in the way the energy of sunlight interacts with the matter in a prism to form a rainbow.

The chakras act as transformers between the opposing forces or energy currents of manifestation and liberation. Modulating the frequencies of each, making slower and denser with each step the downward manifesting current and faster and more rarefied the upward liberating one. A blockage in any of the chakras may result in an inability to either expand our consciousness or to manifest our desires.

Each chakra has a specific nerve ganglion or network associated with it. These ganglia could be seen as antennae which receive and transmit information relevant to the areas governed by each specific chakra. Each one of the seven major centers of the body have multiple associations, from the purely physical like endocrine glands and nerve ganglia to different emotional realms and states of conscious awareness. Each also has a specific color, sound, element and food.



Survival and Security

Location: Near the base of the spine, in the perineum.

Governs: Our understanding of the physical world.

Main issue: Survival and security.

Externalizes: As the adrenal gland.

Element: Earth.
When balanced: We feel grounded.

Color: A harmonic of RED.

Key words: Matter, body, home, family, food.

Influences: Our feet, knees, legs, bones, large intestine and rectum.

Deficiencies: Will manifest as an inability to draw to oneself the material things needed for

Excess: Hoarding, inactivity, obesity, fighting, conquests and warmongering.

Imbalances: Will manifest as hemorrhoids, constipation, sciatica, fibromyalgia, chronic
fatigue, and knee and feet trouble. Our emotions will be dominated by fear, panic and



Pleasure, Sensations, and Sexuality

Location: In the pelvis.

Governs: Our sexuality and desires.

Main issue: Involves our ability to experience pleasure and sensation,
especially as these relate to our sexuality.

Externalizes: As the ovaries in women and the testicles in men.
Element: Water.

When balanced: We feel sensuous.

Color: A harmonic of ORANGE.

Key words: Fluidity, change, polarity, movement, sensation and emotion.

Influences: the sacrum, pelvis, lower abdomen, genitals, gonads,
prostate, uterus, kidneys and bladder.

Deficiencies: Manifest as an inability to derive pleasure through the senses, a fear of sexual
intimacy, or a belief that earthly sensual pleasure is somehow evil and should be denied.

Excesses: Lead one to seek pleasure in addictive ways.

Imbalances: manifest physically as impotence, frigidity, any gynecological problem, PMS,
prostatitis, lower back pain especially at lumbosacral joint, urinary tract infections and
cancers of any associated structures.



Personal Power

Location: in the solar plexus or upper abdomen.

Governs: our production and utilization of energy especially in relation to sugar metabolism
and digestion of food.

Main issue: involves our personal power or will.
Externalizes: as the pancreas.
Element: fire.

When balanced: we feel powerful.
Color: a harmonic of YELLOW.

Key words: sun, warmth, metabolism, energy, control, transformation and authority.

Influences: the stomach, small intestine, liver, gallbladder, spleen, pancreas and lumbar

Deficiencies: manifest as an inability to set boundaries, express anger appropriately and

Excesses: appear as rage, domination and violence.

Imbalances: manifest physically as anorexia, bulimia, hypoglycemia, diabetes, pancreatitis,
abdominal pain, hepatitis, ulcers, gastritis, digestive disturbances including indigestion,
heartburn, gas, bloating, nausea and vomiting, malabsorption and diarrhea.



Unconditional Love

Location: In the center of the chest.

Governs: Our immunity.

Main issue: Involves our ability to feel self acceptance and unconditional love.

Externalizes: As the thymus gland.
Element: Air.

When balanced: We feel compassionate.
Color: A harmonic of GREEN.

Key words: Healing, ecstasy, serenity, intimacy, nurturing, forgiveness, joy,
grief, oxygen and balance.

Influences: The heart, blood vessels, lungs, diaphragm, thoracic spine, ribs,
breasts, arms and hands.

Deficiencies: Manifest as feelings of isolation, loneliness, low self esteem,
jealousy and anxiety. Shallow respiration with an inability to take a deep
breath or feelings of pressure in the chest are also indicators.

Excesses: Manifest in codependent relationships where we give ourselves
away and loose our center.

Imbalances: Manifest physically as asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis, emphysema, lung
cancer, hypertension, heart attacks, palpitations and immune dysfunction including allergies,
immune deficiencies and autoimmune diseases.



Self Expresion

Location: in the throat.

Governs: our metabolism during activity and determines our resting metabolic rate.

Main issue: communication and self expression.

Externalizes: as both the thyroid and parathyroid glands.
Element: sound.

When balanced: we feel harmonious.
Color: a harmonic of BLUE.

Key words: vibration, creativity, voice, language, myth, talking, listening, harmony,
resonance, rhythm, music, singing and chanting.

Influences: the neck, cervical spine, shoulders, trachea, vocal chords, throat, mouth, gums,
teeth, tongue, ears and jaw.

Deficiencies: manifest as stifled creativity, repressed communication and an inability to
speak our truth. Often these feelings are described as a lump in the throat or that the cat got our tongue.

Excesses: appear as incessant chatter, or loud and boisterous behavior.

Imbalances: manifest physically as chronic sore throats, strep throat, neck and shoulder
pain, earaches and infections, canker sores, swollen glands in the neck, laryngitis, hearing
loss, and hyper or hypometabolism.




Location: between the eyebrows.

Governs: our circadian rhythms.

Main issue: intuition.

Externalizes: as the pineal gland.
Element: light.

When balanced: we feel imaginative.
Color: is a harmonic of INDIGO.

Key words: vision, seeing, sleep, dreams, trance, clairvoyance, color, rainbow, psychedelic, holographic.

Influences: eyes, nose, sinuses, forehead, occiput.

Deficiencies: will manifest as hopelessness, despair and a lack of vision and insight.

Excesses: will appear as hallucinations, schizophrenia and manic behavior.

Imbalances: will manifest as sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, frontal headaches, mood disorders, sleep disturbances, insomnia, blindness and eye diseases like conjunctivitis, keratitis and




Location: the crown or top of the head.

Governs: the integration of the central nervous system with that of endocrine glands.

Main issue: understanding.

Externalizes: as the pituitary and hypothalamus glands.

Element: thought.
When balanced: we know.

Color: a harmonic of VIOLET.

Key words: awareness, intelligence, memory, cosmic consciousness, universal mind, unity, oneness, silence, spirituality, soul and celestial.

Influences: the central nervous system including the cerebrum, cerebellum, brain stem spinal cord and the skull.

Deficiencies: will manifest as memory loss, personality changes, cognitive impairment, confusion, alienation and a loss of meaning in one’s life.

Excesses: will appear as feelings of spiritual superiority, ungrounded and spacey behavior, feeling as if one’s head were in the clouds, or in being overly intellectual.

Imbalances: will manifest as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, stunted or excessive growth, attention deficit disorder, multiple sclerosis, seizures, dementia, depression, learning

I’ve been doing full chakra meditation using the Sanskrit aum vibrations for the chakras for like 2 months now as well as doing kundalini yoga and hatha yoga as well and I can’t say that I feel my chakras getting stronger really, I just feel them amplified after I do full chakra meditation or yoga but I don’t really feel them growing in strength and getting more unblocked like they should be.

Now I understand that power and chakra work doesn’t come over night but I’m not a newb, I’ve been SS for a while now but my chakras used to feel a lot stronger but now they don’t seem to be getting any stronger.
I work on my extensions as well and I do clean my aura and soul and stuff. I just want to feel my soul growing in power

After every meditation and yoga session I direct my energy into a goal like Maxine said but could this be draining my energy?

Does anyone have any advice or suggestions for me? It would be greatly appreciated.

PS: I do not doubt the power of these meditations or anything, I’ve seen the power that they hold first hand I’m just trying to figure this out
@carly. Ref chakras
You have a blockage that is now becoming apparent. Pushing more energy into the meditations will only over power you and make things worse. Back off some in your chakra meds and do some soul searching. Each chakra works with specific emotional and physical things. You can find this info in JoS.
DehnaHail SatanHail Lilith88/666
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Wed, Dec 6, 2017 at 2:18 PM, carlylelola@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   I’ve been doing full chakra meditation using the Sanskrit aum vibrations for the chakras for like 2 months now as well as doing kundalini yoga and hatha yoga as well and I can’t say that I feel my chakras getting stronger really, I just feel them amplified after I do full chakra meditation or yoga but I don’t really feel them growing in strength and getting more unblocked like they should be.

Now I understand that power and chakra work doesn’t come over night but I’m not a newb, I’ve been SS for a while now but my chakras used to feel a lot stronger but now they don’t seem to be getting any stronger.
I work on my extensions as well and I do clean my aura and soul and stuff. I just want to feel my soul growing in power

After every meditation and yoga session I direct my energy into a goal like Maxine said but could this be draining my energy?

Does anyone have any advice or suggestions for me? It would be greatly appreciated.

PS: I do not doubt the power of these meditations or anything, I’ve seen the power that they hold first hand I’m just trying to figure this out
Well we return to alchemy in this way. It is very difficult in this day to understand the mind of the ancients. This is largely because we have become so estranged from our true source and the nature of ourselves over time. The inner temple and composition of the microcosm of our constitution has become difficult to relate to as our orientation is mainly within the material realm. The physical material realm is an extention/manifestation of our inner soul/kingdom. Such is the physical church and religion is inner spirituality manifested in the physical.

When attempting to understand what we are refering to by the chak-ra systems it is not something that can be researched or academically evaluated, it is by esoteric understanding and alchemic transformtion only - that one can grasp the depth of the vibrational forces the are involved here.

Firstly: The chakras are governed by the moon as through the lymphatic fluids that nurture the heart and blood, the lymph system is also under the sign of Picses, Neptune is involved here as the linking of the three moon influenced signs, Pisces, cancer and Scorpio. The links to the body are, the kidneys, lymph, bladder, salivery glands, and seemen. When the lymph glands are muddy it would relate to one as having lower demons in their body, as this would cause viruses and toxic material to infest them. Mud was also the name for mother originally

The lymph system has a two fold effect of the mechanisms of the body, one is that of recieving toxins and debri from the body, therefore is seen as unclean. The ancients thought of these G-lands as spirits and when they thought them to be uncleen through an imbalance of Hor-moons, they were the unclean spirits.

The other functioning of the lymph glands are responsible for transporting filtered and clean water/fluid back to the heart and blood. Therefore if the glands were seen as inpure and unclean so was the heart, and more than this would affect the spiritual nature of a person making them have somewhat of an evil nature. Evil only being a figurative word here. A person that the modern day person would call living in Sin, relates to this, as Sin was the moon God, also ai in the ancient days.

As the Chak-ras are the sp[/IMG]

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
